7:40 omg Pico diving into the water is such an amazing detail I can’t believe you missed when you first uploaded each act in separate acts 11:22 also I noticed the voice for Ultra L sounds “better” idk but sound a little different
Now i wonder when luigi mix of Stars of hope will come out, my name suggesting would be "Gems of Madness" but thats just my idea and the mix may never happen its just an idea lol
Watch your favorite acts on repeat! ua-cam.com/play/PLbFwEzp0C1UPZgVS61texLSVHbXa0ntY7.html&si=zopl4kpanBn9fru0
Time Stamps:
0:01 Act 1
1:48 Act 2
3:50 Act 3
7:42 Act 4
10:52 Act 5
Thanks for using my title idea!
7:40 omg Pico diving into the water is such an amazing detail I can’t believe you missed when you first uploaded each act in separate acts
11:22 also I noticed the voice for Ultra L sounds “better” idk but sound a little different
I can't wait for Waluigi's Walness for 4054!
Sorry due to some random issue waluigi’s waluness will be delayed to 91092
@@Red.001oh no really that wario wadness comes in 204940395
At least Wario’s Wadness V2 is coming in 4048
Ultra L: "Finally, a *REAL* challenge..."
Ultra M: _Distant, muffled screaming_
That's just him screaming from the confines Ultra L put him in, pay him no mind he went down relatively quickly to the superior brother
@Kallichore09 my point exactly >:)
In reality I couldn’t remove the scream since it’s a part of the instrumental, but this is a funny headcannon
@CagierSleet8757 You bet it is, I have a knack for them >:) Though he made the headcanon funny so... guess we're both good at it
11:45 That sounds extremely menacing and the complete opposite of Ultra M's "Let's a-go!" I cant tell if it was intentional but i love it all the same
Mario’s Madness
Luigi’s Ludness
Wario’s Wadness
Waluigi’s Waludness
Bowser's badness
Peach's padness
Toad's tadness
Daisy's dadness
@@Boyfriendfnf-therapperBowser Bodness
Peaches Pedness
Toad’s Todness
Daisy’s Dadness
Rosalina's Rodness
Luma's Ludness
Toadette's Todness
Wapeach's Wapedness
Pauline's Padness
Donkey kong's Dodness
Donkey kong jr,s Dodness
Diddy kong's Didness
Dixie kong's Didness
Kiddy kong's Kidness
Crunky kong's Crudness
Funky kong' Fudness
Candy kong's Cadness
Chunky kong's Chudness
Tiny kong's Tidness
Lanky kong's Ladness
Bluster kong's Bludness
King K.Rool's Krodness
Tiki tak's Tidness
Fredrick's Fredness
Yoshi's Yodness
Oogter's Odness
Poochy's Podness
Birdo's Bidness
Mouser's Modness
Tryclyde's Trydness
Wart's Wadness
Mona's Modness
Jimmy's Jidness
9-Volt's Vodness
18-Volt's Vodness
5-Volt's Vodness
13-Amp's Adness
Fronk's Frodness
Dribble's Drive (Reference from his line in Wario ware Get it Together)
Spiz' Speed (Reference from his line in Wario ware Get it Together)
Kat's Kadness
Ana's Adness
Crygore's Cricis (Reference from his line in Wario ware Get it Together)
Mike's Midness
Penny's Pedness
Orbulon's Odness
Ashley's Adness
Red's Redness
Cricket's Cridness
Mantis' Madness
Lulu's Ludness
Pyoro's Pyodness
Bowser jr,'s Bodness
Kamek's Kadness
Kammy's Kadness
Koopa General's Genocide
Army Hammer bro's Adness
Boom boom's Bod ness
Pom pom's Podness
Rezner's Redness
Koopakid's Kodness
Larry's Ladness
Morton's Modness
Wendy's Wedness
Iggy's Idnesz
Roy's Rodness
Lemmy's Ledness
Ludwig's Ludness
E.Gadd's Gadness
Polterpup's Pudness
King Boo's Bodness
Hellen Gravely's Hedness
Polterkitty's Kidness
Spike's Spidness
Stanley's Stadness
Geno's Genocide
Mallow's Madness
Jonathan's Jodness
Jinx' Jidness
Croco's Crodness
Boshi's Bodness
Punchinello's Pudness
Belome's Bedness
Booster's Bodness
Valentina's Vadness
Smithy's Smidness
