Just a quick point - Newton said he "discovered" gravity, not that he "invented" it. In scientific circles, that's a big distinction, and is a legitimate claim by Newton. Also, it hurts my soul you didn't recognize Chali 2na.
Yeah just like others discovered stuff like cell theory and evolution. Those things were already happening, just that being the one to understand it first is a big deal. Sure gravity was always a thing, but most people probably thought that things fall because down is down.
One of the hardest lines pretty easy to miss was Newton immediately saying "Well I conclude your methods are the wackiest" in his second verse. Rebutting Bill Nye's "I hypothesize your about to be beat" ending line. In the scientific method you start by hypothesizing and end when you come to a conclusion. Newton practically finishes Nye's line and proceeds to say his method is wack.
@@rainofkhandaq6678 a rebuttal is a response to your opponents point or reasoning. As a scientist, "following the scheme" to retort is not only continuing the whole point of the battle but nullifying nyes last diss before he even gets to the rhyme.
Something I see very few reactors mention is the fact that the first thing Tyson does when he enters is diss his own teammate. When he tells Newton "Why don't you pick on a brain your own size?" He is basically saying that Nye is so far below Newton in intelligence that it wasn't even a fair fight from the start. Nye had a couple of good pokes, Tyson barely had any attacks, was mostly all swagger, while Newton was slamming throughout his verses. Newton body bagged Nye.
I also love how Neil himself even said at one point when this battle first dropped that he would have loved to be apart of this battle if they had contacted him
As cool as that would have been, I think having chali on was probably more hype for the ERB team given that he is apparently one of their big inspirations.
"I can calculate the weight and the size and the shape of the shadow you're standing in" This one is a heavy heavy punch. Newton being the man who INVENTED calculus just to prove his theory of gravity was right. We still use his theory of Calculus today in all the engineering field to calculate weights, sizes, shapes, volumes and a lot more. No only he's pointing at how Bill Nye is in Newton's shadow, but also how vastly superior Newton's Math are.
Bit of a double with Mercury, as it was the orbit of the planet Mercury that was the biggest hole in Newton's gravitational calculations, and it was Eddington's observations of Mercury in relation to the sun that proved that Einstein's theories overturned Newton's.
FYI, He never said that he "invented" gravity, but instead he said that he "discovered" it. Therefore, he's still correct, because invent and discover have two completely different meanings.
Yo Scru the guy who played Neil , Chali2na is an actual old-school rapper since the 90s in a group called Jurassic 5 , if you've not heard of them check out some of their stuff its dope as hell really really underrated.
Bruh, thank you for pointing Chali 2na out. Guy is too good not to get the recognition he deserves. Same needs to be said about the Jurassic 5. Quality Control will always be on The Playlist. Edited: Because weed.
ERB doesn’t have *that many* guest rappers. Just want to say that Scru joined a small club that includes Weird Al and Snoop. Congrats again on that. Also, Honeydew.
"Answer his question when you set him up" .. apparently that's literally the case. Newton's equation from this battle was apparently solved by Neil Degrasse Tyson.
A lot of people don't realize that Newton wrote the book, 'opticks' on light and color in the physics world. So not only do you have him to thank for gravity, but things like refraction and reflection being better understood. Makes that prism at 4:30 or so more relatable...
@@keylimepie3143 He and Leibniz 'created' Calculus around the same time. Newton stated he had 'simply needed a mathematic to calculate the motion of the stars', making that bar even heavier. The Calculus we use to make it into space? Newton did that before travelling into space was even a forethought. The man was beyond smart.
@@AdeptusCaeiusIII Oh right. Can't believe I forgot Newton was in the chain of scientist covered in an Astronomy class I took. (Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton). And yes calculus, who could forget that. So a fun fact, though not about Newton specifically, but about the idea of discoveries made before going into space, the planet Neptune was discovered through the use of mathematics before being directly observed.
@@keylimepie3143 As with Pluto. In the early 1900s, a small and relatively unknown author by the name of Howard Phillips Lovecraft theorized there was an 'extra planet' on the very edge of the Solar System. He wasn't perfectly correct about it, as it isn't a planet PROPER. His theory about it within... I forget which story... Was that there was a species of life form that lived on it that was aware of the Human life on Earth. And Lovecraft being Lovecraft, his outlook on these 'aliens' was not very positive. Just goes to show that science can learn things even without getting to see and record them. We know Dark Matter has to exist, even if its own definition is that it's unseeable.
@@AdeptusCaeiusIII Yea. That dark matter and also dark energy, like compared to actual ordinary matter we know of, it is crazy how much there is. Like I remember seeing a pie chart, and so much of it is dark matter and even more of it is dark energy.
Honeydew "on some Harry Potter business" is such a clever bar. Isaac Newton spent more time working on alchemy than math and physics combined. Alchemy is that cooky discredited early chemistry stuff, and alchemists tried to make the Philosopher Stone. Just like the philosopher stone in the first Harry Potter book.
