100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Change Your Life Forever by Steve Chandler

  • Опубліковано 15 лис 2014


  • @SimotionPictureStudios
    @SimotionPictureStudios 5 років тому +41

    1. Create a vision
    2. Tell a true lie - Manifest your vision by claiming you already are who you want to be
    3. Get out your comfort zone
    4. Find your key
    5. Plan your work
    6. Move your goal post - Have power goals, instead of small & vague ones
    7. Dribble with the other hand - Try something new
    8. Play your character - How you act is how you become
    9. Don’t just do something, sit there - Relax. No electronics. Observe your self & your relationship with yourself
    10. Use the right chemicals - Not drugs, the ones within yourself that are healthy
    11. Leave highschool - Stop pinpointing the glory days and move past it. It was just a section of your life.
    12. Leave face - Leave pessimistic feelings alone, don’t show it on your face
    13. Sing without feeling - Feel like you wanna feel. We don’t sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing
    14. Kill your television/electronic use - Stop watching others have fun & go do it!
    15. Read yourself a story
    16. Get on your death bed - Imagine your last hour, and motivate yourself
    17. Be lazy to begin with - Start out lazy, allow this, and work later
    18. Leave people alone that don’t support your goals
    19. Make your own game plan - Design your life gameplay
    20. Find your Einstein - Commit to finding your inner intelligence/true skill. Use imagination. Worry is a misuse of the imagination.
    21. Feel good first - Your happiness is within you. Claim it. Don’t link happiness with something else.
    22. Run toward your fear(s)
    23. Be unexpected - Accept that you are creative
    24. Create your relationships - Don’t think with your feelings, think it out with your mind which is creative
    25. Be where you are - Focus on what you want & it will come
    26. Act like a hero
    27. Accept your willpower - Accept it, develop it. You control if it is strong or weak. Be truthful.
    28. Say no to yourself
    29. Make new word connections - Language is power.
    30. De-program yourself
    31. Open the present - Stay present. Don’t live in the past or future
    32. Serve & grow rich - Serve good relationships & things to grow abundance.
    33. Imitate Columbo - Be curious & ask questions to others.
    34. Give away some power
    35. Talk to yourself
    36. Schedule your comebacks - Progress flows on a natural rhythm. Create time to be away and when you will return. Even do this with things you love.
    37. Live your true life - Do not fear death, just live your life.
    38. Get up on the right side of the bed
    39. Use your magic machine - Press the red button NOW! Set goals, do joyful work, and revitalize play/recreation.
    40. Get your stars out - Let the universe within you shine freely
    41. Be a finisher - Create a personal record of finishing tasks
    42. Invent games - Turn it into a game
    43. Interact - Active relaxation tones the mind, passive relaxation dulls you
    44. Live a whole life today - Be proud of yourself today!
    45. Welcome your problems - Love the opportunity to conquer
    46. Drive a library - On the go, listen to things that motivate you. Audible listening is a good way to learn.
    47. Rewind your thoughts
    48. Make yourself up
    49. Get small. Think small then large.
    50. Get out of the box - Get out of the mental closure that holds you back
    51. Advertise to yourself - Advertise your goals to yourself
    52. Don’t stop thinking - Keep your thinking realistic, active & positive
    53. Debate your dark side - Oppose your pessimistic & negative views
    54. Make use of trouble
    55. Learn to brainstorm by yourself
    56. Create your own voice - Feelings are not your voice
    57. Live on the frontier - Stay upfront in life, try the good seats out, thrill yourself
    58. Replace your habits - You have to replace your habits, stopping can be difficult
    59. Paint your day
    60. Swim underwater - No really. Go for a swim! Lol
    61. Get some coaching - Others have an external perspective that can be useful
    62. Leave home - You stay with what you’re use to, that holds you back, so leave home
    63. Perform rituals
    64. Start your life over - It’s never too late, you’re never too old
    65. Keep all your promises
    66. Give some luck away
    67. Draw your universe
    68. Get up a game - Find someone or something to compete with. Don’t get even get better.
    69. Turn your mother down - Do not listen to your primary caregiver, be yourself
    70. Face the sun - Be an optimist
    71. Look inside
    72. Go to war - Challenge yourself from within
    73. Make small change
    74. Do something badly - Do things despite of your skill level. You’ll never truly know you’re skill if not
    75. Be a visioneer - Picture yourself then create yourself
    76. Shine your light - Take things lightly
    77. Be a list writer
    78. Be the change - Show don’t tell. Act don’t speak.
    79. See the gold - See the best stuff.
    80. Simplify
    81. Pen life down - Plan your takedowns, don’t just accept their happening
    82. Accept your purpose
    83. Go on a news fast - Stop watching the news. Celeb & world for a while.
    84. Choose an action
    85. Be a thinker
    86. Choose enjoyment
    87. Read mystery novels
    88. Express your thoughts
    89. Use your weaknesses
    90. Be your problem - If you see yourself as the problem, you’ll see yourself as the solution
    91. Inflate your goal
    92. Come to your own rescue
    93. Push your own buttons
    94. Strengthen your rehearsal - Be hard on yourself, so the world can’t be hard on you.
    95. Improve your vision
    96. Build your power base
    97. Link truth to beauty - Truth leads to confidence
    98. Take no for a question
    99. Walk with love & death
    100. Buy yourself flowers

  • @Wtm_ty
    @Wtm_ty 4 роки тому +316

    Congratulations if your reading this - I’m not aware of what’s going in your life. I can say!!! your making this effort to make you a better you. Keep it up 🥇

    • @mambagaming8461
      @mambagaming8461 4 роки тому +6

      People who want to connect and exchange ideas and experiences......let's make a little exclusive club..just react to my message and we can connect .

    • @thedarkfox9914
      @thedarkfox9914 4 роки тому


    • @nua.h2757
      @nua.h2757 4 роки тому +6

      Now are we connected 🤗

    • @raynewell6371
      @raynewell6371 3 роки тому +2

      @@mambagaming8461 okay

    • @walikhalaf2327
      @walikhalaf2327 3 роки тому +1

      Thanks you same for you.

