This is exactly what I was looking for. Not a stupid copy of „On Fire“. It’s a very catchy new song with different sounds. They nailed it and really deserve to go to Rotterdam.
@@Marios_Gr the atmosphere in this song is very different to on fire. Here in this song there is a build up that doesn't exist in on fire. The instrumental part in on fire doesn't exist in Discotheque. Discotheque is way more minimalistic, too and seems to have more vocal layers in the chorus
Covid stole a clear victory for Lithuania last year. But no matter - they're back even stronger. Good luck to a wonderful nation with equally wonderful people. From 🇬🇧
Braliukas you had eurovision in Ryga, Estonia in Talinn... I think it's time to make it completed baltic states trio, Lithuania Vilnius 2022 brozzz🤟🤟🤟🇱🇹❤️🇱🇻
Latvia with Samanta Tina and Lithuania with The Roop...I mean, the baltics are coming for blood henny!!!!!!!!!! This esc 2021 it's going to be epicccc *THE DISCOTEQUE IS RAISING TO THE MOON* lmao
12 points from Ireland. I much prefer this to last year's effort, which was already very impressive. Bravo! It would be wonderful to see Lithuania win for the first time!
I have ADHD, and one of my main ways of stimming is by dancing in my room. I've always felt a little weird and very self-conscious for dancing alone in my room, so you don't know how validating it was to listen to this song in Eurovision because it really exactly represents what I do and how I feel when I'm stimming, especially the lines of "It is okay to dance alone". You guys are doing a great job by carrying the message of the song, because it's become incredibly meaningful to someone like me. So thank you, The Roop! From the bottom of my heart.❤️
I have autisem but im always self awere of what i doing most people don't know that i have a disability but i do that to somthimes secretly when i know im alone but its shameflully but if learnd how to get rid of that shamfull habitat
@@valpon3888 Дякую, друже! Не зрозумів до чого тут коментар про українську ))) Адже написав я свій коментар не для українців - і саме тому мовою окупанта, щоб всім було більш менш зрозуміло
@Al D Я десь написав, що Литва в СРСР чи десь вказав, що там розмовляють російською? Ніт! Отже комент я написав конкретно для всіх, хто розуміє російську мову, хто має того ж сусіда і повинен знати, на що цей сусід здатний. Про батька, синів і віник, сподіваюсь, необов'язково розповідати? Всього найкращого
Start the video and watch closely from the mark 3.30. When you will see his hand move you will know he ain't human. Just don't rat him out Cia will come seek him. 🤣
i agree, GoA is my top favorite and 2nd best is The Roop ♥ Glad they got so many public votes sad that wasn't enough to give them even higher positions
Best popsong in ages. I don't care about the points, don't care about the Eurofestival. Damn, I hope these people can make more songs like this. Love it!
dude, i spent 2 days for analysis why results is what they are, and there is presence huge number of factors, affecting voting, not related to music at all (politics, not enough points for every country (i mean there is 12 point but 26 countries so half of countries didn't take any from voting of each country) so points really doesn't show quality or finest of music B-)
@@DiamondJesse409 Lmao coming to a different song purely due to country jealousy haha. All Norwegians are so aggressive & jealous. Definitely ruined their song for me and not just because Keiino isn't my cup of tea, but because these hardcore Norwegian fans are literally coming onto different videos (especially Lithuania's) to bs on other entries. 0 points to Norway from UK due to crazed fans. Definitely going to vote for Lithuania though.
the biggest advantage of this dude is that he is awfully charismatic and he knows how to play with the public. Lithuania is going to be the winner of this year. It would be fair enough if they were the host country for 2 years in a row ( they really deserve the victory from the last year :( )
Bet iš tiesų koks geras jausmas, kai dainos laukia ne tik patys lietuviai, bet ir dauguma Europos valstybių. Tai rimtas požiūris kaip į potencialius konkurentus.
Hallo! Danke für Deine tolle Bewertung. Ich konnte auch nicht warten, jetzt bin ich mir aber ganz sicher, dass The Roop der richtige Bewerber für Eurovision Sieg ist. 🤩😜🤣
@@ichneu5713 Also ich denke mal nicht,dass sie mit dem Song so eine hohe Siegeschance wie mit On Fire hätten. Ich finde die jenigen,die die höchste Siegeschance bis jetzt hätten wären Keiino aus Norwegen mit dem Song "Monument", wenn sie den Melodi Grand Prix gewinnen.
Immer wieder Norwegen und sonstige Scandinavier! Ich habe das Wort "Bewerber" nicht umsonst gewählt. Selbstverständlich werden auch andere Bewerber mit der Zeit auftauchen. Aus rein patriotischen Gründen werde ich aber für Litauen fiebern!🙌🙌🙌
I am Mexican and this was my first Eurovision contest. When these guys came up I fucking screamed like a girl and clapped like an idiot. I was so infuriated about the points but so happy the people recognized your talent anyways. Tysm for your music and positivity!
They definitely should represent Lithuania this year. We need to remember, that we voting for two songs, because previous year we can't vote, and it`s not fair. The Roop shows, that they can make hits every year, they definitely need our respect and votes
@@olmikmak278 as long as I love eden those two songs not even comparable. Don't embarrass yourself to compare a genius masterpiece and a song for kids.
Didžiuojuos būdamas lietuviu bei galėdamas sakyti, kad THE ROOP yra Lietuvos atstovai ir dar labaiu didžiuojuosi ir džiaugiuosi grupės požiūriu į kilusius nemalonumus (atšaukta eurovizija, nepraleisti be atrankos į kitų metų euroviziją) - bring it on :D Ačiū, kad esate ir kuriate tokias išbaigtas ir tobulas dainas!
