Allahu Akbar while listening to this my body started shaking and for some moment I started crying,later shouting Allahu… hope I’m getting cure gradually
If you want detroy sheïtan recite this all the time i swear you'll see the benefit inchallah '' la ilâha illallâh wahdahu la sharîka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu,wa huwa ala kulli shay in Qadir'' recite it every day so many times that I feel something coming out of me. This dhikr has helped me a lot, thanks to Allah.
I'm typing this when my mother is effected by a evil Jin, everything started last year. She's suffering all the time and I don't know what to do!! I asked for help in many ways but it's not mother got possessed by an evil Jin last night and when I happens she tries to run away from the house and when we recite sura naas, surah falaq sometimes she gets angry and most of the time she can't handle it.. tries to close her ears with her hands. It's been a daily routine that every night at 11am we prepare to suffer..and I make sure not to sleep so she doesn't run away from the house while i sleep. I will try this Ruquyah tomorrow, pray for my mother. My Allah bless you all
Make 20 liters ruqyah water and in a bottle some olive and black seed oil to get 500ml of the mixed oil. After you take a shower at night take a liter of water and rinse the body with the water everywhere including private parts then rub the oil on the entire body you will see this filth not comeback again .. Drop a few drops of water in your ears nose and eye and drink as much as possible throughout the day Water: after you have a bath ta
Sister I suffered Jin and Jadu for 23 years and tried so many taweez but nothing worked except Rukiya this Rukiya kills the jinn bothering you they lose there power so please put this Rukiya on in the house and your mums room with high voice and after a week you will Insha Allah see the difference but keep on listening to it twice a day if she's very bad or at least once and if your mum can listen to Rukiya with earphones will definitely kill the Jin bothering her I hope I am little helpful
Anyone listening to this should also be drinking the ruqya water. It helps a lot, drink it for weeks. If you drink only only this water , your body will become saturated. The shifa comes from Allah(swt) in shaAllah
Insha Allah all the harm people have will go out after hearing this lovely reading of Quran may Allah reward all that helped make it possible! Alhumdulillah we are Muslims & have many endowments given to us
I listen to this at night with the lights off.... I felt that the jinn literally jumped out of my body. A bolt of energy in an otherwise exhausted body... Shaking uncontrollably and then it starts to subside and i fall asleep with ease.
May allah bless you brother, thank you this is really helping me.I feel healed now. It sounds so good that i cant stop listening to it.Time flies even more when i listen to this.The best 32 minutes of my life.
Ah something original! So many videos and posts on other channels and it’s all the same copy paste songs. Glad to try this. As I cannot sleep. Bad energies. Jinn. I am up almost every hour of the night. 11….1…3…again 4-5-6 😢 I’ll accept any protection and prayers 🤲🏼.. It’s terrorizing me. Shukran Jazilan 🙏🏼
Allah, through this Quran, I want to be cured, I have a lot of trouble with my head and eyes, I also pray that I find a better husband who will love his family inshallah
Ya Allah, through this Quran, I want to be cured , I have a lot of trouble with my head, my heart. And I also pray to have a better husband who loves his family . Aamiin Aamiin YRA. ❤
Very good ruqyah it functions well. Now the female suspect persons sleeps at the outside in front of other building and not in my house. Alhamdulillah. I love the prayer for Allah. I love Allah❤❤😊 Ruqya is very effectiv. 😊😊😊😊
If anyone reads this, please pray for me, i used to be a knowledgable man, 2nd one in at fajr jamaath at my local masjid, i keep everything hidden from the outside world but still fell victim to the evils of this world. Life is like an unbalanced roller coaster😢😢. The evil eye is real, someone said how can a man like me get up for fajr jamaath at the masjid, the very next day everything stopped.😢
Do ruqya for yourself with the intention because 80% of the cure is in the intention. Intention for performing worship & remaining steadfast: intend to burn anything that's preventing you from ibadah (worship) and being a noble upright person. Intention of shifa (cure) and veil: intend for Allah to cure you from all ailments & illnesses (unseen, mental, trauma and medical) and to veil you from supernatural harms & illnesses. Then read these and blow on yourself each day. Surah Al-Fatihah Ayatul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255) Surah Al-Baqarah, verses 285-286 Surah Al-Kafirun Surah Al-Ikhlas Surah Al-Falaq Surah Al-Nas Any other surah, verse, dhikr or dua
As Salaamualaikum brothers, in my experience of ruqya it is all in the intention. Like we make intention for offering salah, before listening to or administering ruqya, make the intention and prayer that Allah the Most Glorious, the Supreme, restores you, heals you and cleanses you from the evil that has befallen you.