  • @BreuckelensFinest
    @BreuckelensFinest 6 років тому +138

    1. Create a vision and live into it as if it were true.
    2. Tell a true lie. It creates a vision of who you want to be.
    3. Leave your comfort zone. Challenge yourself.
    4. Find your key. Regain your own thinking. Self discipline. The only thing is for sure is the mastery over your own mind.
    5. Plan your work. Definite planned work once you've created your vision(s)
    I had to go to work, someone please continue on for us. 😉

    • @sylargrey7034
      @sylargrey7034 4 роки тому +49

      6. Move your goal post. Power goals, a dream that drives you. Notice what the goal does to you.
      7. Dribble with the other hand. Practice on thinking optimistically, one thought at a time creating it into a habit.
      8. Play your character. By doing the character we want to be, we can become who we act like we are.
      9. Don’t just do something, sit there. Learn to be alone, observe insights and thoughts. Don’t have distractions. Don’t live someone else’s dream.
      10. Use the right chemicals. Having fun, use what is inside you for feeling good. Find the joy in things.
      11. Leave high school. Don’t be afraid to take risks, or what others think.
      12. Lose face. Don’t let “looking bad” hold you back.
      13. Sing without feeling. Act how you want to feel. Emotional control and manipulation, sing a happy song and you’ll start to feel happy.
      14. Kill your Television. Pay attention to your own life, not others. Ask yourself which side do you want to be on?
      15. Read yourself a story. Any time you have an opportunity to read something that is important to you try reading it out loud. It can leave twice the impression on you.
      16. Get on your death bed. Confronting your own death. Know that you only have a limited amount of time on this earth.
      17. Be lazy to begin with. Break down jobs, the slower you start something the faster you’ll finish.
      18. Leave your friends. Don’t be afraid to walk away from negative people.
      19. Plan your game. Let the “game” respond to you. Design your own life’s game plan.
      20. Find your inner Einstein. Every human has a capacity for genius. Commit to your imagination. Use it to create.
      21. Feel good first. Don’t link happiness with something you don’t have already. Your happiness is your birth right. Make your journey fun all the way and not just fun at the end. Be happy now.
      22. Run toward your fear. Work through your fears and you’ll gain even more confidence. Find something you fear and do it. It’s like a rush of energizing feelings.
      23. Just be unexpected. We all are creative. Accept you are creative.
      24. Create your relationships. We can only “fly” by embracing each other. We can’t create our truest selves without creating relationships. Use your mind in relationships. Be initiative with relationships, make them how you want them to be.
      25. Be where you are. Focus on what you want and it will come into your life.

    • @sylargrey7034
      @sylargrey7034 4 роки тому +38

      26. Act like a hero. Hero’s give source of strength and inspiration. Let hero’s lives inspire you. Look into them rather than just look up to them. Be a hero.
      27. Accept your will power. You’re in charge of your will power.
      28. Say no to yourself. Be self-disciplined, become your own disciple. Self-respect is the fruit of self-discipline. Say no to temptations.
      29. Make new word connections. Useful to think of failure as success, like bodybuilders do. Associate good thoughts with words like discipline, will-power, and practice.
      30. De-program yourself. Alter how you listen to the media. Factor out negative content. Make your own news, be what’s happening.
      31. Open the present. Practice being awake in the present moment. Live the most in this moment. Stay focused on today.
      32. Serve, and grow rich. Increase the flow of money to your life. Increase compassion and well-being for others.
      33. Imitate Columbo. Always be curious. Ask questions in relationships. Be a detective.
      34. Give away some power. Offer encouragement and support to others.
      35. Talk to yourself. Thinking is the soul talking to its self. No one knows you better than yourself. Ask yourself “What is good in my life? What is there still to be done?” As thought always proceeds action.
      36. Schedule your comebacks. Progress is not a straight line. Understand the rhythm of success.
      37. Live your true life. Don’t fear death. Do what makes you happy.
      38. Get up on the right side of the bed. Have a high sense of purpose.
      39. Use your magic machine. Use whole brain thinking. Goal set, do joyful work, and revitalizing play. Create an internal challenge of goals and games.
      40. Get your stars out. Let the universe inside you shine freely for creativity.
      41. Be a finisher. Fatigue comes from not finishing your work. Build a personal record of finishing tasks. Set small tasks and finish them, record them too.
      42. Invent games. What ever work you have to do turn it into a game.
      43. Interact. Do active relaxation, link something that involves thinking with relaxation. Enriching activity that don’t dull you afterwards.
      44. Live a whole life today. Make each day your masterpiece, focus on today. No reason not to make today your proudest day of your life. You’ve got eternity in the palm of your hand, which is right now. Life is now, not later on.
      45. Welcome your problems. Every solution has a problem. Don’t fear them, they are just games for athletes of the mind. Learn to love the opportunities your problems present you.
      46. Drive a library. Use time on the road to listen to audio books.
      47. Rewind your thoughts. Write things down, that motivate you, and put them up where you can see it.
      48. Make yourself up. Make up your goals, easy way to get started is just to make them up, be simple and think of them as easy and they will be.
      49. Get small. Break up your goals into small bite sized amounts. Having small wins will soon turn into big wins.
      50. Get out of the box. Can’t solve your problems thinking the same way when you created them. Create the future. They’re an infinite amount of creative ideas.

