Unbelievable. Fox should be off the air and trump should be in jail tomorrow. He also ask someone to find him 11,800 votes in a phone call. Unbelievable
@@Supersticio 'They make me feel better,' and that's really Fox's secret to success. From the bimbo news hosts to the rage inducing lies, its all about playing their viewers *feelings*
Claiming that funny stuff was going on, yet failing to mention that all of the funny stuff that occurred during the 2020 election emanated from their Idol, the Orange Clown.
Yes, All the funny stuff is coming to light now-- The fake electors in Wisconsin and Georgia, Trump's call to the Secy of State in Georgia, trying desperately to overturn the Arizona vote, etc, etc, etc----
@@josephconner3742 for real. All the legit crimes that happened and people actually charged were republican voters trying to do stupid stuff like vote twice
I assume at least 50% of their journalism isn't outright lying, though. Choosing what to be educated about from a particular bent has its place because they will cover stories other networks have little interest in doing. I wouldn't expect these people to just stop watching altogether...though they should DEFINITELY stop watching tuckman. That guy SUCKS! What he said behind the scenes about "their favorite presidenT" should be plastered into his commercial breaks until they realize he is not their friend.
Wow! Even with all the proof these fools still believe the lies. The lady with the glasses is a female Mike Lindell. Take with a grain of salt but CNN is definitely FAKE NEWS.
I want an apology from CNN telling us 5 police were killed on Jan 6th. They even said Officer Sicknick was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher when he died of a stroke 5 days after the "insurrection". They pushed the Russia Collusion lies when Hillary lost. I didn't hear an apology for that either. No apology for calling Hunter Bidens laptop "Russian Disinformation". They all lie, CNN does it more than any other channel.
Perhaps we'll get that after the DOJ holds their investigation? But yes, a public apology, showing some form of remorse, should come from each and every one of them. I note that Tucker Carlson is still holding forth on the same course! The American People need to be able to recognise the immense damage Fox has caused America. I believe Jail time has to be in order!
Cognitive Dissonance; mentally deranged people are extremely certain of themselves, mentally competent people, less so. The crazier someone is, the more they wil believe they are experts on subjects they know nothing about at all.
Lol I love the woman who can't understand why Fox didn't defend any of the claims about Dominion. Millions of Americans did their homework. So, you know, it must be true.
I find it funny that the guy saying he takes everything with a grain of salt and gets his news from several sources, is also the guy who didn't know about the defamation lawsuit. Pretty much every news outlet other than Fox was running stories about it every day.
@@adampearce6197 Might supplement it with the Wall Street Journal Editorials, New York Post, Washington Times, or the number of editorials that skew right, while the actual news seems to 'skew' left. I used to read The Hill when they had a comment section. Its various articles would give one whiplash. They had news articles that might have been a tad liberal like most newspapers, sprinkled with John Solomon written hyper partisan fan fiction editorials. I never look at the authors, so I would read one thing, then read another. Eventually I was able to determine John Solomon articles purely by the title or at worst two sentences in. It was clearly way too opinionated to be considered news. I noticed a lot of the liberal news stations and papers tried to balance themselves by giving a handful of conservative loons half the spot light vs a bunch of actual journalists. In my opinion they caused more damage than Fox.
Was AMAZED he said the quiet part out loud. The woman bottom left was a q wacko, the dude upper left is a hopeful chance of retribution, he at least recognizes he was in a silo and wants to look around. Upper right, wishy washy. Lower right, though, THAT is the problem. The FOX/Tucker viewer in a nutshell.
Just like one of the guys said! Every news outlets lie or deliberately ignore stories their audience wouldn't like. No news outlets can be trusted not even upto to 20% level of trust. They all lie and cover things up.
@@djamilawilschke7259 The fact that YOU replied that way shows you regularly gaslight yourself when it comes to ANYTHING cult45 related. This is how Nazi Germany happened. Snap out of it!! You KNOW you gaslight yourself and you KNOW the OP used the word correctly, you just HATE IT THAT WE LIBERALS ARE RIGHT!!!
Wow! Even with all the proof these fools still believe the lies. The lady with the glasses is a female Mike Lindell. Take with a grain of salt but CNN is definitely FAKE NEWS.
Elizabeth Warren accused Dominion machines of switching votes in 2019. So Elizabeth Warren agreed with Fox news that an investigation into the machines are warranted. Dark forces along with dark money control our elections.
