That’s what scares me the most about the combination of the general public’s lack of critical thinking skills, short attention spans, and generative AI. People will literally believe whatever they see, and it’s going to have real world consequences. Hell, it already has so many.
@@mentat1341not money but greed. Even if we had barter economy greedy a*holes would still find a way to acumulate whealth and/or power. Look at shit shows in history and root cause always goes back to greed (when its not natural disaster). It can be dresed up as varius reasons, excuses, delusions but it always goes back to "more than I have now".
To be fair, that is often misinterpreted. Money isn't really the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Greed. And you've got to admit, some positively nasty things have been one in the name of greed. By the church as well, as you mentioned. Irony. @@mentat1341
Currency is failuer cause it's allow us to make someone billionare remeber Amazon started as a shipping company Courrnecy is useless just make your own products😂😂@@sagekay9121
That clearly matches the becoming obvious behavior of Joe Biden and friends!! Thinking that it's over as he leaves office would be a rather nieve assumption as well! His time of involvement is a fraction of the early stages! He is just one of several puppets in the beginning. Now hearing this guy explain the theory almost a year ago is rather disturbing in light of how events have unfolded since then!
Yep here 2 wks after the election and it is far scarier now. But this at least is also making me feel a little bit better in some ways. Helping me step back from it a little anyway.
I went through a doomer phase coming out of high school in 2008 and as a result earned a bachelors degree in emergency management because I feared for what the future would be like. Now I'm actually a lot more comfortable with where the world is going, despite the intensity of the last decade and change. The most important thing I recommend to people with anxieties over the future is to look locally at what you have at your disposal. Find ways you can feed yourself and things you can do to help others within the smallest radius possible and use that as your weighted blanket. The world's massive and the internet makes it feel like it's all at your doorstep and here's every tragedy everywhere happening all at once for you to watch. What is going to matter if anything actually does go critically wrong is what is literally at your doorstep so getting familiar with that is the best way to prepare and ground yourself.
A lot of people here in the comments saying "we just need to take care of each other and help those who need it" Totally agree! Problem is: the current system does the opposite, rewarding the most ruthless and selfish of us.
Working within your community is a great way to work outside the system to help those in need. I just got started on this at my college and seeing how your actions can help people really helps in dealing with some of the existential dread
Indeed, people are groomed into valuing reaching wealth and accumulating possessions yet not necessarily reaching blitheness, instead of reaching balance and contentment even with very little in social status or worldly goods. I live frugally in a healthy mind & fit body and have met many desolate wealthy folks (who may even secretly be envying my solace).
My theory is the most simple: the world is ruled by psychopaths and they get bored easily. They have everything they need and plenty of time to "play" sick games.
@@cleft_3000 yes, it is naive, and reductive. Reducing complexities of geopolitics, economy and social systems to good, evil, greed, etc. takes people away from realizing that what is going on is a part of a plan that has been decades in the making. It takes your attention away from where to start undoing that plan. Reducing politics to evil and greed further reinforces the idea that evil and greed are inevitable and we should just give up, or makes you blind to the fact that this isn't some singular, insane madman who is pulling the strings for his own sick satisfaction (you yourself even used the word psychopath - go figure) but an entire system. I do understand the appeal of simple concepts, but I will call things what they are. If you truly think politics are about who's greedy and who's got enough integrity to stop the greedy and if we could just make the bad psychopaths go away everything would be fine, you are not paying attention. Politics are about who owns and who doesn't. We are now witnessing a seizure of power comparable to Weimar Germany and you are here calling people "psychopaths" lol.
This video just auto played for me and it wasn't till the very end that I realized it's 11 months old. It feels like it was made in the last few days. Devastating
Well the main accelerationist i can think of is the US goverment. Always promoting problems around the world, democrat or republican it´s the same thing.
@@annenelson5656 HG Wells's _The Open Conspiracy_ gives the reasoning and rationale for changing the world and need for a new religion and unifying world government and to change the habits and desires of humans. He and trillionaire j d r had many common and deep relations
I read a quote somewhere I can't remember. That discribed the period between WW1 and WW2 as "not the sound of peace but the sound of reloading" iv always liked that quote.
Assuming that billionaires are practicing accelerationism because they want a better world on the other side of the collapse is giving them way, way too much credit.
I don't think Joe was giving them credit at all. The way I read his take is the billionaires "think" they're on the right side of history (they're not, most of them). Billionaires are just greed-heads who think they know better than the average guy 'cuz they have all the resources they need & acquiring more isn't hard for them. They've never experienced hardship, or having to scratch for the basics, so they don't understand how the poor build networks to support each other. Billionaires build networks to exploit everyone else, the poor build networks for mutual support.
They're already super rich, have every worldly good, and control everything. What else is there that they want that's better? Besides absolute control and total domination of the commoners.
@@DrachenGothik666 This. The whole point of the video is that, primarily, this stance by billionaires is driven by their sense of superiority of intellect and grasp of how the world operates... which is patently false. So in their hubris, not only do they draw the wrong conclusions, they also generally perceive themselves as some incredible masterminds who will usher a new age, and which they are largely incapable of conceding they would mostly push for because it feeds their wants. It's a kind of double-faced assumed benevolence, in that they firmly believe what they would be doing would be the right thing, and yet not because it is inherently moral, or their duty, but because they are convinced would be most advantageous. More of a strategy than charity, if you will.
My boyfriend is a ww1 historian and he 💯 agrees with you about how consequential ww1 was on the world. It change so much and we are still dealing with repercussions from it.
@@CapeBuffalo WW2 yes, the collapse of colonialism...but simply to be replaced by multicultural investment The outcome of WW1 was maybe that the advance in the military industrial capacity had exceeded the capacity of manpower... That is why modern military capabilities are about drones and robots The loss of life necessary to prosecute war is unacceptable in modern society... Unless of course they are *collateral damage* In which case the world turns a blind eye
I saw something a while back, a documentary on both WW1 and WW2 iirc, that basically said that WW2 was really just WW1 part 2, and it really made so much sense to me.
Yes. My uncle is an Australian WW1 historian your boyfriend will have heard of (he's more into anthropology now), and he agrees. The "1917" generation is seen by some evangelists/pentecostals as the generation marked in the Biblical prophecy as the last one before Christ's alleged return, because one of the results of WW1 was the start of the re-establishment of Israel as a Jewish homeland, tying into the "British Israel" theorem with the USA as the younger sibling (a theory that while, in and of itself is not white supremacist, has been hijacked into N@zi circles and has therefore become horribly racist). This process wasn't finished until WW2, of course, but it shows where the thinking lies--to a RW evangelist (the type that just helped Drumpf get re-elected and outlined Project 2025) are all for acceleration because they think it will hasten The Return. WW1 helped establish that. That's why you cannot reason with such individuals. They genuinely think "it's okay if the world is destroyed. It will become paradise; God will fix it." You cannot, the saying goes, dissuade a person who thinks they're doing wrong for righteousness' sake. As someone who left such a movement in the 1990s, it is insidious and it is frightening.
Applying the same logic of "Oh my cell phone screen is cracked, let's toss the entire thing and get a new one" to societal collapse and rebuilding from scratch is scarry. The hard part, is there is no other "off the shelf society" we can move into.
Рік тому+1918
“Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.” -Lucy Parsons
We're seeing that right now in the USA. Elections are rigged, the Corporate media is just propaganda, Elites are pushing more and more censorship. The internet totally disrupted their control over us and they are desperately trying to reassert it. If they aren't successful...the gloves will come off to reveal the Iron Fists that were always underneath.
Yeah perhaps the worst thing about accelerationism is that no matter how right you think your are, it's going to hurt a lot of people and you don't know if your "side" will come out on top in the end.
It seems to me that a lot of the folks who want a civil war figure they might have to fight for a month at most and they'll be home for dinner every night.
There's also a massive amount of hubris and ego involved in Accelerationism - the firm belief that you actually know what's "right" for the rest of the world.
@@bsmithhammerAll sides are guilty of this though. Everyone thinks their side is the good guys. And, I'm sure you're certain you're on the, "right side of history." 😅
@@GearZNet yeah it's important to see (where available) the results of the policies you think are good and see if they're actually good. And if there's no data, cautiously gather it. Progressives tend to do this and conservatives tend to ignore this.
Most destructive acts are performed by scared people who justify it as a lesser evil than one imagined or projected. They are using ends-justifies-the-means rationale, and they actually think it's a character strength to be able to take the "hard" actions that hurt and even kill people for some greater perceived good.
The hypocrisy about it is that it's super convenient to choose to have the "character strength to take the 'hard' actions" when you're one of the 0.0000004% of humanity (yes, I did the math) whose extreme wealth will personally protect them from whatever consequences they inflict upon the planet and everyone else.
Civil wars are started by those who have the most to lose. Rich slave owners in the 1860's. Today, it's old white men who are losing their power and majority.
"The ends justify the means" Is understandable and even honorable if the person saying it is the one paying the price. It becomes twisted and evil when the one saying it is expecting others to be the ones to pay the price...
I'm sure this will get lost in the sea of comments, but I wanted to say this video was weirdly comforting to me. I guess it made me realize yet again how much bigger powers are in play here, and how much is genuinely out of our control. That used to scare me, but the absolvement of responsibility to some level is freeing. I can do what I can do and that's all I need to worry about. Will the big, overarching problems have a great significance on my life? Probably, so I focus my energy where I can. I get informed, I think deeply, I equip myself with the skills (especially the emotional/mental skills) needed to survive, and work to be the best version of myself, knowing I am making some impact on a small level. Most importantly, I trust my gut so that I know when and where to invest my limited energy and resources.
I think that we just have some absurdly wealthy people closing in on death suddenly aware they can’t take all of it with them and they are envious of the younger people so they want to break all the toys before they go. My true disappointment comes from all those willing to assist them.
I’ve noticed that on my own even though also 1/4 of those I know disagree with me and people like you, even kids since childhood disagree with my honest discovery of these horrid truths and even my dad denial of my views of this and on bad terms for a decade now, and why I left my birth family fir good, and I can’t believe Elon musk wasn’t whom I thought he was and no better then trump in a way and maybe might instead have faith in trumps and elons kid’s instead, they could be instruments to their fall, who knows till either of us meets them in person
Accurate. They want the world to fall when they have the resources and power, so they can rule unchecked over the world that's built in the wake of the fall.
And for their children. Because they are so narcissistic that they think that they have to create this world for their children alone. Because they are superior.
They think they will be on the winning side of things but a look back throughout history shows that that’s not going to be the case. It’s just sad that people are afraid to go after them until it snowballs into something massive.
Where are they going to go when the Planet has no more resources and it's on fire everywhere and the coasts of all continents are flooded? What is Planet B???
This is just a rehash of the year-zero (year-zeroism) mindset. Joe didn't even mention Pol Pot - he had a damn good go at trying to reset the year to zero (by killing everyone).
What? A, 'secular rapture'? What on Earth are you talking about? (At any rate, a spiritual 'rapture' is nowhere mentioned in the Judeo-Christian Bible, despite what Hollywood would have everyone believe.) Thus, um, what the hell are you talking about?
it didn't remove their greedy wealthy people and it killed a lot of people who weren't greedy , or wealthy. Be careful what you wish for, revolutions generally produce even worse results than there were in the first place. After the French revolution , the French got Napoleon, the Russians got Stalin, the Chinese got Mao and the Germans got Hitler ( although elected by a minority of the electorate he then took over government from within and it was the equivalent of a revolution ) .
I agree with your final statement. Taking care of each other will carry us through to the best possible life a lot more effectively than destruction, jealousy and greed.
That's never going to happen because humans are in full devolution. Getting more tribal AKA patriots and religious by the minute. The rich and powerful will always bring and emphasize the differences between us because if we wake up and realize we have more in common than what separate us, the powerful men are done. We are way way more than they are and we are, believe or not, way more resourceful, their resources comes from us, if we do not allow them to exploit us, they will be extinct in no time. What Elon musk is doing is so clear, unbelievable that people can't see it. Elon musk is way more dangerous than trump. Once AI be able to replace us in the workforce, we will become just parasites for the rich, we will be here just competing for the natural resources without any use whatsoever for the rich and powerful. This world will be just for the people who the super rich sees any value that is useful for them. We are done as race, because in the end, ai will turn against humans. Why?
Yeah, "accelerating" the downfall in the hopes to get to a good era sooner is the same as cutting your own body open a few days before surgery, in the hope it's already completely healed right as you get out of surgery.
But the people who are doing the accelerating aren't really concerned with getting the collapse over with, they're concerned with getting things moving in the directions they want. They aren't afraid of a collapse, they're eager to control the whole world themselves and the collapse is their opportunity to do it.
@@ZoidbergMustache Could the attitude of expectation be tied to one's cultural definition of future? Personal responsibility? The members of the modern Western first world societies have drastic differences of personal responsibilities. To prepare diligently for one's own senior years is accepted as responsible yet the same socio or geo-political groups often praise waspish or impulsive members. Would this be attributed to jealousy based personal insecurities, extreme personality disorders or fear?
I do believe it was said best by the US thinker ICE-T when he said "THEY CAN'T FUCK WITH US - WHEN WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE - THEY CAN'T SPLIT US UP - AND PROFIT OFF THE DIVIDE".
I love how billionaires want to accelerate to break the system that they keep helping to keep broken. We should try a 'cycle' without them for a change.
If you look at the crisis points, it's always the wealthy egging it on and positioning themselves to profit from the chaos. At the moment it's investments in the prison/industrial complex and water futures.
Its naive. The problem of the current world is definitely lack of empathy and selfishness, but you being kind won't make the people vested with the most power and ability to do things more kind. It needs more than kindness. You need organization of the meek who can force the powerful to do things for the better.
Either huge amounts of money turn you into a monster, or only monsters are only able to do the things necessary to become a billionaire. There is no way to amass that kind of wealth without betraying and exploiting people.
That applies mainly to aristocrats and collectivist "leaders". If you have free capitalism and individual freedoms then you have to do a lot of good to get wealthy as well. That's why todays billionaires wants collectivism and destroyed free markets
@@Tom-fm2fhThe first thing capitalists attempt to do, once they have the capability to do so, is to capture the market. It is the logical and necessary endpoint of laissez-faire capitalism. Thus, if the “free market” has ever truly existed, it never exists for long: either a handful of wealthy people seize and exploit it, or the government creates regulations to prevent (or at least guide) that outcome.
I don't think people understand that wealth is not found in money. Money is nothing. You could survive without money everything you need already exists on this planet. Everything to live is already here and doesn't cost a penny. Just costs energy on your part. Learn how to do what your ancestors did. It teaches you skills you might need during a collapse of a nation.
That's why at the very end of their extravagant lives of wealth and power, profoundly intelligent and wealthy people struggle with the lack of sense of meaning. Just like everyone else.
Same with politicians reaching a status of power wield that is significant enough to make change. They've sold their souls and bought their votes and slept with so many lobbyists that none of their original desire to help/make positive change remains intact
I think this is what is happening now. It scares the crap out of me. I've been reminded of this video a lot & spent a long time searching for this to share it to help others understand. HUGE thanks for this video. I hope you are still here & well.
Joe is right about the limits of this historical pattern, take it far enough into the past and it falls apart, because all social and cultural and technological facts of life are far too different from ours. But there is a problem with extending this into the future, too, and we are experiencing it right here on YT and other social media - *social media itself has fractured the human experience so much that we are no longer experiencing the world as other members of our generation do, even if they live next door!*
I agree 💯, just simple things like everyone tuning in to NBC on Thursday nights and watching, Friends and such. Talking about it with friends and coworkers the next day. Now with all the streaming services I haven’t seen 90% of stuff people are talking about. We’re not even getting the same news in our feeds. Which is why as American I watch the multiple foreign news reports to see what’s really going on in my own country!
It is pseudo science. WW1 was far more important and pervasive than ww2 was. WW2 was only an attempt by the germans to fight ww1 with better terms. WW1 changed the world. WW2, the world was already changed but the changes were given deeper perspective.