    • @sylargrey7034
      @sylargrey7034 4 роки тому +38

      51. Advertise yourself. Advertise your goals to yourself. Write out each morning what you want for the day, month, year, and life. Reminding yourself what you really want in life. Make a map.
      52. Don’t stop thinking. Always take action and feel that progress is being made. Say no to negativity.
      53. Debate your dark side. Learn to debate your pessimistic thoughts. Prove pessimism wrong. Stay optimistic and positive, continue creating your future. Use imagination not to escape reality but to create it.
      54. Make use of trouble. Every problem carries a gift inside it. When confronting “bad events” think about what use you can make of it and what is it trying to tell you. Find the opportunities in them. What might be good about it.
      55. Learn to brainstorm by yourself. Put a goal on top of a page and write out a list 20 ideas to accomplish it. Give yourself permission to flow.
      56. Create your own voice. Sing at the top of your lungs even though you don’t feel like it.
      57. Live on the frontier. It’s all about what you can do, not what you’ve done, make use of the technological advances we have today.
      58. Replace your habits. Replace bad habits with good ones.
      59. Paint your day. Picture your day as a blank canvas, and paint what you want it to look like.
      60. Swim laps under water. Build your lungs, engage in activities that strengthen your cardiovascular system. Your mind operates better when your body operates better.
      61. Get some coaching. Have someone you trust and is creditable tell you what you need improvement on.
      62. Leave home. Keep your environment clean and your foundations in good condition. Get out of your comfort zone.
      63. Perform rituals. Doing something is what leads to doing something. Have self starters that will predictably get you going on the right path to getting your stuff done.
      64. Start your life over. Never too old to start something new.
      65. Keep all your promises. Set goals inside yourself. Live a life of things you think you have to do.
      66. Give some luck away. Do something where someone else can’t repay you.
      67. Draw your universe. In the morning draw out four “planets” (circles), one being your life long dream, year, month, and then your day. To make sure you get on track of your goals being accomplished. Your life and your day are the same thing. It’s mathematical.
      68. Get up your game. Competition is fun when viewed optimistically. Have benchmarks to surpass. Get better.
      69. Turn your mother down. If she is pessimistic. Don’t blame her, but change yourself.
      70. Face the sun. The shadows will fall behind you. What you face grows in your life, what you ignore falls behind you.
      71. Look inside. Travel deep inside for your potential.
      72. Go to war. Act as if you had a year to live, how would you live differently, what would you do.
      73. Make small change. Great things are often created slowly. You are a masterpiece in progress. Celebrate small good changes.
      74. Do something badly. Don’t wait for perfection or inspiration. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly.
      75. Be a visionaire. Use active mental imagining. Picture your desired self.

    • @sylargrey7034
      @sylargrey7034 4 роки тому +41

      76. Shine your light. Use humor when stuck, take things lightly, don’t get too frustrated over things or beat yourself up. Laughter destroys limits, you’ll be more open to solutions/anything.
      77. Be a list writer. Write down what you want.
      78. Be the change. “Be the change in the world you want to see in the world”.
      79. See the gold. Choose to see opportunities.
      80. Simplify. Don’t overcomplicate things.
      81. Pin life down. “Goal without an action plan is a day dream”. Have an attack plan for life. Take time to plan, let life respond to you.
      82. Strengthen your purpose.
      83. Go on a news fast. Stop watching the news. Fill your mind with what you want.
      84. Choose an action. When worrying about something ask yourself what can you do about it.
      85. Be a thinker. Have ideas and solutions for problems, don’t just complain.
      86. Choose enjoyment. Make use of a skill meeting a challenge, like playing an instrument.
      87. Read mystery novels. Helps you draw conclusions better.
      88. Express your thoughts.
      89. Use your weaknesses. Also have your strengths to pick you up whenever you feel down. But view your weaknesses and see how they can be useful to you.
      90. Try becoming your problem. Own your problem, create the solution.
      91. Inflate your goal. Double your current goals, or triple, or multiple by ten. Then ask yourself how you would achieve that goal.
      92. Come to your own rescue. You can’t leave a place you never been, and no one is coming. Accept that you are enough for all you need in life. Be independent.
      93. Push your own buttons. Control your environment, have an uplifting playlist of songs to lift your sprits.
      94. Strengthen your rehearsal. Got something hard to do, do something harder. Grab the bull by the horns.
      95. Improve your vision. What does your vision do. What do you want to bring into vision. Have a vision that brings you right into action just by thinking about it.
      96. Build your power base. Respect your knowledge and build on it. Be aware of the progress you are making.
      97. Link truth to beauty. Truth leads to confidence and clarity.
      98. Take no for a question. Ask the universe for what you want, don’t take no for an answer. Let rejection motivate you to get more creative.
      99. Walk with love and death. Take your challenges for a walk. You can walk courage into existence.
      100. Buy yourself flowers. And let them remind you of how colorful your future is going to be. How fresh your thoughts are, how easy it is for you to honor yourself. How much power you have to make your environment beautiful, and how sweet the universe can be.

    • @knowledgemastery4356
      @knowledgemastery4356 4 роки тому +1

      Check full Summery notes ua-cam.com/video/rVILVHIfd-o/v-deo.html

  • @Adam-nu7bi
    @Adam-nu7bi 2 місяці тому +1

    I was a factory employee, with no perspectives, born in poverty, with social anxiety and addictions. This book convinced me to learn German. In a year I got a decent job with German. In 3 years I became a senior accountant. In next 4 years I were a successful senior buyer. Now I work in sourcing, my salary is in 10% of highest in my country. And this was the spark that changed my career. I have a daughter. I am not rich, but I am happy and have a lot of free time. This book, this audio in particular, changed me from a poor, ill and sad person to a succeful regular middle class dude. Yes, in Poland middle class is 9% of society.

  • @Nordien1978
    @Nordien1978 8 років тому +884

    Increase the play speed to 1.25 and it will sound more motivated ;-)

    • @dmonk952
      @dmonk952 8 років тому +34

      lol brilliant

    • @TammyFrausto
      @TammyFrausto 7 років тому +17

      Haha! Awesome!

    • @terradan2013
      @terradan2013 7 років тому +53

      Agreed. After hearing the first few words from his mouth, I've decided to just buy the damn book.

    • @jimmyniful
      @jimmyniful 7 років тому +10

      Haha, nice tip.

    • @Warfieldization
      @Warfieldization 7 років тому +6

      Nordien1978 how do you increase the speed

  • @stanleysylvain4793
    @stanleysylvain4793 5 років тому +21

    I love #14.
    Which side of the glass of the television do you want to live in? We’re watching other people enjoying themselves for a living. They’re getting money, and you’re paying. I love it.

  • @amithrodrigo87
    @amithrodrigo87 Рік тому +10

    This Audio book eventhough I honestly never got to listen to It A to Z. Planted the right stuff in my brain. That drastically transformed my life. I was jobless, broke af and misserable when I stumbled upon this Gem many years ago. Now I am a Manager for a foreign company(workingvfrom Sri Lanka), with a good salary, a house , a land , and happily married. Country is doing terrible but I barely feel it...because atlrast for now I am doing so good in life. It all started with some of the changes of thinking and attitude this audiobook planted in me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @jimmychanga2470
    @jimmychanga2470 6 років тому +195

    So much anxiety in our society that a guy speaking without anxiety is seen as unmotivated. He's not unmotivated. He's just relaxed.

