It gives me such validation that you also DNFd Normal People. I just can’t believe how many people claim to love that book with that writing style 😒. Also DNFing is self care
I love that you call it "self care," Jess.. it will help me the next time I am struggling with guilt when i want to DNF. No more spending weeks of my time with a miserable book and miserable characters!
Usually I DNF when I realize I've gone several weeks without having the motivation to pick the book up. I read several books at a time and if a book isn't making me reach for it, it's time to let it go.
Overwriting is a BIG pet peeve of mine too I LOATHED Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney so seeing other people not get on with her work makes me feel validated 😅 That's very similar to how I explain my preferences for character over plot!! like, there are many kinds of plots I can be interested in if I'm interested in the characters, but if I'm's hard to care about a story when the people living the story aren't interesting me I'm a very infrequent DNF-er but if I do it's almost always at the very beginning of a book, either because of writing style or because the book is so different from what I thought I was reading that I no longer have any interest in it.
To me, books are like men. There are too many great books to waste time on a bad one! If I’m super curious, I’ll read the ending, but I’ve got to care about either plot or character.
I need to give myself permission to dnf more quickly. .I read a book in February (The Weekend by Charlotte Wood) that took me the entire month-- and then threw me into a deep reading slump! Never again. Starting now, I will DNF for any reason at any time!
I dnf books very similar to you I try to give books 50-100 pages to see if it’s something I actually enjoy before deciding not to read it but I will also try a few pages if I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for Basically reading is my hobby, it’s supposed to be fun and if I’m not having fun with a book or enjoying it in any way, it’s not worth my time
Oh man seeing two of my favorites on this list hurt but more because I love them so much. I completely agree with your points on them though (eye of the world and rage of dragons)! I’ll be completely honest and say rage of dragons was a real slog and I’m usually a character driven reader but after the ending it made me glad I stuck with it and continued on with the series. The only reason I stuck with it tho is because I’m not someone who can dnf books easily so if it weren’t for that I would’ve done the same. I think it’s hard to sell a book as “Oh! At around the 80% mark it REALLY picks up” like oh thanks Sharon let me just read the whole book before it gets good lmao. So I completely agree with you! Great video! ❤️
yes i love what you said about how naming things you didn't like could potentially be buzz words for someone else! and it's always fun to see what others enjoy to read but also what they don't enjoy!
I do struggle to DNF, especially if it’s a book I purchased the physical copy of as I feel I need to read it to warrant the purchase. I’m much more willing if it’s a random library book
Definitely relate! I've started thinking about my books having an "average cost" and that has helped me... even if I DNF a book that I paid $15 for, I know that in general, I am paying closer to $3.50/book, so that makes me feel better :)
I read another Kate Morton and it could def have been half the length. I didnt dnf it but it would take a whole lot for me to pick up another one of her books.
I am getting better at DNF-ing books. This year I've already dropped 3: the first "Bridgerton" novel, "The Wolf in the Whale," and "Reincarnation Blues." I do recall not finishing one of Kate Morton's books years ago ("The Clockmaker's Daughter"). It wasn't so much an active choice as I had to return it to the library before I finished, and I just didn't care enough to check it out again.
Oh thank goodness, I'm not the only one would couldn't stand Eye of the World. The only reason I made it through that book is because me and my best friend were buddy reading it and we could yell to each other about how much it was making us suffer.
I usrd to feek guilty about DNFing especially if many people love it. I still feel guilty if I purchased it or someone purchased it for me. But Booktube has helped me to recognize when a dnf is better and avoid reading slumps. It really helps to here someone articulate their thought process as to how or why they push through or not. Thanls for sharing! I appreciate it.
I can dnf from the first page if i dont like the writting style, i can also read like 50 pages and if the story or the characters are meh i can also dnf. That is why i am very careful on what i buy, because if i buy it i feel like i need to finish it.
Yeah, I didn't love Rage of Dragons, though I did end up finishing it. I also read Eye of the World many moons ago and haven't yet tried WoT again, but 100% agree about the overwritten part!
