The Judgement Of God | N. A. Urshan | BOTT 1994
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- The Judgement Of God | N. A. Urshan | BOTT 1994
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I can’t believe this message is nearly 30 years old but it speaks directly to this day in this year 2023.
This was some of the greatest preaching I’ve ever heard 🙌🏾
Great man of god .gone but not his preaching..
Praise the Lord Michael,
I think the proper statement would be he was preaching by the power of God. I think it would be prudent to leave the word “JUST” out of your statement as it minimizes this sermon.
Thank you for uploading these TIMELESS messages from past BOTT services; it is truly a blessing to hear Bro. Nathaniel Urshan's voice and message, which is just as fresh TODAY, as it was in 1994. Dearly loved that man and his ministry and music with his beloved wife, Sister Jean Urshan. God bless you!
Kasey Keyes .To God be the glory. Powerful Anointed preaching that would last until the Lord comes .AMEN .
My God Bless you all.
Amen 🙏
There isn't any preachers like him anymore. And Bro Kilgore.
The Judgement of GOD /UPCI /REV Urshan
John 17:21
John 10:28
Psalm 11
Matthew 12:38
1 kings 10:2
Romans 14:10
Stop playing that organ! Trying to read the scripture and a stupid organ is playing in the background. The Word of God don't need your help.
Jesus is said to be our High Priest forever. First what is a high priest? It is one who mediates to God on our behalf, he’s the one who speaks to God on our behalf and God would use him to speak to us. What does forever mean? It means lasting or permanent, for all future time; for always. So if Jesus is our High Priest forever that means that he will be our mediator forever and he can only be a High Priest forever if he has someone else to mediate to (the Father).
This only makes sense if there is more then one person in the Godhead. It’s clear that forever means exactly what it means, always. If there is only one person in the Godhead this would be impossible. Look what David Bernard is forced to say, he actually violates the word forever. What he is saying is forever don’t mean forever but he has to say this to keep to his agenda, one person God. All you can do is shake your head and say wow. This doctrine comes at a great price and denies clear teaching and it’s very noticeable.
David Bernard”He will cease acting in His role as priest after the last judgment.” ,,,,,, Where in the world does it say he will cease acting as High Priest forever, Bernard very silly,,,,,,maybe David got a special revelation from from his god because Gods Word don’t teach this. This doctrine makes me sick to my stomach. David Bernard said the Son will cease to exist too, extra biblical revelation,,,,, all cults do this!
sir your remarks are completely out of order, you do not understand who Jesus is. How many spirits do you believe make up the Godhead? One or three? What need will there be for Jesus to act as mediator "after the last judgment"? Who will he be mediating for? Sonship was the flesh, the bible says "God is a Spirit" Do you believe Jesus has a limited fleshly body? or is Jesus on the throne of God?
Kenneth Rinicker First of all, all believers have the Holy Spirit that does not mean there are millions of Holy Spirits running around ,, there is still only One Spirit,,Of Course there is only One Spirit of God but there are three persons in the Godhead,, You don’t understand spiritual things,, your thinking carnal and that is obvious,, your trying to bring God down to your understanding of a mathematical 1 agenda,,, Jesus is the Son of God, the preincarnate Logos,, That was a weird question of course we will see the Son of God in His resurrected body sitting on Gods throne forever,,1 John 5:7”For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one “,,,,,John 17:21”That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: “ ,,,,,,Your thinking carnal,,,,You don’t know God,, you have put the Father on the cross denied the Deity of the Son and have put to flight the Holy Spirit,, strange doctrine and damnable Heresy,,end time falling away doctrine of Demons!,
Kenneth Rinicker I will prove that your leader is teaching Nestorianism Heresy and that’s what this oneness leader believes
Kenneth Rinicker If this concept of unity of persons being one we would expect to see this concept in scripture if this could be true. If God was three in one we should be able to see this concept being taught in scripture. This is one of the main reasons why I knew the Trinity was true because this concept was taught from the Lord himself. So the teaching of how more then one can be one is taught in scripture it’s not a pagan teaching it’s the Lords teaching. Mark 10:8”and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” I don’t know how that works but true and I believe it. Jesus talks about how he and the Father are two but one he says that the believers will be one the same exact way (“we”) are one. It was this verse that totally confirmed the Trinity to be true and accurate to me. John 17:21-22”"that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in US, that the world may believe that You sent Me."And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as WE are one:” When we look at the Bride of Christ the faithful believers we clearly see we are not all the same person. There is a distinction between all believers but Jesus said the believers are one in the SAME WAY Him and His Father are one. Then he said, so we will believe that the Father sent Him. He explains how Him and His Father are distinct to there person but yet still the One true God. I believe he said this so we wouldn’t stumble on a mathematical one, so that we would believe that the Father sent Him.
Kenneth Rinicker No trinitarian believes there are 3 Spirits of God that’s your carnal mind trying to figure out Spiritual things. There is One Spirit of God revealed in three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and these three are the one God!