Ty should have left amy a long time ago she is a lier a hussy and a cheat she ends up making out with every guy who comes to the ranch what a slot, Ty you deserve WAY better!!!!
Thank you for these clips - this is the true heartland The love story of Ty and Amy plus the whole family problem and how they overcome their difficulties. Thank you,
A man will look at the woman in his life like Ty did Amy when she helps him to be a man and a woman will look at her man like that when he let's her know she is the the most beautiful woman both inside out. It will come easy and often when they truely show they respect each other. It will also happen when each treat the each others family the same. Every now and them look at each other like it is the first time they held hands, kissed, and held each other. Be caught loving them from near and afar. 51 years proves that out. Go and be kind to each other
I know this show got me through alot and I loved this show and it will FOREVER be my favorite I don't know what I will dont known it ends I could prob name every line of alot of big scenes I LOVED THIS SHOW LOVED LOVED IT I LOVE IT LOVE IT
i just love how this show progress at the same time you grow up at the same time.. been watching these show since highschool and it feels like it was just yesterday lol.
Dear Heartland, I have been in awe of this show for about 2 years. I have been able to watch it until season 10 I hope that you will offer the rest on you tube even with the commercials. It is a fantastic series. Hope you can continue with another 20 seasons or more. Thanks for the entertainment!😍🙆🙆
Amo la historia de superación de Ty...como el amor de una familia puede transformar a una persona...amo la historia de amor de Ty y Amy....los amo... Grandes actores...grandes escenas...conmovedoras...una historia familiar única... Por eso los amo... Amo a Graham Wardle y a Amber Marshall.... #iloveheartland ♥
I honestly have never seen a couple so perfectly matched as AMY ( Amber Marshall) & TY (Graham Wardle) either on or off screen. It gives hope to every young couple that miracles do happen. I seriously think the two of them should be married in real life as they come the closest to "SOULMATES" that a love relationship is made of!
Just another example of how Ambers real life mirrors the HL storyline. Amber, as a producer, had Amy tell HL viewers that just because you look like you are the "perfect match" with someone (like so many say about her and Graham), doesnt mean that those people should be together as a couple. She said "you both have to want to be together". That was a direct reflection of Amber telling Graham that she "didnt" want a serious romantic relationship with him after they had dated for 2-3 years. As for being soul-mates, Amy never treated Ty like a soul-mate. She treated him terribly (cheating on him and repeatedly showed him deep personal disrespect). She was never fully committed to him. She would have let him go both times during their break ups if he hadnt come crawling back to her. If you want an example of true love, watch what Ty did for Amy from the beginning. He loved and forgave her unconditionally and was willing to sacrifice his freedom, his education money, his pride, and in the end his very life for her. Amy wouldnt even sacrifice a 4 month job in Europe chosing instead to put a hold on her and Tys plans to get married and buy a ranch together. That decision to leave Ty so she could tour Europe with Ahmed while she openly reconsidered their engagement was the ultimate act of betrayal and disrespect. Add in how she didnt really care if she spoke to him or not while she was gone (for over 4 months) and gave him every reason to think that she was having a sexual affair, now you see that Tys love for her went far beyond what any real man would have done. Nothing says "I am not committed to you and dont want to marry you anymore" than being treated like that. It seems that Amy was always looking for someone or something (job) better. That tells you everything you need to know about Amy. Ty should have had the courage to leave her and go find a real soul-mate. Someone who would sincerely love him like Kit did and like Blair probably would have. Amy could have then gone back to Ahmed , to Chase, or to Jesse. She was a better match with any of those men than she was with Ty.
@@outsideview9052 All couples have their problems. We don't live in a perfect world but for a TV show I still think Ty & Amy had something special. That is my final comment on this. I don't wish to pursue this any further. It is just a show and I am just speculating on my own thoughts. Good luck to you.
