L'histoire des Juifs et du sionisme condensée en 3 minutes

  • Опубліковано 24 чер 2024


  • @jjm4633
    @jjm4633 3 дні тому +12

    So right. I'm protestant of Viking decent. My Father studied Greek and Hebrew....I see the big picture.

  • @Kalaanoo
    @Kalaanoo 3 дні тому +8

    Dear Israelis, an Iranian her.
    May I share how sad these instances are as your nation to this date were neve allowed to feel safe?
    Since 14 years ago, in the past 5 uprisings in Iran, in which the last one broadcasted the message of revolution, we Iranians captured Hamas & Hezbollah soldiers in the capital city to help IRIB do not fall.
    But you know what else we found (images/vids on theb)?
    Tear Gasses, Rubber Bullets & Drones made in UK or France dated after 2020.
    And who stood with us all these years? Only Israeli.
    I live in Berlin now, and it feels so strange. As if, I am asking myself, did they ever care about the Jews? Or they practically took you out, gave you some weapons' and left you to build a nation at the second heart of Middle East? Did they not all these years push America to let Iran's evil regime sell oil, whatever the harm to my people and to your nation could be?
    You know maybe Im bitter these days, but I feel like, nation of Israel is a middle eastern second classes citizens of the world to them.
    I can tell you strongly that the majority of Iranians today, young and old believe, peace safety and prosperity in middle eat will only happen when our nation finally breaks this regime and come to lead and create with you.
    I hope this day comes very soon. I hope our revolution ends in the next uprising possibly next winter and we would trust you will have our back not to allow this regime make hell on earth like Syria.
    We Love You. I wrote in bitterness but Im hopeful, for I truly believe in Us.
    Take Care

    • @zak123
      @zak123 Годину тому

      Shut up plz, you are not Iranian

  • @user-wb3ji3yp3q
    @user-wb3ji3yp3q 3 дні тому +5


  • @porridge1470
    @porridge1470 3 дні тому +4

    L'attaque du Hamas est l'expression pure du djihad violent contre les Juifs et la nation Juive. Il est important à présent de désigner et de parler courageusement de la cause du djihad violent - la doctrine Islamique politique elle-même, ou « Islam politique ».
    Quel que soit le nom du groupe - Hamas, Boko Haram, Djihad Islamique, État Islamique, etc. - la source de leurs idées, y compris la haine des Juifs, et le guide de leurs actions, sont toujours les mêmes, et ce depuis 1400 ans : la doctrine Islamique primaire, extraite du Coran, des Hadiths (les traditions de Mahomet) et de la Sira (la biographie de Mahomet).
    Voici quelques exemples parmi d'autres (voir les statistiques ci-dessous) :
    Coran 9:29 “Combattez ceux qui ne croient point en Allah ni au Dernier Jour, [qui] ne déclarent pas illicite ce qu’Allah et Son Apôtre ont déclaré illicite, [qui] ne pratiquent point la religion de Vérité, parmi ceux ayant reçu l’Écriture ! [Combattez-les] jusqu’à ce qu’ils paient la jizya, directement et alors qu’ils sont humiliés. »
    Coran 98:6 “Ceux qui auront été incrédules, parmi les Détenteurs de l’Écriture et les Associateurs, seront dans le feu de la Géhenne où, immortels, ils demeureront. Ceux-là sont le pire de l’humanité. »
    Sahih Muslim 2922 « Abu Huraira rapporte que le Messager d'Allah a dit : La dernière heure n'arrivera que lorsque les Musulmans combattront les Juifs et que les Musulmans les tueront jusqu'à ce que les Juifs se cachent derrière une pierre ou un arbre et qu'une pierre ou un arbre dise : " Musulman, ou serviteur d'Allah, il y a un Juif derrière moi, viens et tue-le : ; mais l'arbre Gharqad ne le dira pas, car c'est l'arbre des Juifs."
    Faits statistiques essentiels issus de la doctrine Islamique primaire :
    ■ 9% est anti-Juif (contre 7% dans Mein Kampf d'Hitler)
    ■ 31 % sont consacrés au djihad
    ■ 51 % sont consacrés à la manière de traiter les non-Musulmans (Islam politique)

