Man I really feel this about engage champs. I remember some time ago I was playing normals and had a Bronze 5 ADC (back before Iron was a thing) while playing Blitzcrank. My ADC Vayne would literally run away whenever I hooked someone because "play safe and scale". It was one of the most frustrating games I've ever played
Same over here I like the gameplay of engage champs like nautilus or Braum but in that rank the ADCs don't push at all and they don't cease the opportunity
Just about anyone who roams with CC or burst seems to get high wr in low ELO but it's in the games that matter for rankup that somehow you always get the teammates that refuse to group for anything.
as a 300 game Bronze II Yuumi main, yes, but i just feel so comfortable playing enchanters, i actually have two monitors where I game league on one and Civilization on the other.
For me personally, this video hit the nail on the head and rlly encapsulated my ranked journey. I started from the depths of Iron, to Masters in the present. A lot of the points u made rlly aligned with my personal ranked experience as a mage/enchanter support Iron-Plat felt like pulling my hair out if I was to play non-dmg supports, for all the points u've mentioned. If I rlly wanted to play enchanters at lower ranks, I had the most success building them full AP, but at that point just go a mage it's sm easier. The lack of followup from teammates just means that the climb will be slower if I played supports the traditional way. Instead, I found that going dmg was the fastest and most effective climbing method. Establish deep vision -> solokill rotating enemies -> numbers advantage -> win fight -> repeat However, as u've mentioned already, once u hit Diamond there is a sudden shift where support actually feels decent to play due to somewhat more reliable teammates, and dmg supports feel less effective due to all the points u've mentioned. I had the longest mental block in Diamond, having played mages or enchanters full AP, and seeing myself as the carry this whole time. This sudden shift in mentality where I had to put some faith into my teammates, and see myself as the support and not the carry for the first time, rlly messed with my gameplay for the longest time. Itemising support items rather than AP flipped my gameplay a full 180° and I undoubtedly felt very lost and confused upon reaching this rank. To this day, I still struggle a lot to coordinate with my teammates, as that lack of trust from all those years of carry mentality have had a lasting impact on my gameplay 😭😭 Which brings me to my final point: smth that is often brought up to me by players who are genuinely of lower elos, is that we make these dmg support picks work at lower elos bc we already know more ab the game than those who are genuinely of those elos. Meanwhile, genuine lower-ranked supports who want to play support in the traditional manner, and not the dmg-carry mentality, do not have enough understanding of fundamentals to find similar lvls of success. As such, the dilemma is whether or not they should learn this "unsupportive" manner of gameplay at all? Seeing as they would need to essentially rewire the way that they play the game altg again when they do reach a higher elo. The alternate perspective is that this type of playstyle is simply adapting gameplay according to elo, altho some players also don't believe in this statement. For me personally, I deem it as a necessity to adapt to changing situations. But I can also understand that this "dmg = carry" style definitely seems like a how to climb fast/smurf mentality, rather than actually learning the role from bottom up. In terms of learning the game at a fundamental lvl, how applicable to the avg player do u think this type of mentality/playstyle is, especially considering the drastic changes in playstyle further up the ladder? Not sure if I've articulated this paragraph well enough, but I hope it makes sense 😅😅 Sorry for the length of this comment, but I rlly look forward to ur insightful reply! ❤❤
Thank you for sharing your enchanter/mage journey, it was really interesing reading all of that. I always felt the same way about enchanters at low elo. Still stuggling to these days. May I ask you to share your OPGG? I'm really curious about that
I have more impact in iron-bronze with Zyra than Leona. I cannot split push with Leona so i have to rely on teammates who rarely advance the game. I will stick to Zyra and test different itemizations.
"Thresh is a cool champ but you dont have Lantern unlocked till Silver" I felt that. Played 10games of thresh in a row and no one on my team seems to know that clicking on the lantern can get them out of trouble
Thank you so much for making this. Last split my acct peak was S2 and I could not climb out. Rn struggling thru bronze. I think I have over 1k games on support I just feel like the role is torture. I will continue to play and learn and maybe one day ill be a higher rank... But yeah like you said it is torture in low elo as support team never listens!
