Definitely an interesting set: thanks for taking us thorough it! My finger hovered over that redouble button for quite a while on B4... Shoulda coulda didn't!
Bd 1 I didn't insert the 9 so I won the queen t1 but I did duck the diamond switch after E got in with As and then he switched to a club which gives time to build an extra club trick. Bd 2 I Q'd 2C, P showed hearts and I offered 2N then. They led a spade to E's Q and A. I played a heart to the king (little risky but hoping to cash as many when diamonds don't break) but they do. Wee note that you bid 1N instead of 2N. Bd 3 is interesting. I was happy to hear your thoughts on not bidding 3N with slow tricks. I bid 3N, partner pulled to 4C and I had about the worst hand imaginable and signed off in 5C, down 1 on a diamond lead through dK! Bd 4 I was mildly interested in slam if partner has first round control of both minors, I have 13 points in his two suits. 2/1 Lia has bids to show slam tries in either major - Colour coded so I bid 4C ST in spades. After that auction went 4D 4S 5D and I passed! Massive blunder as this is more encouraging given we are in a force - partner bid 6S which has no play. A simple 5S instead over 5D is preferable to deny diamond control. I had a good laugh seeing you score up +1200 hahaha Bd 5 was so cooked I bid 4N over 4S but 2/1 Lia plays 3014 KC! She bid 5C and I bid 6N, which risks not having enough tricks if P is 18/19 bal so is ill-advised, however this got doubled by East. Passed back round to P who corrected to 7S, also doubled and this is where I got to play, notably though East never got to make a lead directing double of diamonds in my auction! West led a heart and after drawing trumps and seeing East pitch two low diamonds I played E for a 2551 shape with dAK and got clubs right and made. +2470 Very fun set
+25 Board 1: 3NT +1: I *did* put in the 9C but otherwise played the same and got the overtrick. Board 2: 3NT -1: Should have made this but it was thin. I didn't play for the drop thinking that if diamonds didn't break that I might not have a trip over to cash the rest. Board 3: 3NT making but probably should have made an over. West opened with the QH which convinced me that East had the KH and I was afraid of East winning and leading a diamond through me which would be disastrous. I forced out the spade ace and it turns out West has no good leads. He either gives you a diamond or you exit with the JH and 2 hearts, 3 spades, and 7 clubs Board 4: 5Sxx making. Push. Bah. Board 5: 4S. Lia put in 2NT after my 1S, so I did checkback Stayman and put in 3NT over 3S. Lia pulled out with 4C and I put in 4H to show H control but no diamond control but after 4S from Lia, it felt like a bailout. I deferred because I knew less about the hand than Lia did. Was not happy to see how well-placed Lia's honors were with us short of slam. Should have been +40 but I didn't have the stones today...
1) W -They didn't continue clubs or attack diamonds after winning the AS - So I risked the finesse in hearts - made 11 tricks 2) D 3) W - I bid 2NT over the 2C overcall - which protected my KD - partner put us in game 4) L - Tried 6S after partner bid on over 4S 5) L - Partner rebid 2NT over my 1S so we just ended up in 3N - which was terrible as neither of us had a diamond stop (playing ACOL). Maybe I should bid 3H to show my 5th spade and shape
Hi Pete, board 3 I bid 2NT instead of 3 clubs and got to 3NT. I got caught on board 4 though since after the 5 H bid I decided that P wanted more than 5spades: I bid 6 !!😵
B1 E mysteriously didn't switch to D after winning SA so +2. B2 I responded with 1N then tried for game with 2N after partner's 2D. Played 2N +1. B3 I responded 2N and partner raised to 3N after W's 3D. Only made 3 after H lead, misread end position. B4 I had mild slam interest so I bid 4C, slam try in S. Then it went 4D 4S 5D and I bid 5S. W doubled and it didn't occur to me to send it back :( Good job. B5 I downgraded my hand because of the KJ of H and didn't try for slam. :(
Definitely an interesting set: thanks for taking us thorough it!
My finger hovered over that redouble button for quite a while on B4... Shoulda coulda didn't!
