Worlds most powerful steam engine still running. 12000 Horse Power. The River Don Engine, Sheffield

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • The worlds most powerful steam engine ever built. 12000 Horse Power (8.9 MW)
    The River Don Engine is located in the Kelham Island Museum in Sheffield, UK
    This massive engine weighs 420 tons and stands 28 foot high, 40 foot long !
    I've seen some impressive Victorian engineering in the past but this is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. The sheer power in this beast has to be seen in person.
    See it in steam Monday - Thursday 12pm and 2pm and Sunday 12pm, 2pm and 4pm.
    It is not always running though due to maintenance so check with the museum first if traveling a long way to see it.
    This is a stationary steam powered mill for making steel armour plate for the hulls of battleships. It is able to reverse from full speed in just 2 seconds. The rapid reverse was an essential feature of an engine used for rolling, as delays would result in cooling of the workpiece.
    At 01:22 you can see just how quick it can stop and reverse.
    At 02:37 you will see how fast this engine can run. You can really feel the power in the floor now.
    Four identical mills were made but the other three have since been scrapped.
    There is a short video you can watch of this mill when it was still in use. This video display is near the entrance to the engine area.