Words of wisdom from a former Drill Team member: If you ride out on the same horse that you rode in on and you had fun and persevered it's all good. You handled any mishaps very well.
LVRACEFACE what a PERFECT way to put it out there... !!! Kaiann-- I have the upmost respect for yall ride'n drill..I have ALWAYS wanted to do thst but we don't have anything like that around here (where I hang my hat and jingle my spurs that is lol)... youngin ypu are doing something that I tender, young age of......... 40. ... ;-> also sweetie just remember that the ones putting u down are just jealous half the time and the other half have low self-esteem and the ONLY way they can feel big/good about themselves is to put others down. .. but don't let the "nay sayers "even pass ur minds eye once... takes hard work, strength of body, soul and character to do what u do. (or any thing in the horse world for that matter) because not only do YOU have to in your right mind abd best shape for compaction but u have to be dang sure your OTHER HALF, BEST FRIEND, BRAINS OF THE OPERATION (which is what I call my partner lol), PARTNER IN CRIME...... what ever u call ur four-legged half of yourself..; you have to make sure he/she is as ready as u are.... so long and short of what I'm trying to say is... the sky is the limit in anything yall want...so GO GET IT !!! remember NOBODY can stop u from reaching ur goals (or dreams ) but you.... the others ....well..... all roads have pot holes it's up to you if you all let them effect ur ride.... GREAT JOB.....looking falward to seeing more of your videos on here and hopefully in person one day soon... God bless stay safe... best of wishes in all yall do from little ol me in Tennessee! !!!
Well I must say that was a little scary to watch. I did notice many mistakes and things that needed to be changed. After reading the description, I am glad to hear your coach and team were able to make it all work out. My team has "off" rides as well, it's part of how we all learn and improve. :)
I just saw your video (and read your description!) I just wanted to say that despite the hiccups, you all looked great! Mistakes do happen to the best of us and the fact that you all just carried on and concentrated on the ques your coach was signalling and didn't all panic and fall to pieces just goes to show that you have a fabulous coach who kept you all going, and you were all professional in the face of adversity. That you all did your best on an off day, we all have them, even our horses! Well done for keeping the show going. You all did some beautifully time manoeuvres. Good luck in all your future drill rides.
I was able to see your team perform when I lived in Oklahoma. You all did an awesome job. It's always a challenge to anticipate when horses decide they need to flee. Good luck to all of you, and I hope you continue to develop strong bonds with your horses. Take care and God Bless.
as this is the first time i have ever seen any kind of routine like this, i thought it was awesome. :) you could have fooled me as i had no idea there were any major mistakes. great job! i look forward to more videos of your routines.
This was great! it looked about like my first ever competition, that one horse who decides to forget where his/her sanity went, but you rode it out well, and it wasn't really that noticeable, i might have only just thought something was a LITTLE off IF I hadn't seen the description, this was great! GOOD JOB
Great job! This video allows folks to understand just how much skill these riders and horses have. Horses will be horses, working with them is hard work and requires passion, dedication and bravery on the part of the riders. The saying "you have to get back on the horse" came about for good reason.
I ride on a drill team, I'm on the JV team, but the one girl on varsity has a 23 year old QH mare who had never been in a performance before (only practices) and she started crow hopping, threatening to rear, and was prancing all over the place, because of someone praying over the loud speaker (and the hyped up horses I think). That girl couldn't perform in the two other performances they had that day (Bella freaked out during grand entry and the girl was on both Varsity and JV). In my opinion, as long as no one gets hurt, and you have some fun and learn it's all good. GOOD JOB Y'ALL.
I´m a former trainer of a Drill Team in Spain. Mistakes are the base of the improving, if you don´t understand that, don´t comment, please. The team are always in risk of something that could happend. Congratulations for uploading the video no matter is not your best show, but im sure is the way to improve. Keep working and well done.
This was a very complex perfomance, and I would like to see it someday. Love the music. I see what you were presenting, and applaud your creativity and much practice to make this work. I know this team is awe inspiring now.
Thanks soo much for putting this up! I never got to see it (your drill or the fall) and am freaking happy to finally watch it!! You guys did handle this very well :)
I think the biggest crime here, is no one wearing a helmet! Just because you’re in an arena doing some show, doesn’t mean you won’t fall off. Any one of you could have ended up dead or with a serious brain injury.
everyone starts somewhere...it's a volunteer thing and I think you did great. I am very proud of you all for getting out there and actually DOING stuff instead of sitting around and watching on UA-cam!
Omg that looks so awesome, there were fails but no one is perfect. I just start riding again, it's awesome to see how you can work together with those beautiful creatures!