If the entire point in accelerationism to an overly wealthy person is that they can be part in shaping the world after the conflict, then their goal is neither ethical nor well-meaning. It is selfish at best. Anyone taking the lives of other people into their own hands without their consent is acting not on behalf, but against the interests of the people they might claim to help. Even if a future conflict is inevitable, we have no way of knowing how that is going to look like, so any harm of a future conflict is purely hypothetical, whereas the harm done in the supposed acceleration process is very real.
Very reasonable and logical. Our species is a one extremely prone to harming one another. Almost like it is built in population control because we are intelligent and adaptive enough to eliminate threats from other predator species. Sorry vegans we are truly omnivores only with modern agricultural science, we can be vegans.
Will they be abe to mow their own lawn, wipe their own bottoms when they get old and infirm, grow food? When things explode, people who have the skills to farm and breed animals will have the upper hand. Alternatives based on technology might not be available because there might not be enough energy to run them. And then, there is air and water...
It drives me insane because if these centibillionaires put their wealth towards solutions, everyone would willingly give them both power and prestige. But they choose to drain it from us instead; actively choosing the hardest route. It seems like the cruelty is the point. Like, if they TRULY were only driven by money, they could have a near global monopoly on renewable energy or countless other endeavors that we desperately need and WANT. How does a capitalist pass up that opportunity? In the end they are nothing more than ego driven animals who will steer the ship directly into an iceberg just so they can say that they were in control.
@@annepoitrineau5650 Kind of amusing to think that the IT skills I've made a point of cultivating would be of less use than my knowledge of kitchen gardening. Something I'm certainly okay with, mind you; still amusing.
I'm past middle aged and it feels to me like we've been in a crisis ever since I could understand the news. It's got worse as news media has become more ubiquitous.
Follow the model of boomer immigrants, take your money and move to a remote countryside location for early retirement. This is literally not our fight and driving the newest EV Benz through a riot will be the next weird flex I don't want to be a part of
I share this experience and realized two things. The real issues are never spoken about, those which are addressed are worsened by purpose - and resources for life such as beauty and abundance are systematically ignored.
It’s because they are viewing it from the perspective of power. We are the ones who will be hurt. Not them. Those at the top, are pushed exponentially higher when economies crash or when the poor are most desperate.
@@kelly-bo-belly they could have both. Imagine the fame, notoriety, and power one of these centi billionaires would have if they became like a superhero. But what makes me so mad is that money can’t buy them out of the issues they’re creating. Namely global warming. Having a 1000 credit score won’t help their Malibu mansion not get flooded or burned down or washed into the ocean. Unfortunately there is no correlation of wealth to IQ 🫠
@@poursomebeeronitI'm hoping for.a black swan event like discovering animal life on another planet, giving our species a jolt that shifts the cycle and gives us some more time to break the cycle entirely. Accelerationism is entirely pessimistic, and pushed by those who think they'll benefit.
The bourgeoise has historically been great about swooping in during times of economic collapse and buying up land and industries at bargain bin prices only to profit immensely once they begin to inevitably produce value again. Wealthy people do not suffer from societal and economic collapse. Today's billionaires have luxury bunkers where they will go to wait out the worst of it. Meanwhile, they will be slurping up ownership of real-estate, stocks, and industry for next to nothing, ready to reap the rewards of their diabolical behavior. They don't care what happens to the rest of us.
Yeah, the "last crisis" was WW2, definitely not: - The entirety of the Cold War was not "peaceful" - Vietnam/Korean wars, let alone proxy wars - Gulf War and Middle East generally for the last 30 years The entire idea of "four turnings" just seems extremely US-centric and ignores the rest of the world, even ignores Europe except when convenient.
My favourite was the 2nd and 3rd crisis being civil wars in the US, completely disregarding the fact that many european countries were at war on and off basically until the end of WW2, not to mention WW1 which, rather inconveniently, happened shortly before the 2nd.. I don't think I'm a believer of Generational Theory.
indeed. always be wary of centricism in ones theories. still..... maybe. america's foreign policy has been extremely aggressive the last couple decades, and seems like it can only drive the world to it's next war-crisis.
Hell, I would even call it extremely ignorant of US history because it leaves a lot of important historical events that made US, the US, today like the Gulf War, 9/11, Middle East for the last 30 years.
@@Oi.... After studying both wars my entire adult life. I would have to say WW2 is a continuation of The Great War. Also, I want to add because some people don't seem to realize this, way more actual soldiers died in WWI than in II, but 2 had massive civilian loss.
I dunno... I think WWI is overrated. Yeah, it messed up Europe, but the rest of the world hardly noticed - something you wouldn't expect in a "World War." The only reason WWI was bad on a global scale is because it paved the way for WWII.
Joe said, "It's hard to deny that were at some kind of crises point here." It's taken me getting really old to figure this out: It always looks like that. I know it's hard to believe, and I had to see it for myself. In 1963, for 3 days, the world thought we were on the brink of nuclear annihilation and held its breath (people were building underground bunkers in ordinary suburbs); the news was showing brave young men in live combat and actually getting killed every night at dinnertime (horrifying Vietnam); campus and convention riots; homegrown terrorist groups putting bombs in university buildings, government buildings, and under police cars, which killed people; young people shot on campus by National Guard troops; in the 70s, numerous airplane hijackings, murder on the tarmac; a president resigns because of corruption (1st time ever); disclosures of the military routinely falsifying reports of progress in Vietnam, which prolonged the war; more disclosures of secret military bombing that killed millions; this was followed by the collapse of trust in institutions; then another economic crises and everyone was in line to get gas; American hostages taken in Iran, more superpower threats of war; another stock market/real estate collapse in the 80s; AIDS epidemic; 9/11, two wars in the Middle East; the war against terrorism; the resurgence of Russia and then the rise of China; COVID ... I've skipped A LOT. The feeling that we are in crises was felt then, by almost everyone, in a never ending cycle of terrible problems, punctuated with a few short years of (very relative) tranquility. Then it would always start all over again. The takeway - DON'T DESPAIR! Don't fall into gloom! This is life. Stay informed and concerned, but don't lose your chances for happiness anytime you can grab some. Read some history and it will put you more at ease. It goes all the way back to ancient times, the earliest recorded history, and IT'S NEVER STOPPED. Courage is the determined effort to affirm life, despite everything. There will always be the beauty and the horror.
The danger of annihilation was very real then and it did not happen because sane people on both sides of the cold war worked incredibly hard to prevent the worst. There is no mechanism that prevents it on autopilot. There were a lot of factors in place then that no longer exist. Various international mechanisms that prevented dangerous escalations for decades after the Cuban Crisis were deliberately demolished. There is and can be no guarantee that we will weather future storms just because we survived them in the past. Especially not if our only plan is to hope or confidently believe that we will surely be lucky.
Thank you for that reminder. I've lived through all those events too and lived another day. I guess this time it's the cacophony of social media that makes it seem really apocryphal .
I think you're seriously mixing up the threat each of these issues actually pose to people. The Turkey / Cuba missile crisis was a massive global threat, as is the ongoing climate collapse.
Not if we get our democracy taken away and we are left with an authoritarian regime that's extremely hard to get out of once a majority of the nation votes for it...and EVERYONE in America WILL want to get out of living under a king, not only for the rest of our lives but many generations afterwards! How do you explain that to your children that you voted to remove their freedoms
exactly, this is the mind of first worlders who think 'billionaires want to destroy us'. When in reality this is just a result of globalisation. The world will continue to progress, you guys can stop if you want
we have a system that rewards greedy narcissists. it was setup this way by people that were that way and is solely setup to benefit themselves. and people klike that is what we get in consequence, yes. they'd rather burn the world than give up anything without getting something in return that they deem valuable.
Man, I live in Russia and all I want is for USA people, Israel people, Iran, Rússia Paquistán, etc. and everyone on this planet to live in peace and prosperity. So God bless us all!
@@angelmessenger8240 Yeah, look at how that Hudson's Bay Company is running 40% of North America! Oops. That was 250 years ago. Next thing you know, somebody is going to try to tell me the East India Company.. uh... the Whutt?
"They looked for evidence that fit their theory. But they kinda left out any evidence that didn't fit the model." Nailed it - not just for accelerationism, but across the social sciences. I switched majors from history to international relations, and was absolutely gobsmacked by the incredibly selective use of historical fact that social sciences ranging from sociology to economics routinely engage in, while ignoring obvious, better alternative explanations that are readily available, mostly because it would ruin their tidy theoretical structure.
The problem I find with all professional know-it-alls, is that the basis for all learning is to first admit there are things you either don't know or could be wrong about. Without this mindset you blind yourself to new information. The moment an academic takes a professional stance and becomes known as a proponent of an ideology, they make it very difficult to admit that they're falible (as admission of mistakes is a loss of credibility); which makes it very difficult for them to learn and improve and so they become a conceptual snapshot rather than a learning human being with an evolving theory. Their job becomes shaping data around their theory, rather than shaping their theory around the data. It's no wonder most of their followers mimic that behaviour - ignoring/denying any and all evidence that doesn't fit their world view and building echo chambers to make them feel like their beliefs are a self-evident truth and they are intellectually/morally superior for noticing it. It's like academic cultism. Fit this arrogance with an 'ends justify the means' mindset and you have a recipe for disaster.
Occam's Razor was abandoned many years ago. It challenges social, cultural and dare i say, scientific beliefs required to push political and economic agendas and no political party is immune to it. Nonsense and irrationality rule. The divide between people begins at the top of the hierarchical pyramid of power, if you will. Be careful to know where your information comes from. It might just be an enemy you never knew existed.
@@Neion8 I don't think you understand, sticking to a theory/ideology is a feature not a bug. You exhaust your theory, before changing your mind in most fields.
After nearly six decades on this rock, I tend to trust my ability to spot horseshit these days. But…what seems to be a source of relentless disappointment for me though, is the increasing desperation to grab hold of what surely can be seen as suspiciously simple answers to the obviously difficult and complex problems that we face as a society. This seems to happen with monotonous regularity and without any regard to how poorly thought out they are or how little intellectual or academic rigour has been applied to them. And that seems to fit the “Four Corners” narrative all too well.
Agreed. Complicated problems require equally complicated solutions. And guess what? Those solutions won't ever fully solve the problems they are addressing.
@@IronClawGaming a lot of the problems and solutions are a lot simpler than people make them look, though. like, there are people who just hate minorities; the solution is for them to fucking get over it. if that happened everything else would follow
I think it's the "suspiciously simple answers to the obviously difficult and complex problems" bit that stood out for me. The first inconsistency that jumped out at me regarding the "Four Turnings" model is that WW II is seen as a Crisis turning, but somehow WW I, a mere 25years prior appears to be glossed over in the "80 year cycle" - Edit: Hah! I then kept watching and Joe calls this out too! Doh!
I totally agree. Everyone wants everything to be simple and thus they jump on the bandwagon for simple explanations that don't make sense when looked at with an educated and critical eye. Unfortunately, the American school system is not designed to create critical thinkers. It's purpose is to create good little worker bees and consumers. That goal has been met and we are reaping the rewards of what we have sown. I am so glad that my father isn't here to witness what is happening...
The only decent courses of action, if one believes they've predicted disaster, are the a) try to prevent or at least minimize it, and b) try to help people get through it. Anything else is evil.
That's a very childish understanding of the apocalypse. If you truly think it's the end of the world and there is no avoiding it, the only good becomes ensuring the protection of those you care about. Once that is secured, the highest good becomes ensuring a minimum viable nucleus for society to rebuild... which everyone inevitably thinks should be done according to their rules. "Minimizing it" just sounds like the people screaming "Musk can give every American a million dollars and still be rich"
Oh that’s funny I figured he just posted this because it’s actively happening 😂 I didn’t realize this was a year old. Turns out Joe is ahead of his time-!
Believing you can do better by building something anew atop the ruins of the old world instead of trying to fix it, which is already hard, is nothing short of hubris. And while I suspect we might disagree on a lot in terms of politics (I'm extremely sceptical of government and politicians), you're doing really well keeping videos featuring political aspects respectful for the viewers regardless of their leaning. I wanted to comnend you on that.
Hubris has always been our downfall, over & over again. Many failed to understand the assignment. Pride blinds, humility clarifies...and we are living in a time where most would prefer maintain their ego (worldview+ self concept) than evolve their mind to seek objective truths.
Despite what Graham Hancock will tell you, Atlantis is most probably a warning about national hubris, which we’ve failed to learn from ever since. This is all a self fulfilling prophecy of a dystopian nightmare that everyone’s warned us against. “Let’s take the foot off the brake and accelerate to certain collapse- what could possibly go wrong?” - some catastrophe capitalist It’s the logical conclusion of the excesses of empire exploitation and the evolution of colonialism. A world where ‘finance’ is the no.1 industry may be seduced by Gods of greed
The modern era tried both. Colonials built on top of the ruins of other societies and those who stayed behind tried to fix what they had - both failed miserably because here we are
Building is easy, finding room and permision to start, not so much. I assume that in a group of people some want to stagnate and enjoy, while others wish to shape the world.
Accelerationism is an incredibly stupid idea. When systems break down, it's not like there's a "Game over" screen and the slate is wiped clean and everything somehow returns to a basic start over state. We just end up having to still deal with the same problems. The problems are not going away magically. The problems are intrinsic to humans and living on Earth.
Also, intentionally causing massive amounts of suffering in the near future, because you think that will prevent some suffering in the future just comes across as evil to me.
@@scottsanford1451 The question is always, whose problems that are and whose lifes are getting worse. The techbros speculate to profite from the collapse. Talk about praise of "disruption" ...
Not if you can build a better society on top of it. If our elitist society would collapse and people didn't allow the government of the rich to form again, then we would come out much better from the collapse.
So... we recognize destructive societal patterns, and so we must repeat them? That's where they landed? If im someone who discovers a pattern in my behavior, let's say, binge drinking for a week, 3 days of recovery, 2 weeks of productive activities, then boredom, and back to binge drinking. Should I resign myself to the cycle? Or should I address the core problem and reset my cycle? I know this is harder to answer on a majorative and generational scale. But there are common synchronicities between generations that are almost always the same that arise in different problems. Mark Twain said, "history doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme." With that in mind, maybe not acceleration, but early diagnoses to these rhyming problems should be enacted. I know that it's much more enticing to give into familiar patterns than to forge new footholds towards progression. So I guess we're doomed to keep climbing and backsliding our way to destruction, always staying in the same goddamn place.
@@jeffengel2607 You'd think... Every time there was an incident at my organization my team would do a debrief afterwards and write a report on what went wrong and what all the incident responders felt would help us avoid a repeat (or worse). You'd think the Management team would make applying those recommendations a priority. You'd think...but you would be wrong.
This is the unintended real cost of progress - time acceleration, which is why there are societies quite content with what little they have, the cost is too high to provide a standard that only a few will enjoy momentarily
I think you are right when you said it's terrible people using this stuff as excuses to do terrible things. I've always felt that there are people who just want to fight. I don't think they really care who they fight. They just use whatever excuse is closest.
It's because they're scared. Fighting is easy. Changing yourself? Your fears? Your reactions to those fears? That's the hard work. If it needs to be justified and makes no one a better person, you are just perpetrating the cycle.
For those with the most influence at the top, doubt it's about just wanting to fight. It's pretty clearly the "Never let a good crisis go to waste." money-making mindset. That's why the "effective accelerationism" just sounds like a re-branding of "effective altruism", which turned out to not be so altruistic.
Thankyou Joe. I have been trying very hard to understand "WHY". At 70 I don't have the real possible life span to see this come about. I hope the next generations survive mine. Utopia always seems to be some goal for one group or another. It never seems truly attainable. I have always seen some people salivate on the idea of social collapse. What a way to live your life. Cheers
It's wild how much time and money doomsday preppers spend in an effort to ensure their survival in the event of a global catastrophe, while I'm saving up to buy a plastic wading pool.