While he did do some alchemy nonsense, probably, it is established fact he contributed to mathematical thought well into his 60s. He postulated the four types of cubic curves at age 67. He published his seminal work on optics at 61, which he kept revising up to his death. It ended with a list of suggestions for further study, which traced the path for future scientists to tread - including in discovering the basics of modern chemistry. In Newton’s hands, alchemy was a science. There was no chemistry at that point in time. He went to the best that there was, the alchemy. And he worked his life through to validate and duplicate what was correct in the alchemy and to reject and discredit what he could definitely disprove. Don't underestimate what Sir Isaac Newton did "with the back half of his life".
There's also the fact that Newton's discovery of the visible light spectrum was accomplished via what he called his "Experimentum Crucis," which 100% sounds like an Unforgivable Curse.
I think the double team was actually a callback to Bill’s line about Newton’s friend group. Bill is good friends with Neil so he will come rep for him in a fight but Newton doesn’t have anyone so he couldn’t tag anyone in.
Really, I think if it more along the lines of old king fu movies, where the challenger has to earn the right to take on the master. As both Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson were students of Carl Sagan.
2:14 He didn't say he invented it, he said he discovered it, it was fast tho, completely understandable This battle was wild, Newton was too good, man had punches
But when he went to run it back at that section, it was on the part where it clearly shown "discovered gravity" instead of "invented" and he still didn't address/acknowledge it.
2:03 I mean, for what it's worth, he does say he discovered gravity, as opposed to inventing it. He was indeed the first to conceptualize gravity, so the line still works!
I liked Bill Nye's verse, but the way that Tyson comes in ("Why don't you pick on a brain your own size") was a knife in Bill Nye's back. Newton's verses were great. Don't get me wrong! But I think if Nye had gotten a second verse to focus more on exactly how terrible Newton's life was, he could have had it. Instead, he got a knife in his back from Tyson, who took over just to swag. That "Harry Potter business" could have been a whole verse, but a single line? That's not good enough. Incidentally, Newton could've rebutted the "counting coins for the bank" line amazingly, if he chose to. Most people don't know it, but Isaac Newton's currency reforms and devotion to fighting corruption and counterfeiting in England helped propel the English to the position of a global power. He didn't just count coins for the bank, he SAVED the bank. He personally hunted down counterfeiters, going undercover at bars and inns across the UK to find out who was responsible for the fake currency that was wrecking their economy.
I agree, bill was hanging in pretty well. He may not have won, but if his second verse was as good as the first, he could have at least made a fight out of it. If neil had jumped in to try and stake his claim like with the comics rap that would have been another matter.
Newton could have gone as low as Nye did on that one. Newton claimed that he stayed celibate to devote all his energies to science. Nye doesn't have that excuse, and the one relationship he got into went totally off the rails.
Honeydew. I have to say, Weird Al/Newton was fire 100%. Bill and Neil's lines were like daggers, but Newton's lines were like rapier thrusts with their precision.
Weird Al killed that, as for who won... I can see the argument for Bill cause he went more personal than Newton, but Newton was constantly punching with the fact that "I'm one of the most important scientist in history and you can't even touch me" and also he team up Neil in a 2v1 so and Newton still held his own so I give it to Newton. P.s. Please do "Pablo Picasso Vs. Bob Ross" or "Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney".
Honeydew, dude! Your reaction to Neil and that Sinbad comment had me 🤣! Had a crazy night and your ERB stuff has made my Monday awesome, dude! Thank you! 💯
Pretty sure ERB avoid having people play themselves on purpose. Which I get. Among other reasons, I think it's more fair to the costume team if they're not "competing" with the real thing.
"Grew up with Weird Al..." My friend, I remember his very first songs on the Doctor Demento Show...like 'My Bologna." And the bow tie...11th Doctor...Bowties are cool!
(Honeydew) So Chali 2NA (pronounced Tuna) is from Chicago, originally a part of the Hip-Hop collective Jurassic 5. Damn talented emcee, I'd recommend reacting to a few of his songs. Comin' Thru, Stand Up, and Step Yo Game Up are some of my favorites
The rapper who played Tyson is Chali2na. In the behind the scenes video, he explained that his son was super excited to tell his friends that his dad was in ERB
The Double entendre of "You wrote the book on gravity, but sure couldn't attract nobody." is Don Damarco worthy. In space big objects are sometimes called bodies. Like celestial bodies. So if a Celestial body is big enough it will generate its own gravity, pulling things like moons and stuff to it. Then you take in the line before. You wrote the book on gravity, but you sure couldn't attract nobody. Just reemphasizing that he had not wife.. *shakes head* that how he could hit so hard twice with the same bar is crazy. Honeydew
I always love watching these and I think SFJ has really made me appreciate them more and gotten me to notice new things in all the ERBs I've watched before and since. The energy is fantastic. Can anyone say infectious happiness? Also the password is Honeydew.
