DHYANA = Meditation = Matthew 6:6 നീയോ പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുമ്പോൾ അറയിൽ കടന്നു വാതിൽ അടെച്ചു രഹസ്യത്തിലുള്ള നിന്റെ പിതാവിനോടു പ്രാർത്ഥിക്ക; രഹസ്യത്തിൽ കാണുന്ന നിന്റെ പിതാവു നിനക്കു പ്രതിഫലം തരും.
യേശുവിനെപ്പോലെ ഒരു ഗുരുനാഥൻ , പ്രവാചകൻ വരുമ്പോൾ അദ്ദേഹം ജീവനോടെ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോഴാണ് അദ്ദേഹത്തെ സമീപിക്കേണ്ടത്. എന്നാൽ നിലവിലുള്ള മതഭക്തരും പുരോഹിതരും അങ്ങനെയുള്ളവരെ ആൾദൈവം എന്ന് വിളിക്കുന്നു, പിശാചിന്റെ പ്രവർത്തകൻ എന്ന് ചാപ്പ കുത്തുന്നു , അവരെ ഇല്ലാതാക്കുന്നു.. പിന്നീട് അടുത്ത മതം അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പേരിൽ പിറക്കുന്നു. ഒരു കച്ചവടകേന്ദ്രമായി അത് മാറുന്നു. ഒരു മതത്തിൽതന്നെ വിഭിന്നങ്ങളായ ഉപദേശങ്ങൾ.
Yoga means “Holy binding”. In “Patanjali Yoga Sutra”it is summarised as “ചിത്ത വൃത്തി നിരോധ:". There are four means to attain the state of Yoga. Bhakti Yoga,Karma Yoga,Njana Yoga,Raja Yoga. All these are concerned with orienting oneself to the eternal rhythm,where there is no god and devotee. For both are same. The very notion of “Aham Bhrama” is very fundamental of yoga. Please don’t mix up Indian philosophy with the western tactics.
The fact that you are searching is because you have not seen truth. Jesus said I am truth. But that doesn’t mean man can be God. So You and I can never be one with God. Jesus and holy spirt is one with God and that’s what we call as trinity. you will stop searching once you see Jesus as he came down to earth to save us . He is with us in Holy spirt. Stop fooling others like you fooled yourself. Good you will increase your knowledge but bad that your life has been wasted. Repent and turn to Jesus you will be saved.
I was a Brahma Vidya(Atma Vidya)disciple in Gurukula for 27 years, learned Vedas,Upanishads,Bhagavad Gita,Kundalini yoga, Astanga yoga, Astrology, almost all the religions scriptures, I was born in Hindu religion but surpassed all religions got direct relationship with Almighty God by the Grace of God. And Almighty True Father God revealed me Jesus Christ as the Absolute True Guru and Saviour Truth after my 27 years study in Gurukula discipleship. But not as any religions God, Jesus have no connections with present day Christian religion or with any denominations. As you said Astanga yoga which pathanjaly Maharshi had established is for transforming individuals to experience oneness with Almighty True God in Spirit .Because Astanga yoga path along with Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi is ultimately denial of hereditary self, old carnal self. In Holy Bible Romans Chapter 6 verses 3 to 6,John Chapter 14 verse 6,John Chapter 17 verse 23 are the True results of True Astanga marga path along with Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi path but like what happened to Christ Jesus teachings same thing happend to this Astanga marga yoga path along with Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi path both are entirely misused by the cunning and devil spirited people of fake religions. But the sad paradox is in Astanga marga yoga and Shamaadhi shatka Sampathi not mentioning about Jesus vice versa Jesus not mentioned Astanga yoga path and Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi in Holy Bible, actually Patanjali Maharshi period is before the the birth of Jesus so there is no chance to mention about Jesus it's natural ...But the Truth is old sinful hereditary carnal self denial is the born again transformation which only comes through self denial...Jesus clearly taught this in John 3rd Chapter verses 1 to 6 and Galatians 5th Chapter verses 17 to 24. But attaining this state in constant state is difficult for ordinary followers of Jesus Christ Because especially Physical body chemistries are the main hindrances to become one with God Divine Spirit even with the help of Holy Spirit of God ,this is why many of the followers and fake priesthood cannot live with Jesus Christ permanently,this we can observe in Genesis 1st Chapter verse 29 ,Romans 14th Chapter verse 21. So becoming Children of God is not that easy thing to save ourselves and others but Deep wisdom and gnosis required from God to live