The fact that you guys are switching from English-French-Arabic is disturbing and makes it hard to watch! Choose 1 language: Arabic or English please! Because it’s a nice concept and needed esp. in Morocco!
I agreee but unfortunately each one if has a different back ground and speaks differently! But we are trying to speak more darija in the next podcasts !! ❤
I LOVE IT SO MUCH , 3ndi wahed le comment i wish enou ykoun bdarija cause i think maendnach had lcontent bdarija plus en our society kayn bzf d nass hakka , i would love to hear you in darija arabic ❤️
bsolutely loved this podcast! It was so smooth and straightforward, I couldn't stop listening. Aya, I'm so proud of you! Your confidence truly inspired me. I adore your energy and spontaneity-it's contagious. I'm so excited to see what the upcoming podcasts bring! I've always dreamed of starting my own podcast, and your courage is giving me the push I need to hopefully make it happen. Keep up the amazing work! And spend you loads of love ❤❤❤❤
The podcast is interesting. Just a small remark: the psychologist isn’t given much space to speak. She’s often interrupted, even though she had an engaging narrative to share.
I’m glad you like the concept. But our concept is to have an actual a guest and exchange spontaneously. We will have podcast coming soon with certain people with a different concept. Stay tuned. But this concept will always stay cause we learn from each other and allow others to learn from us. And we love that 🥰❤️ but thank you for the feedback we appreciate it
Je viens de finir ce podcast et je tenais à vous dire à quel point j’ai été touchée par vos discussions😍 Vos échanges m'ont profondément touchée et fait réfléchir. Je me suis retrouvée dans beaucoup de points que vous avez abordés, notamment la question de la résilience face aux difficultés de la vie et de la recherche de soi. Je souhaiterais vivement participer à votre atelier, car mon parcours personnel me semble en résonance avec les thématiques que vous explorez. À 28 ans, on m'a diagnostiqué une sclérose en plaques, une épreuve qui a bouleversé ma vie. Depuis mon enfance, j'ai aussi vécu une relation toxique avec ma mère, ce qui m’a privée d'un accès véritable à son amour et à son soutien. J’ai traversé beaucoup d'autres épreuves, comme la fin brutale d'une relation amoureuse que je croyais destinée à durer, juste avant le jour de mon mariage. Ce fut un choc, mais ça a été un tournant dans ma vie. Grâce à mon engagement dans une psychothérapie depuis cinq ans, j'ai pu faire face à toutes ces épreuves, me reconstruire, et aujourd'hui, je continue à travailler sur moi-même. Ces expériences m’ont permis d’acquérir une force intérieure que j’aimerais partager, pour montrer qu'il est possible de surmonter les épreuves, de se libérer des relations toxiques et de se reconstruire. Participer à cet atelier serait une occasion unique pour moi d’en apprendre encore plus, mais aussi de contribuer avec mon vécu, et peut-être apporter une perspective différente, celle d’une personne qui a su se relever de plusieurs chocs personnels tout en continuant à avancer sur le chemin du développement personnel.❤ Ce serait un véritable plaisir de pouvoir échanger avec vous un jour et de participer à cette belle aventure.❤
J’ai beaucoup apprécié ce podcast ! La manière dont vous abordez les sujets est vraiment intéressante. C’est vrai que le mélange des trois langues peut être un peu déstabilisant au début, mais le contenu est excellent. J’aime aussi beaucoup l’invitée que vous avez choisie. C’est une psychologue avec qui j’ai fait une thérapie il y a deux ans, et elle m’a beaucoup aidée. Je la recommande vivement !❤
Big ups to you girls (Aya & Safia) for the podcast and Salma for your professional intakes. 💗♀️ We often stay with narcissists due to a savior complex-the light in us wants to heal their darkness, clinging to their “potential.” But they are who they are. Never fall for potential; resist rescuing. Instead, save yourself and learn how to spot signs to get out ASAP. One effective technique to spot the signs earlier is to use a journal to track how you feel early in the relationship (e.g., I am beautiful, I feel confident, I eat well). As you progress in the relationship, revisit your journal after three months and reread the points you listed. Reflect on whether these statements still hold true. If you feel hesitation or discomfort about statements like, "I am secure in my body or I am beautiful", it could be a red flag. Perhaps your confidence has diminished, or you've started doubting your worth because of your partner's behavior. Healthy relationships amplify your light; toxic ones dim it. Choose yourself.
It’s amazing to hear AYA talking again❤ I’ve been following her since 2017 and she used to speak in her stories on instagram and then suddenly she stopped Anyways great podcast girls ❤ I’ve been there with a narcissist and thank god i moved on
Hello Aya thanks for sharing your experience, my advice concerning this podcast is as followed: on a besoin d’un podcast un poil plus structuré, j’ai pas de doute sur le fait que ça a été super fun à filmer mais en tant que personne qui écoute je perd le file à chaque fois, je n’arrive pas à me concentrer sur une idée claire et à la fin j’en sors avec très peu de valeur ajoutée. Autre chose, vous avez tendance à vous couper énormément, je sais que c’est parce que ça doit être un sujet très passionnant pour vous mais encore une fois en tant que personne qui écoute ça me perturbe, par exemple la psy n’a même pas fini de parler des 4 types d’attachement on a déjà sauté sur une autre question. Overall, c’est un podcast intéressant mais ça aurait gagné plus à être plus structuré avec une liste de questions claires affichées à l’écran et chacune donne son avis par la suite et un avis professionnel pour clôturer à chaque fois et donner des tips en bullet points affichées à l’écran pour rendre le podcast utile et impactant. Thank you for the effort and good luck for the rest. Suggestion pour les prochains podcasts: endométriose et sopk, comment gérer les symptômes au quotidien etc, encore mieux en darija car les pathologies féminines sont très peu abordées sur les médias marocains surtout surtout l’endométriose :)
I enjoyed the podcast, but I think it would have been helpful to start with a clear definition of a narcissistic. This would have helped to better understand their behavior and how someone becomes one. I would have liked the topic to be introduced more gradually to fully grasp the key points before diving into the details. Also, the guest was amazing but was interrupted several times. I would have loved to hear more from her, as her insights were truly valuable !