I loved Eye of the World though I do agree that the writing could be something people will not like. He spends so much time in detail and worldbuilding that he would forget the plot. Those books are slow but have some of the greatest character journeys I have ever seen in any book series Glad to hear your take, you might like Brandon Sanderson though as his style is an improved version of Jordan who balances world-building with plot extremely well. Will recommend you to check Mistborn and the Stormlight archive
@@bookslikewhoa Fair point. The 2nd book is a bit political and the 3rd book ties up most of the loose stories. Small things in Book 1 become really important in that book, would recommend it definitely when you are looking for something new to experience.
I listened to the audiobook of Normal People and really enjoyed it as a character study. I doubt I would have such a positive opinion of it if I’d tried to read it physically.
I really started embracing DNFing in the past 2 years and it's the best decision I've made. It's probably also why my average rating has gone up. I've already DNF'd 9 books this year. lol! I also do the same thing you do and check the ending or skip ahead big sections to see if anything grabs me. If it doesn't I just let it go and I'm completely fine with that.
Lol I don’t dnf audiobooks much (I’m not a picky person about the narrator), but when I DO quit them, it is *comically* fast. I started one the other day & a dude was narrating a thriller, he said 5 words, and I went, “Absolutely not!” 😂. Also have always liked your channel, but have really been binging it lately. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into making these great videos for us. I know you have a full time job and stuff also, and it is very appreciated!
I typically try to make it about 100 pages into a book before quitting. If I make it halfway and quit, I consider it 'read' and add it to my yearly total. If not, I don't bother mentioning it or reviewing it, because it just wasn't for me or wasn't worth my time.
I appreciate your DNF reviews, thanks! Like you, I'll likely finish a short "meh" book, but not a long one. There are rare times I've pushed through a long book I was hating (looking at you, Mill On The Floss) just because I'd already invested so much time into it, and I'm uncomfortable with a loose thread.
normal people! I watched one ep of the show and found out it was a book. I totally feel what you said about the book. for the first chunk of it I could not figure out if I liked it or not. Did I like the characters? Did I like the writing? Did I like what the heck was going on?? I got to the end and was conflicted. And then I watched the ending in the show (without watching the rest) and I cried hahah It seems like the show is a little better. I do like how it approached the characters but it didn't really read like a book. I was so confused by the sequence of events, the order of the story. Was it happening in the present, in the past? I couldn't tell ya. it was such a bizarre experience. I did like it in many parts but it was so weird hahah
I DNF, and I'm a big fan. I'm also a character focused reader, so if I'm reading a book and I hit the 50% mark and I'm not interested in the characters, I DNF. I will dnf at the 20% mark if I hate the writing. Like you, there are too many good books out there to waste time on books I dislike or that bore me. I'm a big rereader and if I find an author I like, I do deep dives into their backlist. I'd never have time for either if I didn't DNF. I finished the first 5 or 6 books in the Wheel of Time series because I had an ex that loved it and wanted to talk to me about it. I couldn't make myself continue. There are so many characters in the series that once you get deeper in, you end up hardly spending any time with the characters you actually like. And the writing... yikes. You definitely made the right choice.
I tried “The Awakening,” (Nora Roberts) even after hearing a couple of not great reviews. Ugh. So.many.tropes. I’ll be dropping it off somewhere....away from me. ✌🏻😩🤓
I'm not a DNFer, more is the pity, I think I've only ever DNF'd about 15 books in my life (I think 5 have been in the last 2 years though so I'm getting better!) because no matter how bad, I'm one of those 'I _have_ to finish' people. It pains me more to give up than it does to continue so the struggle is real! TFS :)
I'm tempted to give Fall a try from your description.. the ethics of technology interests me (and I'd like to try Neal Stephenson) but 800 pages is so much commitment. Have you read any of his other books?
I'd love to hear your opinion on Victorians who over wrote. I really can't bear modern day overwriting - but in spite of many of my dear online friends seeming to worship trollope four example - I get so disgusted every time I give him a second chance and then he just writes 50 pages to say not that much. What are your thoughts on that aspect of Trollope? Because I think you're a fan so I thought I'd ask. Thanks Mara.