I find oftentimes we listen to/perform ruqya but never outwardly make the intention. This has always helped me, maybe it will be of benefit to you too, in shaa Allah ta'Ala
Everyone please pray for tashreeqah for Shifa peace and allah almighty protects her and she gets a full recovery quickly thank you may Allah SWT reward you
MashaAllah very beautiful amazing recitation . Allah blessed you with an amazing voice and than you for using it to recite Quran . With this ruqya recitation I felt relaxed but also i felt as if every bad jinn was removed from me and I felt a tickle sensation all over my body . Thank you so much, May Allah swt give you health, success and long life . 🤲🏻
Most of the time it's not someone putting Black magic on us or property. It's the effects of having Evil Eye or intending something. Our Quran tells us Give others 17:34 wat u would like for yourself. A lot of Problems can be avoided but only we refuse to follow. Try being nice to ur neighbour for Allah sincerely. In Sha Allah
My mother has been possessed by jinn due to black magic, only Allah knows how me and my family is managing this messed up situation right now.... i hope Allah gives the one hedayet who did this to my mother....
Thank you that was amazing because I got chills through my whole body and I've never felt anything like that before so it must have been the jib leaving thank you so much thank you a million times thank you
D'y''know what it feels like u can't work like normal people cause interaction with people triggers u so much.Listening to this Ruqyah audio helps me to get out of this funk.
Shayteen live in the human body!!! All humans have shaytaan Jinns living in our bodies!. Warning Hadith on Satan: Devil runs through people like blood Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Satan flows through the human being like the flowing of blood.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2174 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim Shaytaan lives inside humans! All humans have shaytaan living inside their bodies! May Allah protect us from the accursed shaytaan and guide us to the right path ameen (WE MUST SAY! please say this because the shaytaan cant harm us).... Satan Said, "I will Surely Mislead them All," and so God Said, "I will Surely Fill Hell with you, O Iblees, and those of them that Follow you All Together"So Indeed Satan is an Enemy to you, so Take him as an Enemy, he Only Invites you to be with him in the Blaze of Hellfire 43:62, Qur'an [So] never let Satan avert you. Indeed, he is a clear enemy to you - 36:62, Qur'an [For] he had already led astray much of creation from among you, so did you not use reason? 15:39 - 40, Qur'an [For Iblees] said, "My Lord, because You have made me err, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all, except Your chosen servants among them." 38:84 - 85, Qur'an [So God] said, "The truth [is My oath], and the truth I say - [that] I will surely fill Hell with you and those of them that follow you all together.".... Hadith on Satan: Devil runs through people like blood Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Satan flows through the human being like the flowing of blood.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2174 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim Shaytaan lives inside humans! All humans have shaytaan living inside their bodies! May Allah protect us from the accursed shaytaan and guide us to the right path ameen (WE MUST SAY! please say this because the shaytaan cant harm us)....
Ya Allah remove,destroy all magicians, sender, servants, dirty magic totally, Allah is no life on this way every time feel so weak like and parasiet use my Power of heart , feel is something wrong , after Dua and Ruqyah feel better, than magician is against busy I see the evil black shadow, Allah hu Akbar , Sukria Sir for peaceful Recitation of Powerful effectief Kalam Allah Ruqyah Alhamdulillah, may Allah hu SWT bless all Reciters for all help for all mandkind who believe in Almighty Creator Allah, Allah, Allah Ameen
Beautiful recitation. So soothing. Contacted brother to explain we're still experiencing physical activity in house on Husband this time, as well as 10 Yr old son. Abu Thaar kindly sent this link to me and suggested we play it for 7 days. It's no longer harassing my husband, but still tapping my 10yr old son on the feet. We will continue until it fully stops insh'Allah 🙏
Assalam Aleykoun Allahouma Amin merci 🙏 pour tout tout les adouas que vs faites pour ns que Allah vs retribue par la meilleur retribution insha Allahou Assalatou
Sister pray salah all 5 plus more nafl plus Tahajjud Break down Surat bakarah 3 parts read over 3 days Read 4 quls fatiha blow into 3 bottles of fresh water everyday and drink Same with oil and rub over Just do self Ruqyah Inshallah Allah will bless you!