Thank you for your feedback! ❤ it’s our first podcast and we are learning as we go. But these type of podcasts are for a conversation not asking questions just to our guest! We will have other podcasts with people with with amazing backgrounds who will share their stories, their experiences and how they got where they are. Those podcast will be more towards the guest ❤
I absolutely loved the podcast! the topic, the sound quality, the background, and everything about it were fantastic. However, I have one small remark: why don’t you include more Darija in your discussions? I really appreciated how Salma spoke in French while also trying to translate into Darija, it made the content more accessible to everyone. However, the lovely Aya and Safia didn’t do the same haha, which I completely understand, but as you know not everyone can understand French or English easily. Since we’re Moroccans at heart, incorporating more Darija would make it even better. That’s all! Wishing you the best of luck moving forward! ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you so much for your feedback! We truly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. We’re always striving to create a balanced and engaging discussion, and your point about giving more space for the psychologist to share her insights is definitely noted. That said, the psychologist herself had a conversation with us beforehand, and she was aware that this was meant to be a spontaneous discussion between all three of us, rather than a structured interview. The goal was to create a fluid and natural exchange of ideas, which might have felt less formal but was intentional. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and it helps us improve as we continue to grow. Thank you for supporting us, and we hope you’ll stay with us on this journey!❤
We would have loved to speak one language but unfortunately it’s hard. But today’s podcast there was a lot of darija in it. As time passes it will become natural. Thank you for your feedback
Congratulations on your podcast🎉 I love the content❤. If I may suggest, adding your names to the title or description would make it easier to find 😊. I searched for this episode for so long and couldn’t find it until Aya shared the link on her Instagram! Can’t wait for the second episode though !!
Bravo , le podcast était juste magnifique . Juste j'aimerais bien si vous parlerez plus "en darija " pour que la majorité puisse comprendre et puisse sortir avec des messages constructifs surtout dans de tels sujets très intéressants. Sinon tout est parfait !
❤👍❤❤ Moi peut être je souffre du doute, de pensées irrationnelles, et bien que je le sache, je ne parviens pas à m'en débarrasser complètement. Peut-être souffre-je aussi de troubles obsessionnels compulsifs, notamment de scrupulosité religieuse. De plus, j'ai peur de réussir et je fais souvent l'association entre gagner de l'argent et commettre un péché. J'ai écrit 'peut-être' comme pratique du conseil que Salma nous a donné. Merci beaucoup pour ce podcast. J'espère que vous ferez un prochain épisode sur le toc et le overthinking . Nous avons vraiment besoin d'autres podcasts, surtout sur la psychologie et la santé mentale
I love that you applied heat Salma said even right after watching the podcast that is already an amazing thing. Please don’t hesitate to send one us a message on Instagram and we will be happy to respond about what you wrote in the comment at first. About the subjects thank you so much for giving us ideas will def take them into consideration ❤️ ze sill have a lot of different subjects ❤
Hello girls, first of all congratulations on the podcast. I wish you all the best in this new adventure. A couple of things I would like to comment on. 1- the topic a été brusquement introduit. I think an -industry recognised- definition to kick off and "correct" our understanding of le PN would've preparee the viewer to engage and understand de quoi il s'agit. I think the psychologist could've been given a lot more room pour s'exprimer because she is the expert and her insights would've been more educational. I love the mix between languages (chacun s'exprime comme il veut) mais it would feel more personal if darija was the main language. All in all, tweaks in structure (and pre- prepared questions) + delivery method/ language would make this podcast really really interesting. Best of luck!
Thank you so much for your feedback, sweetheart! As you mentioned, we did prepare a script initially, but we decided to let the conversation flow naturally and create a space for open and honest discussion-just three women sharing their thoughts and experiences. The essence of our podcast, Deeper Than Words, is not about presenting it as a psychologist’s platform but about creating a space for growth, exchange, and meaningful conversations that resonate with everyone. We’re also thrilled to share that upcoming episodes will include special invites, where we’ll focus on incredible individuals and their journeys-people who inspire, break barriers, and have stories worth sharing. These episodes will dive deep into their careers, goals, and the paths that shaped them. For the first podcast, we embraced an organic and fluid style, allowing the conversation to unfold naturally. While it might have felt a little unstructured, that was the beauty of it-raw and real. We truly value your thoughts and appreciate you taking the time to share them with us! ❤
J’adore le podcast J’adore tout Aya qu’on découvre en parlant , Safia au top aussi Et la psy j’ai déjà fais un suivi avec elle que je recommande Keep going girl Hâte de voir la suite ❤❤❤❤
Aya: i find this more interesting cause it’s deep subjects but on stories im not the kind to just say good morning to say good morning 😂🤷🏼♀️ but thank you so much babe I’ll try ❤❤❤❤
Ce podcast illustre complètement le dicton marocain : demande conseil a celui qui en a fait l’expérience mais jamais au médecin. Aya a eu expérience avec un perves narcissique et sait très bien parler de ce qui se passe entre les lignes quand on est victimes pourtant les autres they are in ‘generally speaking position’
Both Aya and Safia have had experiences with perverted narcissists in friendships. People who we thought were family.I ( AYA) spoke from a view of someone who studied psychology and about pervert narcissists for a while because it always intrigued me to know how these people in all types of relationships have the same techniques of manipulation. But we are both not speaking about anyone specifically. Other than the example of the friend/ work I ( AYA) gave and the example I ( Safia) gave about her ex boss. Everything else was from what we know about PNs. Other than that take this video is a deep conversation that Is here to spread awareness and make people reflect. And the psychologist as well taught us both a lot of stuff. That’s why we like these type of conversations. We all learn from each other ❤
La question , est ce que un pervers narcissique sait qu'il est pervers narcissique? et est ce qu'il fait tous ça exprès ou c'est juste une malade qu'on se rends pas compte !
I just started to watch it ....but first of all i wanna say something Its nice to finally hear ur voice aya 😊 second of all the topic is interesting ....i will give my opinio n mli nsali l podcast 😊😊
Thank you babessss ❤ Please don’t hesitate to give us your opinion! here or instagram. We love constructive criticism that’s how we grow and create better content ❤
Please partager le lien du podcast sur l’une des pages des invités, hit rah la youmkin kifash j mis du temps bsh nlqa le lien qui mène à votre podcast sur ytb étant donné que je ne connais que leila !!!!
C est bien , mais c est derangeant d entendre 3 language, le fait de choisir un seul language c est très important , et j aimerai bien que ca soit en darija, etre fier de notre local language , et pkoi pas un sous titrage en francais ou en ang . Ca permet de respecter notre langue et de la mettre en valeur hit on est des marocains hamdoulillah mais des marocains qui sont bilingue trop bien on l utilise dans le besoin mais vous etes toutes maroccaines je ne vois pas le besoin en fait. Bref c est un petit comment Bon courage❤
The podcast is intressting, but too much speech inturptions between the 3 of u, except for the psychologue, she was respecting both of your time and interactions without cutting your speech, other than that it's good
Pour les gens qui ont mal a suivre a cause des multiples langues il suffit de cliquer pour avoir les sous-titres Sinon you re incredible gorgeous and sublimes good luck ❤❤❤❤❤and keep going
Bravo pour ce joli concept. Petite remarque si je peux me permettre ; vous avez plus monopolisé la parole que l'invite pourtant c'est elle la pro surtout aya ! Sinon, keep going Bravo !
