Founder’s Week 2020 - Francis Chan

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • Francis Chan, pastor, author and founder of Crazy Love Ministries, spoke at Moody Bible Institute’s Founder’s Week on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020, in the historic Moody Church. He spoke on Acts 20:24.


  • @jeffchacon5060
    @jeffchacon5060 4 роки тому +28

    Praise God for this lesson and how he is using Frances Chan to stretch our faith and bring us back to God's Word and God's heart. His lessons, and his God-honoring books and life, consistently make me want to grow in my faith, love and boldness. Thank you, Frances. God bless your move, your family, and your ministry.

    • @lauradimama9794
      @lauradimama9794 4 роки тому

      Jeff Chacon well said. I feel the same. And am praying in accord with you for him, his ministry and his family for God’s glory!

  • @jasonpowell291
    @jasonpowell291 4 роки тому +29

    My heart is on ,🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! Everyone let us promise to lose our lives to find it in Christ. Let's go!

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому +1


    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      Jason Powell Are you a follower of Crazy Chan?

    • @israelajala496
      @israelajala496 4 роки тому +4

      Chic Outomi be careful to not mock whom the Lord anoints to bring his word.

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      Israel Ajala, Crazy Chan is not in tune with
      John Wycliffe
      William Tyndale
      Martin Luther
      The Reformers (Protestant Reformation)
      The Puritans
      John Bunyan
      John Wesley
      George Whitefield
      Charles Spurgeon
      JC Ryle
      Alan Redpath
      The Brethren (Darby, CHM, etc)
      The Keswick Movement
      Hudson Taylor
      George Muller
      Watchman Nee
      FB Meyer
      David Livingstone
      DL Moody
      AT Pierson
      William Carey
      T Austin Sparks
      Matthew Henry
      John Knox
      Alexander Maclaren
      John R. Rice
      Billy Sunday
      Harry Ironside
      Lester Roloff
      Christmas Evans
      Adoniram Judson
      Curtis Hutson
      William Booth
      Gipsy Smith
      Vance Havner
      Wilbur Chapman
      Campbell Morgan
      JH Jowett
      Jack Hyles
      Robert McCheyne
      AJ Gordon
      Oswald Smith
      Christmas Evans
      AJ Gordon
      Jonathan Goforth
      Charles Simeon
      Richard Baxter
      I conclude: Crazy Chan is a HERETIC.

    • @israelajala496
      @israelajala496 4 роки тому +1

      Chic Outomi you really need to get a life. Sitting here critiquing a man who has done more for spreading Jesus and the gospel than you probably have ever done. Instead you sit here and knit pick. Go and tell someone about Jesus instead

  • @stephyaayaa90
    @stephyaayaa90 4 роки тому +10

    My life is nothing unless I’m doing the work I’m called to do. Thank you for this reminder.

    • @deandreross4745
      @deandreross4745 4 роки тому +2

      Stephanie Annor amen!

    • @Joe99
      @Joe99 4 роки тому

      No, Stephanie. Your life is precious no matter what, and so is the life of a Muslim, a Buddhist, or an atheist. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    • @deandreross4745
      @deandreross4745 4 роки тому +1

      Stephanie Annor don’t listen to him ^ Jesus said if you save your own life you WILL lose it .. He said to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him.. to live is Christ 💙 but also .. to die is gain 🤷🏾‍♂️🙏🏾

    • @Joe99
      @Joe99 4 роки тому

      Your beliefs or your calling should not determine your life's value. Your life has intrinsic value, and so does the life of someone who has a different belief or calling than you.

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому

      @@Joe99 souls are precious.
      Eze 33:11 KJV Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

  • @jjcm3135
    @jjcm3135 4 роки тому +8

    I m catholic but I ve been following F Chan talks for a few years now. He is profoundly interesting. What he said about the healings reminded me of St. Francis Xavier. Where he went to in Asia healings abounded. As the first missionary so many villages wanted healing that he sent children to them and the healings got multiplied through children.
    I ve come to believe healing is the authentic mark of a true believer. Unity is our terrible obstacle. St. Johns gospel. Days our glory is dependent on our unity. The sick have been the victims of so much divisive theology.
    But today we live in such a Nazareth hardened culture I think even the Lord would have problems healing. F Chan is showing many people what’s important. It’s also interesting the Pope also Francis speaks often of the Church as a field hospital for the sick.
    For 33 yrs now this problem has occupied me. I believe Jesus wants us to heal in His name. The world expects it of us. We must expect it of us. It would utterly transform everything.

    • @OquendoHector333
      @OquendoHector333 4 роки тому +1

      The only thing I would add is this HUMBLE. why I said that because where sinful and distraction will come in disguise and it will break my heart to hear a faithful Man of God traded God's Healing for worldly reason. I'm just tired of hearing and seeing so call man of god taking advantage on people who really needs healing and that man of god is making a living of that. I hear you I would add Humbling as you approach that request and responsibilities. Amen to you and for wanting that for the needed one's.🙏

    • @jjcm3135
      @jjcm3135 4 роки тому

      @@OquendoHector333 I agree completely except to add humilty, humility, humility.

    • @jjcm3135
      @jjcm3135 4 роки тому

      @A Believer I agree completely but it is impossible and unwise to think we can live a "pure faith" minus tradition. What J Pelikan said is important - " Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living." Aware of this distinction let us study & be guided by the bible and live Jesus' words in the gospels. God will do the rest.

  • @hill0532
    @hill0532 4 роки тому +16

    The Kingdom advances forcibly. Faith in Christ is greater than any doctrine. A beautiful testimony.

  • @jessiemontgomery5838
    @jessiemontgomery5838 4 роки тому +8

    Thank you Jesus for the work you’re doing thru this vessel of yours.

  • @Cesar-pq2ck
    @Cesar-pq2ck 4 роки тому +17

    I so appreciate Chan’s reverence towards God. This is something that is missing so much in churches nowadays, instead they are noisy and confusing.

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому +1

      Cesar Are you born again? Do you know that the ‘Bible is a spiritual Book for spiritual people’? Usually those who are not born again, and who are ignorant of God’s Word, are the ones who are captivated by this crazy messenger of Satan, Francis Chan.