@@julielynch4793 I am not trying to get into any debate with you either. I am just amazed at how the real life of Amber truly does match the HL storyline in so many ways just like Amber has repeatedly told everyone. I completely agree that Amy & Ty 's romantic relationship was very special. It captured the attention of so many people (especially during the Covid lockdowns) and became almost addicting because of the positive and uplifiting message it provided. Viewers loved having someone they could root for and that made them feel good. Many people, including me, have said that they have never been drawn into a show's characters like they found in HL (mostly Amy and Ty) Then, for whatever reason, the producers basically destroyed that positive feeling by turning Amy into such a terribly negative character. She was shown to be so self centered, so insincere (dishonest) , and so self-rightous that her credibility as a loving fiance was completely destroyed. People could no longer even root for her anymore. I just dont understand why they portrayed her this way. Can you imagine if the producers would have continued to show Amy and Ty going through the same relationship issues but instead of showing Ty always forgiving her without an apology, show them come together afterword in a sincere make up scene where mistakes are admitted and apologies are made. An example of this is when Ty tells Amy to get out of his truck and then tells her that he wants redo his return to her by coming home again alone and just to her. She loved that admission of his mistake and forgave him by embracing him with love. That type of coming together produced a show where people would watch it again and again and again just to experience that wonderfully positive feeling. Unfortunately, this kind of apology was what was lacking during the entire Ahmed storyline. Changing the focus away from their romance and onto the feministic themed power struggle between men and women was ridiculous and ruined the show for so many people. Amys character never recovered from her actions in season 8. One other thought, since the purpose of this show was to provide a positive and uplifting experience for viewers (as well as a positive example for young women to follow) the show really should have ended at the end of season 13 with Ty and Amy living happily ever after. The show had already gone on much longer than many other series had done. It was extremely successful. Deciding to go forward by killing Ty off when Graham left the show was simply about making more money for the producers and other characters. There was no longer any kind of uplifting or positive family message being demonstrated anymore. It is now just a soap opera. Not sure if I have talked with you before but I wish you the best as you continue to watch this series.
@@outsideview9052 If you really want to know the person that rubs me the wrong way it is that spoiled little brat MALLORY. I refer to her as a Mallard Duck but then again I would be insulting the duck. I honestly have no clue what if any importance this sniffling little rat is doing in the show in the first place. She looks like the face of a Pig and cannot mind her own business to save her life. She is not even related to anyone there and seems to open her stupid unwise and unforgivable mouth more than anyone else in the show. I would pay money just to get rid of her. She has no purpose being there & just goes around stirring up trouble the moment she enters a room. I don't see any acting capabilities whatsoever and I would have gotten rid of her ages ago. She to me is a meaningless waste of time & space & has no bearing on the story at all. She is everywhere you don't want her to be and reminds me of a wealthy private school girl whose parents think of her as dead weight and try to pawn her off and leave her somewhere just to get rid of her. I would never let a child like that try to run things. She would never get away with it. Good luck to any man who would have anything to do with that. I could go on but it would end in a huge journal but I'm sure you get my drift & if for some unexplained crazy reason you do like her please don't try & defend her to me in the least because you will honestly get an ear full & you'll be walking on dangerous grounds. That to me is the one that should have never ever been written into the show anywhere. What a waste of time & money to put an unruly character like that into the mix. The best thing would have been to put her in the Rodeo on the wildest bull ever & have her fall off & leave the show for good. She is the biggest annoyance I have ever seen so far in any program. Ok I guess I'm done.
I really really love Amy and Ty's love storyline, ... I just finished Season 13 and oh boy was I captivated? love the realistic challenges they've been through and how they realistically resolve their issues, and that makes them soooo adorable....but quite deeply saddened by Ty's passing....still awaiting till I see Season 14 on Netflix, meanwhile I am really enjoying all these clips, montage of their precious moments! their wedding is just soooo precious. Kudos to Amber and Graham, I have deeply respect you both, so young yet have that depth in your understanding of life 💖💝😍
Love the story of overcoming of Ty...and the love story with Amy..!!! love all can do.. Love Graham Wardle so so much.. Love Amber Marshall too...#iloveheartland ♥
I’m a 68 yr old us woman -ty and Amy have the greatest love story I’ve ever watched amazing-so it was really sad to me when Ty died-I can only get heartland up to season 15 on Netflix I won’t be able to watch anymore seasons because it’s not coming back to Netflix makes me sad and mad
Absolutely love Amy and Ty love story ❤️, I am so hooked on Heartland!, One of the best series I’ve ever watched!, Graham Wardle is a beautiful man !, ❤️👍
When Ty told Caleb that him and Amy called it quits, Ty was so heartbroken you could hear it in his voice. I started to cry, too! They really loved each other. Mr. And Mrs. Ty Borden.❤❤❤
that is so so cute and i love heartland so much and i must have watched heartland about 17 times and i still havent goten bored of it because it is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so awesome :D :D :D :D:D :D :D ;D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Aí Meu coração, sou do Brasil e comecei a assistir Heartland com 15/16 anos e hoje, com 22, a Netflix disponibilizou as primeiras 6 temporadas e eu logo fui assistir hahaha 😍😍😍 depois achei em alguns sites as outras 3 temporadas! Confesso que fico emocionada ao ver essas cenas ❤❤
What an incredible gifth to the fans of @HeartlandOnCBC around the world🌏😀..thanks...we hope the second part with Lyndy...the love story of Ty @graham714 and Amy @Amber_Marshall ..keep going ♥..!!!