Hi beautiful ❤ this podcast is about all three of us having a conversation not an interview. However there will be a concept coming out soon where we will be hosting certain remarkable quests who will be speaking about their parcours ❤
Aya is sooo beautiful 😍 we want to hear your Arabic sinon t’es canon Safia aussi et la psychologue est mignonne thank you for this amazing podcast keeep going girls ❤️
J ai aimé le podcast mais une petite remarque : une personne parle en français et l autre intervient en anglais essayer d adapter une langue sois français sois anglais a part ça rien a dire ❤
Each one of us speaks the language they want and spontaneously! 😌 it’s a podcast to talk like we talk between us but share it online to learn from each others thoughts and experiences. But thank you for your feedback ❤️
Nice podcast and the idea is great but the mixing of languages (arabic English and French) makes you look like you are not on the same line of frequency. Choose one language and stick to it. It almost feels like each one of you is trying to prove herself over the others.
Not at all just each one of us has a different back ground. One who student in French school the other who studied in an American school. But we are trying on the next podcasts to speak more darija! Thank you for your feedback ❤
@@deeperthanwords I fully understand I am italian and English educated in American and Canadian schools. But when I meet people that speak French I adapt. Same goes for italiano, Arabic, English and Spanish. It gives off a lack of authenticity and chaos, especially when people are so off in their communication. It is a trend I see a lot in morocco. It is unfortunate that we do not stick to our language. It is good to mirror people especially when your audience is moroccan. My opinion
Je connais pas ces filles or their background maybe they are famous in Morocco idk ! Le sujet et super super interessant mais je comprend pas le choix de la langue wach darija dayra m3akom chi falta 😅😅 meme ecrire en 3 langues mnt c fatiguant u can imagine how its disturbine to really enjoy the podcast ! ....j ai quelques remarques par rapport à l introduction vous etes renté dans le vif du sujet d une brutalité flagrante ca na aucun rapport avec le titre de la video limite mettez pervers narcissique portrait ....girl with pink Aya seems to be here just to backlash someone or something if you wanna talk girl just talk without so much manners u seem so fake and superficial if you encountered a pv as you said u should get therapy because i feel like you still have " un mal etre qlq part " or something on your chest that you want to share ! the guest or friend u invited is very genuine with her interaction she gives this energy of wanting to learn and understand things specially when she speaks with the psychologist who is absolutely amazing i thank her for her energy and her strait to the point response ...... Aujourd'hui des que tu es different tu es un pervers narcissique 99% des femmes appellent leurs ex des PN ....c la tendance mnt ! Si un couple ne fonctionne pas c ce n est pas la bonne personne vous n etes pa compatible sur plusieurs formes de la vie commune you dont grow together you dont accept that you change over time ! ......o mat3amrouch rasskom b had sujet bezaf psq you put in your head that you are a victim in relationships no one is a victim you allow someone to treat u bad and continu to manipulate you its your choice thats why before you fall in love or get married or start a serious relation choose wisely ! ❤✌️
Hello , complètement d’accord sur que c’est un concept exagérée justement quand on avance dans le podcast je précise que c’est devenu exagérée et que tout le monde n’est pas pervers narcissique . On peut vivre une sorte de manipulation chose qui est humaine mais lorsqu’on parle de pervers narcissique ( mot qui est la mode ) c’est les traits du trouble de personnalité narcissique au niveau de la classification mondiale des maladies mentales. Mais ce n’est pas l’ampleur que ça prend ça reste une minorité dans la société . Merci pour ton commentaire
@@Jesuiscritiquable d autant plus que la femme n est pas tout le temps victime et que le PN n est pas forcément un homme ça peut littéralement être ta mère et tu projete tout tes trauma avec elle sur ta relation de couple .....c un sujet vaste et important et encore il n est pas identifiable car il n est pas catégorisé comme maladie puisqu il y a pas de médicament pour soigner ou accompagner la personne c très très très sensible comme sujet ! Je veux juste rajouter que la femme marocaine est l une des femmes les plus difficiles reconnue mondialement raha masahlach ana be3da masahlach 😅 je ne veux pas que la tendance soit yeah i encountered a PN blabla no no you are way too strong way too smart as a women dans notre société il faut savoir que nos parents et grand parent se sont pas mariés par amour et passion 9liiiiiil and yet it wasnt like traveling together before mariage for exemple ! And yet la figure du père de l homme a tjrs été celle du pouvoir du leader celui qui dirige sa femme ba sidi lah yrehmo pouvait juste regarder lalla avec un seul regard Katkhaf on the other hand kenti te9der tsem3o kaygoliha tbarkelah 3lik lah ye3tik saha l haja ou jiti ghzala lyoum mashalah ..... is it love bombing from a narcissique lol ? NO ..... Discuter ou débattre d un sujet qui déjà n est pas en accord avec notre société histoire nos traditions nos coutumes et valeurs et le déterminer comme réponse à tout nos trauma et background is not fair .....the girl said in this podcast i was always sick and 2 week later i was fine and turn her head to her friend and said remember i told you i feel fine blabla ( notice that often she ask he friend fro affirmation A need of confirmation is a lack of confidence and integrity ) .....i know some girls that got sick whenever they feel not spoiled or jaleous or they feel rejected or not in center of attention ! ⚠️ can be attachement issue or self love issue and once you remove your self from the situation you feel better and look for the attention somewhere else to feel fulfilled! Anyway it is a genuine opinion not trying to offend anyone even the negative com are positif somehow ....podcast are to debate diverse opinions ! May you all find peace and love there is plenty of wlad nass and bnat nass out there 💫 just know yourself heal yourself educate yourself judge yourself to improve more and then find a soul that is Willing to join this ride of life with you 💫
@@sarahsadiki4543 It’s the girl in pink here 🌸 First of all, let’s clear the air-I wasn’t speaking about anyone in particular. I’m sharing my thoughts based on my own background and life experiences, especially in friendships. If that came across differently, maybe it hit a little too close to home? Now, about me being “fake and superficial”-darling, if having an opinion and speaking with confidence makes me fake, then I’ll happily wear that crown 👑. But truth be told, I’m just keeping it real while having a Deeper Than Words conversation (hence the name of the podcast). It’s a concept, not an interview or a tea-spilling session. For the record, we do have another podcast series coming soon that will focus entirely on intriguing individuals and their unique stories. However, our next guest was given the floor to speak more because we were absolutely captivated by her mindset. We knew her community would love to hear how she thinks, and we wanted to make sure her perspective shined. And honestly, isn’t that the beauty of deep conversations? Sometimes, you step back to let brilliance speak for itself. Also, yes, I did say in the podcast that no one is a victim-you put yourself in situations, and it’s up to you to recognize when to walk away. Life is about growth, not staying stuck in the same story. And let’s be real, if I need “confirmation” from my best friend, who has been through every single high and low with me, then that’s exactly who I’ll turn to. Validation from someone who’s earned that role in my life is far from a weakness-it’s knowing where my trust belongs. As for the rest of the feedback-thank you for your effort, even if it’s not exactly constructive. Every comment, whether critical or supportive, keeps the conversation alive, and your engagement means we’re doing something right. So, honestly, keep it coming. You’re officially part of our metrics, darling. 📊✨ Lastly, let me make one thing crystal clear: I don’t “seem” confident-I am confident. Sharing opinions and challenging perspectives isn’t “fake” or “superficial”-it’s called depth, and not everyone is ready for it. But hey, if I’m living rent-free in your thoughts, then I guess I must be doing something right. Love, sass, and absolutely zero apologies, The confident and unbothered girl in pink. 💖💖💖💖