Thanks for the insights! As an enchanter-preferred support main, it is really a good point that it is better to go with Mages in low elo, for a more independent approach. By the way, I love the way you express in a very sane and friendly way, without expressing in a toxic way about the teammates and possible causes of failure
I really feel how difficult it can be to climb with Enchanters. I am a Sona Main (1.6 Million points) and it was easier for me to get from Gold to Emerald, then getting from Bronze to Gold.
I peaked plat 1 waaaay back in season 6 with Blitz and Leona since they are my favourite Champs, and now i hover around Gold 4 unable to get out and Searching up Videos like this... i feel every Word you said
As a formerly hardstuck silver, now diamond, I think you read the low elo meta incorrectly. In fact, meta is not important in low elo and neither is the support champion you play. Low elo is all about understanding that 1: there will always be fights 2: 99% of the time, fights won't be even 3. Once person + you as a support can solo the entire enemy team most of the time The best low elo supports are the ones where you can run around with the one guy on your team with >5 braincells and just spam buff him. I got an iron 4 account to silver 3 (with plat 4 mmr) with 95% winrate and to gold 4 with plat 1 mmr with 80% winrate playing pretty much only sona and the occasional lulu
My top mastery champ is Sona but this video resonates with me more than what you've said. I'm like 80% winrate with mages, and like 20% on Sona. I just zone for my ADC to farm, and make plays with Mid/JG if I'm pushed and it seems to work better than anything i can do with enchanters right now in Bronze. If I stomp my lane as an enchanter its still game over for them just not as easy to do.
But you're talking about literally the best scaling support in the game. Literally. If u think of late game SONA is the champion. It's not that hard to get to scale in low elo cuz ppl can't close games and they won't try to punish u or look for u.
In low ranks, you don’t always have a >5 brain cell player to carry. Last season when I made a new account, I refused to play enchanters and one tricked leblanc, zyra, and believe it or not, teemo to plat. Then I started playing team oriented champs more.
Wow thats timing I just started as Dia player a new account after a long League break and got with lvl 30 ranked in Iron and was like: "Well thats gonna be interesting" and then your vid was randomly in my timeline xD Thanks a lot mate
😅🤣🤣🤣omg you soooo get me!! That part at 5:18 its really hard switching your mindset into relying on your team and not taking resources if thats all you did while climbing😂😂😂😂 yessss!! My friend is emerald and playing with him made me have to switch my mindset although he did say he understood why id want to take rss for myself with low elo because of how unreliable they are. My points were.. when id give lead to adc, hes get cocky and give bounty and make unnecessary risky plays or overstay and would not use the lead to our advantage. Hence why i prefer to be the support carry 🤣 Thank you for reassuring me that i was not doing anything "wrong"😂
ive managed to get from silver to emerald with spaming Renata and Senna on 62% winrate. my issue with any engage support is your team either dont follow any of your engages or doesnt understand objective roams. with enchanter it was way more easier to peel my carry in the games
I feel like the biggest thing to help me climb (Em 2) has been just getting so much vision in enemy jung that my team is always getting picks in 4v2 fights because we see someone by themselves in enemy jung and just go kill them. Swapped from mid to supp and have around a 70% wr simply doing this with thresh/bard.
I've been climbing from silver playing vel'koz, now reaching plat 2 with ~400 LP gain just ftom vel'koz. My natural rank at about 100 matches is gold consistently, but now with a 58% wr on vel'koz I feel like I can climb easily to higher ranks. My peak was plat 1, 2 splits back and I was playing only fill. But I do feel support is one of the roles with most agency if you roam correctly. It feels so good when your adc feeds like hell but you can go secure objectives or play for mid/jungle anyways instead of being stuck in a lost lane.
