What is Wisdom? by Ahmed Deedat IPCI 01/03

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
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    To Donate Click HERE:www.iipccanada... Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat (July 1, 1918 August 8, 2005) was an Indian-South African author, lecturer, and orator.[1] A Muslim, he was best known for his numerous inter-religious public debates with evangelical Christians, as well as lectures, most of which were centered around Islam, Christianity and the Bible. He aimed at providing Muslims with theological tools for defending themselves against the intense missionary striving of many Christian denominations. He used English instead of Arabic or any other language to get his message across to Muslim minorities in the western world.
    Copyright ©️ 2020 Muhammad Shaikh
    Copyright of this video belongs to Muhammad Shaikh. No portion of this video or any images or audio therefrom may be published, disseminated, transmitted, downloaded, or replayed in any manner without the express written consent of the copyright holder.


  • @noorjehankhan2347
    @noorjehankhan2347 2 роки тому

    Wisdom,is not man's ideologies,of hatred ,manipulation,killing,hatred ,discrimination,lies,but truth that makes sense ,and cannot be changed by any other.
    The world,the human race and animals,all face, and are exposed to immutable laws of the universe, not laws controlled by ideologies,race,nor religion.
    Laws of a Great Power,like death not based on race nor religion,but based on the human race and the animal population.
    The human race face nature's distruction of climatic changes,no race nor religion can change,powerful immutable laws of the Creator.
    It's our prerogative to keep to our own,not our right to judge,criticize ,condemn etc,sadly we all do.
    Peace comes from within,if we believe in the laws of Creator,prayers with actions of love.

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 років тому

    5/Jesus says that God;Colossians;1;15-16 JESUS THE likeness of the invisible God, the firstborn in all creatures.For in him were created ALL..Everything in him and for him create./1;19-20 for she was the will of God that in Him all the fullness of BE and to reconcile it all with you./1Timothy;2;5-6 there is one God and one mediator between God and men,the man Christ Jesus WHO gave himself a ransom for ALL./JEWS;1;5-13..YOU ARE GOD to the land established the heavens are the work of your hands../2;13 Behold me and my children that God gave them./7;25 Therefore,it can perfectly save those by him access to God../7;26..Or above heaven.

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 років тому

    4/Jesus says that God:A.CRIME;2;34-35 For David says,the lord said unto My Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool./4;12 is not in anyone else save,for there is no other name under heaven given among men,whereby we SE be saved./16;31 We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved YOU and of your household./Romans;16;27 to the only wise by Jesus Christ eternal glory./Philippians;2;10-11 and that the name of Jesus every knee should bow the sky on earth and under the earth,and every must confess that Jesus is Lord,to the glory of God the Father.

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 років тому

    3/Jesus says that God;JOHN;14;7 If ye had known me,you would know my Father,And from now on you know him and saw him./14;8-11..Who has seen me has seen the Father,believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me./15;1-2 I am the true vine,my Father is the vine-Every branch in me that FRUIT MAKES ON,are determined thrown into the fire./17;5 NOW CELEBRATION OF father to me himself the glory which I had with you before she become WORLD/ 18;36 O MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD S said Jesus/20;28-29..But Thomas said to him, My Lord and my God,Jesus said to him,since you saw me believe it,And blessed is he that they see and I believe.

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 років тому

    6/Jesus says that God;1John;2;1-2..JESUS THE'm a victim of atonement our sins and the world./2;13 we write your eyes because they know him who is from the beginning./5;10-12..That hath the Son hath life,hath not the Son of God hath not life./REVELATION;1;1-8..And from Jesus Christ,who is King of kings on earth./1;7-8 here he comes with clouds and every eye seeing him I who pierced cry and all peoples on earth. I am Alpha and Omega SPEAK LORD who is, who was and who is coming omnipotent./2;23..I shall know all the churches I'm the one who weighs the kidney and heart./19;9 Blessed are those who are invited to dinner bridal Lamb.Amen.

  • @novic19881
    @novic19881 10 років тому

    7/ DANIJEL that I lived 700G BC,who calls himself the king,the prophet says, only comes another one and it will not have a successor and destroy,DANIJEL 9;26/..And to anoint the most holy [JESUS] [DANIJEL 9;24] / Luke 19;45 It is written,My house,it will be a house of prayer but you have made it a den of robbers.