@@deeperthanwords wow i mean Wooow 😅😅🙄🙄 !!! I said you SEEM fake and superficial means you give the impression !! And impressions maybe wrong ! maybe you can work on that for your " upcoming series " be more real its a personnal process ! i dont know you girl chill and relax this is a podcast on youtube a big platform with people from all over the world with different perspective and definitely trying to do somehting right of course ! by bringing interesting debate and " deep conversations " good for you ! but overeacting like this and being so sensitive and childish wont serve you and i am definitely not part of any metrics here i wanted to watch a morrocan podcast and i will not for sure waist any second watching the upcoming ones because podcasts are for People more open and mature accepting interactions and respecting diversity ! Not for People calculating metrics or who feels SO offended by a comment that dont serve their ego ! You have so much Anger in you this is so SAD ! from an older person that had the opportunity to work with interesting people from all over the world i suggest that you work on your insecurities and be more open and calm not everyone will compliment you in life ! explore more ways to react ! As someone who wants to share and help others through podcasts i see that you dont have the stable mindset to do so because assuming from just a comment from a stranger that you living rent free in my thoughts !!! 😅😅 who are you ?? ... like are you serious ! I dont know you !!! Are you just so paranoid that you cofused me with someone else that you think you live rent free in his thoughts ?? I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE ! i was just happy to watch a morrocan podcast thats it and give my thoughts back ! Good luck with metrics if you doing this for numbers and views this is more disapointing than your reaction ! Thank you for your time and effort replying and overacting this way and you dont have to apologize for this you have the right to express your self you will learn over the years when and how to react on youtube specially to keep your mectrics good 😉 .....PEACE✌️
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, but let’s get a few things straight. We’re always open to constructive criticism-it’s how we grow and improve. However, calling someone “fake” or “superficial” based on their natural demeanor or energy isn’t constructive. It’s judgmental, and frankly, it says more about your perspective than it does about me. 💁🏼♀️ Now, about impressions-they can be wrong, and I appreciate you acknowledging that. But here’s the thing: what you see is what you get. I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not, and I certainly won’t tone myself down to fit someone else’s expectations. Confidence and authenticity are my nature, and if that’s “too much,” then maybe I’m just not your cup of tea-and that’s okay. As for this being a “big platform with diverse perspectives,” you’re absolutely right, and that’s exactly why we created Deeper Than Words. It’s a space for open, thought-provoking discussions, not cookie-cutter interviews or people-pleasing. If the vibe doesn’t resonate with you, no hard feelings, but perhaps this podcast isn’t your thing. Lastly, you mentioned “metrics” as if engagement isn’t the whole point of a public platform. Your comment alone proves our discussions spark interest-whether you love them or love to critique them, you’re still here, contributing to the conversation. So, thank you for your time and engagement; it means a lot to us, truly.
Mais les fills si une personne narcissistic on peut pas le connaitre des le debut donc apres une periode merdique la ou on peut découvrir son comportement merdique alah yakhed fuhom ha9 les gens manipulateurs
J’adore le switch entre français , arabe et anglais 🥰🥰 c’est carrément les bons mots à chaque fois dans chaque langue 🫶🏻🫶🏻
The fact that you guys are switching from English-French-Arabic is disturbing and makes it hard to watch! Choose 1 language: Arabic or English please! Because it’s a nice concept and needed esp. in Morocco!
I agreee but unfortunately each one if has a different back ground and speaks differently! But we are trying to speak more darija in the next podcasts !! ❤
Justement, un vrai désordre parler 3 langues
Je confirme ça fait perdre la concentration et ça sent pas la spontanéité je sais que vous parlez comme ça mais esssayer de fair un effort
I LOVE IT SO MUCH , 3ndi wahed le comment i wish enou ykoun bdarija cause i think maendnach had lcontent bdarija plus en our society kayn bzf d nass hakka , i would love to hear you in darija arabic ❤️
We would love too babe! We are speaking naturally that’s why we speak so many languages at once 😂 but I promise we will try with time ❤️
bsolutely loved this podcast! It was so smooth and straightforward, I couldn't stop listening. Aya, I'm so proud of you! Your confidence truly inspired me. I adore your energy and spontaneity-it's contagious. I'm so excited to see what the upcoming podcasts bring! I've always dreamed of starting my own podcast, and your courage is giving me the push I need to hopefully make it happen. Keep up the amazing work! And spend you loads of love ❤❤❤❤
The podcast is interesting. Just a small remark: the psychologist isn’t given much space to speak. She’s often interrupted, even though she had an engaging narrative to share.
I’m glad you like the concept. But our concept is to have an actual a guest and exchange spontaneously. We will have podcast coming soon with certain people with a different concept. Stay tuned. But this concept will always stay cause we learn from each other and allow others to learn from us. And we love that 🥰❤️ but thank you for the feedback we appreciate it
Je viens de finir ce podcast et je tenais à vous dire à quel point j’ai été touchée par vos discussions😍 Vos échanges m'ont profondément touchée et fait réfléchir. Je me suis retrouvée dans beaucoup de points que vous avez abordés, notamment la question de la résilience face aux difficultés de la vie et de la recherche de soi.
Je souhaiterais vivement participer à votre atelier, car mon parcours personnel me semble en résonance avec les thématiques que vous explorez. À 28 ans, on m'a diagnostiqué une sclérose en plaques, une épreuve qui a bouleversé ma vie. Depuis mon enfance, j'ai aussi vécu une relation toxique avec ma mère, ce qui m’a privée d'un accès véritable à son amour et à son soutien. J’ai traversé beaucoup d'autres épreuves, comme la fin brutale d'une relation amoureuse que je croyais destinée à durer, juste avant le jour de mon mariage. Ce fut un choc, mais ça a été un tournant dans ma vie.
Grâce à mon engagement dans une psychothérapie depuis cinq ans, j'ai pu faire face à toutes ces épreuves, me reconstruire, et aujourd'hui, je continue à travailler sur moi-même. Ces expériences m’ont permis d’acquérir une force intérieure que j’aimerais partager, pour montrer qu'il est possible de surmonter les épreuves, de se libérer des relations toxiques et de se reconstruire.
Participer à cet atelier serait une occasion unique pour moi d’en apprendre encore plus, mais aussi de contribuer avec mon vécu, et peut-être apporter une perspective différente, celle d’une personne qui a su se relever de plusieurs chocs personnels tout en continuant à avancer sur le chemin du développement personnel.❤ Ce serait un véritable plaisir de pouvoir échanger avec vous un jour et de participer à cette belle aventure.❤
Woow, j’aimerais tellement te voir et en savoir davantage sur ton histoire. Je tiens aussi à te dire que tu es vraiment trop forte, machallah.