with Jesus or as the children of Almighty Father God. This is why even God Given us His begotten Son Jesus as our True Guru and Saviour Lord (John Chapter 3 verse 16) the world still lead by the fake mafia religions and it's fake business partners spreaded all over the Earth and in fake Spiritual groups because they have no connections with True Guru and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ.No human can become True Christ in person, Child of God without the death of own carnal hereditary self. If we trapped in fake religions and fake Spiritual groups we can't accept the Truths and paths outside the Holy Bible but if we are in direct relationship with Almighty God and True Jesus beyond religions and other groups slavery, True God will reveal us the True Truths and Paths which can be helpful to become a True Christ in person a True child of God, a True Disciple of Absolute True Guru and Saviour Jesus Christ the only Begotten Son of True God .Love and Prayers in Lord Jesus Christ Amen Hallelujah 🙏 ❤️ ❤
@@TRUTH-x8o when they say oneness with God. We need to distinguish the fact that we were created by God in his image. We are his creation. Being one with God if it means that we can walk with him with our separate identity is the ultimate as I understand from Bible. But if being one with him whereby our identity ceases . That ceasing of identity is definitely not what God intended when he created us. So whatever religion you are the aim should be the perfect state of Adam and Eve before sin expelled themselves from Gods intimacy. This will be eternity that is living with God as in the Garden of EDEN. For me religion is relationship with God . Nothing else .
@@sunilambat9982Dear I am not interested in the arguings....because it's a bad Spirit, lack of Holy Spirit of God....Dear can you please tell the meaning which God intended through John 14th Chapter verse 23..John Chapter 15th verses 4 and 27...John Chapter 17th verse 21,Romans Chapter 8th verse 29...,John Chapter 1st 12....there are many verses dear in Holy Bible that God wants to live with us to do His will through a True Christ in person by the Grace of God....Dear please there are somany things we required to experience still....so please do not think we are complete in Knowledge of God...love and Prayers ❤
271.2.O YAMA YAMA is the first of "ashtanga yoga". Consequent upon the mutative " YOGA: CHITTHA- VRUTTHI NIRODHA '' decision, YAMA is the first visible effect on self in its interaction with the environment. MA is the chittha vrutthi and is controllable whereas TA is not controllable by SA. As described in the next paragraph YAMA is just another word for "CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA" in action. Component sounds of YAMA are YA & MA. YA sound is formed by the combination of sounds “ E ” and “ A ”, where sound “E” stands for no and “A” stands for yes in many languages. Together the sound "ya" should mean "yes or no", and that should be meaning "control" or "restraint". Yama should mean the restrained (YA) interactive pattern (MA). Annihilating MA from the SA MA TA continuum would bring SA & TA close and facilitate yoga (love) of SA with TA. Yama as per Patanjali is: 1) ahimsa (non-violence), 2) satya (it's more than telling truth), 3) asteya (it's overcoming inertia), 4) brahmacharia (practice of SA advancing beyond MA in love of the neighbour,TA) and 5) aparigraha (not moving beyond MA and not encroaching into the neighbour < loving and respecting TA>). All these are practical effects of self-restraint or YAMA (CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA in effect). MA protects SA. To understand YAMA it might be easier if we approach it from its opposite idea. "In Sanskrit if we reverse the order of sounds we arrive at the opposite idea" somebody said. So MAAYA should be somewhat opposite of YAMA. Strengthening of the protective cover is called MA+AAYA= MAAYA. MAAYA as a trait fixes a safe and efficient interactive pattern of SA with TA. Features of MAAYA [ 1)himsa, 2) asatya 3) steya 4) maaya & 5) parigraha ]. For ensuring self interest MAAYA is the