@Mike Shoesmith. My husband is a Government contractor who works on a military base. He used to drive the Military semi trucks. One day some cocky arrogant cop pulled them over, I believe coming out of either Las Vegas or California. This cop decided that he wanted to see the log books, hubby tells him there are no log books and if there were he can't see them because the truck is hauling military property and tells the cop to look at the identification numbers on the truck.( log books were not required to be shown for military and United States Government semis due to top secret status) The cop starts getting all puffed up and demands to see my hubby's license, hubby gives it to him along with his military contractors badges. Its at this point the chase vehicle driver gets out of the MILITARY truck that is pulled up behind the cop car as are the 8 other Military vehicles including 3 other semis. The cop yells at the chase truck driver to stop where he is. The guy keeps coming due to him being in charge of all the vehicles and what is being hauled in them. Cop yells at him again to stop. The cop then yells my hubby to get out of the truck. My 6'3" husband climbs down from the truck and the cop gets in his face and tells him " I want to see whats being hauled in this truck right now! " and proceeds to push my hubby to the back of the trailer. Hubby walks to the back, the trailer is locked up nearly as tight as Fort Knox, and tells the cop that he cannot open the trailer. The cop gets pissed and pushes my hubby up against the trailer and grabs his cuffs and cuffs him. At this point the military personnel and the man in charge walks up behind the cop and taps him on the shoulder. The cop nearly shits himself when he sees all these military guys. He grabs his radio and calls for all available back-up. The man in charge tries to tell the cop that he has absolutely no jurisdiction to pull over a military vehicle and demand for it to be opened so he can see what is in it. The cop keeps getting more and more pissed and refuses to listen, while all the time my hubby is locked in cuffs. After several other officers show up and nearly an hour has passed the cheif of police shows up. He talks to the military man in charge for about 10 minutes then walks over to my husband takes the cuffs off of him and apologies and shakes my husband's hand. He then walks over to the arrogant cop and tells him to get in his car, head back to the station and wait in his office. So...... Regular police officers do not have the authority to search any U.S Military vehicle. About a month afterwards my husband received a letter from the Air Force Base Commander stating that they received a written apology from the Cheif of police and stating that the police officer was reprimanded and put on a 2 week suspension.
It's always easier for them to bully a law abiding soft target, than to actually do real police work and catch hardened criminals that might kick their arses.
The Peace Officer who's motto WAS to Protect and Serve were gone many moons ago. They are revenue collector's and bullies. They took the same OATH I did as an Army Soldier. Difference is some of us actually care about that Oath and will to our last ragged breath.
Back in the early 60's my dad drove a truck. I remember him telling me this story one time about when he was hauling watermelons from Florida up to a northern state. At the weigh stations he said the guys were always wanting a little fruit off the trucks for themselves and using their position to get it. He said one day as he sat on the scales, they guy came out and told him he was two watermelons over weight. He said he got up on top of his open trailer, grabbed two watermelons, one at a time and threw them down on the payment and bursted them and got in his truck and drove off.
I think the issue is that hard working people try to take shortcuts, or they wouldn't bother looking in the first place. Because let's face it. If everyone did what this guy did. Why would they carry around portable scales to catch people off route?They were obviously only looking for a person going "off route" right? So if everyone followed the correct route anyway. Why would they bother? They wouldn't of course. But unfortunately there's always people who try to sneak one by. And this is the result of that. So before you blame law enforcement for trying to enforce the law. Maybe you should think about your fellow drivers who spend their time trying to "outsmart" those LEO in the first place. I'm not a big fan of LEO, but that being said. Human nature is what creates those jobs in the first place. I'm a completely law/rule abiding person. Not because I respect, or believe they're all right. But just because it's the easy way to go through life. It's not worth the hassle, or the argument to me. I'm too old. If that's how you want it done. Fine. No problem. It's done. Why bother to argue? It's just a hassle. Unless the law/rule is unjust. Then that's a different story. But if they say take this road. I'm taking that road. It's no skin off my back. I'm still making money. But there's always that guy that wants to save a few miles, and creates problems for everyone else in the world. That's why these guys are checking, and that's why they backed right off. So IMO in this case, and only this case. You're not being fair blaming LE for doing their job. They didn't start this fire. Truck drivers who don't follow the rules did. Otherwise they wouldn't even be there in the first place. This is quite obvious to me by how quickly they backed down. They were looking for someone trying to go off route obviously. And if that never happened. They wouldn't bother to anymore. It's that simple. Not rocket science!
in quebec , the dot say's that 25% of heavy trucks ,that they stop ,have infractions . When i get stopped i would love to tell them to have a look at our roads , which are disgraceful and why aren't the roads good ? oh right, it costs too much , but in my case i HAVE to repair and pay no matter what. BS!
It's a shame that for no other reason than you having an over sized load were you pulled over. They suspected you might be off route but didn't know what the route was in advance. That's like stopping someone for driving a vehicle because they might not have a drivers license. Not going to debate the legality of it, but glad everything was good to go in your case.
It's Illinois for gods sake . I drive with my bass boat through that state 5 times a year and with out of state plates get pulled over almost every time Any vehicle with a trailer has a 55 mph speed limit and I have gotten 3 tickets for 56 , 57 and 56 . The state is broke and an out of state plate is just gravy because they know you won't come back and fight it .