Please send us a message on Instagram ❤️❤️❤️ for l’atelier !! We are proud of you for speaking up and for working on yourself
I'm coming from Younes senior story i would like to congratulate you on this wonderful Podcast, it was very inspiring 👏❤
Thank you❤❤❤
J’ai beaucoup apprécié ce podcast ! La manière dont vous abordez les sujets est vraiment intéressante. C’est vrai que le mélange des trois langues peut être un peu déstabilisant au début, mais le contenu est excellent. J’aime aussi beaucoup l’invitée que vous avez choisie. C’est une psychologue avec qui j’ai fait une thérapie il y a deux ans, et elle m’a beaucoup aidée. Je la recommande vivement !❤
Im so proud of you ayaa ❤️❤️ im here since 2018 and i saw you growing and glowing ❤️❤️❤️ we need it so much 👏🏼👏🏼
“Les limites que tu acceptes définissent ce que tu tolères”
Big ups to you girls (Aya & Safia) for the podcast and Salma for your professional intakes. 💗♀️
We often stay with narcissists due to a savior complex-the light in us wants to heal their darkness, clinging to their “potential.” But they are who they are. Never fall for potential; resist rescuing. Instead, save yourself and learn how to spot signs to get out ASAP.
One effective technique to spot the signs earlier is to use a journal to track how you feel early in the relationship (e.g., I am beautiful, I feel confident, I eat well). As you progress in the relationship, revisit your journal after three months and reread the points you listed. Reflect on whether these statements still hold true. If you feel hesitation or discomfort about statements like, "I am secure in my body or I am beautiful", it could be a red flag. Perhaps your confidence has diminished, or you've started doubting your worth because of your partner's behavior.
Healthy relationships amplify your light; toxic ones dim it. Choose yourself.
Thank you beautiful ❤❤❤
From younes’s story in instagram, thank you for this masterpiece podcast
Thank youuuu❤❤
Me too 😍😍
"Il y a toujours une solution " : la phrase d'espoir 🙏
Always ❤
Thank you girls for this episode, it was much needed! Came at the right time, goodluck ❤
Glad it helped babes ! That’s exactly our goal ! ❤️
It’s amazing to hear AYA talking again❤ I’ve been following her since 2017 and she used to speak in her stories on instagram and then suddenly she stopped
Anyways great podcast girls ❤
I’ve been there with a narcissist and thank god i moved on
Proud of you ❤ thank you babes
Hello Aya thanks for sharing your experience, my advice concerning this podcast is as followed: on a besoin d’un podcast un poil plus structuré, j’ai pas de doute sur le fait que ça a été super fun à filmer mais en tant que personne qui écoute je perd le file à chaque fois, je n’arrive pas à me concentrer sur une idée claire et à la fin j’en sors avec très peu de valeur ajoutée. Autre chose, vous avez tendance à vous couper énormément, je sais que c’est parce que ça doit être un sujet très passionnant pour vous mais encore une fois en tant que personne qui écoute ça me perturbe, par exemple la psy n’a même pas fini de parler des 4 types d’attachement on a déjà sauté sur une autre question. Overall, c’est un podcast intéressant mais ça aurait gagné plus à être plus structuré avec une liste de questions claires affichées à l’écran et chacune donne son avis par la suite et un avis professionnel pour clôturer à chaque fois et donner des tips en bullet points affichées à l’écran pour rendre le podcast utile et impactant. Thank you for the effort and good luck for the rest. Suggestion pour les prochains podcasts: endométriose et sopk, comment gérer les symptômes au quotidien etc, encore mieux en darija car les pathologies féminines sont très peu abordées sur les médias marocains surtout surtout l’endométriose :)
I enjoyed the podcast, but I think it would have been helpful to start with a clear definition of a narcissistic. This would have helped to better understand their behavior and how someone becomes one. I would have liked the topic to be introduced more gradually to fully grasp the key points before diving into the details. Also, the guest was amazing but was interrupted several times. I would have loved to hear more from her, as her insights were truly valuable !
Thank you for your feedback! ❤ it’s our first podcast and we are learning as we go. But these type of podcasts are for a conversation not asking questions just to our guest! We will have other podcasts with people with with amazing backgrounds who will share their stories, their experiences and how they got where they are. Those podcast will be more towards the guest ❤
This is so interesting Ayaa your energy is matching with the podcast comme pas possible so proud of u congratulations 👏🎉
Aya: thank you babes ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I absolutely loved the podcast! the topic, the sound quality, the background, and everything about it were fantastic. However, I have one small remark: why don’t you include more Darija in your discussions? I really appreciated how Salma spoke in French while also trying to translate into Darija, it made the content more accessible to everyone. However, the lovely Aya and Safia didn’t do the same haha, which I completely understand, but as you know not everyone can understand French or English easily. Since we’re Moroccans at heart, incorporating more Darija would make it even better. That’s all! Wishing you the best of luck moving forward! ❤️🙏🏻
We wishhhh! We really want to maybe will time it will come naturally ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for ur message sweetly
I love the podcast but wished the psychologist wasn’t interrupted a lot, was looking forward to hearing her opinions but was interrupted every time.
Thank you so much for your feedback! We truly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. We’re always striving to create a balanced and engaging discussion, and your point about giving more space for the psychologist to share her insights is definitely noted.
That said, the psychologist herself had a conversation with us beforehand, and she was aware that this was meant to be a spontaneous discussion between all three of us, rather than a structured interview. The goal was to create a fluid and natural exchange of ideas, which might have felt less formal but was intentional.
Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and it helps us improve as we continue to grow. Thank you for supporting us, and we hope you’ll stay with us on this journey!❤
لغة موحدة كان ايكون حسن
بودكاست في المستوى.. موضوع مهم بزاف ديال الناس جاهلينوا
We would have loved to speak one language but unfortunately it’s hard. But today’s podcast there was a lot of darija in it. As time passes it will become natural. Thank you for your feedback
Thanks girls for this podcast vraiment it was much needed, jito like gift of god ❤❤❤
Safia is gorgeous and very spontaneous and the psychologist is flawless 🫶🏻
Great podcast! Fantastic job . Loved the easy, honest, and free-flowing conversation!
Thank you beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Life with a narssistic it's so toxic ...
Great staff
Thank you❤
Congratulations on your podcast🎉 I love the content❤. If I may suggest, adding your names to the title or description would make it easier to find 😊. I searched for this episode for so long and couldn’t find it until Aya shared the link on her Instagram! Can’t wait for the second episode though !!
Such an amazing podcast, I enjoyed every minute of it,keep them coming!!♥️♥️
Thank you babes ❤❤❤
Bravo , le podcast était juste magnifique . Juste j'aimerais bien si vous parlerez plus "en darija " pour que la majorité puisse comprendre et puisse sortir avec des messages constructifs surtout dans de tels sujets très intéressants. Sinon tout est parfait !