😂😂😂 ya thats the Thing. Pick enchanter while 3 our of 4 Players in your Team Like Flaming more than playing the Game, Pick Engage so ur ADC can int lvl 1, and Flame u for Not going in. So still mages?
I never played too much rankend games. But I was placed at gold II or something back then. When I tried to play again, I lost my first 3 games and thought to myself "Had I become this bad?", while the adc pinged at me. But with this tips, my last 2 ranked and almost all my normal games I won. Highest damage and cc of all players. Last game we had a feeding top and adc, and a flaming mid (No barons were harmed in this games 😂)
as supprt main I played 100 games and still sit in iron Its hard in solo q (especially when you have alomst same dmg on healer sup as your adc).. but I dont plan to give up I will just do my job as always ;--;
I just spammed senna/lux from bronze to low plat a couple of years back and it worked. Just play aggressive and punish the enemy laner's bad spacing then you'll always win lane through a lot of kills or cs gap + tower hp.
Ha I was a gold toplaner who started playing on another account to main support. I tried to play thresh early on in placements but i had to switch to bard to win 😂
Great video! One thing I disagree on is that team comp doesn’t matter, but maybe I understood it in a different way than you meant. Like if the team is made from bruisers and lategame champs it is very effective in low elo, imo. But maybe you meant more counterpicking and teamwide synergies.
i played Tham Kench a while with middle success. He is a engage support, but has good damage and some sustain and i mostly used my ult to safe a teammate. But i think my hghest winrate in support is with xerath.
As you climb the ladder, the assassins get better mechanically. So as you climb, you start getting punished for picking mage support. Basically as mage support you become the default target for any carry player who is falling behind but still strop enough to solo you. The loosing zed wants to kill you over and over to get back into the game for example.
Was mid/top player, but really got into playing enchanter like Nami, just something about the cc and being the one controlling vision is appealing. But yeah, today caught two bot laners with like 5% hp left and my Ezreal just stands besides me and farms and let them get away. And I don't know how many double cc I land without it being taken advantage of.
as a hard stuck Emerald i feel unless you duo through Emerald no matter what you pick its a coinflip in this Elo ;v you need someone good enough to support to have a chance to sway a win
I noticed you used mobalitics for stats and I'd like to note they don't like to display non-meta champs often. I only state this since I've seen a lot of mages who don't seem to be up on their boards that are playing really strong. They also don't have any "suggested builds" up against a teemo support since they lack games but silver and below definitely seem to have a lot of shaco and teemo supports displayed on gold and below currently that show on some of the other apps, but not all. It's nearly impossible to climb with "supports" only because allies at that rank either won't protect you when you setup vision, won't consistently group for objectives, and even if you ping, if they don't see what you are pinging then they hesitate.
ShoDesu, how would you define a self-sufficient support champion? Currently attempting to scramble my way up to Gold and I'm hoping to get your opinion.
Hey, I’m not sho but I am emerald. I’ll give you a list of champs I think are solid, self-carry supports. You should test and find what works for you. The list goes: pantheon, lux, Leblanc, zyra, brand, velkoz, maybe senna, maybe neeko.
I need asnwear. Imagine, you have hyper carry adc and enemy team has Hook support. Do you pick enhanter to match your adc or braum/taric into hook supp?
how do i know when i should be roaming? i enjoy karma or soraka and half the time the enemy supp will just randomly leave lane and roam to things i dont anticipate its just frustrating trying to understand 😭 arent you usually supposed to look for roam angles after basing/ crashing wave?