There's a small spark of hope for the three that acknowledged they've been lied to. They said the're (a little) more alert now. Absolutely no hope for the one on the bottom left though
Mark Twain said “it is easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled”. These Fox viewers are perfect examples of the veracity of that.
Whoever told you that was a quote from Twain, fooled you. There is no evidence that MT ever said that. The closest he said to this was in Volume 2 of his autobiography which took him 49 lines over 2 paragraphs to express. The shorter, pithier version is still one of my favourite aphorisms though, despite not having an traceable attribution.
I use this quote to help explain the ldiocracy of the ignorant left. I pray for the woke to wake up… pref prior to any further Damages done to our country & constitutional Freedoms 🇺🇸 This truth can be unsettling, All Facts are not hidden, may we all seek the truth Despite bias!
The lady that said that dominion came with no evidence is just hilarious and scary since this kind of people will Cherry pick what is convenient and left out the rest.
I understood this comment to be astonishment that Fox came with no evidence because of all the "funny stuff" that she still believes is out there regarding the election. In other words, she is frustrated because she still thinks the election was stolen/rigged/whatever, even after this result. The level of self-deception and evidence cherry-picking required for this is quite staggering.
I'm almost 100% sure she meant Fox presented no evidence that the lie was true, hence her reference to so many citizens collecting "evidence" for 2 years.
and if they are convinced, it's even harder for them to admit or change position. In fact, they are more likely to "double down" or seek out anything that validates what they want to be true.
@dmoran57 Have you tried using your same reasoning to look at the Democrat Party? It doesn't make you question when they are chasing Trump for classified documents, but once we find out, Biden has some. It just suddenly disappears? Claiming russian collusion and other things that became unfounded. You do realize that our governments past is full of election interference in other countries? What makes you think they wouldn't meddle in their own countries? It would probably be easier and less expensive. I'm not saying that this one was, but you can not dismiss it completely.
it's more like, Conservatives have spent telling everyone for 40 years they are right and everyone else is wrong. They would rather die first before admitting they were wrong.
@@ron-om1qh So apparently you don't understand the difference between intentionally lying to your viewers and just making a mistake? Can you link any evidence that CNN did this as an agenda or with malice? No, you can't, you are just desperate to try to use it as a comparison so you can feel better about accepting that you want Fox to lie to you. We get it, you aren't that bright and you like it that way.
The one lady stating “I know I lost their trust when Fox News called Arizona for Biden prematurely”. Uh, did she not hear that their call was correct and indeed accurate. The level of cognitive dissonance in her is astounding!!!😂😂😂
She forgot the CYBER NINJAS? A conservative company who does not have experience auditing elections that actually added more votes for Biden after the have done recounting?
You would have to watch 40 year GOP veteran and Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers give his UNDER OATH account of what happened. Rudy and Donald demanded that he not certify Arizona and open an investigation into ..."a huge list of dead people voting in Arizona." ...Bowers testified that he would be glad to, but required the list of names of dead voters....He asked Rudy and Donald on 3 DIFFERENT OCCASION'S to produce this list. Rudy and Donald WERE LYING AGAIN, they never produced a list for Rusty to investigate. Instead Donald and Rudy, and brain washed Trump Cultist's got mad at Rusty. The Cultists cruised through Bowers neighbourhood with Bullhorns calling him a pedophile. they threatened and harassed his family. The lady in question should know that, but that would have required her to watch the Jan 6 hearings. Of course FOX had sufficiently brainwashed her and the Trump Cultists to not believe anything from the Jan 6 Commission....Even if it came from lifelong Republican's. Again, Rusty Bowers is a GOP, 40 year veteran, and the Arizona House Speaker, not some Democrat. THAT is the level of brain washing FOX is guilty of, and why this woman suffers from so much ignorance on the matter.
*"There's a certain level of willful blindness and people see what they want to see..."* There are not enough irony meters in the world to measure that.
Yup -- their minds are solid and sound -- much like concrete . . . except concrete serves a useful purpose whereas there is no good reason for them to exist. :(
They can. They just don't want to. Bigots are like that; as the guy said, they don't want to know the inconvenient truth. They want to have the bigotries they've self-servingly already decided are true reinforced, whether that reinforcement has a basis in reality or not.