Scru Face, I think I figured it out: Your reactions get me as hyped for these battles as I was when they first dropped. I think that’s why I click on every one of these. Easily the best reactions on UA-cam. Also, way to body Bezos in that battle man 😎 🎉 PS: Honeydew
Bill Nye missed a great rebuttal opportunity re: the "stay in motion" bar. Should've said something like "When I flow I stay on course, it's nice to meet you: I'm the outside force." (1st law: An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.)
Barely past the halfway point, and I wanted to say Thank you, Scru. This was the perfect birthday gift for me. I've wanted you to react to this one for so long It's truly one of the best Most of the ppl I've seen react don't really judge it as a rap battle like you do So They don't get what Bill Nye was doin And everyone calls it a wash in favor of Weird Al But you see it You saw his methodology with that verse And like You breaking it down the way you did has finally backed up an opinion I've had for a long-ass time. Bill Nye was fuckin cookin. Like He might not of come with rhyme schemes or crazy verbal delivery But he sauced And he had PUNCHES. Like He wasn't fuckin around. Edit: Honeydew For the record I do agree that Newton won But it's damn nice to see someone give Bill Nye his flowers.
2:50 I'm amazed that the pillow stayed on the arm of the sofa. Just a humorous background event happening that caught me eye while you were doing your usual amazing job breaking stuff down.
I love that you're doing so many of these. I like so many of them, but you really need to do Key and Peele's Ghandi vs MLK. There are some amazing bars in that one.
well technically he said "I discovered gravity" which is still wrong (lol) because gravity as "something that always kept you to the ground" was always known just never pondered too hard. But he still gets points because he was the first to accurate create a model describing the relationship gravity has with other classical forces and mass so he got that still Also that "the answer to your little calculation is 'i'" has a double meaning because he's the one who solved newtons problem literally and he about to solve the problem of this battle that newton proposed AND AND the answer to the actual integral is literally "i" (i = sqrt(-1)) fire. HoneyDoo
@@danielhernandez2575 he discovered the way gravity operates under many conditions on earth and in the solar system but not “gravity”. Even labelling as a force was not his invention it was know by ancient greeks and Egyptians
@@richardsaid973 "Gravity" is based off of the Latin word "gravitas", meaning "weight" (metaphorical or otherwise). However, using it to describe the force between bodies was all Newton. He also was the first to use empirical evidence to back up a theory of gravitational attraction. Claiming he didn't discover gravity is on as solid ground as claiming Leucippus discovered the atom.
@@c99kfm I see, your right and I was wrong about labelling gravity as a force THAT WAS all newton. I was conflicting the label of the concept and the concepts origin. By that I mean newton was not the first to describe gravity as the tendency for objects to go toward each others center of mass (weight) which was then labelled as the force of gravity (aka force of weight) by newton. The concepts origin was Vitruvius who knew that objects fall based on their specific gravity (weight) then Aristotle came up with his principle of objects tendency to go towards a center of gravity. Thank you for clearing that up for me cause I didn't notice what I even said lol
If no one already pointed it out, but Issac Newton used to stick needles in his left eye, to test color spectrum. So Bill Nye’s line “I rap sharp, like a needle in your eye” hits a bit harder
Honeydew. Newton won. Nye's verse was pretty much on par with Newton's first, and those were the best two of the battle. But as fun as the NDGT verse was, it was mostly memes and comedy, and Newton's second verse had some real punches in there that give him the win.
@@HaganeNoGijutsushi eh. It was heavily altered to fit the flow. The 64th power of i is 1 - the answer could be any of the 64th roots of 1 which has 64 options, and multiplying by 1 is pointless so it was literally tacked on at the end to fit the flow.
@@daniellucas5522 true, there's 64 options, but very few would actually lend themselves to being used in the answer. Just "one" and "i" basically - can you imagine Neil going "0.9807852804 plus 0.19509032201 times i"? Anyway, yeah, some liberties were taken, but I still find it pretty impressive. Also as Scru pointed out Al is just really good at delivering his rhymes too.
The best ERBH I've ever seen .. Even the ending with the end cut scene where they are getting into geosynchronous orbit is a shot out to Newton... All the small details!
Do Rick Grimes vs. Walter White. Season 2 has a lot of good ones you haven't seen yet but I promise you with that one even you'll be like "hey punch less". And the performances are A+ too. Honeydew
I've been loving your reactions and you your performance was amazing as Mansa Musa! I just wanted to say you're great and also recommended Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted
I agree, but I'm biased because I'm in that one. At the end, when they say "You Decide", that's my post on ERB's Facebook page with the picture I made to suggest that battle.
Love me some Scru Face Break Downs while eating my Honeydew. I'll also say that your edits are SO much better than they were a year ago, I can see that you are easily improving, keep up the great work! And finally...once again gonna say that I think you should do Adam vs Eve, it really is great with tons of disrespect. Also which ERB beat is your favorite so far?