I’ve written many comments and replied to others. If Amber reads this then I ask this question, in the episode where you tell Ty he’s going to be a father, I see a tremendous amount of joy, happiness, and love . Why would you not want that in true life with Graham ? Neither one of you have children, and we all know that you both have feelings still for each other. Make both of you happy !!!! I honestly believe that that it will happen. Karma
Raymond, are you really asking Amber to cheat on Shaun and then lie to him about it? That is something only Amy would do to Ty ...... Oh wait, Amber said that her life mirrors that of Amy so maybe you are right, she probably would do that just like Amy did.
That's the story we want to see, not what they're doing with Heartland right now, we want Ty (Graham) back, we want Ty and Amy, apart from Tim and Lou we're not interested in those two, they just ruin the show.
@@ainsyovas3707 HUGE Heartland fan but what I meant was o.k. Ty get real show her the piece of property you want to buy and tell her you love her and you want to make a life with her and get married now!!!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🐴🐴🐴😄😄😄🤪🤪🤪
they are so cute together, and i seriously have re-watched this video so many times. so cute!! i have been waiting for them to get married and give birth to Lyndy Marion (Fleming) Borden. Now Lyndy can be best friends with Katherine Marion Minnie (fleming) Morris.
Face it Ty made Amy a better person and kept Heartland fans to watch the series .Sad without him it never will be the same.
true :(((
They made each other better people not just him making her one. He changed a lot from the beginning to his last scenes
Ty should have left amy a long time ago she is a lier a hussy and a cheat she ends up making out with every guy who comes to the ranch what a slot, Ty you deserve WAY better!!!!
You know I just realized Ty punched every alternate love interest Amy has. LOL!
Lucy Pevensie and every other man that gets on his nerves😂
he did what all of us wanted to do
Did he punch Caleb too??
@@acbolton1220 yeah
@@Isit_dav for some reason I only remember him punching Caleb who else did he bunch besides nick
Your love story, touched the millions of your fans around the world. And I am one those and very proud.
I'm a old man but watching the love of these 2 young people grow makes me happy
Thank you for these clips - this is the true heartland The love story of Ty and Amy plus the whole family problem and how they overcome their difficulties. Thank you,
This show made me learn alot about horses and made me fall in love with them
Can we please talk about how messed up it is that he was hot to begin with then got hotter this really isn't fair
We can bc like HOW
Me three
My name is Mary I am a fan of heartland
sailorrukia chick that is so true
sailorrukia chick I Know Amy is lucky
I cried because I wish my boyfriend would look and love me the same way he did to her
A man will look at the woman in his life like Ty did Amy when she helps him to be a man and a woman will look at her man like that when he let's her know she is the the most beautiful woman both inside out.
It will come easy and often when they truely show they respect each other. It will also happen when each treat the each others family the same.
Every now and them look at each other like it is the first time they held hands, kissed, and held each other. Be caught loving them from near and afar. 51 years proves that out.
Go and be kind to each other
Is it normal to cry at this lol I must really love heartland :D
Lauren Elizabeth Ann I thought I was only one this is life
I have the same
Lauren Elizabeth Ann I Cried too 😢😢 I love it sooo much
Lauren Elizabeth Ann , no I almost do that every time too , their relationship had alot of ups and downs .
Watching this show since the start and I love their relationship 😍😍they are goals
Kazza Kk I totally agree, the two of them together is truly amazing, I love each moment they grow together!!