    • @anthonysteel2157
      @anthonysteel2157 5 років тому +1

      Jimmy Changa I agree

    • @manzurijan
      @manzurijan 5 років тому

      للُفع۴۵سی یق ثقه سبق ص۲فقط ثقه ق

    • @marymulanhull7135
      @marymulanhull7135 5 років тому +3

      I never thot of it that way

    • @ericalewis9047
      @ericalewis9047 4 роки тому +2

      Sorry, he sounds like he smoked a bowl. Its hard to listen to things that are to slow because my mind starts to wander

    • @nua.h2757
      @nua.h2757 4 роки тому +2

      Speed up

  • @dudulofuu
    @dudulofuu 2 роки тому +6

    Steve Chandler, I love you so much, you changed my life with this book!

  • @adriannutricion2988
    @adriannutricion2988 3 роки тому +34

    Time Stamps:
    1:20 1. Create a vision
    2:50 2. Tell a true lie
    3:41 3. Leave your comfort zone
    4:18 4. Find your key
    6:08 5. Plan your work
    7:32 6. Move your goalpost
    8:23 7. Dribble with your other hand
    9:46 8. Play your character
    10:33 9. Don't just do something, sit there
    11:26 10. Use the right chemicals
    12:10 11. Leave High School
    13:02 12. Loose face
    13:25 13. Sing without feeling
    13:48 14. Kill your TV (Or social media)
    14:26 15. Read yourself a story
    15:03 16. Get on your deathbed
    15:40 17. Be lazy to begin with
    "None of us have fixed personalities, we make ourselves up as we go along"
    "Self creation happens once self-motivation happens"

    • @ShawnJonesHellion
      @ShawnJonesHellion Рік тому

      2:02.g putin nukes Google headquarters an this video ends. FINALLY!

  • @AzadiEvents
    @AzadiEvents 6 років тому +59

    The voice got me at first but it truly fades away and you don't even notice it past the 5th minute. In fact, it actually fits perfectly.

    • @KingDavidTV
      @KingDavidTV 6 років тому

      J. Fallon increase the speed 1.25 or 1.5

  • @dillardparker7546
    @dillardparker7546 7 років тому +63

    On February 4, 2017--This is what I woke up to at 8am this morning--I will do this every 4 days for the rest of the year. I cannot allow these years to continue to pass unanswered and I have a future to achieve. Thanks for the wake up call.

    • @regaininglife9084
      @regaininglife9084 7 років тому +7

      Good goal, man. I hope it works for you. What has been helping me is writing down solid, concrete goals. And I made sure these are coming from me and not something I want to achieve to fit in, get women, appear good or successful etc. Then I wrote out the action steps. Finally, I review these goals weekly. And I take steps towards them. So far, so good. It is scary but at the same time I feel like I really have some direction for once.

    • @gregoriamuniz1869
      @gregoriamuniz1869 5 років тому +5

      Still doing the 100 ways?

  • @ayeshas7907
    @ayeshas7907 5 років тому +2

    Narrator’s voice made this book even more enjoyable. Perfect voice for a perfect book.

  • @Acutabovemosiacs
    @Acutabovemosiacs Рік тому +10

    This is the second time I am listening, because this book is life changing! Love it! I cant believe I've never heard of it before. It's Wonderful!

  • @dropclutch1
    @dropclutch1 3 роки тому +2

    I had no idea Steven Wright was so motivated! This is the most energetic delivery I have ever heard him give!!!

  • @jeanalexandre1105
    @jeanalexandre1105 3 роки тому +1

    Create a plan and work the plan. And a date of completion. That's all you need folks

  • @arielmartinez3202
    @arielmartinez3202 8 років тому +32

    One of the most important quotes I keep on a daily basis, I read it in this book: " Nobody can make me change, Not even me. No one can not stop me from changing, not even me. No one really knows how should I change, not even me. Not until I start"

  • @jimmychanga2470
    @jimmychanga2470 6 років тому +37

    This book should not be titled "100 Ways to Motivate Yourself" but "100 Ways to Live Your Best Possible Life".
    It is literally a modern-day bible.

  • @goahead3654
    @goahead3654 5 років тому +5

    Point number 43 is so true. There is such a difference between the way normal people relax and great thinkers relax. I loved this point!

  • @wilmerjohnson3881
    @wilmerjohnson3881 27 днів тому

    This is amazing I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to break above the surface 100%

  • @Xtefanno
    @Xtefanno 7 років тому +73

    no joke, this book changed my life

    • @sandymoonstone855
      @sandymoonstone855 6 років тому +1

      mplsridah : Stefanno Dias tells the truth. I know of his success .💰

    • @MatrixAngel-xt6nl
      @MatrixAngel-xt6nl 6 років тому

      mplsridah lmao

    • @jctutinocompany5016
      @jctutinocompany5016 5 років тому

      Me too bro

    • @user-tm6qy6qc6c
      @user-tm6qy6qc6c 4 роки тому +1

      It's been 2 years since you wrote this comment but can you help me today?

    • @mathewnunley8433
      @mathewnunley8433 4 роки тому +2

      @@user-tm6qy6qc6c what do you need help with? Listen to this audio on your way to work every morning. I've listened to this one over 300 times. Have the discipline to listen to it every morning (at least the first 70 ways) and it'll change your whole outlook.

  • @aalphasplatt1153
    @aalphasplatt1153 7 років тому +51

    52 minutes: Bless him - he said that he consciously created his voice../the way he speaks. I'm Thoroughly enjoying this book. The information outweighs my sensitivity to his voice. Thank you for posting!! 😊

  • @JanDobrodumow
    @JanDobrodumow 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this. I used to listen to it every day when running, haven't listened to it for a few years, but it's definitely helpful, and worth coming back to.

  • @StefenTower
    @StefenTower 5 років тому +2

    One of the best self-help books ever. It will re-wire your brain in the best way.