Thanks for explaining everything that happened and why. Didn't realize permits are needed for truckers in that sense where you had a specific route to travel. Learn something new every day :)
Welcome to sugar grove Illinois. Used to live there. It was also one of the worst speed traps out there. SG is a hard to deal with community. They think they are a Naperville IL. (very upscale and nice community) They spend money like it too. They did wrong things at wrong time just before housing crash and never recovered. So they need to get $$ like this. Also high fees all over the place. Sad our government got this way. I love your positive attitude! Thanks for posting. Oh by the way, I left Illinois because of stuff like this.
Good instructional video. Not blaming the cops, but the State of Illinois is essentially making its traffic officers revenue agents for its disastrous economy.
Dave McCauley That's what the militia is for. Too bad everyone believes that the militia was a government agency....Sadly, we Americans have been Brainwashed.
66C10Kid - They do get bonuses for meeting quotas as their performance evals go up. It is also a main stream of revenue for the state. Which will probably have to pay it out to settle the lawsuit the police will more than likely cause due to their negligence.
Much respect for truckers, tough job with a huge amount of responsibility. Here in Australia whenever i'm driving out in the back and beyond i always get up behind truckers and just get dragged along by them. it also makes me feel safe with a truck parting the way for me
Nice to see a trucker following the rules. My local power company contracted a company to build them a new access road near my home. The trucks the company used for hauling gravel where loaded far over the limit. Our road started forming cracks and other areas broke away (the road runs along a hillside). A drain pipe was also crushed under the road, which caused water to pool under the road and cause the ground to slide downhill. My father, who worked for the Department of Highways for over 30 years knew exactly what was happening. The trucks showed up overflowing with rock and weights and measures was waiting for them. Every single truck that came by got a ticket. Not only did the company get tickets for every truck, but the actual drivers where ticketed as well. It's my understanding that if the weight is excessively exceeded, the driver is also ticketed because they obviously must have known. This was a group of drivers who where use to destroying roads they went over and the locals not knowing how to stop them. Turns out that the company (or maybe it was the electric company who contracted the construction crew) had a $750,000 bond with the DOH. If they damaged the road, they had to pay for repairs or lose the bond. Additionally, if the bond was revoked, the company couldn't have any of their work vehicles on any State-owned road. Needless to say, the truckers found a different route to the road they where building and they paid for a brand new road. Treat others with some dignity and you'll get it in return. Otherwise, well, Karma is a bitch.
dieselscience saw a cop in Kern county steal five thousand dollars and a gold pinky ring from a alleged drunk driver! He got it back!no fuckin joke and I witness a Kern county deputy punch my twelve year old brother in the chest!!!!!I know his name and the judge didn't even give a fuck! I'm still pissed!one day I'll get that mother fuck!
It's a Damn Shame that our governments treat the citizens our country this way. Caterpillar needs to get this situation under control. They should move out of Illinois over bullshit like this.
My only concern is what did they really think you were doing wrong to pull you over in the first place ? Before you state what you think is the obvious , I did watch the video, But exactly how did the cop suspect you did not have a permit or were off route ? The point is cops are NOT allowed to pull anyone over on "fishing trips " that is a federal ruling , and if you all remember from 6th grade social studies federal law supersedes local and state laws, What those cops did was 100% against the law, So we have is a group of people conspiring to break the law, in order to collect money, No one needs a law degree to know what that is.
Joe smith and Jj Godfrey , No they cant. I know the police don't agree with that, but driving a truck does not negate your constitutional rights or supreme court rulings... You will not find ONE legal ruling, opinion or law that supports your misguided statements.... They used to pull blacks and Latinos over for no reason. The courts put a legal stop t that, but it took public opinion to just slow the practice down, But as we can see the cops still regularly break the law,,,, with help from uninformed sheep like you two.
I've been screaming the same thing eric. unless you've broken a traffic law they have no probable cause to pull you over and then phish for something. if there was a broken tail light that's a whole different story but they need probable cause to "detain" you which is what pulling you over legally is.
Cop: "Well the reason why I pulled you over is that me and my buddies would like to make some money off you today. You think you can cooperate with that?"
Digital video cameras are very cheap nowadays. get as many as you can and have them record to a secured website. it will keep most cops honest ,and the ones that aren't, you can use the video against them in court later on
You have such a calm and logical demeanor. Good on you for mentioning the politeness of most officers. Many online like to make sweeping derogatory statements about them. Cheers and keep safe.
I used to do some permit hauling in maryland. You have to specify which route you are taking in maryland and there is only certain days and times that you are allowed to haul.
Well done Sir. Thank for mentoring Integriry and Respect to all your cohorts in trucking. Your mannerisms are admirable. Your channel should be recommended for new probationary drivers. Well done.
THANK YOU JEFF !!!!! Finaly some one who knows those cops broke the law.... so they could try and collect money, just like criminal gangs or the mafia .
Unfortunately they can just pull over commercial vehicles to do an inspection, just like they can pull whatever truck they want in behind a weigh station to inspect it. Every year, I think it's in spring, there is a 72 hour period where they pull trucks over left and right to inspect, so far I haven't been pulled over but they always have signs at work warning us when it is.
One of the problems with Northern Illinois are all of the lakes results in a lot of road bridges that gives all the little townships a revenue source. I work at one of the companies that mills parts for CAT and hear all the time from the older truck drivers about all the crazy routes they have to take to either stay legal or avoid the traps. Adding to the problem are companies that hire truck drivers to pick up a load that is over the weight limit for the area and expect the driver to deal with the issue.
As just a common car driver, it was fun to see what you guys see from up there! =) Drive safe sparky, you guys keep life going...even if no one realizes it.