@@birdflipper I like how they buy gold for when the dollar is no good. I think that gold will have only the value of the person with food available for trade. A can of spgettios might be worth a gold coin. The true value of gold is set by stable governments. Food always has a real time value. Cheers
When we were children, a commonly expressed bit of folk wisdom was "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." It has come out of favor, perhaps because our so-called elites are full of Good Intentions?
Maybe you think my comment was silly? or really correct? But since you commented. I would ad that I read the book that this whole video was about. I thought it made a lot of limited snse, yeah there are patterns of decay in any civilization, but it would be really simplistic to try to trace them and predict their outcome. The main thing is that the world is not in our control, and certainly not if we sit around theorizing. But if we accept that we are under our own control and then focus on what we can do to help the people around us, then we have a chance of thriving. So the book does not really address that. It just talks about a grand theory of history and there have been so many grand theories of history before. THey all get old and dusty and fail to explain the world in which we live.@@Monkehrawrrr
I didn't know about the four turnings theory, but right away as you were describing it - it completely ignores WW1 which was in many ways worse than WW2 as you mentioned, then the growth period is commonly known as the Cold War and when it comes to the USA and the distrust to government there is the whole vietnam war issue where government knew for years it is unwinable and lied to people which certainly contributed to the distrust. It also feels that this theory tries to somehow tie to the USA history and ignores Europe, Africa and Asia...
People like that theorist have a bad habit of always ignoring Africa & Asia, & leave Europe behind as if it's the tired parent who's no longer relevant. If you wanna look for patterns, check that ethnocentric crap out. The US is _NOT_ the centre of the freaking world, but these "philosophers" keep centering their ideas on the US as if we're the main driver for all of civilization. It's ridiculous.
@@DrachenGothik666 Africa is not in any way relevant. What happens or doesn't happen in Africa is at most a reaction to what happens in the developed world. Events in Africa don't shape anything outside Africa. Maybe a few songs about the Apartheid, that's about it.
I would strongly disagree. Apart from Europe, virtually nobody noticed WWI. The only way WWI is an event of significance is the fall of the European monarchies - particularly Russia. And the fact that it led to the REAL turning point - which was WWII, not WWI. In the grand scheme of things, Vietnam was meaningless, certainly no more meaningful than the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Oh, it was a big deal for US certainly... the rest of the world, not really.
I think it's also important to understand how they're trying to "destroy" the world. It seems more like shake the world up violently so that the people of their choosing are destroyed. They probably haven't heard about game theory though. The mutual good always ends better than being selfish and evil.
Hmm, so you’re saying that the “billionaires” will get together and agree which races, gods and religions will be exterminated. Yeah that’s a good bet…
What about a mutual powerful evil against a mutual weak good? Wouldn't the teamed up evil powers just steamroll everything like the Europeans did the world?
@@LetterToGodFromMeToYou That's a good example, who exactly would be a mutual weak good though? American natives, africans and asians were genocided and it's not a good thing, but their societies weren't really an example of goodness, far from it.
Thanks for this video. I hadn’t heard the term Accelerationism before. I’ve seen similar philosophies supported on some right of center forums. There is naive but unshakable believe that after society collapses that everything will magically be better. Somehow they are unable to realize that another alternative after everything collapses is a failed state, like Somalia, and that would be terrible for everyone. Somehow they are all convinced that after the collapse they (or people who share their views) will be in charge and this time they will make everything “right.” These philosophies are terribly dangerous and the people who support them are infuriating. They are unable to take to heart the aphorism of “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.”
What you described is definitely a mode of thought amongst the left, too. Nobody thinks they'll end up like Somalia or, say, the Bolsheviks. They all think they'll be post-revolution France. Of course, it gets alarming when you realize your ideological enemies have exactly the same thought, and think THEY will be the ones in charge after the collapse! I think it's fundamentally a naive philosophy that doesn't survive long once the person learns more about the world. It's just an easy one to fall into (and stay in, at least for the uncurious), so there are always a few of these people around.
Order Out Of Chaos. The Dialectic. Problem - Reaction - Solution. We have suffered such Social Engineering attack century after century. We are is such an Accelerated Destruction Cycle now, called THE GREAT RESET. And they have been preparing for the reconstruction longer than they have the Destruction Method. The Great Reset Fourth Industrial Revolution and United Nations Agenda 2030 has already been in the process of Replacing our entire Western Civilization for decades. So while this dweeb is presenting the possibility that Billionaires are Intentionally Destroying Society to Build Back Better, I can tell you WHO is Doing it and How they are doing it. There are far too many armchair Philosophers out there that should stick to contemplating their navel, because you need a Real Conspiracy Researcher to reveal the Truth. I mean come on. Conspiracy Theories are no longer even needed. They are openly telling us what they are planning to do. Wake up...
It's not so much that things will magically get better once everything is destroyed, but rather the fact that the current system is failing and will continue to decline until it is destroyed. In that case for things to get better again, the decline must be taken to its conclusion. Also leftists have a thing for revolution, don't they?
I’m at the point of preparing for empowering local communities to survive collapse and crisis, while maintaining some semblance of grassroots democracy- because if the psychos in charge plan to throw democracy on a national scale away in favor of globalist technocracy, we best be prepared for what the crazies have decided the inevitable is. They don’t seem to care that they might create a dystopian post-apocalyptic nightmare, they seem to relish the idea if it gives them power 🤦🏻♀️
The problem with the colon cancer analogy is that accelerationists don't want to detect and treat it early, they want to speed up the cancer to put the patient on the brink of death as quick as possible.
Same could be said what a three letter agency does they detect a potential group does a bit of chemo and end up creating a even bigger tumor in the long run with all the “treatments’
Premise, I'm not in favor of what is described. Anyhow, accelerating this process means fewer deaths in the process, lower loss of knowledge, and part of the infrastructure to hold the coming years until things get better.
No need to accelerate an issue that needs gradual regrowth adjustments. It's about finding and destroying things that afflict the environment or things that need to be repaired, replaced or demolished.
The Four Turnings theory and it's timeline seems to be from a very very American point of view. I noticed quite a few major events involving the British, French and Russian Empires that were missed.
The Entire Purpose of understanding history is to identify where the people of the past went wrong and determine how to avoid making the same mistakes; The point of identifying a pattern like this is to figure out how to Break it. Accelerationism is cowardice, surrender, or pure malice. History (Even the condensed version in this video) show that a better world isn't on the other side of these cycles, merely a multiplication of the manmade horrors beyond our comprehension
Joe's quote of "history is going to do what history is going to do, and all we can do is take care of each other. Call me naive if you want to, but I think that's how we get to a better world" is exactly what I've learned as well. I wrote it down on a dry erase board I keep by my door to remind myself. 🤗👍
You are correct, it is pretty silly to think being nice to people will solve any of our problems. You don't fight wars with smiles, you just get your arse handed to you when you try. At some point Americans just need to man up, put their foot down and say no more war mongering, no more unlimited campaign financing and no more 90 year olds getting rolled out at the capitol to pretend to cast their vote when it is bought and paid for by the billionaires. Our betters are not working with the countries best interest at heart and they need to be replaced.
Ever since I found out about Exxon's in house "long term effects of fossil fuel on the planet" report in the 60's I have wondered how the people at the very top could justify their decisions and still claim to love their children/grandchildren. I get the idea of using wealth to create a bastion to protect their family from the dirty poors, but they still need air to breathe, right?
That! I called it the cycle of corruption by power drunkenness…I think all humans might be susceptible…once you become addicted to the accumulation of profit, it mesmerizes you into thinking you can buy your way out of everything if you can just accumulate enough power. At that point, you become blinded to reason, just like any other addiction.
@@MB-xe8bb There is no alternative for a reason! Big oil has fought against any and all forms of alternative energy. Solar, wind, hell even clean coal!
@@TommyDye Come on, you really list solar and wind as viable? Have you never researched costs, energy production and maintenance on them? It's not viable yet. They are a money pit and the only real viable alternative in nuclear energy and it is true big oil has pretty much stop the nuclear industry in America almost completely. They stop it by fooling us though, so if Americans were so fat, ignorant and lazy we'd have plenty of clean, cheap and safe nuclear energy in this country. Don't get caught up in political activist talking points, they are always simplified to appeal to the masses and are never more than a surface level farce. Need proof look at the ESG/DEI scores of big oil companies. They are the best companies on earth when it comes to being good for the planet according to the political metrics of ESG and DEI. I don't make up the scores so go verify it yourself I am not lying to you. Tesla gets a very poor rating despite the whole electric car thing because our betters don't like Musk. He doesn't tie the line for them.
This reminds me of the Futurism art movement in the years before World War I. They praised action, speed, violence, progress. They believed that war was the way technology and society advances. See: Gino Severini “Armored Train In Action”, “Visual Synthesis of the Idea: War”, “Red Cross Train Passing a Village”. After seeing the horrors of war, the Futurists no longer believed that war was beneficial and the movement died. My hope is these misguided individuals can learn from history and touch grass before it is too late. 😢
See, the flaw in this is thay you wish they would LEARN something. But we live in a world in which everyone has the distorted idea that we are rigth, and our opinions are always "spot on" , nothing to be corrected. There's very little motivation (if any) from someone who thinks they are rigth all the time to learn anything at all.
Watching this in December 2024; oooo boy. Some things have happened. People, I think, are finally starting to realize for the most part our issues are not each other but the class divide that has been engineered by the billionaires.
I think we as people in general have this idea in our head that other people do things as intentionally as we don't. Most people get in the gear of just doing things out of habit without the best reasons, or any reason at all.
I agree. Societal changes happen both gradually and suddenly, and it does seem like we don't have much control over it, either as individuals or groups. Things kind of happen on their own.
I think we downplay emotions, too. Billionaire tells his minions/employees "We will do it this way!" This way fails and has a horrible impact like mass layoffs or environmental destruction. Billionaire loses very little personally and it felt really good to force his will on others regardless of outcome. When you have everything, where do you get a dopamine hit? From forcing you new big idea on others. You start a fire and walk away while others burn. You get the fun without the negative consequences.
When you look at how power works, you see that those at the bottom are the ones that plod along, head down preoccupied with just eeking out a living. Whereas, the people with way more resources see themselves as the architects of the future. They move with carefully crafted plans to keep and increase their power and influence over the common people. They know best what is ultimately good for society even if their ideas mean complete disruption of people's lives. They feel free to control people with money, food, armies, resources, energy, pandemics, etc... like pieces on a game board. To think that these people are just plodding along with aimless ambitions is to totally underestimate them.
My great-grandmother Sidlo said, "Everyone wants to save the world. A wise person keeps to the world within their reach. Their home, their garden, their neighbors, accepting all are family and a reflection of themselves. This has always outlasted any strife we face." (some editing)
lol that’s why it all sucks. If humans want to be successful going forward we need to think as a species instead of individual groups. And that will NEVER happen
It makes sense. Keep your life and your home in order. Be good to the people you personally know. If you can do that, then any crisis will only be temporary.
Yeah, Luke Skywalker should've stayed on his uncle's farm. Gotten married to a nice Tatooine girl and inherited it once Owen and Beru died. Not gotten involved.
Watching this after Trump has signed all his new Executive Orders in Jan. 2025. Seeing the entire front row at his inauguration made my stomach turn. As it turns out, all my anxiety was perfectly well-reasoned. We are screwed.
I appreciate your time to address this subject. Thank you for your candid and (ironic shrugging- lol) informed presentation of this very dangerous idea that's difficult to directly address. I think your spot on, and have done a good job with this. Thanks.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the depth and breadth of information that your channel brings to this platform. I am always excited to see your content and enjoy how it doesn't fit into one specific box.
it's mostly shallow wikipedia dribble & establishment talking points given by the corrupt in power. Sure it's not be as in your face bias like most mainstream media outlets but being subtle about it is just as bad & dishonest.
@@veselgana A certain kind yes. But it doesn't mean you have to have a high IQ. There are actually studies on that. You don't have to be necessarily really intelligent in order to be successful. Endurance and luck are big factors, for example. But if this is your opinion it is perfectly fine. I'm just reciting here. I don't have a lot of personal energy invested in this topic really.
@@veselgana Elon Musk was already rich from his fathers mining profits, and his exorbitant wealth comes solely from Tesla being valued so highly. If anything, Musk was good at selling the image of himself and Tesla, but that isn't really intelligence, it's just a talent.
@@GordonSeal I cannot turn 200 k into 300 Million profit… That was the investment of Musk’s father. So I cannot say to the people who can, they did not earn their success. And this is just his first company. If you think, that is not a big deal, that is your opinion 🤷♀️ I’ve seen interviews with Musk and i do think, he is intelligent. But that is my opinion. I spoke generally in my comment, not specifically about Musk.
i disagree that we can't do nothing- we can disrupt echo chambers with core messages of this video for example- or dispell disinformation as a society- we can go to places where disinformation is being spread and engage the comments with reasons to not divide by providing solutions and facts to pithy trumpisms
Zelazny wasn't the only Sci fi writer who touched on this. The original Foundation series by Isaac Azimov also touches upon this. However instead of just accelerationism, it was about how to mitigate the issues.
@@johnchedsey1306 The problem is that the same people who don't want to take action against the climate catastrophe are also the people who have all the money that we would need in order to set up such a project.
“To the Brilliant guys - I’m sorry”. Absolutely appropriate, and thank you for calling out how awkward it was to jump to ad break after this somber episode. Thank you!!
WW1 was definitely more important to world events than WW2. All of the major ongoing problems and instabilities across the globe stem from the events that lead up to WW1 and as you said, WW2 was just a reverberation from the conclusion of hostilities at the end of WW1. There is a lot more to it than those exciting, cinematic years between 1939 and 1945
And yet these days people don’t even know how WWI started. Last week I had to tell my gf that Japan was an enemy in WWII. 28 years old, and didn’t know. No Pearl Harbor, nothing.
Yeah, I think the title of "The Great War" still holds true. It's a war that has had one of the greatest (as in large) impacts on the world in history. Just about every conceivable issue today can be directly tied back to that war.
WW1 itself had its precedents. In fact, you can go back to "Ogg the Caveman" and say everything the came about since his time came due to him and his descendants.
@@filrabat1965 I mean, yes technically everything descends from Cain killing Abel. But I think the point is that most modern issues can be more directly tied to WW1 than anything else.
There's something to be said about defeatists that would rather the world end than come to any sort of understanding regarding the reasons for its suffering. If you're the kind of person that would rather hit a hard reset button than learn anything-- and you only want to hit that button because you think you'll be a survivor of this cataclysm-- then you're part of the problem.
I've learned in my life that my best efforts simply aren't good enough because of things outside of my control.... I don't care if I'm one of the billions that pass on, we NEED a reset and globally.
Its also called, "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men", etc...
I really like your content because you're not trying to make a spectacle of a topic. you just present what you find and I honestly think you only form an opinion after you've done your research. really I don't feel like you're trying to build a fan base you're just enjoying what you do and I'm here for it.
I really appreciate your honest, intelligent takes on issues. I'm not as skilled at remaining level-headed and presenting information about such charged topics in a manner that any reasonable person could take in without taking offense. Your videos are a service to society.
So the four turnings is basically the whole "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times", but more detailed.
That saying is such a great example of why having a little information can be a detrimental thing, especially when said information is in the form of a catchy phrase that appeal to people/men ("hard times create strong men, etc..."). The Strauss-Howe generational theory is pseudoscience; the researchers didn't use any credible evidence to establish that these generational cycles actually do exist, and the reason why it's an attractive theory is because it, like astrology or Jungian psychology, gives people a false sense of structure and categories.
To me, the most ironic thing of that four turnings theory is this: if I accept this theory is true, then it means I believe this cycle is continuous and inevitable. If I try to accelerate collapse to come out on top, and actually succeed in this, then my success is ultimately futile; any future I create will eventually be rebelled against and destroyed in a crisis. If I think I can create a future that breaks this cycle, then it means I don't think this cycle is continuous or inevitable; thus, we might not actually be in a crisis point at all and my attempts to create one are futile. It's the "self-fulfilling prophecy" Joe mentioned, except my actions are (in the long run) guaranteed to fail. Or I could, simply, look at different theories or live my life differently than this...