As Salamu alaikum by the end of it i feel something making a jerk inside me especially when Allahs names are mentioned... how many times should i listen to this...its very helpful Jazakumullahu khair
I have jin who does not let me sleep during night severe back pain since 7 years and it starts with my left knee ends up in my back and it starts paining alot more when i listen quran he is getting weak but he returns after few days he is not going completely
Make 20 liters ruqyah water and in a bottle some olive and black seed oil to get 500ml of the mixed oil. After you take a shower at night take a liter of water and rinse the body with the water everywhere including private parts then rub the oil on the entire body you will see this filth not comeback again .. Drop a few drops of water in your ears nose and eye and drink as much as possible throughout the day Water: after you have a bath ta
O Allah please I beg u to remove all shaitan and Jin’s from everyone in this home and remove them with ur powerful dua Ya Allah please I as the mother I beg u Ameen
Do lots of dua and ask Allah (Subhanahu wa tala) by His Great Names. Make sure u say ur morning&evening adhkar as well as listening or reading surah Baqarah
I want help .A jinn has pocessed by son who is 12 yrs old from his childhood .i have read ruqqiyya give him water as well take him to muftis but nothing is working now the jinn. Is getting stronger wr whole family daily ruqqiyya on him give him recited water but it comes back and show himself and hive lots of pain to my son .wht will i do .i am tired now we all pray 5 times a day no pictures in our house .we play azaan surah baqra ruqqiyya every time in our house .plse helpand guide me. A mother in pain
Recitate salathul fathih 500 time and blow it on a water and give to him. ❤ keeping the intention in your mind for what ur doing. Insha allah it's very powerful ❤
JazaakAllah kheir brother for your healing videos. I learn so much from them. I'm presently listening to this ruqya and as the other ones I listen to, I always feel a thing crawling on the top left side of my back, and I feel like there is a lump in my womb. But it has shrunk since Ramadan began. I recite tons of self ruqyas, adhkar, du'as, and Qur'an, and everytime I begin, the crawling on my back happens for a few seconds. What else can I do to expel this jinn ashiq? BaarakAllah feek.
'' la ilâha illallâh wahdahu la sharîka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu,wa huwa ala kulli shay in Qadir'' recite it every day so many times that I feel something coming out of me. This dhikr help me a lot, thanks to Allah.
I faced marriage blockage since 13 yearsand i had two divorce n morethan 3 breakups, and also i have blockage in each n everything, now i started a ruqueyya, i found a saitan lives on my body from my child hood i think All my muslim brothers n sisters Pls pray for me to destroy that saitan lives in my body from root, this is the extreme lulm doing one after firoun i think, only Allahh knows my sufferings😭
Rabbig Fir Lee. Ya Allah, please grant this sister and everyone who is suffering shi'fa. Please forgive us, please have mercy on us. Please remove the jinns, all the sihrs wherever they may be, and destroy all the blockades placed on our paths. Ya Dhul Jalali Wa Al Ikram, Ya At Tawab, Ya Fattah, Ya Razzaq, Ya Ghafurur Raheem, Ya Latif, Ya Wadud, Ya Wahhab, Ya Rahmanur Raheem, please have mercy on us. Ameen.
Salaam can you please tell me how many times a day and for how long should I listen to this Ruqyah . I have problems like money ,food clothes get missing and I been affected by jadu asraat for 10 years every one in family have problems. Can you please guide me has know I have been diagnosed with cancer
I have jinn living in my body which is not going away and his not leaving my body may Allah destroy it can you please destroy it he is so evil and it's a devil please can you make it go away forever...
Assalamualaikum Sheikh ... I am from India and sheikh as you Known that there are dozens n dozens of this Type of People in India Sheikh... My Family member's(especiallly my paternal grandpa) uses one of this so called Moulana who claim they have jinn ... But I am AGAINST this .... But they Never Listen to me ... So , Sheikh can plzz Telll me How To HANDLE THIS TYPE OF people who do FALSE Claimss ..??? And How to Deal with The Family members Who Go to Them ..?? by the way Sheikh May Allah Protect you and All Of Us From All TYPES of Shyateen and Grant Us Jannah INSHALLAH ... JazakAllahu Khair..😊👍 ( in context of your last video )
I have it from Sheikh Habshi but I don't know how I can send you. Hope you got help Invoke this dua everytime Allahumma Rabbanaa Hablanaa min Azwajinaa Wa min dhuriatinaa qurataa aa'ayyun wajaalna lil mutaqeenal imamaa.
I also have marriage blockage since 13 yearsand i had two divorce n morethan 3 breakups, and also i have blockage in each n everything, now i started a ruqueyya, i found a saitan lives on my body from my child hood i think All my muslim brothers n sisters Pls pray for me to destroy that saitan lives in my body from root, this is the extreme lulm doing one after firoun i think, only Allahh knows my sufferings😭
Please pray for me it’s been 5 years since someone is watching everything I do goes behind me in bathroom bed when I wash dishes he is touching me I don’t know what it is but it’s all the time on my body everywhere I turn please help me it even wakes me up in sleep and touch me it’s unberable 😢 I am ruined from it…does someone know how to deal with that? Also I’m loosing jobs a lot financially struggling since 5 years and my looks suffered as well 😢
Allahu Akbar while listening to this my body started shaking and for some moment I started crying,later shouting Allahu… hope I’m getting cure gradually
any updates?