If I am into the writing in general, I can deal with overwriting. As you mentioned, I do enjoy Trollope... as a rule, I prefer more spare prose styles, but it is all execution dependent :)
If I’m spending more time thinking about what I’m going to read after than reading what I’m currently reading, I can safely DNF without reservation. I usually don’t have a lot of time each day for reading, so I’m not going to bother continuing with a book I’m bored with.
I DNF'd Normal People at 75 pages in. I was just not caring at all. Although this book is part of what helped me confirm that I am Not a "woman's lit" lover. I'm such a character driven reader though that if I don't care about any of the characters then I don't care about the book. I DNF pretty often. I usually do try to give a book about a 100 pages though before I DNF. I have also been known to flip to the book ending if I'm on the fence about a DNF. Allowing myself to freely DNF books has really allowed me to pinpoint what I like and don't like in books. Personally, I think it's a great reading tool.
If I know I can’t commit to sitting down and reading it physically or listening, if they made a movie or tv show I will watch that instead (I know how blasphemous it is of me!) I knew going into the hype around Normal People was that it was weirdly written but the story was good, so I felt confident that I would enjoy the tv version of it. I was correct, best decision ever!
I think I have little issue DNFing books. On the topic of writing style, oh I definitely care about that. I’ve 100% DNF’d stories that may have actually been interesting, but I just could not jive with the writing style.
I couldn’t get into The Rage of Dragons and I was bummed because it was by a Canadian author and I was excited to read it. I did not care about any of the characters and if I can’t connect in any way, even just being intrigued by them, then the book will not be for me.
I don’t have a dnf approach but I have had a few I stopped reading after 50-100 pages just cause I was bored or I could tell the plot and the characters were not going to do it for me. Most of the time when I would want to dnf the book is for a book club
Oh I DNF like crazy. I’ve DNFd after 5 pages before. I usually don’t rate the book unless I have read at least 20-30%, and then I’ll also read the ending
I get validation from dnf videos. I'm one of those people who need to /know/ and I couldn't dnf at all before unless it was like... really boring really old book/ nonfiction book. But I'm doing it with fantasy too now if they annoy me more than once. Good thing: in theory I get more time to give to books I'm more likely to love, bad thing: in reality I end up with free time that's not being used...... This time I picked a manga though so not a waste for once! I'm super curious now about how you'd feel re: Katherine Arden's writing style... I pushed through and now I love it but the style at first made me want to quit... (btw I wish publishers put word count of the book somewhere too some of the publishing things.. gotta change according to fan culture for the better with soooo many more young people in fandoms now) (also your lip color is v pretty)
I do like to DNF if I can tell I'm not going to enjoy a book! I sometimes try to power through review copies but otherwise I'm happy to just quit. I actually DNFed Normal People the first time I tried to read it because of the punctuation but then I gave it another go a couple of years later 😂
I DFNd Untamed and Bad Feminist this year and the way it makes me feel is just too ironic, lol. But I couldn't understand where the hype for them comes from. The first one felt like the pinnacle of white feminism as told by an exoteric essential oils reseller, the second was just a random assortment of disconnected events that I guess would be useful if I wasn't on 2016 twitter - I still think about how I read a whole essay that was just about how she got into competitive scrabble... why? I'm just confused. From the ones you mentioned: I did very much enjoy Normal People, but I understand why some don't like it.
I read Normal People and it was probably the worst book I ever read. I hated it so much! I struggle with DNFing books but I really wish I had with that one.
I liked Rage of Dragons which kind of surprised myself, I’m usually not a military fantasy fan and the book was pretty much all training or war, but for whatever reason I really liked Tau, but the book is very divisive. Plus I’ve got to support a revenge plot not driven by the sexual assault of a female, which seems to drive all males in fantasy
Good afternoon. I tend to DNF a book when I can't read a character because they are ugly human beings. I am more plot driven, although occasionally, a writer writes my perfect character. The story is everything with the exception of really horrendous writing. Hope you are doing well.