I wonder when those officers went through their academy if they knew they were going to be tax collectors for the state they don’t make things safer just collecting fines
You did a great job. staying calm and doing what you're told to do, and follow the rules. So many videos i have watched about people complaining, that people are being harassed by cops. The reason you're being harassed, is because you are not following the rules. It's your job, to follow rules,and to deliver or drop off that load, Legally!
are there different rules for pulling over a tractor trailer? I never heard the cop say why he pulled you over. Are they allowed to just pull over a truck because they want to check their paperwork? I thought thats what the DOT stations do, not local or state police...
I guess thats just something you have to be prepared to deal with being a trucker, driving trough some states.... It would be nice if they could issue temporary placards to display on the trailer to avoid wasting the truckers time and letting the cops focus on catching some real criminals instead of going fishing over and over...
That's incorrect. CMV's can be stopped for CVSA inspections, Hazmat inspections, size & weight checks, oversized load permit checks, as well as violations of the law.
I use to be superintendent of public works in Melissa Texas years ago. I remember in a closed session meeting on more than one occasion, the City Marshall was being screamed and yelled at to write more traffic tickets preferably speeding tickets, "WE NEED MORE INCOME DAMNIT!", They were yelling at him to stay out patrolling on HWY I-75 to Dallas & stop semi's, "THATS WHERE THE MONEY IS" they would yell! I got up and walked out..couldn't believe what I was hearing. Years ago one of the previous Marshalls was actually on The Tonight Show w/ Johnny Carson as Melissa TX was known for the "Speed Trap" of America because of all the tickets wrote and revenue brought in by them for extra income! . BTW, I drove Tankers, Doubles & Triples on the weekends & drove for a major line OTR over 13 years! Good Video Mike!
I drove & plowed up in Canada & yea there are some guys that just don't get it. Good to see there doing there job & nice that you had all in order & good to go. I like the info :) Thanks
During my heavy equipment operator class we had to drive a Grader from point A to B through city streets. We were pulled over and the cops started to measure the width, we were 10cm too large. They fill the whole ticket, all they’re missing is the company we work for (written all over the trucks and Grader), when we tell them it’s from the school they stared at us for a good 30 seconds, rip the ticket in half and said “government can’t ticket itself” then left. This took about 30minutes in total, considering the city I was in only had 2 cop cars in service at all times this was a huge waste of time.
3 cars are worth it for $10k plus. LEOs are all about revenue, and soaking that much out of citizen drivers will take a lot longer than hitting one unaware truck driver.
I hauled permitted as well as hazardous loads for many years, you have to always be diligent to follow the regulations and be willing to challenge enforcement with facts, just because someone has a badge doesn't necessarily mean they have good comprehension skills, be polite but know your stuff.
I read various comments and I saw many saying it was for money, they are revenue men, guilty until proven innocent, etc. What I will say is that in Mike's commentary, he stated they were nice cops, he was following the permit and he also made the comment to other drivers to simply "follow the permit". Aside for all the opinions, I think it is a very good video with some excellent points. He was there and no one else was (except the police) so why does everyone make such a judgement? Very well presented.
Super nice truck I love the big hood truck's my favorite is the Kenworth W-900? My personal truck is a black W-900 with chrome bud wheel's I use to have it lit up with all blue light's it was so sharp
Hi Mike, This video is an interesting lesson in sticking to the rules and you should be OK. I was a Continental Coach Tour driver taking folk on holiday over to Europe from the UK. If ever a coach is pulled over in France you can GUARANTEE it will be a British coach and NEVER another mainland European one. They have a system that a fixed penalty is applied there and then and it is up to you to contend and appeal. So eventually many of us, a HUGE percentage of us refused to take coaches over to Europe. OK we don't make the bonuses etc but then we don't keep getting pulled and ticketed in countries were they don't speak English. Have a good day and safe journeying.
I drive a heavy in NYS more upstate than downstate but ive noticed as far as i place my chains on any given piece of equipment its always wrong ill put them the way one truck stop tells me but when i go through another check point that one wants them somewhere else ? Its freakin comical!!!! And its almost every dam time !! Thanks for sharing stay safe out there!!!!!
The intersections I saw all had dashed lines up to the intersection, which means you can still change lanes. Only when the white lines are solid you can't cross them, which you more often see in busy downtown and busy city street situations. The solid lines will extend 150 feet on both sides of the intersection.
To many rules and regulations, putting strain on the working man.
6 років тому
I thank God everyday that my days of trucking are done. I don't miss any of this and these money hungry DOT's. Watching this just brings back the miserable life I had as a truck driver lol. Now I am a 90% disabled veteran going to USM full time in pursuit of my BSN for nursing. I still have my class A, but only because I earned it and can't see myself forfeiting it for a lower class. Godspeed to those out there doing it because I know how stressful it is and no money to be made all while DOT is breathing down your neck.
I started working security for a truck yard about a month ago, all the drivers here have some quite interesting stories to tell. Now I found your channel!
That happened to me last fall while I was hauling a load of beans to the elevator from the field. Now the fields were soft so we were only filling the trucks, which are triple axle single unit trucks about 2/3 full. I saw 1 trooper go by as I pulled out on the gravel road about a 1/4 mile from the state highway. As I came to the intersection to turn on to the highway & go to the elevator 3 miles away another trooper went by. Sure enough when I came into town there was a trooper waving me down. As soon as I stopped the other car came & pulled up right behind me. The trooper climbed up on my step & said that they were going to check my weight. I told him that since the fields were so wet I was only 2/3 full so I could get out of the field. He reached up & banged on the side of the metal box & then told me I could go on my way. He never asked to see my licence or any papers on the truck. It was plain that they were only interested in getting the overweight fines. I heard that they nailed several trucks before & after me.