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому +3

      This was a fabulous message of thirst and dying for Christ. Idk Francis Chan but Ido know God is able to use him as a vessel his kingdom just like he did Saul !
      As for us.. where is proof of our love for souls? Of glad surrender that we might know Christ and the power of his resurrection?
      Regardless what Mr. Chan may have said ,done or believed in the past, God is able to see far beyond man, forgive deeper than any man.He is the Potter!
      This was a powerful message concerning his desire for Christ to be all and in us all. Let God smooth out the crooked places. Your job is to pray for such a one. Not condemn him as Satan.
      Jas 4:12 KJV There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
      As for me, I will pray God be glorified in Mr. Chan's walk and the souls that hear and obey the unadulterated gospel of grace, rejoice forevermore. ❤️🙏

  • @ReAnnRing
    @ReAnnRing 4 роки тому +28

    Prayers for you Chan ... SO incredibly blessed to hear this message. Such a deep sense of awe of God using you this way - and your family. GLORY TO GOD!!! May this mission be BLESSED 10000000 fold!

  • @jayfrei
    @jayfrei 4 роки тому +53

    I can’t believe some of these comments. Is Chan not preaching the Gospel here!? C’mon. The thing that pushes me hardest toward agnosticism is “Christians” that do not desire unity, don’t instruct lovingly, and claim that it’s not the Gospel when Jesus is clearly proclaimed as Lord.
    Beautiful and challenging message.

    • @jarednel
      @jarednel 4 роки тому +12

      Couldn't agree more. The infighting within Christianity grieves my heart.
      This is what happens in a culture where intellect and knowledge is praised and esteemed above spiritual experience and true discipleship.
      It can be overwhelming at times and I have to stay intimate with God to make sure that my love doesn't grow cold. I pray daily for His heart to pour into mine. It's a challenge though! 💛

    • @ToOpen6seven
      @ToOpen6seven 4 роки тому +4

      Jesus Christ and Paul and many others were very critical of false teachers - maybe you need to read your Bible more. Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but a sword. I do agree with Pastor Chan that none of us really know the word until we DO THE WORD - that is the truth and something I know I have been guilty of not doing and that is not OK.

    • @doctrinalwatchdog6268
      @doctrinalwatchdog6268 4 роки тому +4

      Unity around what? Chan is on the road to Roman Catholicism, the Roman Church has murdered and persecuted true Christians for the last 1,000+ years. Also they teach a false Gospel. There will be no unity with Rome, the Pope is an Antichrist, i pray that you will see that. Unity is found in the true Gospel of Christ and sound Biblical doctrine not fanciful stories about how you healed a bunch of people in some third world country where funny nobody caught it on their smart phone. Why doesn't Chan go down to the children's hospital and empty it out? Oh, wait because he can't heal anyone, he like Benny Hinn (who is has been hanging around with) is a religious Con-Men.

    • @godless_rain22
      @godless_rain22 4 роки тому +6

      Please don’t let bad Christians turn you away from the goodness of Christ. Although, I understand why it has and continues to.
      As far as the rest of you...
      “All the ways of a man are clean and innocent in his own eyes [and he may see nothing wrong with his actions], But the LORD weighs and examines the motives and intents [of the heart and knows the truth].”
      ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬

    • @sheena6520
      @sheena6520 4 роки тому

      @Porter Maxwell really? don't you know that there are thousands of influential pastors converted to the catholic church? you know why? they found the truth that the catholic church founded by Christ.

  • @typicalgurl3856
    @typicalgurl3856 4 роки тому +25

    "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
    Matthew 5:11‭-‬12 ESV

    • @typicalgurl3856
      @typicalgurl3856 4 роки тому +4

      True follower of Christ has a discernment of what is true and judge rightly. Brothers and sisters dont be so quick to judge just because of the heresy but to attest every spirit. Beware of our words toward a brother.

    • @DefenderoftheCross
      @DefenderoftheCross 4 роки тому

      Beware of heresy coming from a brother.

    • @southernmostrebel
      @southernmostrebel 3 роки тому

      The ESV is a false Translation , We are actually supposed to
      "mark "
      these false teachers , It is Chan who is saying false things .

  • @Alonka1213
    @Alonka1213 4 роки тому +12

    This is so awesome... how I desire to grow and grow daily in my Lord

  • @debbiedean3165
    @debbiedean3165 2 роки тому

    Praise You Lord, for this message. Help us to listen and obey and walk the narrow path.

  • @eileenalexander9026
    @eileenalexander9026 4 роки тому +1

    Truly, truly prophetic.Amen, Pastor Chan. May the Lord work through you and your family mightily. Thank you for being a worker of the harvest. May I go and be likewise.

  • @Galaxyninety9
    @Galaxyninety9 4 роки тому +1

    God Bless you Francis Chan, love love this message, allowing it to challenge me.

  • @kccombatives
    @kccombatives 4 роки тому +7

    Moody, thank you for bringing Francis Chan in to speak at founders week. Thank you for bringing in a man that sets a wonderful example of what it looks like to fearlessly live out our faith. Thank you bringing in a man who is doer of word as James says, and not a hearer only.

  • @RevTruthSeeker
    @RevTruthSeeker 4 роки тому +3

    Such a powerful session, Word, prayer, & worship together!!!

  • @lauradoerksen5962
    @lauradoerksen5962 4 роки тому +5

    I see lots of spiritual foodies here.. loved it and love you and your fam francis!

  • @DylanDuBois1231
    @DylanDuBois1231 4 роки тому +1

    I love how real and honest Francis is about Christianity. Nothing against the prosperity gospel but acting as a “good steward” certainly says a lot more. Thank you Mr. Chan, best of luck in Asia ❤️🙌🏽

    • @michaels.7500
      @michaels.7500 4 роки тому +1

      I also admire Francis Chan for his authentic love for the Lord and his passionate conviction to share the gospel and I totally agree with you that "acting as a good steward says a lot more" but would also add that there's no need to soft serve the truth about the prosperity gospel, it's misleading and harmful to most people that truly desire to follow after Jesus and it should be called out and rebuked for it not being biblical and in line with what scripture teaches. God bless you in your walk with the Lord my sister in Christ!

    • @DylanDuBois1231
      @DylanDuBois1231 4 роки тому +1

      Michael S. Thanks! I agree with you. I admire your strong stance about Christianity. I try to be gentle about it because I’m my early walk with Christ, prosperity teaching helped me with personal adversities. However as I grew in my walk, I realized it wasn’t truly biblical. But for that person who hasn’t found god as of yet or needs help with their faith, you may have to start somewhere even if it’s a bit off track because if you push through honestly , my faith has it that you will find yourself on the narrow path. (At least I hope) but that’s why i watch teachers such as himself, Vernon Ashe, and Paul washer who could be more firm than myself. Thanks my brother in the lord !!