Empires and societies always collapse eventually, although not always with great violence. That part is for certain, in the same way all companies or other organizations created by human beings eventually go out of business. If you found a society that has a good run of several hundred years you've achieved something.
Maybe the fact itself of the existence of this cycle is to bring needed societal change. So maybe it need to happen in order for us not to stall. We have nuclear weapons now though
Demographics of almost all countries suggest a very near and mass breakdown of the world order is right at our doorstep, according to some pundits. This includes mass starvation of many societies and the international relations and economies of most advanced countries going kaput. The USA is an exception to this forecast, cause we don't need the countries that are going down the tube. All within one generation or two. A catastrophic war is not even required. We will know more later.
Fyi, I worked with Bill Strauss for decades. He was a nice guy. He was a comedian. An actual performing comedian. He was a self-styled expert in several areas who literally made up everything out of whole cloth, then cherry-picked history for examples that supported it. He was a nice man, but any random person's theories are as rooted in fact, reality, or history as anything by Strauss & Howe. Along with the annoying fact that "generations" are continuous, not neatly sandwiched apart. He was a nice guy but desperately wanted to be taken seriously as an "expert." That drove his generational theory. I think that drives a lot of what ego-oriented people do.
Well Im an author on psychology and the collapse of civilisations and I read the 4th Turning. My impression was - DOH, obviously. I have no idea why people get all cult-like over it. Economies and civilisations go in cycles - YEAH. Each generation is the product of the previous generation - YEAH. We all know the family business its the grandson bankrupts it. No one is forming a cult around that. The family business is started by the grandfather, grown by the father and the grandson who never had to work hard or know poverty bankrupts it. Its the same with countries - the generation that was spoiled after a major conflict and grew up with stories OF THAT conflict - they destroy the nation when they get to govern cos they see war as a solution and they never suffered in one. I thought it was a very obvious superficial observation about the cyclical nature of history and conflict that was padded out with endless irrelevancy detail. I mean Joe summarised the book in 5 minuts... I moved to Bulgaria 15 years ago - why? Cos it had gone through the collapse in the 1990's and was due to enter the happy optimistic prosperous times, I made that decision long before I read that book...
While ripping the proverbial band aid off and just just getting it done is frequently not a bad plan of action, usually I have a decent idea of what the outcome will be. Expediting the collapse of civilization however opens us up to a big likelihood of all of humanity experiencing massive amounts of suffering and grief. Probably not where we want to eff around and find out.
One of the key elements of the problems with this attitude these people have is that they are assuming *they* can bring about the new era. In reality, societies are not planned by committee, let alone one or two people. They form and reshape over time through the interactions of its members, woven together - and the belief you can preplan how it would, or even should, go is inane.
@@Eet_Mia RaspK has a point, mostly because we're going into a Biggie. Chances are that all those 'sure' of where we'll end up are in for a series of nasty surprises. Shit + Fan are likely to connect and the fan was set to Very High. It'll be rough, to say the least.
YES! "Cycles, history..." Why repeat old mistakes? We can do better than that! We don't need to be resigned to failure, only the very wealthy I think are "Accelerationists" thinking they will come out great despite a huge human cost.
I don't know why this showed up in my feed, but I am glad it did and that I watched it. I have had some internal questions on what is driving some of the craziness. I grew up in the 70's and 80's and was convinced that the world would end any day and yet many things became better even without a singular event bringing us all together.
The problem with these "revolutionaries" is that they turn on their own rather than turn on the billionaires who steal from them. The rich prey on your sincerity and use it as a weapon against you. _“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”_ - Jay Gould, 1891
You don't have to be rich to manipulate somebody and use their desire to be good against them. A poor guy could do that and if done well enough, become quite powerful overnight.
@@davidhunternyc1If you mean on a larger scale, then I guess that makes sense. Btw, I like how you added powerful in there. Not all powerful are billionaires. Look at Fauci.
@@daviru02Fauci is and was hardly powerful. He was chief medical advisor to Biden. That's it, and he's since retired. Wealth is power in America and Fauci is certainly wealthy, but not wealthy enough to have power beyond his station.
Ya see, if my parents would have listened to us back in the 60s and 70s, we wouldn't be in this mess now would we? BUT there were traitors like Karl Rove who was never a teenager and Roger Stone who didn't learn anything cool when he was young. Dishonest ppl were never suppose to prosper, greed was never allowed to infect the population of this future. Believe me, things were suppose to be much better than this. Thanks a lot Henry Ford and Jerry Farwell !
When I was in college, I would often have lunch with one of my History Professors...oddly we had the same hobbies basically a love for Battletech. We often discussed exactly why humanity namely those who grew up during the Cold War have a insistent hard on for a WW3. His argument was that there's a cult of wealthy and powerful individuals who were going to use the near planetary genocide to reset society back into their image. He pointed out that the Georgia Guidestones was in fact their declaration to everyone that they were going to do exactly that. They also knew full well that no one would believe any of the conspiracy theorists who point out that there are people deliberately pushing this because they controlled media and eventually will have a hold on social media. He would often refer to this as "reject democracy, return to monarchy" approach.
I'm pretty sure America is America.... Although, they will probably try anyway and end up with hierarchal religious orders again to lead the campaign for government.
That’s interesting… Very much misunderstanding the Georgia guidestones though. They were closer to paranoid eco-Christian’s who thought the world was gonna blow up and didn’t want the environment to go with it.
I mean if they remove democracy they lose their power, democracy is the power of those who can manipulate, see the last 10 elections, learn psychollogy and be at least sad to know all of those that won, was because of propaganda and manipulation, the fall of democracy is bad for billionares bc they will lose their ranch power
Wtf is battle tech. You and your professor sound like a couple of endearing weirdos but that's just straight up conspiracy speculation without providing any proof.
If we are arguing that we have an endless cycle of war, depression, and oppression, then shouldn’t we be trying to BREAK that cycle?! Shouldn’t we be trying to find solutions OTHER than war and oppression to solve our problems and improve our society?!
Its not just breaking the cycle, but actually evolving the consciousness needed to overcome our cyclical nature. Individuals are able to do this quite easily, but the collective of humanity is what really holding things back.
“It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism”- mark fisher Now I’m saying it’s specifically capitalism (I mean, I would say that, but that’s not the point) but the idea that it’s just impossible for most people to actually think there are better ways of doing things
@@jasonkoroma4323 Biological evolution, normally, especially when dealing with mammals, occurs over 100s of thousands, and tens of Millions of years! No organism, so far, has any 'control' over its evolution. We cannot, 'force' ourselves to become more conscious or more compassionate, or more altruistic, etc,. Evolution is imposed from the OUTSIDE, not from within species.
It would be like trying to bend women away from their hypergamy, the main cause of the divorce-rates. Mankind is hierarchal, likes order, and since everybody has their own version of what that order might look like, there’s the reason for what’s going on.
Wow, Complex! As a veteran of two wars, upon reflection. I was trying to earn my dream. I can say, "I carry confusion I wouldn't wish on anyone." I am grateful for You-tube. It's a way to expose societies and civilization to the past, current times and possible futures. Cant wait to look back !!!🤞
I consider this primarily a scientific channel and was curious how you would tackle this topic. It was nuanced and relatively biased free, well done. 👍
@@UsernameInvalid48 considering it's virtually impossible for humans to moderate personal bias, I'm curious what you apparently consider overt bias in this video?
Some people just cannot imagine that people in power would sell you a problem that can only be solved by giving them more power. With coordinated military precision and lockstep adherence to the cause, and more importantly the silencing of dissent. "Govern me harder daddy! It's for my own good!"
Military precision? Atavists equipped with an artificial intelligence system might have some input about that notion. Our present was once our future, and it proves the reality of our past. McMurdo..... Still a conspiracy theory?
I had plants that were growing at a really fast pace. I over-fertilized the soil for them, because I was new to gardening. The plants all died. They've never come back. Accelerationism. Yay.
And after WWII we learned from the mistakes and properly fixed things in western Europe. Never before in history have England, France AND Germany sat on the same side of the table on international affairs. It's been almost a century and there are still no cracks in this alliance. If we hadn't ignored the tyranny within Russia back then, they might've sat with them too. Instead we got the Cold War and it's current echo's.
Wasn't it Voltaire who said : "Those who can make you believe absurdities - can make you commit atrocities
That’s what scares me the most about the combination of the general public’s lack of critical thinking skills, short attention spans, and generative AI. People will literally believe whatever they see, and it’s going to have real world consequences. Hell, it already has so many.
We are living that quote
It’s happening now in America
And those who believe in these crazy people do commit atrocities...
I think we’re just dealing with greedy psychopaths justifying their unjustifiable bad behavior.
I mean my dear that’s really bad….can you tell me more about this🙏
Where does that even come from @@mentat1341
@@mentat1341not money but greed. Even if we had barter economy greedy a*holes would still find a way to acumulate whealth and/or power.
Look at shit shows in history and root cause always goes back to greed (when its not natural disaster).
It can be dresed up as varius reasons, excuses, delusions but it always goes back to "more than I have now".
I’ll throw the first stone if you guys follow up 😂😂😭
To be fair, that is often misinterpreted. Money isn't really the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Greed. And you've got to admit, some positively nasty things have been one in the name of greed. By the church as well, as you mentioned. Irony. @@mentat1341
Evil people will always look for a justification. And the worst ones hide behind good intentions.
It's almost as if billionaires shouldn't exist. Currency is a good idea if people like them didn't exist
Currency is failuer cause it's allow us to make someone billionare remeber Amazon started as a shipping company Courrnecy is useless just make your own products😂😂@@sagekay9121
Actually some of the worst one say the quiet part out load and people still vote for them.
Altruistic narcissists
That clearly matches the becoming obvious behavior of Joe Biden and friends!! Thinking that it's over as he leaves office would be a rather nieve assumption as well! His time of involvement is a fraction of the early stages! He is just one of several puppets in the beginning. Now hearing this guy explain the theory almost a year ago is rather disturbing in light of how events have unfolded since then!
Watching this Nov 2024, and boy is it scarier now than it was in 2023.
Oh yes
Right?! I heard that last statement he said and laughed out loud. A "You Sweet Summer Child" moment for sure.
Back then we could still comfortably believe this was not possible.
Yep here 2 wks after the election and it is far scarier now. But this at least is also making me feel a little bit better in some ways. Helping me step back from it a little anyway.
"I'm sure we'll be fine."
-Future Immolated body discovered by anthropologists in 1,000 years 😂
I went through a doomer phase coming out of high school in 2008 and as a result earned a bachelors degree in emergency management because I feared for what the future would be like. Now I'm actually a lot more comfortable with where the world is going, despite the intensity of the last decade and change. The most important thing I recommend to people with anxieties over the future is to look locally at what you have at your disposal. Find ways you can feed yourself and things you can do to help others within the smallest radius possible and use that as your weighted blanket. The world's massive and the internet makes it feel like it's all at your doorstep and here's every tragedy everywhere happening all at once for you to watch. What is going to matter if anything actually does go critically wrong is what is literally at your doorstep so getting familiar with that is the best way to prepare and ground yourself.
Low key inspirational, wishing you the best
That is my strategy too.
Wise advice. There's a lot of doomers out there and they need some help.
@@TrekStar11 Video here is incomplete without its
sibling: "Are Rich People Ok??' by Cody
Sound advice. Thank you.
A lot of people here in the comments saying "we just need to take care of each other and help those who need it" Totally agree! Problem is: the current system does the opposite, rewarding the most ruthless and selfish of us.
Working within your community is a great way to work outside the system to help those in need. I just got started on this at my college and seeing how your actions can help people really helps in dealing with some of the existential dread
Lmfao what?
Indeed, people are groomed into valuing reaching wealth and accumulating possessions yet not necessarily reaching blitheness, instead of reaching balance and contentment even with very little in social status or worldly goods. I live frugally in a healthy mind & fit body and have met many desolate wealthy folks (who may even secretly be envying my solace).
Hence why the system should collapse and accelerationsim is a good way lol
My theory is the most simple: the world is ruled by psychopaths and they get bored easily. They have everything they need and plenty of time to "play" sick games.
And yet most people search for logic and be like: but why would someone would do that ? and accuse you that you are crazy and exaggerating.
your theory has a name. it's "naivete"
@@cleft_3000 yes, it is naive, and reductive. Reducing complexities of geopolitics, economy and social systems to good, evil, greed, etc. takes people away from realizing that what is going on is a part of a plan that has been decades in the making. It takes your attention away from where to start undoing that plan. Reducing politics to evil and greed further reinforces the idea that evil and greed are inevitable and we should just give up, or makes you blind to the fact that this isn't some singular, insane madman who is pulling the strings for his own sick satisfaction (you yourself even used the word psychopath - go figure) but an entire system. I do understand the appeal of simple concepts, but I will call things what they are. If you truly think politics are about who's greedy and who's got enough integrity to stop the greedy and if we could just make the bad psychopaths go away everything would be fine, you are not paying attention. Politics are about who owns and who doesn't. We are now witnessing a seizure of power comparable to Weimar Germany and you are here calling people "psychopaths" lol.
It's called Squid Game. And they make you believe that it's a television show. When it's an engineered reality.
Simple is the operative word here. Very little is simple.
This video just auto played for me and it wasn't till the very end that I realized it's 11 months old. It feels like it was made in the last few days. Devastating
Immenentize the Eschaton!🤯
Could easily say the same for vids dating 4 years ago, or any pre election economists predicting things
Well the main accelerationist i can think of is the US goverment. Always promoting problems around the world, democrat or republican it´s the same thing.
IKR! ❣️
@@annenelson5656 HG Wells's _The Open Conspiracy_ gives the reasoning and rationale for changing the world and need for a new religion and unifying world government and to change the habits and desires of humans. He and trillionaire j d r had many common and deep relations
I read a quote somewhere I can't remember. That discribed the period between WW1 and WW2 as "not the sound of peace but the sound of reloading" iv always liked that quote.
That seems to rhyme eerily well with the years to come. Russia and China are currently the most likely to reload.
Easy to say that looking back
@@umblapag Yes it really is now that you mention it, but it’s still a profound statement.
@@umblapagGermany, USSR, and Japan were hungry for expansion. Not too surprising.
@@keithfaulkner1288 not it isnt
Assuming that billionaires are practicing accelerationism because they want a better world on the other side of the collapse is giving them way, way too much credit.
I don't think Joe was giving them credit at all. The way I read his take is the billionaires "think" they're on the right side of history (they're not, most of them). Billionaires are just greed-heads who think they know better than the average guy 'cuz they have all the resources they need & acquiring more isn't hard for them. They've never experienced hardship, or having to scratch for the basics, so they don't understand how the poor build networks to support each other. Billionaires build networks to exploit everyone else, the poor build networks for mutual support.
They're already super rich, have every worldly good, and control everything. What else is there that they want that's better? Besides absolute control and total domination of the commoners.
Especially if it is (and it is) motivated by greed.
@@DrachenGothik666 This. The whole point of the video is that, primarily, this stance by billionaires is driven by their sense of superiority of intellect and grasp of how the world operates... which is patently false. So in their hubris, not only do they draw the wrong conclusions, they also generally perceive themselves as some incredible masterminds who will usher a new age, and which they are largely incapable of conceding they would mostly push for because it feeds their wants.
It's a kind of double-faced assumed benevolence, in that they firmly believe what they would be doing would be the right thing, and yet not because it is inherently moral, or their duty, but because they are convinced would be most advantageous. More of a strategy than charity, if you will.
As usual. Billionaires see an opportunity then slap a logo on it and micromanage tf outta it saying they're innovative disruptors🙄
My boyfriend is a ww1 historian and he 💯 agrees with you about how consequential ww1 was on the world. It change so much and we are still dealing with repercussions from it.