  • @paulettehutterer963
    @paulettehutterer963 2 дні тому +1


  • @janiceridsdale2904
    @janiceridsdale2904 23 години тому +1


  • @porridge1470
    @porridge1470 3 дні тому +3

    La cause du conflit n’a jamais été le sionisme, mais les enseignements de la doctrine politique islamique sur les juifs. Si un État juif avait été construit en « Palestine » exclusivement par des juifs « palestiniens », sans juifs d'aucune autre partie du monde, rien ne serait différent car l'idéologie meurtrière (l'islam) est déguisée en religion, donc considérée comme un ordre divin, éternel parfait et immuable. ANTI SIONISME = ANTI HAINE DES JUIFS = ANTISÉMITISME

  • @sonnytanod8862
    @sonnytanod8862 2 дні тому +2


  • @efihay7562
    @efihay7562 2 дні тому +2

    100% leader

  • @1Hyper-Hyper66
    @1Hyper-Hyper66 3 дні тому +6


  • @briandias1
    @briandias1 3 дні тому

  • @JLP4444
    @JLP4444 2 дні тому +1

    Please leave out shmaltzy music next time.

  • @Yohanes16_4b-15
    @Yohanes16_4b-15 2 дні тому +1

    Orang2 Arab, Tetapi lebih tepatnya adalah orang2 islam, Orang2 islam baik di tanah Israel, Di tanah Filistin & di tanah Lebanon, Dstnya pada tidak jelas semua!. Semua bersalah & semua adalah berdosa kepada bangsa Israel di tanah Israel.
    Tidak hanya dengan cerita kuda terbang dari Arab Saudi mereka, Menduduki & menjajah Pusaran Utama Bait Suci Kuil Bukit orang2 Israel di Israel. Melainkan juga kata palestina, Kompletnya syria palestina dari penjajah romawi yang udah tidak eksis lagi, Untuk mencuri tanah Israel, Yakni Yudea Samaria Israel & Yerusalem Timur Israel.
    Padahal tanah Filistin udah diembat oleh mereka yang katanya palestina, Di mana di tanah Filistin, Bukanlah Filistin, Terus di tanah Israel pun ya bukanlah Israel!. Warisan penjajah romawi yang udah tidak eksis belaka.

  • @aliyaaliya3866
    @aliyaaliya3866 2 дні тому

    I need your help))

  • @user-ti2kb8ho4z
    @user-ti2kb8ho4z 3 дні тому

    Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation❤Palestine is an area of ​​more than 27 thousand square kilometers and is on the borders of Egypt and Jordan, which historically is part of Palestine and the people of Jordan, more than 70 percent of whom are of Palestinian origin, but Britain made them a state and brought agents to the Jordanian ruling dynasty in order to rule Jordan and protect the occupation from the Jordanian-Palestinian people Palestine Its capital, Jerusalem, is the land of the Palestinian people for tens of thousands of years. It is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it is the third holiest place for us Muslims. It is a land where most of God’s prophets lived, were born, and died. It is the holy and blessed land and the land of the Palestinian and Arab people. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived there for thousands of years as neighbors and brothers before the Zionists occupied our land. Britain brought them in the Balfour Declaration to occupy our land. Those who committed the Holocaust against the Jews were the Germans and the West, not me.🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸❤️🙏☝️🔻🔻🔻

  • @Jake111d
    @Jake111d День тому

    Judea and sumeria must return to israel .

  • @user-yb6eo1xp2f
    @user-yb6eo1xp2f 3 дні тому +3

    There is no doubt if you are a rational person.
    An arab would claim that Jesus was a ...palestinian, the Temple was located in...Yemen and jews are not really jews.