Same am shaking feel very uncomftble but keep listen i know jinns are angry but Allah is the most powerful and in Allah i trust.
Ameen Alhamdulilll
Ameen Alhamdulillah Allahuhukbar
@@Missy-d9q i have the same thing bro
@@Missy-d9qDon't shout allah,
Trust allah only.
If you want detroy sheïtan recite this all the time i swear you'll see the benefit inchallah '' la ilâha illallâh wahdahu la sharîka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu,wa huwa ala kulli shay in Qadir'' recite it every day so many times that I feel something coming out of me. This dhikr has helped me a lot, thanks to Allah.
I pray allah rewards you brother,this really helped. And I hope allah gives shifa to all the brothers and sisters suffering
@@fatoukanagie4560pppp pppp0pp
@@fatoukanagie4560pppp pppp0pp
I'm typing this when my mother is effected by a evil Jin, everything started last year. She's suffering all the time and I don't know what to do!! I asked for help in many ways but it's not mother got possessed by an evil Jin last night and when I happens she tries to run away from the house and when we recite sura naas, surah falaq sometimes she gets angry and most of the time she can't handle it.. tries to close her ears with her hands. It's been a daily routine that every night at 11am we prepare to suffer..and I make sure not to sleep so she doesn't run away from the house while i sleep.
I will try this Ruquyah tomorrow, pray for my mother.
My Allah bless you all
Make 20 liters ruqyah water and in a bottle some olive and black seed oil to get 500ml of the mixed oil.
After you take a shower at night take a liter of water and rinse the body with the water everywhere including private parts then rub the oil on the entire body you will see this filth not comeback again ..
Drop a few drops of water in your ears nose and eye and drink as much as possible throughout the day
Water: after you have a bath ta
U see Raaqi who do Ruqqyya accirding Quran and sunnah for u r whole familly
Sister I suffered Jin and Jadu for 23 years and tried so many taweez but nothing worked except Rukiya this Rukiya kills the jinn bothering you they lose there power so please put this Rukiya on in the house and your mums room with high voice and after a week you will Insha Allah see the difference but keep on listening to it twice a day if she's very bad or at least once and if your mum can listen to Rukiya with earphones will definitely kill the Jin bothering her I hope I am little helpful
Non stop one month day and night rukiya surah baqrah in her ears with EarPods. Loud.
How is your mother doing now?
brother your ruqya audios are really effective. It helped me a lot to keep away the jinns. Thank you. May allah reward you
O Allah protect me and my husband from any jun living in our bodies and in this house or area ameen Allah rabbi ❤❤❤❤
Anyone listening to this should also be drinking the ruqya water. It helps a lot, drink it for weeks. If you drink only only this water , your body will become saturated. The shifa comes from Allah(swt) in shaAllah
everyone please please please kindly pray for me and my family so that Almighty Allah forgives me and bless me peace success and Happiness
Ameen🙏done dua
Amin yaa Allaah
May Allah take control of your life and relieve you of all your burdens
I found this channel today, thanks to Allah to be grateful upon me for the hedayaat.
Insha Allah all the harm people have will go out after hearing this lovely reading of Quran may Allah reward all that helped make it possible! Alhumdulillah we are Muslims & have many endowments given to us
god help me with this rukya from harm of witchcraft of people and jinn inside my home amenn ameen inshaala
I listen to this at night with the lights off.... I felt that the jinn literally jumped out of my body. A bolt of energy in an otherwise exhausted body... Shaking uncontrollably and then it starts to subside and i fall asleep with ease.
May allah bless you brother, thank you this is really helping me.I feel healed now. It sounds so good that i cant stop listening to it.Time flies even more when i listen to this.The best 32 minutes of my life.
Very powerfull ruqya i felt my pains in back and legs fading felt light and more aleart jazak Allah khir Allah hafiz❤️🙏
i m facing same problem, knee pain back pain, absent minded. but i m little afraid abt it. Is it permissible and will it b effective.
Ah something original!
So many videos and posts on other channels and it’s all the same copy paste songs. Glad to try this. As I cannot sleep. Bad energies. Jinn. I am up almost every hour of the night. 11….1…3…again 4-5-6 😢 I’ll accept any protection and prayers 🤲🏼.. It’s terrorizing me. Shukran Jazilan 🙏🏼
Allah, through this Quran, I want to be cured, I have a lot of trouble with my head and eyes, I also pray that I find a better husband who will love his family inshallah
Ameen same. May Allah provides for us and protect us aginst evil forces. Ameen
Ameen summa Ameen 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Ya Allah, through this Quran, I want to be cured , I have a lot of trouble with my head, my heart. And I also pray to have a better husband who loves his family . Aamiin Aamiin YRA.