I use to watch heartland when i was little and i recently found it again and my heart hurts knowing it will end one day 😭
Exactly why dose it have to end everyone is saying that season 13 will be the last season 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😨😨😨😰😰😰😥😥😥😱😱😱😱🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖
@@ashleystoychannel7502 I looked it up and there will be a season 14😁😊🙂
I know this show got me through alot and I loved this show and it will FOREVER be my favorite I don't know what I will dont known it ends I could prob name every line of alot of big scenes I LOVED THIS SHOW LOVED LOVED IT I LOVE IT LOVE IT
Ahmed: you can't do that to me
Ty:yes I can
Yes 😁😂😂
I loved that scene!!
Like a boss
He whooped the snot outta that bastard....yassss
Watching this hits different after you've bawled your eyes out because of S14..
I Agree With You! It’s Not The Same Without One Of The Main Character On Heartland Series!
i just love how this show progress at the same time you grow up at the same time.. been watching these show since highschool and it feels like it was just yesterday lol.
Awesome. Life is beautiful with TAMY in it . for ever and ever and ever..
Well spoken, I could not agree more!!
ty and amy is a good couple and no one else can have amy but ty forever
Dear Heartland, I have been in awe of this show for about 2 years. I have been able to watch it until season 10 I hope that you will offer the rest on you tube even with the commercials. It is a fantastic series. Hope you can continue with another 20 seasons or more. Thanks for the entertainment!😍🙆🙆
Amo la historia de superación de Ty...como el amor de una familia puede transformar a una persona...amo la historia de amor de Ty y Amy....los amo... Grandes actores...grandes escenas...conmovedoras...una historia familiar única... Por eso los amo... Amo a Graham Wardle y a Amber Marshall.... #iloveheartland ♥
Addicted to this show, can't wait for Season 11, hope they don't kill off Ty or Amy, love the characters.....
I heard their making a season 11 soon. Read it on Internet
I hope so
Veronica Moore I love the two of them so much, Ty and Amy!!
Szn 13!! Don’t worry
Well ☹️
Ride if you ride horses and love heartland
Yess I ride horse and love horses
I ride horses so much and love heartland
Ya mean like or
I barrel race horses and I love heartland
I ride horses and I love them too
This video is just perfect!😍 They are so adorable!
My favorite show on TV and have watched up to Season 17 ❤❤I still watch reruns Season 1 to 15 on BYU channel everyday ❤❤❤❤
I honestly have never seen a couple so perfectly matched as AMY ( Amber Marshall) & TY (Graham Wardle) either on or off screen. It gives hope to every young couple that miracles do happen. I seriously think the two of them should be married in real life as they come the closest to "SOULMATES" that a love relationship is made of!
Best Love Story ever on TV and I remember all the way back to the beginning - right up to where they blew it big time!
Just another example of how Ambers real life mirrors the HL storyline. Amber, as a producer, had Amy tell HL viewers that just because you look like you are the "perfect match" with someone (like so many say about her and Graham), doesnt mean that those people should be together as a couple. She said "you both have to want to be together". That was a direct reflection of Amber telling Graham that she "didnt" want a serious romantic relationship with him after they had dated for 2-3 years.
As for being soul-mates, Amy never treated Ty like a soul-mate. She treated him terribly (cheating on him and repeatedly showed him deep personal disrespect). She was never fully committed to him. She would have let him go both times during their break ups if he hadnt come crawling back to her.
If you want an example of true love, watch what Ty did for Amy from the beginning. He loved and forgave her unconditionally and was willing to sacrifice his freedom, his education money, his pride, and in the end his very life for her. Amy wouldnt even sacrifice a 4 month job in Europe chosing instead to put a hold on her and Tys plans to get married and buy a ranch together. That decision to leave Ty so she could tour Europe with Ahmed while she openly reconsidered their engagement was the ultimate act of betrayal and disrespect. Add in how she didnt really care if she spoke to him or not while she was gone (for over 4 months) and gave him every reason to think that she was having a sexual affair, now you see that Tys love for her went far beyond what any real man would have done. Nothing says "I am not committed to you and dont want to marry you anymore" than being treated like that. It seems that Amy was always looking for someone or something (job) better.