I’m so surprised you didn’t know who Neil was!!! I love J5 and Charlie 2na needs to start an ASMR channel 😂😍 always look forward to your reactions they bring me so much joy thank you 🖤🖤
Honeydew I see this erb many times. I pick newton everytime but one time i noticed that something was off. Nye didn't call in a partner. He came in on his own as he states he came to backup Nye. Meaning he felt Nye was in trouble but Nye could've handled his own business. This was to bring in another person who was basically famous around science. This also gave them a good reason to use two guesses instead of one.
The crazy part is that Neil said that if they contacted him, he would've gladly done it lol.
Oh it would be kinda weird to have someone play themselves in an ERB, but damn that would’ve been legendary.
@@weehoo2 Oh, it'd be glorious.
@@weehoo2 they had Arnold do a cameo at the end of Terminator vs RoboCop 👀
yea i heard
Damn missed opportunity 😄
Just a quick point - Newton said he "discovered" gravity, not that he "invented" it. In scientific circles, that's a big distinction, and is a legitimate claim by Newton. Also, it hurts my soul you didn't recognize Chali 2na.
Yeah just like others discovered stuff like cell theory and evolution. Those things were already happening, just that being the one to understand it first is a big deal. Sure gravity was always a thing, but most people probably thought that things fall because down is down.
Dudes be flying before Isaac ruined everyone’s fun and invented gravity
@@oldentyred8994 how is he mad?
I couldn't remember Chali 2na's name but fuck yeah thank you.
@Donny Ross I hope he knows J5 xd
One of the hardest lines pretty easy to miss was Newton immediately saying "Well I conclude your methods are the wackiest" in his second verse. Rebutting Bill Nye's "I hypothesize your about to be beat" ending line. In the scientific method you start by hypothesizing and end when you come to a conclusion. Newton practically finishes Nye's line and proceeds to say his method is wack.
Oh hey skyler, love your reacts
Damn I never caught that til now nice one
Bob Ross vs Pablo Picasso 🗣️🗣️
@@rainofkhandaq6678 a rebuttal is a response to your opponents point or reasoning. As a scientist, "following the scheme" to retort is not only continuing the whole point of the battle but nullifying nyes last diss before he even gets to the rhyme.
Something I see very few reactors mention is the fact that the first thing Tyson does when he enters is diss his own teammate. When he tells Newton "Why don't you pick on a brain your own size?" He is basically saying that Nye is so far below Newton in intelligence that it wasn't even a fair fight from the start. Nye had a couple of good pokes, Tyson barely had any attacks, was mostly all swagger, while Newton was slamming throughout his verses. Newton body bagged Nye.
Not even close
tyson was lame
I honestly think Nye would have done better if neil didn’t come in
It's kinda true
Nye is literally some guy who had a science BSc and a children's educational program, while the other 2 are actual scientists
It's not a disc when it's just a statement of fact. Bill Nye is smart to a normal person. Newton makes Nye seem average
I also love how Neil himself even said at one point when this battle first dropped that he would have loved to be apart of this battle if they had contacted him
As cool as that would have been, I think having chali on was probably more hype for the ERB team given that he is apparently one of their big inspirations.
@@euandunbar8050 yeah when he first came in I had to do a double take, waited to the end credits to confirm it was chali
"I can calculate the weight and the size and the shape of the shadow you're standing in" This one is a heavy heavy punch. Newton being the man who INVENTED calculus just to prove his theory of gravity was right. We still use his theory of Calculus today in all the engineering field to calculate weights, sizes, shapes, volumes and a lot more. No only he's pointing at how Bill Nye is in Newton's shadow, but also how vastly superior Newton's Math are.
“I rap sharp like a needle in your eye” and “stick to drinking that mercury” are both references to experiments Newton did on himself.
Bit of a double with Mercury, as it was the orbit of the planet Mercury that was the biggest hole in Newton's gravitational calculations, and it was Eddington's observations of Mercury in relation to the sun that proved that Einstein's theories overturned Newton's.
Newton was an alchemy cultist.
Bro abused himself and lived to 84 years of age which is a longevity at that time
FYI, He never said that he "invented" gravity, but instead he said that he "discovered" it. Therefore, he's still correct, because invent and discover have two completely different meanings.
Yo Scru the guy who played Neil , Chali2na is an actual old-school rapper since the 90s in a group called Jurassic 5 , if you've not heard of them check out some of their stuff its dope as hell really really underrated.
Bruh, thank you for pointing Chali 2na out. Guy is too good not to get the recognition he deserves. Same needs to be said about the Jurassic 5.
Quality Control will always be on The Playlist.
Edited: Because weed.
How does he not know Chali 2na lol
His personal stuff is also just really good. Fish out of water is a great album.
son of a bitch how have I never connected the dots until now
I remember getting exposed to Jurassic 5 from playing Jet Set Radio.
The best part is that Neil Degrasse Tyson said he would've done his own part in the battle had ERB approached him.
ERB doesn’t have *that many* guest rappers. Just want to say that Scru joined a small club that includes Weird Al and Snoop. Congrats again on that.