way. Overcoming the trap of MAAYA nothing short of mutative decision would suffice. Dying for the life of selfishness for being dvijaath for treating para as apara. The mutative decision CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA breaks MA, the prison wall. YAMA is the effect of CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA… On taking the mutative decision, practical effects of Yama are about restraining MA. The natural aggressive trait is to be practically tamed by yama / ahimsa decision, decision to be non-aggressive even to the powerless in the neighbourhood. When SA decides to be mutated by AHIMSA decision and practises the decision honestly it should naturally be felt by TA, the neighbour and YOGA is natural fructification. Honesty of SA makes AHIMSA a trait and repeatedly TA, the neighbour experiences the AHIMSA in the day to day interactions. Tell me what else could be SATYA. SATYA of Yoga-Sutra is not just talking facts, it is the honest AHIMSA decision practised (YA) by SA, the self and experienced by TA, the environment. SA+TA+YA, the reality of SATYA of Yoga-Sutra. SATYA is the perception of SA about TA, the environment. When the perception remains as perpetuated CHITTHA-VRUTTHI( the experienced excellence in safety, security, quality, processes, sciences, knowledge..) STAYS (probably "STEYA" word of Indian languages is equivalent to stay) as inertia. CHITTHA-VRUTTHI is the mental inertia. To overcome mental inertia by " CHITTHA-VRUTTHI NIRODHA " is ASTEYA ( overcoming mental inertia) as an effect of the decision. The urge for scientific temper (CHITTHA-VRUTTHI NIRODHA) leads ASTEYA as a trait. ASTEYA becomes the trait of the yogi (anybody who is honest in practising (desiring earnestly) YOGA: CHITTHA-VRUTTHI NIRODHA. . MA, the boundary of self is in effect the attempt to perpetuate the past experience of goodness, quality, safety and security. Unknowingly self gets bonded to MA, the past by inertia ( STEYA ). MAAYA (verbally it simply means aaya of MA / enhancing and reinforcing the bondage to selfishness and past perfected processes ) holds SA back to MA. Yogi becomes conscious of the need to break the bondage MA and ASTEYA consolidates into the practice (CHARIA) of BRAHMA (BRAH=breaking through, MA = the spatial and temporal bondage of self). BRAHMACHARIA is the YOGA in action or the practice of CIVILITY and SCIENTIFIC TEMPER. BRAHMACHARIA is self-restraint ( YAMA ) because the self (SA) doesn't wait for the neighbour (TA) to make the first move towards civility or wait for a revolution in the environment for the wellbeing of self or SA doesn't migrate to better environments (TA). SA remains where it is and creates a BRAHMAVIHARA ( where neighbourhood is treated with maitry , karuna , mudita< happiness in the wellbeing of the neighbour >, upeksha < sacrificing for the benefit of the neighbour > ) around by its BRAHMACHARIA. A proactive (YAMA) self-restraint BRAHMACHARIA. Brahmacharia is the resolve of SA to step out in love of TA. It's after doing mutative decision of altering the trait from MAAYA to BRAHMA. MAAYA also deals with "MA". The way in which "MA" is treated is where the presence of mutative difference between MAAYA and BRAHMACHARIA trait felt. MAAYA operates with the intention of parigraha, ie. to encroach upon, exploit, and pollute the environment. On the other hand YAMA, the self restraint makes SA treat TA the brahmacharia way with the striking feature of APARIGRAHA. APARIGRAHA is the attitude of interaction not tainted by
പരിശുദ്ധാന്മാവിൻ്റെ പ്രേരണയാലാണ് സഭയിൽ പൗരോഹത്യം ആധിപത്യം ഉറപ്പിച്ചതെന്നും, വിഗ്രഹങ്ങളുണ്ടാക്കി അതിനു മുന്നിൽ വണങ്ങുന്നതിന്നുള്ള ആശയം ഉടലെടുത്തതെന്നും, വിശുദ്ധമറിയയെ ദൈവമാതാവാക്കിയതെന്നും, പിന്നെ കുർബാനയും ദിവ്യബലിയും കുന്തിരിക്കം കത്തിച്ച് ആട്ടിക്കൊണുള്ള ആചാരങ്ങൾ കൊണ്ടുവന്നതെന്നുമുള്ള ചില പുരോഹിതന്മാരുടെ പ്രസ്താവനകൾ യൂടൂബിൽ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്.
DHYANA = Meditation = Matthew 6:6 നീയോ പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുമ്പോൾ അറയിൽ കടന്നു വാതിൽ അടെച്ചു രഹസ്യത്തിലുള്ള നിന്റെ പിതാവിനോടു പ്രാർത്ഥിക്ക; രഹസ്യത്തിൽ കാണുന്ന നിന്റെ പിതാവു നിനക്കു പ്രതിഫലം തരും.