Thank you babes! The next podcast has a bit more darija! ❤️
Ayaaaa, YAAAAAY happy to see you again ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you girl❤❤❤
Magnifique I liked the style and elegant of speech ❤
Thank you beautiful ❤❤❤
I waiting for a new episode 😊
Incredible ❤
Thank you babes ❤❤❤❤
Moi peut être je souffre du doute, de pensées irrationnelles, et bien que je le sache, je ne parviens pas à m'en débarrasser complètement. Peut-être souffre-je aussi de troubles obsessionnels compulsifs, notamment de scrupulosité religieuse. De plus, j'ai peur de réussir et je fais souvent l'association entre gagner de l'argent et commettre un péché. J'ai écrit 'peut-être' comme pratique du conseil que Salma nous a donné.
Merci beaucoup pour ce podcast. J'espère que vous ferez un prochain épisode sur le toc et le overthinking . Nous avons vraiment besoin d'autres podcasts, surtout sur la psychologie et la santé mentale
I love that you applied heat Salma said even right after watching the podcast that is already an amazing thing. Please don’t hesitate to send one us a message on Instagram and we will be happy to respond about what you wrote in the comment at first.
About the subjects thank you so much for giving us ideas will def take them into consideration ❤️ ze sill have a lot of different subjects ❤
Hello girls, first of all congratulations on the podcast. I wish you all the best in this new adventure. A couple of things I would like to comment on. 1- the topic a été brusquement introduit. I think an -industry recognised- definition to kick off and "correct" our understanding of le PN would've preparee the viewer to engage and understand de quoi il s'agit. I think the psychologist could've been given a lot more room pour s'exprimer because she is the expert and her insights would've been more educational.
I love the mix between languages (chacun s'exprime comme il veut) mais it would feel more personal if darija was the main language.
All in all, tweaks in structure (and pre- prepared questions) + delivery method/ language would make this podcast really really interesting. Best of luck!
Thank you so much for your feedback, sweetheart! As you mentioned, we did prepare a script initially, but we decided to let the conversation flow naturally and create a space for open and honest discussion-just three women sharing their thoughts and experiences. The essence of our podcast, Deeper Than Words, is not about presenting it as a psychologist’s platform but about creating a space for growth, exchange, and meaningful conversations that resonate with everyone.
We’re also thrilled to share that upcoming episodes will include special invites, where we’ll focus on incredible individuals and their journeys-people who inspire, break barriers, and have stories worth sharing. These episodes will dive deep into their careers, goals, and the paths that shaped them.
For the first podcast, we embraced an organic and fluid style, allowing the conversation to unfold naturally. While it might have felt a little unstructured, that was the beauty of it-raw and real. We truly value your thoughts and appreciate you taking the time to share them with us! ❤
J’adore le podcast
J’adore tout Aya qu’on découvre en parlant , Safia au top aussi
Et la psy j’ai déjà fais un suivi avec elle que je recommande
Keep going girl
Hâte de voir la suite ❤❤❤❤
Thanks babes ❤❤❤
Congrats ladies on an excellent first episode ! I loved this ! Would you please bring it to Spotify as well so I can listen on the go? Take care !
Working on that babes ❤❤❤ thank you
Finally, Aya on aimerait bien te voir parler sur tes stories 🥰Congratulations and Good luck!
Aya: i find this more interesting cause it’s deep subjects but on stories im not the kind to just say good morning to say good morning 😂🤷🏼♀️ but thank you so much babe I’ll try ❤❤❤❤
What a maturity what a podcast just wow et bravo pour l effort 👏
Thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it❤
J’adooooooore le podcast ❤️❤️❤️❤️ merci à younes de nous faire connaître votre contenu
So happy you liked it !!! ❤️❤️❤️
#parlez darija on est pas au usa
Ce n’est pas grave si vous ne voulez pas parler arabe, mais faites simplement l’effort de choisir une seule langue pour vous exprimer.
Ce podcast illustre complètement le dicton marocain : demande conseil a celui qui en a fait l’expérience mais jamais au médecin. Aya a eu expérience avec un perves narcissique et sait très bien parler de ce qui se passe entre les lignes quand on est victimes pourtant les autres they are in ‘generally speaking position’
Both Aya and Safia have had experiences with perverted narcissists in friendships. People who we thought were family.I ( AYA) spoke from a view of someone who studied psychology and about pervert narcissists for a while because it always intrigued me to know how these people in all types of relationships have the same techniques of manipulation.
But we are both not speaking about anyone specifically. Other than the example of the friend/ work I ( AYA) gave and the example I ( Safia) gave about her ex boss. Everything else was from what we know about PNs. Other than that take this video is a deep conversation that Is here to spread awareness and make people reflect. And the psychologist as well taught us both a lot of stuff. That’s why we like these type of conversations. We all learn from each other ❤
Thanks girls 💕💕 some recommendations for personal development books please
Younes senior story ❤❤❤❤❤
Happy to see aya talking 😍 great topic slaaaaay girls
Thanks babes from the both if us ! ❤️ Aya: heheh you’ll see me talk way more now ❤
Je m identifie bcp dans ce Podcast reussi, bn continuation 😊
La question , est ce que un pervers narcissique sait qu'il est pervers narcissique? et est ce qu'il fait tous ça exprès ou c'est juste une malade qu'on se rends pas compte !
Made my day🫶🏼
Vraiment woowww ❤❤❤
thank you so much for this amazing Podcast ❤❤
We are glad you liked it ❤ sending you loveeeee
Love that it’s in English too ❤️
Thank you babes ❤❤❤
I just started to watch it ....but first of all i wanna say something
Its nice to finally hear ur voice aya 😊 second of all the topic is interesting ....i will give my opinio n mli nsali l podcast 😊😊
Thank you babessss ❤
Please don’t hesitate to give us your opinion! here or instagram. We love constructive criticism that’s how we grow and create better content ❤
Best podcast les filles, j'ai beaucoup apprécié les explications de la psychologue
Thank you babes❤
Such an amazing podcast est ce qu’on pourrait avoir le nom de la spécialiste svp?
Her name is Jesuiscriticaple on Instagram
And thank you ❤
Salma Ouazzani Taybi @jesuiscritiquable
Amazing podcast good work ladies❤
Thank you beautiful ❤❤❤
Please partager le lien du podcast sur l’une des pages des invités, hit rah la youmkin kifash j mis du temps bsh nlqa le lien qui mène à votre podcast sur ytb étant donné que je ne connais que leila !!!!
Leila’s podcast is still not out !!! We will all share it after it will be out 😘
J’adore !!!
Good luck 🫶🏼
Thank you babes ❤
Am from morrocco. I would like to take apart for the workshop ❤❤
Send us a message on Instagram ❤❤❤❤❤❤
حبيت ولكن جاني erreur من اللغات 😂 .
Hi can u tag the dr account plz
Amazing podcast, please next time include more darija and good luck girls❤💕
We would love too!!! Really!!! With time we’ll probably be able to spontaneously ❤️ but thank you for ur feedback
Nice discussion!