The idea is to have the wave crash hard enough so it bounces and doesnt all die (leading to a neutral wave). Then your adc will be sure to have farm later and cant be threatened by ennemy freezing the wave, zoning from xp. Be sure to be back by the time the wave arrives if you dont want to fall too much behind in xp. And if the ennemy supp doesnt respect that window be sure to punish their adc by zoning or diving them. In lower elo (under emerald/diamond) id say support can roam whenever because nobody knows wave management or punishes the bad roam !
not challenger, gm mid here who off roles supp most seasons. Supp is the easiest role to climb with due to low mental stack. A lot of seasons when i feel like half trying or just relaxing lounged back ill just spam like 50 games lulu because the thing is you can auto pilot much harder on supp then most roles. Support players hate this take but it's the truth if you take a diamond/masters/gm/chall mid/top/adc/jung they will easily hit their peak on support within 6 months of learning the role. Are bronze/silver supp players so clueless they need to be told they have to play a carry champ because ur adc will obviously be piss? not to hate bro but this vid is pretty pointless
funny how every time this take is pronunced, its ALWAYS about lulu, nami or milio. Ofc they are braindead champ in most elo, like every role has(mid being the exception i think NO champ is easy climb in midlane). I think abt zac, garen, amumu, MF, Jhin, ). U can pretty much full autopilot on this an do great. Some champs are not quite easy as supp. U cant autopilot playing bard, tresh, janna, rell, alistar, senna. All depends on champ ur playin. Enchanter are kinda meant to be a newcomer door for starting playin LoL with better friends. Riot themself have stated that they dont want enchanter anymore in proplay, cause they arent meant to be optimized at great level of playing. SoloQ challenge which take place in France with a lot of subtop/pro player stated that supp is one of the worst role to play for climbing while playing MINIMUM 10 games a day. Not saying its harder as a role, just dropping it. Also most ppl play 2 or 3 games a day, so mental stack is not a real argument for anyone with an active life as a side
Funny thing is that I have already seen 2 main jgls (Agurin and Elmillor) shittalking about supp is too ez blablabla, then they play supp at an elo much lower than they are playing jgl and they both get banned (Agurin 14 days and Elmillor permabanned) for inting, when in reality they were trying to win, but it's just that they aren't capable of playing supp, bcs it's actually a hard role to undestand and to get to work, instead, they are used to just kill fckign npcs and when they are fighting against real people it's always in advantatge bcs they are the ones who are ganking. I could say the same, I can esily climb playing dumb champs like amumu or zac in jgl and just go around killing npcs and ganking for free, and then in tfs be x1000 times better cc, tank, kit than naut, thresh or whatever, and also have smite. I can also say this about adc, just afk farming as an apc or something like mf. Mid as well and top as well. And I won't get permabanned or banned as Agurin or Elmillor btw XDDD Cry more.
Lantern doesnt exist until gold 2
Your gold 2 arnt you LOL
@@Roman-ib8qn i’m plat 2
Until Gold, yes
this is so true bro
This post was made by gold 1 gang
Man I really feel this about engage champs. I remember some time ago I was playing normals and had a Bronze 5 ADC (back before Iron was a thing) while playing Blitzcrank. My ADC Vayne would literally run away whenever I hooked someone because "play safe and scale". It was one of the most frustrating games I've ever played
Same over here I like the gameplay of engage champs like nautilus or Braum but in that rank the ADCs don't push at all and they don't cease the opportunity
that's why i play kat support. and just win every lane by roaming
Just about anyone who roams with CC or burst seems to get high wr in low ELO but it's in the games that matter for rankup that somehow you always get the teammates that refuse to group for anything.
as a 300 game Bronze II Yuumi main, yes,
but i just feel so comfortable playing enchanters, i actually have two monitors where I game league on one and Civilization on the other.