Don’t let the naysayers ruin your day. It was a rough one for you as a team. I don’t think people realize what it takes to get this many horses together at one time. There are always going to be a few horses that get nervous or high strung when performing. Your team is AWESOME.
This is the scariest drill I have ever witnessed. It makes me appreciate being a part of a small team. I cannot even imagine the challenges you must face with a team that big! I'm glad you guys have improved.
I don't understand why you posted this. By the name it sounded as if you were going to show a pile up of crashing horses or something.I am not a great horseman, but I have 50 years of performing experience. I can see that this is a semi-trained group performing at about a C level, nothing to be ashamed of during a time of rebuilding. I just wouldn't have bothered posting it. It isn't good enough to brag about, and isn't bad enough to really learn much anything from. Just a team that needs to tighten up and work a bit better together.
I would love to see these horse people evolve and go to bitless riding. There was a lot of head shaking and over bridling and too dependent on the reins. I know a lot of them are just learning but this could be the next step in their evolution good for both horse and rider.
@@singergirlletmesing I am 60 years old. I have 55 years experience in the performing arts; not aboard horseback, granted, But I am professional enough to see at what stage a choreographed dance or production is in. This group, as shown, in this video, are about three quarters ready to perform for an audience~ at least any acceptable level. In other words, they aren't bad, but still have bugs in their routine to work out, based on what I have seen with other groups, -or- they are a C-level group performing at their top, although I think that is less likely. What I said was not meant as condemnation. This looks like a group who is in the learning together process. Oh, and by the way Darling, please don't type in full caps. I don't care for being yelled at, and what I said was meant as being supportive not the opposite.
@@MortishaPoppins I am a proponent for bit-less/spur-less riding. I am not a great horseman by anyone's measure~ I was involved in performing and then the sea, back and forth, most of my life. I didn't have time to also nurture many horse-relationships. Although, I learned to ride as a child; my mother had been sick and needed surgery on her spine with four months of in-bed care, followed by four months of home care when she was unable to watch over me when I was very small. My three older brothers were old enough for my father to look after and still attend to my mother, but I was too young. I went to live with friends of the family who had a 20 acre farm. I learned to ride by riding the 20 year old former race horse turned family friend. I learned quite inappropriately, bareback (blanket/pad) and just the lead rope. I rode daily for two months, Spice teaching me how to ride her, before anyone put a saddle on the Ol' girl. I've always refused to ride any horse I'm not given time to talk to and walk with a bit, but I've never been thrown from a horse, and never ridden a horse who fought against me.
wow ok so this is awesome!!!! I only wish there were more drill teams around where I am!! This looks like so much fun, and a lot of teamwork!! for that minimal stuff to go wrong was awesome! You'll are amazing!! My warmblood would have none of the closeness of other horses but my QH would do great!! keep up the great work!!
Okay. First thing, thanks for uploading this regardless of how good or bad this was. The team spirit was extraordinary, and they certainly did a good job of covering any flubs. The "I meant to do that" recovery from an error separates the good rider from from the ones who need to work harder. I feel that the pace was almost frenetic, and not as controlled as it could have been with more drills. I have got to credit you though, that the memorization of that pattern must have taken a huge amount of practicing. I would love to see you upload a video of what happened after you've been able to work out some of the bumps. I am giving you kudos for effort, showing grace under pressure, and obvious team camaraderie! P.S. I know most people don't wear helmets in western riding as much, BUT remember (if you're old enough) the evolution of seatbelts in cars. Lots more people survive with, than without. Skritches to the horses!
You know what they say, shiz happens. You guys learned from your mistakes. Keep training, keep having fun, and mostly, keep riding. Even the best trained horses and riders can have a crazy moment.
That looks very very hard. I give much credit to those who are involved in this production. I know it takes hard work, concentration, and skill to do this. Good job
this stuff happens all the time in my drill team westernaires I don't know if its true for you guys but most of us don't own the horses we ride for the shows and practice and I noticed with all our renter horses(what we call them) they always get a little crazy during shows your team did very well and handled everything the way you should have
now that was a pleasure to watch thank you. i thought it was done very professorially how every time they recovered as if nothing happened. now thats talent
I completely agree. i used to do be on a drill team as well and my aunt coached it. The routine was gorgeous right up to the accident but im positive that the kinks are all worked out and i intend to go see how your team is if i can get the money, goodluck i dont know if your team still does shows but if so please eply, id love to see yall in action
There is a girl's horse who doesn't stick with the team and runs through a few manuevers, also a rider falls off but it happens right as she goes off screen. And thanks!:)
DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT MENT TO BE MEAN OR RUDE IN ANY WAY AND I AM TRULY SORRY IF IT SEEMES THAT WAY!!! Its good when teams relize their mistakes and own up to it and make changes to get it right. I make tons of mistakes when im riding and I try but i dont fix th but after reading the description i can tell that you saw what went wrong and fixed it witch is good. While not everyone can see their mistakes and fix them. [example me i see them but i try but cant fix them]
Your costumes are wonderful. And even if you did mess up I still think you did wonderful. I think you made the right decision on remove the moves that weren't working. My horse acts up all the time to so I get it! I still think you did awesome though!!!! 😁🐴🐴🐴
There were a lot of near misses where simple mistakes could have been more serious but thankfully no one hurt and from the sound of the description they learned from it.