WOW! Lituania, please, send The Roop at Rotterdam! They definitely won't "dance alone' on the Eurovision stage (but with hundreds of millions people at home) and will bring "the fire" on it. Great job, guys! 12 points from Romania, at all! I hope that you'll won the national final and you'll be invited to the romanian national final, to "dance alone" together with the romanian people. Is it clear, @TVR Romania? P.S: Those moves are about how my father dances after he drinks more than 2 shots of pălincă (romanian "tequila", but stronger - about 70 degrees). Hope to see you in Romania! :)
Не знаю, кто там победил, но это однозначно супер хит! И похоже, что ребята изобрели новый танец. Не отдельные движения, а именно цельный танец! Молодцы!
Patikėkit kaip sunku po labai stiprios dainos išleist dar vieną hitą. Bettt manau jie atliko labai gerą darbą. Tikiu, kad su kiekviena diena ši daina vis labiau užves mus visus.
Aš manau kad aš vertingiau vetinsciu nes man patinka tas diskoteka man labai patinka o jums patinka?ir po jo po.Diskotekos eina SAULIUS PRŪSITIS.Panela ne ir ten kur leido 39,daina, žinote.
Visko galima tiketis is bukaprociu komisijos nariu, issius kokia nors Pilvelyte ar dar ka nors su meiles daina remdamiesi tuo, kad ji profesionaliau atrodo scenoje :D
как не справедливо голосовали...... вы были супер!!!!Это хит на долгие года!!!!Первый раз на евровидении болели не за нашу страну. Для нас вы победители!!!!!!Однозначно!!!!!! Творческих успехов вам!!!!!!!Вы лучшие!!!!Слушаю вас каждый день!!!!!
No disrespect to the other Lithuanian hopefuls.. but seriously. Just stop the selection process right now. This HAS to go to Eurovision! An absolute BOP!
This singer is sooo charismatic. He can lift a good song to something amazing. "Discoteque" is actually much more jury-friendly than "On Fire" was, so I thinkLithuania's chances just went up.
@@gintaras89 That's not accurate at all. Just before Eurovision was cancelled, there were quite a few songs that had similar odds to Lithuania. In fact, Iceland had a bit more hype that Lithuania did.
On fire was headed to a mid table finish, Russia was going to get the votes from Eastern Europe and Iceland from the west and not that many nations traditionally give Lithuania points
@@olmikmak278 just becouse you hate leaders of eurovision 2021 doesnt mean you have to spread your hate, that Israel is better. We all have different tastes and Israel won already plenty times. Did Lithuania in 30 damn years won a single time? Nope.
Wow, Lithuania!!!!! The best Eurovision performance - no nudity, beautiful voice, colours, rhytm. Well, maybe too small land to win, but you were the best!!!! I wish I would be in politics and would give you more points!!! Love love love!!!
Kūrėjai, autoriai, fanai - tai tikrai PUIKUS kūrinys. Neįsivaizduoju, ką galėtų ši daina palikti be jokios emocijos ar nuomonės . Jei mes renkame, kas traukia, kas šokiruoja, kas suteikia jausmų, spalvų, skonio - tai čia būtent tai ko reikia. Puikus kūrinys. Nežinau, ką pasiūlys kiti, bet čia BOMBA! Prie dainos vis dar pratinuosi, bet ji jau pagavo mane. Fantastika. Labai laukiu scenografijos, idėjos ant scenos, aprangų ir šokio. Jei dainą dar papildys ir vaizdas - tai jau neš stogą ir peršoks net "on fire". Linkėjimai!
Klipas pastatytas kokybiskai ir pagal aukstus standartus. Bet asmeniskai man nepalieka jokiu jausmu absoliuciai, viena kart perklausiau kad susipazint ir tiek. nera tokio kabliuko kaip on fire turejo. nemanau kad nueis toliu su siuo gabalu nei galejo nueiti su on fire.
@@ulamonasovaite galimas variantas , kaip grupe tikrai puiki, muzika gera, viskas kaip priklauso , bet to neuztenka kad issaut i neregetas aukstumas. On fire buvo tikrai bangeris, kuris uzkabliavo visus absoliuciai, bet ar sita daina yra tokio pat lygio bangeris ?! drysciau suabejoti.Tuo labiau vertina dainas ir tai ka pateiki. gali visa gyvenima kurt ir nieko nepasekt , o kitas viena gabala sukurs ir issaus nenormaliai.
@@djaurelijano9360 Tai taip. Eurovizija labai stebiu jau ne pirmus metus ir kas žmonėm patinka, kolkas užseniečių reakcijos į tai kaip į unique dainą bei užsienis labai žiūri į pasirodymo kokybę, su kuria manau nemažai padirbėjo the roop komanda. Nes tikrai neatkreipia dėmesio tik į dainą, svarbu ir žinutė dainoje, išvaizda, pasirodymas. Plius ši daina gerai skambėtų radijoje
Matosi, kad pasidarė namų darbus labai stipriai, išanalizavo Eurovizijos trendus bet viską pritaikė prie savo stiliaus ir išlaikė unikalumą. Kūrinys grynai Eurovizinis ir panašu, kad tikrai konkurencingas 🎤
Legendary iconic amazing. Very strong winning contender for Eurovision 2021. Love it from South Korea. Also 1 million in a day is hella impressive and deserved.
