I have travelled the whole length, both ways, on I-24 many times. That road sucks. Especially from the Tennessee line to where it ends in Chattanooga...East and West bound. It's not bad once you get past the road works in Kentucky all the way to I-57.
@@OTRMonk It needed expanding over a decade ago. I-24 from the I-59 split all the way to I-75 needs to be 5 to 6 lanes wide. From Nashville all the way to I-59 needs to be 3 to 4 lanes wide. Same from the Kentucky border to Nashville. I hate that road so bad. I started taking highways so that I could avoid I-24. I was experiencing multiple meltdowns each time I travelled it.
I have travelled the whole length, both ways, on I-24 many times. That road sucks. Especially from the Tennessee line to where it ends in Chattanooga...East and West bound. It's not bad once you get past the road works in Kentucky all the way to I-57.
I-24 through Tennessee needs some work. It doesn't match the population in the area now.
@@OTRMonk It needed expanding over a decade ago. I-24 from the I-59 split all the way to I-75 needs to be 5 to 6 lanes wide. From Nashville all the way to I-59 needs to be 3 to 4 lanes wide. Same from the Kentucky border to Nashville. I hate that road so bad. I started taking highways so that I could avoid I-24. I was experiencing multiple meltdowns each time I travelled it.
@@edgeofentropy3492 same I would sometimes take TN109 and 840 to get around Nashville
2:26:27 - I-24 enters Georgia.
2:31:43 - I-24 reenters Tennessee.