YanXi Palace [Episodes 46-47] Recap + Review



  • @mocherrie
    @mocherrie 3 місяці тому +77

    I dont think Fuheng would ever forget Yingluo, but I think if Erqing stayed long enough and proved herself to be a wife deserving of love and devotion, Fuheng would at least try. I dont know if they would be in love, but at least they would be happy and content

    • @atgay2640
      @atgay2640 3 місяці тому +2

      If Erqing was a sane person with a normal brain….but no, this lady is a nut case yandere.

    • @princess7jasmine
      @princess7jasmine 3 місяці тому +23

      Literally all Erqing had to do was NOT cheat on him with the EMPEROR or AT ALL and literally, and I mean L I T E R A L L Y just WAIT.

    • @LisaDeeCanada
      @LisaDeeCanada 3 місяці тому +20

      Agreed. If Erqing were smart and understood Fuheng, she would have imitated Yingluo and been charitable and kind to others. If she did that for long enough, he would have respected her and he wouldn't have minded being around her.

    • @imogencrusader6306
      @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@princess7jasmine I think it was actually that shenanigan with the maid that ruined things

    • @princess7jasmine
      @princess7jasmine 3 місяці тому +2

      @@imogencrusader6306 it was ruined the moment she cheated on him to get pregnant by the Emperor but the maid stuff only added to it.

  • @phthalojohan
    @phthalojohan 3 місяці тому +27

    EQ’s request is just so audacious it’s like a Reddit r/relationships post “I (F30) cheated on my husband (M35) and had a baby with some other dude. I now know I was wrong and asked him to have a baby with me. Why is he still mad?”

    • @LittleClarinetPlayer
      @LittleClarinetPlayer 3 місяці тому +4

      I would love us to make a Reddit AITA posts for these series 😂😂😂

  • @Vajrasattvam
    @Vajrasattvam 3 місяці тому +18

    Erqing never loved Fuheng as a person. I think she's the Qing equivalent of a toxic kpop fan. She liked the Idea of brave, manly, stoic Fuheng but never bothered to know him more deeply, unlike Qing lian. Hence she's obsessed with trying to win his attention , but at the same time was willing to cuckold him in a way that would "shame him forever in front of Emperor" . (Btw, did she never consider the fate of their kid? Like, you know he can be struck off the inheritance list, or Fuheng can simply not teach him enough, leading to the boy being nit eligible for the Clan's rank/ job)
    Also, him treating the child as his own proves Fuheng has a heart of gold, most men wouldn't do that even today (In India many male victims of acid attack are minors attacked by stepfathers or uncles , to prevent them inheriting anything)