most yummi think to ever say lol
Hardstuck bronze for good reason👍
Based af
My ranked teammates:
For me personally, this video hit the nail on the head and rlly encapsulated my ranked journey. I started from the depths of Iron, to Masters in the present. A lot of the points u made rlly aligned with my personal ranked experience as a mage/enchanter support
Iron-Plat felt like pulling my hair out if I was to play non-dmg supports, for all the points u've mentioned. If I rlly wanted to play enchanters at lower ranks, I had the most success building them full AP, but at that point just go a mage it's sm easier. The lack of followup from teammates just means that the climb will be slower if I played supports the traditional way. Instead, I found that going dmg was the fastest and most effective climbing method. Establish deep vision -> solokill rotating enemies -> numbers advantage -> win fight -> repeat
However, as u've mentioned already, once u hit Diamond there is a sudden shift where support actually feels decent to play due to somewhat more reliable teammates, and dmg supports feel less effective due to all the points u've mentioned. I had the longest mental block in Diamond, having played mages or enchanters full AP, and seeing myself as the carry this whole time. This sudden shift in mentality where I had to put some faith into my teammates, and see myself as the support and not the carry for the first time, rlly messed with my gameplay for the longest time. Itemising support items rather than AP flipped my gameplay a full 180° and I undoubtedly felt very lost and confused upon reaching this rank. To this day, I still struggle a lot to coordinate with my teammates, as that lack of trust from all those years of carry mentality have had a lasting impact on my gameplay 😭😭
Which brings me to my final point: smth that is often brought up to me by players who are genuinely of lower elos, is that we make these dmg support picks work at lower elos bc we already know more ab the game than those who are genuinely of those elos. Meanwhile, genuine lower-ranked supports who want to play support in the traditional manner, and not the dmg-carry mentality, do not have enough understanding of fundamentals to find similar lvls of success. As such, the dilemma is whether or not they should learn this "unsupportive" manner of gameplay at all? Seeing as they would need to essentially rewire the way that they play the game altg again when they do reach a higher elo. The alternate perspective is that this type of playstyle is simply adapting gameplay according to elo, altho some players also don't believe in this statement. For me personally, I deem it as a necessity to adapt to changing situations. But I can also understand that this "dmg = carry" style definitely seems like a how to climb fast/smurf mentality, rather than actually learning the role from bottom up. In terms of learning the game at a fundamental lvl, how applicable to the avg player do u think this type of mentality/playstyle is, especially considering the drastic changes in playstyle further up the ladder? Not sure if I've articulated this paragraph well enough, but I hope it makes sense 😅😅
Sorry for the length of this comment, but I rlly look forward to ur insightful reply! ❤❤
Thank you for sharing your enchanter/mage journey, it was really interesing reading all of that. I always felt the same way about enchanters at low elo. Still stuggling to these days. May I ask you to share your OPGG? I'm really curious about that
I have more impact in iron-bronze with Zyra than Leona. I cannot split push with Leona so i have to rely on teammates who rarely advance the game. I will stick to Zyra and test different itemizations.
"Thresh is a cool champ but you dont have Lantern unlocked till Silver"
I felt that. Played 10games of thresh in a row and no one on my team seems to know that clicking on the lantern can get them out of trouble
This turned out sooo good Sho!! GG
Thank you so much for making this. Last split my acct peak was S2 and I could not climb out. Rn struggling thru bronze. I think I have over 1k games on support I just feel like the role is torture. I will continue to play and learn and maybe one day ill be a higher rank... But yeah like you said it is torture in low elo as support team never listens!
Hey Big Sho, appreciate all the videos. Starting my enchanter support journey and always looking at your videos
Thanks for the insights! As an enchanter-preferred support main, it is really a good point that it is better to go with Mages in low elo, for a more independent approach. By the way, I love the way you express in a very sane and friendly way, without expressing in a toxic way about the teammates and possible causes of failure
I really feel how difficult it can be to climb with Enchanters.
I am a Sona Main (1.6 Million points) and it was easier for me to get from Gold to Emerald, then getting from Bronze to Gold.