One of the silver lines of WW1&2 was the collapse of colonialism over many countries
WW2 yes, the collapse of colonialism...but simply to be replaced by multicultural investment
The outcome of WW1 was maybe that the advance in the military industrial capacity had exceeded the capacity of manpower...
That is why modern military capabilities are about drones and robots
The loss of life necessary to prosecute war is unacceptable in modern society...
Unless of course they are *collateral damage*
In which case the world turns a blind eye
I saw something a while back, a documentary on both WW1 and WW2 iirc, that basically said that WW2 was really just WW1 part 2, and it really made so much sense to me.
How do you figure? WWI wasnt like WWII. My father & Godfather would tell you if they were still alive. Smh
Yes. My uncle is an Australian WW1 historian your boyfriend will have heard of (he's more into anthropology now), and he agrees. The "1917" generation is seen by some evangelists/pentecostals as the generation marked in the Biblical prophecy as the last one before Christ's alleged return, because one of the results of WW1 was the start of the re-establishment of Israel as a Jewish homeland, tying into the "British Israel" theorem with the USA as the younger sibling (a theory that while, in and of itself is not white supremacist, has been hijacked into N@zi circles and has therefore become horribly racist). This process wasn't finished until WW2, of course, but it shows where the thinking lies--to a RW evangelist (the type that just helped Drumpf get re-elected and outlined Project 2025) are all for acceleration because they think it will hasten The Return. WW1 helped establish that. That's why you cannot reason with such individuals. They genuinely think "it's okay if the world is destroyed. It will become paradise; God will fix it." You cannot, the saying goes, dissuade a person who thinks they're doing wrong for righteousness' sake. As someone who left such a movement in the 1990s, it is insidious and it is frightening.
Applying the same logic of "Oh my cell phone screen is cracked, let's toss the entire thing and get a new one" to societal collapse and rebuilding from scratch is scarry.
The hard part, is there is no other "off the shelf society" we can move into.
“Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.” -Lucy Parsons
That’s just common sense , people rarely like being robbed or having their stuff taken from them for no reason other than “I want it”
You take away every dime the billionaires have and you could run the American government for maybe 8 months. Then what?
No one wants to take other peoples money except for you sweetheart.
The middle class made the billionaires @@spocko2181
We're seeing that right now in the USA. Elections are rigged, the Corporate media is just propaganda, Elites are pushing more and more censorship. The internet totally disrupted their control over us and they are desperately trying to reassert it. If they aren't successful...the gloves will come off to reveal the Iron Fists that were always underneath.
Yeah perhaps the worst thing about accelerationism is that no matter how right you think your are, it's going to hurt a lot of people and you don't know if your "side" will come out on top in the end.
It seems to me that a lot of the folks who want a civil war figure they might have to fight for a month at most and they'll be home for dinner every night.
There's also a massive amount of hubris and ego involved in Accelerationism - the firm belief that you actually know what's "right" for the rest of the world.
@@bsmithhammerAll sides are guilty of this though. Everyone thinks their side is the good guys. And, I'm sure you're certain you're on the, "right side of history." 😅
@@GearZNet yeah it's important to see (where available) the results of the policies you think are good and see if they're actually good. And if there's no data, cautiously gather it. Progressives tend to do this and conservatives tend to ignore this.
It truly is Machiavellian.@@bsmithhammer
Most destructive acts are performed by scared people who justify it as a lesser evil than one imagined or projected. They are using ends-justifies-the-means rationale, and they actually think it's a character strength to be able to take the "hard" actions that hurt and even kill people for some greater perceived good.
The hypocrisy about it is that it's super convenient to choose to have the "character strength to take the 'hard' actions" when you're one of the 0.0000004% of humanity (yes, I did the math) whose extreme wealth will personally protect them from whatever consequences they inflict upon the planet and everyone else.
Civil wars are started by those who have the most to lose. Rich slave owners in the 1860's. Today, it's old white men who are losing their power and majority.
"The ends justify the means" Is understandable and even honorable if the person saying it is the one paying the price. It becomes twisted and evil when the one saying it is expecting others to be the ones to pay the price...
@@Awrethienlord farqauud territory
@@LilBnu “he huffed, and he puffed, and he… Signed an eviction notice”
I'm sure this will get lost in the sea of comments, but I wanted to say this video was weirdly comforting to me. I guess it made me realize yet again how much bigger powers are in play here, and how much is genuinely out of our control. That used to scare me, but the absolvement of responsibility to some level is freeing.
I can do what I can do and that's all I need to worry about. Will the big, overarching problems have a great significance on my life? Probably, so I focus my energy where I can. I get informed, I think deeply, I equip myself with the skills (especially the emotional/mental skills) needed to survive, and work to be the best version of myself, knowing I am making some impact on a small level. Most importantly, I trust my gut so that I know when and where to invest my limited energy and resources.
Me too. I’m finding it a little comforting a couple weeks after the election c
Just keep swimming
Mind blown! I mean, you just articulated what I’ve been thinking but just didn’t put it to words.
We can’t make everyone happy alone
I think that we just have some absurdly wealthy people closing in on death suddenly aware they can’t take all of it with them and they are envious of the younger people so they want to break all the toys before they go.
My true disappointment comes from all those willing to assist them.
They want to accelerate towards immortality- the rest of us be damned
I’ve noticed that on my own even though also 1/4 of those I know disagree with me and people like you, even kids since childhood disagree with my honest discovery of these horrid truths and even my dad denial of my views of this and on bad terms for a decade now, and why I left my birth family fir good, and I can’t believe Elon musk wasn’t whom I thought he was and no better then trump in a way and maybe might instead have faith in trumps and elons kid’s instead, they could be instruments to their fall, who knows till either of us meets them in person
@@promptcraftand that just wrong even though making robots fir spaces and unexpected AI supremacists like sky net
accelerationism, so far in video proves its another recipe for disaster, just like communism and stuff!!
Absolutely!!! Crazy mofos.
Don't underestimate selfishness of the rich, accelerationists want the collapse to happen while they're in charge
Accurate. They want the world to fall when they have the resources and power, so they can rule unchecked over the world that's built in the wake of the fall.
And for their children. Because they are so narcissistic that they think that they have to create this world for their children alone. Because they are superior.
They think they will be on the winning side of things but a look back throughout history shows that that’s not going to be the case. It’s just sad that people are afraid to go after them until it snowballs into something massive.
Where are they going to go when the Planet has no more resources and it's on fire everywhere and the coasts of all continents are flooded? What is Planet B???
@@drina4706 Why do you think the richest people on the planet are trying to colonize Mars?
Joe’s line describing the tech billionaire Accelerationism “it’s like a belief of a secular rapture” is many levels of brilliance
"Rapture of the Nerds", has been the phrase to describe the Technological Singularity for decades.
@@Joric78 til thanks
This is just a rehash of the year-zero (year-zeroism) mindset. Joe didn't even mention Pol Pot - he had a damn good go at trying to reset the year to zero (by killing everyone).
@@Joric78 Please explain- What, exactly is, the "Technological Singularity"? I'm not that old, and this has been going on for, 'decades'?
What? A, 'secular rapture'? What on Earth are you talking about? (At any rate, a spiritual 'rapture' is nowhere mentioned in the Judeo-Christian Bible, despite what Hollywood would have everyone believe.) Thus, um, what the hell are you talking about?
The French had a solution to greedy rich people.
And I’m for it.
A wise People!
Last time I looked, they didn’t solve anything.
it didn't remove their greedy wealthy people and it killed a lot of people who weren't greedy , or wealthy. Be careful what you wish for, revolutions generally produce even worse results than there were in the first place. After the French revolution , the French got Napoleon, the Russians got Stalin, the Chinese got Mao and the Germans got Hitler ( although elected by a minority of the electorate he then took over government from within and it was the equivalent of a revolution ) .
"We can make a religion out of th- No don't."
I agree with your final statement. Taking care of each other will carry us through to the best possible life a lot more effectively than destruction, jealousy and greed.
Yes, absolutely. The means results in the ends. Thus doing good is more efficient than doing bad when the end goal is good.
That's never going to happen because humans are in full devolution. Getting more tribal AKA patriots and religious by the minute. The rich and powerful will always bring and emphasize the differences between us because if we wake up and realize we have more in common than what separate us, the powerful men are done. We are way way more than they are and we are, believe or not, way more resourceful, their resources comes from us, if we do not allow them to exploit us, they will be extinct in no time. What Elon musk is doing is so clear, unbelievable that people can't see it. Elon musk is way more dangerous than trump. Once AI be able to replace us in the workforce, we will become just parasites for the rich, we will be here just competing for the natural resources without any use whatsoever for the rich and powerful. This world will be just for the people who the super rich sees any value that is useful for them. We are done as race, because in the end, ai will turn against humans. Why?
Be selective about who you care for.
Yeah, "accelerating" the downfall in the hopes to get to a good era sooner is the same as cutting your own body open a few days before surgery, in the hope it's already completely healed right as you get out of surgery.
This implies there is a "surgeon" who is coming to fix society. There isn’t.
Thank you for helping me understand this better.
But the people who are doing the accelerating aren't really concerned with getting the collapse over with, they're concerned with getting things moving in the directions they want. They aren't afraid of a collapse, they're eager to control the whole world themselves and the collapse is their opportunity to do it.
@@ZoidbergMustache Could the attitude of expectation be tied to one's cultural definition of future? Personal responsibility? The members of the modern Western first world societies have drastic differences of personal responsibilities. To prepare diligently for one's own senior years is accepted as responsible yet the same socio or geo-political groups often praise waspish or impulsive members. Would this be attributed to jealousy based personal insecurities, extreme personality disorders or fear?
You don't need everyone to come together to fix the world. You just need to get 1/3 of the population actively engaged
Unfortunately, that works the other way too haha
I do believe it was said best by the US thinker ICE-T when he said "THEY CAN'T FUCK WITH US - WHEN WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE - THEY CAN'T SPLIT US UP - AND PROFIT OFF THE DIVIDE".
1% is all it takes. Only 1% created the Declaration of Independence and ratified it.
As long as it's not left wing or right wing. I absolutely agree.
@@lancelange9377lol not everyone agrees...on anything
I love how billionaires want to accelerate to break the system that they keep helping to keep broken. We should try a 'cycle' without them for a change.
If you look at the crisis points, it's always the wealthy egging it on and positioning themselves to profit from the chaos. At the moment it's investments in the prison/industrial complex and water futures.
I completely agree with you. We get to a better world through kindness. Not just to family, but to people we don't know.
Some guy said that in a book once. It was a "Good" book, if I remember right.
I think it was by Shel Silverstein.
I totally agree with you
Its naive. The problem of the current world is definitely lack of empathy and selfishness, but you being kind won't make the people vested with the most power and ability to do things more kind. It needs more than kindness. You need organization of the meek who can force the powerful to do things for the better.
Best thing I read today. ❤
@@biswarupbhatacharjee6537 in combination
I think it is so important that you are bringing all this information to light. Thank you.
Either huge amounts of money turn you into a monster, or only monsters are only able to do the things necessary to become a billionaire.
There is no way to amass that kind of wealth without betraying and exploiting people.
That applies mainly to aristocrats and collectivist "leaders". If you have free capitalism and individual freedoms then you have to do a lot of good to get wealthy as well. That's why todays billionaires wants collectivism and destroyed free markets
@@Tom-fm2fhThe first thing capitalists attempt to do, once they have the capability to do so, is to capture the market. It is the logical and necessary endpoint of laissez-faire capitalism. Thus, if the “free market” has ever truly existed, it never exists for long: either a handful of wealthy people seize and exploit it, or the government creates regulations to prevent (or at least guide) that outcome.
I don't think people understand that wealth is not found in money. Money is nothing. You could survive without money everything you need already exists on this planet. Everything to live is already here and doesn't cost a penny. Just costs energy on your part. Learn how to do what your ancestors did. It teaches you skills you might need during a collapse of a nation.
That's why at the very end of their extravagant lives of wealth and power, profoundly intelligent and wealthy people struggle with the lack of sense of meaning.
Just like everyone else.
Same with politicians reaching a status of power wield that is significant enough to make change. They've sold their souls and bought their votes and slept with so many lobbyists that none of their original desire to help/make positive change remains intact
I think this is what is happening now. It scares the crap out of me. I've been reminded of this video a lot & spent a long time searching for this to share it to help others understand. HUGE thanks for this video. I hope you are still here & well.
Joe is right about the limits of this historical pattern, take it far enough into the past and it falls apart, because all social and cultural and technological facts of life are far too different from ours.
But there is a problem with extending this into the future, too, and we are experiencing it right here on YT and other social media - *social media itself has fractured the human experience so much that we are no longer experiencing the world as other members of our generation do, even if they live next door!*
Very true. The algorithms will feed you only what you want to hear. Pretty much.
But extreme individualism (your fracturedness) is the herald of the crisis step according to the system (9:38). How does that not fit in?
I agree 💯, just simple things like everyone tuning in to NBC on Thursday nights and watching, Friends and such. Talking about it with friends and coworkers the next day. Now with all the streaming services I haven’t seen 90% of stuff people are talking about. We’re not even getting the same news in our feeds. Which is why as American I watch the multiple foreign news reports to see what’s really going on in my own country!
It is pseudo science. WW1 was far more important and pervasive than ww2 was. WW2 was only an attempt by the germans to fight ww1 with better terms. WW1 changed the world. WW2, the world was already changed but the changes were given deeper perspective.
This is a salient point to consider and you are wise to make mention of it.
If the entire point in accelerationism to an overly wealthy person is that they can be part in shaping the world after the conflict, then their goal is neither ethical nor well-meaning. It is selfish at best. Anyone taking the lives of other people into their own hands without their consent is acting not on behalf, but against the interests of the people they might claim to help. Even if a future conflict is inevitable, we have no way of knowing how that is going to look like, so any harm of a future conflict is purely hypothetical, whereas the harm done in the supposed acceleration process is very real.
Very reasonable and logical. Our species is a one extremely prone to harming one another. Almost like it is built in population control because we are intelligent and adaptive enough to eliminate threats from other predator species. Sorry vegans we are truly omnivores only with modern agricultural science, we can be vegans.
Will they be abe to mow their own lawn, wipe their own bottoms when they get old and infirm, grow food? When things explode, people who have the skills to farm and breed animals will have the upper hand. Alternatives based on technology might not be available because there might not be enough energy to run them.
And then, there is air and water...
It drives me insane because if these centibillionaires put their wealth towards solutions, everyone would willingly give them both power and prestige. But they choose to drain it from us instead; actively choosing the hardest route. It seems like the cruelty is the point.
Like, if they TRULY were only driven by money, they could have a near global monopoly on renewable energy or countless other endeavors that we desperately need and WANT. How does a capitalist pass up that opportunity? In the end they are nothing more than ego driven animals who will steer the ship directly into an iceberg just so they can say that they were in control.
@@mjbset93it’s worth noting that ALL living things have a tendency to consume to the point of self destruction if left to their own devices.
@@annepoitrineau5650 Kind of amusing to think that the IT skills I've made a point of cultivating would be of less use than my knowledge of kitchen gardening. Something I'm certainly okay with, mind you; still amusing.
I'm past middle aged and it feels to me like we've been in a crisis ever since I could understand the news. It's got worse as news media has become more ubiquitous.
We've been in deep dookey since at least 1912...
Follow the model of boomer immigrants, take your money and move to a remote countryside location for early retirement. This is literally not our fight and driving the newest EV Benz through a riot will be the next weird flex I don't want to be a part of
I agree
I share this experience and realized two things. The real issues are never spoken about, those which are addressed are worsened by purpose - and resources for life such as beauty and abundance are systematically ignored.
Crazy how they came to the conclusion to accelerate the problems instead of accelerating the solutions 🤔
It’s because they are viewing it from the perspective of power. We are the ones who will be hurt. Not them. Those at the top, are pushed exponentially higher when economies crash or when the poor are most desperate.