But nonetheless those guys were driving overloaded right? Did any of you all ever think of taking away all that revenue, and all that hassle by simply driving legal? If you all did. They would eventually have to stop for lack of income. Especially with everyone having cameras nowadays to protect them. But instead everyone tries to get over, and perpetuates the problem. You truckers always cry about LE, but you're always actually guilty. No one has sympathy for that reason alone. Sorry!
I had that happen to me while hauling a small(12 foot) refrigeration trailer. Three police cars and one actually holding on to his pistol. One of my magnetic signs flew off and the three Washington State troopers decided to check me out. I retired from driving big rigs and I still work doing Hot shot hauls. I had all my paperwork up to date and they tried to mess with me but the same as you, I use a dash cam all the time and it keeps me from getting into trouble.
Could be worse. A few years ago in PA a driver with a lowboy and some kind of really heavy construction equipment on it was sticking to his route, which required that he drive along Big Oak Rd...which has a really low weight limit on it. Well, the truck got stuck - the blacktop couldn't take the weight, so it tore up and wrapped around his tyres like 6 inch thick retreads, and the rig just ground to a stop. They tried to ream him for months for the damage - all the while ignoring that his permit said he _had_ to take that road. (As far as I know, they didn't do anything to the guy that set up his route either...or it somehow didn't make it into the local papers. Funny how that works.) That driver wasn't willing to go off-route either, and I'm sure he would have been screwed even worse if he'd actually gone a different way. But still...even following your permit route, sometimes you're damned both ways, I guess.
I enjoyed this video. I live in Texas and know many Renegades who do not want to follow the rules. Yes trucker fines are double tripled what an non CDL driver may be. And all state police are on the look out for violations regarding truckers. Like you stated in your video, the fines can reach into the thousands quite easily. Great video. Renegades...beware!!
Interesting. You don't sound perturbed that they pulled you over without cause. I would think that they would need a reason to suspect you don't have a permit. If you broke a traffic law or were not displaying the proper signage and they pull you over that is one thing; but to demand you prove you have a permit without a reason to stop you in the first place...
most cops are out to make revenue not to protect and serve
@Mike Shoesmith. My husband is a Government contractor who works on a military base. He used to drive the Military semi trucks. One day some cocky arrogant cop pulled them over, I believe coming out of either Las Vegas or California. This cop decided that he wanted to see the log books, hubby tells him there are no log books and if there were he can't see them because the truck is hauling military property and tells the cop to look at the identification numbers on the truck.( log books were not required to be shown for military and United States Government semis due to top secret status) The cop starts getting all puffed up and demands to see my hubby's license, hubby gives it to him along with his military contractors badges. Its at this point the chase vehicle driver gets out of the MILITARY truck that is pulled up behind the cop car as are the 8 other Military vehicles including 3 other semis. The cop yells at the chase truck driver to stop where he is. The guy keeps coming due to him being in charge of all the vehicles and what is being hauled in them. Cop yells at him again to stop. The cop then yells my hubby to get out of the truck. My 6'3" husband climbs down from the truck and the cop gets in his face and tells him " I want to see whats being hauled in this truck right now! " and proceeds to push my hubby to the back of the trailer. Hubby walks to the back, the trailer is locked up nearly as tight as Fort Knox, and tells the cop that he cannot open the trailer. The cop gets pissed and pushes my hubby up against the trailer and grabs his cuffs and cuffs him. At this point the military personnel and the man in charge walks up behind the cop and taps him on the shoulder. The cop nearly shits himself when he sees all these military guys. He grabs his radio and calls for all available back-up. The man in charge tries to tell the cop that he has absolutely no jurisdiction to pull over a military vehicle and demand for it to be opened so he can see what is in it. The cop keeps getting more and more pissed and refuses to listen, while all the time my hubby is locked in cuffs. After several other officers show up and nearly an hour has passed the cheif of police shows up. He talks to the military man in charge for about 10 minutes then walks over to my husband takes the cuffs off of him and apologies and shakes my husband's hand. He then walks over to the arrogant cop and tells him to get in his car, head back to the station and wait in his office. So...... Regular police officers do not have the authority to search any U.S Military vehicle. About a month afterwards my husband received a letter from the Air Force Base Commander stating that they received a written apology from the Cheif of police and stating that the police officer was reprimanded and put on a 2 week suspension.
It's always easier for them to bully a law abiding soft target, than to actually do real police work and catch hardened criminals that might kick their arses.
The Peace Officer who's motto WAS to Protect and Serve were gone many moons ago. They are revenue collector's and bullies. They took the same OATH I did as an Army Soldier. Difference is some of us actually care about that Oath and will to our last ragged breath.
Back in the early 60's my dad drove a truck. I remember him telling me this story one time about when he was hauling watermelons from Florida up to a northern state. At the weigh stations he said the guys were always wanting a little fruit off the trucks for themselves and using their position to get it. He said one day as he sat on the scales, they guy came out and told him he was two watermelons over weight. He said he got up on top of his open trailer, grabbed two watermelons, one at a time and threw them down on the payment and bursted them and got in his truck and drove off.
Bro....he's not being friendly! He's looking for a reason to bust you or charge you with something....
Quit targeting our hard working freight hauling People!!!!!
