❤no matter it’s their life leave them alone I love those two I enjoy watching them why are people so noisy Tend to your own business leave others alone If they are together or not I support them
If they live together, that's their business ! Jesus, leave those two young men alone ! Mind your business! We love them anyway! Whatever they're to each other ,good for them ! I love their work ,music, and everything else! Love to both !❤❤
Regardless, their private life is their business. Let them live as they desire. I don't need to know their private life because they need to live. I will always support them or separately.❤❤❤EP, TX USA
Сможет ли когда-нибудь кто-то создать такой же шедевр как Неукротимый? И сможет ли кто-то превзойти такую экранную пару как Ван Ибо и Сяо Чжан? Уже свыше 5 лет они бьют рекорды по популярности и не оставляют в покое умы и фантазии фанатов и противников. Это уже о многом говорит . Мне нравятся они оба, не могу противопоставлять их и выбирать более талантливого или еще как... просто тихо наслаждаюсь моментвми, когда вижу их новые работы или просматриваю старые записи. Наверно, та магическая аура этой пары,возникшей на сьемках Неукротимого, с каждым годом только усиливается и поглощает все большее пространство и всех зрителей,хоть раз увидевших или услышавших о них. Пусть их красота не увядает , как же остановить это время и запечатлеть эту пару такими неповторимыми?
Excelente o que você falou sobre WiboZhan. Não sou da Ásia e amo a arte e a música que eles nos apresentam! São excelentes artistas! Não canso de ouvir suas músicas! ♥️♥️♥️♥️😆
I'm over the moon if these two are really have their lives together in one.I wish for their long life happiness and peace.avid fan from the Philippines ❤I love them both ❤
I saw many moons ago actual unedited footage where Zhan told someone he and Yibo had been together for over a year, Yibo had to tell him that a camera was filming and they laughed but were shocked too. After all the dreadful people trying to cancel Zhan I don't acutally know of any proof of what their relationshipis these days. What I do know is they really were together and in love so I hope they have managed to weather the storm and stay together through it all and are still happy together or apart. Yizhan forever x
Foi isso mesmo a amiga deles deu oi, pra eles aí ela perguntou quanto tempo vocês estão juntos, o Xiao Zhan disse a mais de um ano, o yibo falou olha a câmara está filmando e eles 😅😅 colocando a mão na boca, eu já assisti esse vídeo várias vezes para ter certeza do que ele falou e isso mesmo 👍❤️💚 eles estão juntos e feliz yizhan é real 👍
@Krisztina-o2pé verdade ele disse mesmo apouco mais de um ano, estamos juntos, assisti esse vídeo várias vezes para ter certeza do que ele falou eles estão juntos yizhan é amor verdadeiro ✌️❤️💚
Unedited images? And... subtitles? It's incredible how many stupid people trust any video they see on the internet. Being objective, they would never allow their private life to be exposed in such a clumsy way. On many occasions, the anonymous people who create these videos cut and paste so that the sentences out of context can have another meaning, that is, they induce the viewer to see something that does not exist. What is a fact is that during the preparation, rehearsals and the long filming of the series, they were together for a long time, not only them but the entire huge team, it is easy to strengthen friendships in that work environment. But the supposed romantic relationship between them has its origin in the characters they played, if the series were not an adaptation of a BL novel, nobody would be talking about a supposed romance between Zhan and Yibo today. And this channel feeds off of stupid users who continue to give credit to the nonsense they spread, which is also lies. Reporting this channel is the smartest thing you can do.
I don't know whether you are really Korean youtuber and don't realize the Chinese entertainment industry or not. I wish you would accurately check the fact that Xiao Zhan and the other actor you mentioned are only ex-colleagues and they do not have any interactions these years. This is proved by many famous reporters who closely monitor XZ in these years. Many pictures/photos of them (the two actors) are maliciously edited (photoshopped). Please not to mislead your audience.
Я все-таки думаю, что пара - это не те, кто живет под одной крышей, пара - это те, что живут друг для друга, когда каждый из двоих для другого тот, ради кого хочется жить...
People shouldn't be getting in their business because they have a good bond together ❤️ and we fans love's them both you two don't let anyone come between the beautiful bond you have together 💖💖
Amo de paixão ZHAN ZHAN e YIBO meus lindos queridos... desejo toda felicidade, paz, saúde, amor, sucesso e tantas outras coisas maravilhosas para vocês 😘❤🥰💞🍾🥂🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Avons-nous vraiment besoin des preuves? Preuves de quoi? C’est leur vie et alors? Tout ça manque de respect envers leur vie privée . Qu’ils soient ensemble ou pas ça leur regarde.