@@kelly-bo-belly they could have both. Imagine the fame, notoriety, and power one of these centi billionaires would have if they became like a superhero. But what makes me so mad is that money can’t buy them out of the issues they’re creating. Namely global warming. Having a 1000 credit score won’t help their Malibu mansion not get flooded or burned down or washed into the ocean. Unfortunately there is no correlation of wealth to IQ 🫠
Technically, accelerating the problem IS accelerating the solution.
@@poursomebeeronitI'm hoping for.a black swan event like discovering animal life on another planet, giving our species a jolt that shifts the cycle and gives us some more time to break the cycle entirely.
Accelerationism is entirely pessimistic, and pushed by those who think they'll benefit.
The bourgeoise has historically been great about swooping in during times of economic collapse and buying up land and industries at bargain bin prices only to profit immensely once they begin to inevitably produce value again. Wealthy people do not suffer from societal and economic collapse. Today's billionaires have luxury bunkers where they will go to wait out the worst of it. Meanwhile, they will be slurping up ownership of real-estate, stocks, and industry for next to nothing, ready to reap the rewards of their diabolical behavior. They don't care what happens to the rest of us.
Yeah, the "last crisis" was WW2, definitely not:
- The entirety of the Cold War was not "peaceful"
- Vietnam/Korean wars, let alone proxy wars
- Gulf War and Middle East generally for the last 30 years
The entire idea of "four turnings" just seems extremely US-centric and ignores the rest of the world, even ignores Europe except when convenient.
He mentions these criticisms later in his video.
My favourite was the 2nd and 3rd crisis being civil wars in the US, completely disregarding the fact that many european countries were at war on and off basically until the end of WW2, not to mention WW1 which, rather inconveniently, happened shortly before the 2nd.. I don't think I'm a believer of Generational Theory.
indeed. always be wary of centricism in ones theories. still..... maybe. america's foreign policy has been extremely aggressive the last couple decades, and seems like it can only drive the world to it's next war-crisis.
@geraldh3932 Yea, pretty much a textbook example of confirmation bias.
Hell, I would even call it extremely ignorant of US history because it leaves a lot of important historical events that made US, the US, today like the Gulf War, 9/11, Middle East for the last 30 years.
I'm glad you addressed the fact that WW1 was "glossed over" because I spent a good 3-4 minutes hollering, "But what about World War 1?!?" at you. 🤣
Well, then that pretty much blows their theory out of the water since it happened only about 50 years after the start of one of the "cycles".
I did the exact same thing!!!!
@@Oi.... After studying both wars my entire adult life. I would have to say WW2 is a continuation of The Great War. Also, I want to add because some people don't seem to realize this, way more actual soldiers died in WWI than in II, but 2 had massive civilian loss.
@@wxmanthunder I don't think The American Civil fits the theory very well honestly.
I dunno... I think WWI is overrated. Yeah, it messed up Europe, but the rest of the world hardly noticed - something you wouldn't expect in a "World War."
The only reason WWI was bad on a global scale is because it paved the way for WWII.
Joe said, "It's hard to deny that were at some kind of crises point here." It's taken me getting really old to figure this out: It always looks like that. I know it's hard to believe, and I had to see it for myself. In 1963, for 3 days, the world thought we were on the brink of nuclear annihilation and held its breath (people were building underground bunkers in ordinary suburbs); the news was showing brave young men in live combat and actually getting killed every night at dinnertime (horrifying Vietnam); campus and convention riots; homegrown terrorist groups putting bombs in university buildings, government buildings, and under police cars, which killed people; young people shot on campus by National Guard troops; in the 70s, numerous airplane hijackings, murder on the tarmac; a president resigns because of corruption (1st time ever); disclosures of the military routinely falsifying reports of progress in Vietnam, which prolonged the war; more disclosures of secret military bombing that killed millions; this was followed by the collapse of trust in institutions; then another economic crises and everyone was in line to get gas; American hostages taken in Iran, more superpower threats of war; another stock market/real estate collapse in the 80s; AIDS epidemic; 9/11, two wars in the Middle East; the war against terrorism; the resurgence of Russia and then the rise of China; COVID ... I've skipped A LOT. The feeling that we are in crises was felt then, by almost everyone, in a never ending cycle of terrible problems, punctuated with a few short years of (very relative) tranquility. Then it would always start all over again. The takeway - DON'T DESPAIR! Don't fall into gloom! This is life. Stay informed and concerned, but don't lose your chances for happiness anytime you can grab some. Read some history and it will put you more at ease. It goes all the way back to ancient times, the earliest recorded history, and IT'S NEVER STOPPED. Courage is the determined effort to affirm life, despite everything. There will always be the beauty and the horror.
We didn’t start the fire, it was always burning since the world’s been turning.
The danger of annihilation was very real then and it did not happen because sane people on both sides of the cold war worked incredibly hard to prevent the worst.
There is no mechanism that prevents it on autopilot.
There were a lot of factors in place then that no longer exist.
Various international mechanisms that prevented dangerous escalations for decades after the Cuban Crisis were deliberately demolished.
There is and can be no guarantee that we will weather future storms just because we survived them in the past.
Especially not if our only plan is to hope or confidently believe that we will surely be lucky.
Thank you for that reminder. I've lived through all those events too and lived another day. I guess this time it's the cacophony of social media that makes it seem really apocryphal .
I think you're seriously mixing up the threat each of these issues actually pose to people. The Turkey / Cuba missile crisis was a massive global threat, as is the ongoing climate collapse.
Not if we get our democracy taken away and we are left with an authoritarian regime that's extremely hard to get out of once a majority of the nation votes for it...and EVERYONE in America WILL want to get out of living under a king, not only for the rest of our lives but many generations afterwards! How do you explain that to your children that you voted to remove their freedoms
Watching this in 2025 and it's blowing my mind how this seems to be EXACTLY what's happening.
Greed, pride, fear of not being in control, hate of people in general.
exactly, this is the mind of first worlders who think 'billionaires want to destroy us'. When in reality this is just a result of globalisation. The world will continue to progress, you guys can stop if you want
we have a system that rewards greedy narcissists. it was setup this way by people that were that way and is solely setup to benefit themselves. and people klike that is what we get in consequence, yes. they'd rather burn the world than give up anything without getting something in return that they deem valuable.
former essential sources of news now devoted to anything goes political campaigning. return to the fairness doctrine would fix
the real reason is to die on top...... not to survive as a species.......maybe cause they want to brag in the after life or something
This is me without the money
Man, I live in Russia and all I want is for USA people, Israel people, Iran, Rússia Paquistán, etc. and everyone on this planet to live in peace and prosperity. So God bless us all!
I want Israel to Relocate to Texas or someplace,
You forgot your neighbour Ukraine. I hear they have been invaded.
I dig your energy, Igor. Clearly more of it is needed. Peace and prosperity to you as well.
Cool, so does the rest of the world that isn't a power-mad individual. But it's not going to happen as Komrades.
Nice. But please tell Vlad to leave Ukraine alone.
Accelerationism is just going to replace countries with corporate territories.
Snow Crash!
That's the idea I suppose. Corporations have just about taken over everything now.
Those who shout the loudest "(too) big government", want to replace democracy with totalitarian corporate government.
Yeah, look at how that Hudson's Bay Company is running 40% of North America!
Oops. That was 250 years ago.
Next thing you know, somebody is going to try to tell me the East India Company.. uh... the Whutt?
Replacing a region's representative with a rep. Of the largest Corporation was what they did in Italy, and they called it fascism.
"They looked for evidence that fit their theory. But they kinda left out any evidence that didn't fit the model." Nailed it - not just for accelerationism, but across the social sciences. I switched majors from history to international relations, and was absolutely gobsmacked by the incredibly selective use of historical fact that social sciences ranging from sociology to economics routinely engage in, while ignoring obvious, better alternative explanations that are readily available, mostly because it would ruin their tidy theoretical structure.
The problem I find with all professional know-it-alls, is that the basis for all learning is to first admit there are things you either don't know or could be wrong about. Without this mindset you blind yourself to new information. The moment an academic takes a professional stance and becomes known as a proponent of an ideology, they make it very difficult to admit that they're falible (as admission of mistakes is a loss of credibility); which makes it very difficult for them to learn and improve and so they become a conceptual snapshot rather than a learning human being with an evolving theory. Their job becomes shaping data around their theory, rather than shaping their theory around the data.
It's no wonder most of their followers mimic that behaviour - ignoring/denying any and all evidence that doesn't fit their world view and building echo chambers to make them feel like their beliefs are a self-evident truth and they are intellectually/morally superior for noticing it. It's like academic cultism. Fit this arrogance with an 'ends justify the means' mindset and you have a recipe for disaster.
Lol like everyone else with power does.
It's a human thing, not a rich ppl thing.
Occam's Razor was abandoned many years ago. It challenges social, cultural and dare i say, scientific beliefs required to push political and economic agendas and no political party is immune to it. Nonsense and irrationality rule. The divide between people begins at the top of the hierarchical pyramid of power, if you will. Be careful to know where your information comes from. It might just be an enemy you never knew existed.
Your talking about the basis of liberalism. Ignore anything that disprove your beliefs 😂😂😂
@@Neion8 I don't think you understand, sticking to a theory/ideology is a feature not a bug.
You exhaust your theory, before changing your mind in most fields.
After nearly six decades on this rock, I tend to trust my ability to spot horseshit these days. But…what seems to be a source of relentless disappointment for me though, is the increasing desperation to grab hold of what surely can be seen as suspiciously simple answers to the obviously difficult and complex problems that we face as a society. This seems to happen with monotonous regularity and without any regard to how poorly thought out they are or how little intellectual or academic rigour has been applied to them. And that seems to fit the “Four Corners” narrative all too well.
Agreed. Complicated problems require equally complicated solutions. And guess what? Those solutions won't ever fully solve the problems they are addressing.
@@IronClawGaming a lot of the problems and solutions are a lot simpler than people make them look, though. like, there are people who just hate minorities; the solution is for them to fucking get over it. if that happened everything else would follow
I think it's the "suspiciously simple answers to the obviously difficult and complex problems" bit that stood out for me. The first inconsistency that jumped out at me regarding the "Four Turnings" model is that WW II is seen as a Crisis turning, but somehow WW I, a mere 25years prior appears to be glossed over in the "80 year cycle" - Edit: Hah! I then kept watching and Joe calls this out too! Doh!
I totally agree. Everyone wants everything to be simple and thus they jump on the bandwagon for simple explanations that don't make sense when looked at with an educated and critical eye. Unfortunately, the American school system is not designed to create critical thinkers. It's purpose is to create good little worker bees and consumers. That goal has been met and we are reaping the rewards of what we have sown. I am so glad that my father isn't here to witness what is happening...
Academic approval is quickly losing its importance. Reseach and universities are things that can be easily bought.
The only decent courses of action, if one believes they've predicted disaster, are the a) try to prevent or at least minimize it, and b) try to help people get through it.
Anything else is evil.
^ This.
We are creating a new world and you have no place in it!
That's a very childish understanding of the apocalypse. If you truly think it's the end of the world and there is no avoiding it, the only good becomes ensuring the protection of those you care about. Once that is secured, the highest good becomes ensuring a minimum viable nucleus for society to rebuild... which everyone inevitably thinks should be done according to their rules.
"Minimizing it" just sounds like the people screaming "Musk can give every American a million dollars and still be rich"
Absolutely. Even if all you can do is get folks out of the way.
strongly agree
Who's here in 2025?
We’re all looking for answers, I guess.
Oh that’s funny I figured he just posted this because it’s actively happening 😂 I didn’t realize this was a year old. Turns out Joe is ahead of his time-!
But no one will be here in 2026??
Believing you can do better by building something anew atop the ruins of the old world instead of trying to fix it, which is already hard, is nothing short of hubris.
And while I suspect we might disagree on a lot in terms of politics (I'm extremely sceptical of government and politicians), you're doing really well keeping videos featuring political aspects respectful for the viewers regardless of their leaning. I wanted to comnend you on that.
Hubris has always been our downfall, over & over again. Many failed to understand the assignment. Pride blinds, humility clarifies...and we are living in a time where most would prefer maintain their ego (worldview+ self concept) than evolve their mind to seek objective truths.
Despite what Graham Hancock will tell you, Atlantis is most probably a warning about national hubris, which we’ve failed to learn from ever since.
This is all a self fulfilling prophecy of a dystopian nightmare that everyone’s warned us against.
“Let’s take the foot off the brake and accelerate to certain collapse- what could possibly go wrong?” - some catastrophe capitalist
It’s the logical conclusion of the excesses of empire exploitation and the evolution of colonialism.
A world where ‘finance’ is the no.1 industry may be seduced by Gods of greed
The modern era tried both. Colonials built on top of the ruins of other societies and those who stayed behind tried to fix what they had - both failed miserably because here we are
Building is easy, finding room and permision to start, not so much.
I assume that in a group of people some want to stagnate and enjoy, while others wish to shape the world.
So the wealthy is playing Thanos
Accelerationism is an incredibly stupid idea. When systems break down, it's not like there's a "Game over" screen and the slate is wiped clean and everything somehow returns to a basic start over state. We just end up having to still deal with the same problems. The problems are not going away magically. The problems are intrinsic to humans and living on Earth.
Also, intentionally causing massive amounts of suffering in the near future, because you think that will prevent some suffering in the future just comes across as evil to me.
Yes! Destroying the system does not destroy our problems. We just end up with no shared means of addressing those problems!
@@scottsanford1451 The question is always, whose problems that are and whose lifes are getting worse.
The techbros speculate to profite from the collapse.
Talk about praise of "disruption" ...
Not if you can build a better society on top of it. If our elitist society would collapse and people didn't allow the government of the rich to form again, then we would come out much better from the collapse.
@@josecipriano3048 Another "government of the rich" with different people would form.
So... we recognize destructive societal patterns, and so we must repeat them? That's where they landed? If im someone who discovers a pattern in my behavior, let's say, binge drinking for a week, 3 days of recovery, 2 weeks of productive activities, then boredom, and back to binge drinking. Should I resign myself to the cycle? Or should I address the core problem and reset my cycle? I know this is harder to answer on a majorative and generational scale. But there are common synchronicities between generations that are almost always the same that arise in different problems. Mark Twain said, "history doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme." With that in mind, maybe not acceleration, but early diagnoses to these rhyming problems should be enacted. I know that it's much more enticing to give into familiar patterns than to forge new footholds towards progression. So I guess we're doomed to keep climbing and backsliding our way to destruction, always staying in the same goddamn place.
Yeah. You would think that reading history would suggest that people learn and things change.
@@jeffengel2607 You'd think... Every time there was an incident at my organization my team would do a debrief afterwards and write a report on what went wrong and what all the incident responders felt would help us avoid a repeat (or worse). You'd think the Management team would make applying those recommendations a priority. You'd think...but you would be wrong.
i recognise these patterns.
This is the unintended real cost of progress - time acceleration, which is why there are societies quite content with what little they have, the cost is too high to provide a standard that only a few will enjoy momentarily
I think the premise is false. They don't want to fix the system, they want to break off a chunk that they can personally rule as their own fiefdoms.
I think you are right when you said it's terrible people using this stuff as excuses to do terrible things. I've always felt that there are people who just want to fight. I don't think they really care who they fight. They just use whatever excuse is closest.
It's because they're scared. Fighting is easy. Changing yourself? Your fears? Your reactions to those fears? That's the hard work. If it needs to be justified and makes no one a better person, you are just perpetrating the cycle.
"Some people just want to watch the world burn." - Alfred Pennyworth
For those with the most influence at the top, doubt it's about just wanting to fight. It's pretty clearly the "Never let a good crisis go to waste." money-making mindset. That's why the "effective accelerationism" just sounds like a re-branding of "effective altruism", which turned out to not be so altruistic.
a childs mentality.