Random comment here but your commentary in this video made me think of a video topic request!! Favorite Christmas romances 😃🎄 I’ve read a few but there are sooo many out there, it’s hard to know where to start (also my apologies if you’ve already done that video!). Putting out a video like that in the fall would be especially AMAZING, greatly appreciated and helpful timing-wise in order to purchase books in time for the holidays ☃️ Anywho, just an idea ☺️
I have indeed made a couple of videos with Christmas romance recs -- there's one on my channel, and then I'm pretty sure I made one for Read Bliss, so definitely check those out for some holiday feels!
It gives me such validation that you also DNFd Normal People. I just can’t believe how many people claim to love that book with that writing style 😒. Also DNFing is self care
It 1000000% is... like, I am not in school. Who am I trying to impress getting through something I'm not liking?
I love that you call it "self care," Jess.. it will help me the next time I am struggling with guilt when i want to DNF. No more spending weeks of my time with a miserable book and miserable characters!
I haaaaaaaated Normal People.
@@sweeteliz is 6 zzz-
YES!! I hated it
Just wanted to mention how much I appreciate the subtitles!
Yay! I'm still getting better at them, but I'm glad they are helpful
Usually I DNF when I realize I've gone several weeks without having the motivation to pick the book up. I read several books at a time and if a book isn't making me reach for it, it's time to let it go.
That is a solid rule of thumb
Overwriting is a BIG pet peeve of mine too
I LOATHED Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney so seeing other people not get on with her work makes me feel validated 😅
That's very similar to how I explain my preferences for character over plot!! like, there are many kinds of plots I can be interested in if I'm interested in the characters, but if I'm's hard to care about a story when the people living the story aren't interesting me
I'm a very infrequent DNF-er but if I do it's almost always at the very beginning of a book, either because of writing style or because the book is so different from what I thought I was reading that I no longer have any interest in it.
Good to know I should also avoid Conversations with Friends :D
To me, books are like men. There are too many great books to waste time on a bad one! If I’m super curious, I’ll read the ending, but I’ve got to care about either plot or character.
Yes you defined what “overwritten” is that I had a hard time explaining!
I need to give myself permission to dnf more quickly. .I read a book in February (The Weekend by Charlotte Wood) that took me the entire month-- and then threw me into a deep reading slump! Never again. Starting now, I will DNF for any reason at any time!
I dnf books very similar to you
I try to give books 50-100 pages to see if it’s something I actually enjoy before deciding not to read it but I will also try a few pages if I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for
Basically reading is my hobby, it’s supposed to be fun and if I’m not having fun with a book or enjoying it in any way, it’s not worth my time
Oh man seeing two of my favorites on this list hurt but more because I love them so much. I completely agree with your points on them though (eye of the world and rage of dragons)! I’ll be completely honest and say rage of dragons was a real slog and I’m usually a character driven reader but after the ending it made me glad I stuck with it and continued on with the series. The only reason I stuck with it tho is because I’m not someone who can dnf books easily so if it weren’t for that I would’ve done the same. I think it’s hard to sell a book as “Oh! At around the 80% mark it REALLY picks up” like oh thanks Sharon let me just read the whole book before it gets good lmao. So I completely agree with you! Great video! ❤️
LOL we've all had Sharon try to convince us to persevere :D
yes i love what you said about how naming things you didn't like could potentially be buzz words for someone else! and it's always fun to see what others enjoy to read but also what they don't enjoy!
I do struggle to DNF, especially if it’s a book I purchased the physical copy of as I feel I need to read it to warrant the purchase. I’m much more willing if it’s a random library book
Definitely relate! I've started thinking about my books having an "average cost" and that has helped me... even if I DNF a book that I paid $15 for, I know that in general, I am paying closer to $3.50/book, so that makes me feel better :)
I read another Kate Morton and it could def have been half the length. I didnt dnf it but it would take a whole lot for me to pick up another one of her books.
I am getting better at DNF-ing books. This year I've already dropped 3: the first "Bridgerton" novel, "The Wolf in the Whale," and "Reincarnation Blues." I do recall not finishing one of Kate Morton's books years ago ("The Clockmaker's Daughter"). It wasn't so much an active choice as I had to return it to the library before I finished, and I just didn't care enough to check it out again.
