She did, if not for her with this insane out of control spinal pain I would have taken a dirtnap long ago. She is having Follow-up Surgery in the morning to remove a cyst so that's why I braved my pain to take her out to Dunn Creek last Saturday
i heard that even trees know your intent. for example if you really are about to axe them or if, lets say, you gonna only pretend to give them the hatched. they measured the current. so i would say, everything in natures nd natures itself>organic life>smaller and bigger cells, have this ability. and all together, it is a organ of the planet. its not so "superconcious" as it appears. its rather back to basics from an observation standpoint. though it is true, that especially dogs can have a surprisingly highly developed emotion-energy body. and humans do what they are supposed to with their shift of focus. i come from 5+generations of teachers. so i cant help it : ) ps. is pi supposed to dive for stones? how about a propper stick hehe> silly human. :) cheers
True story from long ago in the1970's, I recall reading in the Sacramento Bee Newspaper that a Scientist was conducting a Kirlian Photography Experiment at a Bank observing for Spikes in Kirlian Energy from a Plant when Bank Patrons were making different transactions and if the Plant Recognized return patrons when all of a sudden a Bank Robber burst in and Robbed the Bank and in his escape he violently knocked the plant that the Scientist was Kirlian Photographing off the tellers shelf and its pot broke and the Scientist got all the Kerlin Energy Photos from before, during and after the Robbery, well for many years it looked liked the guy got away with it but then he got picked up as a suspect in another more recent robbery , the Scientist happened to hear on the news that the police were going to question the suspect, well as luck would have it the scientist had kept the plant, repotted it and nursed it back to health so long story short he connived the police to let him Kirlian Photo the plant in the interrogation so he took kirlian photos of the plant before during and after the interrogation and went back to his lab to publish his findings, he found that the Plant had an Energy Spike when it got knocked off the shelf during that first robbery and that Spike was identical to the Plants Spike when the Suspect entered the interrogation room, more time passed and as part of a plea deal the guy confessed to that robbery after that the Scientist made his findings public so all this said there is definitely more to life than meets the eyes
Pretty stream! Takes me back to growing up in Oregon.
I love it here, this is just a few miles from my home. Thanks for Watching
Pi seems to love the fact that you rescued her. She probably thinks she rescued you.
She did, if not for her with this insane out of control spinal pain I would have taken a dirtnap long ago. She is having Follow-up Surgery in the morning to remove a cyst so that's why I braved my pain to take her out to Dunn Creek last Saturday
i heard that even trees know your intent. for example if you really are about to axe them or if, lets say, you gonna only pretend to give them the hatched. they measured the current. so i would say, everything in natures nd natures itself>organic life>smaller and bigger cells, have this ability. and all together, it is a organ of the planet. its not so "superconcious" as it appears. its rather back to basics from an observation standpoint. though it is true, that especially dogs can have a surprisingly highly developed emotion-energy body. and humans do what they are supposed to with their shift of focus. i come from 5+generations of teachers. so i cant help it : ) ps. is pi supposed to dive for stones? how about a propper stick hehe> silly human. :) cheers
True story from long ago in the1970's, I recall reading in the Sacramento Bee Newspaper that a Scientist was conducting a Kirlian Photography Experiment at a Bank observing for Spikes in Kirlian Energy from a Plant when Bank Patrons were making different transactions and if the Plant Recognized return patrons when all of a sudden a Bank Robber burst in and Robbed the Bank and in his escape he violently knocked the plant that the Scientist was Kirlian Photographing off the tellers shelf and its pot broke and the Scientist got all the Kerlin Energy Photos from before, during and after the Robbery, well for many years it looked liked the guy got away with it but then he got picked up as a suspect in another more recent robbery , the Scientist happened to hear on the news that the police were going to question the suspect, well as luck would have it the scientist had kept the plant, repotted it and nursed it back to health so long story short he connived the police to let him Kirlian Photo the plant in the interrogation so he took kirlian photos of the plant before during and after the interrogation and went back to his lab to publish his findings, he found that the Plant had an Energy Spike when it got knocked off the shelf during that first robbery and that Spike was identical to the Plants Spike when the Suspect entered the interrogation room, more time passed and as part of a plea deal the guy confessed to that robbery after that the Scientist made his findings public so all this said there is definitely more to life than meets the eyes