Taijiquan and dahnmudo are the same, in spirit, I am not saying it's a Korean version or anything, but they are sister styles, and just like you can use taijiquan to fight, you can use dahnmudo as well, otherise there wouldn't be fists and blocks in the form executed, the purpose is what separates a martial art between combative and non-combative branches, but unless he creates a martial art where he dances without rhowing a punch or kick, his knowledge can be adapted for combat, it's all i say
Thank you Master O Woon
Your demonstrations set the standard of DahnMuDo and Earth Human
We love you
It's so smooth, light and strong,too. i can see(feel) some thing between his hands!!!!!
He is very humble and sincere Master since I know him.
He is real healing martial artist.
Taijiquan and dahnmudo are the same, in spirit, I am not saying it's a Korean version or anything, but they are sister styles, and just like you can use taijiquan to fight, you can use dahnmudo as well, otherise there wouldn't be fists and blocks in the form executed, the purpose is what separates a martial art between combative and non-combative branches, but unless he creates a martial art where he dances without rhowing a punch or kick, his knowledge can be adapted for combat, it's all i say