  • @d_cole_writerboy66
    @d_cole_writerboy66 4 роки тому +7

    John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. (Praying for you brother Chan)

  • @yinmung7745
    @yinmung7745 4 роки тому +9

    I love this so much!!!!! I’m just saddened by the critics in the comments sections. People forget that the AUTHOR is greater then the book itself. When God doesn’t fit into our little box, we assume it’s false. He is “Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.”

    • @ReAnnRing
      @ReAnnRing 4 роки тому +1

      mu mung wish I could hit “like” one hundred times on this !!

    • @justason6599
      @justason6599 4 роки тому

      Yes indeed

    • @lynwattam
      @lynwattam 4 роки тому +1

      I agree.
      But I found it humorous that in response to the critics, you used as your proof text a line from a Bethel song, haha. Probably not the best 'proof-text' for the crowd your talking to, haha ;)

    • @mattpopa
      @mattpopa 4 роки тому +1

      @@lynwattam In fact, the song Way Maker is written by a Nigerian Gospel Singer by the name of Sinach. It was also sung that night at Moody Church when Francis preached. Many of these critics are listening to the wrong spirits; the same spirits that have been striving to split the church since the beginning.

  • @joep6023
    @joep6023 4 роки тому +7

    It's so hard not to see true genuineness in Francis message here.... at least for me

  • @mattt6355
    @mattt6355 4 роки тому +17

    Great talk, he is sincere and humble. Bit shocked by the criticisms in these comments. Can’t see how any Christian could be upset by this presentation.

    • @yinmung7745
      @yinmung7745 4 роки тому +2

      Matt T same here brother!

    • @doctrinalwatchdog6268
      @doctrinalwatchdog6268 4 роки тому

      How is he humble? He says at the beginning he is afraid he will say things to bring glory to himself, then later he tells a story where he does exactly that claiming he had the power to heal a village full of people. You do realize he has been hanging around with Benny Hinn and Todd White right? Be careful of the man who is the hero of all his own stories.

    • @linvictor99
      @linvictor99 4 роки тому +10

      Maybe my English is not good. I didn't hear him saying he had the power to heal the sicks. What I heard is he had fear in mind, but he knew Jesus was with him, he expected Jesus healed and Jesus did. I believe he was well aware of Jesus heals not Francis heals.

    • @ellenkeyes1073
      @ellenkeyes1073 4 роки тому +2

      I am so saddened by Christian's responses to each other these days. It breaks my heart. It is no wonder people are leaving the church left and right. Those leaving aren't right to do so but with these kinds of divisions, it is discouraging to say you are a part of it.

    • @thelonghorncow5084
      @thelonghorncow5084 4 роки тому +3

      @@doctrinalwatchdog6268 God can use Apostle Paul, Brother Francis Chan & Any Genuine Christian to bring Healing to anyone. That is what the Bible says!

  • @mbtcg
    @mbtcg 4 роки тому +1

    What a powerful message!!!! I love the sincerity. Thank you for expressing your journey with Christ, so many won’t allow God to lead them into a greater light because they are stuck in doctrines and traditions. This message puts a fire in my soul. It refreshes a deep longing in my soul, to lose my life for Christ.

    • @southernmostrebel
      @southernmostrebel 3 роки тому

      Do not Be deceived " by Francis Chan beloved . a lot of "crazy love " hand jive like at @ 35:20 he does the " crazy " symbol while saying " compression " which pretty well wraps up his cult ministry calling crazy deceived and deceiving " comprehension ... @16:05 the key word of these New apostolic Reformation performance artists is "Feel " @ 16:45 " everyone's a foodie you know what I mean like " Valley Guy talk to the trendies who find this effeminate behavior and shallowness. entertaining And again 10 seconds later @ 16:58 " everyone's like a foodie "... so " deep " it bears repeating in liberal la la land . @ 26:26 playing the clown entertainer further Squawking for donations No I don't believe we should give obvious heretics " the benefit " we are supposed to call them out - That's why Chan says ridiculous things like that God will strike people dead for criticizing him and his circle of fellow false Prophets destroying lives and getting rich leading people away from Christ . .

  • @carolynedgar1090
    @carolynedgar1090 4 роки тому +2

    Francis has the ability to share the Gospel in truth and boldness to Asia!! Let's all pray, and pray he goes to speak in Japan as well...huge God's grace many more ppl will hear him in Asia than has in America!!

  • @amothemo
    @amothemo 4 роки тому +5

    God bless you, Pastor in all the ways you take according to His will. I wish I could translate this video into Polish so many people in my country could be touched by its powerful message.

  • @double_j3867
    @double_j3867 4 роки тому +6

    I want to go on a trip with this guy!

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому

      Same here!

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      John Just Try Wuhan, China.

    • @double_j3867
      @double_j3867 4 роки тому

      @@chicoutimi48 I know people doing ministry there, my wife is from there, and my mother in law is there. Safety is not a place, it's a person (=Jesus).

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      The only trip with this guy Chan would be a trip to hell, because that’s where this crazy heretic is heading.

    • @mballa423
      @mballa423 4 роки тому

      Chic Outomi you're nuts.

  • @michaels.7500
    @michaels.7500 4 роки тому

    It's great to see this man on fire for the Lord and the message he's sharing is powerful. Just can't help but to wonder the way he's sniffling and wiping his nose if he's dealing with Corona virus already considering he's been traveling to Myanmar etc recently but obviously he's not concerned about dying for Christ so I pray the Lord's will be done and that he would be with Francis Chan as he carries out the Great Commission. 👑💖⛪🙏☝️

  • @kwobs1
    @kwobs1 2 роки тому

    Halleluyah! Awesome testimony!

  • @franciscomartinez5983
    @franciscomartinez5983 4 роки тому +2

    Mr. Chain is on his way to the Church. We are waiting for him and all our separate brothers and sisters

  • @dantelee2112
    @dantelee2112 4 роки тому +21

    It’s so sad that not just the world, but Christians don’t even believe this. it’s like we forgot what Jesus did

    • @michaelboucher4544
      @michaelboucher4544 4 роки тому

      Maybe Francis should start raising the dead. Wait, here's an easier one. He should feed 5,000 people with a loaf of bread.