Also, Honeydew.
And T-pain
Watsky as well.
Chali 2Na too
@@Outcastsandmutants and Dan Bull.
And weird al
The fact that there was no one for "hypothesize that you're about to get beat" bothers me to this day.
"Answer his question when you set him up" .. apparently that's literally the case. Newton's equation from this battle was apparently solved by Neil Degrasse Tyson.
yep, Neil was the first person to ever solve it. and in fact the answer is actually "i".
Any documentation for this?
@@chadmarx7718 that Neil Degrasse Tyson solved it? I'm sure he published it
That 'equal and opposite reaction' line has to be my favorite lines ever.
A lot of people don't realize that Newton wrote the book, 'opticks' on light and color in the physics world. So not only do you have him to thank for gravity, but things like refraction and reflection being better understood. Makes that prism at 4:30 or so more relatable...
Followed up by "I unlocked the stars..." since spectroscopy is used to determine the composition and emissions of stars.
@@keylimepie3143 He and Leibniz 'created' Calculus around the same time. Newton stated he had 'simply needed a mathematic to calculate the motion of the stars', making that bar even heavier. The Calculus we use to make it into space? Newton did that before travelling into space was even a forethought. The man was beyond smart.
@@AdeptusCaeiusIII Oh right. Can't believe I forgot Newton was in the chain of scientist covered in an Astronomy class I took. (Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, Newton). And yes calculus, who could forget that.
So a fun fact, though not about Newton specifically, but about the idea of discoveries made before going into space, the planet Neptune was discovered through the use of mathematics before being directly observed.
@@keylimepie3143 As with Pluto. In the early 1900s, a small and relatively unknown author by the name of Howard Phillips Lovecraft theorized there was an 'extra planet' on the very edge of the Solar System. He wasn't perfectly correct about it, as it isn't a planet PROPER. His theory about it within... I forget which story... Was that there was a species of life form that lived on it that was aware of the Human life on Earth.
And Lovecraft being Lovecraft, his outlook on these 'aliens' was not very positive.
Just goes to show that science can learn things even without getting to see and record them. We know Dark Matter has to exist, even if its own definition is that it's unseeable.
@@AdeptusCaeiusIII Yea. That dark matter and also dark energy, like compared to actual ordinary matter we know of, it is crazy how much there is. Like I remember seeing a pie chart, and so much of it is dark matter and even more of it is dark energy.
"on some Harry Potter business" is such a clever bar. Isaac Newton spent more time working on alchemy than math and physics combined. Alchemy is that cooky discredited early chemistry stuff, and alchemists tried to make the Philosopher Stone. Just like the philosopher stone in the first Harry Potter book.
While he did do some alchemy nonsense, probably, it is established fact he contributed to mathematical thought well into his 60s. He postulated the four types of cubic curves at age 67.
He published his seminal work on optics at 61, which he kept revising up to his death. It ended with a list of suggestions for further study, which traced the path for future scientists to tread - including in discovering the basics of modern chemistry.
In Newton’s hands, alchemy was a science.
There was no chemistry at that point in time.
He went to the best that there was, the alchemy.
And he worked his life through to validate and duplicate what was correct in the alchemy and to reject and discredit what he could definitely disprove.
Don't underestimate what Sir Isaac Newton did "with the back half of his life".
Also holed up in his attic like Potter in the cupboard
There's also the fact that Newton's discovery of the visible light spectrum was accomplished via what he called his "Experimentum Crucis," which 100% sounds like an Unforgivable Curse.
You don't have to be fast-talking to punch hard.
Once he does them all, I'd like to see Scru do a Tier ranking for every battle.
We gotta get you more likes
The man is genius pppl give him more likes so scru can see dis
I’ll take twenty
Gee, wonder where Mansa Munsa vs Jeff Bezos will rank..... lol.
I think the double team was actually a callback to Bill’s line about Newton’s friend group. Bill is good friends with Neil so he will come rep for him in a fight but Newton doesn’t have anyone so he couldn’t tag anyone in.
To be fair though, I think Bill needed the help 😅. Newton was holdin his own
Really, I think if it more along the lines of old king fu movies, where the challenger has to earn the right to take on the master. As both Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson were students of Carl Sagan.
Weird Al can rap rap. Hardware Store is the original Rap God
I m not sure if that entire bridge for Hardware store was done on a single breath or not. I cant even find a point in which he COULD take a breath.
@@TheAtheistChef it was in one take. I have seen Al on his tour do it one breath. It was crazy.
They got allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters...
@@AlejandroRamirez-rx1py that’s nucking futs. That requires some ungodly lung capacity.
@@chelseafcrocks82 trash compactors juice extractors shower rods and water meters
I met Weird Al. Really cool guy. They actually used his first verse of this during a costume change at his concert
The way the pillow landed perfectly onto the arm rest was pretty satisfying.