Thankyou Joe. I have been trying very hard to understand "WHY". At 70 I don't have the real possible life span to see this come about. I hope the next generations survive mine. Utopia always seems to be some goal for one group or another. It never seems truly attainable. I have always seen some people salivate on the idea of social collapse. What a way to live your life. Cheers
It's wild how much time and money doomsday preppers spend in an effort to ensure their survival in the event of a global catastrophe, while I'm saving up to buy a plastic wading pool.
@@birdflipper I like how they buy gold for when the dollar is no good. I think that gold will have only the value of the person with food available for trade. A can of spgettios might be worth a gold coin. The true value of gold is set by stable governments. Food always has a real time value. Cheers
Whoa Preppers just want to be ready in case of a societal collapse they aren't rooting for or plotting one.
When we were children, a commonly expressed bit of folk wisdom was "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." It has come out of favor, perhaps because our so-called elites are full of Good Intentions?
@@cargilekmYou need to think a bit more. Try again.
"History is going to do what history is going to do and the best we can do is take care of each other" thanks man, that means a ton, love it
Wtf lol really…
Maybe you think my comment was silly? or really correct? But since you commented. I would ad that I read the book that this whole video was about. I thought it made a lot of limited snse, yeah there are patterns of decay in any civilization, but it would be really simplistic to try to trace them and predict their outcome. The main thing is that the world is not in our control, and certainly not if we sit around theorizing. But if we accept that we are under our own control and then focus on what we can do to help the people around us, then we have a chance of thriving. So the book does not really address that. It just talks about a grand theory of history and there have been so many grand theories of history before. THey all get old and dusty and fail to explain the world in which we live.@@Monkehrawrrr
Or we could, I don't know, do something instead of type type type?
History hasn't done anything but teach and get ignored
This feels way more relevant now than it did when it was posted.
I didn't know about the four turnings theory, but right away as you were describing it - it completely ignores WW1 which was in many ways worse than WW2 as you mentioned, then the growth period is commonly known as the Cold War and when it comes to the USA and the distrust to government there is the whole vietnam war issue where government knew for years it is unwinable and lied to people which certainly contributed to the distrust. It also feels that this theory tries to somehow tie to the USA history and ignores Europe, Africa and Asia...
It is just a made up theory, but now it is more than that since people with immense resources seem to think it is a thing.
Agreed. The theory seems very purposely naive and cherry picks events to fit the model.
People like that theorist have a bad habit of always ignoring Africa & Asia, & leave Europe behind as if it's the tired parent who's no longer relevant. If you wanna look for patterns, check that ethnocentric crap out. The US is _NOT_ the centre of the freaking world, but these "philosophers" keep centering their ideas on the US as if we're the main driver for all of civilization. It's ridiculous.
@@DrachenGothik666 Africa is not in any way relevant. What happens or doesn't happen in Africa is at most a reaction to what happens in the developed world. Events in Africa don't shape anything outside Africa. Maybe a few songs about the Apartheid, that's about it.
I would strongly disagree. Apart from Europe, virtually nobody noticed WWI. The only way WWI is an event of significance is the fall of the European monarchies - particularly Russia. And the fact that it led to the REAL turning point - which was WWII, not WWI. In the grand scheme of things, Vietnam was meaningless, certainly no more meaningful than the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Oh, it was a big deal for US certainly... the rest of the world, not really.
I think it's also important to understand how they're trying to "destroy" the world. It seems more like shake the world up violently so that the people of their choosing are destroyed. They probably haven't heard about game theory though. The mutual good always ends better than being selfish and evil.
Hmm, so you’re saying that the “billionaires” will get together and agree which races, gods and religions will be exterminated. Yeah that’s a good bet…
These monsters have openly talked about depopulation more than once. Not sure why anyone trusts those monsters.
Selfish and evil though are exactly who's running the world. Short term (unsustainable) gains are more important than long term steadiness.
What about a mutual powerful evil against a mutual weak good? Wouldn't the teamed up evil powers just steamroll everything like the Europeans did the world?
@@LetterToGodFromMeToYou That's a good example, who exactly would be a mutual weak good though? American natives, africans and asians were genocided and it's not a good thing, but their societies weren't really an example of goodness, far from it.
Thanks for this video. I hadn’t heard the term Accelerationism before. I’ve seen similar philosophies supported on some right of center forums. There is naive but unshakable believe that after society collapses that everything will magically be better. Somehow they are unable to realize that another alternative after everything collapses is a failed state, like Somalia, and that would be terrible for everyone. Somehow they are all convinced that after the collapse they (or people who share their views) will be in charge and this time they will make everything “right.” These philosophies are terribly dangerous and the people who support them are infuriating. They are unable to take to heart the aphorism of “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.”
What you described is definitely a mode of thought amongst the left, too. Nobody thinks they'll end up like Somalia or, say, the Bolsheviks. They all think they'll be post-revolution France. Of course, it gets alarming when you realize your ideological enemies have exactly the same thought, and think THEY will be the ones in charge after the collapse!
I think it's fundamentally a naive philosophy that doesn't survive long once the person learns more about the world. It's just an easy one to fall into (and stay in, at least for the uncurious), so there are always a few of these people around.
Order Out Of Chaos. The Dialectic. Problem - Reaction - Solution. We have suffered such Social Engineering attack century after century. We are is such an Accelerated Destruction Cycle now, called THE GREAT RESET. And they have been preparing for the reconstruction longer than they have the Destruction Method. The Great Reset Fourth Industrial Revolution and United Nations Agenda 2030 has already been in the process of Replacing our entire Western Civilization for decades. So while this dweeb is presenting the possibility that Billionaires are Intentionally Destroying Society to Build Back Better, I can tell you WHO is Doing it and How they are doing it. There are far too many armchair Philosophers out there that should stick to contemplating their navel, because you need a Real Conspiracy Researcher to reveal the Truth. I mean come on. Conspiracy Theories are no longer even needed. They are openly telling us what they are planning to do. Wake up...
It's not so much that things will magically get better once everything is destroyed, but rather the fact that the current system is failing and will continue to decline until it is destroyed. In that case for things to get better again, the decline must be taken to its conclusion.
Also leftists have a thing for revolution, don't they?
I’m at the point of preparing for empowering local communities to survive collapse and crisis, while maintaining some semblance of grassroots democracy- because if the psychos in charge plan to throw democracy on a national scale away in favor of globalist technocracy, we best be prepared for what the crazies have decided the inevitable is. They don’t seem to care that they might create a dystopian post-apocalyptic nightmare, they seem to relish the idea if it gives them power 🤦🏻♀️
Or it has always been in their heart and survival of the fittest makes better babies. Who can claim to have all the answers?
"All we can do is just take care of each other... that's how we get to a better world" Well said brother
Unfortunately, the ppl who want to make the world better are in the minority.
@bobbarker1798 it sure seems that way these days...
Joe, taking care of each other is indeed the answer. It's too bad that way too many people don't understand this.
Then you are a sucker who can be exploited. - well thats how some people think now; and thats why we re f--ckd
Most people understand, but disagree on just what that looks like and how to go about it.
This is a good time to get to know your neighbors and be on good terms with them.
Insert meme from Pulp Fiction of a character wondering what Marcellus Wallace meant when he wanted them to "take care of" his wife.
@@jakeaurod In this case it means helping one another because if everyone did that it would fix society overnight.
The problem with the colon cancer analogy is that accelerationists don't want to detect and treat it early, they want to speed up the cancer to put the patient on the brink of death as quick as possible.
Same could be said what a three letter agency does they detect a potential group does a bit of chemo and end up creating a even bigger tumor in the long run with all the “treatments’
yeah we don't, we want to cure it as fast as possible by accelerating the rate of technology progression
Premise, I'm not in favor of what is described.
Anyhow, accelerating this process means fewer deaths in the process, lower loss of knowledge, and part of the infrastructure to hold the coming years until things get better.
No need to accelerate an issue that needs gradual regrowth adjustments. It's about finding and destroying things that afflict the environment or things that need to be repaired, replaced or demolished.
The Four Turnings theory and it's timeline seems to be from a very very American point of view. I noticed quite a few major events involving the British, French and Russian Empires that were missed.
Absolutely, my dear can I get a chance to speak with you privately if you don’t mind
Okay so what’s your google chat
Thats because it was written by an american facist
Each system of countries have their own type of 4th turning but being the US is the global superpower its 4th turning is the one of concern
@@quijybojanklebits8750this is about as valid as numerology.
The Entire Purpose of understanding history is to identify where the people of the past went wrong and determine how to avoid making the same mistakes; The point of identifying a pattern like this is to figure out how to Break it.
Accelerationism is cowardice, surrender, or pure malice. History (Even the condensed version in this video) show that a better world isn't on the other side of these cycles, merely a multiplication of the manmade horrors beyond our comprehension
Cowardice, yes and lazy.
Joe's quote of "history is going to do what history is going to do, and all we can do is take care of each other. Call me naive if you want to, but I think that's how we get to a better world" is exactly what I've learned as well. I wrote it down on a dry erase board I keep by my door to remind myself. 🤗👍
That's very sweet and earnest of you.
I don't think it's naive, I think it's a bit lazy
You are correct, it is pretty silly to think being nice to people will solve any of our problems. You don't fight wars with smiles, you just get your arse handed to you when you try. At some point Americans just need to man up, put their foot down and say no more war mongering, no more unlimited campaign financing and no more 90 year olds getting rolled out at the capitol to pretend to cast their vote when it is bought and paid for by the billionaires. Our betters are not working with the countries best interest at heart and they need to be replaced.
It’s called “The Golden Rule” and the other truth is that if you want to change the world, you have to change yourself.
I absolutely agree. We could change the world for the better if we all took care of each other.
Ever since I found out about Exxon's in house "long term effects of fossil fuel on the planet" report in the 60's I have wondered how the people at the very top could justify their decisions and still claim to love their children/grandchildren. I get the idea of using wealth to create a bastion to protect their family from the dirty poors, but they still need air to breathe, right?
That! I called it the cycle of corruption by power drunkenness…I think all humans might be susceptible…once you become addicted to the accumulation of profit, it mesmerizes you into thinking you can buy your way out of everything if you can just accumulate enough power. At that point, you become blinded to reason, just like any other addiction.
Because there wasn't (and still isn't) any alternative. Is your oil product use = zero?
@@MB-xe8bb There is no alternative for a reason! Big oil has fought against any and all forms of alternative energy. Solar, wind, hell even clean coal!
@@TommyDye Come on, you really list solar and wind as viable? Have you never researched costs, energy production and maintenance on them? It's not viable yet. They are a money pit and the only real viable alternative in nuclear energy and it is true big oil has pretty much stop the nuclear industry in America almost completely.
They stop it by fooling us though, so if Americans were so fat, ignorant and lazy we'd have plenty of clean, cheap and safe nuclear energy in this country.
Don't get caught up in political activist talking points, they are always simplified to appeal to the masses and are never more than a surface level farce.
Need proof look at the ESG/DEI scores of big oil companies. They are the best companies on earth when it comes to being good for the planet according to the political metrics of ESG and DEI. I don't make up the scores so go verify it yourself I am not lying to you. Tesla gets a very poor rating despite the whole electric car thing because our betters don't like Musk. He doesn't tie the line for them.
Ditto for the tobacco industry. 💀👍
This reminds me of the Futurism art movement in the years before World War I. They praised action, speed, violence, progress. They believed that war was the way technology and society advances. See: Gino Severini “Armored Train In Action”, “Visual Synthesis of the Idea: War”, “Red Cross Train Passing a Village”. After seeing the horrors of war, the Futurists no longer believed that war was beneficial and the movement died. My hope is these misguided individuals can learn from history and touch grass before it is too late. 😢
Its almost like humans refuse to learn from their ancestors
They likely won’t. Eventually all of us need to ask ourselves if we’re going to allow this to play out or take these people out of the game.
See, the flaw in this is thay you wish they would LEARN something.
But we live in a world in which everyone has the distorted idea that we are rigth, and our opinions are always "spot on" , nothing to be corrected.
There's very little motivation (if any) from someone who thinks they are rigth all the time to learn anything at all.
And if not, just in case, let's make sure to prepare to make them eat grass.
We are actively either forgetting history or wanting to repeat it.
Watching this in December 2024; oooo boy. Some things have happened. People, I think, are finally starting to realize for the most part our issues are not each other but the class divide that has been engineered by the billionaires.
I think we as people in general have this idea in our head that other people do things as intentionally as we don't. Most people get in the gear of just doing things out of habit without the best reasons, or any reason at all.
I agree. Societal changes happen both gradually and suddenly, and it does seem like we don't have much control over it, either as individuals or groups. Things kind of happen on their own.
I think we downplay emotions, too.
Billionaire tells his minions/employees "We will do it this way!" This way fails and has a horrible impact like mass layoffs or environmental destruction. Billionaire loses very little personally and it felt really good to force his will on others regardless of outcome.
When you have everything, where do you get a dopamine hit? From forcing you new big idea on others. You start a fire and walk away while others burn. You get the fun without the negative consequences.
@@mysterynewsbrasil things dont just happen on their own lol ..chemtrails dont happen on their own nor do wars etc
When you look at how power works, you see that those at the bottom are the ones that plod along, head down preoccupied with just eeking out a living. Whereas, the people with way more resources see themselves as the architects of the future. They move with carefully crafted plans to keep and increase their power and influence over the common people. They know best what is ultimately good for society even if their ideas mean complete disruption of people's lives. They feel free to control people with money, food, armies, resources, energy, pandemics, etc... like pieces on a game board.
To think that these people are just plodding along with aimless ambitions is to totally underestimate them.
Unfortunately, if there's one thing that's good at protecting and insulating people from destructive habits amd immaturity it's excessive wealth.
Never heard anyone sum up the Manson family so well and so concisely, nice.
OMG the Manson generation....on steroids. Horror flick-- 'Home schooling was never like THIS!' Aaahhhh! Beyond anything you ever IMAGINED!! AAAHHHHH!!
My great-grandmother Sidlo said, "Everyone wants to save the world. A wise person keeps to the world within their reach. Their home, their garden, their neighbors, accepting all are family and a reflection of themselves. This has always outlasted any strife we face." (some editing)
Now I know who to blame for the mess we're in.
lol that’s why it all sucks. If humans want to be successful going forward we need to think as a species instead of individual groups. And that will NEVER happen
It makes sense. Keep your life and your home in order. Be good to the people you personally know. If you can do that, then any crisis will only be temporary.
Yeah, Luke Skywalker should've stayed on his uncle's farm. Gotten married to a nice Tatooine girl and inherited it once Owen and Beru died. Not gotten involved.
@@vextierier9938the borg agrees with your assessment. Standby for assimilation.
Watching this after Trump has signed all his new Executive Orders in Jan. 2025. Seeing the entire front row at his inauguration made my stomach turn. As it turns out, all my anxiety was perfectly well-reasoned. We are screwed.
I appreciate your time to address this subject. Thank you for your candid and (ironic shrugging- lol) informed presentation of this very dangerous idea that's difficult to directly address. I think your spot on, and have done a good job with this. Thanks.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the depth and breadth of information that your channel brings to this platform. I am always excited to see your content and enjoy how it doesn't fit into one specific box.
it's mostly shallow wikipedia dribble & establishment talking points given by the corrupt in power. Sure it's not be as in your face bias like most mainstream media outlets but being subtle about it is just as bad & dishonest.
This video sounds more like some kind of Sunday Sermon
@@southcoastinventors6583 Sunday sermon would never dare to question the ideas they are disseminating and in that aspect this is the exact opposite
@@southcoastinventors6583he’s describing something that he clearly doesn’t believe in…how is that a sermon
It perfectly proves:
"Just because one's rich, doesn't mean he is also very intelligent. It means he accumulated a lot of money."
Any success in any field requires a certain kind of intelligence. To make a lot of money if you are a businessman is success.
