What would you recommend storing the counters in? Just received this as my first war game, I’m going with plastic bags for now but you mentioned counter trays?
I haven't punched and sorted yet but I'm thinking either the Cube4Me trays or the Aegis trays. If I remember, I'll show how I sorted the counter in the first playthrough video.
Fantastic unboxing! Looking forward to receiving my copy!
This one missed my radar completely, Mike. It looks like an excellent game.
Looks promising. I'm looking forward to the gameplay.
What would you recommend storing the counters in? Just received this as my first war game, I’m going with plastic bags for now but you mentioned counter trays?
I haven't punched and sorted yet but I'm thinking either the Cube4Me trays or the Aegis trays. If I remember, I'll show how I sorted the counter in the first playthrough video.
Looks really nice. Enjoy 😁
Counter artwork puts Elric to shame!