Human T cells Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV): the silent threat and its neurological manifestations (Eng)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • It is estimated that 5 to 10 million people live with HTLV in the world, with highest prevalences in Japan, Africa, Australia, Latin America and Caribbean. However, the virus is unknown among general population and even by healthcare professionals. Since 2018, researchers, health professionals and patient associations are together to raise awareness to HTLV, hence the International Retrovirology Association launched the 10th November as the World HTLV Day ( ). This webinar invite you to know more about this virus and its neurologic consequences.
    • Augusto César Penalva de Oliveira, PhD - Supervising Physician, Neurology Medical Team, Emílio Ribas Infectious Diseases Institute, Brazil
    • Steven Jacobson, PhD - Senior Investigator, Viral Immunology Section, Neuroimmunology and Neurovirology Division (NND), National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
    • Lucia Brito, MD - Neurophysiologist, Neurology Centre, Real Hospital Português; Neurologist, Ministry of Health, Hospital da Restauração, Brazil
    • Prof Carlos A. Pardo, PhD - Director, Johns Hopkins Myelitis & Myelopathy Center. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
    • Clarice N. Lins de Morais - Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Virology and Experimental Therapy, Fiocruz Pernambuco, Fiocruz, Brazil
    • Cristiane Campello Bresani - Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Virology and Experimental Therapy, Fiocruz Pernambuco, Fiocruz, Brazil
    00:00 - Welcome and Introductions
    04:28 - HTLV and the human host: a long-standing interaction
    25:24 - Neurological manifestations of HTLV infection
    41:10 - Other neurologic manifestations of HTLV
    56:01 - Techniques and Challenges in the Laboratory Diagnosis of HTLV Infection
    1:12:58 - Neuroimmunology and Neuro-infections Research Club
    1:20:15 - Interactive session with discussion and Q&A
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