I peaked plat 1 waaaay back in season 6 with Blitz and Leona since they are my favourite Champs, and now i hover around Gold 4 unable to get out and Searching up Videos like this... i feel every Word you said
As a formerly hardstuck silver, now diamond, I think you read the low elo meta incorrectly. In fact, meta is not important in low elo and neither is the support champion you play. Low elo is all about understanding that
1: there will always be fights
2: 99% of the time, fights won't be even
3. Once person + you as a support can solo the entire enemy team most of the time
The best low elo supports are the ones where you can run around with the one guy on your team with >5 braincells and just spam buff him. I got an iron 4 account to silver 3 (with plat 4 mmr) with 95% winrate and to gold 4 with plat 1 mmr with 80% winrate playing pretty much only sona and the occasional lulu
My top mastery champ is Sona but this video resonates with me more than what you've said. I'm like 80% winrate with mages, and like 20% on Sona. I just zone for my ADC to farm, and make plays with Mid/JG if I'm pushed and it seems to work better than anything i can do with enchanters right now in Bronze. If I stomp my lane as an enchanter its still game over for them just not as easy to do.
But you're talking about literally the best scaling support in the game. Literally. If u think of late game SONA is the champion. It's not that hard to get to scale in low elo cuz ppl can't close games and they won't try to punish u or look for u.
In low ranks, you don’t always have a >5 brain cell player to carry. Last season when I made a new account, I refused to play enchanters and one tricked leblanc, zyra, and believe it or not, teemo to plat. Then I started playing team oriented champs more.
Wow thats timing
I just started as Dia player a new account after a long League break and got with lvl 30 ranked in Iron and was like: "Well thats gonna be interesting" and then your vid was randomly in my timeline xD
Thanks a lot mate
Lantern doesn't exist at all. We all just imagined it.
😅🤣🤣🤣omg you soooo get me!! That part at 5:18 its really hard switching your mindset into relying on your team and not taking resources if thats all you did while climbing😂😂😂😂 yessss!! My friend is emerald and playing with him made me have to switch my mindset although he did say he understood why id want to take rss for myself with low elo because of how unreliable they are.
My points were.. when id give lead to adc, hes get cocky and give bounty and make unnecessary risky plays or overstay and would not use the lead to our advantage. Hence why i prefer to be the support carry 🤣
Thank you for reassuring me that i was not doing anything "wrong"😂
ive managed to get from silver to emerald with spaming Renata and Senna on 62% winrate. my issue with any engage support is your team either dont follow any of your engages or doesnt understand objective roams. with enchanter it was way more easier to peel my carry in the games
I feel like the biggest thing to help me climb (Em 2) has been just getting so much vision in enemy jung that my team is always getting picks in 4v2 fights because we see someone by themselves in enemy jung and just go kill them. Swapped from mid to supp and have around a 70% wr simply doing this with thresh/bard.
I've been climbing from silver playing vel'koz, now reaching plat 2 with ~400 LP gain just ftom vel'koz. My natural rank at about 100 matches is gold consistently, but now with a 58% wr on vel'koz I feel like I can climb easily to higher ranks.
My peak was plat 1, 2 splits back and I was playing only fill. But I do feel support is one of the roles with most agency if you roam correctly. It feels so good when your adc feeds like hell but you can go secure objectives or play for mid/jungle anyways instead of being stuck in a lost lane.
As a thresh main, I felt the lantern part
So... what do I play in emerald?
😂😂😂 ya thats the Thing. Pick enchanter while 3 our of 4 Players in your Team Like Flaming more than playing the Game, Pick Engage so ur ADC can int lvl 1, and Flame u for Not going in. So still mages?
Teemo support only in emerald
I never played too much rankend games. But I was placed at gold II or something back then.
When I tried to play again, I lost my first 3 games and thought to myself "Had I become this bad?", while the adc pinged at me.
But with this tips, my last 2 ranked and almost all my normal games I won. Highest damage and cc of all players. Last game we had a feeding top and adc, and a flaming mid (No barons were harmed in this games 😂)
So wait, is it better to play mages from Gold to Plat? Or are enchanters good enough to play it?
as supprt main I played 100 games and still sit in iron Its hard in solo q (especially when you have alomst same dmg on healer sup as your adc).. but I dont plan to give up I will just do my job as always ;--;
Learn a different role if you’re really that stuck. You’ll probably climb faster.