Greetings 🙏
Good morning. Have a nice day!
All Life is Yoga: Sri Aurobindo.
You too
Don’t need to do an exercise to meet God 😊
യേശുവിനെപ്പോലെ ഒരു ഗുരുനാഥൻ , പ്രവാചകൻ വരുമ്പോൾ അദ്ദേഹം ജീവനോടെ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോഴാണ് അദ്ദേഹത്തെ സമീപിക്കേണ്ടത്. എന്നാൽ നിലവിലുള്ള മതഭക്തരും പുരോഹിതരും അങ്ങനെയുള്ളവരെ ആൾദൈവം എന്ന് വിളിക്കുന്നു, പിശാചിന്റെ പ്രവർത്തകൻ എന്ന് ചാപ്പ കുത്തുന്നു , അവരെ
ഇല്ലാതാക്കുന്നു.. പിന്നീട് അടുത്ത മതം അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ പേരിൽ പിറക്കുന്നു. ഒരു കച്ചവടകേന്ദ്രമായി അത് മാറുന്നു. ഒരു മതത്തിൽതന്നെ വിഭിന്നങ്ങളായ ഉപദേശങ്ങൾ.
Yoga means “Holy binding”.
In “Patanjali Yoga Sutra”it is summarised as “ചിത്ത വൃത്തി നിരോധ:".
There are four means to attain the state of Yoga.
Bhakti Yoga,Karma Yoga,Njana Yoga,Raja Yoga.
All these are concerned with orienting oneself to the eternal rhythm,where there is no god and devotee. For both are same.
The very notion of “Aham Bhrama” is very fundamental of yoga.
Please don’t mix up Indian philosophy with the western tactics.
Greetings 🙏
The fact that you are searching is because you have not seen truth. Jesus said I am truth.
But that doesn’t mean man can be God. So You and I can never be one with God.
Jesus and holy spirt is one with God and that’s what we call as trinity.
you will stop searching once you see Jesus as he came down to earth to save us .
He is with us in Holy spirt. Stop fooling others like you fooled yourself.
Good you will increase your knowledge but bad that your life has been wasted. Repent and turn to Jesus you will be saved.
It was Jesus who said we should seek!
@@DawnofNewHumanity seek him you will find . That was his promise
I was a Brahma Vidya(Atma Vidya)disciple in Gurukula for 27 years, learned Vedas,Upanishads,Bhagavad Gita,Kundalini yoga, Astanga yoga, Astrology, almost all the religions scriptures, I was born in Hindu religion but surpassed all religions got direct relationship with Almighty God by the Grace of God.
And Almighty True Father God revealed me Jesus Christ as the Absolute True Guru and Saviour Truth after my 27 years study in Gurukula discipleship. But not as any religions God, Jesus have no connections with present day Christian religion or with any denominations.
As you said Astanga yoga which pathanjaly Maharshi had established is for transforming individuals to experience oneness with Almighty True God in Spirit .Because Astanga yoga path along with Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi is ultimately denial of hereditary self, old carnal self. In Holy Bible Romans Chapter 6 verses 3 to 6,John Chapter 14 verse 6,John Chapter 17 verse 23 are the True results of True Astanga marga path along with Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi path but like what happened to Christ Jesus teachings same thing happend to this Astanga marga yoga path along with Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi path both are entirely misused by the cunning and devil spirited people of fake religions.
But the sad paradox is in Astanga marga yoga and Shamaadhi shatka Sampathi not mentioning about Jesus vice versa Jesus not mentioned Astanga yoga path and Shamaadhi Shadka Sampathi in Holy Bible, actually Patanjali Maharshi period is before the the birth of Jesus so there is no chance to mention about Jesus it's natural ...But the Truth is old sinful hereditary carnal self denial is the born again transformation which only comes through self denial...Jesus clearly taught this in John 3rd Chapter verses 1 to 6 and Galatians 5th Chapter verses 17 to 24.
But attaining this state in constant state is difficult for ordinary followers of Jesus Christ Because especially Physical body chemistries are the main hindrances to become one with God Divine Spirit even with the help of Holy Spirit of God ,this is why many of the followers and fake priesthood cannot live with Jesus Christ permanently,this we can observe in Genesis 1st Chapter verse 29 ,Romans 14th Chapter verse 21.
