I am thorough Slav from my father's side and Traco-moesian from my mother's side.This is the case with the most of the dwellers of today's Bulgaria.I worship my Slavic blood ! Спосибо ! Хвала ! Благодаря !
I recognize some of the artwork of Ivan Bilibin. Bravo. He has such a sublime technique; always able to show the artistic purity/simplicity of his subject matter without being heavy handed. Good Job on your vid.
Лучший ролик на тему славянской мифологии. И комментарии очень, ОЧЕНЬ показательны. От себя хочу сказать: СЛАВА СЛАВЯНАМ - Русским, Украинцам, Белоруссам, Полякам, Болгарам, Чехам, Словакам, Сербам, Хорватам, Словенцам, Черногорцам, Македонцам, Боснякам, Русинам - простите, если кого забыл, не хотел.
Sláva otcom a matkám našim! Oni nás učili ctiť Bohov našich a viedli nás za ruku po pravej ceste. A tak sme šli a neboli sme hocikým, ale boli sme Slovanmi, ktorí spievajú na slávu Bohov. Sláva Bohom!!! Sláva Predkom!!!
I Like the Music, can you please tell me the band name and music? and how do i download it. Please. And nice video, it is on my favorits because , Slavic Myth is very interesting, I'm Asatru but i respect other religions " I prey to my gods and i do not ofend the gods of others "
@pskovityanin note that there remained Phyrgian, Lydian (bregian - "hilly"), Venetic... inscriptions on the stones on whole middle east - written in proto-Slavic language; which can be still understood today more than 5000 years.
The girl with the skull lantern is cool. I want to know who the artist is. That picture and other by the same artist were some of the inspiration for some of the star wars art. Really there in a book I have.
As a young boy I was told the legends of the Slavic pantheon and it's heroes. Turon- the god of the underworld. Szkrocz-- the mythical flying creature. Diszwosina-- the enchanting witch. Heroes, Bielitsar-- the White Prince of Rome, Ratibor-- Slav warrior against the Polovstians.
@LittleSerbiaGhettoKG its just some alternative splitting of slavs, because southern slavs (especially bulgarians) significantly differ from two northern groups (western and eastern, that do not differ significantly from each other).
@pskovityanin ava represents ending for "femininum" (mother) ending and also something rounded or a territory. The "motherland that holds together" (d(e)rzh-ava). The country (zemla) was in ancient Slavic word called "Dezhela" (remained until today in Slovenian) where Deza (देश) was derived into Sanskirit. In Hittite (in one of ancient Hittite tribes lived Slavs (Aryans) and they named their city "Kadesh" - "Battle of Kadesh"... which can be today understood ONLY through Slavic language
Yes and in my country there is a tradition to light a fire the night before the day before Christmas (That day is called Kolede) and people gather and dance and sing around the fire. The day before Christmas (Kolede) children go to houses sing songs and people come out and give them food and money, also there is a mask festival for Old New year (New Year according to the Gregorian calendar), those are all pagan traditions and there are more, some of them accepted by the Church some condemned.
@pskovityanin "Rota". The second word was Rita... in ancient Karantanian state represented a Law of people - democracy (democracy does not come from greeks , but from Slavs; American Declaration of Independence of Thomas Jefferson was inspired on Karantanian democracy of people in his Declaration and free will of people. Females were totally equal or emancipated to men like Etruscans and Veneti) voted for their prince called KNEZ (Kniaz) - in Knezhestvo). Today remained "Rota" as "Porota" or
СлавьЯньИнь!!! Прыветанне славянам усiх краiн з Белай Русi!!!! Hello from Belarus!!! Slavic people, stay together! We are brothers and that is our power!!! Our history is older then Rome and all western civilizations together! Do not let them destroy our memory and drink our blood!!! They want to separate us! VIVAT SLAVIC PEOPLE!!! WE ARE HERE!!! Everybody, get beck to our family!!!! Stay together! Stay strong!!! Remember who you are!!! You are not along!!!
