Mass Exodus: How the Church Is Losing the Youth -

  • Опубліковано 10 лис 2011
  • More than half of all young Christians are distancing themselves from church. Researcher David Kinnaman explains why today's young people are leaving in droves... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN


  • @Will4fun
    @Will4fun 6 років тому +5

    I wonder if younger people look at the vast wealth of the TV evangelists and decide they don't want to contribute to that mess?
    Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. During his lifetime, he didn't own a home and he encouraged his followers and others to love and help one another. His disciples, with the exception of John, met horrible deaths because of their dedication and commitment. I believe that rather than preaching a prosperity gospel, as do many modern evangelists, ministers need to preach about having an aim, commitment and dedication to Christ and his church.

    • @chadcrawford1502
      @chadcrawford1502 6 років тому

      Will Mike MESS!!! I wish my mother had aborted me 43 years ago I wish I never stuck my head out to take my first breath in vain, I was created in vain and even to mention I was born was taking my name in vain I got banned at so many churches it was not sexual like run of the mill it was fishing believe it or not. Finally I threw in the towel
      I’m tired of Gods biting dog issues or symbolic of love gone sour and south. Button up the church is a wild ride it will lunge you violently out of your seat into a living Hell this happened to me I had to quit.

  • @Will4fun
    @Will4fun 6 років тому +3

    My brother is in his early 50's and has absolutely no interest in religion or in Christianity. This all started when he was in middle school and asked the youth minister about fossils and evolution. The youth minister scolded him for his question. End of story.

  • @dgam8261
    @dgam8261 6 років тому +4

    I love how a bunch of old people are the main oned talking about this and not 1 young person

  • @nororncluber6237
    @nororncluber6237 10 років тому +10

    this is good news.

  • @marcotucker3431
    @marcotucker3431 10 років тому +22

    I think it's hilarious how they are talking about this as if it's a terrible thing and their little bubble is slowly bursting. Old outdated, ignorant and completely idiotic ideas of the faith of Abraham are dying out, good riddance!

    • @altarush
      @altarush 9 років тому

      And the other faiths are wonderful. Take the old Greco/ roman myths who believe portrayed the bad guys as all women, or pagan religions who sacrifices mostly women or Buddhism who believe only few gets enlightened, however Buddha had reservations about women becoming buddhas. Or Hinduism who believe that women can only get enlighten if they are reincarnated as men first.

    • @marcotucker3431
      @marcotucker3431 9 років тому +5

      All faiths are equally idiotic, maybe not equally evil, such as islam, but no faith offers truth, just blind obedience.

    • @toyboyharris2481
      @toyboyharris2481 5 років тому +1

      Marco Tucker i couldn't agree with you more! A bunch of idiots!

    • @Zinner222
      @Zinner222 5 років тому

      If you think Atheism is going to bring paradise on Earth, go to a Secular regime. May I suggest Nth Korea..
      You can stand on a platform and tell everyone how wonderful atheism is. Then you can tell everyone how Kim Jung Un is a murdering tyrant. See what happens to you. You will be thrown away inot a Labour Camp within a few days
      ATHEISTS. So easy to deceive.

  • @JoelJoel321
    @JoelJoel321 11 років тому +5

    What's the answer to sexual repression?
    Get married younger!
    Because that never leads to divorce ¬¬

  • @bendelaney1763
    @bendelaney1763 10 років тому +2

    There's a book called 'The Case for Christ' that talks about the evidence for Jesus Christ as the Son of God. It's logical and looks at archeological and scientific evidence. Or you might find a book called 'Letters from a Skeptic' that goes through a lot of questions that people have about Christianity and things such as violence in the bible. Good luck~

  • @slol28
    @slol28 10 років тому +7


  • @David8024667
    @David8024667 11 років тому +2

    That's why I can't stand religion (or religious people). It's not the people, themselves. Just their attitudes about things. "I'm right. You're wrong. I'm going to heaven. You're not!"

  • @MrNckissfan
    @MrNckissfan 7 років тому

    QUESTION: What is the difference between having faith & playing pretend? I ask because the only real difference I see is that the people actually playing pretend know that they're doing it. BTW if you think I'm mocking (when I'm not) then may I recommend watching the church scene from "Borat" where it reeks of pretend.