  • @soulcology
    @soulcology 6 років тому +3

    I literally bursted into tears for 100.. because I do by me flowers for those reasons. Be good to yourself guys, love yourself. 💕
    Thank you for uploading this onto this platform. I appreciate you. I will listen to this religiously every morning, everyday until I’m acting on each one effortlessly.

  • @reemfares9715
    @reemfares9715 6 років тому +4

    OMG ! this book does change your attitude to life !.
    it's really worth keeping in every house.

  • @elplateado0018
    @elplateado0018 7 років тому +32

    All you people making negative comments about his voice etc. instead of appreciating that you are able to listen to it while driving or performing other tasks....
    What a bunch of jerks. As if you were all so enlightened and had perfect motivating voices.

    • @whitethronebooks
      @whitethronebooks 6 років тому +3

      They have a valid point. A person with a "flat" voice shouldn't be reading audiobooks.

    • @johnydarko1721
      @johnydarko1721 4 роки тому

      It's just so hard to listen to and its all because of his voice.

  • @MAX-ho6wg
    @MAX-ho6wg 4 роки тому +1

    Motivation speaking is not about shouting as you speak. You can sill motivate people in calmness. Being yourself is the best quality one should have if you are going to motivate people. stereotyping others is not great because you will come the point when you could not pretend to be someone else. and once that happens, your audience will stop listening to you instead play with their phones. He has done a great job narrating someone else's book.

  • @GenBloodLust
    @GenBloodLust 7 років тому +283

    he sounds like Garfield the cat :D

  • @AKGDirector
    @AKGDirector 4 роки тому +7

    I absolutely love this audiobook my fav ever! He has a bit of a melancholy voice, but he is dropping so many gems I dont even care! 🤣🤣🤣 I fall to sleep to him all the time and wake up with my energy and focus on a thousand.

    • @Geneattenborough
      @Geneattenborough 3 роки тому

      Absolutely!! When i start to feel depressed i listen to him and i snap right out of it.

  • @ruready619it
    @ruready619it 4 роки тому +14

    1.5X was the most appropriate speed for me.
    Just great material.

  • @howto4dummies242
    @howto4dummies242 5 років тому +2

    Honestly This Book Has Changed my Life completely, Seriously my life is 2 parts, one before reading this book and one after this book, i kept repeating it for 6 Months

  • @ayeshas7907
    @ayeshas7907 5 років тому +5

    Love this voice and tempo. Each and every word is SPEAKING to me. Thank you!!

  • @trishataylor2837
    @trishataylor2837 4 роки тому +2

    I used to think the more fired up someone was when they read the better it would affect me. After listening to this guy I have to say I enjoyed and retained MORE than listening to someone raising their voice and SCREAMING at me in some high pitched rehearsed one! The content in this book was put together brilliantly! It made me want to start doing the suggestions this very day. Thank you for posting thus🙏💏

  • @mrblack8447
    @mrblack8447 8 років тому +326

    a motivation book narrated by the most unmotivated man in the world, good book though

  • @yarrwoiyess
    @yarrwoiyess 6 років тому +1

    face the sun to grow in your life, what you face grows in your life ......nice

  • @BarbaraSamantha
    @BarbaraSamantha Рік тому

    I’ve listening to this book for years. I always return to this book whenever I need a pick me up.

  • @healthyperson8214
    @healthyperson8214 6 років тому +5

    This audiobook will definitely have positive, and hopefully significant impact on my life. I have already listened to the first 15 minutes, and I think that I am starting to get an idea, of what is mediocrity and what is greatness.

  • @denisegrant1871
    @denisegrant1871 5 років тому +1

    The part about spending time and money really got to me. How true🤔 I am paying for actors, travellers, singers, dancers to live their dreams. Wow!

  • @mico70
    @mico70 4 роки тому +13

    I'm really enjoying this. I even love the author's "monotone drone tone". LOL

  • @joofark
    @joofark 2 роки тому

    Thank you!
    100 ways!
    I hit a slump, but now I have lots of choices to get going again.
    God bless you, Sir!

  • @sammimitsu
    @sammimitsu 6 років тому +8

    Thank you for posting your book. It's so generous of you.

  • @francescopiotto9510
    @francescopiotto9510 8 місяців тому

    super book!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna listen every day forever !!!!!!!!

  • @mahfuzhassen257
    @mahfuzhassen257 2 роки тому

    Say No to Yourself!!! Great book!

  • @mexicounexplained
    @mexicounexplained Рік тому

    He sounds like Tom Bodett. "I'll leave the light on for you."

  • @timdyer8683
    @timdyer8683 6 років тому +4

    I have been seeing 444 for sometime and also doing exercises to open my last chakra. Iooked up the meaning of 444 and after reading my spirit guides led me to this tape, so i listened to it in its entirety immediately. I just finished it and i must take a moment to say THANK YOU. What a life changing evening I am having. And talk about personal, number 64. You can change at any time in your life. I turn 64 in 11 days and this lecture was perfect. Mr. Chandler, go buy yourself flowers or i will buy some for you. Thank you for doing what you do

  • @vidalexperience
    @vidalexperience 9 місяців тому

    The last one was a great ending. 🎉 get out there and conquer your universe!

  • @theunknownsource8317
    @theunknownsource8317 3 роки тому +1

    After increasing the spread. I REALLY enjoyed the audio! Thanks for sharing. Great list of motivations!

  • @shonshamuratov7308
    @shonshamuratov7308 5 років тому +10

    I listen this in the gym. I guess, I listened more than 10 times. It helps me focus.

  • @kartgal
    @kartgal 3 роки тому

    Almost didn’t listen due to the sound of his voice (no enthusiasm in his tone for a topic that should be read by someone very enthusiastic) but stuck with it and am so grateful I did! Great tips in this book.

  • @atharvasoman4396
    @atharvasoman4396 5 років тому +5

    Atharva Soman was here... 11august 2018.. 1.35 AM.. I promise myself to be the best of what ever I am.

  • @bizabif2
    @bizabif2 5 років тому +2

    I found this book inspiring. Thank you Steve.

  • @richardlangner5573
    @richardlangner5573 4 роки тому +4

    Wonderful book! Great advice, well worth the time to listen.