People need to worry only about what happens in their own bedroom and stop worrying about what others do in their bedrooms. I hope Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are happy, no matter what the truth is. As long as both men choose to live and work in China, they can never be honest about being more than friends with one another. While homosexuality is no longer a crime in China, marriage and adoption is not legal. Laws do not protect homosexuals from discrimination or hate crimes. Ziao Xian and Wang Yibo face a strong possibility of losing their careers and their lifestyle if they were to be open about a physical relationship with one another. It is not wise to stand up against the Chinese Communist Party.
Так видео не об этом (кто где живет). Это попытка осветить реальность --- много версий, много слежки, и много любви к ним из-за колоссального успеха Неукротимого. Вот и все. Видео не смакует. А грустно подводит итог реальности.
Zhan yibo ❤mis muchachos guapoooos su vida privada es suya ❤ de quién se enamoren. Es su decisión ❤❤❤ para mí son actores artistas cantantes y yibo eres un exelente bailarín ❤los dos son espectaculares x siempre en mi corazón Dios los bendiga ❤ saludos desde argentina
Bonjour tout le monde laissez les tranquille c est leurs vie cela ne nous regarde pas. Il y a beaucoup de mensonges pour gagner de l'argent sur leurs dos😢
The reason their fans & media people are always eagerly chasing XZ & WYB is because they want to see more of them in public after they gained so much popularity after The Untamed. The result of the “ban” or “ prohibition” on them by their managing agencies after the 227 incident led to massive uproar from their fans to allow them to appear together in social functions. In addition to this is the cultural restrictions of society on same sex relationship. Whether they are a couple or not is one big question that we will never truly know, until they admit or confirm it themselves… but which they will never do. Let them be . If they are living together & are happy, l will be happy for them. We do not own them. We all admire them for their exceptional talents & dedication🎉. Let us be happy for them & wish them more success in their flourishing career. To the fans, a big cheer! And no fighting please.🥰👍👏❤️💚
Você não precisa pedi que tenhamos vida, Porfavor, apenas queremos vê-los felizes caminhando juntos. Aqui todas nós, torcemos por eles dois. Mas por amor ao casal👨❤️👨 . Ninguém quer interferir em suas vidas, ao contrário. *Ninguém merece ser tratadas como vilâns ou como uma fã disse, nos chamou de debimental. Fiquei chula da vida🤬 pessoal pega pesado conosco 🤬😤😡 nós amamos muito esses ídolos chineses.
Канал сплетен....🤮 собственное желание фанатов обладать кумиром связало воедино двух парней,(ну как же выбрать одного из двух!)да ещё и сюжет дорамы такой интригующий!!!и понеслась!!разве не нормально когда дружат два парня,что в жизни так не бывает??!!или нормой стало думать о двух идущих рядом что они пара?!если всплывают такие мысли,то это от неудовлетворительного желания искателей приключения на свою пятую точку ...😂
Por favor déjenlos tranquilos es su vida privada.Esta bien que son personas famosas pero ellos son seres humanos como nosotros y merecen ser felices. Yo los amo por ser excelentes actores y cantantes. Y los apoyo en querer vivir juntos. Sean felices los amo y apoyo. Desde Argentina ❤❤
a most objective videomaterial. it presented various points of view. that's the way it should be instead of hyposcritical "we don't care". they do care since they bothered to watch the video.
Iya tinggal serumah XiaoZhan tidur dikamar utama sebagai king c-ent🏆👑❤ sedangkan yibo dikamar pembantu...sebaga tukang cuci. pakaianx...makax waktu pesta weibo tdk duduk ditempax krn statusx sebagai pembantux😄😄
Awhile back when The Untamed was truly everywhere on youtube, there was a clip of XZ complaing to WYB about having a head cold from WYB having the air condition on at night. WYB response was put some clothes to sleep. I only saw it twice and have never seen it again.
Estos youtubers con videos idiotas la IA de UA-cam los deja pasar mientras se ocupan de censurar información veraz de otras personas??? Encima se meten en la vida privada de los artistas! De todos, no solo de ellos dos!!! Sean quienes sean deberían multarlos!!!!!!!!!