So becoming Children of God is not that easy thing to save ourselves and others but Deep wisdom and gnosis required from God to live with Jesus or as the children of Almighty Father God.
This is why even God Given us His begotten Son Jesus as our True Guru and Saviour Lord (John Chapter 3 verse 16) the world still lead by the fake mafia religions and it's fake business partners spreaded all over the Earth and in fake Spiritual groups because they have no connections with True Guru and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ.No human can become True Christ in person, Child of God without the death of own carnal hereditary self.
If we trapped in fake religions and fake Spiritual groups we can't accept the Truths and paths outside the Holy Bible but if we are in direct relationship with Almighty God and True Jesus beyond religions and other groups slavery, True God will reveal us the True Truths and Paths which can be helpful to become a True Christ in person a True child of God, a True Disciple of Absolute True Guru and Saviour Jesus Christ the only Begotten Son of True God .Love and Prayers in Lord Jesus Christ Amen Hallelujah 🙏 ❤️ ❤
@@TRUTH-x8o when they say oneness with God. We need to distinguish the fact that we were created by God in his image. We are his creation. Being one with God if it means that we can walk with him with our separate identity is the ultimate as I understand from Bible. But if being one with him whereby our identity ceases . That ceasing of identity is definitely not what God intended when he created us.
So whatever religion you are the aim should be the perfect state of Adam and Eve before sin expelled themselves from Gods intimacy. This will be eternity that is living with God as in the Garden of EDEN.
For me religion is relationship with God . Nothing else .
@@sunilambat9982Dear I am not interested in the arguings....because it's a bad Spirit, lack of Holy Spirit of God....Dear can you please tell the meaning which God intended through John 14th Chapter verse 23..John Chapter 15th verses 4 and 27...John Chapter 17th verse 21,Romans Chapter 8th verse 29...,John Chapter 1st 12....there are many verses dear in Holy Bible that God wants to live with us to do His will through a True Christ in person by the Grace of God....Dear please there are somany things we required to experience still....so please do not think we are complete in Knowledge of God...love and Prayers ❤
സ്മ (സമർത്ഥൻ) യുടെ യോഗ .
പതഞ്ജലിയുടെ യോഗസൂത്ര പ്രകാരം.
8 🧐
8 is not reckoned as an auspicious number by SMA.
271.2.O YAMA
YAMA is the first of "ashtanga yoga". Consequent upon the mutative " YOGA: CHITTHA- VRUTTHI NIRODHA '' decision, YAMA is the first visible effect on self in its interaction with the environment. MA is the chittha vrutthi and is controllable whereas TA is not controllable by SA. As described in the next paragraph YAMA is just another word for "CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA" in action.
Component sounds of YAMA are YA & MA. YA sound is formed by the combination of sounds “ E ” and “ A ”, where sound “E” stands for no and “A” stands for yes in many languages. Together the sound "ya" should mean "yes or no", and that should be meaning "control" or "restraint". Yama should mean the restrained (YA) interactive pattern (MA). Annihilating MA from the SA MA TA continuum would bring SA & TA close and facilitate yoga (love) of SA with TA.
Yama as per Patanjali is: 1) ahimsa (non-violence), 2) satya (it's more than telling truth), 3) asteya (it's overcoming inertia), 4) brahmacharia (practice of SA advancing beyond MA in love of the neighbour,TA) and 5) aparigraha (not moving beyond MA and not encroaching into the neighbour < loving and respecting TA>).
All these are practical effects of self-restraint or YAMA (CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA in effect). MA protects SA. To understand YAMA it might be easier if we approach it from its opposite idea. "In Sanskrit if we reverse the order of sounds we arrive at the opposite idea" somebody said. So MAAYA should be somewhat opposite of YAMA.
Strengthening of the protective cover is called MA+AAYA= MAAYA. MAAYA as a trait fixes a safe and efficient interactive pattern of SA with TA. Features of MAAYA [ 1)himsa, 2) asatya 3) steya 4) maaya & 5) parigraha ]. For ensuring self interest MAAYA is the way. Overcoming the trap of MAAYA nothing short of mutative decision would suffice. Dying for the life of selfishness for being dvijaath for treating para as apara. The mutative decision CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA breaks MA, the prison wall. YAMA is the effect of CHITTHA VRUTTHI NIRODHA…
On taking the mutative decision, practical effects of Yama are about restraining MA. The natural aggressive trait is to be practically tamed by yama / ahimsa decision, decision to be non-aggressive even to the powerless in the neighbourhood. When SA decides to be mutated by AHIMSA decision and practises the decision honestly it should naturally be felt by TA, the neighbour and YOGA is natural fructification.