@pskovityanin "giving knowledge" (stars - zvezda). The english language "released" the "Ve"(knowing) and remained "z" or "s" (with) + da or ta(give), adding the r. (star). "Ireland" comes from H'Ary Krai (Krai is "on the periphery", also location). Where H'Ary(Volkhivs priests) were ancient tribes migrating into Ireland. And Ary is "Aryan". These priests knew the "Trinity" (this is Symbol of Tri-Skelion) and were also called "Tritsy" (Tsi is "royal") and became later "Druits" or Druids.
Слава! недавно узнала о группе Аркона-но ОЧЕНЬ понравились они мне. класс! может когда в росии опять буду то застану их...а картинки в видео красивые очень
Well origin of english word "Slav" is from medieval french and before that it came from late Latin, as deformed form of Sclav(uen), Scla(oun), Scla(uin).But that particular expression most probably originates from Slavic word "Slovene", which means to hear, to be able to talk, or to understand. So everyone who was understandable was, according to Slavs, a "Sloven". Opposite was "Nemec", meaning the dumb or mute one.
The highest god in Slavic mythology is called Perun- the god of the sky and the lightning. After the conversion to Christianity the Slavs, at least the South Slavs (I'm from Macedonia) celebrate saint Ilija- Gromovnik- Grom-Lighting. The god of spring was Vesna, and Vesna is the Russian name for spring. Veles was the god of the cattle, the herds, because they were keeping herds. The town from where I originate is called Veles. The Slavs changed it after their arrival, it was called Byla Zora.
@pskovityanin "Dravidi" (Dravidian) is another Slavic & Sanskrit term, which is not equal to "Druids" (Druids comes from Tritsy or Truitsy - "3") where "drveti"(infinitive.) means "to flow wild and quick, furious"; check river Drava. So the adjective for verb "Drava, Drveti" is "Dravid", which is again pure Slavic word
If I had only 100,000 Croatians, I would conquer the entire world!". Napoleon Bomaparte. Slava slavenima , braći koju niti jedna bitka nece razdvojiti , živjeli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Люди, я думаю, что с троллями надо общаться иначе. Не оскорблять в ответ, а стыдить и приводить в чувства. Им тоже запудрят мозги политики не меньше нашего, потом они пишут всякую хрень. У тролля может проснуться совесть, и он станет обычным человеком, ведь все люди - братья!
@pskovityanin Yes. "Palestina" comes from "Pali-Stan" or "Pakleni" Stan. (Paklo, Pekel is "hell") or "burned place". "Stan" was addition to Aryan place AND tribe; "k(a)terega stana si"? (from which tribe (status) do you come from). The original settlers in current territory of "Palestine", Iran, Israel, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Egypt, India, northern China, Russia, Eritrea, Middle east, Peru, Bolivia, Nazca were Aryans, that spoke similar language to Slavic and Sanskrit (as rough said).
Yes there are many more amusing traditions which survived many centuries after the forceful Christianization of the Slavs. In my country we celebrate saint Ilija- Gromovnik as a very important Holiday. In fact that is just a substitution for Perun- Gromovnik (Grom- lightning). Greetings from Macedonia. СЛАВА!!!
Yes I know, cause I speak that more Persian dialect sometimes by my family, but that doesn't exclude Slavic origins of Croats or Serbs. Iranian influence of Sarmatians also had great influence in creation of Russian nation also. Origins of modern nations are to complex to be put on one place. "Long live Slavo-Indo-Iranian Unity"!
@RickyPraviMicky Alexander "the great" had Makedonian (not greek) ancestry and was working for Greeks against Scynthians(old Slavs). He was "dark knight"
@pskovityanin I think that "Vlahs" were Latin tribes (romanians). But the Volkhvs were Slavic pre-Christian powerful and influential "magicians", priests of old faith. They were writing the books, Koliadar or Koledar (Calendar) and observing the stars. I wanted to say that Slavic tribe did not speak 1 common language according to official "history" and linguistics in their "Church Slavic proto-Slavic language - from 9th century") Note that many "proto-Slavonic" tribes vanished...
