Latest news from CERN LHC at Lift11 Geneva

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @PapaWilk
    @PapaWilk 13 років тому

    This woman is brilliant. I hope she continues to speak to the public. She has a way with words and can explain what CERN is doing to laypersons like myself. Thanks for the upload.

  • @LiverpoolGreg
    @LiverpoolGreg 13 років тому

    Tara Shears and Brian Cox make it so encapsulating any lay person can understand. I hope there is more like them :)

  • @BrianPeiris
    @BrianPeiris 13 років тому

    The latest gadgets *and* the latest particle physics. You're the best Charbax :)

  • @Synthiam
    @Synthiam 13 років тому

    Great update dude!

  • @dyslexicdays
    @dyslexicdays 13 років тому

    I am truly on the edge of my seat. I am sure we will soon realize a source of power other than combustion.

  • @thegeffc
    @thegeffc 12 років тому

    some sweet info here

  • @laurajordan766
    @laurajordan766 13 років тому

    @jomill78 finding dark matter is impossible without the LHC, but even with the LHC it's like shooting a perfect free-throw from 10 miles away. This billion dollar machine will deliver, but we have to have confidence in the brilliant minds working on this day in and day out.

  • @briansherwin702
    @briansherwin702 4 роки тому

    Just love this lady.Reminds me of My January visit to CERN where our party was asked what does Bibles Genesis declare of first thing God created. Me ,The only one to answer “Light..”from which it is now proved all matter in this universe was formed into dna molecular helix programming codes for life on this planet.The lady..believer or not..seems to me an angel of love and born of the delightful and smart.thank youx

  • @psychosavant
    @psychosavant 13 років тому

    Damnit... a ring!

  • @charbax
    @charbax  12 років тому

    @alvinabejuro for the budget of 3 days of the US army being in Afghanistan and Iraq for nothing, we are discovering much more from CERN for the enrichment of Humanity and also direct profit to Humanity. The Web was invented at CERN from the exact same purpose and from the exact same type of scientific investment with time and money by the worlds Universities top scientists all working together.

  • @kl1172
    @kl1172 12 років тому

    @alvinabejuro How do you think we invented PET-scanners, MRI, ... in hospitals to detect some life-threatening diseases before they become terminal? With experiments done at CERN and other labs . How do you think you can watch videos on youtube? With the communication set-up that was created decades ago between CERN and other labs/universities. How do you think mankind will progress without scientific experiments? (even if they look like they cost a bunch at first glance) Please indulge me.

  • @nobody1322
    @nobody1322 13 років тому

    @dyslexicdays that source already exists and has existed for the last 40 years. Reason we don't use it is simple, you can't track it, and if you can't track it than you can't charge the population money for it.

  • @BoDiggety
    @BoDiggety 13 років тому

    @ianroady How is that possible? I thought it was in Uranus...nyuck nyuck

  • @PapaWilk
    @PapaWilk 13 років тому

    @redheart54 what do you mean?

  • @Whimzy74
    @Whimzy74 13 років тому +1

    Magnets... how the fuck do they work?!?!?!

    • @taceyw1135
      @taceyw1135 2 роки тому +1

      You have laughing so hard cause I love to know too!!!!

    • @taceyw1135
      @taceyw1135 2 роки тому +1

      You go!!!

  • @ianroady
    @ianroady 13 років тому

    You will never find the Higgs because I'm hiding here :-p

  • @jomill78
    @jomill78 13 років тому +1

    r they ever ganna find out anything usefull from this billion billion billion dollar thing or what how long has it been now and still .......nathing

  • @1Alchemistic
    @1Alchemistic 13 років тому

    It's a waste, waste, waste! And, can they gurantee no adverse affects? Absolutely NOT! There are as many scientist who disapprove of this, as who have said to go ahead. No one listened to the one's who disapprove though, cause it's all about money and their playing their competitive game.
    Very, very scary business! And we had NO say so in it, yet they "take" your money.