As at minute 19, you have been stuck already for a long time. In column 6, you have a 48 pair in the remaining 2 free cells left in rows 1 and 8. But in row 8, you have a set of 28 bi-value cells forming a pair in column 1 and 7. Therefore, 4 in r8c6 and 8 in r1c6 and this easy puzzle can be prompttly finished. 12 minutes notation free.
13 min. Nice puzzle thanks.
At the 12:36 mark, the 28 pairs in Cols 1 and 7 gave you a 28 pair in Row 8. Puzzle done!
As at minute 19, you have been stuck already for a long time. In column 6, you have a 48 pair in the remaining 2 free cells left in rows 1 and 8. But in row 8, you have a set of 28 bi-value cells forming a pair in column 1 and 7. Therefore, 4 in r8c6 and 8 in r1c6 and this easy puzzle can be prompttly finished. 12 minutes notation free.