@theend1245 besides "Makedonian" (not "Matsedonian") means "MAKE" or "Great " or "Dispersion" + Donia; people from Scynthia (old name of Russia or Tartaria), of people from the river of DON -still today called "Dontsi" or Dani or Doni,...
Little truth. Half of my family was written like Croats and other half like "sokci" because they were catolic Serbs. Nowone asked them who they are. My grandfather told me that family was celebriting slava once so nobody will convince me in opposite
Слава Славянам Братья и Сёстры!!! Надо быть дружнее и трепетнее друг к другу относиться.Не взирая на продажных политиканов которые рассоривают Братьев и Сестёр между собой.У нас единые корни,не стоит этого забывать.Сила в единстве!!!
Yes, all good people trust in peace. There is only one thing worse than the war - slavery. By the way, it's not right all Slavic countries are enemies of the USA. A lot of Slavic countries are in the NATO (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria). For the Czech Republic, Americans were quite important in 1918, in the world war II and in the cold war. Slavic mythology and culture is amazing - and the USA is a young, beutiful country. Best wishes from the Czech Republic.
ggmorvaj, are you referring to madmaxninja08 as the person who responded to? If so I agree, the man is obviously oblivious of how arguments are conducted on the internet.
Если бы мы объединились хотя бы раз в никогда - никто б не устоял против нас. Но, к сожалению, мы только говорить горазды. Тем не менее - слава всем нам и ОГРОМНЫЙ ПРИВЕТ братьям славянам! Братья, кто знает английский - переведите, пожалуйста, чтобы все братья поняли. Спасибо.
Love this montage! Been watching it for more than 10 years!
Pan-Slavism forever!
My Slavic Sisters & Brothers, i love you all!
Regards from Serbia!
Слава Сестре и Браћо!
Zdravim Vas bratia SLOVANIA! pozdrav zo Slovenska
I am thorough Slav from my father's side and Traco-moesian from my mother's side.This is the case with the most of the dwellers of today's Bulgaria.I worship my Slavic blood ! Спосибо ! Хвала ! Благодаря !
Boli sme, sme a vždy budeme Slovanmi... SLAVS POWER
Arkona is such a great band. It's a real enjoy to listen at them!
Slované jsme a jsme na to hrdí! Pozdrav z České Republiky!
Slavic we are and we are proud of it! Greetings from Czech Republic!
I recognize some of the artwork of Ivan Bilibin. Bravo. He has such a sublime technique; always able to show the artistic purity/simplicity of his subject matter without being heavy handed. Good Job on your vid.
ahhh, how i love these. These are just in my heart and gives me nice feeling!
Very powerfull images indeed...The ties of the Slavs with nature and the earth are so eminent.
Greetings from Greece!
Beautiful pictures and great song, greetings from Serbia!
Прелепе слике и одлична песма, поздрав из Србије!
Слава на вси Славяни,
поздрави от България!
it brings back to my mind legends heard in childhood. these pictures are amazing...
Recalling some images from my childhood fairtale books brought tears to my eyes... How beautifull slavic mythology really is... Спасибо !
I love these mythologically images /w this music.
I'm Proud to be of Slavic Blood!
Great video I love the music and images!
slavenska sila :)) pozdrav iz hrvatske za svu moju slavensku bracu i sestre :D
greetings from croatia to all my slavic brothers and sisters :D
That song is awesome. I didn't know that band, what a nice discovery.
It is better to be loved than feared, Millos. Love is the great gift that the Slavs have for mankind, you'll see.
Slowianie Pozdrawiam mamy cos czego zachod nam nie odbierze jestesmy wyjatkowi!!
Лучший ролик на тему славянской мифологии. И комментарии очень, ОЧЕНЬ показательны. От себя хочу сказать: СЛАВА СЛАВЯНАМ - Русским, Украинцам, Белоруссам, Полякам, Болгарам, Чехам, Словакам, Сербам, Хорватам, Словенцам, Черногорцам, Македонцам, Боснякам, Русинам - простите, если кого забыл, не хотел.
Поздрав до нашите браќа - со љубов од Македонија!