I really don't know much about horses, and my comments will probably show that. What I saw here was something that either wasn't rehearsed well, or had not been run through fairly soon before the event. I would imagine that while these folks did quite well, I would think that the only teams that are going to be at the top, are those where each rider has the same horse so that they are extremely comfortable with each other. On another note, no one, or any of the horses got hurt. I would think that many of the people watching these events are spectators who don't know what is really supposed to happen, and would not even have any idea that anything had gone wrong. It's the same as people going to see a play, high school or other, would miss many of the bloopers that happen unless they know that show "anyway from Sunday". That means every aspect of it including every word of the dialogue, the blocking (position and movement of people on the stage), the sets, and so forth. That of course doesn't account for the "theatrical license" from the director, set designer, cast, etc..
I wish things like this had been around when I was younger. Loved it! I don't wish bad one anyone, nor should anyone say anything bad. Multiple riders, multiple horses:No matter how well trained, things happen period! Bad step in the arena, perhaps a rock for instance, set the whole thing slightly off. Just wish people were a little more understanding. Much love from Texas!
Anytime you add the equine element to the human element, there's always the possibility of your planned (and very well practiced) drill team performance going awry. The most important thing is not to panic, because one rider's panic can spread. If things go wrong and all the horses and riders get out of the arena intact, consider it a successful learning experience. Overcome it, compensate for it, and just keep moving forward with your game face on! Job well done!
The description is long I didn't read all of it, but I think it looks pretty good just needs a little more practice. This was a long time ago and I'm sure you guys have gotten alot better😊😆
I also ride posse (that's what we call it instead of drill team) and I've almost run into other horse and people have been bucked off and one of our posse group members was unloading her horse and the rope wrapped around her hand as her horse started to freak out and it skinned mid forearm down to wrist to the bone.. one group member tore off her own shirt and wrapped it around her arm and rushed her to the hospital.. that was just cause of one simple mistake of wrapping the rope around her arm
don't worry I was in a parade and the straps of my cart slipped and I didn't let that stop me I walked him the rest of the way good job for staying positive
THAT was an ambitious ride, and and handled well considering. Bet the girls are improving with practice. The one that got really out of whack did the right thing by pulling away and circling back in, had she braked there it could have got nasty. Keep it up, and by the way, being Canadian, I love the name of your county, may have to visit.
@RandomChick75 Haha thanks!:) And we have gotten a lot better!!! We don't have any recent videos up yet, I'm no longer allowed to post full videos of the drill lol and my camera broke and the CD to my editing software is MIA:(
@Ahorseychick Good for you. We don't do things if our coach finds it unsafe. I'm very offended that you would come and BASH this video when this is probably the only video you have ever seen of our team. People didn't get their spacing like they should have done but the drill was screwed already. If this is what you call dangerous, then you haven't seen half the moves we do now. This was one of the worst runs of this drill, and that move was since moved out. Our team is SAFETY FIRST too! Wow!
I didn’t see anything that would really be a cause for concern other than the mishap when they were riding through about 3 min in. Horses have a mind of their own. For future safety if a rider feels their horse is out of control they need to be able to exit a formation without being too noticeable, removing the troublesome horse to the sideline before any real danger or injury can occur. Hopefully this can be done without any possibility of performance deductions seeing as how it would be a safety issue. However, I saw nothing wrong except for an overly excited horse. (Nerves perhaps)
This looked good to me, you obviously put alot of work into the routine. Horses are horses, some will feel the energy of the "real deal" and some are just not that into it. When we had competitions at my horse riding school in sweden the teachers only used the horses they know for sure loved it and it was bring it on action time baby! They would run by them selves.They were like: "Just stay on my back looser, I´ll handle this".