Porqué no dejan de joder con la vida de ambos y se ocupan un poco de la propia. Tal vez porque vuestra vida es tan vacía que espiando esas vidas se realicen😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Eu simplesmente os adoro 😍 são lindos e juntos melhor ainda! Nunca vi tanta química e olhares como os dos dois, sorrisos e olhares cheios de alegria e paixão, isso provoca em mim, muita alegria🤩 O que muitos sentem é inveja( sentimento medieval) por eles e mais ainda na possibilidade de estarem juntos! Gostaria muito,que mais filmes onde eles atuam, viessem para o Brasil. Que sejam muito felizes, saudáveis e prósperos 🙏
Von diesen idiotischen Spekulationen kann man nicht leben. Ob sie eine romantische Beziehung führen oder nicht, ist ihre Privatsache und muss nicht die Sorge der Fans sein. Sie sind beide großartig, großartig in ihrem Job, gut aussehend ... Aufgrund Ihrer Vermutungen kann ich mir kein romantisches Drama ansehen, in dem Xiao Zhan mit einer weiblichen Figur spielt
Que tal um pouco de respeito com esses atores, qual a importância para os fãs se eles estão juntos ou não, devemos gostar, admirar e torcer para que eles sejam felizes e tenham sucesso na carreira que eles escolheram, não ficar achando ou deduzindo coisas só por imagens e opiniões. BR-SP
Concordo com você Marina Oliveira Ninguém tem que se meter na vida das pessoas. Muitos não tem respeito por si mesmo imagine pelos outros. Desejo sim , felicidades para Xiao Zhan e Wang Yibo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
В такой тяжёлой стране очень важно иметьплечо на которое можно опереться, такая депресуха у молодых людей что не выдерживают и вперёд на кладбище,не будет детей да ибог с ними, ну ооооочень тяжёлая страна,
can't they be roommates, why is this big news, friends living together there is no problem, I used to live with a few roommates too, pretty normal when the rent is really high, you need to split the bills, and even if there was something else, none of our business, they are people just like anyone else
Para de tampar o sol com a peneira, aceita que eles se amam e deixe eles viver em paz,o que ah de errado eles se amar, eles são perfeitos juntos yizhan 💚❤️
@@amparorocha6233 Não há nada de errado nisso se fosse verdade, mas não é verdade. Você é tão estúpido que nega a realidade acusando os outros com desculpas homofóbicas quando esse NÃO é o caso. Aqui, ninguém está discutindo a liberdade de amar, mas sim as mentiras que servem apenas para fazer UA-camrs anônimos ganharem dinheiro enganando as pessoas.
Buna serios Si ce daca ar fi si care e treaba pe cine deranjeaza .O dar cear fi sa spun ca eu sant cea care ia vazut si careba fost an pat langa cei doi ce ar fi oare ce e o barfa tot ,barfa ramane si chiar une e proba iau vazut sarutanfuse facand dragoste find an pat unul langa celalalt tinanduse denmana si altel .Doar de la o barfa nefondata si minciuni care ju au ce castiga e cam urat ceia ce aud dar serios .Si eu pot spune ca da am fost an pat langa cei doi .Dar e careva sa ma creada .Eu nu prea cred Caci cum am ajuns an patul lor daca sant an. ROMANIA NUI CUNOSC DECAT DIN FOLME SI CANTECRLE CELIR DOU .TOT ASA E SA FIE VIOLATE VIATA LOR PRIVATA CU BARFE NEFONDATE SI SA FORMEZE UN CUPLU DOAR DE DTAGUL FANILOR AL UNUIA SI ALTIIA DE CE PENTRI CE .SPECULATI BARFE RAUTATE SI VHESTI NEFONDATE CUI SERVESC ASTFEL DE CHESTI URATE SERIOS FIECARE ARE DREPTUL LA INTIMITATE SI LA O VIATA PERSONALA DAR DE CE SE ANCALCA TOATE ACESTE CHESTI .DE CE .BAY BAY,LoLo.🥰😘🫣🤔🫢🫠😉😎🤭💕💞🤫🤗😚❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥💖💖💖🫰🫰🫰☺️💋💋💋
I agree, let's give them some privacy. I don't need to know. Sincerely it's their private life. Let's just support and continue to simply : ❤❤ them. EP, TX USA
Eu também não importa a vida é deles o que eles fazem não minterrsa sejam juntos ou não eu só quero acreditar que eles são devoto um casal para que aspesoas para de falar oque não deve umas fala bem outras fala mau séria bom si eles tirassem esta dúvida que eles você feliz e terminasse com este comentário malicioso tou torcendo por eles sejam felizes meus lindos
Sowhat if they are kiving together why cannot live in the same roof if they are the same men oh ny goodness pls clean your mind and the way you are rhinking leave them mind your own business let them live peacefullly and dont interferferev with thier private life pls thank you
Вот из за таких везде сующих нос фанатов и разжигаются скандалы, и они уже даже близко друг к другу стоять не могут, а сколько бы фильмов могли вместе сыграть и нас порадовать
Why must it ALWAYS be GAY ???? in my opinion (if it's true) there are two people who fall for each other. Nothing more nothing less. Two people who (maybe) fell for one another personalities. THAT'S IT !!!!! It's love not gay.