Scru, I love these breakdowns. Makes me appreciate the rap battles so much more
He didn't say he invented it, he said he discovered it, it was fast tho, completely understandable
This battle was wild, Newton was too good, man had punches
was waiting for someone to mention that!
But when he went to run it back at that section, it was on the part where it clearly shown "discovered gravity" instead of "invented" and he still didn't address/acknowledge it.
I wish there was a bar about his 2nd law then you'd have one about all 3
2:03 I mean, for what it's worth, he does say he discovered gravity, as opposed to inventing it. He was indeed the first to conceptualize gravity, so the line still works!
I liked Bill Nye's verse, but the way that Tyson comes in ("Why don't you pick on a brain your own size") was a knife in Bill Nye's back.
Newton's verses were great. Don't get me wrong! But I think if Nye had gotten a second verse to focus more on exactly how terrible Newton's life was, he could have had it. Instead, he got a knife in his back from Tyson, who took over just to swag. That "Harry Potter business" could have been a whole verse, but a single line? That's not good enough.
Incidentally, Newton could've rebutted the "counting coins for the bank" line amazingly, if he chose to. Most people don't know it, but Isaac Newton's currency reforms and devotion to fighting corruption and counterfeiting in England helped propel the English to the position of a global power. He didn't just count coins for the bank, he SAVED the bank. He personally hunted down counterfeiters, going undercover at bars and inns across the UK to find out who was responsible for the fake currency that was wrecking their economy.
Thank god I'm not the only one that thinks that line is a jab at Bill Nye
Friendly fire! Friendly fire!
Yeah, honestly Newton being not only a great scientist but ALSO basically a goddamn detective isn't exactly something you'd bring up as a diss.
I agree, bill was hanging in pretty well. He may not have won, but if his second verse was as good as the first, he could have at least made a fight out of it. If neil had jumped in to try and stake his claim like with the comics rap that would have been another matter.
Newton could have gone as low as Nye did on that one. Newton claimed that he stayed celibate to devote all his energies to science. Nye doesn't have that excuse, and the one relationship he got into went totally off the rails.
i love when scru cant help but compliment the pens. love it.
I have to say, Weird Al/Newton was fire 100%. Bill and Neil's lines were like daggers, but Newton's lines were like rapier thrusts with their precision.
Having weird al be a part of the writing on this one is super clear, two of the hardest verses from the entire discography
Weird Al killed that, as for who won... I can see the argument for Bill cause he went more personal than Newton, but Newton was constantly punching with the fact that "I'm one of the most important scientist in history and you can't even touch me" and also he team up Neil in a 2v1 so and Newton still held his own so I give it to Newton.
P.s. Please do "Pablo Picasso Vs. Bob Ross" or "Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney".
Honeydew, dude! Your reaction to Neil and that Sinbad comment had me 🤣!
Had a crazy night and your ERB stuff has made my Monday awesome, dude! Thank you! 💯
Fun fact: Neil said that if they would have reached out to him, he would have loved to do it
Pretty sure ERB avoid having people play themselves on purpose. Which I get. Among other reasons, I think it's more fair to the costume team if they're not "competing" with the real thing.
"Grew up with Weird Al..."
My friend, I remember his very first songs on the Doctor Demento Show...like 'My Bologna."
And the bow tie...11th Doctor...Bowties are cool!
So Chali 2NA (pronounced Tuna) is from Chicago, originally a part of the Hip-Hop collective Jurassic 5. Damn talented emcee, I'd recommend reacting to a few of his songs. Comin' Thru, Stand Up, and Step Yo Game Up are some of my favorites
J5!!!! That Quality Control is FLAMES!
I was suprised Scru didn't look more into him or know him.
2NA is one of my favorite rappers for flow, tone, topic, and word choice. His art isn't bad either.
I know if he reacts to what's golden he is going to recognize that song
It's the verbal Herman Munster
You completely skipped over: "You don't wanna mess with the guy bill nye why? I rap sharp like a needle in your eye."
The rapper who played Tyson is Chali2na. In the behind the scenes video, he explained that his son was super excited to tell his friends that his dad was in ERB
The Double entendre of "You wrote the book on gravity, but sure couldn't attract nobody." is Don Damarco worthy. In space big objects are sometimes called bodies. Like celestial bodies. So if a Celestial body is big enough it will generate its own gravity, pulling things like moons and stuff to it. Then you take in the line before. You wrote the book on gravity, but you sure couldn't attract nobody. Just reemphasizing that he had not wife.. *shakes head* that how he could hit so hard twice with the same bar is crazy. Honeydew
I'm kinda honeydew surprised that Scru doesn't know Chali2na from Jurassic 5
No one grew up without weird al. He's had a top song every decade for 5 decades
i don’t know many songs by their artists, can you name a few popular songs by weird al? i’ve only heard of him through these rap battles
@@throwawaychannel-x2y ua-cam.com/video/zq7Eki5EZ8o/v-deo.htmlsi=MNd5XeXbZzmV3IRO
Hey you got to do Rick Grimes vs Walter White!