I know this video is old. We have about 3 local drill teams here. One of the teams who I know a few girls that are on, ride in a big local rodeo that comes to town once a year. They are always invited back to do it. But.... they have to be perfect and precise, no mistakes are allowed by the rider and the horses aren’t allowed to act up according to the rodeo association. If they do, that rider sits out the rest of the rodeo and has to help in other ways. One of the other local teams which just started up last year, is called Second Chance, this is a team that are made up of rescue horses. It’s awesome, and believe it or not, there is a mule that is part of it. This team is made up of all different people, it’s not all about perfect looking girls. There is an older married couple on the team aswell, it’s not just for the ladies. They have done some small local rodeos, they aren’t great, but its awesome! Unfortunately with Covid, most of the rodeos were cancelled this year. But it def takes a lot of practice.
Everyone worked together to help make the mistakes seem part of the show and no one got hurt!! Not a bad days ride at all!!! Horses and people have their off days....it just happenes....they did rather well considering!
Every drill team has there good n Bad. I ride with 2 drill teams. 1 I do for SEBRA events when the come to town, my first one, my horse freaked n did a break check n I went flying over his head. My other drill team, we've had successful runs but we still need work since were jus startin out. But Hope everythings goin better!
@RatsRule It kind of made me upset that they didn't film that part, I wanted to see what happened. Really, the horse just took like half a step to the side and she wasn't expecting it I guess and she just slid off haha. My dad got it on camera though..barely.
People who have no purpose, no talents, no skills, no knowledge, spend their useless lives making comments that make no sense. Ignore them. Continue with pride. People like me who are no longer able to ride love to watch you and your treasured mounts.
@tazzy207 You'd think huh? But we got a lot of praise for how well it stayed together. A few months later we took home grand champion with the same drill and uniforms just without all the slip ups:P
@Dramasally We actually had somebody mix a whole bunch of songs together for us:) I believe parts of them are from Lord of the Rings, but I am not sure:)
People badmouthed this? Hey, mistakes are made, it's part of life. That's how we learn. Those were some pretty intense maneuvers. Y'all should be proud of what you did. Don't worry about the neigh sayers. They're not worth it.
I'm not trying to be rude but I don't understand the point of speeding up a drill when the riders clearly aren't ready. I understand everyone has bad rides, my team has had plenty, but a large number of riders in this video can't keep their tracking/spacing, control their horses or hold a lope. It just seems like setting yourself up for an accident.
Omg this looks so fun (not the bad bit but the first bit where everything seemed ok, it) looks awesome but I doubt many mares are cut out for this close riding and I really prefer mares lol
It doesn't hurt a horse to be exhausted. To me a good ride is when you both are sweating and completed what you set out to do. Lately my horse gets completely lathered because I've had enough of his crap and work him hard. I may not be riding him each time. But he doesn't leave the arena it he has broke a sweat
Always wanted to ride drill. Ive been on racehorses, cutters, refiners, Western pleasure horses, barrel horses, trail horses. If its Western or race ive been on it!!!! Thought I might take up drill. Your girl did a very HOOD job getting her horse back under control. We all get scared and have a runaway. I did and it just helps to know that sooner or later the horse is going to get tired a stop.
Words of wisdom from a former Drill Team member: If you ride out on the same horse that you rode in on and you had fun and persevered it's all good. You handled any mishaps very well.
what a PERFECT way to put it out there... !!!
I have the upmost respect for yall ride'n drill..I have ALWAYS wanted to do thst but we don't have anything like that around here (where I hang my hat and jingle my spurs that is lol)... youngin ypu are doing something that I tender, young age of......... 40. ... ;->
also sweetie just remember that the ones putting u down are just jealous half the time and the other half have low self-esteem and the ONLY way they can feel big/good about themselves is to put others down. .. but don't let the "nay sayers "even pass ur minds eye once... takes hard work, strength of body, soul and character to do what u do. (or any thing in the horse world for that matter) because not only do YOU have to in your right mind abd best shape for compaction but u have to be dang sure your OTHER HALF, BEST FRIEND, BRAINS OF THE OPERATION (which is what I call my partner lol), PARTNER IN CRIME...... what ever u call ur four-legged half of yourself..; you have to make sure he/she is as ready as u are.... so long and short of what I'm trying to say is...
the sky is the limit in anything yall want...so GO GET IT !!! remember NOBODY can stop u from reaching ur goals (or dreams ) but you.... the others ....well..... all roads have pot holes it's up to you if you all let them effect ur ride....
GREAT JOB.....looking falward to seeing more of your videos on here and hopefully in person one day soon... God bless stay safe... best of wishes in all yall do from little ol me in Tennessee! !!!
Well I must say that was a little scary to watch. I did notice many mistakes and things that needed to be changed. After reading the description, I am glad to hear your coach and team were able to make it all work out. My team has "off" rides as well, it's part of how we all learn and improve. :)
yeah, so has mine. mostly the first competition i did, that has been the worst so far, but we carried on!
well said, Ibamoore.