Culex' Cudness
Goombario's Godness
Kooper's Kodness
Bombette's Bodness
Parakarry's Padness
Lady Bow's Bodness
Watt's Wadness
Sushie's Sudness
Lakilester's Ladness
Goombella's Godness
Koops' Kodness
Flurrie's Fludness
Yoshi kid's Kidness
Vivian's Vidness
Admiral Bobbery's Bodness
Ms, Mouz' Modness
Grodus' Grodness
Lord Crunp's Crudness
Beldam's Bedness
Marilyn's Madness
Doopliss' Dodness
TEC's Tedness
Tippi's Tidness
Francis' Fradness
Bleck's Bledness
Nastasia's Nadness
Mimi's Midness
O'Chunks' Chudness
Dimentio's Didness
Kersti's Kedness
Huey's Hudness
Orivia's Odness
Bobby's Bodness
Olly's Odness
Peasley's Pedness
Cackletta's Cadness
Fawful's Fadness
Popple's Podness
Toadworth's Todness
Shroob's Shrodness
Starlow's Stadness
Midbus' Midness
Private Goomp's Godness
Corporal Paraplonk's Padness
Sergent Guy's Gudness
Dieter's Didness
Kaley's Kadness
Beef's Bedness
Dreambert's Dredness
Antasma's Adness
Snoutlet's Snotless
Connie's Codness
Ecks' Edness
Ten's Tedness
Shun's Shudness
Zokket's Zodness
Reculsa's Redness
Tumble's Tudness
Millennium Star's Midness
MC Bally hoo's Badness
Big top's Bigness
Wingo's Widness
Cappy's Cadness
Tiara's Tidness
Broode's Brodness
Topper's Todness
Hariet's Hadness
Spewart's Spedness
Rango's Radness
Edge's Eddness
Beep-O's Bedness
JEANIE's Jedness
Spawny's Spadness
Midnite's Midness
Bedrock's Bedness
Daphne's Dadness
Kanya's Kadness
Perry's Pedness
Stella's Stedness
Grape's Gradness
Giuseppe's Gidness
Fanon Characters:
SMG4's Glitchness
SMG3's Glitchness
Meggy's Medness
Tari's Tadness
Fishy's Fidness
Bob's Bodness
Saiko's Sadness
Melony's Medness
Belle's Bedness
Jub jub's Judness
Rob's Rodness
Whimpu's Whidness
Susan's Sudness
Jeeves' Jedness
Karen's Kadness
X' Xness
FM's Fadness
MCG's Madness
RM's Radness
Enzo's Edness
Desti's Dedness
Beeg's Bedness
Eggdog's Eggness
Terrace's Tedness
Mr,Monitor's Modness
Chris's Chridness
Swag's Swadness
Niles' Nidness
SMG1's Glitchness
SMG2's Glitchness
Kaizo's Kadnes
Axol's Adness
Marty's Madness
Wren's Wredness
Mr,Pazzles' Padness
Jeffy's Jedness
Marvin's Madness
Rose's Rodness
Junior's Judness
Braxton's Bradness
Chef Peepee's Pedness
Joseph's Jodness
Cody's Codness
Douggie's Dodness
Feebee's Fedness
Scooter's Scodness
Nancy's Nadness
Goodman's Gadness
Bill's Bidness
Shrek's Shedness
Woody's Wodness
Jackie's Jadness
@@Currybreadboy512 You madman, you did it.
oops, Im sorry,
I accidentally deleted a comment while editing.
17:24 Bro why this part make me laugh lmfao xD
- What Mega L probably would've said
Since Pico dived into the water at 7:40, did he save L is Real?
11:45 should have been "IT'S LUIGI TIME" or smthn
I think I would’ve chose E.gadde or Pulterpup instead of Birdo personally.
3:11 could be better if they got switched from normal to corrupted (the way they appeared in the song)
My favorite character! Luigi!
Now i wonder when luigi mix of Stars of hope will come out, my name suggesting would be "Gems of Madness" but thats just my idea and the mix may never happen its just an idea lol
Nice timing
11:45 “wait wait wait hold up something ain’t right here”
What's wrong with it?
@Showman682why is it letsago instead of its Luigi time
@sharonyeung8230 he's keeping true to Secret exit by keeping the line the same. Ultra M says let's a-go, and the creator decided to keep it that way.
it is time.....
Can't wait for waluigi wahhhhhhhhhnees
Since the trend in this song is flipping characters Pico shouldve been Darnell or Nene, just a thought.
Honestly should’ve used Charlie day instead of Chris Pratt, I’m pretty sure he’s who voiced Luigi in the Mario movie😅