    • @nua.h2757
      @nua.h2757 4 роки тому

      I wondered how people do things constantly

  • @ms.e195
    @ms.e195 6 років тому +2

    This voice I swear! Takes all the joy out of reading this book

    • @mikecheck1256
      @mikecheck1256 6 років тому

      Ms. E he sounds like he’s on heroin or something.. or a stroke survivor

    • @obywan7901
      @obywan7901 5 років тому

      It was slowed down just speed it up

  • @newt3695
    @newt3695 3 роки тому +1

    It's funny that people hear someone talking slow and immediately assume they sound depressed or unmotivated. I know several depressed and unmotivated people that talk a mile a minute

  • @adamarlia6650
    @adamarlia6650 2 роки тому +1

    So amazing. Thank you. You can walk into an amazing life. Just take that first step.

  • @snehashishbanerjee2575
    @snehashishbanerjee2575 3 роки тому +3

    I can't explain the greatness of this book enough! Very to-the-point and crystal-clear presentation of 100 points, very powerful! Thanx for sharing

  • @sabrinawilliams3064
    @sabrinawilliams3064 7 років тому +110

    i dont think he sounds unmotivated. he sounds calm. Like he is reading this book whilst in nirvana and hes found supreme chill
    but maybe thats just me.

    • @carolinaspringcookie1985
      @carolinaspringcookie1985 5 років тому

      Sabrina Williams p

    • @edgargil8159
      @edgargil8159 5 років тому +3

      I think the same way. He sound so calm. It like hes mind is in peace.

    • @nua.h2757
      @nua.h2757 4 роки тому

      When it comes motivation i like energetic voice

    • @raynewell6371
      @raynewell6371 3 роки тому

      This book is hilarious!!!

    • @TheHerbdude
      @TheHerbdude 3 роки тому

      Increasing the speed to 1.25 helps me.

  • @prtmanprtGod
    @prtmanprtGod 3 роки тому

    People are steeped in negativity, it makes them feel empowered, just reading some of these comments confirms this.

  • @kevintyler7932
    @kevintyler7932 4 роки тому +10

    "we'll leave the light on for you" lmao straight motel 6 voice

  • @JenniferM0531
    @JenniferM0531 5 років тому +1

    I appreciate his voice and touch of personality. Also, some good words to live by.

  • @Kayotesden
    @Kayotesden 3 роки тому +1

    I wasnt expecting much from this list & so many other books that claim 10 / 20/ 50 days to do this or that never impress me much, however, this was different. I loved it. Thank you!

  • @susannec659
    @susannec659 5 років тому +3

    Thank you so much for this I've listened to this at least six times so far and plan to listen more times.

  • @princeharry7194
    @princeharry7194 3 роки тому +2

    Powerful stuff,,I kept coming back to this ..thanks for sharing 🙏

  • @fwaamm
    @fwaamm 7 років тому +22

    the more you learn, the more you earn.

    • @loqueando666
      @loqueando666 6 років тому +1

      bro Bonin And read books lots of books

    • @infinity4evr
      @infinity4evr 6 років тому +1

      Sergi Scroggins
      I like that..

    • @creemyice
      @creemyice 5 років тому

      H E R E I N M Y G A R A G E (I know it's dead but whatever)

    • @gregoriamuniz1869
      @gregoriamuniz1869 5 років тому

      Did you go to jobcorb?

  • @helpinghandsolutions8665
    @helpinghandsolutions8665 6 років тому +128

    Funny! I just decided to give up television for one week and read or listen to self motivation books or CD discs.

      @PUTYPLATZ 6 років тому +2

      Monique Williams should give it up all together.

    • @amanqureshy5188
      @amanqureshy5188 6 років тому +6

      Monique Williams - I cancelled my Netflix last week. In just one week I started using my time better.

    • @fatimamonteiro9803
      @fatimamonteiro9803 6 років тому +1

      Monique Williams

    • @desmondgore3754
      @desmondgore3754 6 років тому +5

      I started listening to audio books and my life is improving 😊

    • @domflem6867
      @domflem6867 5 років тому

      Empty throne

  • @libbyoofta3572
    @libbyoofta3572 4 роки тому +1

    This book changed my whole life

  • @carlosacta8726
    @carlosacta8726 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for uploading this amazing book! I listened to the tape during my college days and it helped me immensely!

  • @BudHarold
    @BudHarold 5 років тому +1

    This is actually a really resourceful audio book.. i started listening to it.. forgot about it til someone commented in my comment... listened to it the rest of the morning😉..
    Have a blessed one peeps

    • @colleenann772
      @colleenann772 2 роки тому

      Here’s a Reminder to listen again 😃

  • @carolryan3116
    @carolryan3116 Рік тому

    Act as if, fake it till you make it 💪💪👌👌

  • @ayeshas7907
    @ayeshas7907 5 років тому +2

    This is LIFE CHANGING!!