I have asked so much for this
So true
I always love watching these and I think SFJ has really made me appreciate them more and gotten me to notice new things in all the ERBs I've watched before and since. The energy is fantastic. Can anyone say infectious happiness?
Also the password is Honeydew.
Insider info: NDG said if he'd have been asked he would have done his own bars. He loves this ERB.
Scru Face, I think I figured it out:
Your reactions get me as hyped for these battles as I was when they first dropped. I think that’s why I click on every one of these. Easily the best reactions on UA-cam.
Also, way to body Bezos in that battle man 😎 🎉
PS: Honeydew
Bill Nye missed a great rebuttal opportunity re: the "stay in motion" bar. Should've said something like "When I flow I stay on course, it's nice to meet you: I'm the outside force." (1st law: An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.)
Your energy is incredible! I love your breakdowns of these videos!
Barely past the halfway point, and I wanted to say
Thank you, Scru. This was the perfect birthday gift for me.
I've wanted you to react to this one for so long
It's truly one of the best
Most of the ppl I've seen react don't really judge it as a rap battle like you do
They don't get what Bill Nye was doin
And everyone calls it a wash in favor of Weird Al
But you see it
You saw his methodology with that verse
And like
You breaking it down the way you did has finally backed up an opinion I've had for a long-ass time.
Bill Nye was fuckin cookin.
He might not of come with rhyme schemes or crazy verbal delivery
But he sauced
And he had PUNCHES.
He wasn't fuckin around.
Edit: Honeydew
For the record
I do agree that Newton won
But it's damn nice to see someone give Bill Nye his flowers.
2:50 I'm amazed that the pillow stayed on the arm of the sofa. Just a humorous background event happening that caught me eye while you were doing your usual amazing job breaking stuff down.
Rasputin vs Stalin is my favourite
Cool raps and disses
Yeah, Newton didn't discover gravity, but he proposed the Universal Gravity Theory
When I tell you that a couple of the hardest punches in erb history come from Walter white vs Rick grimes I’m not joking. You gotta check that one out
Please, that was a great episode
I love how when scru punched the pillow it landed perfectly on the couch armrest
Rasputin vs Stalin 100% needs to be the next one. also honeydew.
2:50 Can we all appreciate how that pillow landed perfectly on the arm of the couch?
was waiting for this comment
I love that you're doing so many of these. I like so many of them, but you really need to do Key and Peele's Ghandi vs MLK. There are some amazing bars in that one.
He has done that one.
Omg finally, finally , finally , been requesting this reaction long ago when you started react to ERBs , thank you alot Scru!!
well technically he said "I discovered gravity" which is still wrong (lol) because gravity as "something that always kept you to the ground" was always known just never pondered too hard. But he still gets points because he was the first to accurate create a model describing the relationship gravity has with other classical forces and mass so he got that still
Also that "the answer to your little calculation is 'i'" has a double meaning because he's the one who solved newtons problem literally and he about to solve the problem of this battle that newton proposed AND AND the answer to the actual integral is literally "i" (i = sqrt(-1)) fire.
Yeah, Newton's line is the correct claim, he didn't claim to invent it, he did discover and codify it in mathematical terms.
So he did discover it then.
@@danielhernandez2575 he discovered the way gravity operates under many conditions on earth and in the solar system but not “gravity”. Even labelling as a force was not his invention it was know by ancient greeks and Egyptians
@@richardsaid973 "Gravity" is based off of the Latin word "gravitas", meaning "weight" (metaphorical or otherwise). However, using it to describe the force between bodies was all Newton. He also was the first to use empirical evidence to back up a theory of gravitational attraction. Claiming he didn't discover gravity is on as solid ground as claiming Leucippus discovered the atom.
@@c99kfm I see, your right and I was wrong about labelling gravity as a force THAT WAS all newton. I was conflicting the label of the concept and the concepts origin. By that I mean newton was not the first to describe gravity as the tendency for objects to go toward each others center of mass (weight) which was then labelled as the force of gravity (aka force of weight) by newton. The concepts origin was Vitruvius who knew that objects fall based on their specific gravity (weight) then Aristotle came up with his principle of objects tendency to go towards a center of gravity. Thank you for clearing that up for me cause I didn't notice what I even said lol
"Wrote the book on gravity, but couldn't attract no body... " Ha... Law of Universal Gravitation ... thats a bit sciencey!
Tesla vs Edison erb is a pretty good match.
One of your best ERB react videos since your passion shows...and I watch them all
Walter White vs Rick Grimes
I have been waiting for this one for so long Scru! LETS ROCK
Chali2Na is a rapper, he even got a song in a SSX game way back in the PS2. I believe it was "Fish Outta Water". By the way... Honeydew :p
Fish Outta Water is one of his albums. I don't know which song tho.
@@Rylan_Korpi I found it. the song is "International" Ayo Scru! Check this song out later!
The way you say "he's writing immaculately" lives rent free in my head.
2:11 Slight correction he said “I discovered gravity” not “invented” Scru, loved your ERB video.