@@veselgana A certain kind yes. But it doesn't mean you have to have a high IQ. There are actually studies on that. You don't have to be necessarily really intelligent in order to be successful. Endurance and luck are big factors, for example. But if this is your opinion it is perfectly fine. I'm just reciting here. I don't have a lot of personal energy invested in this topic really.
@@veselgana Elon Musk was already rich from his fathers mining profits, and his exorbitant wealth comes solely from Tesla being valued so highly.
If anything, Musk was good at selling the image of himself and Tesla, but that isn't really intelligence, it's just a talent.
Youre confusing intelligence and wisdom.
@@GordonSeal I cannot turn 200 k into 300 Million profit… That was the investment of Musk’s father. So I cannot say to the people who can, they did not earn their success. And this is just his first company. If you think, that is not a big deal, that is your opinion 🤷♀️ I’ve seen interviews with Musk and i do think, he is intelligent. But that is my opinion. I spoke generally in my comment, not specifically about Musk.
I got this in my recommended after it was posted for a year and now we are having the Luigi situation that kinda fits. Wow lol
"History is going to do what history is going to do, all we can do is take care of each other"
Well said mate
We are doing a terrible job
The plandemic opened my eyes
We are not good at our core
We are history
After world war 3 ... AI will be in charge...then the Aliens will show up ... History has too much drama...why not 😂
i disagree that we can't do nothing- we can disrupt echo chambers with core messages of this video for example- or dispell disinformation as a society- we can go to places where disinformation is being spread and engage the comments with reasons to not divide by providing solutions and facts to pithy trumpisms
Zelazny wasn't the only Sci fi writer who touched on this. The original Foundation series by Isaac Azimov also touches upon this. However instead of just accelerationism, it was about how to mitigate the issues.
I also had to think of Foundation and thought: "They had the RIGHT idea about how to deal with impending collapse."
The funny thing is that we probably should be thinking along the lines of Foundation in order to mitigate the climate crisis.
Zaluzhniy is the great Ukrainian general.
@@johnchedsey1306 The problem is that the same people who don't want to take action against the climate catastrophe are also the people who have all the money that we would need in order to set up such a project.
@@johannageisel5390 Indeed. Tax the living crap out of them.
“To the Brilliant guys - I’m sorry”. Absolutely appropriate, and thank you for calling out how awkward it was to jump to ad break after this somber episode. Thank you!!
The ads add to the dystopian charm
@@wmpx34 lol, you are wro.....
Somehow UA-cam recommended this to me on 28 January, 2025.
Oh, boy.
WW1 was definitely more important to world events than WW2. All of the major ongoing problems and instabilities across the globe stem from the events that lead up to WW1 and as you said, WW2 was just a reverberation from the conclusion of hostilities at the end of WW1. There is a lot more to it than those exciting, cinematic years between 1939 and 1945
And yet these days people don’t even know how WWI started. Last week I had to tell my gf that Japan was an enemy in WWII. 28 years old, and didn’t know. No Pearl Harbor, nothing.
I think it's about American perspective. For them, WW1 was just funny little safari
Yeah, I think the title of "The Great War" still holds true. It's a war that has had one of the greatest (as in large) impacts on the world in history. Just about every conceivable issue today can be directly tied back to that war.
WW1 itself had its precedents. In fact, you can go back to "Ogg the Caveman" and say everything the came about since his time came due to him and his descendants.
@@filrabat1965 I mean, yes technically everything descends from Cain killing Abel. But I think the point is that most modern issues can be more directly tied to WW1 than anything else.
There's something to be said about defeatists that would rather the world end than come to any sort of understanding regarding the reasons for its suffering. If you're the kind of person that would rather hit a hard reset button than learn anything-- and you only want to hit that button because you think you'll be a survivor of this cataclysm-- then you're part of the problem.
capitalism ending isnt the same as the world ending. mark fisher wrote a book about this
MIT computers have been saying for decades that 2040 is about when capitalism will collapse.
I'm betting AI will do in humanity before then.
I've learned in my life that my best efforts simply aren't good enough because of things outside of my control.... I don't care if I'm one of the billions that pass on, we NEED a reset and globally.
Things don't have to be bad for people to come together. In fact, the better we have it, the more likely we are to be accepting, tolerant, cohesive.
lol you wish.
Its also called, "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men", etc...
When strong men use strength for destruction it creates even harder times
It doesn't matter how weak or strong they are, if they aren't good men.
Thank you for still making your videos. It brings me a feeling of normalcy and I appreciate it more than you know.
I really like your content because you're not trying to make a spectacle of a topic. you just present what you find and I honestly think you only form an opinion after you've done your research. really I don't feel like you're trying to build a fan base you're just enjoying what you do and I'm here for it.
Joe's demure makes his presentations likeable. Cheerful, yet slightly anxious, he walks that tightrope in the age of cancel culture
I really appreciate your honest, intelligent takes on issues. I'm not as skilled at remaining level-headed and presenting information about such charged topics in a manner that any reasonable person could take in without taking offense. Your videos are a service to society.
Anyone watching this in 2025?
At this rate I really hope there will be some folks around to watch in 2026 😅
You guys are fine now. You should see who's running Australia. It's a joke. Least you guys have someone with some balls
Popped up on my algo 2 days ago and saved to watch later seems like a lot of people are searching this stuff
I can't wait to see grocery prices rise. Thank you Trump and Elon!
So the four turnings is basically the whole "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times", but more detailed.
That saying is such a great example of why having a little information can be a detrimental thing, especially when said information is in the form of a catchy phrase that appeal to people/men ("hard times create strong men, etc..."). The Strauss-Howe generational theory is pseudoscience; the researchers didn't use any credible evidence to establish that these generational cycles actually do exist, and the reason why it's an attractive theory is because it, like astrology or Jungian psychology, gives people a false sense of structure and categories.
My thoughts exactly
@@yasminel1989 you should go to the gym more
Hard times do not create strong men. Good character creates strong men. See russia, china, north korea, cuba, etc.
To me, the most ironic thing of that four turnings theory is this: if I accept this theory is true, then it means I believe this cycle is continuous and inevitable. If I try to accelerate collapse to come out on top, and actually succeed in this, then my success is ultimately futile; any future I create will eventually be rebelled against and destroyed in a crisis. If I think I can create a future that breaks this cycle, then it means I don't think this cycle is continuous or inevitable; thus, we might not actually be in a crisis point at all and my attempts to create one are futile. It's the "self-fulfilling prophecy" Joe mentioned, except my actions are (in the long run) guaranteed to fail. Or I could, simply, look at different theories or live my life differently than this...
aqua, meet humans. Most of us don't think things through at all.
Empires and societies always collapse eventually, although not always with great violence. That part is for certain, in the same way all companies or other organizations created by human beings eventually go out of business. If you found a society that has a good run of several hundred years you've achieved something.
Maybe the fact itself of the existence of this cycle is to bring needed societal change. So maybe it need to happen in order for us not to stall. We have nuclear weapons now though
Demographics of almost all countries suggest a very near and mass breakdown of the world order is right at our doorstep, according to some pundits. This includes mass starvation of many societies and the international relations and economies of most advanced countries going kaput. The USA is an exception to this forecast, cause we don't need the countries that are going down the tube. All within one generation or two. A catastrophic war is not even required. We will know more later.
According to War History Online, the United States has only been at peace for 17 out of 247 years.
...Seems pertinent.
Fyi, I worked with Bill Strauss for decades. He was a nice guy. He was a comedian. An actual performing comedian. He was a self-styled expert in several areas who literally made up everything out of whole cloth, then cherry-picked history for examples that supported it. He was a nice man, but any random person's theories are as rooted in fact, reality, or history as anything by Strauss & Howe. Along with the annoying fact that "generations" are continuous, not neatly sandwiched apart. He was a nice guy but desperately wanted to be taken seriously as an "expert." That drove his generational theory. I think that drives a lot of what ego-oriented people do.
Well Im an author on psychology and the collapse of civilisations and I read the 4th Turning. My impression was - DOH, obviously. I have no idea why people get all cult-like over it.
Economies and civilisations go in cycles - YEAH. Each generation is the product of the previous generation - YEAH. We all know the family business its the grandson bankrupts it. No one is forming a cult around that. The family business is started by the grandfather, grown by the father and the grandson who never had to work hard or know poverty bankrupts it.
Its the same with countries - the generation that was spoiled after a major conflict and grew up with stories OF THAT conflict - they destroy the nation when they get to govern cos they see war as a solution and they never suffered in one.
I thought it was a very obvious superficial observation about the cyclical nature of history and conflict that was padded out with endless irrelevancy detail. I mean Joe summarised the book in 5 minuts...
I moved to Bulgaria 15 years ago - why? Cos it had gone through the collapse in the 1990's and was due to enter the happy optimistic prosperous times, I made that decision long before I read that book...
In the 90s my history professor told us the next form of government would be corporations.
I agree. We just need to adopt a mindset of helping each other.
We can’t - we r too busy fighting our neighbors over cultural differences
A strong supporter of this idea is Russell Brand.
You mean like the Bible has always said
This is exactly how we got into this mess !
While ripping the proverbial band aid off and just just getting it done is frequently not a bad plan of action, usually I have a decent idea of what the outcome will be. Expediting the collapse of civilization however opens us up to a big likelihood of all of humanity experiencing massive amounts of suffering and grief. Probably not where we want to eff around and find out.
One of the key elements of the problems with this attitude these people have is that they are assuming *they* can bring about the new era. In reality, societies are not planned by committee, let alone one or two people. They form and reshape over time through the interactions of its members, woven together - and the belief you can preplan how it would, or even should, go is inane.
@@Eet_Mia RaspK has a point, mostly because we're going into a Biggie. Chances are that all those 'sure' of where we'll end up are in for a series of nasty surprises. Shit + Fan are likely to connect and the fan was set to Very High. It'll be rough, to say the least.
YES! "Cycles, history..." Why repeat old mistakes? We can do better than that! We don't need to be resigned to failure, only the very wealthy I think are "Accelerationists" thinking they will come out great despite a huge human cost.
And the people suffering will not be the people who are causing this collapsed mess. They do not know what they are doing and they don't care.
They believe their wealth will insulate them from any issues and give them the power of Gods
I don't know why this showed up in my feed, but I am glad it did and that I watched it. I have had some internal questions on what is driving some of the craziness. I grew up in the 70's and 80's and was convinced that the world would end any day and yet many things became better even without a singular event bringing us all together.
this is aging well
The problem with these "revolutionaries" is that they turn on their own rather than turn on the billionaires who steal from them. The rich prey on your sincerity and use it as a weapon against you.
_“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”_ - Jay Gould, 1891
You don't have to be rich to manipulate somebody and use their desire to be good against them. A poor guy could do that and if done well enough, become quite powerful overnight.
@@daviru02 Yes, but it's the rich and powerful whom steal from the masses.
@@davidhunternyc1If you mean on a larger scale, then I guess that makes sense. Btw, I like how you added powerful in there. Not all powerful are billionaires. Look at Fauci.
@@daviru02Fauci is and was hardly powerful. He was chief medical advisor to Biden. That's it, and he's since retired. Wealth is power in America and Fauci is certainly wealthy, but not wealthy enough to have power beyond his station.
Ya see, if my parents would have listened to us back in the 60s and 70s, we wouldn't be in this mess now would we? BUT there were traitors like Karl Rove who was never a teenager and Roger Stone who didn't learn anything cool when he was young. Dishonest ppl were never suppose to prosper, greed was never allowed to infect the population of this future. Believe me, things were suppose to be much better than this. Thanks a lot Henry Ford and Jerry Farwell !
When I was in college, I would often have lunch with one of my History Professors...oddly we had the same hobbies basically a love for Battletech. We often discussed exactly why humanity namely those who grew up during the Cold War have a insistent hard on for a WW3. His argument was that there's a cult of wealthy and powerful individuals who were going to use the near planetary genocide to reset society back into their image. He pointed out that the Georgia Guidestones was in fact their declaration to everyone that they were going to do exactly that. They also knew full well that no one would believe any of the conspiracy theorists who point out that there are people deliberately pushing this because they controlled media and eventually will have a hold on social media. He would often refer to this as "reject democracy, return to monarchy" approach.
I'm pretty sure America is America.... Although, they will probably try anyway and end up with hierarchal religious orders again to lead the campaign for government.
That’s interesting…
Very much misunderstanding the Georgia guidestones though. They were closer to paranoid eco-Christian’s who thought the world was gonna blow up and didn’t want the environment to go with it.
It's okay to be gay bro
I mean if they remove democracy they lose their power, democracy is the power of those who can manipulate, see the last 10 elections, learn psychollogy and be at least sad to know all of those that won, was because of propaganda and manipulation, the fall of democracy is bad for billionares bc they will lose their ranch power
Wtf is battle tech. You and your professor sound like a couple of endearing weirdos but that's just straight up conspiracy speculation without providing any proof.
If we are arguing that we have an endless cycle of war, depression, and oppression, then shouldn’t we be trying to BREAK that cycle?! Shouldn’t we be trying to find solutions OTHER than war and oppression to solve our problems and improve our society?!
Its not just breaking the cycle, but actually evolving the consciousness needed to overcome our cyclical nature. Individuals are able to do this quite easily, but the collective of humanity is what really holding things back.
“It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism”- mark fisher
Now I’m saying it’s specifically capitalism (I mean, I would say that, but that’s not the point) but the idea that it’s just impossible for most people to actually think there are better ways of doing things
@@jasonkoroma4323 Biological evolution, normally, especially when dealing with mammals, occurs over 100s of thousands, and tens of Millions of years! No organism, so far, has any 'control' over its evolution. We cannot, 'force' ourselves to become more conscious or more compassionate, or more altruistic, etc,. Evolution is imposed from the OUTSIDE, not from within species.
“ break the wheel “ Khaleesi Targaeryen in some fantasy book movie franchise.
It would be like trying to bend women away from their hypergamy, the main cause of the divorce-rates. Mankind is hierarchal, likes order, and since everybody has their own version of what that order might look like, there’s the reason for what’s going on.
This video has aged a little too well.
Wow, Complex! As a veteran of two wars, upon reflection. I was trying to earn my dream. I can say, "I carry confusion I wouldn't wish on anyone." I am grateful for You-tube. It's a way to expose societies and civilization to the past, current times and possible futures. Cant wait to look back !!!🤞
I consider this primarily a scientific channel and was curious how you would tackle this topic. It was nuanced and relatively biased free, well done. 👍
@@UsernameInvalid48 considering it's virtually impossible for humans to moderate personal bias, I'm curious what you apparently consider overt bias in this video?
@@UsernameInvalid48 so you can't name one thing?
Some people just cannot imagine that people in power would sell you a problem that can only be solved by giving them more power.
With coordinated military precision and lockstep adherence to the cause, and more importantly the silencing of dissent.
"Govern me harder daddy! It's for my own good!"
Now take this 14 booster.
Chaos makes billions for a few,,,
' accelerationism ', a new name for communism.
Military precision?
Atavists equipped with an artificial intelligence system might have some input about that notion. Our present was once our future, and it proves the reality of our past. McMurdo.....
Still a conspiracy theory?
NWO @@pyroboobysmith359
People need to help each other to feel like people
Ohhh yes, Humanity's success in fixing problems after something collapses is legendary, after WWI we fixed it all into WWII
I had plants that were growing at a really fast pace. I over-fertilized the soil for them, because I was new to gardening.
The plants all died. They've never come back.
Accelerationism. Yay.
If you don't comprehend history, you are going to make inane assertions.
Find a copy of 'Web of Debt' to read. You will have a better grasp.
And after WWII we learned from the mistakes and properly fixed things in western Europe. Never before in history have England, France AND Germany sat on the same side of the table on international affairs. It's been almost a century and there are still no cracks in this alliance. If we hadn't ignored the tyranny within Russia back then, they might've sat with them too. Instead we got the Cold War and it's current echo's.
To be fair, Germany fixed its problems just fine. Until... outside influence.
And after ww2 the world entered the most peaceful and prosperous age, until xi and putler felt like they can do anything.