May Allah reward you with jannah
Ameen InshAllah
May Allah reward you in abundance 🙏
Very good ruqyah it functions well. Now the female suspect persons sleeps at the outside in front of other building and not in my house. Alhamdulillah. I love the prayer for Allah. I love Allah❤❤😊
Ruqya is very effectiv. 😊😊😊😊
May Allah protect us all from jinn , evil eye and sihr. Ameen. Thank you for the du’a jazakallah khair
Summa Ameen
Ameen ya Rabbil Alameen
If anyone reads this, please pray for me, i used to be a knowledgable man, 2nd one in at fajr jamaath at my local masjid, i keep everything hidden from the outside world but still fell victim to the evils of this world. Life is like an unbalanced roller coaster😢😢. The evil eye is real, someone said how can a man like me get up for fajr jamaath at the masjid, the very next day everything stopped.😢
I am in the same situation brother. All my ibaadah including tahajjud has been snatched away from me
Do ruqya for yourself with the intention because 80% of the cure is in the intention.
Intention for performing worship & remaining steadfast: intend to burn anything that's preventing you from ibadah (worship) and being a noble upright person.
Intention of shifa (cure) and veil: intend for Allah to cure you from all ailments & illnesses (unseen, mental, trauma and medical) and to veil you from supernatural harms & illnesses.
Then read these and blow on yourself each day.
Surah Al-Fatihah
Ayatul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255) Surah Al-Baqarah, verses 285-286
Surah Al-Kafirun
Surah Al-Ikhlas
Surah Al-Falaq
Surah Al-Nas
Any other surah, verse, dhikr or dua
As Salaamualaikum brothers, in my experience of ruqya it is all in the intention. Like we make intention for offering salah, before listening to or administering ruqya, make the intention and prayer that Allah the Most Glorious, the Supreme, restores you, heals you and cleanses you from the evil that has befallen you.
I find oftentimes we listen to/perform ruqya but never outwardly make the intention. This has always helped me, maybe it will be of benefit to you too, in shaa Allah ta'Ala
May Allah protect me from all forms of evil and bless me abundantly with Baraka and every other Muslims insha'Allah ❤❤❤
very nice and perfect ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ unlimited likes from my heart to you 😊
Wallah my body was feeling tingling I couldn’t lay down when listening to this. I had to get up 😩 definitely jinn I think. May Allah protect us 🤲🏽
This is very effective ruqya when u listin this plz focus every verses of quran it can be very helpfull for u
al hamdoulilah
@@sajmuslimTheRuqyaServices plz can u send this ruqya for reading and blow in to water
@@wasifhashmi2508 is your problem solved brother?
@@sajmuslimTheRuqyaServicespls brother pls send these ruqya verses for reference while listening .It will be very helpful
Everyone please pray for tashreeqah for Shifa peace and allah almighty protects her and she gets a full recovery quickly thank you may Allah SWT reward you
May Allah bless brother Abu Azarr for his great work Ameen
Masha Allah great voice of sheikh jazaq Allah sheikh
MashaAllah very beautiful amazing recitation . Allah blessed you with an amazing voice and than you for using it to recite Quran . With this ruqya recitation I felt relaxed but also i felt as if every bad jinn was removed from me and I felt a tickle sensation all over my body . Thank you so much, May Allah swt give you health, success and long life . 🤲🏻
Alhamdulillah /Ameen❤️🙏
All praise to Allah
Ameen 🤲
Ya Allah, bless and protect my family and all Muslim ummah.. aameen 🤲
Masha Allah much Appretiated jazak Allah may Allah bless you with endless blessings may Allah grant you with Afiya and a great Akhira Ameen ❤️🙏
Listening to this i fell into a deep sleep
Don’t sleep the jinn doesn’t want you to hear it
Yes @@TTRR-y3d
Recitation is so peaceful 👍
al hamdoulilah
Can we stop listening after we've gotten better?? Or if we stop there's a chance of jinn possession again????@sajmuslimTheRuqyaServices
It helps me in the evening I am so grateful for this help❤
My enemy continously does black magic and I feel jinn around me :( please pray for me my name is Yasmeen
May Allah swt grant you full shifa
Allahumma ameen
Oh my god same. It’s the worst type of oppression my husband and I going through it 😭💔
May Allah protect you from any evils
Black Magicians are weak. Keep doing Dua and Ruqyah. I pray for you.
Please pray for me to. i am the same way i will pray for you yasmeen my name is Hayden
Alhamdulillah for this .
Thank you 🙏🏽
Dis ruqya really help me . thanks
I can confirm this is very effective
al hamdoulilah
tell me more about your case and your experience please
@@sajmuslimTheRuqyaServices Hindu neighbor had planted black magic on our property and it had been effecting us for many years. The GPS blood kind.