No buddy, especially a Fox or any network for that matter, willingly settles paying $787.5 Million if they had a .001 percent chance of winning having to pay nothing. 😂
It is a fundamental trait of human nature that we would rather be lied to than ever told the truth about anything, if we would simply rather hear the lie than hear the truth.
It hurts *most* of us to have to admit that we've been deeply wrong about something, especially if it's something we genuinely cared about and believed in. They are not the minority in this.
@@SteakCutFries Yes, they are the minority in this particular case. They want to be lied to. The FN staff knew this and stated as much. The thing they believe in is a lie and you can't tell them otherwise.
LOL. My thoughts exactly. That lady rang the death knell for Mucker Farlson's days at Faux news. She'll watch him exit stage right. Actually, CORRECTION: she'll wait for his show tonight and it will never air since I'm to understand he didn't even have the decency to inform his sheep he'd been canned on April 21th. But based on his upbeat spirits on what was his last show, me thinks he had no idea what Faux news had in store for him. Gotta love Faux news.
Absolutely classic victim response. This is why exposing scammers and grifters is such a thankless task. Please reinterview these people when Smartmatic runs or settles.
@@gen_x_dad I agree. They seemed more interested in being fed their own beliefs instead of what is truth and reality. Too many of us cannot swallow our pride and learn.
@@studebakerhoch4397That's the difference between commercial TV and public broadcasting services. Commercial TV will always broadcast the kind of shows people want to see... If all of a sudden people want to see a field of growing spinach plants, then they will broadcast it. It's about the money, the adds and not the public interest or democracy.
Google Analytics using godmode on your phone to steal financial information to pay hackers. Google getting kickbacks from the Analytics "program" Google runs. They are right in your phone showing you advertising, and waiting for you to click on.
"The audience is looking to get context for something we know is true from a certain perspective." And who told you it was true? And why are you looking for "context from a certain perspective?" You say you don't want to be lied to but you're literally saying you want spin. Most rational and intelligent people look for objectivity, even if it makes us feel bad. I'm not even going to bring up the fact they think it's a GOOD THING that the hosts secretly don't believe their own reporting. These people are beyond help.
@@mdf3006 good point - OMG the unreconciled, completely un-self-aware smiling ratiocination is itself dishonest!!! They have a hard time making a single declarative sentence.
Well, look at why they like Trump, so much. He gave them permission to be what they already were. Bigots were told by the President, bigotry is okay. Fox tells these people what they want to be true, it is true.
You can tell from their surroundings that they are doing ok in life. There is this myth that Fox viewers are only the trailer types. No, I can assure you that there are plenty of well off people that bought into the election fraud fairy tale. But if you saw the prof from the UW on Bill Maher's show tonight then you will understand why there are people desperate to believe the Fox News story.
Wow. Even when smacked in the face with the truth only 1 of 4 come close to acknowledging or understanding that they were intentionally lied to and one of them even appears to understand this and clearly thinks that this sort of blatant lying and manipulation is fair game or assumes that "both sides" do exactly the same thing. Sad. We're screwed.
Imagine that....he said it was just a matter of opinion😂😂😂. He clearly does not care about being lied to and being misled. Willful ignorance at its best. Even after all of this, even after all that came out, he is refusing to accept the truth! What a sorry state of affairs. This is just plain madness!
@Jared Burgess Participation trophies. The right used to complain about how participation trophies were making democrat children weak. Instead, it just made the republican adults believe their opinions are equal in every way to facts. "The earth is a sphere" and "2+2=17 cuz I say so" are NOT equal.
@@outermarker5801 actually, a recent poll from Newsweek, 69% of Americans say the media lied about the severity of January 6. No one was fooled by the media of Fake hearings.
@mark cosenza 93% peaceful IS "mostly peaceful!" It's practically the textbook definition! In the 7% that were not peaceful protests, about 14,000 people were arrested. As usual, RWNJ's offer only rhetoric, no facts or truth.
The quiet fact said out loud. I have a serious question about why this is so. How is it that the vast majority of black Americans know your statement to be true, and I believe the vast majority of whites do as well? I have my opinion but I'd like to hear your opinion on why most whites don't just call this what it is, as you have? What's the fear when you are in the majority?
