Hi there GG, so if someone is blocking the nat all you need is one drone to kill the scv and kljust immediately take your third. Once you see the marine killing your overlord send your lings across the map to harass and get some intell. Next queens are your body blocke s to the ramp. So main queen injects then moves to natural, Secound injects and joine it. Make two more queens. I'd nor you need to block one entrance partially with an Evo or roach warren/ bane nest and have queen in entrance. You can do that since you know there is no reaper comming. Last spread spotter lings to get vision. Glhf!
Hi there GG, so if someone is blocking the nat all you need is one drone to kill the scv and kljust immediately take your third. Once you see the marine killing your overlord send your lings across the map to harass and get some intell. Next queens are your body blocke s to the ramp. So main queen injects then moves to natural, Secound injects and joine it. Make two more queens. I'd nor you need to block one entrance partially with an Evo or roach warren/ bane nest and have queen in entrance. You can do that since you know there is no reaper comming. Last spread spotter lings to get vision. Glhf!
@@basild2807 great advice!