  • @glenallen623
    @glenallen623 11 років тому

    hi David can i ask were you raised in a fundamentalist home ?

  • @bagnasbayabas
    @bagnasbayabas 6 років тому +1

    It is the thought of joining an organized group, control, obligation and dogma.

  • @Anubis424242
    @Anubis424242 11 років тому +6

    Lol, none of those reasons mentioned in this video are why I left the religion. I left because the Bible is filled with contradictions and barbaric morality. There's also no evidence that Yahweh of the Bible is more real than any other god, as far as I know of.

  • @suequllahenton9630
    @suequllahenton9630 6 років тому

    If God does not shorten the time even those who are truly in christ will be lost . Caught up by ???

  • @Guyfrom-dg7ek
    @Guyfrom-dg7ek 6 років тому

    I think many churches are too old fashioned and need to keep up with the times through technology, e.g. do live videocast or podcast, make church sermons more interactive so that congregation can challenge and ask the pastor questions after every sermon, church elders should interact with youth through social media, churches should set up Facebook or Instagram pages etc. Churches need to modernise and not be so hierarchical as in the past. Also don’t be too fixed on doctrine or lecturing legal interpretations. Everyone should have their own relationship with Jesus Christ and let people figure out God for themselves instead of lecturing prescriptive “do this” or “don’t do that”. Pastors can give guidance on sin about WHY it is bad, but don’t judge by saying “You will go to hell if you do this” because it is very unloving and only God can judge.

  • @nategraham6946
    @nategraham6946 6 років тому

    I'm sorry, but as to the subject of different sexualities, if the entirety of your message is point every known verse that which paints it in a negative light, call them abomination, then say repent, you are going to hell. You need to work on your message. Not nesicarilly you personally, but Christians as a whole.

  • @David8024667
    @David8024667 11 років тому

    Hi, Glen, no I wasn't. My Mom and Dad were Baptist and that's what I was raised as till I joined the Pentecostal private school. And, I remember my Mom asking the principal (who was also one of the preachers at the church that the school was affiliated with) if he (or others) would try to SHOVE their religion down my throat and indoctrinate me? She did NOT want that to happen. And, the principal said, "NO! We do NOT do that!" And, from day one, that's EXACTLY what happened. They lied to my Mom!

  • @suequllahenton9630
    @suequllahenton9630 6 років тому +1

    people are over looking the world. In the last days there shall be a great falling away.

  • @lamonthicks2013
    @lamonthicks2013 5 років тому

    60 percent?

  • @499PUCK
    @499PUCK 6 років тому

    The first place to look is simple. Who wrote the bible? The authors are unknown. This starts with the names of given to the authors. Exactly how many Jewish men are named John, Paul, Luke or Peter? If these names are not right what else is wrong?

    • @antonio72331
      @antonio72331 6 років тому

      499PUCK You have to understand that the Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek which I'm sure you know that and we're speaking a European language were speaking English. So if we were speaking Jewish and Greek their names would sound different so the only thing that's different is the translation.

    • @499PUCK
      @499PUCK 6 років тому

      Antonio Hall but they didn't change other names. They named the bible "writer's names why? Because they don't know who wrote them.

  • @phoenix5054
    @phoenix5054 6 років тому +1

    We are godslayers!

  • @aqabdulaziz
    @aqabdulaziz 11 років тому

    Matthew 5:18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
    1 Peter 2:18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
    The eye that mocketh father and mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.

  • @ericd1376
    @ericd1376 11 років тому

    Kinnamen ignores the fact that American popular media and culture, since the 1960's particularly, has become the Church's greatest antagonist. This has caused nominal "Christians" to reject the Church. Every Christian knows local churches have problems, but this is not a reason to leave them completely. The real issue isn't why young people are leaving the Church, but how the U.S. is becoming less Christian all together.

  • @socksumi
    @socksumi 6 років тому +3

    700 Club?, lol.

  • @astroboomboy
    @astroboomboy 12 років тому +2

    Internet killed God!