    • @stephenjohnson9632
      @stephenjohnson9632 4 роки тому +5

      Michael Boucher
      Feeding 5,000 people with five barley loaves and two fish is nothing compared to what Jesus has done the past 2,000 years: taking His one sacrificed flesh and poured out blood and feed the faithful throughout the world and and throughout out time bringing His work on Calvary to the present.

    • @3deeguy
      @3deeguy 4 роки тому +1

      @@michaelboucher4544, John 6:26 _"Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled."_
      Some of them were only interested in another free meal.

    • @DefenderoftheCross
      @DefenderoftheCross 4 роки тому

      The Gospel is not about performing miracles or healings. It is about for God's glory He tore apart and bled out the body of the Son to appease the wrath that we deserved in order to reconcile mankind with God. That is the entire Gospel. It is not about avoiding pain and suffering and poverty.

    • @beepeejayj865
      @beepeejayj865 4 роки тому

      DefenderoftheCross I agree that the gospel is not solely about miracles and healings, but it plays a huge part of it. Jesus was constantly performing miracles and healings along with preaching the gospel of the kingdom. His disciples did the same, as the name disciple suggests. It is written that if we believe we would do even greater things. We are disciples of Jesus and people are still demon possessed, people are still bound by darkness. We are called to walk as Jesus walked. How can we do that without the full power of the Holy Spirit?

  • @joostbakker
    @joostbakker 4 роки тому +1

    A true confession of belief in God's power

  • @CoreenT
    @CoreenT 4 роки тому +4

    Love this so much!

  • @lydiabrown559
    @lydiabrown559 4 роки тому +6

    Great message! I left challenged and with a heart of repentance
    Surprised by the negative comments calling him a false teacher/ prophet what ever .. is he preaching a different gospel did I miss something is he preaching something other than Christ ? Looking at previous videos and from reading some of his books they all point to Christ alone 🤔
    Anyways praying for you Pastor Chan and your move

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      Lydia Brown Are you born again? Do you know that the ‘Bible is a spiritual Book for spiritual people’? Usually those who are not born again, and who are ignorant of God’s Word, are the ones who are captivated by this crazy heretic, Francis Chan, who is veering towards notorious Roman Catholicism.

    • @lydiabrown559
      @lydiabrown559 4 роки тому

      Chic Outomi Yes I am!! And you can be born again as well the Bible says in Ephesians 2:8 that by grace we are saved through faith! By having faith in Christ alone we are immediately saved! That’s great news !!! Repent and turn away from your sins! Put your faith in the finish work of Jesus Christ! I’ll keep you lifted in prayer!! ♥️

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      Lydia Brown I am born again.
      But you haven’t understood my comment. “Usually those who...are ignorant of God’s Word, are the ones who are captivated by this crazy heretic, Francis Chan, who is veering towards notorious Roman Catholicism.”

    • @allanhutton
      @allanhutton 4 роки тому +1

      @@chicoutimi48 my goodness you are so self-righteous. may our Lord have mercy

    • @chicoutimi48
      @chicoutimi48 4 роки тому

      Allan Hutton
      The point is: Francis Chan is a heretic, an apostate, and more dangerous than the deceitful charismatics and catholics he hobnobs with.
      I am not a Calvinist and it is sad that John MacArthur’s Masters University didn’t identify this dangerous heretic before he graduated from there.

  • @estebancaldero8118
    @estebancaldero8118 4 роки тому +6

    Does anyone want to go and do evangelism in Chicago?

    • @mballa423
      @mballa423 4 роки тому

      Many are already there. More go each day.

    • @southernmostrebel
      @southernmostrebel 3 роки тому

      Do not Be deceived " by Francis Chan beloved . a lot of "crazy love " hand jive like at @ 35:20 he does the " crazy " symbol while saying " compression " which pretty well wraps up his cult ministry calling crazy deceived and deceiving " comprehension ... @16:05 the key word of these New apostolic Reformation performance artists is "Feel " @ 16:45 " everyone's a foodie you know what I mean like " Valley Guy talk to the trendies who find this effeminate behavior and shallowness. entertaining And again 10 seconds later @ 16:58 " everyone's like a foodie "... so " deep " it bears repeating in liberal la la land . @ 26:26 playing the clown entertainer further Squawking for donations No I don't believe we should give obvious heretics " the benefit " we are supposed to call them out - That's why Chan says ridiculous things like that God will strike people dead for criticizing him and his circle of fellow false Prophets destroying lives and getting rich leading people away from Christ . .

  • @syler.feldman
    @syler.feldman 4 роки тому +1

    Matthew 7:19-23
    19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
    21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

  • @teresaeckert1267
    @teresaeckert1267 2 роки тому


  • @michaelboucher4544
    @michaelboucher4544 4 роки тому +2

    Can someone call Francis Chan and ask him to heal the world of the corona virus?

  • @Ericnaheyg
    @Ericnaheyg 4 роки тому

    Frncis chan is the goat 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐

  • @olgasuprun1368
    @olgasuprun1368 4 роки тому +2

    How do people donate to your ministry?

  • @wheat3226
    @wheat3226 4 роки тому +5

    I wonder if in all of those healings he did, any of those people were amputees? Wouldn't that have been so cool to be there and see that!

    • @jeremytaylor2870
      @jeremytaylor2870 4 роки тому

      there is a difference between healings and miracles, in all of these God is sovereign!

    • @wheat3226
      @wheat3226 4 роки тому

      @@jeremytaylor2870 Wow. Who knew we could split hairs. So, someone healed of incurable cancer is a "healing" and someone whose tooth, damaged by decay, is restored, THAT is a miracle!

    • @jeremytaylor2870
      @jeremytaylor2870 4 роки тому

      @@wheat3226 1Co_12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. why does scripture then differentiate between the two? my point, however, is that God is sovereign in all he does it all! we are merely vessels

    • @wheat3226
      @wheat3226 4 роки тому

      @@jeremytaylor2870 The problem with quoting scriptures that are vague is that no one agrees on what it means. Thus we do not have unity. You can't answer my question about the difference between the two and dodged the point that none of the healings were amputees. The best you can say, is what you said, God is sovereign so what does it matter? For many, that is enough. Not for me.

  • @monicaten1
    @monicaten1 4 роки тому +1

    Lol I tried moving things! Nothing ever did lol

  • @krakoosh1
    @krakoosh1 Рік тому +2

    Sad to see Moody promoting Chan.