@@sajmuslimTheRuqyaServices i also suffer from black magic. pain in head, chest and heart and extreme anger. help me please
I am getting. attacked right now. Yday same time pls pray for me my whole body burns on The left side
Most of the time it's not someone putting Black magic on us or property. It's the effects of having Evil Eye or intending something. Our Quran tells us Give others 17:34 wat u would like for yourself. A lot of Problems can be avoided but only we refuse to follow. Try being nice to ur neighbour for Allah sincerely. In Sha Allah
My mother has been possessed by jinn due to black magic, only Allah knows how me and my family is managing this messed up situation right now.... i hope Allah gives the one hedayet who did this to my mother....
Thank you that was amazing because I got chills through my whole body and I've never felt anything like that before so it must have been the jib leaving thank you so much thank you a million times thank you
D'y''know what it feels like u can't work like normal people cause interaction with people triggers u so much.Listening to this Ruqyah audio helps me to get out of this funk.
In Sha Allah, Aamin
May allah bless you and reward you
Alhamdulillah, after listening this. My wife said " same thing burned in her feel and now she is feeling relaxed.
Shayteen live in the human body!!! All humans have shaytaan Jinns living in our bodies!. Warning
Hadith on Satan: Devil runs through people like blood
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Satan flows through the human being like the flowing of blood.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2174
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
Shaytaan lives inside humans! All humans have shaytaan living inside their bodies!
May Allah protect us from the accursed shaytaan and guide us to the right path ameen (WE MUST SAY! please say this because the shaytaan cant harm us).... Satan Said, "I will Surely Mislead them All," and so God Said, "I will Surely Fill Hell with you, O Iblees, and those of them that Follow you All Together"So Indeed Satan is an Enemy to you, so Take him as an Enemy, he Only Invites you to be with him in the Blaze of Hellfire
43:62, Qur'an
[So] never let Satan avert you. Indeed, he is a clear enemy to you -
36:62, Qur'an
[For] he had already led astray much of creation from among you, so did you not use reason?
15:39 - 40, Qur'an
[For Iblees] said, "My Lord, because You have made me err, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all, except Your chosen servants among them."
38:84 - 85, Qur'an
[So God] said, "The truth [is My oath], and the truth I say - [that] I will surely fill Hell with you and those of them that follow you all together."....
Hadith on Satan: Devil runs through people like blood
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Satan flows through the human being like the flowing of blood.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2174
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
Shaytaan lives inside humans! All humans have shaytaan living inside their bodies!
May Allah protect us from the accursed shaytaan and guide us to the right path ameen (WE MUST SAY! please say this because the shaytaan cant harm us)....
Asalam alliekum brother thanks very much,Allah rewasd you
Yaallah sembuhkanlah ank hamba ini karena sering bicara sendiri dan tenangkanlah pikirannya dengan mendengarkan ayat suci ini Aamin yrs
May Allah deliver her and set her free from that jin ameen Allah rabbi
this is great thanx. also do you have any ruqiah to stop renewal magic. and stop jinns enetering body. as it renews while we sleep.
Thank you
God bless you
Allah protected me and my kids and all Muslims
Asalam alliekum brother and sister muslims thanks y a Allah help all muslims.
Ya Allah remove,destroy all magicians, sender, servants, dirty magic totally, Allah is no life on this way every time feel so weak like and parasiet use my Power of heart , feel is something wrong , after Dua and Ruqyah feel better, than magician is against busy I see the evil black shadow, Allah hu Akbar , Sukria Sir for peaceful Recitation of Powerful effectief Kalam Allah Ruqyah Alhamdulillah, may Allah hu SWT bless all Reciters for all help for all mandkind who believe in Almighty Creator Allah, Allah, Allah Ameen
Please dua for me and my kids and all
Beautiful voice
Yaa - allah as I start this ruqyah I cancel any bad dreams, demons , spirit of death in my life,,, demons out of my body
May Allah swt bless you and answers all your prayers and protect you all.. allahuma Aameen 🤲🏻
Ya Allah remove all jinns out of my body and house
If you have any problem tallk to mulana sahab
May Àllah grant all of us shifa Ameen
This is effective.
Beautiful recitation. So soothing.
Contacted brother to explain we're still experiencing physical activity in house on Husband this time, as well as 10 Yr old son. Abu Thaar kindly sent this link to me and suggested we play it for 7 days. It's no longer harassing my husband, but still tapping my 10yr old son on the feet. We will continue until it fully stops insh'Allah 🙏
How are you all doing now sister?
Great work akhi alkarim...