  • @ajyaluna
    @ajyaluna 4 роки тому +1

    1. Create a vision arnold s. Believe in yourself when no one else
    2. Tell a true lie.. Draw a picture of who you want to be.
    3. Leave your comfort zone
    4. Find your key.. Self descipline... Mental attitude
    5. Plan your time... So you act not react
    6. Make powerful goals... What the goal does
    7. Dripple with your other hand.. Utilize all your resources..
    8. Play your character. How you act is who you become
    9. Do not do something just sit there.. Observe yourself..
    10. Use the right chemicals body produced laugh have fun
    11.leave highschool.. Stop giving value to what other people think
    12. Lose face. Accept making mistakes..
    Show me a guy who is afraid to look bad and i will show you a guy who will never mount to anything
    13. Sing without feeling... We are happy because we sing
    14. Kill your television.. Do not just sit around watching people live their lives.. Which side of the glass i want to be at... Passive or active
    15. Read yourself a story... Read aloud to remember better
    16. Get on your death bed... Confront yourself
    17. Be lazy at first.. If you start something hard and overwhelming start slowly... So you do not give up fast.
    18. Leave friends eho do not support your goals or pull you down
    19. Plan your game... Be a player the game responds to
    20. Find your inner einshtein... Commit to using your imagination... Do Not use for worrying.. Use for creating
    21. Feel good first... Happiness from within.. Not from without... Do not let it depend on a achievement... Enjoy the process
    22. Run towards your fear... On the other side something good is waiting... It kills more people daily.
    23. Just be unexpected.. Be original.. Unexpected solutions
    24. Create your relationships... Balance mind and emotions... Do not think with your emotions
    25. Be where you are... Focus on the present moment
    26. Act like a hero.. Show what is possible.. Read about heros... Let them inspire you.
    27. Accept your will power existance... Muscle to develop
    28. Say no to yourself... Self discipline... Your own deciple... Self respect is the fruit of discipline.. No to temptation...
    29. Make new word connection... Weight lifter
    Failure is success... Language is power.. Guide it to personal power.
    30. Make your own news... Be what is happening
    31. Practice being awake in the present moment.. Live in the now.. Not the past nor the present.
    32. Serve and grow rich.. Do not be poor.. Give an inspiration to other...
    33. Imitate columbo... Always be curious ask questions
    34. Give away some power
    35. Talk to yourself everyday ask.. No
    What is good about my life
    What is there to still be done
    Thoughts preceeds action
    36. Schedule your comebacks... Fresh renew recover.. Come back strong...
    37. Live your true life..
    Do not fear death... Look and work for living life fully
    38. Getup on the right side of the bed
    Activate your right brain... High sense of purpose.. Motivates
    39. Use your magic machine... whole brain activation .. Goal setting.. Joyful work.. Revitalization.. Internal challange
    40. Get your stars out... Let yourself shine
    41. Be a finisher unfinished responsibilty burdens the soul and creates fatigue. Nothing is so fatiguing than an unfinished task. Move and finish.. Believe you are a finisher.
    Things I finished.. Permant belief
    42. Invent games.. Turn tasks into games
    43. Interact... Interactive relaxation like painting... Do not do things that dull your creativity
    44. Live a whole life today... Make each day your master piece. Today is the microcosmo of your entire life.. Life is now.
    45. Welcome your problems.. Tough games for the athletes of the mind... Look at the opportunities they present
    46. Drive a library.. Audiobooks.. Speed reading.. Use time on the road to educate yourself.. Build your belief system
    47. Rewind your thoughts... Write your thought where you can see them...
    48. Make yourself up.. Always think as what you have to do is easy and it will be
    49. Get small... Long range goals... Small goals for small wins
    50. Get out of the box... Do not let the future be a mirror image of the past.
    51. Advertise to yourself.. Winners visualize the reward of success... Losers visualize the penalty of success. Four circles draw each day
    My day my month my year my life
    Goals in each... Map for the day...
    52. Do not stop thinking
    Optimism move progress
    Pessimism leads to passivity
    Use imagination to create reality not to escape from it.
    53. Debate your dark side
    Debate your pessimistic thoughts
    Be a lawyer for the optimistic view
    54. Make use of trouble.. Every problem carries a gift inside it. How can i use this... Ex. Broke a leg.. Gives me time to read
    55. Learn to brain storm by yourself... Practice
    56. Create your own voice... Practice talking.. Do not let your feelings run or ruin your life
    57. Live on the frontier.. Build your skills
    58. Replace bad habits by transforming them
    Or introducing a replacement... Honor the need
    59. Honor your day..see your day as a canvas and you as the artist
    60. Swim laps under water.. Most oxygen run breathe
    61. Get coaching...
    62. Leave home (thought sysyem) .. Move from where you are at.. Safety comes from limitations.. Identify what keeps you trapped... Prevents you from risking growth.
    63. Perform rituals... Jump start your brain by walking for example... Take a problem for a walk
    Override your laziness
    64. Start your life over... Never too late to start
    65. Keep all your promises.. Make commitments you can keep... Set goals
    66. Give some luck away.. Do something for someone who cannot repay you
    67. Draw your universe..wake up. . Draw four circles.. Label
    life long dream... My year... My month.. My day
    Be a creative planner
    68. Get up a game.. Competition is fun.. Humility... Energy.. Have fun winning or losing
    Use victory to create a better you
    69. Turn your mother down
    We make our mothers style our own... Develop your own style... Learn new ways... Love her but change yourself
    70. Face the sun... Shadows fall behind you... What you look at grows... What you ignore fades away.
    71. Look inside.. Do not seek approval.. Your potential is your identity
    72. Go to war.. Faced with cancer wrote books
    Challange self from within.. How would i live if i had one year to live..
    73. Make small change.. we become demoralized by seeking big changes all at one.
    Take stairs instead of elevator.. Celebrate you are moving in the direction of your goal.
    74. Do something badly... The important thing is to start... Perfection will come with practice..
    75.be a visionnaire.. Engineer dreams into a reality... You cannot do anything you cannot picture yourself doing.
    76. Take things lightly... When you are laughing you are open to anything
    77. Be a list writer... A goal gains power evertime you write it down.
    78. Be the change... Do not try to change others... Lead by inspiration... When you change watch other people change.
    79. SEE THE Gold... Opportunities multiply when you choose to see them.
    80. Simplify... When you simplify your life it gathers energy.
    81. A goal without an action plan is a day dream.. Let life respond to you.
    82. Strengthen your purpose
    Boredom and co fusion result from am absence sense of purpose
    83. Go on a news fast... Stop watching the news for a whole week. Upswing in energy.. You can fill your mind with what ever you want.
    84. Choose an action.. When ever you worry about something choose an action question. What can I do about this right now and then do something. Any things that worries you should be acted upon.
    85. Be a thinker... Come with a suggested solutions to problems not just whine about them
    86. Choose enjoyment... Pleasure drinking.. Enjoyment involves use of skill to meet a challange... Sailing... Gardening...
    87. Read a mystery novel... Build brains... Those Based on drawing conclusions not guns.
    88. Express your thoughts.. Be thoughful
    89. Explore your weaknesses and strengths..
    How can you make them beneficial.. Arnold Turned accent weakness to strength.
    90. Own your problem..create a solution... You get rid of the victim mentality and can find a solution.
    91. Inflate your goal.. As an intellectual exercise.. What can i do to sign 10 contracts in two weeks instead of 2
    92. Come to your own rescue... Demesyify your fears.. Dismantle fear.. Value indendence and self responsibilty above dependence on sone one else. Grow
    93. Push your own buttons. Control your environment. If a song motivates you.. Play it for yourself.
    94. Strengthen your rehearsal.. Set yourself up to succeed... Rehearse a presentation infront of someone who scares you. The harder you are on yourself the easier life is on you.
    95. Improve your vision.. What a vision does.. Does it give you energy... Does it make you smile. Judged by power and effectiveness.. Must put you into action just by thinking about it. Must give you energy and be so colorful and clear.
    96. Build your power base..respect your knowledge and build on it.
    97. Link truth to beauty.. Diminishes your fear.. Builds self mastery... Lies and half truths will always wear you down.
    98. Take no for a question..turn what is denied to you into a question can you be more creative
    99. Walk with love and death take challenges for a walk.. Walking has a harmonizing influence on the central nervous system.
    Love is always creative and fear is always destructive. Only acceptance of death gives life meaning.
    100. BUY yourself flowers.. Let them remind you how fresh your life is... How easy it is to honor yourself... How much power you have to make your environment beautiful. And how sweet the smell of the universe can be.