That tells you everything you need to know about Amy. Ty should have had the courage to leave her and go find a real soul-mate. Someone who would sincerely love him like Kit did and like Blair probably would have. Amy could have then gone back to Ahmed , to Chase, or to Jesse. She was a better match with any of those men than she was with Ty.
@@outsideview9052 All couples have their problems. We don't live in a perfect world but for a TV show I still think Ty & Amy had something special. That is my final comment on this. I don't wish to pursue this any further. It is just a show and I am just speculating on my own thoughts. Good luck to you.
@@julielynch4793 I am not trying to get into any debate with you either. I am just amazed at how the real life of Amber truly does match the HL storyline in so many ways just like Amber has repeatedly told everyone.
I completely agree that Amy & Ty 's romantic relationship was very special. It captured the attention of so many people (especially during the Covid lockdowns) and became almost addicting because of the positive and uplifiting message it provided. Viewers loved having someone they could root for and that made them feel good. Many people, including me, have said that they have never been drawn into a show's characters like they found in HL (mostly Amy and Ty) Then, for whatever reason, the producers basically destroyed that positive feeling by turning Amy into such a terribly negative character. She was shown to be so self centered, so insincere (dishonest) , and so self-rightous that her credibility as a loving fiance was completely destroyed. People could no longer even root for her anymore. I just dont understand why they portrayed her this way.
Can you imagine if the producers would have continued to show Amy and Ty going through the same relationship issues but instead of showing Ty always forgiving her without an apology, show them come together afterword in a sincere make up scene where mistakes are admitted and apologies are made. An example of this is when Ty tells Amy to get out of his truck and then tells her that he wants redo his return to her by coming home again alone and just to her. She loved that admission of his mistake and forgave him by embracing him with love. That type of coming together produced a show where people would watch it again and again and again just to experience that wonderfully positive feeling. Unfortunately, this kind of apology was what was lacking during the entire Ahmed storyline. Changing the focus away from their romance and onto the feministic themed power struggle between men and women was ridiculous and ruined the show for so many people. Amys character never recovered from her actions in season 8.
One other thought, since the purpose of this show was to provide a positive and uplifting experience for viewers (as well as a positive example for young women to follow) the show really should have ended at the end of season 13 with Ty and Amy living happily ever after. The show had already gone on much longer than many other series had done. It was extremely successful. Deciding to go forward by killing Ty off when Graham left the show was simply about making more money for the producers and other characters. There was no longer any kind of uplifting or positive family message being demonstrated anymore. It is now just a soap opera.
Not sure if I have talked with you before but I wish you the best as you continue to watch this series.
@@outsideview9052 If you really want to know the person that rubs me the wrong way it is that spoiled little brat MALLORY. I refer to her as a Mallard Duck but then again I would be insulting the duck. I honestly have no clue what if any importance this sniffling little rat is doing in the show in the first place. She looks like the face of a Pig and cannot mind her own business to save her life. She is not even related to anyone there and seems to open her stupid unwise and unforgivable mouth more than anyone else in the show. I would pay money just to get rid of her. She has no purpose being there & just goes around stirring up trouble the moment she enters a room. I don't see any acting capabilities whatsoever and I would have gotten rid of her ages ago. She to me is a meaningless waste of time & space & has no bearing on the story at all. She is everywhere you don't want her to be and reminds me of a wealthy private school girl whose parents think of her as dead weight and try to pawn her off and leave her somewhere just to get rid of her. I would never let a child like that try to run things. She would never get away with it. Good luck to any man who would have anything to do with that. I could go on but it would end in a huge journal but I'm sure you get my drift & if for some unexplained crazy reason you do like her please don't try & defend her to me in the least because you will honestly get an ear full & you'll be walking on dangerous grounds. That to me is the one that should have never ever been written into the show anywhere. What a waste of time & money to put an unruly character like that into the mix. The best thing would have been to put her in the Rodeo on the wildest bull ever & have her fall off & leave the show for good. She is the biggest annoyance I have ever seen so far in any program. Ok I guess I'm done.