  • @KC-ne1vi
    @KC-ne1vi 3 місяці тому +27

    -Erqing, during her laughably bad attempt to seduce Fuheng, is wearing a traditional undergarment called a 肚兜/dudou, a square of fabric that was tied behind the neck and tucked under pants that acted as a sort of proto-bra. It evolved from earlier garments such as the Han-era baofu, which looks like a backless tank top, and the Tang-era hezi, which looks like a tube top and is often paired with a qixiong ruqun (齐胸襦裙, literally 'chest-length skirt') to produce the iconic Tang look. It was originally intended as a protective garment to cover the stomach, believed to be the source of blood and qi (vital energy), and contained inner pockets to hold ginger, musk and other medicinal herbs. Eventually, it became more aesthetic, and nowadays can be worn as an outer layer, similar to a halter top. The word 'dudou' is often mistranslated as 'belly band', which is a seperate garment worn by pregnant women--a more accuarate phrasing would be 'belly wrap/cover'. They are often richly embroidered with symbols of good luck (bats, who in Chinese are 蝠/fu, a homophone for happiness/fortune, 福/fu) and fertility (flowers and fruits). In C-dramas (in the ancient era, at least) a character wearing one is shorthand for 'trying to seduce someone/has ulterior motives'---see A'ruo's first night with the Emperor and Yanwan trying to seduce Yunche, both in RRLitP.
    -During her conversation with Fuheng in front of Rongyin's portrait, you can see Yingluo clutching the Buddhist beads Rongyin gave her---awww.
    -Rongyin's portrait seems to be a fairly accurate representation of the official painting of her done by court painter Giuseppe Castiglione, a Jesuit painter and missionary I mentioned in my RRLitP comments. He served three consecutive Emperors---Qianlong being the last---and was known as 'Lang Shining' to the court. His portraits are notable for blending European and Chinese styles; shadows were disliked, features needed to be distinct and royalty needed to be painted facing the viewer for a formal portrait, but he introduced small shadows and changes in perspective in his landscape paintings. If you look at his official painting of the Qianlong Emperor, it looks flat and still, but his painting of Qianlong in full armor, mounted on a horse, looks much more European---Qianlong is still looking at the viewer, but he's turned to the side, and there are more shadows and more depth of perspective added. Fuca's portrait is similar---there are two listed on her Wikipedia page, one in the more 'flat' style', and the other with a hint of depth and shadows added, in which she looks less like a statue and more like a person. (Then again, the official portraits were meant to inspire awe and reverence, so the 'statue' effect is by design.)
    -Annnnd just like that Jia II is also gone. Wow, she stayed for even less time than her sister.
    -A few notes about the embroidery: the subs translate the subject as 'Bodhisattva', but I distinctly heard 'Guanshiyin/Guanyin' multiple times, so I'm pretty sure that's who the subject is; Guanyin actually started out as a male bodhisattva, and can be depicted as either male or female---here, they're male. They are depicted seated in a relaxed posture on a lotus flower, a symbol of purity, as it rises from the river muck to become a beautiful bloom; many Hindu and Buddhist deities are depicted on such lotus thrones. I think the left hand is performing a mudra (I can't quite get the video to pause without blurring the hand a little), a symbolic gesture---this one is bhūmisparśa, 'earth witness', which represents the moment the Buddha achieved enlightenment and touched the ground to summon a witness, the earth goddess Vasundhara (In East Asian traditions, the hand doesn't have to touch the ground directly, just be pointed towards it). The Empress Dowager mentions the face being 'round and white', white being a color symbolizing purity and spiritual awakening; the head is surrounded by a red halo, red symbolizing compassion and love, and the border of the embroidery is green, symbolizing peace and protection. Their earlobes are long, symbolizing their prior wealth (their earrings were so heavy their ears were stretched) and their renunciation of worldly desire. Finally, the bump on the top of their head is a ushnisha, which represents their expanded wisdom.
    -Embroidery involving real hair and blood was actually a thing, symbolizing devotion and sacrifice to a deity. It was known to be practiced in Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and in China around the same time; a good example is the portrait of Guanyin done by Guan Daosheng, a famous Yuan-era painter (her husband was Zhao Mengfu, who I mentioned a few episodes back). Generally, only the hair of the figure would be done using real hair (for obvious reasons), but sometimes the entire portrait would be done using hair stitches, some of which involved literally splitting hairs to get fine enough threads.
    -During Yingluo's falling-out with the Emperor, Prince He reenters the Forbidden City, where Xian pushes him to remember the whole thing with Yu Taifei and Yingluo. His (completely normal) response to this is to hunt down Yingluo, knock the tray of silk Mingyu's carrying out of her hands, *step on Mingyu's hand when she tries to pick it up*, and taunt Yingluo when she tries to get him to step off her maid. Fuheng ends up having to scare him off, but we see Yingluo comforting Mingyu and holding her injured hand---she remembers Jixiang being stepped on and herself nearly having her hands crushed by Gao.
    -When Yingluo disguises herself as a guard, the Emperor is ranting about Zhang Tingyu (remember him?) and his repeated reqeusts for Qianlong to follow his father Yongzheng's desire to have Tingyu's memorial plaque placed in the Imperial Ancestral Temple. The timing is rather bad, because there's a lot of stuff going on (embezzlement, corruption scandals, drought) and Tingyu is harping on about his own reputation (getting his plaque in the temple would make it so succeeding emperors would have to pray to him with the rest of their ancestors). He tells Guard!Yingluo to tell Tingyu to 'get lost up in the sky' (i.e. take a flying leap, go away) while chucking the memorial he sent in across the room like a teacup, which nearly made me snort tea out of my nose. (IRL, Tingyu went to go thank the Emperor the next day for the honor, which pissed him off even more because someone must've tipped him off about the Emperor's anger, so he stripped him of the honor and his title of Grand Councilor, only having them restored after he died in 1755).