  • @annetteritzmann5821
    @annetteritzmann5821 7 років тому +25

    Very good speaker, great to listen! :-)

  • @laurabarber6697
    @laurabarber6697 3 роки тому +1

    Sometimes presenting the material and a slower speaking pace is useful because it allows you time to think about what is being said.

  • @bybyana26
    @bybyana26 4 роки тому +22

    He sounds like the clear eyes guy commercial! 🤣

    • @IceyNoEvil
      @IceyNoEvil 4 роки тому +2

      Ben Stein

    • @tramaineparsons612
      @tramaineparsons612 4 роки тому


  • @ianmlamba6187
    @ianmlamba6187 8 місяців тому

    My favourite book of all times

  • @padresoscar
    @padresoscar 5 років тому +1

    Wonderful book.. New
    Refreshing ideas for a change!!

  • @edleysoares9589
    @edleysoares9589 5 років тому

    One of the best book. Simple and effective.

  • @nicolewijngaardencoachingl6280
    @nicolewijngaardencoachingl6280 7 років тому +2

    Thank you Steve. I am enjoying this audiobook.

  • @learnengwithshahan790
    @learnengwithshahan790 4 роки тому +1

    What a book to the afresh starter of life

  • @lexasamuel5097
    @lexasamuel5097 3 роки тому +1

    Very motivating and actually I found the calmness of his voice very relaxing

  • @debishopk4033
    @debishopk4033 3 роки тому +1

    Lovely and mind refreshing book

  • @arliefor-real9749
    @arliefor-real9749 3 роки тому

    Motivation is easy with Steve Chandler, 100 questions/Answers to how to encourage yourself!! Thank you, il play this many times!😍

  • @pecas6445
    @pecas6445 7 років тому

    Flowers for you and so on, 🔥great audiobook, god bless.

  • @glamelhershkovitz1664
    @glamelhershkovitz1664 6 років тому +2

    Once I increased the speed this was an amazing book with excellent tips. This is one of my favorites.

  • @gladystellis2848
    @gladystellis2848 4 роки тому +1

    This book is awesome. !!!

  • @europe1122
    @europe1122 2 роки тому

    Thank you. God bless 🙌

  • @richarddelali47
    @richarddelali47 2 роки тому +1

    I love this motivation.
    I am really motivated.

  • @aarnyMagic
    @aarnyMagic 3 роки тому +1

    Very nice book. Have taught me so much and I am implementing the suggestions vigorously and consistently.

  • @ingridsanmiguel453
    @ingridsanmiguel453 Рік тому

    Thank you, I learned so much and got some nice phrases to my collection.

  • @dmoney1219
    @dmoney1219 4 роки тому +1

    Great book, I can relate to this .
    Wish I would have came across this early in my life.....

  • @kwasiwilliams7544
    @kwasiwilliams7544 6 років тому +6

    Change playback speed to 1.25 or 1.5 to make reader sound normal.

  • @MrJDOaktown
    @MrJDOaktown 3 місяці тому

    I love this video so much, I've bought the book on Amazon.

  • @KV-tf2rq
    @KV-tf2rq 4 роки тому

    I have 100 reasons why I’m not motivated to listen to this guys voice for over an hour

  • @BeammeupSpotty
    @BeammeupSpotty 3 роки тому

    #1 have/create a vision for yourself
    #2 lie to yourself/make a fantasy of yourself
    #3 get out of your comfort zone. look for challenges that get you out of your comfort zone
    #4 find your key - have the self discipline to do what you want
    #5 plan your work. have your picture in mind and then plan. 1 hour of planning saves 3 hours of execution.
    #6 move your goal posts. make your goals large enough to motivate you.
    #7 dribble with your other hand. just have to form the habit. program a new different way of thinking
    #8 play your character. doing the character you want to be can move yourself to being yourself
    #9 sit quietly with yourself to know yourself
    #10 have fun. laugh. create fun.
    #11 leave high school. don't worry about being embarrassed about what others think of you.
    #12 lose face. Don't be afraid to look bad in front of others.
    #13 sing. we're happy because we sing. find the happiest song you know and sing it.
    #14 kill your television
    #15 read yourself a story. you remember more when you read aloud.
    #16 get on your deathbed. imagine it so you can address it
    #17 be lazy.
    #18 leave your friends that don't support you.
    #19 plan your own life's game.
    #20 find your own inner einstein. you are as creative as he was. use your imagination to create.
    #21 feel good first. Don't put off feeling good. Feeling good shouldn't depend on achieving things.
    #22 work through your fears. run towards your fears.
    #23 just be unexpected. creativity is being unexpected.

  • @motivationalvid1649
    @motivationalvid1649 4 роки тому

    This guy is really damn good narrator.
    He is so relaxed.

  • @RalphWilliams300
    @RalphWilliams300 6 років тому +2

    Just lucked up on this one. Thought I would just listen to a few now I'm enjoying the entire book. And the voice is cool too.

  • @jamiehernandez36
    @jamiehernandez36 4 роки тому +1

    This book is amazing!! ✨☁️

  • @ratelhoneybadger
    @ratelhoneybadger 6 років тому +4


  • @michelleg9679
    @michelleg9679 6 років тому +1

    Thank you for sharing this.