Thanks beautiful ❤
C est bien , mais c est derangeant d entendre 3 language, le fait de choisir un seul language c est très important , et j aimerai bien que ca soit en darija, etre fier de notre local language , et pkoi pas un sous titrage en francais ou en ang .
Ca permet de respecter notre langue et de la mettre en valeur hit on est des marocains hamdoulillah mais des marocains qui sont bilingue trop bien on l utilise dans le besoin mais vous etes toutes maroccaines je ne vois pas le besoin en fait.
Bref c est un petit comment
Bon courage❤
Best podcast ❤❤
Glad you liked it ❤❤❤❤
Love that it is in English too ❤ but unfortunately i couldn’t understand the rest of it 😢
Opsies babes we are trying our best to speak as naturally as possible
The fact that you guys were switching 3 languages made it really hard to concentrate and watch 😅
Im loving this podcast 🥹🥹
The podcast is intressting, but too much speech inturptions between the 3 of u, except for the psychologue, she was respecting both of your time and interactions without cutting your speech, other than that it's good
Diro lina another podcat❤
mercii pour le podcast , comment peut on contacter salma ?
C’était magnifique bravo👏
Pour l’atelier j’aimerais bien en participer
Vous etes adorables les filles 🫶
Thank you beautiful ❤❤❤ contact one of us on Instagram for l’atelier so we can write your name down and contact you once we organize it ! ❤
Pour les gens qui ont mal a suivre a cause des multiples langues il suffit de cliquer pour avoir les sous-titres
Sinon you re incredible gorgeous and sublimes good luck ❤❤❤❤❤and keep going
Thank you babes for the tips for everyone else ❤❤❤❤
And thank you for the compliments ❤❤❤❤
I like it Keep shining girls✨🤎🤎
Thank u beautiful ❤❤❤
Bravo pour ce joli concept. Petite remarque si je peux me permettre ; vous avez plus monopolisé la parole que l'invite pourtant c'est elle la pro surtout aya !
Sinon, keep going Bravo !
Hi beautiful ❤ this podcast is about all three of us having a conversation not an interview. However there will be a concept coming out soon where we will be hosting certain remarkable quests who will be speaking about their parcours ❤
Aya is sooo beautiful 😍 we want to hear your Arabic sinon t’es canon Safia aussi et la psychologue est mignonne thank you for this amazing podcast keeep going girls ❤️
Thank you beautiful from the both of us ❤❤❤❤
Toute douce Aya mashaAllah ❤
AYA: thank you beautsssss
J ai aimé le podcast mais une petite remarque : une personne parle en français et l autre intervient en anglais essayer d adapter une langue sois français sois anglais a part ça rien a dire ❤
Thanks babes ! Each one’s speaks the language she is comfortable in. But we have some podcasts in darija as well coming soon ❤
I was looking forward to this podcast, but the frensh make it hard to understand or Even possible to follow. Wish this was in english
Each one of us speaks the language they want and spontaneously! 😌 it’s a podcast to talk like we talk between us but share it online to learn from each others thoughts and experiences. But thank you for your feedback ❤️
Pouvez vous choisir une langue la prochaine fois. C'est pas très agréable
❤❤❤❤❤ i like
Nice podcast and the idea is great but the mixing of languages (arabic English and French) makes you look like you are not on the same line of frequency. Choose one language and stick to it. It almost feels like each one of you is trying to prove herself over the others.
Not at all just each one of us has a different back ground. One who student in French school the other who studied in an American school. But we are trying on the next podcasts to speak more darija! Thank you for your feedback ❤
@@deeperthanwords I fully understand I am italian and English educated in American and Canadian schools. But when I meet people that speak French I adapt. Same goes for italiano, Arabic, English and Spanish. It gives off a lack of authenticity and chaos, especially when people are so off in their communication. It is a trend I see a lot in morocco. It is unfortunate that we do not stick to our language. It is good to mirror people especially when your audience is moroccan. My opinion
Veuillez choisir une langue !!
Thanks how we talk in real life and this is a spontaneous podcast ❤
Please fore next time choose one language , entendre 3 languages m’a bcp dérangé limite j’ai pas pu terminer le podcast a part ça bonne continuation
Please let the guest talk, you interrupt A LOT,
Aya comme une poupée mashaalah 🥰😍
AYA: Thank you love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yarit koun kant traduction bel arabia
We will think about adding it ! Thank you for your feedback ❤
Aya tu es tres belle ❤️ , safia sublime , continuez les filles
Thank you babes from the both us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Je connais pas ces filles or their background maybe they are famous in Morocco idk ! Le sujet et super super interessant mais je comprend pas le choix de la langue wach darija dayra m3akom chi falta 😅😅 meme ecrire en 3 langues mnt c fatiguant u can imagine how its disturbine to really enjoy the podcast ! ....j ai quelques remarques par rapport à l introduction vous etes renté dans le vif du sujet d une brutalité flagrante ca na aucun rapport avec le titre de la video limite mettez pervers narcissique portrait ....girl with pink Aya seems to be here just to backlash someone or something if you wanna talk girl just talk without so much manners u seem so fake and superficial if you encountered a pv as you said u should get therapy because i feel like you still have " un mal etre qlq part " or something on your chest that you want to share ! the guest or friend u invited is very genuine with her interaction she gives this energy of wanting to learn and understand things specially when she speaks with the psychologist who is absolutely amazing i thank her for her energy and her strait to the point response ......
Aujourd'hui des que tu es different tu es un pervers narcissique 99% des femmes appellent leurs ex des PN ....c la tendance mnt ! Si un couple ne fonctionne pas c ce n est pas la bonne personne vous n etes pa compatible sur plusieurs formes de la vie commune you dont grow together you dont accept that you change over time ! ......o mat3amrouch rasskom b had sujet bezaf psq you put in your head that you are a victim in relationships no one is a victim you allow someone to treat u bad and continu to manipulate you its your choice thats why before you fall in love or get married or start a serious relation choose wisely ! ❤✌️
Hello , complètement d’accord sur que c’est un concept exagérée justement quand on avance dans le podcast je précise que c’est devenu exagérée et que tout le monde n’est pas pervers narcissique . On peut vivre une sorte de manipulation chose qui est humaine mais lorsqu’on parle de pervers narcissique ( mot qui est la mode ) c’est les traits du trouble de personnalité narcissique au niveau de la classification mondiale des maladies mentales. Mais ce n’est pas l’ampleur que ça prend ça reste une minorité dans la société . Merci pour ton commentaire
@@Jesuiscritiquable d autant plus que la femme n est pas tout le temps victime et que le PN n est pas forcément un homme ça peut littéralement être ta mère et tu projete tout tes trauma avec elle sur ta relation de couple .....c un sujet vaste et important et encore il n est pas identifiable car il n est pas catégorisé comme maladie puisqu il y a pas de médicament pour soigner ou accompagner la personne c très très très sensible comme sujet ! Je veux juste rajouter que la femme marocaine est l une des femmes les plus difficiles reconnue mondialement raha masahlach ana be3da masahlach 😅 je ne veux pas que la tendance soit yeah i encountered a PN blabla no no you are way too strong way too smart as a women dans notre société il faut savoir que nos parents et grand parent se sont pas mariés par amour et passion 9liiiiiil and yet it wasnt like traveling together before mariage for exemple ! And yet la figure du père de l homme a tjrs été celle du pouvoir du leader celui qui dirige sa femme ba sidi lah yrehmo pouvait juste regarder lalla avec un seul regard Katkhaf on the other hand kenti te9der tsem3o kaygoliha tbarkelah 3lik lah ye3tik saha l haja ou jiti ghzala lyoum mashalah ..... is it love bombing from a narcissique lol ? NO .....