@@rebekkakrause7666Eu sou apaixonada, amo uma outra mulher e logicamente sou gay. Onde está a diferença? Se eu fosse DD e GG daria o fora desse País, fugiria para um Oasis com meu bofe, pra ser todo dia, seria como Lan de Gusu. Tá demorando muito esse casamento, tô quase desistindo de esperar 🤬
@@claudiarosa4834 What I mean is that (in general) the sexual orientation has nothing to with the person you love. you love the person because of they are who they are and not it's male or female. Of course you will feel attracted to women (it's your sexual orientation). And it's said that XZ had a girlfriend when he studied. I'm sorry, but these two treasures can't run away so easily because they live where they live (and they love their families ... I won't say nothing more to this matter). Don't give up it's only 1 year left to wait. Hang on the candies that were spread here and there 🙂
@@claudiarosa4834 Oh my dear of course there is a difference 😉When you love a person you love them because the are who they are and not because it's male or female. Sure you will be attracted to other women (that's your orientation). If you finally meet the one and only and it's a male and you can't do nothing about it then it has nothing to do with your orientation because it's pure love. It's said that XZ had a girlfriend back then when he studied. (and in my opinion I think it's true) I'm sorry but the treasures can't run away so easily because the live where they live (and both do love their families). There is only 1 year left to wait 🤗 ... so enjoy the candies that are sprinkeld here and there. 🍬
Amo de paixão ZHAN ZHAN e YIBO meus lindos queridos... desejo toda felicidade, paz, saúde, amor, sucesso e tantas outras coisas maravilhosas para vocês 😘❤🥰💞🍾🥂🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
❤no matter it’s their life leave them alone I love those two I enjoy watching them why are people so noisy Tend to your own business leave others alone If they are together or not I support them
5:52 Inacreditável ó tempo que este povo tem ,eles não fariam isso ,para o bem dde suas próprias carreiras
If they live together, that's their business ! Jesus, leave those two young men alone ! Mind your business! We love them anyway! Whatever they're to each other ,good for them ! I love their work ,music, and everything else! Love to both !❤❤
Regardless, their private life is their business. Let them live as they desire. I don't need to know their private life because they need to live. I will always support them or separately.❤❤❤EP, TX USA
Счастья им на долгие годы! 🥰🤗💞
Let them be. They have good relationship together as good friends. Respect them please and let them be together.
@@jacarandalilac6396 ❤️❤️❤️🤩
; никак не оставят в покое. Какая разница живут, они не живут? Не лезьте туда, куда вас не просят.❤❤❤❤❤
Я тоже такого мнения, что за мания лезть к людям в постель. Что за время такое паскудное, сколько больных на голову .
И поэтому вы не поленились посмотреть видео? 😉
We both love them "Yizhan" no matter what we will always support them as a real fans. Let's pray that they will be safe always
Сможет ли когда-нибудь кто-то создать такой же шедевр как Неукротимый? И сможет ли кто-то превзойти такую экранную пару как Ван Ибо и Сяо Чжан? Уже свыше 5 лет они бьют рекорды по популярности и не оставляют в покое умы и фантазии фанатов и противников. Это уже о многом говорит . Мне нравятся они оба, не могу противопоставлять их и выбирать более талантливого или еще как... просто тихо наслаждаюсь моментвми, когда вижу их новые работы или просматриваю старые записи. Наверно, та магическая аура этой пары,возникшей на сьемках Неукротимого, с каждым годом только усиливается и поглощает все большее пространство и всех зрителей,хоть раз увидевших или услышавших о них. Пусть их красота не увядает , как же остановить это время и запечатлеть эту пару такими неповторимыми?
