1981-0517 The Nature Of The Kundalini (Animation) (D7)

  • Опубліковано 9 бер 2023
  • Excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
    Chelsham Road Ashram, London (England) 17/5/1981
    Excerpt highlighted by the US 21 meditation days (Day7). ST: Anaïc Lelouet. (Day7 French)
    All the heavy things, all go downward, but the Kundalini rises higher and higher and higher, because it is like fire. Fire never burns downward. It always burns upward. She looks also like fire, and she has the capacity of fire within her. The fire has a capacity to purify, and to burn off whatever can be burnt off. It purifies the things which it cannot burn, and burns off the things which are inflammable, which can be burnt out. So, the quality of fire that exists in the Kundalini burns off whatever is useless. Like in our house we find all the useless things, and we take them in the garden and burn them off, finished - once for all they are finished. So when the Kundalini rises, she also burns off all useless things that you have, all your useless desires, your useless ideas of action, all sorts of useless accumulation of feelings and egos, and every sort of a nonsensical thing that is in between. Everything is burnt off fast, because they can be burnt, they are not eternal by nature. They are not eternal by nature. They are temporarily there. All that is temporary, she burns off, and that’s how she enlightens the Spirit, because Spirit cannot be burnt by anything. But this burning is so beautiful that it burns off all that is bad, stagnating, all that is polluting, all that is a disease, and cools down the system. It is very interesting to see how this power of fire becomes the cool breeze. So, Kundalini within us expedites the living process within us of our evolution.
    So the power of Kundalini is to purify, she purifies us like fire. She doesn’t purify us like water, it’s surprising, she doesn’t purify us like water. Now, water, what does the water do? Water never burns off anything, but it dissolves certain things. It can take in something within itself, you see? It can contain some of the dirt within itself. Supposing you put a color in the water - it assumes the color. But Kundalini does not assume the color. She burns off. Do you follow My point?
    So, if you have anything wrong within you, she’ll burn it off, but she’ll not absorb - she’s pure. She cannot absorb those things into her that will pollute her. She cannot be polluted. This quality of fire - say for example, if you put gold in fire, silver in fire, you can purify these things. Their pure form comes in… That’s how you know. But if you put gold and fire in water, nothing will happen. At the most you can wash them from outside. But in and out you cannot do it. So outwardly you can do with other things, but with Kundalini you do in and out. The face also looks beautiful, as if some glazing has taken place on the face, a new, bright face. It’s not sallow, neither it is horribly burning, nor is it pale and ugly-looking, but it becomes radiant. Radiance, that’s what Kundalini gives you.
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