Discuter ou débattre d un sujet qui déjà n est pas en accord avec notre société histoire nos traditions nos coutumes et valeurs et le déterminer comme réponse à tout nos trauma et background is not fair .....the girl said in this podcast i was always sick and 2 week later i was fine and turn her head to her friend and said remember i told you i feel fine blabla ( notice that often she ask he friend fro affirmation A need of confirmation is a lack of confidence and integrity ) .....i know some girls that got sick whenever they feel not spoiled or jaleous or they feel rejected or not in center of attention ! ⚠️ can be attachement issue or self love issue and once you remove your self from the situation you feel better and look for the attention somewhere else to feel fulfilled!
Anyway it is a genuine opinion not trying to offend anyone even the negative com are positif somehow ....podcast are to debate diverse opinions ! May you all find peace and love there is plenty of wlad nass and bnat nass out there 💫 just know yourself heal yourself educate yourself judge yourself to improve more and then find a soul that is Willing to join this ride of life with you 💫
It’s the girl in pink here 🌸
First of all, let’s clear the air-I wasn’t speaking about anyone in particular. I’m sharing my thoughts based on my own background and life experiences, especially in friendships. If that came across differently, maybe it hit a little too close to home?
Now, about me being “fake and superficial”-darling, if having an opinion and speaking with confidence makes me fake, then I’ll happily wear that crown 👑. But truth be told, I’m just keeping it real while having a Deeper Than Words conversation (hence the name of the podcast). It’s a concept, not an interview or a tea-spilling session.
For the record, we do have another podcast series coming soon that will focus entirely on intriguing individuals and their unique stories. However, our next guest was given the floor to speak more because we were absolutely captivated by her mindset. We knew her community would love to hear how she thinks, and we wanted to make sure her perspective shined. And honestly, isn’t that the beauty of deep conversations? Sometimes, you step back to let brilliance speak for itself.
Also, yes, I did say in the podcast that no one is a victim-you put yourself in situations, and it’s up to you to recognize when to walk away. Life is about growth, not staying stuck in the same story. And let’s be real, if I need “confirmation” from my best friend, who has been through every single high and low with me, then that’s exactly who I’ll turn to. Validation from someone who’s earned that role in my life is far from a weakness-it’s knowing where my trust belongs.
As for the rest of the feedback-thank you for your effort, even if it’s not exactly constructive. Every comment, whether critical or supportive, keeps the conversation alive, and your engagement means we’re doing something right. So, honestly, keep it coming. You’re officially part of our metrics, darling. 📊✨
Lastly, let me make one thing crystal clear: I don’t “seem” confident-I am confident. Sharing opinions and challenging perspectives isn’t “fake” or “superficial”-it’s called depth, and not everyone is ready for it. But hey, if I’m living rent-free in your thoughts, then I guess I must be doing something right.
Love, sass, and absolutely zero apologies,
The confident and unbothered girl in pink. 💖💖💖💖
@@deeperthanwords wow i mean Wooow 😅😅🙄🙄 !!! I said you SEEM fake and superficial means you give the impression !! And impressions maybe wrong ! maybe you can work on that for your " upcoming series " be more real its a personnal process ! i dont know you girl chill and relax this is a podcast on youtube a big platform with people from all over the world with different perspective and definitely trying to do somehting right of course ! by bringing interesting debate and " deep conversations " good for you ! but overeacting like this and being so sensitive and childish wont serve you and i am definitely not part of any metrics here i wanted to watch a morrocan podcast and i will not for sure waist any second watching the upcoming ones because podcasts are for People more open and mature accepting interactions and respecting diversity ! Not for People calculating metrics or who feels SO offended by a comment that dont serve their ego ! You have so much Anger in you this is so SAD ! from an older person that had the opportunity to work with interesting people from all over the world i suggest that you work on your insecurities and be more open and calm not everyone will compliment you in life ! explore more ways to react ! As someone who wants to share and help others through podcasts i see that you dont have the stable mindset to do so because assuming from just a comment from a stranger that you living rent free in my thoughts !!! 😅😅 who are you ?? ... like are you serious ! I dont know you !!! Are you just so paranoid that you cofused me with someone else that you think you live rent free in his thoughts ?? I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE ! i was just happy to watch a morrocan podcast thats it and give my thoughts back !
Good luck with metrics if you doing this for numbers and views this is more disapointing than your reaction !
Thank you for your time and effort replying and overacting this way and you dont have to apologize for this you have the right to express your self you will learn over the years when and how to react on youtube specially to keep your mectrics good 😉 .....PEACE✌️
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, but let’s get a few things straight. We’re always open to constructive criticism-it’s how we grow and improve. However, calling someone “fake” or “superficial” based on their natural demeanor or energy isn’t constructive. It’s judgmental, and frankly, it says more about your perspective than it does about me. 💁🏼♀️
Now, about impressions-they can be wrong, and I appreciate you acknowledging that. But here’s the thing: what you see is what you get. I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not, and I certainly won’t tone myself down to fit someone else’s expectations. Confidence and authenticity are my nature, and if that’s “too much,” then maybe I’m just not your cup of tea-and that’s okay.
As for this being a “big platform with diverse perspectives,” you’re absolutely right, and that’s exactly why we created Deeper Than Words. It’s a space for open, thought-provoking discussions, not cookie-cutter interviews or people-pleasing. If the vibe doesn’t resonate with you, no hard feelings, but perhaps this podcast isn’t your thing.
Lastly, you mentioned “metrics” as if engagement isn’t the whole point of a public platform. Your comment alone proves our discussions spark interest-whether you love them or love to critique them, you’re still here, contributing to the conversation. So, thank you for your time and engagement; it means a lot to us, truly.
Mais les fills si une personne narcissistic on peut pas le connaitre des le debut donc apres une periode merdique la ou on peut découvrir son comportement merdique alah yakhed fuhom ha9 les gens manipulateurs
You are talking fench arabic and english choose one language pls!
We can’t each one speaks the way he feels at ease! We want to speak spontaneously and each one however he is comfortable ❤
hdro bdarija
Inchallah! In the next episode with our new guest there is way more darija! We are trying our best to speak as spontaneously as possible 🙏🏼✨
Muy guapa olé diva
Thank you ❤