Excelente o que você falou sobre WiboZhan. Não sou da Ásia e amo a arte e a música que eles nos apresentam! São excelentes artistas! Não canso de ouvir suas músicas! ♥️♥️♥️♥️😆
Если они живут вместе или нет я хочу сказать им счастья успехов всего-всего наилучшего не нужно копаться в ихним билье они сами разбираются 😊😊😊
ихним билье = их белье
Leave them alone. Dont interfere, they have the right to leave their life. Wish them all the best.❤❤❤🎉
Son una pareja hermosa❤💚 respeto y cuidado se merecen y un país que los deje vivir en libertad
Zhan and Wang All the best ❤
Пусть будут счастливы вместе❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I'm over the moon if these two are really have their lives together in one.I wish for their long life happiness and peace.avid fan from the Philippines ❤I love them both ❤
Les deseo una vida de felicidad juntos como pareja. No hay nada más hermoso que el amor. Felicidades,
Si están juntos o no como sea los apollo y los amoo son mis niños lindos muchas bendiciones para uds 🙏💚❤😘🌹
อยู่ด้วยกันเห็นด้วยมากๆ แตอย่าเอาลี่อิงคนสวย คนเก่งไปเกี่ยวข้องด้วยนะ เธอเป็นแม่คนแล้วและเป็นผู้หญิ่งเต็มตัวและมีเสน่ห์มากด้วยอย่ายุ่งกับเธอนะ และขอให้สองคนนั้นรักกันจนแก่เฒ่านะถือไม้ทองกกระปองเพรชไปด้วยกันนะ
I saw many moons ago actual unedited footage where Zhan told someone he and Yibo had been together for over a year, Yibo had to tell him that a camera was filming and they laughed but were shocked too. After all the dreadful people trying to cancel Zhan I don't acutally know of any proof of what their relationshipis these days. What I do know is they really were together and in love so I hope they have managed to weather the storm and stay together through it all and are still happy together or apart. Yizhan forever x
Én is láttam a videót valamit nem jól értettél nem ezt mondták.
@Krisztina-o2p I know it's not this video but some here are still denying they were ever together at all.
Foi isso mesmo a amiga deles deu oi, pra eles aí ela perguntou quanto tempo vocês estão juntos, o Xiao Zhan disse a mais de um ano, o yibo falou olha a câmara está filmando e eles 😅😅 colocando a mão na boca, eu já assisti esse vídeo várias vezes para ter certeza do que ele falou e isso mesmo 👍❤️💚 eles estão juntos e feliz yizhan é real 👍
@Krisztina-o2pé verdade ele disse mesmo apouco mais de um ano, estamos juntos, assisti esse vídeo várias vezes para ter certeza do que ele falou eles estão juntos yizhan é amor verdadeiro ✌️❤️💚
Unedited images? And... subtitles? It's incredible how many stupid people trust any video they see on the internet. Being objective, they would never allow their private life to be exposed in such a clumsy way. On many occasions, the anonymous people who create these videos cut and paste so that the sentences out of context can have another meaning, that is, they induce the viewer to see something that does not exist. What is a fact is that during the preparation, rehearsals and the long filming of the series, they were together for a long time, not only them but the entire huge team, it is easy to strengthen friendships in that work environment. But the supposed romantic relationship between them has its origin in the characters they played, if the series were not an adaptation of a BL novel, nobody would be talking about a supposed romance between Zhan and Yibo today. And this channel feeds off of stupid users who continue to give credit to the nonsense they spread, which is also lies. Reporting this channel is the smartest thing you can do.
I don't know whether you are really Korean youtuber and don't realize the Chinese entertainment industry or not. I wish you would accurately check the fact that Xiao Zhan and the other actor you mentioned are only ex-colleagues and they do not have any interactions these years. This is proved by many famous reporters who closely monitor XZ in these years. Many pictures/photos of them (the two actors) are maliciously edited (photoshopped). Please not to mislead your audience.
ถ้าเขา2คนรักกัน เราควรสนันสนุน
Я все-таки думаю, что пара - это не те, кто живет под одной крышей, пара - это те, что живут друг для друга, когда каждый из двоих для другого тот, ради кого хочется жить...
Nice 👋
Sem lógica suas palavras, basicamente a mesma coisa 👨❤️👨🙏
So they live together ! It’s their lives and they can do what ever they like ! So people keep out of their private lives. They are not babies
People shouldn't be getting in their business because they have a good bond together ❤️ and we fans love's them both you two don't let anyone come between the beautiful bond you have together 💖💖
Leave them alone. They deserve a personal life. STOP analyzing every moment. Every post like this is so stupid. Leave them the hell alone!
If they live together I’m very happy for them them they protect each other that’s life goes on. ❤❤❤
Amo de paixão ZHAN ZHAN e YIBO meus lindos queridos... desejo toda felicidade, paz, saúde, amor, sucesso e tantas outras coisas maravilhosas para vocês 😘❤🥰💞🍾🥂🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
I feel the same 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
Porqué la sociedad tan perversa no deja vivir tranquilos y en paz a estas dos personas? Son actores, cantantes, bailarines excelentes.