Bd 1 I didn't insert the 9 so I won the queen t1 but I did duck the diamond switch after E got in with As and then he switched to a club which gives time to build an extra club trick.
Bd 2 I Q'd 2C, P showed hearts and I offered 2N then. They led a spade to E's Q and A. I played a heart to the king (little risky but hoping to cash as many when diamonds don't break) but they do.
Wee note that you bid 1N instead of 2N.
Bd 3 is interesting. I was happy to hear your thoughts on not bidding 3N with slow tricks. I bid 3N, partner pulled to 4C and I had about the worst hand imaginable and signed off in 5C, down 1 on a diamond lead through dK!
Bd 4 I was mildly interested in slam if partner has first round control of both minors, I have 13 points in his two suits.
2/1 Lia has bids to show slam tries in either major - Colour coded so I bid 4C ST in spades. After that auction went 4D 4S 5D and I passed! Massive blunder as this is more encouraging given we are in a force - partner bid 6S which has no play. A simple 5S instead over 5D is preferable to deny diamond control.
I had a good laugh seeing you score up +1200 hahaha
Bd 5 was so cooked
I bid 4N over 4S but 2/1 Lia plays 3014 KC! She bid 5C and I bid 6N, which risks not having enough tricks if P is 18/19 bal so is ill-advised, however this got doubled by East. Passed back round to P who corrected to 7S, also doubled and this is where I got to play, notably though East never got to make a lead directing double of diamonds in my auction! West led a heart and after drawing trumps and seeing East pitch two low diamonds I played E for a 2551 shape with dAK and got clubs right and made. +2470
Very fun set
Board 1: 3NT +1: I *did* put in the 9C but otherwise played the same and got the overtrick.
Board 2: 3NT -1: Should have made this but it was thin. I didn't play for the drop thinking that if diamonds didn't break that I might not have a trip over to cash the rest.
Board 3: 3NT making but probably should have made an over. West opened with the QH which convinced me that East had the KH and I was afraid of East winning and leading a diamond through me which would be disastrous. I forced out the spade ace and it turns out West has no good leads. He either gives you a diamond or you exit with the JH and 2 hearts, 3 spades, and 7 clubs
Board 4: 5Sxx making. Push. Bah.
Board 5: 4S. Lia put in 2NT after my 1S, so I did checkback Stayman and put in 3NT over 3S. Lia pulled out with 4C and I put in 4H to show H control but no diamond control but after 4S from Lia, it felt like a bailout. I deferred because I knew less about the hand than Lia did. Was not happy to see how well-placed Lia's honors were with us short of slam.
Should have been +40 but I didn't have the stones today...
Fun set! I went WWWLL for 30; was dreaming of better but I also wasn't going to beat 1200. (I did think about rewinding it, but ultimately punked out.
1) W -They didn't continue clubs or attack diamonds after winning the AS - So I risked the finesse in hearts - made 11 tricks
2) D
3) W - I bid 2NT over the 2C overcall - which protected my KD - partner put us in game
4) L - Tried 6S after partner bid on over 4S
5) L - Partner rebid 2NT over my 1S so we just ended up in 3N - which was terrible as neither of us had a diamond stop (playing ACOL). Maybe I should bid 3H to show my 5th spade and shape
Hi Pete, board 3 I bid 2NT instead of 3 clubs and got to 3NT. I got caught on board 4 though since after the 5 H bid I decided that P wanted more than 5spades: I bid 6 !!😵
I didn't dare to XX 😢
I b id 3NT and they bid 4C (slam try it said) and I said 4D (control ) and they asked 4NT. When I said 0 they said 5C which made
B1 E mysteriously didn't switch to D after winning SA so +2.
B2 I responded with 1N then tried for game with 2N after partner's 2D. Played 2N +1.
B3 I responded 2N and partner raised to 3N after W's 3D. Only made 3 after H lead, misread end position.
B4 I had mild slam interest so I bid 4C, slam try in S. Then it went 4D 4S 5D and I bid 5S. W doubled and it didn't occur to me to send it back :( Good job.
B5 I downgraded my hand because of the KJ of H and didn't try for slam. :(