Oh thank goodness, I'm not the only one would couldn't stand Eye of the World. The only reason I made it through that book is because me and my best friend were buddy reading it and we could yell to each other about how much it was making us suffer.
I totally agree with you. A book one person may not like another one will. Great video!
I usrd to feek guilty about DNFing especially if many people love it. I still feel guilty if I purchased it or someone purchased it for me. But Booktube has helped me to recognize when a dnf is better and avoid reading slumps. It really helps to here someone articulate their thought process as to how or why they push through or not. Thanls for sharing! I appreciate it.
Glad it was helpful!! 😻
I would be interested in watching a christmas romance recommendation around november! You should consider making a video about it :)
I would love that too!!!
I've actually got 2 of those videos- one is on my channel and one is on Read Bliss 🙌
I can dnf from the first page if i dont like the writting style, i can also read like 50 pages and if the story or the characters are meh i can also dnf.
That is why i am very careful on what i buy, because if i buy it i feel like i need to finish it.
Yeah, I didn't love Rage of Dragons, though I did end up finishing it. I also read Eye of the World many moons ago and haven't yet tried WoT again, but 100% agree about the overwritten part!
I loved Eye of the World though I do agree that the writing could be something people will not like. He spends so much time in detail and worldbuilding that he would forget the plot. Those books are slow but have some of the greatest character journeys I have ever seen in any book series
Glad to hear your take, you might like Brandon Sanderson though as his style is an improved version of Jordan who balances world-building with plot extremely well. Will recommend you to check Mistborn and the Stormlight archive
I've read and liked the first Mistborn book, but I think it got over hyped to me, because it didn't knock my socks off the way I was expecting it to
@@bookslikewhoa Fair point. The 2nd book is a bit political and the 3rd book ties up most of the loose stories. Small things in Book 1 become really important in that book, would recommend it definitely when you are looking for something new to experience.
I listened to the audiobook of Normal People and really enjoyed it as a character study. I doubt I would have such a positive opinion of it if I’d tried to read it physically.
I will dnf unless its a known classic and then I will try and slug it through to try and figure out why it was a big deal.
I am glad to hear I am not the only person to do this. I do finish many of them.
I really started embracing DNFing in the past 2 years and it's the best decision I've made. It's probably also why my average rating has gone up. I've already DNF'd 9 books this year. lol! I also do the same thing you do and check the ending or skip ahead big sections to see if anything grabs me. If it doesn't I just let it go and I'm completely fine with that.
Lol I don’t dnf audiobooks much (I’m not a picky person about the narrator), but when I DO quit them, it is *comically* fast. I started one the other day & a dude was narrating a thriller, he said 5 words, and I went, “Absolutely not!” 😂. Also have always liked your channel, but have really been binging it lately. Thanks for all the time and effort you put into making these great videos for us. I know you have a full time job and stuff also, and it is very appreciated!
Aw, thank you! Glad you are enjoying :)
I typically try to make it about 100 pages into a book before quitting. If I make it halfway and quit, I consider it 'read' and add it to my yearly total. If not, I don't bother mentioning it or reviewing it, because it just wasn't for me or wasn't worth my time.
I appreciate your DNF reviews, thanks! Like you, I'll likely finish a short "meh" book, but not a long one. There are rare times I've pushed through a long book I was hating (looking at you, Mill On The Floss) just because I'd already invested so much time into it, and I'm uncomfortable with a loose thread.
Ah, yes, the sunken cost fallacy...we've all been there
I know random but your makeup is on point 👌
I tend to like Neal Stephenson's books, because he uses computer terminology I am familiar with; however, having said that Fall was not his best book.
normal people! I watched one ep of the show and found out it was a book. I totally feel what you said about the book. for the first chunk of it I could not figure out if I liked it or not. Did I like the characters? Did I like the writing? Did I like what the heck was going on?? I got to the end and was conflicted. And then I watched the ending in the show (without watching the rest) and I cried hahah
It seems like the show is a little better.
