Peb cov qub kiav roj khiav los nyob lub lav no lawm es lam tuaj caum saib seb puas pom nws zoo li cas lawm xwb os. Uas cas saib pes tsawg zaus los yeej tsis pom nws li ne yom? Tsis paub tias 3 tseem nco2 no los?, hehehe
it is no longer Hmong New Year, but a sports event and vendors wanting to sell their stuffs. The youth are no longer interested in courtship. Please don't call it Hmong New Year it is an embarrassment for everyone. Call it Hmong harvest celebration or winter festival
QUAV DEV TAS TAS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shameful to see Hmong have too many news years < 50 state Hmong have 50 new years shameful , Hmong must stop created too many new years
Nej ua dab tsi li nej nawb?
Hardly anyone there... but good spirits tho
Its a business…they will fight over whos getting the bigger purse as usual.
Peb cov qub kiav roj khiav los nyob lub lav no lawm es lam tuaj caum saib seb puas pom nws zoo li cas lawm xwb os. Uas cas saib pes tsawg zaus los yeej tsis pom nws li ne yom? Tsis paub tias 3 tseem nco2 no los?, hehehe
There's no parking fees and no entry fees in Georgia new year under this Hmong leader, no Hmong leader anywhere can beat that.
@@arronsong3913Those Minnesota and California new year leaders needs to learn from this Georgia new year leader, 😅.
It's very suck for no tossing balls. Don't even say that it was the new year.
it is no longer Hmong New Year, but a sports event and vendors wanting to sell their stuffs. The youth are no longer interested in courtship. Please don't call it Hmong New Year it is an embarrassment for everyone. Call it Hmong harvest celebration or winter festival
Twb hais tias GA, SC, NC thiab Florida nej sawv daw koom tib lub 30 Hmoob Puav Pheej xwb no nes? Nej tsis koom lawv lawm los?
Hmooblubneej peb nyias noj nyias lub xeev tas peb 4 lub xeev mam mus koom noj lub puav pheej loj ua lub kawg ..
QUAV DEV TAS TAS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shameful to see Hmong have too many news years <
50 state Hmong have 50 new years shameful , Hmong must stop created too many new years