Pozdrav do nasite braka - so ljubov od Makedonija!
Beautiful video!!
Sláva otcom a matkám našim! Oni nás učili ctiť Bohov našich a viedli nás za ruku po pravej ceste.
A tak sme šli a neboli sme hocikým, ale boli sme Slovanmi, ktorí spievajú na slávu Bohov.
Sláva Bohom!!! Sláva Predkom!!!
I Like the Music, can you please tell me the band name and music? and how do i download it. Please. And nice video, it is on my favorits because , Slavic Myth is very interesting, I'm Asatru but i respect other religions " I prey to my gods and i do not ofend the gods of others "
Pozdrav slovenskoj braći iz rodoverne Srbije!
Поздрав словенској браћи из родоверне Србије!
i am albanian but i have slavic ancestors and i am proud of that!!slavic pride!!
You're right wodz in Polish. Somthing similar to vodja. I'm very interested in slavic mythology lately. PROUD TO BE SLAVIC!
Beautiful pictures. I have always loved Bilibin's work. Have you seen Alphonse Mucha's paintings of Slavic history?
Slawa Slowianom!!!Pije dobre piwo za wasze zdrowie. Na zdrowie!!!
I'm so proud to be from Slavic nation!!!!!!!
We will endure!
@pskovityanin note that there remained Phyrgian, Lydian (bregian - "hilly"), Venetic... inscriptions on the stones on whole middle east - written in proto-Slavic language; which can be still understood today more than 5000 years.
The girl with the skull lantern is cool. I want to know who the artist is. That picture and other by the same artist were some of the inspiration for some of the star wars art. Really there in a book I have.
This clip reminds me the fairy-tales I have read when I was a child. :"))
@JarynRad Amazing video thanks for share :)
As a young boy I was told the legends of the Slavic pantheon and it's heroes. Turon- the god of the underworld. Szkrocz-- the mythical flying creature. Diszwosina-- the enchanting witch. Heroes, Bielitsar-- the White Prince of Rome, Ratibor-- Slav warrior against the Polovstians.
i just LOVE ARKONA!!!!!!!!
I have Arkone discography and i dont see this music there o.o
its just some alternative splitting of slavs, because southern slavs (especially bulgarians) significantly differ from two northern groups (western and eastern, that do not differ significantly from each other).
Slava Rodnim Bogovom!
Slavic Union now!
Pozdrav iz Slovenije!
Slowianie od dziada pradziada!
Jestesmy bracmi!
@pskovityanin ava represents ending for "femininum" (mother) ending and also something rounded or a territory. The "motherland that holds together" (d(e)rzh-ava). The country (zemla) was in ancient Slavic word called "Dezhela" (remained until today in Slovenian) where Deza (देश) was derived into Sanskirit. In Hittite (in one of ancient Hittite tribes lived Slavs (Aryans) and they named their city "Kadesh" - "Battle of Kadesh"... which can be today understood ONLY through Slavic language
Yes and in my country there is a tradition to light a fire the night before the day before Christmas (That day is called Kolede) and people gather and dance and sing around the fire. The day before Christmas (Kolede) children go to houses sing songs and people come out and give them food and money, also there is a mask festival for Old New year (New Year according to the Gregorian calendar), those are all pagan traditions and there are more, some of them accepted by the Church some condemned.
there is no ned to hate Germans to love Slavs
Beautiful Pictures
I would have like some explanation though, some info with all the gods and all that : / Nice pictures though! They're really great!
@pskovityanin "Rota". The second word was Rita... in ancient Karantanian state represented a Law of people - democracy (democracy does not come from greeks , but from Slavs; American Declaration of Independence of Thomas Jefferson was inspired on Karantanian democracy of people in his Declaration and free will of people. Females were totally equal or emancipated to men like Etruscans and Veneti) voted for their prince called KNEZ (Kniaz) - in Knezhestvo).
Today remained "Rota" as "Porota" or
Great history and heritage of Slavik folks were created by many centuries. So don't forget, who and what You are!
Beautiful video,this is for 10.