La vida privada de ellos ES PRIVADA. PRIIIVVVVAAADDAAA.
Avons-nous vraiment besoin des preuves? Preuves de quoi? C’est leur vie et alors? Tout ça manque de respect envers leur vie privée . Qu’ils soient ensemble ou pas ça leur regarde.
People need to worry only about what happens in their own bedroom and stop worrying about what others do in their bedrooms.
I hope Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are happy, no matter what the truth is.
As long as both men choose to live and work in China, they can never be honest about being more than friends with one another. While homosexuality is no longer a crime in China, marriage and adoption is not legal. Laws do not protect homosexuals from discrimination or hate crimes. Ziao Xian and Wang Yibo face a strong possibility of losing their careers and their lifestyle if they were to be open about a physical relationship with one another. It is not wise to stand up against the Chinese Communist Party.
Ну живут вместе и пусть живут вам то какое дело
Так видео не об этом (кто где живет).
Это попытка осветить реальность --- много версий, много слежки, и много любви к ним из-за колоссального успеха Неукротимого. Вот и все.
Видео не смакует. А грустно подводит итог реальности.
Zhan yibo ❤mis muchachos guapoooos su vida privada es suya ❤ de quién se enamoren. Es su decisión ❤❤❤ para mí son actores artistas cantantes y yibo eres un exelente bailarín ❤los dos son espectaculares x siempre en mi corazón Dios los bendiga ❤ saludos desde argentina
ดีใจที่สุดถ้าพี่น้องคู่นี้อยู่ดูแลกันขอให้เป็นจริงอนาคตของพวกเค้าจะได้ไม่มีคุณชนีมาข้องแวะให้เสียหาย Love yizhan.forever together🦁🐰💚❤️
Bonjour tout le monde laissez les tranquille c est leurs vie cela ne nous regarde pas.
Il y a beaucoup de mensonges pour gagner de l'argent sur leurs dos😢
The reason their fans & media people are always eagerly chasing XZ & WYB is because they want to see more of them in public after they gained so much popularity after The Untamed. The result of the “ban” or “ prohibition” on them by their managing agencies after the 227 incident led to massive uproar from their fans to allow them to appear together in social functions. In addition to this is the cultural restrictions of society on same sex relationship. Whether they are a couple or not is one big question that we will never truly know, until they admit or confirm it themselves… but which they will never do. Let them be . If they are living together & are happy, l will be happy for them. We do not own them. We all admire them for their exceptional talents & dedication🎉. Let us be happy for them & wish them more success in their flourishing career. To the fans, a big cheer! And no fighting please.🥰👍👏❤️💚
Yizhan semoga bahagia sll ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
how in the name of God is the personal relationship of these two men anyone's business??? Please people...get a life!
Você não precisa pedi que tenhamos vida, Porfavor, apenas queremos vê-los felizes caminhando juntos. Aqui todas nós, torcemos por eles dois. Mas por amor ao casal👨❤️👨 . Ninguém quer interferir em suas vidas, ao contrário. *Ninguém merece ser tratadas como vilâns ou como uma fã disse, nos chamou de debimental. Fiquei chula da vida🤬 pessoal pega pesado conosco 🤬😤😡 nós amamos muito esses ídolos chineses.
Канал сплетен....🤮 собственное желание фанатов обладать кумиром связало воедино двух парней,(ну как же выбрать одного из двух!)да ещё и сюжет дорамы такой интригующий!!!и понеслась!!разве не нормально когда дружат два парня,что в жизни так не бывает??!!или нормой стало думать о двух идущих рядом что они пара?!если всплывают такие мысли,то это от неудовлетворительного желания искателей приключения на свою пятую точку ...😂
Não importa o que aconteça o destino uniu os dois pra sempre
Sehat selalu anak anakku yang tampan ❤❤semoga di tahun baru ini kalian berdua makin sukses 🤲🤲🤲
Por favor déjenlos tranquilos es su vida privada.Esta bien que son personas famosas pero ellos son seres humanos como nosotros y merecen ser felices. Yo los amo por ser excelentes actores y cantantes. Y los apoyo en querer vivir juntos. Sean felices los amo y apoyo. Desde Argentina ❤❤
I would watch anything with these 2🎉🎉🎉 ANYTHING 😜😜😜😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
a most objective videomaterial. it presented various points of view. that's the way it should be instead of hyposcritical "we don't care".
they do care since they bothered to watch the video.