I just saw your video (and read your description!) I just wanted to say that despite the hiccups, you all looked great! Mistakes do happen to the best of us and the fact that you all just carried on and concentrated on the ques your coach was signalling and didn't all panic and fall to pieces just goes to show that you have a fabulous coach who kept you all going, and you were all professional in the face of adversity. That you all did your best on an off day, we all have them, even our horses! Well done for keeping the show going. You all did some beautifully time manoeuvres. Good luck in all your future drill rides.
the routine was beautiful all tho u had problems u still went on and that's what I like about the team u just gave it ur best shot and carried on =)
I was able to see your team perform when I lived in Oklahoma. You all did an awesome job. It's always a challenge to anticipate when horses decide they need to flee. Good luck to all of you, and I hope you continue to develop strong bonds with your horses. Take care and God Bless.
as this is the first time i have ever seen any kind of routine like this, i thought it was awesome. :) you could have fooled me as i had no idea there were any major mistakes. great job! i look forward to more videos of your routines.
It happens! I think you guys did a great job keeping it together. Props to you and to the crowd for helping keep your spirits up!!!
This was great! it looked about like my first ever competition, that one horse who decides to forget where his/her sanity went, but you rode it out well, and it wasn't really that noticeable, i might have only just thought something was a LITTLE off IF I hadn't seen the description, this was great! GOOD JOB
With all the mistakes that were made you guys rode really well. And considering the change in team size you guys did well!
Great job! This video allows folks to understand just how much skill these riders and horses have. Horses will be horses, working with them is hard work and requires passion, dedication and bravery on the part of the riders. The saying "you have to get back on the horse" came about for good reason.
I ride on a drill team, I'm on the JV team, but the one girl on varsity has a 23 year old QH mare who had never been in a performance before (only practices) and she started crow hopping, threatening to rear, and was prancing all over the place, because of someone praying over the loud speaker (and the hyped up horses I think). That girl couldn't perform in the two other performances they had that day (Bella freaked out during grand entry and the girl was on both Varsity and JV). In my opinion, as long as no one gets hurt, and you have some fun and learn it's all good. GOOD JOB Y'ALL.
I´m a former trainer of a Drill Team in Spain. Mistakes are the base of the improving, if you don´t understand that, don´t comment, please. The team are always in risk of something that could happend. Congratulations for uploading the video no matter is not your best show, but im sure is the way to improve. Keep working and well done.
Considering how many horses and how little space, I think y'all did a fantastic job. I loved watching you'll.
This was a very complex perfomance, and I would like to see it someday. Love the music. I see what you were presenting, and applaud your creativity and much practice to make this work. I know this team is awe inspiring now.
Thanks soo much for putting this up! I never got to see it (your drill or the fall) and am freaking happy to finally watch it!! You guys did handle this very well :)
Thank you for sharing. Very educational. Your team handled things well.
I think the biggest crime here, is no one wearing a helmet! Just because you’re in an arena doing some show, doesn’t mean you won’t fall off. Any one of you could have ended up dead or with a serious brain injury.
everyone starts somewhere...it's a volunteer thing and I think you did great. I am very proud of you all for getting out there and actually DOING stuff instead of sitting around and watching on UA-cam!
Omg that looks so awesome, there were fails but no one is perfect. I just start riding again, it's awesome to see how you can work together with those beautiful creatures!
Don’t let the naysayers ruin your day. It was a rough one for you as a team. I don’t think people realize what it takes to get this many horses together at one time. There are always going to be a few horses that get nervous or high strung when performing. Your team is AWESOME.
This is the scariest drill I have ever witnessed. It makes me appreciate being a part of a small team. I cannot even imagine the challenges you must face with a team that big! I'm glad you guys have improved.
I don't understand why you posted this. By the name it sounded as if you were going to show a pile up of crashing horses or something.I am not a great horseman, but I have 50 years of performing experience. I can see that this is a semi-trained group performing at about a C level, nothing to be ashamed of during a time of rebuilding. I just wouldn't have bothered posting it. It isn't good enough to brag about, and isn't bad enough to really learn much anything from. Just a team that needs to tighten up and work a bit better together.
I would love to see these horse people evolve and go to bitless riding. There was a lot of head shaking and over bridling and too dependent on the reins. I know a lot of them are just learning but this could be the next step in their evolution good for both horse and rider.
@@singergirlletmesing I am 60 years old. I have 55 years experience in the performing arts; not aboard horseback, granted, But I am professional enough to see at what stage a choreographed dance or production is in. This group, as shown, in this video, are about three quarters ready to perform for an audience~ at least any acceptable level. In other words, they aren't bad, but still have bugs in their routine to work out, based on what I have seen with other groups, -or- they are a C-level group performing at their top, although I think that is less likely. What I said was not meant as condemnation. This looks like a group who is in the learning together process. Oh, and by the way Darling, please don't type in full caps. I don't care for being yelled at, and what I said was meant as being supportive not the opposite.
