Elite Dangerous - MISSILES OR TORPEDOES? - Which one is better?

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
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  • @antwan1357
    @antwan1357 5 років тому +22

    Remember kids don't do drugs and you can save credits at the Lembava system or any system controlled by Li Yong-Rui. Save credits , play better , Li Yong-Rui .

  • @kevlarburrito6693
    @kevlarburrito6693 4 роки тому +12

    I don't know why people called them "dumb missiles"...they're rockets people....rockets...the difference, when it comes to weaponry, is that a missile has on board guidance.

    • @makishae9811
      @makishae9811 4 роки тому +7

      Seeker missiles and dumb missiles are both terms used in-game.
      Seeker ones lock on, dumb ones do not.

    • @jeffcapes
      @jeffcapes 3 роки тому +1

      A missile is basically any sort of projectile, you can throw rocks at someone and call those missiles

    • @BlackKnight288
      @BlackKnight288 3 роки тому

      I think it's because with these missiles, it knows where it is, but doesn't know where it is, and therefore cannot find its deviation, or error

  • @kevlarburrito6693
    @kevlarburrito6693 4 роки тому +12

    8:42 Well..I mean one counter to this would be that you're arguing from 1 Torp vs 1 Seeker. Yeah..obviously one is going to hit harder than a single missile. But, I would argue that if the torpedo did NOT hit, you're out a pylon. If ALL of your seeker missiles hit you did just as if not more damage than the single torpedo. So...there's a logical trade off to that.

  • @ThatBassMann
    @ThatBassMann 6 років тому +18

    Full torpedo builds aren’t completely useless. In situations where you’re fighting multiple enemies, yeah it’s not going to work. However, they can be very effective at assassinations. I have one build for my T10 which uses 7 medium torpedo pylons. 4 are engineered with Reverberating Cascade, and 3 with Penetrator Payload. The cascade torps destroy shield generators, and the pen. torps destroy the power plant once they’re through. If the target isn’t killed, I can fly my fighter to finish off the power plant. With luck, I can take out a target in 1 volley (delaying the pen. torps), leaving me with enough to kill a second target. It’s an expensive reload, and only really works for 1 kill (though it’s actually not completely useless in conflict zones), but it’s by far the quickest way to kill any single target

    • @davidkennedy6208
      @davidkennedy6208 6 років тому +3

      ThatBassMann that is a great build, I might have to give that a go. I've got a hugely underrated Type 10 too, so any builds are great to hear. So far I've tried all Over Charge Multis (great but went through ammo too quick) all Long Range Burst (great for killing at range and no ammo needed) and have settled on mainly Burst with a few Multi (1 with Corrosuve) I love the Type 10, I've got Reactive and HRPs n MRPs and you can park up in a CZ the 8 Biweave (thermal +boosters HD n Resistance) lasts fairly long but doesn't matter when it goes down cause the 10 is such a tank!!! o7!!!

    • @ThatBassMann
      @ThatBassMann 6 років тому +1

      Yeah I adore the ship. By some measures it can have the highest damage output of any ship, with Bi-Weaves it's such a ridiculously good tank as well. Constantly have fighters out, and it feels stupidly powerful. My main build for normal combat in it is 2 C3 Gimballed Bursts w/ Scramble Spectrum, 3 C2 Turreted Beams w/ Thermal Vent for cooling, 2 C3 Gimballed short-ranged multis with Autoloader (these melt through hulls before the magazine's empty, so I never have to reload), a C1 Turreted multi with Corrosive to make everything else do more damage and a C1 railgun w/ Feedback Cascade to neutralise SCBs. Basically just point and fire, and everything dies immediately!

    • @davidkennedy6208
      @davidkennedy6208 6 років тому +1

      ThatBassMann I still haven't even tried Fighters yet, I'm too tight to pay the pilots haha!!! What I need to sort is to work out FA off, as I've heard that sorts the 10s turning problems. I've found that putting it in reverse helps tighten the loops, that and boost turns. But yeah I love the 10 too, it's the only huge ship that really feels huge and it should be called 'The big 4' not just the big 3 o7 Commander!!!