I do like how it approached the characters but it didn't really read like a book. I was so confused by the sequence of events, the order of the story. Was it happening in the present, in the past? I couldn't tell ya. it was such a bizarre experience. I did like it in many parts but it was so weird hahah
I DNF, and I'm a big fan. I'm also a character focused reader, so if I'm reading a book and I hit the 50% mark and I'm not interested in the characters, I DNF. I will dnf at the 20% mark if I hate the writing. Like you, there are too many good books out there to waste time on books I dislike or that bore me. I'm a big rereader and if I find an author I like, I do deep dives into their backlist. I'd never have time for either if I didn't DNF.
I finished the first 5 or 6 books in the Wheel of Time series because I had an ex that loved it and wanted to talk to me about it. I couldn't make myself continue. There are so many characters in the series that once you get deeper in, you end up hardly spending any time with the characters you actually like. And the writing... yikes. You definitely made the right choice.
I appreciate the validation -- I know others love it, but it is just not for me :/
I tried “The Awakening,” (Nora Roberts) even after hearing a couple of not great reviews. Ugh. So.many.tropes. I’ll be dropping it off somewhere....away from me. ✌🏻😩🤓
I'm not a DNFer, more is the pity, I think I've only ever DNF'd about 15 books in my life (I think 5 have been in the last 2 years though so I'm getting better!) because no matter how bad, I'm one of those 'I _have_ to finish' people. It pains me more to give up than it does to continue so the struggle is real! TFS :)
I had my first DNF basically ever shortly after finishing this video! “The lost apothecary”- writing was NOT for me. Didn’t even make it 30 pages...
Congrats on your first one!! :)
I'm tempted to give Fall a try from your description.. the ethics of technology interests me (and I'd like to try Neal Stephenson) but 800 pages is so much commitment. Have you read any of his other books?
I haven't -- it was a well done book, just not one for me, so worth giving a try if you are intrigued!
I'd love to hear your opinion on Victorians who over wrote. I really can't bear modern day overwriting - but in spite of many of my dear online friends seeming to worship trollope four example - I get so disgusted every time I give him a second chance and then he just writes 50 pages to say not that much. What are your thoughts on that aspect of Trollope? Because I think you're a fan so I thought I'd ask. Thanks Mara.
If I am into the writing in general, I can deal with overwriting. As you mentioned, I do enjoy Trollope... as a rule, I prefer more spare prose styles, but it is all execution dependent :)
Neal Stephenson requires a love of Neal Stephenson to make it through, I think. He does love his details.
I HATED Normal People! Threw the book. Punctuation is necessary!!
If I’m spending more time thinking about what I’m going to read after than reading what I’m currently reading, I can safely DNF without reservation. I usually don’t have a lot of time each day for reading, so I’m not going to bother continuing with a book I’m bored with.
That's a great rule of thumb
I DNF'd Normal People at 75 pages in. I was just not caring at all. Although this book is part of what helped me confirm that I am Not a "woman's lit" lover. I'm such a character driven reader though that if I don't care about any of the characters then I don't care about the book. I DNF pretty often. I usually do try to give a book about a 100 pages though before I DNF. I have also been known to flip to the book ending if I'm on the fence about a DNF. Allowing myself to freely DNF books has really allowed me to pinpoint what I like and don't like in books. Personally, I think it's a great reading tool.
I know it is time to DNF when I will do just about anything to avoid reading any more of the book.
You have the nicest eye make up in each video
I’d love to hear your Christmas book recommendations!
I just found your video of Christmas recommendations from a couple of years ago 👍
Yay, that's where I was going to point you so you beat me to the punch! :)
If I know I can’t commit to sitting down and reading it physically or listening, if they made a movie or tv show I will watch that instead (I know how blasphemous it is of me!) I knew going into the hype around Normal People was that it was weirdly written but the story was good, so I felt confident that I would enjoy the tv version of it. I was correct, best decision ever!
I've heard that from a few people!
Now I just want to read a Libby sample of Normal People to see if I hate the writing style too.
I think I have little issue DNFing books. On the topic of writing style, oh I definitely care about that. I’ve 100% DNF’d stories that may have actually been interesting, but I just could not jive with the writing style.
I couldn’t get into The Rage of Dragons and I was bummed because it was by a Canadian author and I was excited to read it. I did not care about any of the characters and if I can’t connect in any way, even just being intrigued by them, then the book will not be for me.