As two young neurospicy/autismo people, this song speaks to our souls in a way that not much does. It's a feeling, right down in the depths of oneself. Thank you for translating those joyous feelings into an excellent composition of song and dance. It means everything right now. ❤
True masterpiece, especially while people are placed on quarantine; what better way to celebrate but by dancing alone! Definitely the ultimate winner of the Eurovision 2021!!! Love from Finland, 12 points and beyond if possible!
What a BRILLIANT track and supporting video!!! How they didn’t win is beyond me. I’m from the UK and it was extremely popular over here and rightly so.
Мне это нравится. И в прошлом году было интересное выступление, и в этом году - не хуже. Самое любопытное в этом коцертном номере то, что в нем нет никакой замысловатости, сложности. Все др предела просто - и в музыке и в хореографии, но смотреть интересно. Меня впечатляет не музыка, а общая композиция и, особенно, движения. Так "неправильно" танцевать - надо уметь. Они просто элегантно ходят туда-сюда, но это сделано так симпатитчно, мило и иронично, что смотреть невероятно приятно. Молодцы. Желаю успеха на Евровидении!
@@ghostgt4516 Шансы победить у группы есть. Их клип много смотрят. И пишут хорошие отзывы. Это показатель. И мне их песня и номер нравятся. Это нестандартно, свежо, симпатично, стильно.
Многие исполнители в этом году понравились, вообще было классное Евровидение. У The Roop тема просто бомба, вспоминаю прошлую весну и жалею, что тогда не было такой песни.
OMG! Greetings from Mexico... for second year The ROOP did it again.
Periodttt as they should!
@@armidal9588 I never said MEXICO hahaha
@@armidal9588 He’s saying hi from Mexico not that they’re from Mexico lol
Muchas gracias!! SALUDOS!!🙌M X L T🙌🎶🎶🌍
Vežkitės ir Baradinską, kad surežisuotų kaip turi nufilmuoti jūsų pasirodymą, nes jo klipai yra aukščiausio lygio.
Taip, Saulius tikrai gerai surežisuotų 😊
Tikrai 👍
pritariu. tik tegul beatos neima su savim
Tikrai 👍
This is exactly what I was looking for. Not a stupid copy of „On Fire“. It’s a very catchy new song with different sounds. They nailed it and really deserve to go to Rotterdam.
So true!
Unfortunately, it's exactly a copy of On Fire, both as a song and performance.
@@Marios_Gr it's not a copy it's just their style of music
@@Marios_Gr the atmosphere in this song is very different to on fire. Here in this song there is a build up that doesn't exist in on fire. The instrumental part in on fire doesn't exist in Discotheque. Discotheque is way more minimalistic, too and seems to have more vocal layers in the chorus
@@Vaikida Nobody out of Lithuania knows their music style. For Eurovision world is On Fire #2.
I don't want to understate this, but I am OBSESSED with everything about this song.
@@lukaspundzius9293 OF COURSE I AM!
Your not the only one, this song is incredible
Haaa!!! Same... It's a big gay magnet this song??
@@AC-tn9hg what?
@@cqdenza_ Gay people know good music ;)
Covid stole a clear victory for Lithuania last year. But no matter - they're back even stronger. Good luck to a wonderful nation with equally wonderful people. From 🇬🇧
Yes, i was literally just mad that Lithuania can’t send On fire again
But see, how they reminded everyone "on fire" :) very good idea to do so:)
Thanks ❤
Iceland was better
@@mikemoon9043 nah
My winner again 🔥☀️🧡
I love you Lietuva 😻 12 points and big love from Sakartvelo 🧡🇬🇪🇱🇹
Im Lithuanian and I love Georgia so much! Thank you! 🔥😍🥰
Where the fuck is that?
@@vysniaanttorto2068 Please don't be so stupid or at least don’t look like that to others.
Gaumarjos Sakartvelo🇬🇪❤️🇱🇹
This song must be a Nr. 1 in Eurovision.
I am proud about my Lithuanian brothers. Greating from Latvia.
Thank you - huge respect to Latvia.
thank you braliukas ♥️
Braliukas you had eurovision in Ryga, Estonia in Talinn... I think it's time to make it completed baltic states trio, Lithuania Vilnius 2022 brozzz🤟🤟🤟🇱🇹❤️🇱🇻
@@Marozaaaa Exactly!! Good luck.
thank's braliukas 🇱🇻🇱🇹
As an Italian I say this with all my heart:
you deserved to be on the podium together with Ukraine.
Si è bellissima
Italy, Ukraine, Lithuania.
EZ Top 3
Missing Island here ;)
@@Ciekawe.Rozmowy.Dominika agreed! italy, iceland, lithuania and ukraine were easily the top songs of the year
Latvia wishes you the best luck, braliukas! 🇱🇹 🇱🇻
ayyyy braliukas!!😋❤
Thank you braliukas! 🇱🇻🇱🇹
brakiukas jum irgi sekmes:)
Latvia with Samanta Tina and Lithuania with The Roop...I mean, the baltics are coming for blood henny!!!!!!!!!! This esc 2021 it's going to be epicccc
THX LATVIA braliukas!🇱🇹
12 points from Ireland. I much prefer this to last year's effort, which was already very impressive. Bravo! It would be wonderful to see Lithuania win for the first time!
Thank you for the support, it's such a happy song despite the dark tones 💜💛🖤 🇮🇪🇱🇹
@• Sayorcat • Then we both need to send our SMS votes towards Vilnius in May! ;)
Really?! This isn't my thing. 👎
@@carolineoconnor7239 ye me neither, I though On Fire was so much better!