  • @mikebuckley46
    @mikebuckley46 4 роки тому +1

    today he's probably calling you to clean your bed room

  • @kheygambe376
    @kheygambe376 4 роки тому +3

    I wish there was a subtitle 🥺 I am deaf I can't understand the message.

    • @christiankozjak4105
      @christiankozjak4105 4 роки тому +2

      @Khey Gambe. He spoke about a couple healings in Asia this past week that he saw for a deaf brother and sister. This the first miracle he's witnessed in 52 years of being alive. He also spoke about us losing our lives and finding it with Jesus. That's why he's moving to Asia. He feels God calling him there and wants to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to those people. God bless you

    • @kheygambe376
      @kheygambe376 4 роки тому +2

      @@christiankozjak4105 Thank you very much for sharing! I admire Ps. Francis Chan for his seemingly radical moves as he follows Jesus. After all, Jesus is also a radical mover, defying what the society thinks.
      God bless you too

    • @kheygambe376
      @kheygambe376 4 роки тому

      @Javier Gomez God bless you too!

    • @chance9460
      @chance9460 4 роки тому

      Dang it! Hopefully, you were able to lip-read most of his message.

    • @kheygambe376
      @kheygambe376 4 роки тому

      Oh no, my lip reading skills is not that good when it comes to English. 😩

  • @robertcrisafulli8020
    @robertcrisafulli8020 4 роки тому


  • @micheled6284
    @micheled6284 4 роки тому

    Powerful!! 21:00

  • @southernmostrebel
    @southernmostrebel 3 роки тому +1

    2 Tim 4: 3 speaks about a time when people will no stand for sound doctrine - Chan is helping spearhead his " movement " of apostasy claiming he is one of these Special new age prophets .
    . AGAIN Can , starts talking about how he is" healing" because he is one with Christ ( this man who also claims Charisma Chrislam ( appealing to peoples emotions combining islam with his false Christianity) / THE Pope are "legitimate" ) then starts making he " crazy " hand sign again @38:41 ... Chan deceives hat he " healing everyone I ouched " happened because of Unit - his ploy to excusing and uniting with error , this shows how diabolical this performance actor is and his POINT again leads to overlooking ERROR that destroys lives and sends people to hell - be certain that when chan claims is not a serious issue I IS , as he signs off on the very worst POP culture heretics from Rick Warren ($25 Million preaching Muslim " Issa changed my life " and soft pedaling/ white washing homosexuality,At President Obama's first inaugural, Rick Warren“"A common W ofd Between Us” that seeks common ground between Muslims and Christians. violating the Bile " Woer cot those who call Darkess light " ) Bill Johnson, Mike Bickle, Benny Hinn, "IHOP", Kenith Copeland ($760 Million who made a false prophesy about trump being a president twice in a row and has several planes on donations and cult books ) Heidi Baker ,Michael Brown, Joyce Meyer ($25 MILLION) , Seventh Day Adventist Ben Carson to Zombie Todd White (Net Worth Word of Faith heresy " little god " deception

  • @olgasuprun1368
    @olgasuprun1368 4 роки тому

    Is there some website for donations?

  • @Yodieland420fohunnid
    @Yodieland420fohunnid 4 роки тому +1

    Mans is a young martyr

  • @all4godify
    @all4godify 4 роки тому +1

    Why is everyone saying this guy gone crazy?

    • @M3MAX
      @M3MAX 4 роки тому +1

      Because he's been endorsing some false teachers. Here is a video that talks about it. This is Gabriel Hughes. He does the WWUT videos. He has a UA-cam channel called WWUTT. Its an acronym for When We Understand The Text

  • @jackieo8693
    @jackieo8693 4 роки тому +1

    I heard today that Francis Chan said he didn't realize that for the first 1500 years of Christianity, Christians believed the Holy Eucharist to actually be the body, and blood of Jesus. It was an invention of only 500 years ago that someone thought it was only a"symbol".

    • @jackieo8693
      @jackieo8693 4 роки тому +1

      @Holy Spiritual Practices the holy Eucharist is biblical.

    • @jackieo8693
      @jackieo8693 4 роки тому

      @Holy Spiritual Practices absolutely. Look up the miracle of Lanciano. Even St. Paul wrote about it
      1 Corinthians 11

    • @jackieo8693
      @jackieo8693 4 роки тому

      @Holy Spiritual Practices John 6 : 26

    • @mballa423
      @mballa423 4 роки тому +1

      Stop getting divided on things that aren't deal breakers

    • @NorthCountry84
      @NorthCountry84 4 роки тому +2

      Holy Spiritual Practices people like to point to Constantine about stuff he had nothing to do with. Read the church fathers. Do a close study of The Eucharist in the bible and baptism for that matter. Start with John 6 for the Eucharist. If it is just merely a symbol why did Jesus let many of his disciples leave when they took him literally. Wouldn’t he have called them back o r corrected their misunderstanding? Paul says some of the people in Corinth were sick and even died due to irreverence of the body and blood of Christ. Would a mere symbol have any such effect? When the disciples broke bread with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, their eyes were opened to Jesus. Mere symbol? Paul says is it not a participation in the body and blood of Christ? Look closer. Take up and read! Take up and read!

  • @davidrobinson5180
    @davidrobinson5180 4 роки тому +10

    Chan preached while he was a student at The Master's College. And the message was basically the same kind of message we hear him preach again and again today. He talked about how he went to downtown LA and bought lunch for a homeless guy and how that's what we should all be doing. It was clear Chan was gifted and had a lot to offer as a preacher. TMC (TMU now) can be a very insular place. The same is true with the church. However, I notice that his messages are consistently about feeling "uncomfortable". He pumps up this message of being uncomfortable so much that it becomes an idol.
    But here there is very little actual teaching from the Bible. I mourn for this because I know the education which has been poured into him. Advertising healings is no substitute for Bible teaching. Additionally, he knows better than partnering with prosperity gospel faith healers. But since it's *uncomfortable* he portrays it as a good thing. He knows better than partnering with Catholics. But it's *uncomfortable* and, since few conservative evangelicals are doing it, that makes it right.
    The truth is, without sincere, dedicated Christians who have been discipled and taught by faithful teachers who avoid the prosperity gospel and won't partner with Catholics...without those people, Chan has no audience. He is constantly representing himself as one of these people; but pushing them to do things that make them uncomfortable, rather than just living out your faith consistently, day in, day out.
    I'm so repulsed by this theme of his, because *becoming uncomfortable* has become an idol to him and many others who listen to him. It's not about how you feel. Sometimes following Christ makes you do things that are uncomfortable; sometimes you do things to follow Christ that are extremely fulfilling and comfortable because you have God's law written on your heart and obedience satisfies that longing of our heart. Regardless, what matters is whether you are faithful to Jesus, keeping his word, and obeying his teaching.
    It's time for us to give up on the emotional rollercoasters and serve Christ daily.