I don’t have a dnf approach but I have had a few I stopped reading after 50-100 pages just cause I was bored or I could tell the plot and the characters were not going to do it for me. Most of the time when I would want to dnf the book is for a book club
Oh I DNF like crazy. I’ve DNFd after 5 pages before. I usually don’t rate the book unless I have read at least 20-30%, and then I’ll also read the ending
I was HATING "Normal people" and DNF'd before reaching the middle of it...
Sounds like 'The Christmas backup plan'..sounds perfect for a Hallmark Movie adaptation lol
Reassuring and hilarious. 😁
I get validation from dnf videos. I'm one of those people who need to /know/ and I couldn't dnf at all before unless it was like... really boring really old book/ nonfiction book. But I'm doing it with fantasy too now if they annoy me more than once. Good thing: in theory I get more time to give to books I'm more likely to love, bad thing: in reality I end up with free time that's not being used...... This time I picked a manga though so not a waste for once!
I'm super curious now about how you'd feel re: Katherine Arden's writing style... I pushed through and now I love it but the style at first made me want to quit...
(btw I wish publishers put word count of the book somewhere too some of the publishing things.. gotta change according to fan culture for the better with soooo many more young people in fandoms now) (also your lip color is v pretty)
Thank you!
I do like to DNF if I can tell I'm not going to enjoy a book! I sometimes try to power through review copies but otherwise I'm happy to just quit. I actually DNFed Normal People the first time I tried to read it because of the punctuation but then I gave it another go a couple of years later 😂
That punctuation was a CHOICE
If I wasn’t listening to the audiobook I 100% would have dnf’d Rage of Dragons. I have about two hours to go...
I DFNd Untamed and Bad Feminist this year and the way it makes me feel is just too ironic, lol. But I couldn't understand where the hype for them comes from. The first one felt like the pinnacle of white feminism as told by an exoteric essential oils reseller, the second was just a random assortment of disconnected events that I guess would be useful if I wasn't on 2016 twitter - I still think about how I read a whole essay that was just about how she got into competitive scrabble... why? I'm just confused.
From the ones you mentioned: I did very much enjoy Normal People, but I understand why some don't like it.
Haha, Untamed is in a video I have coming up called Overhyped Books :D
I read Normal People and it was probably the worst book I ever read. I hated it so much! I struggle with DNFing books but I really wish I had with that one.
My last big DNF was bringing down the duke at about 87% because I just couldn’t deal with the female lead anymore 😂 I felt too bad for the Duke
I used to be able to DNF when I was younger. I can't anymore. I wish I could. I think it's an OCD thing. =(
I liked Rage of Dragons which kind of surprised myself, I’m usually not a military fantasy fan and the book was pretty much all training or war, but for whatever reason I really liked Tau, but the book is very divisive. Plus I’ve got to support a revenge plot not driven by the sexual assault of a female, which seems to drive all males in fantasy
That is a very good point, re: the unusualness of the motivation for the revenge
Good afternoon. I tend to DNF a book when I can't read a character because they are ugly human beings. I am more plot driven, although occasionally, a writer writes my perfect character. The story is everything with the exception of really horrendous writing. Hope you are doing well.
Random comment here but your commentary in this video made me think of a video topic request!! Favorite Christmas romances 😃🎄 I’ve read a few but there are sooo many out there, it’s hard to know where to start (also my apologies if you’ve already done that video!). Putting out a video like that in the fall would be especially AMAZING, greatly appreciated and helpful timing-wise in order to purchase books in time for the holidays ☃️ Anywho, just an idea ☺️
I have indeed made a couple of videos with Christmas romance recs -- there's one on my channel, and then I'm pretty sure I made one for Read Bliss, so definitely check those out for some holiday feels!
@@bookslikewhoa awesome, thank you so much!! I had a feeling you would have ☺️👍
Nope outta a book 😂😂
omg yes normal people!! i truly hated that book and wish i had DNFed it! I truly dont understand the hype for that one haha
This is further solidifying that I have no desire to read the wheel of time...
It definitely wasn't my favorite 😬
I always feel bad for dnf books