@• Sayorcat • OK.
What an Song. What an Performance.
The Roop. Winners of the ESC 2021.
12 Points from Germany 🇩🇪
Warum nur 12 gib doch gleich alle Punkte also 24 :D
Auch von mir 12 Punkte 😀😜
@@zita5194 du bist auch geizig XDXDXDXD
@@dudem01234 hast recht 🤣 hoffentlich bald können wir auf Deutschland‘s Spotify „ Discoteque“ hören 🎧
@@zita5194 THANK YOU
I have ADHD, and one of my main ways of stimming is by dancing in my room. I've always felt a little weird and very self-conscious for dancing alone in my room, so you don't know how validating it was to listen to this song in Eurovision because it really exactly represents what I do and how I feel when I'm stimming, especially the lines of "It is okay to dance alone". You guys are doing a great job by carrying the message of the song, because it's become incredibly meaningful to someone like me. So thank you, The Roop! From the bottom of my heart.❤️
I have ASD and I dance as well as a stim! 😁
@@thelastjedi3259 👍
I have autisem but im always self awere of what i doing most people don't know that i have a disability but i do that to somthimes secretly when i know im alone but its shameflully but if learnd how to get rid of that shamfull habitat
the heat is getting higher, DISCOTEQUE IS ON FIRE! 🔥🔥
Can't get enough! Looping on my music playlist ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
У кого-то аквадискотека, у Литвы своя новая Discoteque. Так держать! Привет из Украины!
Можна українською?
@@vexillonerd У когось аквадискотека, у Литви своя Нова Discotheque .Так тримати ! Привіт з України!
Номер карти дати?
@@valpon3888 Дякую, друже! Не зрозумів до чого тут коментар про українську ))) Адже написав я свій коментар не для українців - і саме тому мовою окупанта, щоб всім було більш менш зрозуміло
@@koss7910 ти хворий?
@Al D Я десь написав, що Литва в СРСР чи десь вказав, що там розмовляють російською? Ніт! Отже комент я написав конкретно для всіх, хто розуміє російську мову, хто має того ж сусіда і повинен знати, на що цей сусід здатний. Про батька, синів і віник, сподіваюсь, необов'язково розповідати? Всього найкращого
I don't know if Vaidotas Valiukevičius is a genius or an alien
Start the video and watch closely from the mark 3.30. When you will see his hand move you will know he ain't human. Just don't rat him out Cia will come seek him. 🤣
I feel sad about GoA and The roop i feel like they should’ve been in higher positions. Maybe 2nd or 3rd. After Maneskin these two group were my favs
I agree. I wasn't a fan of Gjon's Tears and Barbara Pravi. The Roop and Go_a were better than those two.
@@vitodoriacalcio yeah Switzerland and France songs were nice but not that original and got boring pretty fast
I mean they made it in the top 10
i agree, GoA is my top favorite and 2nd best is The Roop ♥ Glad they got so many public votes
sad that wasn't enough to give them even higher positions
Me too
Best popsong in ages. I don't care about the points, don't care about the Eurofestival. Damn, I hope these people can make more songs like this. Love it!
dude, i spent 2 days for analysis why results is what they are, and there is presence huge number of factors, affecting voting, not related to music at all (politics, not enough points for every country (i mean there is 12 point but 26 countries so half of countries didn't take any from voting of each country) so points really doesn't show quality or finest of music B-)
ide like to disagree with your statement , their song last year so even better and it would have easily been first
@@lukaspundzius9293 and do you have a problem with that homophobic and nothing more
Hoping to go to Lithuania for Eurovision 2022.
Good luck from braliukas 🇱🇻♥️🇱🇹
We'll be waiting for you!! Remember to vote when the time comes 💜💛 🇱🇻 🇱🇹
12 points go to latvia;)
Awwww 💖💖 yall are making me cry with the comments every bralikai will vote probally for the roopers💖💖love from lithuania❤️❤️❤️
Just wan a make it clear, it would probably happen in Kaunas if we win, as we have a much bigger arena
@@emilijuspoviliunas6009 yes
This is the Winner 12 Points from Germany to Lithuania 👍
Eurovision ended 2 weeks ago but the Discoteque in my room is still going on
Damn did it really??? Feels longer
I got my whole family hooked on eurovision songs and the roop is our favorite :)
Same here 🤣
Same ❤️🔥🔥🔥
sveikas to all lietuvian fellas from sakartvelas
Hello there!
THE ROOP FOR THE WIN 2021! Greetings from SWEDEN! We Love You!❤️
Keiino and Monument will destroy The Roop.
Go Norway! 🇳🇴
@@DiamondJesse409 Lmao coming to a different song purely due to country jealousy haha. All Norwegians are so aggressive & jealous. Definitely ruined their song for me and not just because Keiino isn't my cup of tea, but because these hardcore Norwegian fans are literally coming onto different videos (especially Lithuania's) to bs on other entries.
0 points to Norway from UK due to crazed fans.
Definitely going to vote for Lithuania though.
the biggest advantage of this dude is that he is awfully charismatic and he knows how to play with the public. Lithuania is going to be the winner of this year. It would be fair enough if they were the host country for 2 years in a row ( they really deserve the victory from the last year :( )
Im your 100th like, thank me later😉
as italian: Italy, Lithuania and Ukraine for the win!!!!
Yes. Thank.
same here
Same, i am ukrainian and im in love with song of Italy and Lithuania, and of course my Ukraine Shum)
OK !