  • @MiyuMotou
    @MiyuMotou 3 місяці тому +40

    Fuheng: Your majesty, stop being so tsundere.
    Emperor: NEVER!!!!

  • @MiyuMotou
    @MiyuMotou 3 місяці тому +21

    I feel kinda guilty because I love the emperor & Yingluo's cheeky flirting scenes XD
    I think by the time they have children it becomes a relationship of mutual trust, though the Emperor loves her more than she loves him, because I cannot believe she would love him more than the loves Fuheng, not possible.

    • @imogencrusader6306
      @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому +6

      Fuheng and Rongyin were definitely the love of their lives of their respective partners, because they were almost too perfect, but I do adore what the Emperor and YL grow to have as well.

  • @TudorRose100
    @TudorRose100 3 місяці тому +25

    The moment when the emperor gently touched Yinglou face had my heart melt. He's like oh I actually really care about you. I think she was taken back by how much he does. I think it makes her heart soften a bit too. To see a powerful emperor become so enthralled by her

    • @imogencrusader6306
      @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому +2

      That scene was definitely a change in their relationship even if YL is still a bit hesitant

  • @rujeaniasabajo8487
    @rujeaniasabajo8487 3 місяці тому +11

    Poor Erqing, she is married to the man everyone wants and still not getting any😅.

  • @TheTCMfan
    @TheTCMfan 3 місяці тому +7

    ErQing fault was knowing nothing about Fuheng as actual person but just the idea of him or him on paper. When she first mention about Qinglian becoming his concubine he and the empress says no because that’s not who he is. And her throwing parties to make connections and passing info to her grandfather is dangerous and could get them all killed so of course he’s not going to be okay with that.Then when he actually tries to bond with An’er by giving him a snack she flips out thinking he had them poisoned. Then out of nowhere that night you want to make peace and beg him to sleep with you saying “my bad, i was wrong let’s have our own kid” Fuheng is not completely innocent cause he could have tried harder buying hairpins from the start but I think if she really knew him as a person she would still be a sad and unloved wife cause he’ll always only love Yinglou but a bitter psychopath? Nah i don’t think so

  • @imogencrusader6306
    @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому +15

    Just to address the video description.....I feel like hatred in the harem is so common literally nobody cares about Chuns obvious hatred for YL. She's got the emperors favour and so if anyone sees Chun glowering they likely don't think too deeply about it xD
    Also, I'm a big believer that anyone can redeem themselves, but oh boy Erqing do you have a ways to go beyond clinging to your husband in your night shift xD
    "You're a person not a god," Respectfully disagree Fuheng uwu
    Also I think that is the first time this emperor has actually slapped one of his concubines.....Jia 2 had it coming tho.
    Also I love how the Emperor is so unused to being in love he has to have it spelled out to him xD
    Also Hailancha and Mingyu is my absolute otp of the series. They're so cute and earnest and I adore them 😭
    Also I absolutely thing Erqing had a chance before she went off on the maid. Literally that day Fuheng had resolved to be better and try moving forward as a husband to her. But she went mask off at the moment she would have gotten what she wanted. That's part of why Erqing is a good villain in this serious of shades of gray....she just straight up sucks xD
    Also did we ever doubt Fuheng would come around to Erqings son? Mans a boy scout, and while of course he needed time, that scene was both adorable and expected.
    Awesome video as always

  • @cloverazar5315
    @cloverazar5315 3 місяці тому +12

    Another great recap, and a thought provoking question!
    I think that if Erqing had played the long game, she might have had a chance.
    She can never be YL to Fuheng. YL is Fuheng’s first love, and that sort of thing is irreplaceable. But how many of us marry our first loves?
    How many of us should have? If Erqing had been a good lady and wife - gracious to the servants and elegant to his colleagues, a doting mother to his sons and a graceful instructor to his daughters, a filial daughter in law and a tender lover - she could have become the Catlyn Stark of his life. That is to say: His lady wife, respected and treated with honour, and a mature sort of tenderness.
    All she had to do was pretend she was still in the palace and keep her crazy on a short leash. Alas

  • @MusicGirl881
    @MusicGirl881 3 місяці тому +14

    I believe that Fuheng would have continued to love Yinglou but if Erqing had humbled herself, realized that she can’t force the man to love her and shown through her actions and not empty promises that she changed then Fuheng, while still being cordial with her, would have made more of an effort to treat her better.