    • @ThatBassMann
      @ThatBassMann 6 років тому +1

      FA off really makes the T10 for me. I fly it very differently to other ships, mostly because I've learned to fly it in Thargoid combat (and all my other ships are built for speed and agility). I basically throw myself at my enemy, toggle between FA On/Off as I need to drift past in the right way to pepper my opponent, quite a common move I make is boosting directly at the enemy, FA off, use lateral thrusters to dip under them while pitching up to maintain fire while I fall behind them. And with the turn rates of the T10 you can do it the same in whatever direction you need to at the time. Without it you tend to lose a bit of time on target, so you deal a lot less damage. Haha yeah the pilot bills aren't so fun, my main issue is I'm grinding my way from Deadly to Elite and my pilot sucks up half of the rank gain!! But it's great to get out of the big ship and into a Taipan when I'm getting bored mid conflict zone. o7

  • @whotookfuqdog
    @whotookfuqdog 6 років тому +6

    I'd like to see torpedoes buffed. Considering their inherent limitations (low ammo, can not synthesis more) , they should be a great defensive option against large aggressors

  • @alaskanbas6507
    @alaskanbas6507 6 років тому +14

    I found missiles to be very useful at making the enemy's weapons malfunction.

    • @tracysmith4735
      @tracysmith4735 3 роки тому

      I found radio magnets get ya stuck...autonomy...n s pole...or just lighting tesla..ul stop ur stuck ass...atrracted....lol

    • @tracysmith4735
      @tracysmith4735 3 роки тому


  • @TheScoutnation
    @TheScoutnation 4 роки тому +8

    Why can't we just get a small torpedo bay modual, so we can reload them ffs

  • @kubel83
    @kubel83 6 років тому +5

    I think torpedoes should get more love. Right now they do no more dmg than a Chinese firecracker... Also I find it ridiculous that we can’t rearm them again like all the other weapons... Okay okay if people feel they are so OP then let’s say put a timer or that you can only rearm when out of combat... Right now I think Torpedoes are a joke.

  • @CancerArpegius
    @CancerArpegius Рік тому +1

    I'm the opposite of you. Most of my preferred weapons are class 1 or 2(eg, salvation shard, salvation plasma, flechette, etc), so I like using class 3 slots for torps.

  • @alluma5133
    @alluma5133 5 років тому +6

    Torpedo “builds” are actually a thing. They’re commonly referred to as “torpedo boats” and are one of many ships in a “fleet”. This is typically a full wing of commanders, specialising in going after player pirates, an opposing faction or just NPCs at conflict zones. The torpedo boat fills up on engineered reverb cascade torpedos and takes out the shields of a certain enemy ship before the rest of the fleet opens fire, all acquiring the same target to increase DPS done and prevent escape. The torpedo boat typically functions as a “stealth build”, using a cool running ship alongside heat syncs to cool the ship down. This prevents targeting. Reverb cascade torpedoes are engineered and cause direct damage to the opponents shield generator. It typically takes 2-3 torpedoes to take down the shields of a small ship, 4-5 for a medium 6-8 for a large vessel.

  • @MrTimjm009
    @MrTimjm009 3 роки тому +1

    Its a shame you cant use materials to make more torpedoes. Only Multi cannon ammo and missles/ rockets

  • @alezandercorben4122
    @alezandercorben4122 Рік тому

    trying to figure out if torp or s missiles are better for taking out chaff modules

  • @malkavian2
    @malkavian2 6 років тому +8

    I wish corvettes could install torpedo bays allowing you to carry additional torpedoes and reload your hardpoints

    • @kubel83
      @kubel83 6 років тому +3

      malkavian2 we already have the ability to create more ammo for all weapons except torpedoes. I think torpedoes should have that ability too. But then people would cry... But let’s say it takes 5 min to reload or only works when out of combat... In my book a torpedo should be dangerous, but they do no more dmg than a firecracker. Plus they are so easy to avoid, so many times you get zero hit.