The roop doesnt need Eurovision. Eurovision needs the Roop
McZurullo 👏👏👏🖖🖖🖖
Amazing comment :D
Man you are right 🎈
Bet iš tiesų koks geras jausmas, kai dainos laukia ne tik patys lietuviai, bet ir dauguma Europos valstybių. Tai rimtas požiūris kaip į potencialius konkurentus.
I don't know, what is written here, but I've given a like to it 😉
@@silvia_raven that it is a good felling when not just Lithuanian people are waiting to this song....
Jooo, as visa vakara reactions ziuriu, komentarus ir ant tiek faina, kad iki negalejimo 😃😃 kokie maladiec the roop yra!
Germany can´t wait !!!! THE ROOP gets on fire again.
Hallo! Danke für Deine tolle Bewertung. Ich konnte auch nicht warten, jetzt bin ich mir aber ganz sicher, dass The Roop der richtige Bewerber für Eurovision Sieg ist. 🤩😜🤣
@@ichneu5713 Also ich denke mal nicht,dass sie mit dem Song so eine hohe Siegeschance wie mit On Fire hätten.
Ich finde die jenigen,die die höchste Siegeschance bis jetzt hätten wären Keiino aus Norwegen mit dem Song "Monument", wenn sie den Melodi Grand Prix gewinnen.
Gal gali atsiųsti savo nuomone ir dar daugiau nei pusė milijono litų vertės ir yra labai svarbus dalykas kaip ir sakiau
Immer wieder Norwegen und sonstige Scandinavier! Ich habe das Wort "Bewerber" nicht umsonst gewählt. Selbstverständlich werden auch andere Bewerber mit der Zeit auftauchen. Aus rein patriotischen Gründen werde ich aber für Litauen fiebern!🙌🙌🙌
I am Mexican and this was my first Eurovision contest. When these guys came up I fucking screamed like a girl and clapped like an idiot. I was so infuriated about the points but so happy the people recognized your talent anyways. Tysm for your music and positivity!
Wowowow great!! Greetings from Greece ❤️
por que no ganó?
Lithuania, best entry in 2020 and best entry in 2021 so far. Only Legends.
I'm not gonna lie.. I love on fire, but Discoteque destroyed my replay button ❤️
They definitely should represent Lithuania this year. We need to remember, that we voting for two songs, because previous year we can't vote, and it`s not fair. The Roop shows, that they can make hits every year, they definitely need our respect and votes
They are really good representation of what Lithuania truly is.
@@gmikaleesangmibbvip THANK YOU !
Евровидение давно прошло, но The Roop не ушли из моего плейлиста и моего сердечка 😁
Točno tak.
@@olmikmak278 Israel?🤔
@@maksirutas yes.
@@olmikmak278 as long as I love eden those two songs not even comparable. Don't embarrass yourself to compare a genius masterpiece and a song for kids.
@@olmikmak278 Boring. Typical Pop song we hear every year from at least 3 countries.
Hope we can stream the song very soon in Germany!
Das hoffe ich auch !
@@zita5194 ich hoffe das auch
Ich warte auch und hoffe jeden Tag.
Da ich bin selber einer litauer und wohne in Deutschland, ich bin auch gespannt 🙂
@@Modestas586 Danke !
Didžiuojuos būdamas lietuviu bei galėdamas sakyti, kad THE ROOP yra Lietuvos atstovai ir dar labaiu didžiuojuosi ir džiaugiuosi grupės požiūriu į kilusius nemalonumus (atšaukta eurovizija, nepraleisti be atrankos į kitų metų euroviziją) - bring it on :D Ačiū, kad esate ir kuriate tokias išbaigtas ir tobulas dainas!
I'm Turkish 🇹🇷🇹🇷 I don't understand anything but I love this song. Greetings from Turkey to Lithuania🇱🇹🇹🇷
WOW! Lituania, please, send The Roop at Rotterdam! They definitely won't "dance alone' on the Eurovision stage (but with hundreds of millions people at home) and will bring "the fire" on it. Great job, guys! 12 points from Romania, at all! I hope that you'll won the national final and you'll be invited to the romanian national final, to "dance alone" together with the romanian people. Is it clear, @TVR Romania? P.S: Those moves are about how my father dances after he drinks more than 2 shots of pălincă (romanian "tequila", but stronger - about 70 degrees). Hope to see you in Romania! :)
Appreciate it man! I would like to try palinca! Is it similar to slyvovica? ✌🏻🤔
@@Marcekas , kind of, but more sweet (in is made of plums) and much stronger (it is distilated 3-4 times). All natural! ;)
This is great!! I would love to see Lithuania win for the first time. Good luck from Norway :)
Good vibes 🇱🇹 🇳🇴
Dette kommer til å bli bra veit du :-)
Vi gleder oss!🕺🕺🕺
12 points from France
I finally found a friendly Norwegian
Не знаю, кто там победил, но это однозначно супер хит! И похоже, что ребята изобрели новый танец. Не отдельные движения, а именно цельный танец! Молодцы!
Patikėkit kaip sunku po labai stiprios dainos išleist dar vieną hitą. Bettt manau jie atliko labai gerą darbą. Tikiu, kad su kiekviena diena ši daina vis labiau užves mus visus.
Ji ir taip iskart uzveda!
Aš manau kad aš vertingiau vetinsciu nes man patinka tas diskoteka man labai patinka o jums patinka?ir po jo po.Diskotekos eina SAULIUS PRŪSITIS.Panela ne ir ten kur leido 39,daina, žinote.