I think the issue is that hard working people try to take shortcuts, or they wouldn't bother looking in the first place. Because let's face it. If everyone did what this guy did. Why would they carry around portable scales to catch people off route?They were obviously only looking for a person going "off route" right? So if everyone followed the correct route anyway. Why would they bother? They wouldn't of course. But unfortunately there's always people who try to sneak one by. And this is the result of that.
So before you blame law enforcement for trying to enforce the law. Maybe you should think about your fellow drivers who spend their time trying to "outsmart" those LEO in the first place. I'm not a big fan of LEO, but that being said. Human nature is what creates those jobs in the first place.
I'm a completely law/rule abiding person. Not because I respect, or believe they're all right. But just because it's the easy way to go through life. It's not worth the hassle, or the argument to me. I'm too old. If that's how you want it done. Fine. No problem. It's done. Why bother to argue? It's just a hassle. Unless the law/rule is unjust. Then that's a different story. But if they say take this road. I'm taking that road. It's no skin off my back. I'm still making money.
But there's always that guy that wants to save a few miles, and creates problems for everyone else in the world. That's why these guys are checking, and that's why they backed right off.
So IMO in this case, and only this case. You're not being fair blaming LE for doing their job. They didn't start this fire. Truck drivers who don't follow the rules did. Otherwise they wouldn't even be there in the first place. This is quite obvious to me by how quickly they backed down. They were looking for someone trying to go off route obviously. And if that never happened. They wouldn't bother to anymore. It's that simple. Not rocket science!
Exactly marzinjedi. They need to leave the truckers alone.
Andrew Balus really, if it is that simple why did you have to write 5 paragraphs, which no one will read
Because he's one of them!
in quebec , the dot say's that 25% of heavy trucks ,that they stop ,have infractions . When i get stopped i would love to tell them to have a look at our roads , which are disgraceful and why aren't the roads good ? oh right, it costs too much , but in my case i HAVE to repair and pay no matter what. BS!
I wish there were more professional drivers like you. You are an asset to the industry.
It's a shame that for no other reason than you having an over sized load were you pulled over. They suspected you might be off route but didn't know what the route was in advance. That's like stopping someone for driving a vehicle because they might not have a drivers license. Not going to debate the legality of it, but glad everything was good to go in your case.
It's Illinois for gods sake . I drive with my bass boat through that state 5 times a year and with out of state plates get pulled over almost every time Any vehicle with a trailer has a 55 mph speed limit and I have gotten 3 tickets for 56 , 57 and 56 . The state is broke and an out of state plate is just gravy because they know you won't come back and fight it .
They weren't cops........they were revenue men.
@truthinvideos, You are SO right there. If this is why they joined the force ,shame on them.
Ha you guys are nuts
No after seeing your posts I think you the one with the issues.
truthinvideos Implying there's a difference.
REO's---Revenue Enhancement Officers...
This trucker is very generous when he says the cop is just doing his job. The cop's job is to generate as much revenue as he can every day !
Mike is very professional. Great attitude.
Thanks for explaining everything that happened and why. Didn't realize permits are needed for truckers in that sense where you had a specific route to travel. Learn something new every day :)
Hahaha! They thought they hit pay dirt! Well done staying legal!
Emilthehun qi
Targeting people working.. find something better to do. No wonder people don't like police
same as here in england good post mate. 32 years myself driving HGV
Welcome to sugar grove Illinois. Used to live there. It was also one of the worst speed traps out there. SG is a hard to deal with community. They think they are a Naperville IL. (very upscale and nice community) They spend money like it too. They did wrong things at wrong time just before housing crash and never recovered. So they need to get $$ like this. Also high fees all over the place. Sad our government got this way. I love your positive attitude! Thanks for posting. Oh by the way, I left Illinois because of stuff like this.
And remember not all bandits wear masks.
Richard Misel jr But all badges are bandits.
Good instructional video. Not blaming the cops, but the State of Illinois is essentially making its traffic officers revenue agents for its disastrous economy.
Harassing the public plain an simple. Especially Illinois. Trying to make up budget deficit all the time.
Its about fines and revenue!!!!
Today Police is not about crime... It's all about the $$$$$$....!!
We American are screwed..!!!!!
Dave McCauley not if we all take a stand power in numbers
Dave McCauley That's what the militia is for. Too bad everyone believes that the militia was a government agency....Sadly, we Americans have been Brainwashed.
Police officers get paid the same as every other police officer. Doesn’t matter if you arrest more people or anything. They get the same paycheck
The Judicial System is a cash Cow for municipalities across the country.
66C10Kid - They do get bonuses for meeting quotas as their performance evals go up. It is also a main stream of revenue for the state. Which will probably have to pay it out to settle the lawsuit the police will more than likely cause due to their negligence.
What was their reason to believe that you didn't have a permit for that road??! It seems obvious that it was an illegal fishing expedition.
So much for the “Welcome State”.. I truly hate Illinois!!!
Much respect for truckers, tough job with a huge amount of responsibility. Here in Australia whenever i'm driving out in the back and beyond i always get up behind truckers and just get dragged along by them. it also makes me feel safe with a truck parting the way for me
Nice to see a trucker following the rules. My local power company contracted a company to build them a new access road near my home. The trucks the company used for hauling gravel where loaded far over the limit. Our road started forming cracks and other areas broke away (the road runs along a hillside). A drain pipe was also crushed under the road, which caused water to pool under the road and cause the ground to slide downhill. My father, who worked for the Department of Highways for over 30 years knew exactly what was happening. The trucks showed up overflowing with rock and weights and measures was waiting for them. Every single truck that came by got a ticket. Not only did the company get tickets for every truck, but the actual drivers where ticketed as well. It's my understanding that if the weight is excessively exceeded, the driver is also ticketed because they obviously must have known. This was a group of drivers who where use to destroying roads they went over and the locals not knowing how to stop them.