Sounds more like CNN and MSDNC actually. Hate for Trump is like none other. You don't see hate on the other side, only love for America and a desire for logical policies that help all our people. Democrats on the other hand only care about hating Trump and his supporters, and dividing everyone by race or gender to rig votes with their mass media propaganda pushing, while ignoring any logical policy solutions to our most obvious problems. The fact that most Democrats care more about promoting the killing of babies than preventing WW3 and fixing our economy and reducing our crime and border crisis issues show how lost the Left is. Those baby killers sure do have the most hate in their hearts, not only for their own babies but for anyone who wants to protect the future children of America. Sad. Democrat hatred is the real problem in America now. Trump was right about that too.
At least CNN is doing that. Imagine a Fox'News' segment where they address this by asking non-cult members about the case. You can't, can you? Haha! I applaud CNN for regularly talking to RWers on air.
Exactly. And truth is just an opinion. Except in this case it’s math. Now we can agree to disagree on math? What? Omg. Reasoning with the unreasonable and using logic with the illogical, every word is complete nonsense. But it’s okay because Fox learned a lesson. A lesson I’m sure they already knew. And who cares about all the harm and damage. I’m sure we’re all willing to sacrifice ourselves for Fox to learn a lesson. HELP! 🤯
"calling prematurely for Arizona." 2:45. That got me. Its been 2 years and the "call was early," nothing, not one word on the fact it was correct. The guy right after talking about how "the audience is not looking to be lied to... its looking for context for something we know is true" Quote of the entire interview. Conservatives live on their own planet. Fox News has been shipping them there for 30 years.
" *not one word on the fact it was correct* " Alisyn should have immediately said, "But Biden DID win Arizona, announced early or late". What I see is people with their fingers in their ears saying, "LALALALALALALA" because they don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear what reinforces the narrative they subscribe to.
CNN have used/abused a video by a artist called Ren..... 10 million people have found hope from listening to Ren. Hi Ren.. He is not a Drag Queen reading a banned book about 2 penguins to children.. CNN owes Ren a apology please
Hmm... 3 mindless responses within 1 hour of each other, from accounts with silly names, all around 06:30-07:30 eastern time on a Sunday..? I thought foreign trolls/bots were harder to spot?
@@ArielTavori Lol...not a foreign bot ( I know everyone who says something YOU don't like is a bot) just an early riser in Indiana. BTW blnunya is a combination of mine and my wife's first names and nunya business. I honestly can't think of much that is as mindless as quoting others to convey your thoughts.
I was just reading the plans the Republicans have to steal the next election, which includes shorter voting window, more complex ID requirements (last four digits of the SS etc) and removing polling places from Universities. There is no interest in finding out what most people want, just how they can cheat their way to power.
Shelby (woman with the glasses) lost trust when Fox "prematurely" called out Arizona. I'd bet good money that she went over to Newsmax or OAN. It's baffling that she seems to seriously believe that Fox is willing to settle for over ¾ billion dollars rather than presenting that "funny stuff" that is "pretty easy to find". She apparently still hasn't understood that all that "funny stuff" is a bunch of BS.
Not a peep from you when Nicholas Sandmann sued CNN for millions because of their fake news and lies. After years of CNNS lying about Russian collusion which was debunked, again, nothing from you. Typical libturd hypocrites.
Wow! Even with all the proof these fools still believe the lies. The lady with the glasses is a female Mike Lindell. Take with a grain of salt but CNN is definitely FAKE NEWS.
Some of them seem to confuse reporting and opinion piece. If they hear a reporter say what they want to hear, they feel great. It doesn't matter if they reporter has no integrity and didn't back their claim with facts or present theories as facts. As long as it's what they wish was true, it's ok.
Imagine how wonderful it must be to be a conservative. You can convince yourself of anything without a hint of guilt or responsibility. It's like a magic power. You can see how their minds just mold and shift by the second to fit whatever they want.
It's the same people who have "faith" in 2000 year old fantasy writings. They turned off their critical thinking skills when they were young. They're basically walking vegetables now.
I have friends who voted for Trump and watch FOX, and the one comment they always make after finding out about a false narrative is "they all do it." I've given up trying to get through to them, and our friendship has suffered because of it.
Because they are married to their political views. The problem with politics is that they are fanatics, it's impossible for them to say "I'm republican but i admit this is not the way the party should go"
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. There are people who chose to be lied to, because it makes them feel good about themselves. Pretty lies are better than the ugly truth.
I'm hoping a class action suit takes place against Fox to remove the "news" portion on the logo. It's not news, and they need to be held accountable for using the term.
