It’s a shame they don’t lean into their cinematics with a full on show or animated movie. It’s really some of their best work and would give everyone the story and lore they want
They have huge potential of making some great animated / CGI movies not only with Overwatch but also with Warcraft / Starcraft and even DiabIo (for some great horror movies).
It’s a shame they don’t lean into their cinematics with a full on show or animated movie. It’s really some of their best work and would give everyone the story and lore they want
Those discord alerts were driving me nuts 😆😆
Blizzards animation team always nails it.
And yes, the discord sounds were the video. It dropped within the game so its a screen capture.
They have the writing team and talent there, they just need the budget and Director too, somebody that actually does great animation stories
A movie or a show would absolutely be amazing
Better than DISNEY?!?!?!? You damn right…
They have huge potential of making some great animated / CGI movies not only with Overwatch but also with Warcraft / Starcraft and even DiabIo (for some great horror movies).
Those were discord message alerts
That's what I'm saying! Just give me a new movie Franchise Blizzard.
So weird to me that they have all this lore and animation talent, yet they won't make a story mode.