I just spammed senna/lux from bronze to low plat a couple of years back and it worked. Just play aggressive and punish the enemy laner's bad spacing then you'll always win lane through a lot of kills or cs gap + tower hp.
Ha I was a gold toplaner who started playing on another account to main support. I tried to play thresh early on in placements but i had to switch to bard to win 😂
Great video!
One thing I disagree on is that team comp doesn’t matter, but maybe I understood it in a different way than you meant. Like if the team is made from bruisers and lategame champs it is very effective in low elo, imo. But maybe you meant more counterpicking and teamwide synergies.
5:05 okay but the Q cancel on Jayce ??? We clap ! 🙌🏻
We pray to the support god Sho. He will guide us lost lambs to the land of LP
i played Tham Kench a while with middle success. He is a engage support, but has good damage and some sustain and i mostly used my ult to safe a teammate.
But i think my hghest winrate in support is with xerath.
I'm crazy and only play soraka,Sona and Janna (mostly soraka) and got to emerald last split haha Hoping to get higher this split
As you climb the ladder, the assassins get better mechanically. So as you climb, you start getting punished for picking mage support. Basically as mage support you become the default target for any carry player who is falling behind but still strop enough to solo you. The loosing zed wants to kill you over and over to get back into the game for example.
Kinda dumb of him to do that imo. U put all spells out and die and ur carry is safe and gets the kill idk
"Emerald is just dipshit for climbing" yep ... but how do i escape that ?
Buy as many skins as possible
Was mid/top player, but really got into playing enchanter like Nami, just something about the cc and being the one controlling vision is appealing. But yeah, today caught two bot laners with like 5% hp left and my Ezreal just stands besides me and farms and let them get away. And I don't know how many double cc I land without it being taken advantage of.
So who would you recommend for solo carry/self sufficient low Elo champs ?
Leblanc, pantheon, velkoz, lux, zyra, poppy, neeko, brand, xerath
as a hard stuck Emerald i feel unless you duo through Emerald no matter what you pick its a coinflip in this Elo ;v you need someone good enough to support to have a chance to sway a win
I noticed you used mobalitics for stats and I'd like to note they don't like to display non-meta champs often. I only state this since I've seen a lot of mages who don't seem to be up on their boards that are playing really strong. They also don't have any "suggested builds" up against a teemo support since they lack games but silver and below definitely seem to have a lot of shaco and teemo supports displayed on gold and below currently that show on some of the other apps, but not all.
It's nearly impossible to climb with "supports" only because allies at that rank either won't protect you when you setup vision, won't consistently group for objectives, and even if you ping, if they don't see what you are pinging then they hesitate.
Totally thanks from the iron hardstuck Thresh. So I master lux now.
insane value on this video, cant believe ts is free
ShoDesu, how would you define a self-sufficient support champion? Currently attempting to scramble my way up to Gold and I'm hoping to get your opinion.
Hey, I’m not sho but I am emerald. I’ll give you a list of champs I think are solid, self-carry supports. You should test and find what works for you. The list goes: pantheon, lux, Leblanc, zyra, brand, velkoz, maybe senna, maybe neeko.
@@GarryFPV Thanks for your support! xD I'll give it my all
Who are the mages do you recommend for low elo iron to gold?
so you think its easier to climb from master to gm playing engage supports over enchanters? what engage supports do you recommend
This must have been alot of work thanks for the guide
So i don't have it clear, what is the best type of support for plat and emerald elo?
what a pain on low elo as sup main
I need asnwear. Imagine, you have hyper carry adc and enemy team has Hook support. Do you pick enhanter to match your adc or braum/taric into hook supp?
