Holly smokes less than 5 minutes in and I’m tearing up however she’s a remarkably mother highly motivated very self evident cohesiveness and strong battler very impressive woman with an incredible loving and supportive family
With the cameras came the companies that sponsored the construction, bought the materials and paid for the equipment. Would the community be able to do that?
Thank you for sharing, What an outstanding episode. Awesome job completed for a lovely family xx
Holly smokes less than 5 minutes in and I’m tearing up however she’s a remarkably mother highly motivated very self evident cohesiveness and strong battler very impressive woman with an incredible loving and supportive family
Miracle does happen with people who love human being🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💛💛💛💖
This one was so beautiful………….and I shall say a big txs to max………..
That is truly amazing
Where was the community to help this family before the cameras arrived.
Exactly agree it's like when cameras come to the community they want to be part of the spotlight
With the cameras came the companies that sponsored the construction, bought the materials and paid for the equipment. Would the community be able to do that?
The community could not build the house by themselves, you don't know what help they díd give.
Don't judge to quickly.
@@MevLets💯 👍 agree
The community probably didn't know what this family was/is going through
Hi my jake boy jake whittle
How do they know what rooms to go to
probs tell them
Muppets easy green
Who on earth chose yellow outside 😮
The problem is not yellow, the problem is that both colours (yellow and white) required very darker colours to be mixed with.
Love yellow❤❤❤❤
The colour of the house is horrible white and yellow the worse house I think they’ve done.