Slava ... bratćo Sloveni !!!
Сила Славных, кровь или война!
Вам во славу пьем чаши до дна!
Arkona from Moscow. Track 14 - Сила Славных, album 2005 - Во славу Великим!
Рано или поздно, мы будем вместе, БРАТЬЯ!
СлавьЯньИнь!!! Прыветанне славянам усiх краiн з Белай Русi!!!!
Hello from Belarus!!! Slavic people, stay together! We are brothers and that is our power!!! Our history is older then Rome and all western civilizations together! Do not let them destroy our memory and drink our blood!!! They want to separate us! VIVAT SLAVIC PEOPLE!!! WE ARE HERE!!! Everybody, get beck to our family!!!! Stay together! Stay strong!!! Remember who you are!!! You are not along!!!
@CocaFcola sila slavnih by arkona...awesome music as always by arkona;)
Slavic Power!!!! Respect from Serbia
@pskovityanin "giving knowledge" (stars - zvezda). The english language "released" the "Ve"(knowing) and remained "z" or "s" (with) + da or ta(give), adding the r. (star).
"Ireland" comes from H'Ary Krai (Krai is "on the periphery", also location). Where H'Ary(Volkhivs priests) were ancient tribes migrating into Ireland. And Ary is "Aryan". These priests knew the "Trinity" (this is Symbol of Tri-Skelion) and were also called "Tritsy" (Tsi is "royal") and became later "Druits" or Druids.
Слава! недавно узнала о группе Аркона-но ОЧЕНЬ понравились они мне. класс! может когда в росии опять буду то застану их...а картинки в видео красивые очень
The most interesting mythology in the world, no doubt
Great video and song.
Slava Rodu
Well origin of english word "Slav" is from medieval french and before that it came from late Latin, as deformed form of Sclav(uen), Scla(oun), Scla(uin).But that particular expression most probably originates from Slavic word "Slovene", which means to hear, to be able to talk, or to understand. So everyone who was understandable was, according to Slavs, a "Sloven". Opposite was "Nemec", meaning the dumb or mute one.
ŽIVJELI SLAVENI! pozdrav od brata iz Hrvatske
Respect for all Slavic brothers from SERBIA!
The highest god in Slavic mythology is called Perun- the god of the sky and the lightning. After the conversion to Christianity the Slavs, at least the South Slavs (I'm from Macedonia) celebrate saint Ilija- Gromovnik- Grom-Lighting. The god of spring was Vesna, and Vesna is the Russian name for spring. Veles was the god of the cattle, the herds, because they were keeping herds. The town from where I originate is called Veles. The Slavs changed it after their arrival, it was called Byla Zora.
Поздрави от България !
@pskovityanin "Dravidi" (Dravidian) is another Slavic & Sanskrit term, which is not equal to "Druids" (Druids comes from Tritsy or Truitsy - "3") where "drveti"(infinitive.) means "to flow wild and quick, furious"; check river Drava. So the adjective for verb "Drava, Drveti" is "Dravid", which is again pure Slavic word
Awsome thanks
Pozdrav iz Srbije
Ziveli Sloveni
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske!
Živjeli, braćo Slaveni! :D
If I had only 100,000 Croatians, I would conquer the entire world!".
Napoleon Bomaparte.
Slava slavenima , braći koju niti jedna bitka nece razdvojiti , živjeli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Люди, я думаю, что с троллями надо общаться иначе. Не оскорблять в ответ, а стыдить и приводить в чувства. Им тоже запудрят мозги политики не меньше нашего, потом они пишут всякую хрень. У тролля может проснуться совесть, и он станет обычным человеком, ведь все люди - братья!
The brotherhood of Slavs is the strongest force in the world!!!
@pskovityanin Yes. "Palestina" comes from "Pali-Stan" or "Pakleni" Stan. (Paklo, Pekel is "hell") or "burned place". "Stan" was addition to Aryan place AND tribe; "k(a)terega stana si"? (from which tribe (status) do you come from). The original settlers in current territory of "Palestine", Iran, Israel, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Egypt, India, northern China, Russia, Eritrea, Middle east, Peru, Bolivia, Nazca were Aryans, that spoke similar language to Slavic and Sanskrit (as rough said).