    • @stephenjohnson9632
      @stephenjohnson9632 4 роки тому +1

      David Robinson
      Why is partnering with Catholics wrong?

    • @davidrobinson5180
      @davidrobinson5180 4 роки тому +2

      @@stephenjohnson9632 Catholics deny the sole redemptive and mediatorial work of Christ (Hebrews 4:14-16). They preach a gospel whereby personal salvific merit is accrued through sacraments rather than faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10). They preach a false gospel. Galatians 1 says to reject someone who does that.

    • @stephenjohnson9632
      @stephenjohnson9632 4 роки тому +2

      David Robinson
      Catholics believe Christ instituted the sacraments, so when the receive the sacraments, they do so in faith in Christ. Catholics also believe Jesus is the sole mediator between God and Man.

    • @davidrobinson5180
      @davidrobinson5180 4 роки тому +3

      @@stephenjohnson9632 Nope. You guys add to Jesus' complete work with Mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix. That is why you don't believe the plain teaching of Scripture and, to bring things full-circle, why we can't partner with you in ministry.

    • @stephenjohnson9632
      @stephenjohnson9632 4 роки тому +2

      David Robinson
      So, since we believe Mary cooperated with God’s plan of salvation and that Mary, as do all of us, play an intercessorial role in order to help in the process of reconciling sinners tho God through Christ, you will not work with us to spread the Good News, stand with us as we advocate for the dignity of the unborn, and as we encourage sinners to repent and receive Christ’s forgiveness and mercy? You won’t work with us to feed the poor and protect widows and orphans around the world? Are you sure that Jesus would want you to reject those who love and serve Jesus just because we understand Him and how He interacts with us and heals and saves us differently? Is that scriptural?

  • @andyrowell94
    @andyrowell94 4 роки тому +2

    Given the scope of issues in our country, world, and evangelicalism, I could leave Francis Chan alone, but if you are interested in thinking carefully about these issues, and since Chan is the highest best-selling author who is or was a pastor besides perhaps Rick Warren and Joel Osteen, and I keep hearing his story-telling at events like Azusa Pacific Chapel in November, and now in January at the Send Conference in Brazil, Moody Founders' Week, and the Alpha Conference, about his claims of being used to heal people in Myanmar and therefore he is moving to Hong Kong, I will say that I wish he would either (a) move to Myanmar and learn the language and culture there and minister with the Christians and missionaries already there, or (b) move to Hong Kong and minister there with the churches and missionaries there. I worry about his speaking and writing drawing on his personal experiences. Ten years I reported on him quitting his megachurch to go into obscurity.
    Here is a selection from a response from a missionary in Myanmar, Breanna Randall:
    "When I moved to Myanmar, I wanted very badly to start something cool, like a community health ministry, write some teaching materials, or help plant a church . . . My husband, Jim, who has now lived here for nearly 14 years." She compares what Chan said to Myanmar pastors as compared to what Chan is saying about Myanmar in the US.
    And here is her later tweet thread about the miracles:
    "Easy steps to performing your first healing:
    1) go to a place where you don't speak the language.
    2) make sure that the only people who come to you for healing have an invisible disability.
    3) make sure you have a translator who has prepped the community for your visit ... Chan's initiative here is partnered with YWAM and Antioch church. They have a five year plan for flooding Myanmar with their brand of good news. I have yet to hear anything about it that sounds healthy or even well-thought out. They're apparently coming to work with the Myanmar church, but get this: their latest official meeting was held in English, with NO translators present. A Burmese-speaking friend was invited to attend and couldn't understand anything because the meeting was not held in Burmese. Another friend shook her head after attending the same meeting, saying, 'what happens is that the only Myanmar church people who will end up getting involved with this project are the ones who speak English.'"

  • @gleeweewee
    @gleeweewee 4 роки тому

    "God can actually take away the knowledge you think you have.." says Francis Chan referring to Luke 8. But Luke 8:12 says, "the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts.." Someone please help!!

    • @rhemaakinola44
      @rhemaakinola44 4 роки тому +1

      Francis is actually referring to verse 18 of Luke 8. If you read that portion in context and read it's parallel in Matthew 13:10-12, I think it's quite clear that the devil is NOT the one taking away. Francis is right on that one!

    • @gleeweewee
      @gleeweewee 4 роки тому

      @@rhemaakinola44 Can you teach me why? I read the Matthew verses as well (sounds like election?). I know the devil's characteristic as a thief is noted in John 10:10 and other places. I also know the parables where the minna and talents are taken away. This one is hard.

    • @lynwattam
      @lynwattam 4 роки тому +1

      Here’s what I think (for what it’s worth).
      I agree with Chan that Jesus is saying that it is God who takes away in this passage. That is judgment.
      Where I disagree with Chan is that he seems to turn this very contextual 1st century teaching of Jesus into a timeless, context-less aphorism. I tend to shy away from that. A lot of what Jesus says isn’t ‘timeless, context-less aphorism’ - a lot of what Jesus says really only makes sense in his 1st century, pre-70 AD, Judean-Galilean prophetic ministry that he was engaged in. I think Luke 8:18 fits that description.
      Essentially, I think Jesus is speaking prophetically to the covenant people Israel before the judgment of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 (which Jesus referred to and warned about many times). Jesus has been announcing the arrival of the kingdom through the parables in Luke 8 and elsewhere. The Old Testament promised that a remnant (and not all) from Israel will experience the new covenant salvation their God had promised them. It seems that Jesus saw his parables as a means of the true Israel-remnant emerging into the new covenant salvation and the kingdom he was offering. For those 1st century Jews who heard with ears, they began to be drawn into the kingdom (and became the remnant who would receive the promises). Those who didn’t hear with ears missed the kingdom, and essentially would lose their standing as covenant people (culminating in the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD). These are those who “think they have” but then what they have “will be taken away.”
      In short, it could be phrased like this:
      “Take care then how you (covenant Israel) hear, for to the one who has (the Jew who HAS an understanding of the parable), more will be given (aka: the kingdom will be given them, because by their understanding, they show they are the remnant who will receive the covenant promises)). And from the one who has not (the Jewish leaders in particular, but unbelieving Jews generally, who did not understand or accept Jesus’ parables or kingdom announcement), even what he thinks he has will be taken away (the Jewish leaders will find their covenant status that they think they have taken from them entirely, as seen in the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD…at Jesus’ time, they do genuinely ‘have’ something in terms of covenant status and kingdom-ownership, but in their rejection of Jesus, Israel’s God will take that position away - judgment).