Honesty of SA makes AHIMSA a trait and repeatedly TA, the neighbour experiences the AHIMSA in the day to day interactions. Tell me what else could be SATYA. SATYA of Yoga-Sutra is not just talking facts, it is the honest AHIMSA decision practised (YA) by SA, the self and experienced by TA, the environment. SA+TA+YA, the reality of SATYA of Yoga-Sutra.
SATYA is the perception of SA about TA, the environment. When the perception remains as perpetuated CHITTHA-VRUTTHI( the experienced excellence in safety, security, quality, processes, sciences, knowledge..) STAYS (probably "STEYA" word of Indian languages is equivalent to stay) as inertia. CHITTHA-VRUTTHI is the mental inertia. To overcome mental inertia by " CHITTHA-VRUTTHI NIRODHA " is ASTEYA ( overcoming mental inertia) as an effect of the decision. The urge for scientific temper (CHITTHA-VRUTTHI NIRODHA) leads ASTEYA as a trait.
ASTEYA becomes the trait of the yogi (anybody who is honest in practising (desiring earnestly) YOGA: CHITTHA-VRUTTHI NIRODHA. . MA, the boundary of self is in effect the attempt to perpetuate the past experience of goodness, quality, safety and security. Unknowingly self gets bonded to MA, the past by inertia ( STEYA ). MAAYA (verbally it simply means aaya of MA / enhancing and reinforcing the bondage to selfishness and past perfected processes ) holds SA back to MA. Yogi becomes conscious of the need to break the bondage MA and ASTEYA consolidates into the practice (CHARIA) of BRAHMA (BRAH=breaking through, MA = the spatial and temporal bondage of self). BRAHMACHARIA is the YOGA in action or the practice of CIVILITY and SCIENTIFIC TEMPER.
BRAHMACHARIA is self-restraint
( YAMA ) because the self (SA) doesn't wait for the neighbour (TA) to make the first move towards civility or wait for a revolution in the environment for the wellbeing of self or SA doesn't migrate to better environments (TA). SA remains where it is and creates a BRAHMAVIHARA ( where neighbourhood is treated with maitry , karuna , mudita< happiness in the wellbeing of the neighbour >, upeksha < sacrificing for the benefit of the neighbour > ) around by its BRAHMACHARIA. A proactive (YAMA) self-restraint BRAHMACHARIA.
Brahmacharia is the resolve of SA to step out in love of TA. It's after doing mutative decision of altering the trait from MAAYA to BRAHMA. MAAYA also deals with "MA". The way in which "MA" is treated is where the presence of mutative difference between MAAYA and BRAHMACHARIA trait felt. MAAYA operates with the intention of parigraha, ie. to encroach upon, exploit, and pollute the environment. On the other hand YAMA, the self restraint makes SA treat TA the brahmacharia way with the striking feature of APARIGRAHA. APARIGRAHA is the attitude of interaction not tainted by
പരിശുദ്ധാന്മാവിൻ്റെ പ്രേരണയാലാണ് സഭയിൽ പൗരോഹത്യം ആധിപത്യം ഉറപ്പിച്ചതെന്നും, വിഗ്രഹങ്ങളുണ്ടാക്കി അതിനു മുന്നിൽ വണങ്ങുന്നതിന്നുള്ള ആശയം ഉടലെടുത്തതെന്നും, വിശുദ്ധമറിയയെ ദൈവമാതാവാക്കിയതെന്നും, പിന്നെ കുർബാനയും ദിവ്യബലിയും കുന്തിരിക്കം കത്തിച്ച് ആട്ടിക്കൊണുള്ള ആചാരങ്ങൾ കൊണ്ടുവന്നതെന്നുമുള്ള ചില പുരോഹിതന്മാരുടെ പ്രസ്താവനകൾ യൂടൂബിൽ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്.
A factory of falsehoods