Barakallaou fikoum wa jazakumullahou khairan
Ya ❤ ALLAH 🙏 many times and time am surffering to find halal Rizik please 🙏🙏🙏 make me to Rich INSHA ALLAH 🙏 Ameen
Let me , I'm constantly getting attack by the jinn, something like this i need thank God for you
Alhamdulillah,May Allah SWT rewards you brother
May Allah reward you in Jannah
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar lailaha illallah
Assalam Aleykoun
Allahouma Amin merci 🙏 pour tout tout les adouas que vs faites pour ns que Allah vs retribue par la meilleur retribution insha Allahou Assalatou
No job no money no happiness no marriage everything is delayed so many blockages
Sister pray salah all 5 plus more nafl plus Tahajjud
Break down Surat bakarah 3 parts read over 3 days
Read 4 quls fatiha blow into 3 bottles of fresh water everyday and drink
Same with oil and rub over
Just do self Ruqyah
Inshallah Allah will bless you!
جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ خَيْرًا
May Allah grant us syifa Ameen 🤲
May Allah protect us from enemies
Assalamualaikum thank you,May Allah bless you 🙏
I feel twitching and cravling moving in my right leg ALOT ! Subhanallah
Same ,SubhanAllah
Me also😊
Me too
As Salamu alaikum by the end of it i feel something making a jerk inside me especially when Allahs names are mentioned... how many times should i listen to this...its very helpful Jazakumullahu khair
I have jin who does not let me sleep during night severe back pain since 7 years and it starts with my left knee ends up in my back and it starts paining alot more when i listen quran he is getting weak but he returns after few days he is not going completely
Same problem, may ALLAH SWT grant you kaamil shifaa insh ameen
Make 20 liters ruqyah water and in a bottle some olive and black seed oil to get 500ml of the mixed oil.
After you take a shower at night take a liter of water and rinse the body with the water everywhere including private parts then rub the oil on the entire body you will see this filth not comeback again ..
Drop a few drops of water in your ears nose and eye and drink as much as possible throughout the day
Water: after you have a bath ta
Have tawakkal on ALLAH and try to Stay in the state of wuzu
Start Praying Brother, In Sha Allah
The same thing with my younger sister she doesn’t sleep at night always complaining of headaches and body pains
O Allah please I beg u to remove all shaitan and Jin’s from everyone in this home and remove them with ur powerful dua Ya Allah please I as the mother I beg u Ameen
Masha allah allahu akbar Alhamdulilah, may Allah almighty grant us all shifaa Amin Amin thumma Amin ya allah 🤲🏾🤍🤲🏾🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Bro pray for me my family our body our house allblackmagic inside our house inside our body outside our house in all our properties amen thank you
Mashallah. ALLAHU AKBAR.
Brother I m In great pain due to evil marriage,no home no health ,no money... everything is destroyed to Jin ....need help
Listen sura bakara Every night In Sha Allah you will see the changes
Do lots of dua and ask Allah (Subhanahu wa tala) by His Great Names. Make sure u say ur morning&evening adhkar as well as listening or reading surah Baqarah
thank you for these advices❤
Ya Allah please save me from evil witchcraft that brings misfortune to me and my daughter!
I want help .A jinn has pocessed by son who is 12 yrs old from his childhood .i have read ruqqiyya give him water as well take him to muftis but nothing is working now the jinn. Is getting stronger wr whole family daily ruqqiyya on him give him recited water but it comes back and show himself and hive lots of pain to my son .wht will i do .i am tired now we all pray 5 times a day no pictures in our house .we play azaan surah baqra ruqqiyya every time in our house .plse helpand guide me.
A mother in pain
May Allah protect your son and family. ❤😢
Surae rehman . Surae jin bhi lagaen surae baqrah ki akhri 2 ayaat . Naas falak or dum kra kren bacchy pay
Recitate salathul fathih 500 time and blow it on a water and give to him. ❤ keeping the intention in your mind for what ur doing. Insha allah it's very powerful ❤
JazaakAllah kheir brother for your healing videos. I learn so much from them. I'm presently listening to this ruqya and as the other ones I listen to, I always feel a thing crawling on the top left side of my back, and I feel like there is a lump in my womb. But it has shrunk since Ramadan began. I recite tons of self ruqyas, adhkar, du'as, and Qur'an, and everytime I begin, the crawling on my back happens for a few seconds. What else can I do to expel this jinn ashiq? BaarakAllah feek.
Stop doing makeup
OmG...the same thing happened to me !
Wear perfume when sleeping avoid filth
@@Ayaanle-ke1tq No don't wear perfume especially at night it attracts jins avoid them
'' la ilâha illallâh wahdahu la sharîka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu,wa huwa ala kulli shay in Qadir'' recite it every day so many times that I feel something coming out of me. This dhikr help me a lot, thanks to Allah.