  • @poetrysinitial572
    @poetrysinitial572 3 місяці тому +32

    I frickin’ love Hailancha🥰

  • @dusksunsetio6042
    @dusksunsetio6042 3 місяці тому +11

    7:56 Honestly, other than (you know) not being forced to marry her in exchange for Yingluo’s life, the better thing Erqing could have done was if she acted nice and loving to Fuheng and his servants (basically pulling a Wanyin) and MAYBE (it’s like a 10% chance) he would’ve moved on from Yingluo and started paying attention to the woman who loves him without any obstacles

  • @triniahurley9732
    @triniahurley9732 3 місяці тому +14

    Erching wanting to reconcile with Fuhung was in no way surprising when seeing what she was willing to do to force him to marry her, but after what she pulled in getting pregnant it's laughable and insulting. The audacity to believe he would take her back to square 1 when he's clearly now seen the hypocrisy of her character. From the beginning of the marriage she KNEW he didn't see her as anything but his sisters maid and that he was in love with someone else. At the wedding she promised to give him time and he said he would TRY(not promise to get over her) to forget his love, after a year she starts lashing out like love goes away in a month. And because she's not happy she decides that the plan is to get revenge by having an affair with her brother in law( intetionally also hurting the empress because she wouldn't nag Fuheng to marry her) and getting pregnant. She threw it in Fuhengs face showing she truly doesn't give a damn about her married family but expects him to later forgive her because she's 'sorry'. If she's really sorry then she'd let him make the servant that reminds him of Yinglou and let her give him a child and care for them...but she could never. She's a scheming hypocritical liar.

  • @PeonyGames
    @PeonyGames 3 місяці тому +28

    Not going to lie I feel like Erqing wouldve done great in the Forbidden city as rhe Emperor's Concubine. She's horrible, pretty, and is okay with betraying her master. According to all these Dramas shes the perfect Concubine

    • @SolitaryBee-wd5wf
      @SolitaryBee-wd5wf 3 місяці тому +13

      Sounds like she would've ended up in an A'ruo situation from Ruyi since everyone in the forbidden city will know she was previously the Empress's maid and the betraying master part means no one in the harem is going to trust her (or at best, use her as a disposable pawn like Xian did when she got Yingluo to kill Erqing, causing her to lose favor with the emperor).

  • @gojiberry7201
    @gojiberry7201 3 місяці тому +5

    In episode 47, when the Emperor and Li Yu sneak into Yinglou's palace, I love the interaction between the two ... the Emperor trying to shush Li Yu, and Li Yu is like, "Oops, shh!" This is such a cute scene between master and servant

  • @florian8599
    @florian8599 3 місяці тому +3

    May I point out that ErQing's son hiding in FuHeng's study means that he feels safe there? More safe than with his mother, I'd like to speculate?

  • @alison4398
    @alison4398 3 місяці тому +6

    It’s really hard to say whether Fuheng would have fallen for Erqing eventually… I’m not sure he would have. I think if she had been genuine and patient he would have come to truly admire, respect, and value her, and maybe love her in his own way, but I’m not sure he would have ever been able to fully give up on Yingluo. And in that situation, what woman wouldn’t become bitter and sad? Granted it took Erqing 5 seconds to get to that point, but I feel like that would have worn any woman down over time.
    Then again, if Erqing had been everything she said she would be, maybe Fuheng would have been content to stay away from court and not interact with Yingluo. And then maybe his feelings would have indeed eventually been replaced with love for Erqing. But it would have taken a while, I don’t see Fuheng ever getting over love quickly. Either way, we’ll never know because Erqing ruined any chance of it happening by being insane. 😂

  • @lizzie_b
    @lizzie_b 3 місяці тому +12

    🥰I'm loving these recaps; it gives me another insight from another perspective from the show. ♥♥♥ Thank you for sharing.

  • @satyasyasatyasya5746
    @satyasyasatyasya5746 3 місяці тому +4

    I don't know, I just don't buy FuHeng's feeling much of anything haha Its the acting, its so bland and kinda, flat? Like, he's a very handsome guy which is why he has the role I suppose, but all this angst and stuff just doesn't work for me, he doesn't really emote.
    Admittedly, I'm only watching the recaps, but I've not seen a second of what could be earnest emotion from this actor so its hard to buy the narrative or subtext at all.

