Lots of fossil rocks, and alot of impact melted rock from Sudbury crater. Alot of that material is in North and South Carolina from that event. Carolina bays.
You know, I belong to the Sudbury Rock and Lapidary Society, and they have big chunks of it there like it's really common. I bet that's where they got it from. It's so pretty!
Lots of fossil rocks, and alot of impact melted rock from Sudbury crater. Alot of that material is in North and South Carolina from that event. Carolina bays.
Nice finds
You know, I belong to the Sudbury Rock and Lapidary Society, and they have big chunks of it there like it's really common. I bet that's where they got it from. It's so pretty!
Hi Lee, this good to know. It's su h a beautiful rock. Can't wait to make stuff!! Lol
Looks like the green quarzite was put there when they built the road. Gorgeous greens 💚
I think so too!
6:35, found a white agate in basalt last Friday. Best agate I've seen so far. Had no idea they had agate nodules.
Very cool, that's how we find most agates here. Usually in basalt
Im going to western UP in MI off Lake Superior for the first time this January - are you closer to MI or MN?
Near Michigan border