@@MortishaPoppins I am a proponent for bit-less/spur-less riding. I am not a great horseman by anyone's measure~ I was involved in performing and then the sea, back and forth, most of my life. I didn't have time to also nurture many horse-relationships.
Although, I learned to ride as a child; my mother had been sick and needed surgery on her spine with four months of in-bed care, followed by four months of home care when she was unable to watch over me when I was very small. My three older brothers were old enough for my father to look after and still attend to my mother, but I was too young. I went to live with friends of the family who had a 20 acre farm. I learned to ride by riding the 20 year old former race horse turned family friend. I learned quite inappropriately, bareback (blanket/pad) and just the lead rope. I rode daily for two months, Spice teaching me how to ride her, before anyone put a saddle on the Ol' girl. I've always refused to ride any horse I'm not given time to talk to and walk with a bit, but I've never been thrown from a horse, and never ridden a horse who fought against me.
wow ok so this is awesome!!!! I only wish there were more drill teams around where I am!! This looks like so much fun, and a lot of teamwork!! for that minimal stuff to go wrong was awesome! You'll are amazing!! My warmblood would have none of the closeness of other horses but my QH would do great!! keep up the great work!!
This looks so much fun! I'd love to try drill riding, but I don't know much about it.
Okay. First thing, thanks for uploading this regardless of how good or bad this was. The team spirit was extraordinary, and they certainly did a good job of covering any flubs. The "I meant to do that" recovery from an error separates the good rider from from the ones who need to work harder. I feel that the pace was almost frenetic, and not as controlled as it could have been with more drills. I have got to credit you though, that the memorization of that pattern must have taken a huge amount of practicing. I would love to see you upload a video of what happened after you've been able to work out some of the bumps. I am giving you kudos for effort, showing grace under pressure, and obvious team camaraderie! P.S. I know most people don't wear helmets in western riding as much, BUT remember (if you're old enough) the evolution of seatbelts in cars. Lots more people survive with, than without. Skritches to the horses!
You know what they say, shiz happens. You guys learned from your mistakes. Keep training, keep having fun, and mostly, keep riding. Even the best trained horses and riders can have a crazy moment.
That looks very very hard. I give much credit to those who are involved in this production. I know it takes hard work, concentration, and skill to do this. Good job
At least no horses or people were harmed and your team handled it very well for the situation.
this stuff happens all the time in my drill team westernaires I don't know if its true for you guys but most of us don't own the horses we ride for the shows and practice and I noticed with all our renter horses(what we call them) they always get a little crazy during shows your team did very well and handled everything the way you should have
My drill instructor used to ride for the Westernaires.
now that was a pleasure to watch thank you. i thought it was done very professorially how every time they recovered as if nothing happened. now thats talent
I completely agree. i used to do be on a drill team as well and my aunt coached it. The routine was gorgeous right up to the accident but im positive that the kinks are all worked out and i intend to go see how your team is if i can get the money, goodluck i dont know if your team still does shows but if so please eply, id love to see yall in action
Don't feel bad everyone has those days including me SERIOUSLY!!
I agree if you have to change something to make it safe everyone that is on your drill team then that’s what is best.
There is a girl's horse who doesn't stick with the team and runs through a few manuevers, also a rider falls off but it happens right as she goes off screen.
And thanks!:)
Through the mistakes you all handled it like rockstars. 5:20 movement was so cool😁
You weren't rude at all and those making snide or rude comments need to be ashamed! Thank you for sharing.
DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT MENT TO BE MEAN OR RUDE IN ANY WAY AND I AM TRULY SORRY IF IT SEEMES THAT WAY!!! Its good when teams relize their mistakes and own up to it and make changes to get it right. I make tons of mistakes when im riding and I try but i dont fix th but after reading the description i can tell that you saw what went wrong and fixed it witch is good. While not everyone can see their mistakes and fix them. [example me i see them but i try but cant fix them]
I only have one comment, and I am a trauma doctor - why did none of the girls wear a hat?
I hope you're able to regain the personal confidence to endure people commenting on your video. Good luck! We're all rooting for you!
That was amazing. I never did free riding like that, by it looked exceptional!!!
Your costumes are wonderful. And even if you did mess up I still think you did wonderful. I think you made the right decision on remove the moves that weren't working. My horse acts up all the time to so I get it! I still think you did awesome though!!!! 😁🐴🐴🐴
What went in disaster?