They even admit it. They say the evening lineup are all opinion shows. I don't think they go as far as to say - 'Sean Hannity's reports are his opinion and not necessarily to position of fox news' though. And the users don't regard it as opinion - it is all hard all fact NEWS. I don't get the same sense at all with MSNBC evening lineup - they seem to still attempt to be responsible reporters, and have some pride in reporting the truth.
@@SeanGarratt opinion is a lie too. Even alternative facts are lies. One can call it propaganda like with Russia. Still lies though. So basically, lies are allowed on news channels in the US.
Technically they do have News shows though most are just local stuff. Unfortunately viewers can seem to distinguish the difference, which is the majority of their shows are actually labeled as entertainment, because their "opinion based on news" and not meant to be taken as factual news.
If this is really an accurate representation of the typical Fox viewer, it just shows how critical it was to demand that Fox make a public apology/retraction.
@@LazyEyePolitics the dominion lawsuit. They settled and didn't make Fox do a public apology/acknowledgement. So their viewers will never know anything about it
@@LazyEyePolitics I say "was" because a clear retraction on air admitting the reporting of unsubstantiated and, in several cases, information known to be false was not a requirement of the Dominion lawsuit settlement.
The saddest part is that Fox may very well negotiate higher prices with cable and streaming services, and that consumers from all sides will be indirectly footing the bill for this settlement.
@@fauxque5057 No one cares that people were actually trying to overthrow the government, likely leading to a civil war. Yeah...seems totally accurate to me Faux Que. 🙄
@@fauxque5057 no they don’t. They pretend to care but most will sell their kids for the right price and I’m not talking about 3rd world countries either.
Who's not surprised? Only the one man on the top left realizes it's wrong to pound a straight lie over and over again. I wish she had asked if their friends also believed the lie, and if 1/6 wouldn't have happened. This shows how impossible it is to have a normal discussion with them if they can't even face the truth.
The one guy says Fox Viewers don't want to be LIED TO but that is exactly what you get when you watch FOX. We have known for years now that FOX itself considers their PRIMETIME LINEUP to be ENTERTAINMENT, NOT NEWS or at least that is how they defended themselves against previous legal action. If you don't want to be LIED to, STOP WATCHING FOX, OAN, and NEWSMAX. These people are CHOOSING TO BE LIED TO. I have ZERO SYMPATHY for their WILFULL IGNOARNCE.
@@robertmannel4446 it’s difficult to imagine how much damage Fox has caused to the American psyche. Tucker is arguably the most dangerous person in America.
Fox has the highest viewership by a pretty significant margin. So, literally the highest number of Americans get their news from Fox and subsequently live in a post-truth alternate reality.
Bingo! They're not bothered that FOX lied to them, they're bothered that someone pointed it out... EXAMPLE: "FOX called Arizona prematurely". So, it didn't matter that the reporting was correct and Trump lost Arizona, the problem was they told her too soon? WTF? (Sweetie, if Trump won Arizona he still would have lost the election).
@@johncherks9116 Ever seen Fox viewers confronting and trying to assassinate liberal Supreme Court Judges in their homes because they don't like their decisions?
Omg... This is an embarrassment for the United States. How have these people survived to this age without the ability to understand the important distinction between objectivity and subjectivity? Furthermore, how are they able to completely disregard journalistic integrity and still seek out "journalism"? Why bother?
They _(when I say they I'm talking about right wing Americans who watch Fox - not all Americans. That's an important distinction that a lot of people seem to ignore for some reason.)_ Anyway... They aren't looking for information, journalism, or integrity. They're only looking for affirmation of the beliefs they already hold.
Just imagine the ridiculous chaos, calamity, ineptitude, and incompetence in the day to day lives of these people. They drive, operate heavy machinery, enjoy deadly weapons, vote, and "raise" children. Ugh. . . . . .
Nick - I am thankful to have read your comment. I work in a facility with people who are MAGA. I am incapable of speaking to them. The things they believe are anti-American. As an American, I have a natural disposition to dislike if not hate people who want to overthrow my government.
She should have mentioned that, in past cases (like the one with Tucker), Fox's defense has been that "no reasonable person would believe" their broadcasters' statements and claims. In other words, Fox has admitted lying to their viewers is purposeful, acceptable, and (until now) profitable.
