Does this gauge has a memory card that records test logs and can be used for client reports? We need to implement this to our 3rd party testing lab for Aramco projects. Thanks for your answers.
Most models have data storage capability if the user sets up a project and presses the Store button after the measurement. Please see your operator's manual for specific details.
If the count fails because it is truly different from the value that is shown on the calibration report it will cause questionable or incorrect measurement results.
Mmmkay? Right mmmkay. Yep mmmkay?
Does this gauge has a memory card that records test logs and can be used for client reports? We need to implement this to our 3rd party testing lab for Aramco projects. Thanks for your answers.
Most models have data storage capability if the user sets up a project and presses the Store button after the measurement. Please see your operator's manual for specific details.
I guess you wouldn’t need full PPE?
Does it affect the density , if the standard count fail ?
Good standard counts are needed in order to have reliable moisture and density results.
If the count fails because it is truly different from the value that is shown on the calibration report it will cause questionable or incorrect measurement results.
Mmmmm K
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