That feeling to watch Lithuania finally becoming “the popular kid” 🤩
but lithuania has been sending some cool songs recently don't you rememebr when were are old that song was a 10/10
@@hjjh46 yeah, i liked that one too, but it didn’t get that much attention and acclaim as the roop
it's finally our time, muahahah
@@arijacepaityte9496it still is
As an introvert I really felt the "it is okay to dance alone" line
i give this comment an e for society
X 3
Don't they sing along instead of alone
Only alone😂
Год прошёл, а песня до сих пор в плей листе, это редкость для Евровидения. Вы очень крутые!!!
Тоже самое ) до сих пор слушаю как в первый раз
Согласна. Очень рада, что они были на этом конкурсе, и мы смогли их услышать. Они нереально крутые и стильные!
Ребята,я эту песню и исполнителей,никогда не забуду ❤❤❤
Mes būtume totalūs nevispročiai, jei šitos dainos, jau renkančios rekordus pagal perklausas ir atsiliepimus nesiustume į Euroviziją...
Visko galima tiketis is bukaprociu komisijos nariu, issius kokia nors Pilvelyte ar dar ka nors su meiles daina remdamiesi tuo, kad ji profesionaliau atrodo scenoje :D
Gyvenime nebeziuresiu Eurovizijos jei jie neatstovaus Lietuvai
ČMOnytė jau pasirūpino mūsų totaliu nevisprotiškumu.
Vaidotas ir The Roop žiba ir žibės ! NElygintinai kitas vaidmuo numatytas. Let's Discoteque :)###
Jai mes nalaimesime as nezinau kas bus. Bet zmonem patinka sita daina
Pamatysite Cololo varys i euro vizija :D
12 points from Israel! 🇮🇱 Good luck! Love you so much🔥❤️
Thank you❤ Greetings from Lithuania 🇱🇹❤
Thank you, from lithuania🇱🇹
My favorites. Greetings from Mexico 🇲🇽
amazing to see Eurovision fans from Mexico 🇲🇽 here. Estoy muy feliz de que también sean fans entusiastas.
Mine to
Avocados from mexico
Gracias qie pena qie Mexico no esta en este concurso pero muchas gracias por tu comentario
как не справедливо голосовали...... вы были супер!!!!Это хит на долгие года!!!!Первый раз на евровидении болели не за нашу страну. Для нас вы победители!!!!!!Однозначно!!!!!! Творческих успехов вам!!!!!!!Вы лучшие!!!!Слушаю вас каждый день!!!!!
Spasibo vam...
@@Marius67 )
голосовал из латвии
Я тоже слушаю) поднимает настроение. Прослушала все песни, по 10 раз)))) сча еду на автобусе, тоже слушаю)))))
@@crispybone6621 я голосовал из России
We Eurofans deserve this in Eurovision!
I agree 100%!
I have the feeling this will definitely win.
I gree 100%yup
No thanks!
The Roop must declare themselves an independent country and participate every year
Nice one
Mark Donnellan compete again Lena did it once
@@markjdonn The Contest takes place in the Roopania
@@markjdonn ROOPovision
I don't know how about you guys.. but I'm already packing my stuff for Eurovision 2022 in Lietuva 🙋🏼♀️🇱🇹
Much love from Estonia 🇪🇪
Best wishes to beautiful Estonia 🇪🇪💜💛🖤
Tere. Cheers my friend.
Mee toooo ❤❤
😄 😄 😄
Great to see Lithuania marking thirty years of freedom with a song about self-expression.
12 points from Spain 🔝🇱🇹🔝 WINNER!!!
That’s so cool 😎
Go Lithuania 🇱🇹 👍🏻
With ❤️ from Ukraine 🇺🇦
Slava Ukraine🇺🇦
No disrespect to the other Lithuanian hopefuls.. but seriously. Just stop the selection process right now. This HAS to go to Eurovision! An absolute BOP!
I mean they're already in the finals-
I think there was and is no reason to organize selection at all. The Roop deserves to represent Lithuania in Eurovision
Это было лучшее, что я услышал на евровидиние. Оценки точно не объективные. Вы лучшие. Успехов. Творите и радуйте своих поклонников.
Спасибо вам большое за уважение
Да и мне тоже понравились ребята и песня ,и танцы обалденные!
Please, sorry, but, зачем вы пишите на русском? Вы думаете что Литовцы поймут Русский язык? 😂😅
@@НинаНина-з4д da paimut 51% :)
Kas idomiausia ,kad visa Europa laukia The Roop dainos labiau, nei pacios eurovizijos, cia jau fenomenas.
Puikus pastebėjimas 😅
Cia teisingai pazimeta kad jau medalius kabina!bet reik palaukt
Šitą diskoteką geriausia groti laidotuvėse. Atstumiantys garsai ir aranžuotė
Visiškai nelaukiam Eurovizijos
@@rimas.8494 ydomios pas tavy laidotuves :D ir muzikos suvokimas :D
Greetings Eurovision from London 🇬🇧 and our 12 points go to Lithuaniaaaaaaaaaaa 🇱🇹
0 points go to GB as always
@@toweldog355 we shall accept those 0 points. We love coming first to being last. We have some stuff to talk about with Germans though.
And they came again for the win!
I was happy when Germany made The Roop the winner of hearts. I loved her last year and this year! For me the Roop are the winners of the ESC!
Thank you !
me too i agrre
Lithuania, please bring this song to Rotterdam!
This is the official anthem of every Eurovision's fan quarantine party 🎉
Also "La La Love" by Eden Alene, I think
Yes, Yes, yes! 🤣🤣🤣
@@torquettalk la la love won't represent in eurovision.