If no one already pointed it out, but Issac Newton used to stick needles in his left eye, to test color spectrum. So Bill Nye’s line “I rap sharp, like a needle in your eye” hits a bit harder
Chali 2NA is from Jurassic 5. Dope rapper.
I AINT KNOW THE MANS WAS CULTURED TOO. Growing up on Weird Al was the good ol days. The good good ol days man.
Newton won. Nye's verse was pretty much on par with Newton's first, and those were the best two of the battle. But as fun as the NDGT verse was, it was mostly memes and comedy, and Newton's second verse had some real punches in there that give him the win.
Also Newton rapped a calculus problem, that has to count for something.
@@HaganeNoGijutsushi eh. It was heavily altered to fit the flow. The 64th power of i is 1 - the answer could be any of the 64th roots of 1 which has 64 options, and multiplying by 1 is pointless so it was literally tacked on at the end to fit the flow.
@@daniellucas5522 true, there's 64 options, but very few would actually lend themselves to being used in the answer. Just "one" and "i" basically - can you imagine Neil going "0.9807852804 plus 0.19509032201 times i"?
Anyway, yeah, some liberties were taken, but I still find it pretty impressive. Also as Scru pointed out Al is just really good at delivering his rhymes too.
The best ERBH I've ever seen ..
Even the ending with the end cut scene where they are getting into geosynchronous orbit is a shot out to Newton... All the small details!
David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini pls. You need to react to this, man. This pure disrespect and fire
Your reaction to this video is the funniest!! Subscribed. Plus "Sinbad Harvey" oh man 🤣
I suggest Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury next. It’s a short one, but there’s some low blows in it for sure!
That was charli 2na (tuna) from Jurassic 5.
It's funny cause Neil DeGrasse Tyson actually said he'd have done it if they had asked
You have absolutely NO IDEA how long i've been waiting for you to react to the accerate the mind of mankid bar. NO IDEA SCRU.
Do Rick Grimes vs. Walter White. Season 2 has a lot of good ones you haven't seen yet but I promise you with that one even you'll be like "hey punch less". And the performances are A+ too.
“Astrophysics black guy!” Never fails to get me.
Great analysis! You should react to the Rasputin vs Stalin battle
i second this
That little dance at 5:38! 🤣
If you lookin for classics then Walter White vs Rick Grimes is the one 🚫🧢
I've been loving your reactions and you your performance was amazing as Mansa Musa! I just wanted to say you're great and also recommended Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted
Newton aka Weird Al was the superior rapper. Delivery was immaculate and his lyrics were on FIRE. Brilliant break down man.
Honey-do… was wondering when you’d get to this one. But Weird Al as Newton was just killin’ it
Weird Al as Issac was a perfect choice, he is talented af
Okay, the comments about Sinbad earned you a new subscriber. XD
Also, I thought I was the only one to remember First Kid.
You gotta react and breakdown Adam vs Eve. It’s the filthiest battle ERB has done
5:17 that frosty water bottle look refreshing af my guy.
Tesla vs Edison bro please Scru
That's Chali 2na of Jurassic Five.
If you’re still on a Weird Al kick, please react to his original song “Hardware Store.” Just don’t pause during the breakdown for the FULL experience.
The Sinbad Harvey comment almost murdered me..... I couldn't get air for a hot min from laughing.
Picasso vs Bob Ross.Little one-sided but pretty damn fun.
I agree, but I'm biased because I'm in that one.
At the end, when they say "You Decide", that's my post on ERB's Facebook page with the picture I made to suggest that battle.
2:06 he said he discovered gravity not invented it 😂
Gotta agree with other people you gotta do Rick Grimes vs Walter White, it’s absolutely brutal.
Honeydew 🍈
Love me some Scru Face Break Downs while eating my Honeydew. I'll also say that your edits are SO much better than they were a year ago, I can see that you are easily improving, keep up the great work!
And finally...once again gonna say that I think you should do Adam vs Eve, it really is great with tons of disrespect. Also which ERB beat is your favorite so far?
You gotta do Freddy Krueger vs Wolverine
He already did this one, check out his ERB playlist
I’m so surprised you didn’t know who Neil was!!! I love J5 and Charlie 2na needs to start an ASMR channel 😂😍 always look forward to your reactions they bring me so much joy thank you 🖤🖤
I see this erb many times. I pick newton everytime but one time i noticed that something was off. Nye didn't call in a partner. He came in on his own as he states he came to backup Nye. Meaning he felt Nye was in trouble but Nye could've handled his own business. This was to bring in another person who was basically famous around science. This also gave them a good reason to use two guesses instead of one.
I've been waiting on this 1!
Joan of arc vs Miley Cyrus
I'd agree Newton came so hard Nye had to get backup. Honeydew
Oh yeah one of my favorites ones for sure
This one
Absolutely 💯
Until I saw your reaction video, just how good Weird Al's writing was for this went right over my head. Honeydew.