Thank you brother. Do you recommend oodh using and aroma to drive jinns away
May God help me out of the jin disturbing me and all the witch who are sending them to me
I faced marriage blockage since 13 yearsand i had two divorce n morethan 3 breakups, and also i have blockage in each n everything, now i started a ruqueyya, i found a saitan lives on my body from my child hood i think
All my muslim brothers n sisters Pls pray for me to destroy that saitan lives in my body from root, this is the extreme lulm doing one after firoun i think, only Allahh knows my sufferings😭
Am not cured yet, plsss pray for me
Same here 😢 it opened that it possesd me from childhood 😢
@@travelart6732how do you find there is shaitan living in your body pls explain
Rabbig Fir Lee. Ya Allah, please grant this sister and everyone who is suffering shi'fa. Please forgive us, please have mercy on us. Please remove the jinns, all the sihrs wherever they may be, and destroy all the blockades placed on our paths. Ya Dhul Jalali Wa Al Ikram, Ya At Tawab, Ya Fattah, Ya Razzaq, Ya Ghafurur Raheem, Ya Latif, Ya Wadud, Ya Wahhab, Ya Rahmanur Raheem, please have mercy on us. Ameen.
Salaam can you please tell me how many times a day and for how long should I listen to this Ruqyah .
I have problems like money ,food clothes get missing and I been affected by jadu asraat for 10 years every one in family have problems.
Can you please guide me has know I have been diagnosed with cancer
Allhamdulillah ❤❤❤❤
Amen may God answer all our secret prayers amen 💯🙏🤲🤲🤍
I don't know but alhamdoelahh I feel less tense and stressed now 😬 so is this anxiety relief also related to jinn bcz it made me sleepy alhamdoelahh
I have jinn living in my body which is not going away and his not leaving my body may Allah destroy it can you please destroy it he is so evil and it's a devil please can you make it go away forever...
May Allah remove all jins and disturbances from our lives and send these devils where they belong ❤ ameen ❤
Salam u still have the jinn living with u
I have been suffering from tied jinn what do I do?it disturb from the last 8 years, became sick day by day
Hi salaam valekum pray for me
This works,allah apko Jannah dein
Oh Alluh l pray in your name Alluh l request you put my prayers in your hands and l request you pretect My work and children's plus family Ameen Alluh
Alhamdulillah,Jazakallah Kheir🤲
Assalamualaikum Sheikh ...
I am from India and sheikh as you Known that there are dozens n dozens of this Type of People in India Sheikh...
My Family member's(especiallly my paternal grandpa) uses one of this so called Moulana who claim they have jinn ... But I am AGAINST this .... But they Never Listen to me ...
So , Sheikh can plzz Telll me How To HANDLE THIS TYPE OF people who do FALSE Claimss ..??? And How to Deal with The Family members Who Go to Them ..??
by the way Sheikh May Allah Protect you and All Of Us From All TYPES of Shyateen and Grant Us Jannah INSHALLAH ...
JazakAllahu Khair..😊👍 ( in context of your last video )
Tell the it's shirk
Ya Allah healed from moving object in body 🙏
First time listening to this ruqyah i can say it effective. Sheikh do you have a ruqyah for life blockages especially marriage blockage?
I have it from Sheikh Habshi but I don't know how I can send you. Hope you got help Invoke this dua everytime
Allahumma Rabbanaa Hablanaa min Azwajinaa Wa min dhuriatinaa qurataa aa'ayyun wajaalna lil mutaqeenal imamaa.
Marriage blockage is from Jinn or shayteen Jinn who lives in you're body!.
I also have marriage blockage since 13 yearsand i had two divorce n morethan 3 breakups, and also i have blockage in each n everything, now i started a ruqueyya, i found a saitan lives on my body from my child hood i think
All my muslim brothers n sisters Pls pray for me to destroy that saitan lives in my body from root, this is the extreme lulm doing one after firoun i think, only Allahh knows my sufferings😭
@@travelart6732continue listening till 45 days or more.
Whilst i was listening to this i started to feel really sleepy also i was getting stinging sensations on my face every now and then.
please guys write Allah with capital A
Please pray for me it’s been 5 years since someone is watching everything I do goes behind me in bathroom bed when I wash dishes he is touching me I don’t know what it is but it’s all the time on my body everywhere I turn please help me it even wakes me up in sleep and touch me it’s unberable 😢 I am ruined from it…does someone know how to deal with that? Also I’m loosing jobs a lot financially struggling since 5 years and my looks suffered as well 😢
I have the same thing. Feeling people watching me, voices that aren't really there... It could be Sihr Al-Junoon (insanity)
You need a good Ruqea treatment in person. Look for a good one. It has to be cured by someone who has knowledge about it.. please ask for help