    • @malkavian2
      @malkavian2 6 років тому +1

      kubel83 true as a rule they are only useful against NPC’s
      But I love the idea of hiring NPC’s and installing a torpedo bay and getting the call a minute or so after firing the first salvo that they are ready to fire!
      Maybe if they introduced different types of torpedo like armoured hull breachers that break through armour and are harder for point to defence or high speed thermal torpedoes that don’t do much damage but release a thermite spray that continues to heat up the enemy ship or damage their shields till it wears off

    • @jasonboughen9542
      @jasonboughen9542 6 років тому

      malkavian2 they have reverberating cascade effect for damaging shields, and penetrator for damaging modules by punching through the armour.

  • @shadowdeslaar
    @shadowdeslaar 5 років тому +1

    Why isn’t there fucking large torpedoes
    Or anti vessel torpedoes
    Ya know
    Worth the money

  • @tracysmith4735
    @tracysmith4735 3 роки тому +1


  • @DaBurntToaster
    @DaBurntToaster 2 роки тому

    well a missile is obviously better since you cant fire a torpedo (literally defined as an underwater MISSILE) in space

  • @ParasiteQueen1
    @ParasiteQueen1 3 роки тому

    I'm thinking you can you a torpedo to take out a targeted Drive Core or weapons module. Two missiles can damage a drive core pretty badly, I could only imagine what a torpedo can do.

  • @malkavian2
    @malkavian2 6 років тому

    For me the missile racks on can cobra mk3’s are good if you are a freelance trader that just wants a bit more bite in case of pirates

  • @lduijm7274
    @lduijm7274 6 років тому

    Lol thx man for the video. Was verry helpfull and also funny watching. Best regards.

  • @Dasnubninja
    @Dasnubninja 4 роки тому

    Okay but the point of missiles and torpedoes are to destroy modules. You trade hull damage to do greater damage to surface modules, like hardpoints, with missiles and internal modules, like shield generators and powerplants, with torpedoes.

  • @domingos8214
    @domingos8214 3 роки тому +1

    on my opinion,either they should add either more ammo (let's say you have a medium torpedo,so a 2 clip with 6 on reserve ammo),or make it so it ignores shields,amor and can 2 shot anything that it hits

  • @jackofallgods7764
    @jackofallgods7764 6 років тому +1

    torps only became useful after engineering and even then still useless outside pve. Missiles are a little more viable. Watch yamaks video on the most useless item in elite and its about torps and shows how weak torps really are compared to everything else. 1 unengineered torpedo does the same damage as 2 and a half missiles if i remember correctly. So they are useless even compared to missiles if you take the ammo count in mind

    • @tjh6558
      @tjh6558 5 років тому +2

      well i dont know about previous versions of the game. i didnt use them when i first started and i stopped playing for about a year. but currently per shot damage, torps are the best with ridiculous amounts of damage and penetration. their drawbacks are obviously still amount of ammo you can carry into a fight as well as cost. but if you play with a group and are engaged in big fight, torpedo bombers are extremely effective.

    • @PathofBlissTTV
      @PathofBlissTTV 3 роки тому

      I agree , it basically comes down to DPS

  • @djpaynesr
    @djpaynesr 6 років тому +5

    Can the intro be ANY longer?

    • @jackofallgods7764
      @jackofallgods7764 6 років тому +3

      yeah it could. If he has an intro this long for such small subscriber amount imagine if he actually had a shit ton of subscribers. His intro would easily be three times the length

  • @leyzo5091
    @leyzo5091 6 років тому

    I like the concept of your video and your testing was well done ;D
    Good video :)