Ty And Amy Their Journey Through Out This Heartland Series! 😢
I Watch this a 100of times and I still cry
I really really love Amy and Ty's love storyline, ... I just finished Season 13 and oh boy was I captivated? love the realistic challenges they've been through and how they realistically resolve their issues, and that makes them soooo adorable....but quite deeply saddened by Ty's passing....still awaiting till I see Season 14 on Netflix, meanwhile I am really enjoying all these clips, montage of their precious moments!
their wedding is just soooo precious. Kudos to Amber and Graham, I have deeply respect you both, so young yet have that depth in your understanding of life 💖💝😍
so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!! TAMY is the best ship thats ever sailed !!!!!!!❤︎
Hay you now they are not merid in real life
I agree!!
love hate that ship name
I laughed when Ty said we are getting married now for real yeah for real...
The Prince ticked me off
Jackiejj McAdams Me too, hated that schmuck!!
Jackiejj McAdams same
Chase ticked me off too. They both were like boils on an azz that needed to lanced..
Never hated a character more 🤣 (well with the exception of marvel) 😂
Same here I wish he backed off like caleb
Love these two. They have an awesome chemistry !❤❤ they sure make the show interesting.
I spoiled this 4 myself
Grace Lui same!
Same 😂
Oh my gosh a can’t believe this is soo old I miss this
Thank you for making this i loved it and cried so hard 🥰🤗🥺😥😭😞
Love the story of overcoming of Ty...and the love story with Amy..!!! love all can do.. Love Graham Wardle so so much.. Love Amber Marshall too...#iloveheartland ♥
Well spoken, my favorite TV couple of all time!!
I’m a 68 yr old us woman -ty and Amy have the greatest love story I’ve ever watched amazing-so it was really sad to me when Ty died-I can only get heartland up to season 15 on Netflix I won’t be able to watch anymore seasons because it’s not coming back to Netflix makes me sad and mad
Great Video! great flow, love all scenes..thank you for sharing
I love heartland!! BIG FAN❤️
Me to I love heartland
On The Heartland Series Ty And Amy Has So Much Chemistry ! ❤️
the song in the background played during their dance on ty’s truck and their wedding 🥺
Absolutely love Amy and Ty love story ❤️, I am so hooked on Heartland!, One of the best series I’ve ever watched!, Graham Wardle is a beautiful man !, ❤️👍
I love th and Amy i was so sad every time they were broke up but they figured it out
Omg how many times did they break up and get back together! Still I love this couple
I know it's so sad that ty died I cried so hard
One of the best shows on
Heartland forever until I die ❤️💘ty loves❤️💘Amy and lyndy so much
Mote Ee that he does and it is beautiful!!
When Ty told Caleb that him and Amy called it quits, Ty was so heartbroken you could hear it in his voice. I started to cry, too! They really loved each other. Mr. And Mrs. Ty Borden.❤❤❤
0:06 omg I almost forget about this and like the very first episode!!
I love it when Amy and Ty are together
Oh my gosh!! This was adorable!!!
I love this video!! Although I hate the season 8 break up...
Georginatheequestrian Do they get back together in season 8?
Do they get back together?
Lauren Keisner yes
Amber Pond Is Season 8 they break up because of a guy named Ahmed and Amy not telling him things
I ❤️ heartland me and I my friends Katie and Summer watch it all the time. We can't wait tell season 10!!!!!
Season 10 is out
Kathryn Ann W. Kozlinski sure
Yet wedding. So real.their perfect..i miss Ty/ Graham.
I cried, ty and Amy are frickin goals
i cried but i absolutely loved it
My friends say I look like Amy, I hope to find my Ty
How can you say the way they look at each other isn’t acting ... ?
Cuz extreme great friends can do that to
Crying... Love both!
Amy and ty is the best family together
Heartland will forever be True Beauty.!.!.!.
Amy & ty , what a love story
Very well put together! :)
that is so so cute and i love heartland so much and i must have watched heartland about 17 times and i still havent goten bored of it because it is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so awesome :D :D :D :D:D :D :D ;D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
They’re so cute !!❤️❤️
I watched the series and I fell in love with horse I even got my own horse named Tubs Thank You So much !!