    • @maryloumurphy7308
      @maryloumurphy7308 4 роки тому +1

      Why are you even listening to his sermons if it's to criticize , the bible also says dont answers fools , God Bless You , now go away .

    • @gleeweewee
      @gleeweewee 4 роки тому

      @@maryloumurphy7308 hahaha, where to?? =)

  • @deandreross4745
    @deandreross4745 4 роки тому +2

    This actually sounds biblical here’s why: I don’t think miracles can’t happen anymore because when we read the scriptures .. no oneeeeeeee in those countries in AD 33 and so on knew nothing. Jesus literally just resurrected, they believed in Greek Gods and other pagan God’s so they performed miracles by God. Same when Jesus said He did them so they’d believe. With that being said, he was in a country where that would have to happen for them to believe, because if we dive in- Christianity isn’t blind faith. AT ALL! I believe. Now if he was lying does that change my faith .. no. It would just mean he’s a liar. I come in peace family.

  • @DefenderoftheCross
    @DefenderoftheCross 4 роки тому +2

    If there were all kinds of healings, I'm sure there will be verification.

  • @smooothlegs
    @smooothlegs 4 роки тому

    pictures please-- JESUS said go to school right? get a degree correct ?

  • @ruebenmuniz4867
    @ruebenmuniz4867 4 роки тому

    John 3:10-12 New International Version (NIV)
    10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 1 Corinthians 4:20
    20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 2 Timothy 3:5 New International Version (NIV)
    5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

  • @katiedavis5515
    @katiedavis5515 4 роки тому

    the beatles

  • @betofonseca851
    @betofonseca851 3 роки тому

    liltjay tonyrobbins frisky glennbeck countonme oceanman richlux

  • @dawnthompson9096
    @dawnthompson9096 4 роки тому

    Faith healing?

    • @valeriek7862
      @valeriek7862 4 роки тому +1

      Dawn Thompson the only kind that heals.

  • @michaelboucher4544
    @michaelboucher4544 4 роки тому +3

    But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:1

    • @valeriek7862
      @valeriek7862 4 роки тому

      Michael Boucher I guess you would prefer those children remain deaf.. sad..

  • @Joe99
    @Joe99 4 роки тому +1

    There's a really good reason why Christians say "oh, he didn't really mean that" about the bible. Because they're protecting themselves from the fact that it's simply not true. I'm speaking from first hand experience as someone who was HEAVILY involved in faith healing. I used to be convinced it was real. It's not real people. Don't believe it.

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому

      Joey be careful how you hear.. You miss God in this message! You must eat what is true if you want to be alive and busying about the Father's kingdom ❤️

    • @Joe99
      @Joe99 4 роки тому +1

      @@rhondaellerbe3463 There are many things I failed to consider when I was involved in faith healing that I now consider to be abuse disguised as love. Faith healers who pray for people who are sick and dying and do not recover is NOT loving. Taking advantage of sick people in a very vulnerable state giving them false hope is lowest of the low. And even if it were real, God has to be begged and pleaded to for people to get healed? And even that's not a guarantee, because it only "works" some of the times? That is disgusting.
      Tbh, I'm not surprised Francis got into faith healing. His "crazy love" makes him vulnerable to religious extremism. I can relate, because I was in a similar place and used to say the same kinda things that he did in this video.

    • @Joe99
      @Joe99 4 роки тому +1

      @@rhondaellerbe3463 Stories of abuse, first hand from people who were prayed for:

    • @Joe99
      @Joe99 4 роки тому

      @Laren P yes, and faith healing was actually the tipping point for me.

    • @Joe99
      @Joe99 4 роки тому

      @Laren P no

  • @michaelmaar3920
    @michaelmaar3920 4 роки тому

    CHRIST was asked the question on how to pray and the answer HE gave was pray to your FATHER in heaven, but many Christians refuse and instead pray to CHRIST who told them to pray to THE FATHER. Why cant people pray to who CHRIST said to pray to.
    Luke 6:46. And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

  • @ywtan6180
    @ywtan6180 4 роки тому +2

    Francis should stop selling this 'do more works' stuff. Let people be filled with the Holy Spirit and let them hear from the Lord. Kneeling and praying in agony as though God is unaware of our real or fake emotions is ridiculous.

  • @dchazfan
    @dchazfan 4 роки тому

    Dont know if it's the right time to go to Hong Kong.

    • @natediggitydog8
      @natediggitydog8 4 роки тому

      Roseanne F for healing??? Cmon!!

    • @CoreenT
      @CoreenT 4 роки тому +2

      It's the PERFECT time. :)

    • @robertfair4596
      @robertfair4596 4 роки тому +2

      @@CoreenT If its Gods time It is perfect.

    • @linvictor99
      @linvictor99 4 роки тому

      Francis had already teaching in Cantonese. He picks it up pretty quick.
      Here is the link of the teaching.
      He also connects with local church and delivered a powerful message couple hours ago.

  • @JosipM333
    @JosipM333 4 роки тому +1

    Francis Chan God bless you. ✝️ Come back home in real true and first Christ Church the Catholic Church Amen!🇭🇷

  • @southernmostrebel
    @southernmostrebel 3 роки тому

    "non essential areas "... @42:43 claims you have to warn people then shun them if they don't accept cult teachings of ecumenicals in another video he makes a yeah great on behalf of "GOD " ...for resisting he the fraud and speaking up AS Crust SAID o do ...

  • @KelliHarrah
    @KelliHarrah 4 роки тому +8

    Hmmm.....Not saying it can't happen - just saying I'll be approaching Chan with caution now.

    • @doctrinalwatchdog6268
      @doctrinalwatchdog6268 4 роки тому +2

      Exactly. He is currently praising Todd White disciple of Kenneth Copeland and Pope Francis. Also took a selfie with Benny Hinn. #heresy

    • @valeriek7862
      @valeriek7862 4 роки тому +1

      Kelli Harrah I guess you should approach Jesus with caution too then.