Turns out that the company (or maybe it was the electric company who contracted the construction crew) had a $750,000 bond with the DOH. If they damaged the road, they had to pay for repairs or lose the bond. Additionally, if the bond was revoked, the company couldn't have any of their work vehicles on any State-owned road. Needless to say, the truckers found a different route to the road they where building and they paid for a brand new road.
Treat others with some dignity and you'll get it in return. Otherwise, well, Karma is a bitch.
"Doing his job" includes jackpot justice. Police are _NOT_ your 'friend.'
dieselscience saw a cop in Kern county steal five thousand dollars and a gold pinky ring from a alleged drunk driver! He got it back!no fuckin joke and I witness a Kern county deputy punch my twelve year old brother in the chest!!!!!I know his name and the judge didn't even give a fuck! I'm still pissed!one day I'll get that mother fuck!
Wasn't quite the exiting video I had expected but that's a good thing. Anyhow, thanks to you and all the truckers that keep America moving, stay safe!
Fines feed a lot donuts and coffee. They were like a duck on a junbug.
3 cops for a loaded semi? Id be embarrassed to be in that police team.
I always carry emergency donuts just in case I get pulled over,,,,officer will this Boston cream let me off the hook,,yes sir it will
It's a Damn Shame that our governments treat the citizens our country this way. Caterpillar needs to get this situation under control. They should move out of Illinois over bullshit like this.
My only concern is what did they really think you were doing wrong to pull you over in the first place ? Before you state what you think is the obvious , I did watch the video, But exactly how did the cop suspect you did not have a permit or were off route ? The point is cops are NOT allowed to pull anyone over on "fishing trips " that is a federal ruling , and if you all remember from 6th grade social studies federal law supersedes local and state laws, What those cops did was 100% against the law, So we have is a group of people conspiring to break the law, in order to collect money, No one needs a law degree to know what that is.
Commercial Vehicles can be pulled over at anytime with no cause
Trucks can be pulled over anything they want
eric wsmith they get sued on as daily basis
Joe smith and Jj Godfrey , No they cant. I know the police don't agree with that, but driving a truck does not negate your constitutional rights or supreme court rulings... You will not find ONE legal ruling, opinion or law that supports your misguided statements.... They used to pull blacks and Latinos over for no reason. The courts put a legal stop t that, but it took public opinion to just slow the practice down, But as we can see the cops still regularly break the law,,,, with help from uninformed sheep like you two.
I've been screaming the same thing eric.
unless you've broken a traffic law they have no probable cause to pull you over and then phish for something.
if there was a broken tail light that's a whole different story but they need probable cause to "detain" you which is what pulling you over legally is.
Cop: "Well the reason why I pulled you over is that me and my buddies would like to make some money off you today. You think you can cooperate with that?"
Haha, yep pulled over by the horrible Sugar Grove police dept. Sole purpose of this department is to write tickets and make money.
Digital video cameras are very cheap nowadays. get as many as you can and have them record to a secured website. it will keep most cops honest ,and the ones that aren't, you can use the video against them in court later on
I was driving from MI to Illinois and my wife was in the back of my truck long story short I got an over weight ticket.....man I was pissed as hell
LOL.... Wad y ya feedin' er?
Tell her to go on a diet.
Armedlegally you should of left your wife at home that's your fault for bringing your wife with you next time you won't be over weight
LMAO at these replies
You forgot your Wide Load sign. Hee hee.
You have such a calm and logical demeanor. Good on you for mentioning the politeness of most officers. Many online like to make sweeping derogatory statements about them. Cheers and keep safe.
Most cops have daddy issues.
I'm no trucker, would love to be, but always full respect... Great video, good learning tool
Land of the fee. Home of the slave.
I used to do some permit hauling in maryland. You have to specify which route you are taking in maryland and there is only certain days and times that you are allowed to haul.
Hats off to you. I tried getting my trucker's license, but it wasn't for me. Not everyone can do this job.
As a truckie in Aussie, we get the same treatment. How you approach them from the start of the interaction determines how they treat you here.
Good on you...bad on them!
Illinois didn’t used to have a lot of detail on the permits, I’ve noticed over the past 5 years that they’ve changed that.
Illinois' version of "Somali pirates" but, on land.
Well done Sir. Thank for mentoring Integriry and Respect to all your cohorts in trucking. Your mannerisms are admirable. Your channel should be recommended for new probationary drivers. Well done.
The first thing any cop should say is the reason they pulled you over. They don't just get to go fishing even on oversized loads.
THANK YOU JEFF !!!!! Finaly some one who knows those cops broke the law.... so they could try and collect money, just like criminal gangs or the mafia .
jeff hamilton yes they do! Dammit. Look up Maricopa calif. And then say your crap.!
I am telling you what the U.S. Supreme court ruled, Not how cops actually operate.
Yes but you know if you fish long enough you will catch a fish.
Unfortunately they can just pull over commercial vehicles to do an inspection, just like they can pull whatever truck they want in behind a weigh station to inspect it. Every year, I think it's in spring, there is a 72 hour period where they pull trucks over left and right to inspect, so far I haven't been pulled over but they always have signs at work warning us when it is.