Iya tinggal serumah XiaoZhan tidur dikamar utama sebagai king c-ent🏆👑❤ sedangkan yibo dikamar pembantu...sebaga tukang cuci. pakaianx...makax waktu pesta weibo tdk duduk ditempax krn statusx sebagai pembantux😄😄
I support them love yizhan ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Awhile back when The Untamed was truly everywhere on youtube, there was a clip of XZ complaing to WYB about having a head cold from WYB having the air condition on at night. WYB response was put some clothes to sleep. I only saw it twice and have never seen it again.
Only support them
Estos youtubers con videos idiotas la IA de UA-cam los deja pasar mientras se ocupan de censurar información veraz de otras personas??? Encima se meten en la vida privada de los artistas! De todos, no solo de ellos dos!!! Sean quienes sean deberían multarlos!!!!!!!!!
Haz clic en "denunciar", es la única forma de terminar con este tipo de contenido basura.
Porqué no dejan de joder con la vida de ambos y se ocupan un poco de la propia. Tal vez porque vuestra vida es tan vacía que espiando esas vidas se realicen😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Eu simplesmente os adoro 😍 são lindos e juntos melhor ainda! Nunca vi tanta química e olhares como os dos dois, sorrisos e olhares cheios de alegria e paixão, isso provoca em mim, muita alegria🤩 O que muitos sentem é inveja( sentimento medieval) por eles e mais ainda na possibilidade de estarem juntos! Gostaria muito,que mais filmes onde eles atuam, viessem para o Brasil. Que sejam muito felizes, saudáveis e prósperos 🙏
Von diesen idiotischen Spekulationen kann man nicht leben. Ob sie eine romantische Beziehung führen oder nicht, ist ihre Privatsache und muss nicht die Sorge der Fans sein. Sie sind beide großartig, großartig in ihrem Job, gut aussehend ... Aufgrund Ihrer Vermutungen kann ich mir kein romantisches Drama ansehen, in dem Xiao Zhan mit einer weiblichen Figur spielt
샤오잔 왕이보 멋있다 잘생겼어 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Un couple formidable, deux grans acteurs. Si c est vrai alors félicitation ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
please mind your own business and leave these persons alone
the chinese are crazy !
I saw that!
Que tal um pouco de respeito com esses atores, qual a importância para os fãs se eles estão juntos ou não, devemos gostar, admirar e torcer para que eles sejam felizes e tenham sucesso na carreira que eles escolheram, não ficar achando ou deduzindo coisas só por imagens e opiniões. BR-SP
Concordo com você Marina Oliveira
Ninguém tem que se meter na vida das pessoas.
Muitos não tem respeito por si mesmo imagine pelos outros.
Desejo sim , felicidades para Xiao Zhan e Wang Yibo
Nós nos amamos e vamos ficar juntos para sempre yizhan 💚❤️
В такой тяжёлой стране очень важно иметьплечо на которое можно опереться, такая депресуха у молодых людей что не выдерживают и вперёд на кладбище,не будет детей да ибог с ними, ну ооооочень тяжёлая страна,
can't they be roommates, why is this big news, friends living together there is no problem, I used to live with a few roommates too, pretty normal when the rent is really high, you need to split the bills, and even if there was something else, none of our business, they are people just like anyone else
Para de tampar o sol com a peneira, aceita que eles se amam e deixe eles viver em paz,o que ah de errado eles se amar, eles são perfeitos juntos yizhan 💚❤️
@@amparorocha6233 Não há nada de errado nisso se fosse verdade, mas não é verdade. Você é tão estúpido que nega a realidade acusando os outros com desculpas homofóbicas quando esse NÃO é o caso. Aqui, ninguém está discutindo a liberdade de amar, mas sim as mentiras que servem apenas para fazer UA-camrs anônimos ganharem dinheiro enganando as pessoas.
