The show at The Button South in April 1991 when they filmed the New World video is still to this day a top five concert performance I’ve been to. When Phil’s toms started that tribal cadence, the place went bananas! Jason Matt Phil & Tom were fucking amazing! Went home and learned every song on guitar for the next two weeks. Still play Coming Home with my beginning guitar students! 💯🤘🏾 #saigonkickrules
This was a tremendous interview and I have never even heard of Saigon kick(I'm old). Mike is at his best when it's personel, he is like a kid in a candy shop. Very Authentic BRAVO
Matt Kramer is sound, it is just very sad they could not make a great thing work....but albumwise it was always progression. DitD > Water > Lizard > SK.... Dembrowski added depth on the guitar when Bieler took up front man. Turn it up to 11.
so thankful for this tour. water and devil are my favorite records.
The show at The Button South in April 1991 when they filmed the New World video is still to this day a top five concert performance I’ve been to. When Phil’s toms started that tribal cadence, the place went bananas! Jason Matt Phil & Tom were fucking amazing! Went home and learned every song on guitar for the next two weeks. Still play Coming Home with my beginning guitar students! 💯🤘🏾 #saigonkickrules
This was a tremendous interview and I have never even heard of Saigon kick(I'm old). Mike is at his best when it's personel, he is like a kid in a candy shop. Very Authentic BRAVO
Fantastic audio quality as always
Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks
Matt Kramer is sound, it is just very sad they could not make a great thing work....but albumwise it was always progression. DitD > Water > Lizard > SK.... Dembrowski added depth on the guitar when Bieler took up front man.
Turn it up to 11.