2:45 Boah it hurts to see how you got sold there from your ADC.
how do i know when i should be roaming? i enjoy karma or soraka and half the time the enemy supp will just randomly leave lane and roam to things i dont anticipate its just frustrating trying to understand 😭 arent you usually supposed to look for roam angles after basing/ crashing wave?
The idea is to have the wave crash hard enough so it bounces and doesnt all die (leading to a neutral wave). Then your adc will be sure to have farm later and cant be threatened by ennemy freezing the wave, zoning from xp. Be sure to be back by the time the wave arrives if you dont want to fall too much behind in xp. And if the ennemy supp doesnt respect that window be sure to punish their adc by zoning or diving them. In lower elo (under emerald/diamond) id say support can roam whenever because nobody knows wave management or punishes the bad roam !
yeah.. emerald 4 is my peak and now playing thresh almost everygame i cant get out of gold somehow xd
i think should swap for swain or something then
Nami OTP here, forced to play Gwen top until à hit Plat to be able to play support without loosing my mind... and they say support are boosted...
So real
"you don't have lantern unlocked till silver, " best thing I've heard in any support self help video LMAO!
plase never use the black paper background that swaps every 0.33 seconds
biggest tip from here is "stop making excuses"
very good content! Just, is it me or the paper background between the clips is unbearable to watch? thx for the video anyway.
lantern unlocks emerald 3
Emerald not coping frfr
Challenger guide on how to climb as support
Step 1: don't play support
i like nautilus
Great content but please stop the flickering animation in the 'powerpoint' overview. It is really distracting and makes me feel uncomfortable.
That's only your problem
not challenger, gm mid here who off roles supp most seasons. Supp is the easiest role to climb with due to low mental stack. A lot of seasons when i feel like half trying or just relaxing lounged back ill just spam like 50 games lulu because the thing is you can auto pilot much harder on supp then most roles. Support players hate this take but it's the truth if you take a diamond/masters/gm/chall mid/top/adc/jung they will easily hit their peak on support within 6 months of learning the role. Are bronze/silver supp players so clueless they need to be told they have to play a carry champ because ur adc will obviously be piss? not to hate bro but this vid is pretty pointless
funny how every time this take is pronunced, its ALWAYS about lulu, nami or milio. Ofc they are braindead champ in most elo, like every role has(mid being the exception i think NO champ is easy climb in midlane). I think abt zac, garen, amumu, MF, Jhin, ). U can pretty much full autopilot on this an do great.
Some champs are not quite easy as supp. U cant autopilot playing bard, tresh, janna, rell, alistar, senna. All depends on champ ur playin. Enchanter are kinda meant to be a newcomer door for starting playin LoL with better friends. Riot themself have stated that they dont want enchanter anymore in proplay, cause they arent meant to be optimized at great level of playing.
SoloQ challenge which take place in France with a lot of subtop/pro player stated that supp is one of the worst role to play for climbing while playing MINIMUM 10 games a day. Not saying its harder as a role, just dropping it.
Also most ppl play 2 or 3 games a day, so mental stack is not a real argument for anyone with an active life as a side
Funny thing is that I have already seen 2 main jgls (Agurin and Elmillor) shittalking about supp is too ez blablabla, then they play supp at an elo much lower than they are playing jgl and they both get banned (Agurin 14 days and Elmillor permabanned) for inting, when in reality they were trying to win, but it's just that they aren't capable of playing supp, bcs it's actually a hard role to undestand and to get to work, instead, they are used to just kill fckign npcs and when they are fighting against real people it's always in advantatge bcs they are the ones who are ganking. I could say the same, I can esily climb playing dumb champs like amumu or zac in jgl and just go around killing npcs and ganking for free, and then in tfs be x1000 times better cc, tank, kit than naut, thresh or whatever, and also have smite. I can also say this about adc, just afk farming as an apc or something like mf. Mid as well and top as well. And I won't get permabanned or banned as Agurin or Elmillor btw XDDD Cry more.
@@s1stemique He's not gonna respond u, bcs he knows he is dumb xD