Hat's off to all the truckers men and women, a tough job not all can do, stay safe brother
One of the problems with Northern Illinois are all of the lakes results in a lot of road bridges that gives all the little townships a revenue source. I work at one of the companies that mills parts for CAT and hear all the time from the older truck drivers about all the crazy routes they have to take to either stay legal or avoid the traps. Adding to the problem are companies that hire truck drivers to pick up a load that is over the weight limit for the area and expect the driver to deal with the issue.
You made it work! They wasn't giving you a break... They were fishing, just because they didn't hook you, doesn't mean they stopped fishing.
3 cars. You'd think they were after hidden drugs in that loader by that count.
As just a common car driver, it was fun to see what you guys see from up there! =) Drive safe sparky, you guys keep life going...even if no one realizes it.
I wonder when those officers went through their academy if they knew they were going to be tax collectors for the state they don’t make things safer just collecting fines
You did a great job. staying calm and doing what you're told to do, and follow the rules. So many videos i have watched about people complaining, that people are being harassed by cops. The reason you're being harassed, is because you are not following the rules. It's your job, to follow rules,and to deliver or drop off that load, Legally!
are there different rules for pulling over a tractor trailer? I never heard the cop say why he pulled you over. Are they allowed to just pull over a truck because they want to check their paperwork? I thought thats what the DOT stations do, not local or state police...
according to the supreme court a few years ago,you cannot be stopped to be checked out without you committing some kind of violation.
They can pull you over anytime and give you a inspection,Kansas is always pulling trucks over and giving level 3 inspections on side of road
I guess thats just something you have to be prepared to deal with being a trucker, driving trough some states.... It would be nice if they could issue temporary placards to display on the trailer to avoid wasting the truckers time and letting the cops focus on catching some real criminals instead of going fishing over and over...
That's incorrect. CMV's can be stopped for CVSA inspections, Hazmat inspections, size & weight checks, oversized load permit checks, as well as violations of the law.
They must have been salivating thinking this was going to be a big ticket event for them. lol, better luck with the next one!
Guaranteed you would've never made it out of there safely if that was an oversized load of donuts you were hauling instead.
I'm no trucker. But I like to learn new stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Anybody ever tell you that you sound like Bill Murray in Caddyshack?
I use to be superintendent of public works in Melissa Texas years ago. I remember in a closed session meeting on more than one occasion, the City Marshall was being screamed and yelled at to write more traffic tickets preferably speeding tickets, "WE NEED MORE INCOME DAMNIT!", They were yelling at him to stay out patrolling on HWY I-75 to Dallas & stop semi's, "THATS WHERE THE MONEY IS" they would yell! I got up and walked out..couldn't believe what I was hearing. Years ago one of the previous Marshalls was actually on The Tonight Show w/ Johnny Carson as Melissa TX was known for the "Speed Trap" of America because of all the tickets wrote and revenue brought in by them for extra income! . BTW, I drove Tankers, Doubles & Triples on the weekends & drove for a major line OTR over 13 years! Good Video Mike!
Cops will try to make revenue from anyone.
I drove & plowed up in Canada & yea there are some guys that just don't get it. Good to see there doing there job & nice that you had all in order & good to go. I like the info :) Thanks
During my heavy equipment operator class we had to drive a Grader from point A to B through city streets. We were pulled over and the cops started to measure the width, we were 10cm too large.
They fill the whole ticket, all they’re missing is the company we work for (written all over the trucks and Grader), when we tell them it’s from the school they stared at us for a good 30 seconds, rip the ticket in half and said “government can’t ticket itself” then left.
This took about 30minutes in total, considering the city I was in only had 2 cop cars in service at all times this was a huge waste of time.
lol the idea that the cops thought a squad car would stop u from going if u wanted to go
North Carolina is the same if u are off route it's a bad day!
The shenanigans that would go on on our roads if the cops weren't keeping businesses in check would be insane.
This is a great reason to stay out of Ill-a-noise
Illinois: They go after a good trucker, but they can't clean up Chicago. Good video.
3 cars are worth it for $10k plus. LEOs are all about revenue, and soaking that much out of citizen drivers will take a lot longer than hitting one unaware truck driver.
I hauled permitted as well as hazardous loads for many years, you have to always be diligent to follow the regulations and be willing to challenge enforcement with facts, just because someone has a badge doesn't necessarily mean they have good comprehension skills, be polite but know your stuff.
That is called profiling and harassment!!! plain and simple.
I read various comments and I saw many saying it was for money, they are revenue men, guilty until proven innocent, etc. What I will say is that in Mike's commentary, he stated they were nice cops, he was following the permit and he also made the comment to other drivers to simply "follow the permit". Aside for all the opinions, I think it is a very good video with some excellent points. He was there and no one else was (except the police) so why does everyone make such a judgement? Very well presented.
Harassing and collecting, but you beat them!
Don't forget that insurance! Moving a Bomag crane, you don't leave the lot without a $5,000,000 rider.
Sugar Groves finest!! I run through there daily. Huge oversize trap!! State DOT love working that area too.
Love to see happy interactions, excellent video, nice voice over work! Keep it up!
Cop said , guys take 59.
59 is the worst route. Especially for oversized.
Super nice truck I love the big hood truck's my favorite is the Kenworth W-900? My personal truck is a black W-900 with chrome bud wheel's I use to have it lit up with all blue light's it was so sharp
Hi Mike,
This video is an interesting lesson in sticking to the rules and you should be OK.