Aí Meu coração, sou do Brasil e comecei a assistir Heartland com 15/16 anos e hoje, com 22, a Netflix disponibilizou as primeiras 6 temporadas e eu logo fui assistir hahaha 😍😍😍 depois achei em alguns sites as outras 3 temporadas! Confesso que fico emocionada ao ver essas cenas ❤❤
most awesome in every aspect
The best show on Tv but far🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 ♥️from Texas
This is SUPPER CUTE!!! LOVE IT!!! 💖💖💖
BreyerHorseLover 312 Supper Cute? Was there dinner Cute?😂😂😄😄
Lindo resumo da história até o momento eles se merecem são lindos , queremos mais continuidade, amo esta série 😍
Arlinda Rocha
Estou na temporada 2, mas agora já sei que Amy e Ty ficam juntos. Que lindos!
I love this so much!! 😄💕
Queria a cancao do ty e a emy na despedidado ty pra mongolia
Come on now why’d you have to make me cry 😭
What an incredible gifth to the fans of @HeartlandOnCBC around the world🌏😀..thanks...we hope the second part with Lyndy...the love story of Ty @graham714 and Amy @Amber_Marshall ..keep going ♥..!!!
Mabel Cecilia Cendón I could not agree more!!
Omg this is so heartwarming
I love Amy and ty💜
I'ma cry I already know and I just clicked on 😭😭
I love Heartland so much
who ever gave this video a dislike is a hater
Yes 👍👍👍👍😉
Or saying
Dis I like
When Amy said "I dont know ty whatever yoh want to do" her face after was like oh I just said that😔😪😂☹
Ty And Amy Belong Together ! 😢
I started watching this at 8 years then i stoped then i came across it and i am am 10 years now
1:34 I cried soo much😭😭😭😭
This hurts so much now... I love the show so much tho and I know season 14 is still gonna be amazing!
The feels 😭😍😊
I feel 😍😘😂😗😄
I love heartland I can’t stop watching it.love you.👍🏻
I’ve written many comments and replied to others. If Amber reads this then I ask this question, in the episode where you tell Ty he’s going to be a father, I see a tremendous amount of joy, happiness, and love . Why would you not want that in true life with Graham ? Neither one of you have children, and we all know that you both have feelings still for each other. Make both of you happy !!!! I honestly believe that that it will happen. Karma
Hope so to
She's married
?????? Mmm
Raymond, are you really asking Amber to cheat on Shaun and then lie to him about it? That is something only Amy would do to Ty ...... Oh wait, Amber said that her life mirrors that of Amy so maybe you are right, she probably would do that just like Amy did.
The show needs to come out on Netflix
Hudson Biggs 10 seasons are on Netflix
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!1
Love Amy and Ty so much
That's the story we want to see, not what they're doing with Heartland right now, we want Ty (Graham) back, we want Ty and Amy, apart from Tim and Lou we're not interested in those two, they just ruin the show.
Amy e ty 13 temporadas de sucesso 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Amy was crazy to go with Amid,but Ty was even more clueless to let her go
um thats not how it happened at all! Ty knew it was a bad idea. u my friend arent a heartland fan
@@ainsyovas3707 HUGE Heartland fan but what I meant was o.k. Ty get real show her the piece of property you want to buy and tell her you love her and you want to make a life with her and get married now!!!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🐴🐴🐴😄😄😄🤪🤪🤪
Gente estou ansiosa pra assistir o episódios 12 amo este casal ty e emy e a Lindy
They danced to the same song when ty gave any the promise ring and it was their fist dance at the wedding 🤍
Love this edit
l love it...heartland and the horses ...I lLOVE HORSES....MISS THUNDER BEAUTIFUL HORSE....
I love heartland it is amazing I'm on season 9
It's so sad that I live in Austria😭I've just saw season 1-9
Hahah scheiße ..
Alguém sabe o nome da música que elea dançam em cima do carro? Amo essa música.
they are so cute together, and i seriously have re-watched this video so many times. so cute!! i have been waiting for them to get married and give birth to Lyndy Marion (Fleming) Borden. Now Lyndy can be best friends with Katherine Marion Minnie (fleming) Morris.
I love heartland but i dont live in canada and the 11th series hasent come on netflix yet. It is so annoying!
Watch it on channel 47.2 usa for free light on 2 and 7 sat they 6pm episode 11 through 1 through10
Watch on both look it up
I want season 13 to come on Netflix
Brilliant ❤️❤️👌🏻