I really want Lithuania to win with this. Europe needs this after this stupid pandemic. Love from Romania 🥰
It won't happen. Not this song duh.
Wait for MGP if Norway sends Keiino again
Things are not really getting better in Europe. Eurovision could also be cancelled again!
@@martynasv5384 tik tokius debiliskus komentarus gali parasyt patys lietuviai🙈
@@croupade123 grynai
it's December 2023, and the Roop will participate in the ESC2024 - bear with me, this will be the best one so far 🎉
This singer is sooo charismatic. He can lift a good song to something amazing. "Discoteque" is actually much more jury-friendly than "On Fire" was, so I thinkLithuania's chances just went up.
Went up from what? There is nothing up from last year, they would have wiped any other performance last year :D
I pesonally agree, but I doubt that they would have done that well at the jury vote. But we'll never know.
@@gintaras89 That's not accurate at all. Just before Eurovision was cancelled, there were quite a few songs that had similar odds to Lithuania. In fact, Iceland had a bit more hype that Lithuania did.
On fire was headed to a mid table finish, Russia was going to get the votes from Eastern Europe and Iceland from the west and not that many nations traditionally give Lithuania points
@@tedverse5726 You probably should know that majority of EE countries dislike Russia. So why they should vote for russia?
to all Lithuanians, please vote for them to let them get back the Eurovision place that they deserve
I think there isn't going to be a voting this year cause they didn't really compete sorry if im wrong
@@viliuxsius They are in the final already
Aš esu lietuvė, ir TIKRAI man šis patinka, ir On fire
@@mehcookie1379 No one asked
@@edvinas46 stfu
Wow i love new song!The Roop was my number 1 last year. I love them so much and I would like they win. Good luck from Ukraine🇺🇦❤️🇱🇹
@@olmikmak278 just becouse you hate leaders of eurovision 2021 doesnt mean you have to spread your hate, that Israel is better. We all have different tastes and Israel won already plenty times. Did Lithuania in 30 damn years won a single time? Nope.
@@Marozaaaa Totally agree. Lithuania deserve to win, the new song is even better. I don’t remember how many times I listen it. it's a magic.
Wow, Lithuania!!!!! The best Eurovision performance - no nudity, beautiful voice, colours, rhytm. Well, maybe too small land to win, but you were the best!!!! I wish I would be in politics and would give you more points!!! Love love love!!!
Kūrėjai, autoriai, fanai - tai tikrai PUIKUS kūrinys. Neįsivaizduoju, ką galėtų ši daina palikti be jokios emocijos ar nuomonės . Jei mes renkame, kas traukia, kas šokiruoja, kas suteikia jausmų, spalvų, skonio - tai čia būtent tai ko reikia. Puikus kūrinys. Nežinau, ką pasiūlys kiti, bet čia BOMBA! Prie dainos vis dar pratinuosi, bet ji jau pagavo mane. Fantastika. Labai laukiu scenografijos, idėjos ant scenos, aprangų ir šokio. Jei dainą dar papildys ir vaizdas - tai jau neš stogą ir peršoks net "on fire". Linkėjimai!
Klipas pastatytas kokybiskai ir pagal aukstus standartus. Bet asmeniskai man nepalieka jokiu jausmu absoliuciai, viena kart perklausiau kad susipazint ir tiek. nera tokio kabliuko kaip on fire turejo. nemanau kad nueis toliu su siuo gabalu nei galejo nueiti su on fire.
@@djaurelijano9360 aš manau, kad pavyks. Susilaukė jie labai daug palaikymo iš kitų šalių per praėjusius metus ir ši daina nėra itin bloga
@@ulamonasovaite galimas variantas , kaip grupe tikrai puiki, muzika gera, viskas kaip priklauso , bet to neuztenka kad issaut i neregetas aukstumas. On fire buvo tikrai bangeris, kuris uzkabliavo visus absoliuciai, bet ar sita daina yra tokio pat lygio bangeris ?! drysciau suabejoti.Tuo labiau vertina dainas ir tai ka pateiki. gali visa gyvenima kurt ir nieko nepasekt , o kitas viena gabala sukurs ir issaus nenormaliai.
@@djaurelijano9360 Tai taip. Eurovizija labai stebiu jau ne pirmus metus ir kas žmonėm patinka, kolkas užseniečių reakcijos į tai kaip į unique dainą bei užsienis labai žiūri į pasirodymo kokybę, su kuria manau nemažai padirbėjo the roop komanda. Nes tikrai neatkreipia dėmesio tik į dainą, svarbu ir žinutė dainoje, išvaizda, pasirodymas. Plius ši daina gerai skambėtų radijoje
Обязаны побеждать на грядущем Евровидении (если его конечно не отменят), вперëд The Roop🇱🇹❤🇷🇺
@Ema Zuboviciute не кто-то там, а сами организаторы Евровидения, хахах
I love this song😄 from Russia❤️🇷🇺
We love you Baleria 💘,from Norway 🇧🇻 becouse you like Lithuanian 🇱🇹song
@@reme7 thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Вы разве не слышали раньше песню Казаков Love. Это просто переработанная копия. Послушайте первоисточник.
Thank you and good luck for your country someday to become an actual democracy like we are!
I'm a 13 year old boy from Russia with nothing to do with politics. I'm listening to my favorite song! Thank you
W human
Me 10 you 3 years older
Winner ESC 2021! Good L.!
Kisses from Spain.✌✌✌❤
12 Points from the USA ❤️ I know we don’t participate but I’ve been a lifelong fan of ESC.
You'll be able to vote in the future American Song Contest.