    • @chadyeary4038
      @chadyeary4038 6 років тому +1

      Astro Boomboy real talk if you look at country's not controlled by media they are much happier and pure worship and fellowship america is a nightmare to find any truth in anything celebrities are the religion now worship of pride arrogance money idolatry and ignorance is rewarded in our culture

  • @redeemedfarmer2670
    @redeemedfarmer2670 4 роки тому

    Really Ketty Pery is she our example of a Christian? Really she left the church because she loved the world...... sorry wrong example.

  • @nororncluber6237
    @nororncluber6237 10 років тому +6

    christianity is an insult to basic human intelligence.

  • @David8024667
    @David8024667 11 років тому

    If I would have continued going to the Baptist Church that I grew up in NONE of this stuff would have happened to me (although I don't like the Baptist religion all that much, either). But, at least, I wouldn't be as messed up as I am right now (with what happened while going to the United Pentecostal Church). But, no, the Baptist Church in which I was raised I would NOT consider to be a Fundamentalist Church. My Mom and Dad were more spiritual than anything (not really all that religious @ all)

  • @erichodge567
    @erichodge567 5 років тому

    These guys talk around and around this and fail to mention the thousands of UA-cam videos trying to convince people that dinosaurs and people lived together. Really.

  • @doctorrs99
    @doctorrs99 12 років тому +1

    1% of american scientists are religious not "More than half"

  • @joehinojosa8314
    @joehinojosa8314 5 років тому

    Just putting a Christian rock band in your church is NOT Enough!🎸

  • @suequllahenton9630
    @suequllahenton9630 6 років тому

    God is real most will make a God out of anything.

  • @altarush
    @altarush 9 років тому

    It is the example of these people like George Bush. Most of these young people are leaving most religious established churches and going to non organized ones. If they are leaving christianity because it insults their intelligence, they probably never had it. IF scientists in American don't believe in God, this could explain why there are so few scientists in American. Many young people don't become scientists because of math even if they were interested in becoming scientists. Math is logic and reason, which is basics of science. This could explain why most people who love math are very religious.

  • @ademetal
    @ademetal 11 років тому

    Right, kids like Harry Potter, Why? It's presented as fiction and nothing more. I also think the best thing for religions to do is to teach kids to look up answers to their deep pressing questions on the internet, I guarantee they'll stay the hell away from church afterwards, most anyway.

  • @TheGizmoskate
    @TheGizmoskate 11 років тому +2

    kids... don't.... like... lies

  • @silviapratchet3694
    @silviapratchet3694 6 років тому

    Simple. the glory.of the god .is not bering.manifest. .after a.time.this will make.anybody leave

  • @suequllahenton9630
    @suequllahenton9630 6 років тому

    The reason is the church has lost their place with God.

  • @Archangelatis
    @Archangelatis 6 років тому

    What would happen if you went into youth group and announced?: ''Guys I read Ephesians 2:8-9 and then read on to verse 10. Then I read James verse 2:22-26. We got it wrong the only place the bible says' by faith alone' is to say NOT by faith alone but by faith and works TOGETHER are we saved!
    . . . . . . The Catholics are right!!!!!

    • @the7thage576
      @the7thage576 6 років тому +1

      Archangelatis we are saved by faith through the grace of God.
      “Faith without works is dead”. James was talking about your life after being saved. Though, if you want to be critical, to be saved we have to SPEAK in prayer and ask God to forgive us as we accept the propitiation that was provided by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

  • @BreaktheSilenc3
    @BreaktheSilenc3 11 років тому

    "She still has Jesus tattooed on her wrist,"...Lol oh really, man?

  • @bisondays6011
    @bisondays6011 6 років тому +1


  • @irfananwari9096
    @irfananwari9096 5 років тому

    More they read their bible will contradiction what they practice at church , may should learn Islam

  • @Shawn-hs8qk
    @Shawn-hs8qk 5 років тому +1

    700 club, lol.

  • @wildturkey3776
    @wildturkey3776 10 років тому +1

    People today hate what is right, they love there sins an living in them, that's not going to change it will only get worse. But that's what the bible says will happen so it's just part of the fulfillment of the bible.

  • @ColoradoAquarium
    @ColoradoAquarium 4 роки тому

    God is not real.