Guys please it is their business
You bloody fool, stop this nonsence. They are not together, they are just friends, good friends. 😡
I believe it when I see it anyway Xiao Zhan supposed to get married next year 2026. Let see who’s the lucky one
Buna serios
Si ce daca ar fi si care e treaba pe cine deranjeaza .O dar cear fi sa spun ca eu sant cea care ia vazut si careba fost an pat langa cei doi ce ar fi oare ce e o barfa tot ,barfa ramane si chiar une e proba iau vazut sarutanfuse facand dragoste find an pat unul langa celalalt tinanduse denmana si altel .Doar de la o barfa nefondata si minciuni care ju au ce castiga e cam urat ceia ce aud dar serios .Si eu pot spune ca da am fost an pat langa cei doi .Dar e careva sa ma creada .Eu nu prea cred Caci cum am ajuns an patul lor daca sant an. ROMANIA NUI CUNOSC DECAT DIN FOLME SI CANTECRLE CELIR DOU .TOT ASA E SA FIE VIOLATE VIATA LOR PRIVATA CU BARFE NEFONDATE SI SA FORMEZE UN CUPLU DOAR DE DTAGUL FANILOR AL UNUIA SI ALTIIA DE CE PENTRI CE .SPECULATI BARFE RAUTATE SI VHESTI NEFONDATE CUI SERVESC ASTFEL DE CHESTI URATE SERIOS FIECARE ARE DREPTUL LA INTIMITATE SI LA O VIATA PERSONALA DAR DE CE SE ANCALCA TOATE ACESTE CHESTI .DE CE .BAY BAY,LoLo.🥰😘🫣🤔🫢🫠😉😎🤭💕💞🤫🤗😚❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥💖💖💖🫰🫰🫰☺️💋💋💋
Verdadeiros envolvidos em suas vidas privadas🤫😏🤐🙈🙉🙊 não vejo, não escuto, não falo🙏👬⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳⏳🫂🌈🧘🥂
I agree, let's give them some privacy. I don't need to know. Sincerely it's their private life. Let's just support and continue to simply : ❤❤ them. EP, TX USA
Eu também não importa a vida é deles o que eles fazem não minterrsa sejam juntos ou não eu só quero acreditar que eles são devoto um casal para que aspesoas para de falar oque não deve umas fala bem outras fala mau séria bom si eles tirassem esta dúvida que eles você feliz e terminasse com este comentário malicioso tou torcendo por eles sejam felizes meus lindos
Sowhat if they are kiving together why cannot live in the same roof if they are the same men oh ny goodness pls clean your mind and the way you are rhinking leave them mind your own business let them live peacefullly and dont interferferev with thier private life pls thank you
You are saying his name wrong!!!! It is pronounced Sow Zaan. Not Sio Zan!! Ugh!!!!
ahhh que rico , chevere
Os meus amores não tem satisfação pra dar nenhum de vocês deixe a vida deles em paz
Вот из за таких везде сующих нос фанатов и разжигаются скандалы, и они уже даже близко друг к другу стоять не могут, а сколько бы фильмов могли вместе сыграть и нас порадовать
Why must it ALWAYS be GAY ???? in my opinion (if it's true) there are two people who fall for each other. Nothing more nothing less. Two people who (maybe) fell for one another personalities. THAT'S IT !!!!! It's love not gay.
@@rebekkakrause7666Eu sou apaixonada, amo uma outra mulher e logicamente sou gay. Onde está a diferença? Se eu fosse DD e GG daria o fora desse País, fugiria para um Oasis com meu bofe, pra ser todo dia, seria como Lan de Gusu. Tá demorando muito esse casamento, tô quase desistindo de esperar 🤬
@@claudiarosa4834 What I mean is that (in general) the sexual orientation has nothing to with the person you love. you love the person because of they are who they are and not it's male or female. Of course you will feel attracted to women (it's your sexual orientation). And it's said that XZ had a girlfriend when he studied. I'm sorry, but these two treasures can't run away so easily because they live where they live (and they love their families ... I won't say nothing more to this matter). Don't give up it's only 1 year left to wait. Hang on the candies that were spread here and there 🙂
@@claudiarosa4834 Oh my dear of course there is a difference 😉When you love a person you love them because the are who they are and not because it's male or female. Sure you will be attracted to other women (that's your orientation). If you finally meet the one and only and it's a male and you can't do nothing about it then it has nothing to do with your orientation because it's pure love. It's said that XZ had a girlfriend back then when he studied. (and in my opinion I think it's true) I'm sorry but the treasures can't run away so easily because the live where they live (and both do love their families). There is only 1 year left to wait 🤗 ... so enjoy the candies that are sprinkeld here and there. 🍬
Stop this nonsense
Жалко ребят, у них могли быть красивые детки.
E o que os impede? Ricky Martin é gay assumido e é pai de 4 filhos
Usando barriga de aluguel 🤷♀️
Amo de paixão ZHAN ZHAN e YIBO meus lindos queridos... desejo toda felicidade, paz, saúde, amor, sucesso e tantas outras coisas maravilhosas para vocês 😘❤🥰💞🍾🥂🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