@@adrianelias2365 country so jealous they have to imitate europe lool
I will be rooting for you guys from Australia!
there are one women so not all guys
@@OmexGT80225 The term guys can imply both men and women.
Thanks mate
Vaidas is soul of the Roop and he is so charismatic because he is really attentive to everything he does with his body and voice.
Pagaliau pasaulis sužinos, kur yra Lietuva. Ačiū the roop
Čia tai tiesa
Jo 😂
Она прям во много раз лучше предыдущей как по мне. Если предыдущая была отвал головы, то эта отвал всего вообще!
12 points from 🇷🇺 в общем.
@@velzzer дя)💕
@@yanash8806 хватит вести себя как ребенок. Неть)
А мне не понравилось.. Вернее песня норм, но не победитель.
Matosi, kad pasidarė namų darbus labai stipriai, išanalizavo Eurovizijos trendus bet viską pritaikė prie savo stiliaus ir išlaikė unikalumą. Kūrinys grynai Eurovizinis ir panašu, kad tikrai konkurencingas 🎤
Please send another song to Eurovision ♡ Lithuania deserves to be represented by your amazing sound at least one more time!
Вау! Какой же класс. Они удивляют. Я за Вас. Привет из России. Удачи соседям❤
фактически, мы не являемся соседями, за исключением Калилинградской области))
Привет, удачи Вам тоже.
Abejoju ar sugebėsim atrast ką nors geriau! THE ROOP tikrasis Lietuvos lobis 💚 Palaikykim!
Legendary iconic amazing. Very strong winning contender for Eurovision 2021. Love it from South Korea. Also 1 million in a day is hella impressive and deserved.
As two young neurospicy/autismo people, this song speaks to our souls in a way that not much does. It's a feeling, right down in the depths of oneself. Thank you for translating those joyous feelings into an excellent composition of song and dance. It means everything right now. ❤
I don’t wanna dance alone because I wanna dance with the roop ❤️🇱🇹👑
Saying this is my fave Eurovision song is a understatement, this is my fave song of all time in general
you're so riiiiighhhhht !!!!!!! I LOVE IT
@@sandrinecacheton3909 me too!!!!
12 points from Latvia to Lithuania.❤️❤️❤️
mon drougs yr latvis ple "P dance alone
@@irenajarumbauskiene OK !
Thank you !
Группа и композиция 🔥следующее Евровидение должно быть в Вильнюсе!!! 👏 Болеем за вас👍👍👍
Blagodarim drug.
Спасибо Вам!!!!😊 музыка соединяет нас!
Спасибо 😊
это да....
Бажаю вам перемоги, сусіди! 🤟🇺🇦
Трек драйвовий та рве! 😎🤟
Вільнюс 2022?🇱🇹
True masterpiece, especially while people are placed on quarantine; what better way to celebrate but by dancing alone! Definitely the ultimate winner of the Eurovision 2021!!! Love from Finland, 12 points and beyond if possible!
Thank you for your support!
Thats the whole meaning;)
@@_BK. j,#¥iei jekcnwlcnd
What a BRILLIANT track and supporting video!!! How they didn’t win is beyond me. I’m from the UK and it was extremely popular over here and rightly so.
Братья литовцы, это круто! Огонь! Привет из Беларуси!
Privet i vam😊
Приветик соседям , мы всегда с вами!✌️🤘👋🇱🇹..
почему именно здесь я коментов 10 уже видел от Беларусов? На других клипах конкретно нашей активности такой нету
Спасибо вам! ❤️
Мне это нравится. И в прошлом году было интересное выступление, и в этом году - не хуже. Самое любопытное в этом коцертном номере то, что в нем нет никакой замысловатости, сложности. Все др предела просто - и в музыке и в хореографии, но смотреть интересно. Меня впечатляет не музыка, а общая композиция и, особенно, движения. Так "неправильно" танцевать - надо уметь. Они просто элегантно ходят туда-сюда, но это сделано так симпатитчно, мило и иронично, что смотреть невероятно приятно. Молодцы. Желаю успеха на Евровидении!
A vy poprobuite tolko muziku poslusatj no s nausnikami gromko chotj 2 raza muzika daze ocenj...
спасибо вам за отличный отзыв,я надеюсь что в этом году Еurovision будет и там мы победим..🇱🇹😁
@@ghostgt4516 Шансы победить у группы есть. Их клип много смотрят. И пишут хорошие отзывы. Это показатель. И мне их песня и номер нравятся. Это нестандартно, свежо, симпатично, стильно.
Я знаю за какую страну отдам своё сердце и голос ❤Литва супер🇺🇦❤🇱🇹
второй год у The Roop выходит шедевр
kaip laikaisi
@@HoooF-qs3tr 1
Многие исполнители в этом году понравились, вообще было классное Евровидение. У The Roop тема просто бомба, вспоминаю прошлую весну и жалею, что тогда не было такой песни.
takich ludzi potrzebujemy na świecie
Greetings from Poland
😀😀 Super
Usually Eurovision songs are good, but not good enough to be in my playlists. BUT this song.... Greeting from Latvia!
Exactly my thoughts
thx so much açai. ok bye ski
Vecā bija labāka...
It sucks they didn't get the opportunity to compete last year because they had a high chance of winning. Best of luck to them in 2021! (♥ from 🇺🇸)
I think this year is also high chance of winning. 😂
I'm glad I'm not the only American who's been into Eurovision for years ❤️
Hi,how are you.
Eurovision might be over but I'm still listening to this which is more than I can say about any of the other songs.