To you maybe, but to me as a first time viewer it was great fun :)
There were a lot of near misses where simple mistakes could have been more serious but thankfully no one hurt and from the sound of the description they learned from it.
soaringtractor my word man, these are horses not machines. I thought they did an excellent job. Perfect? Often not when dealing with living beings.
🙄 a few horses stopped.
I really don't know much about horses, and my comments will probably show that. What I saw here was something that either wasn't rehearsed well, or had not been run through fairly soon before the event. I would imagine that while these folks did quite well, I would think that the only teams that are going to be at the top, are those where each rider has the same horse so that they are extremely comfortable with each other. On another note, no one, or any of the horses got hurt. I would think that many of the people watching these events are spectators who don't know what is really supposed to happen, and would not even have any idea that anything had gone wrong. It's the same as people going to see a play, high school or other, would miss many of the bloopers that happen unless they know that show "anyway from Sunday". That means every aspect of it including every word of the dialogue, the blocking (position and movement of people on the stage), the sets, and so forth. That of course doesn't account for the "theatrical license" from the director, set designer, cast, etc..
That was great, where do you guys perform?we'd love to see one of these performances !
Carmina Burana (the opening music) is one of my personal favorites!
I wish things like this had been around when I was younger. Loved it! I don't wish bad one anyone, nor should anyone say anything bad. Multiple riders, multiple horses:No matter how well trained, things happen period! Bad step in the arena, perhaps a rock for instance, set the whole thing slightly off. Just wish people were a little more understanding. Much love from Texas!
Anytime you add the equine element to the human element, there's always the possibility of your planned (and very well practiced) drill team performance going awry. The most important thing is not to panic, because one rider's panic can spread. If things go wrong and all the horses and riders get out of the arena intact, consider it a successful learning experience. Overcome it, compensate for it, and just keep moving forward with your game face on! Job well done!
Probably since I do not do drill I did not see the mistake! I thought it looked great! I might have missed it but lets say you rode on well!
The description is long I didn't read all of it, but I think it looks pretty good just needs a little more practice. This was a long time ago and I'm sure you guys have gotten alot better😊😆
You guys did an awesome job!! 👍😉
I also ride posse (that's what we call it instead of drill team) and I've almost run into other horse and people have been bucked off and one of our posse group members was unloading her horse and the rope wrapped around her hand as her horse started to freak out and it skinned mid forearm down to wrist to the bone.. one group member tore off her own shirt and wrapped it around her arm and rushed her to the hospital.. that was just cause of one simple mistake of wrapping the rope around her arm
Gorgeous! Love it, keep up the good work.
I didn’t see anything go wrong. Well done. Beautiful!!!
Really awesome drill team, doing some very complex moves, I think it all looked good.
yes you had some miner incidences but you were great
don't worry I was in a parade and the straps of my cart slipped and I didn't let that stop me I walked him the rest of the way good job for staying positive
In case u dont know whats wrong i Think Its that one of the Grey horses wasent doing things corectly
It's never the horse; it's always, always the rider.
Well he can't really pick out the rider, so to the viewers its the grey horse lol.
THAT was an ambitious ride, and and handled well considering. Bet the girls are improving with practice. The one that got really out of whack did the right thing by pulling away and circling back in, had she braked there it could have got nasty. Keep it up, and by the way, being Canadian, I love the name of your county, may have to visit.
@rldunavant The camera man didnt video it, but it was at 6:14. You can see the girl on the small sorrel start to slide off. She got back on though!
Where was the mistake? I watched the entire thing and I didn't see one. Looked pretty great to me.
I think they did amazing. I didn't even see what happened. I love this drill team
@RandomChick75 Haha thanks!:) And we have gotten a lot better!!! We don't have any recent videos up yet, I'm no longer allowed to post full videos of the drill lol and my camera broke and the CD to my editing software is MIA:(
Good going acting calm as you could! Mistake's happen
Very awesome ladies and horses. Love you Ardmore ok
@Ahorseychick Good for you. We don't do things if our coach finds it unsafe. I'm very offended that you would come and BASH this video when this is probably the only video you have ever seen of our team. People didn't get their spacing like they should have done but the drill was screwed already. If this is what you call dangerous, then you haven't seen half the moves we do now. This was one of the worst runs of this drill, and that move was since moved out. Our team is SAFETY FIRST too! Wow!
I didn’t see anything that would really be a cause for concern other than the mishap when they were riding through about 3 min in. Horses have a mind of their own. For future safety if a rider feels their horse is out of control they need to be able to exit a formation without being too noticeable, removing the troublesome horse to the sideline before any real danger or injury can occur. Hopefully this can be done without any possibility of performance deductions seeing as how it would be a safety issue. However, I saw nothing wrong except for an overly excited horse. (Nerves perhaps)
This looked good to me, you obviously put alot of work into the routine. Horses are horses, some will feel the energy of the "real deal" and some are just not that into it. When we had competitions at my horse riding school in sweden the teachers only used the horses they know for sure loved it and it was bring it on action time baby! They would run by them selves.They were like: "Just stay on my back looser, I´ll handle this".