I was a Continental Coach Tour driver taking folk on holiday over to Europe from the UK.
If ever a coach is pulled over in France you can GUARANTEE it will be a British coach and NEVER another mainland European one.
They have a system that a fixed penalty is applied there and then and it is up to you to contend and appeal. So eventually many of us, a HUGE percentage of us refused to take coaches over to Europe. OK we don't make the bonuses etc but then we don't keep getting pulled and ticketed in countries were they don't speak English.
Have a good day and safe journeying.
I drive a heavy in NYS more upstate than downstate but ive noticed as far as i place my chains on any given piece of equipment its always wrong ill put them the way one truck stop tells me but when i go through another check point that one wants them somewhere else ? Its freakin comical!!!! And its almost every dam time !! Thanks for sharing stay safe out there!!!!!
I didn't change lanes in the intersection. I was all the way through. I knew it and the cop knew it.
The intersections I saw all had dashed lines up to the intersection, which means you can still change lanes. Only when the white lines are solid you can't cross them, which you more often see in busy downtown and busy city street situations. The solid lines will extend 150 feet on both sides of the intersection.
Hey mike. I'm with you bro!
They must have been bored maybe a slow day 🤣
To many rules and regulations, putting strain on the working man.
I thank God everyday that my days of trucking are done. I don't miss any of this and these money hungry DOT's. Watching this just brings back the miserable life I had as a truck driver lol. Now I am a 90% disabled veteran going to USM full time in pursuit of my BSN for nursing. I still have my class A, but only because I earned it and can't see myself forfeiting it for a lower class. Godspeed to those out there doing it because I know how stressful it is and no money to be made all while DOT is breathing down your neck.
I started working security for a truck yard about a month ago, all the drivers here have some quite interesting stories to tell. Now I found your channel!
This happened, in Sugar Grove, IL. Little bit north of Galena and IL 47.
That happened to me last fall while I was hauling a load of beans to the elevator from the field. Now the fields were soft so we were only filling the trucks, which are triple axle single unit trucks about 2/3 full. I saw 1 trooper go by as I pulled out on the gravel road about a 1/4 mile from the state highway. As I came to the intersection to turn on to the highway & go to the elevator 3 miles away another trooper went by. Sure enough when I came into town there was a trooper waving me down. As soon as I stopped the other car came & pulled up right behind me. The trooper climbed up on my step & said that they were going to check my weight. I told him that since the fields were so wet I was only 2/3 full so I could get out of the field. He reached up & banged on the side of the metal box & then told me I could go on my way. He never asked to see my licence or any papers on the truck. It was plain that they were only interested in getting the overweight fines. I heard that they nailed several trucks before & after me.
Road pirates , policing for profit 101.
thedonleroy they are trying to make Money for the state! It will come to an end!
thedonleroy that's illegal
thedonleroy you should have maid a complaint! Sued!
But nonetheless those guys were driving overloaded right? Did any of you all ever think of taking away all that revenue, and all that hassle by simply driving legal? If you all did. They would eventually have to stop for lack of income. Especially with everyone having cameras nowadays to protect them. But instead everyone tries to get over, and perpetuates the problem. You truckers always cry about LE, but you're always actually guilty. No one has sympathy for that reason alone. Sorry!
I live on 47 and I also work at CAT Aurora....the cops in Sugar Grove are really hard hitters, not bad but they definitely follow the book!
however, some of the cops there are real shit heads that have nothing better to do than single people out
VERMONT does the SAME SHIT TO Truck drivers. Someone HAS to pay for the PENSIONS..
and there suspended with pay.
I heard Illinois is tuff as well...i usually just stay on the interstate and pass thru as fast as possible
Pulling over an big rig, especially an over size is dangerous. The shoulder of the road could collapse.
They are just there for the money.
I had that happen to me while hauling a small(12 foot) refrigeration trailer. Three police cars and one actually holding on to his pistol. One of my magnetic signs flew off and the three Washington State troopers decided to check me out. I retired from driving big rigs and I still work doing Hot shot hauls. I had all my paperwork up to date and they tried to mess with me but the same as you, I use a dash cam all the time and it keeps me from getting into trouble.
Could be worse. A few years ago in PA a driver with a lowboy and some kind of really heavy construction equipment on it was sticking to his route, which required that he drive along Big Oak Rd...which has a really low weight limit on it. Well, the truck got stuck - the blacktop couldn't take the weight, so it tore up and wrapped around his tyres like 6 inch thick retreads, and the rig just ground to a stop. They tried to ream him for months for the damage - all the while ignoring that his permit said he _had_ to take that road. (As far as I know, they didn't do anything to the guy that set up his route either...or it somehow didn't make it into the local papers. Funny how that works.) That driver wasn't willing to go off-route either, and I'm sure he would have been screwed even worse if he'd actually gone a different way. But still...even following your permit route, sometimes you're damned both ways, I guess.
I enjoyed this video. I live in Texas and know many Renegades who do not want to follow the rules. Yes trucker fines are double tripled what an non CDL driver may be. And all state police are on the look out for violations regarding truckers. Like you stated in your video, the fines can reach into the thousands quite easily.
Great video. Renegades...beware!!
Interesting. You don't sound perturbed that they pulled you over without cause. I would think that they would need a reason to suspect you don't have a permit. If you broke a traffic law or were not displaying the proper signage and they pull you over that is one thing; but to demand you prove you have a permit without a reason to stop you in the first place...