Dobra muzika
Yes there are many more amusing traditions which survived many centuries after the forceful Christianization of the Slavs. In my country we celebrate saint Ilija- Gromovnik as a very important Holiday. In fact that is just a substitution for Perun- Gromovnik (Grom- lightning). Greetings from Macedonia. СЛАВА!!!
i think we can to live in peace.All folks.
greetings from Russia.Again we are respecting Gemany nation!
Yes I know, cause I speak that more Persian dialect sometimes by my family, but that doesn't exclude Slavic origins of Croats or Serbs. Iranian influence of Sarmatians also had great influence in creation of Russian nation also. Origins of modern nations are to complex to be put on one place.
"Long live Slavo-Indo-Iranian Unity"!
I loved this vid. How many comments on it!!!
@RickyPraviMicky Alexander "the great" had Makedonian (not greek) ancestry and was working for Greeks against Scynthians(old Slavs). He was "dark knight"
Sláva Slovanom! Pozdrav zo Slovenska.
slava slavjanam.!bratja davajte objdenjatsja,mi sila osobenno otnosittsja eto k poljakam!
Hey which band/song is that? I kinda like it.
Pozdrav iz Slovenije
@pskovityanin I think that "Vlahs" were Latin tribes (romanians). But the Volkhvs were Slavic pre-Christian powerful and influential "magicians", priests of old faith. They were writing the books, Koliadar or Koledar (Calendar) and observing the stars.
I wanted to say that Slavic tribe did not speak 1 common language according to official "history" and linguistics in their "Church Slavic proto-Slavic language - from 9th century")
Note that many "proto-Slavonic" tribes vanished...
@theend1245 besides "Makedonian" (not "Matsedonian") means "MAKE" or "Great " or "Dispersion" + Donia; people from Scynthia (old name of Russia or Tartaria), of people from the river of DON -still today called "Dontsi" or Dani or Doni,...
Little truth. Half of my family was written like Croats and other half like "sokci" because they were catolic Serbs. Nowone asked them who they are. My grandfather told me that family was celebriting slava once so nobody will convince me in opposite
@shynizzl The Protobulgars where turkic-iranic, yes. But they have been slavicized.
Слава Славянам Братья и Сёстры!!!
Надо быть дружнее и трепетнее друг к другу относиться.Не взирая на продажных политиканов которые рассоривают Братьев и Сестёр между собой.У нас единые корни,не стоит этого забывать.Сила в единстве!!!
Ahojte vsetci SLOVANIA, sme najlepsi :) the best :D
No.. when the Varyag came from Norway. Russian people were already there.
Yes, all good people trust in peace. There is only one thing worse than the war - slavery. By the way, it's not right all Slavic countries are enemies of the USA. A lot of Slavic countries are in the NATO (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria). For the Czech Republic, Americans were quite important in 1918, in the world war II and in the cold war. Slavic mythology and culture is amazing - and the USA is a young, beutiful country. Best wishes from the Czech Republic.
nice video i see alot of similarities with the celts and norse mythology
ggmorvaj, are you referring to
madmaxninja08 as the person who responded to? If so I agree, the man is obviously oblivious of how arguments are conducted on the internet.
Если бы мы объединились хотя бы раз в никогда - никто б не устоял против нас. Но, к сожалению, мы только говорить горазды. Тем не менее - слава всем нам и ОГРОМНЫЙ ПРИВЕТ братьям славянам! Братья, кто знает английский - переведите, пожалуйста, чтобы все братья поняли. Спасибо.
Thank you 4esss :)
Pozdrav do nasite slavjanski braka od Makedonija!!! A za nasite sosedi, Srbija, Kosovo e Srbija!!! Na zdravje!
Arkona - Sila Slavnih Okay i saw it not, my bad.
name of song? ps gj
Slavonic culture will be lasting forever.
Ah, apologies, I was not paying attention. Thanks for the reply all the same.