  • @moonstarstories1298
    @moonstarstories1298 3 місяці тому +3

    I think if Erqing had been a good wife the whole time, I don't think Fuheng would fall in love but he would warm up to her and make an effort to be a good and caring husband. Like what he was beginning to do with the hairpin. It wouldn't be the love he has for Yingluo, but Erqing could've gotten a good relationship, his respect, and love in a sense as she would be his wife and family. Of course Fuheng wouldn't let go of Yingluo, but I think he'd see that he's already married to someone else and he'd believe that his wife, who in this version would be kind and good, deserves his attention and respect.
    Basically, all Erqing really had to do is be patience and not do anything absolutely horrible - like torturing an innocent maid and cheating on him to spite him. 💀

  • @LadyVintageBags
    @LadyVintageBags 3 місяці тому +3

    I dont think this stage Yinglou loves or even romantically likes the emperor but i think its still survival and goal orientated strategies. But i think Ying Lou is still also a woman and she now has a husband and slowly will want to have her husband's affections

    • @Winter74575
      @Winter74575 3 місяці тому +1

      A woman that doesn’t like a man doesn’t do half the things Yinglou does with him. She initially went in to save Mingyu and to get some sort of justice for the Empress. And the Late prince but it’s clear she’s getting to like the emperor, she’s so set on her mission that she doesn’t even realise that she’s slowly falling for him.

  • @MiyuMotou
    @MiyuMotou 3 місяці тому +5

    I love your videos, I have no one to talk about this drama with, I'm having so much fun.

  • @IMP14914
    @IMP14914 3 місяці тому +3

    Gai Two is not prepared for who she is dealing with!

  • @athenajones2084
    @athenajones2084 3 місяці тому +3

    This drama was my 1st and has remained my favorite!
    I love the pairing with the Emperor!

  • @MusicGirl881
    @MusicGirl881 3 місяці тому +2

    Also I love your videos and if you don’t have another drama already set to review I suggest Royal Feast, Legend of Hao Lan, which these two have the actors of Yanxi Palace in them and the Legend of Minglan.

  • @TheTCMfan
    @TheTCMfan 3 місяці тому +3

    Fuheng was the MVP for me in this episode he finally accepts Yinglou’s decision he’s all in; so he’s going to do what he can to help giving her those supplies, then telling that snake Prince He once again she’s off limits. But his conversation with the emperor is one of my top fave moments in the show his honest conversation with the emperor “i lost her, but you have her and you mistreat her so what more do you want?” His history with the emperor helps too reminding him he married a woman in the past that was a widow so why care now? He’s living a miserable life but he learnings to suck it up and move on why the heck can’t he when he at least has

  • @rockdocandlittlebird5974
    @rockdocandlittlebird5974 3 місяці тому +3

    I LOVE this set of plots, it's so funny, other than Erqing... but watchung Jia and Chun both getting whomped. And she is so smooth, keeping the emperor hyper aware of her, but looking so pitiful.. The guard costume is fantastic. I die laughing.

    • @imogencrusader6306
      @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому

      I love his surprise like she hasn't literally shown she will dress up in men's clothing before xD

  • @Icyking33
    @Icyking33 3 місяці тому +1

    Fuheng actually was gonna start warming himself up to erqing he went to buy her a hair pin but then that’s when she showed her true colors with the maid

  • @charliesenkunn
    @charliesenkunn 3 місяці тому +2

    i love how you call jia’s “sister” jia2 💀💀 it’s so funny.

  • @morganvauls1868
    @morganvauls1868 3 місяці тому +1

    Casting did their big one by giving the emperor's side baby big ears. With the in universe explanation being those are his moms ears. Tickles me

  • @TeroTheShortOne
    @TeroTheShortOne 3 місяці тому +1

    Qing is Just Happy to Be Here! 😀

  • @MCSilver
    @MCSilver 3 місяці тому

    Did you see the ears of erqing's child? Just like fuhengs bro.

  • @aonline_abridged
    @aonline_abridged 3 місяці тому +1

    YL needs to get with the doctor and get Mingyu some glasses if she is going to be on guard duty often.

    • @Winter74575
      @Winter74575 3 місяці тому

      Yinglou set the whole trap up to get Jia to reveal herself and her antics.