What is the time stamp for it?
Yes, there were some mishaps, but there were some very good parts too.
Good job keeping it together ladies
At what time point does someone fall?
Organised chaos
I know this video is old. We have about 3 local drill teams here. One of the teams who I know a few girls that are on, ride in a big local rodeo that comes to town once a year. They are always invited back to do it. But.... they have to be perfect and precise, no mistakes are allowed by the rider and the horses aren’t allowed to act up according to the rodeo association. If they do, that rider sits out the rest of the rodeo and has to help in other ways. One of the other local teams which just started up last year, is called Second Chance, this is a team that are made up of rescue horses. It’s awesome, and believe it or not, there is a mule that is part of it. This team is made up of all different people, it’s not all about perfect looking girls. There is an older married couple on the team aswell, it’s not just for the ladies. They have done some small local rodeos, they aren’t great, but its awesome! Unfortunately with Covid, most of the rodeos were cancelled this year. But it def takes a lot of practice.
Everyone worked together to help make the mistakes seem part of the show and no one got hurt!! Not a bad days ride at all!!! Horses and people have their off days....it just happenes....they did rather well considering!
Every drill team has there good n Bad. I ride with 2 drill teams. 1 I do for SEBRA events when the come to town, my first one, my horse freaked n did a break check n I went flying over his head. My other drill team, we've had successful runs but we still need work since were jus startin out. But Hope everythings goin better!
Nothing happened and I watched this movie, what a loss of time
you guys are good and really seem to comunicate with your horses well. but i didn't see what went wrong.....
@RatsRule It kind of made me upset that they didn't film that part, I wanted to see what happened. Really, the horse just took like half a step to the side and she wasn't expecting it I guess and she just slid off haha. My dad got it on camera though..barely.
People who have no purpose, no talents, no skills, no knowledge, spend their useless lives making comments that make no sense. Ignore them. Continue with pride. People like me who are no longer able to ride love to watch you and your treasured mounts.
@tazzy207 You'd think huh? But we got a lot of praise for how well it stayed together. A few months later we took home grand champion with the same drill and uniforms just without all the slip ups:P
what is the name of the song
I didn’t noice anything wrong with it until I read the comments!!
This might not of gone as planned but it was ok :D beautiful horses!!
And what exactly went wrong??
@Dramasally We actually had somebody mix a whole bunch of songs together for us:) I believe parts of them are from Lord of the Rings, but I am not sure:)
Wow u guys did amazing
This person had a chip on his or her shoulder before the video was even posted.
wait this is like marching band on horses minus instruments whoa
People badmouthed this? Hey, mistakes are made, it's part of life. That's how we learn. Those were some pretty intense maneuvers. Y'all should be proud of what you did. Don't worry about the neigh sayers. They're not worth it.
I'd be embarassed to wear that uniform in public after that performance.
Other than a misshap or two it's perfect and awesomely performed
what went wrong? I didn't see anything
I'm not trying to be rude but I don't understand the point of speeding up a drill when the riders clearly aren't ready. I understand everyone has bad rides, my team has had plenty, but a large number of riders in this video can't keep their tracking/spacing, control their horses or hold a lope. It just seems like setting yourself up for an accident.
Hey I get it I'm on a drill team and I understand those disaster days
Omg this looks so fun (not the bad bit but the first bit where everything seemed ok, it) looks awesome but I doubt many mares are cut out for this close riding and I really prefer mares lol
HamilphanShipper No.4078 your head is funny😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😎😎😎
I think it wasn't that bad, but why is everything in galop? These horses must be exausted
It doesn't hurt a horse to be exhausted. To me a good ride is when you both are sweating and completed what you set out to do. Lately my horse gets completely lathered because I've had enough of his crap and work him hard. I may not be riding him each time. But he doesn't leave the arena it he has broke a sweat
Also, it's a lope. Not a gallop. A lope takes less energy and muscles than trotting
Always wanted to ride drill. Ive been on racehorses, cutters, refiners, Western pleasure horses, barrel horses, trail horses. If its Western or race ive been on it!!!! Thought I might take up drill. Your girl did a very HOOD job getting her horse back under control. We all get scared and have a runaway. I did and it just helps to know that sooner or later the horse is going to get tired a stop.
You must have shown the wrong video, I saw nothing bad happen. You ladies looked really good.
Comprehend very well; this is a mess.