  • @sicksamuel5110
    @sicksamuel5110 4 роки тому

    Religious people amaze me , very bizarre to watch this 😄

    • @M3MAX
      @M3MAX 4 роки тому

      I agree with you. He is bizarre. Have you ever heard the gospel? Here it

  • @luisguzman-gy6dk
    @luisguzman-gy6dk 4 роки тому

    bubble guppies

  • @MNskins11
    @MNskins11 4 роки тому

    We are witnessing the makings of a Saint

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому

      1Co 1:2 KJV Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:.

  • @dasarius
    @dasarius 4 роки тому +13

    If you are going to make claims of supernatural healing please share the medical records complete with doctors' names and contact information.
    If true, praise God.
    If false, repent.
    My faith is in God, not your claims.

    • @jnurugoodwin3376
      @jnurugoodwin3376 4 роки тому +7

      Darren Lawrence my faith in is in God but I need proof what an oxymoron your proof Is in the word

    • @dasarius
      @dasarius 4 роки тому +5

      That's easy. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. God's Word is infallible. Chan's word is not

    • @jnurugoodwin3376
      @jnurugoodwin3376 4 роки тому +14

      Darren Lawrence that’s easy to Matthew 10:8
      Says Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

    • @yinmung7745
      @yinmung7745 4 роки тому +10

      I’m not trying to reply with a rude manner but people who were healed in the Bible didn’t have any medical records.

    • @gleeweewee
      @gleeweewee 4 роки тому +1

      @@yinmung7745 hahaha

  • @MorganFam5
    @MorganFam5 4 роки тому +2

    Sounds similar to NAR and sign seeking, feelings focused and self esteeming, a bit ecumenical. Jesus COULD do miracles anywhere anytime, but chose not to because he is all knowing. We are not. We aren’t going to be greater than Him.

  • @greg7384
    @greg7384 4 роки тому +3

    Francis Chan preaches Francis Chan really well under the false auspices that he is humbly preaching about God.

    • @rhondaellerbe3463
      @rhondaellerbe3463 4 роки тому

      This was a fabulous message of thirst and dying for Christ. Idk Francis Chan but I Do know God is able to use him as a vessel his kingdom just like he did Saul!
      As for us.. where is proof of our love for souls? Of glad surrender that we might know Christ and the power of his resurrection?
      Regardless what Me. Chan may have said ,done or believed in the past, God is able to see far beyond man, forgive deeper than any man. He is the Potter! This was a powerful message concerning his desire for Christ to be all and in us all. Let God smooth out the crooked places. Your job is to pray for such a one. Not condemn him as Satan.
      Jas 4:12 KJV There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
      As for me, I will pray God be glorified in Me. Chan's walk and the souls that hear and obey the unadulterated gospel of grace, rejoice forevermore.

    • @greg7384
      @greg7384 4 роки тому

      Rhonda, I never condemned Chan "as Satan". And you're not judging my judging, are you? That would be very hypocritical. After all, your job is to pray for me, not call out what you see as wrong, right?

  • @jacobmaier8993
    @jacobmaier8993 4 роки тому +2

    I'm so dissappointed with brother Chan. He's teaching false history in regard to Catholicism, he's become a rogue idealist in my estimate. It really hurts my soul.

    • @israelajala496
      @israelajala496 4 роки тому

      Don’t be distracted by doctrines and debates . As long as he his preaching the gospel of Jesus and people are getting saved that’s all that matters, God still get the glory and His kingdom grows. Don’t let the devil distract you and others with doctrines and debates it’s all to veer people to the side and sway from the main focus .

    • @jacobmaier8993
      @jacobmaier8993 4 роки тому

      @@israelajala496 you think doctrines are a distraction?

    • @israelajala496
      @israelajala496 4 роки тому

      Jacob Maier Acts 16:31, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” This is what matters. Everything else comes after. Even Paul and Barnabas had disputes in scripture that separated them . It’s the devils tactic to bring division instead of unity in the church, and one of the ways is by all these different winds of doctrines .

    • @jacobmaier8993
      @jacobmaier8993 4 роки тому

      @@israelajala496 that's an interesting doctrine you are preaching

    • @israelajala496
      @israelajala496 4 роки тому +1

      Jacob Maier I’m speaking nothing but biblical scripture reference. So yes, the Bible is interesting indeed.

  • @evancontreras9127
    @evancontreras9127 4 роки тому +2

    Why does Francis always look constipated when he prays??

    • @mangotheonly
      @mangotheonly 4 роки тому +1

      Evan Contreras lol

    • @silverbackhayabusa
      @silverbackhayabusa 4 роки тому +6

      Glad you walked away with something meaningful and soul saving.

    • @pilgrim3313
      @pilgrim3313 4 роки тому +3

      Evan remember that you will be judged for every careless word you speak.

    • @anagomez9620
      @anagomez9620 4 роки тому

      He is constantly expelling what needs to get out , we are all call to be saint in order to be worthy to go to heaven , nothing unclean can go to heaven , it is here on earth that we have to clean ourselves from sin and wow it’s an non stop discipline that we easily fall like Peter , but we have a loving Lord that awaits for our conversion , May We listen to Mary when he tell us us do as he ask you to do like I. The wedding of Canna , Thank you Ma Mary for saying yes , FIAT!!!🍃🕊🍃🌏🕊🍃🌍🙏🕊🍃🕊🌎🙏🌏❤️

  • @SSJCyan
    @SSJCyan 4 роки тому

    more like *weak*

  • @scotthorton7786
    @scotthorton7786 4 роки тому +4

    Francis Chan has gone off the rails. He's running towards heresy lately.

    • @silverbackhayabusa
      @silverbackhayabusa 4 роки тому +8

      Any specifics or just broad, accusations?

    • @yinmung7745
      @yinmung7745 4 роки тому


    • @thsu8
      @thsu8 4 роки тому +2

      @@silverbackhayabusa I think you have your answer

    • @SSJCyan
      @SSJCyan 4 роки тому

      @@silverbackhayabusa pro catholic and hanging out with word faith heretics

    • @disciplewarrior686
      @disciplewarrior686 4 роки тому +4

      Scott you should be careful speaking about your brother in Christ and God’s child in the manner you are. You make judgments that has eternal significance rather than with an open heart listening to what Francis is saying and matching it up with the Word of God point by point.

  • @teresaeckert1267
    @teresaeckert1267 2 роки тому


  • @isaacnash2526
    @isaacnash2526 4 роки тому