  • @beeworkin1461
    @beeworkin1461 3 місяці тому

    I still say Yingluo loves FuHeng but she'll say whatever nonsense to the Emperor since the safety of Mingyu and her other servants depends on it.

  • @elainad6728
    @elainad6728 3 місяці тому +2

    0:01 New Video Yeah!!

  • @charitywilliams5288
    @charitywilliams5288 3 місяці тому +3


  • @Лисийворотник
    @Лисийворотник 3 місяці тому

    I really think that if only Erqing would wait, not being cruel with the servants, let go that maid, and was just all support, she'd win his respect, and maybe they'd be closer eventually. I I don't think that Fuheng is a person who neglects his wife, even if he's not in love with her. I know that in chinese dramas the plotwrites like the "forever simp" trope, and actually, Fuheng seems to fall into that category unfortunately (i am really not into the simp types, and his feelings for Yingluo really makes me doubt if i like him now), but despite to his neverdying feelings for a girl that never could be his, with a little support and desire to help and,of course, patience, he would at some point "discover" Erqing. Its was just a matter of time. Although I dont undersyand the necessity of marrying someone who doesn't love you in the first place.

  • @SplendidStrokes
    @SplendidStrokes 3 місяці тому +3

    Am I the only one who feels bad for mingyue , and how she became a servant to someone under her ...that is a villian waiting to be born 😂

    • @charliemagnebautista2902
      @charliemagnebautista2902 3 місяці тому +1

      Honestly I thought she's going to be the A'ruo of Yanxi Universe lol

    • @imogencrusader6306
      @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому

      She'd rather become a servant to a former coworker than be back at Chuns still having needles shoved into her....

  • @handyglance4848
    @handyglance4848 3 місяці тому

    When YL covers the emperor’s mouth in the scene where they reconcile, what do the subtitles say? Is it basically what YL repeats back to him

  • @kandicefranky3253
    @kandicefranky3253 3 місяці тому +5

    More reason I hate the Emperor. He got mad even though Ying Lou is innocent and vented his anger on her. I dont think Ying Lou loves the Emperor. He’s her husband, she’ll stay loyal for survival but it seems to be a relationship based on companionship from her end and romance from the Emperor’s end.
    She can’t even be in the presence of another man without the Emperor throwing a tantrum and then she gets bullied for it. I don’t know how she didn’t hate him in the end.
    Ming Yu and Hailancha are the best couple in this segment. MingYu is a tsundere like the Emperor but you don’t see her constantly abusing the person she likes. I hope they stay happy together.

  • @princess7jasmine
    @princess7jasmine 3 місяці тому +1

    Honestly, had Erqing not blatantly cheated on Fuheng like that, she likely would have gotten what she wanted. Since Fuheng would see no fault in her, he'd treat her much better and warmly, especially if they have an actual kid together. It wouldn't be true love most likely, but its not the cold shoulder snd hatred he's giving in the present.
    Plus, he literally did say to give him time to move on. If Erqing hadn't pulled that trick to humiliate him, he likely would have actually moved on from Yinglou.

    • @imogencrusader6306
      @imogencrusader6306 3 місяці тому

      Everyone in these comments seems to be forgetting that she ripped the nails off a maid.....

    • @princess7jasmine
      @princess7jasmine 3 місяці тому +1

      @@imogencrusader6306 That happened after she had cuckolded him and he already hated her very much just for that. Plus, being patient involves not lashing out at a maid too.

  • @SplendidStrokes
    @SplendidStrokes 3 місяці тому +1

    One character which I had high hopes on in the beginning was Erqing , since I knew that fl and fuheng wouldnt end up together , I was even rooting for the two . She was so sweet and it was out of charcter for me when she just started ploting and slept with the emperor. Now imagine if she waited for her love , even if he didnt love her back , fuheng would have been definitely be moved, seeing he takes care of someone else kid he would really accept erqing sincerely. But then the public would go in erqing's camp and the writers were no way yingluo is and should be the best , we cant let anyone else take the spotlight

  • @jenessalovespink3964
    @jenessalovespink3964 3 місяці тому

    If Fuehung ignored Erqing's son it wouldn't have been cruel because his wife cheated on him ! That is not his kid. Back in those times if a wife got pregnant by a another man she would have been killed. The kid would not have been spared either.