Yes and that he's not a journalist he's an "entertainer" like how? Pretty sure he's show is not on Comedy Central there is no disclaimer so how the hell is this okay
@Simona Mamrillova exactly my thought. Ask those four people if they get their news from journalists or entertainers. Understand that some of them have rejected journalists believing they liem. Yet here we have Fox paying a settlement for spreading lies. Even though Fox is not trustworthy, people will still watch Fox to confirm the batsh!t crazy stuff they believe in might be true.
Ya good one. You can Dominion lawsuit to your list of NPC arguments. Let’s see you got 1 Dominion 2 Tucker Carlson 3 January 6!!! 4 Orange Man Bad 5 George Santos 6 Trump said Drink bleach You’re doing real good
@@RM-jb2bv you know Murdoch settled for 787 million dollars because he knew, his lawyers told him that if they went to court he'd have to pay a lot more, right? I mean that's pretty basic stuff.
@@stlsensimilla No actually you don’t know that. You’re not on Fox’s legal team. People settle for all kinds of reasons. Fox is a massive company and their brand is everything. This is a bizarre case w no transparency and there was likely no way Dominion would win ultimately. Watch all 83 segments on CNN, MSNBC etc and you won’t find a single clip of a Fox anchor “defaming” Dominion voting systems. Hmm. Seems important. Seems like those clips don’t exist. Seems like CNNs and the braindead left are hallucinating. Again
It's beyond my brain cell capabilities. Truly unbelievable. The denial and " willful " blindness is truly terrifying. For example : I asked my conservative sister did she know who Marjorie Taylor Green is. She said, " No . Who is she. Never heard of her before. Is she someone important I should be aware of "? I was completely floored she had no clue about this women never mind any of her antics. Talk about living in a bubble.....nothing in, nothing out. VERY SCARY.
Could not agree more. When one places it the context of America at large - the fact that, quite literally, somewhere between 20 to 40 million people believe in QAnon, that despite the fact that what is now proof that the only attempt to steal the election came from Trump and company, no matter how many court cases or evidence of texts and emails being revealed, we're still going to double down on our ideological beliefs - it is, as you said, very scary. It is terrifying, because this is how authoritarianism comes to power. Check out Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Timothy Snyder, Jason Stanley, and Anne Applebaum. Their life's work has been studying these kinds of movements and phenomenon.
It’s called cope. To accept that they were lied to in an unethical way by Fox News could potentially destroy their entire world view. So instead of that “no specific news org is arbiter of truth” or “people have done their homework I’m disappointed that fox didn’t prove that fraud happened”
This has truly gone too far, they are literally a threat to our country. Just look at the conspiracy bs they are spreading all day long, it's crazy to me that such a channel still exists.
"You should always look within when a big case like this happens". Nice, if it wasn't that she didn't even KNOW there was a case in the first place, because her 'news' source never mentioned it. Yet, even after hearing she'd been purposely lied to, she STILL says she'll put her trust in getting 'news' from them. Wouldn't it be nice to be her cheating husband?
She and her husband would be Republicans, they would both be into it right up to their elbows and they would be accusing the Democrats. It would make not a shred of difference to them, lying and cheating is, "Their Thing!"
They love a world where they can connect with people who will tell them all the ugly things they want to hear. Even if it's a lie, they will pretend it's the truth, so they can justify feeding their hate for things that are not in their favor.
Ouch! Can we give some credit to the writers, editors, and producers? As propaganda, I give them an A+, for creating plausible, emotionally satisfying falsehoods, that reinforce and encourage bias, prejudice, misogyny, racism, and a profound lack of critical thinking skills. But yeah, being willfully stupid, and engulfed in a fog of entitlement does make them easy marks.
The amazing part of becoming a fully functioning adult is learning that other adults aren’t that smart. Even when confronted with the truth that is supported with facts these people still resist it.
Even if Fox would have been forced to publish an apology, this segment shows their viewers would have said, well, we take everything with a grain of salt and we think that other networks who were not fined almost 800 million for lying are just as bad. They say they do not want to be lied to, but that's a lie.
@@nolongerblocked6210 I think if I listened to them for 10 mins, nodded and said I didn't know that, tell me more. They would invite me into their house for dinner.
"What I came away from the court filing with was: a lot of this is a matter of opinion." Fox News was like "there is literally no way we are winning this. We can try to settle for this because the continued legal fees plus the court ruling is going to cost us a whole lot more" but somehow this free thinker Stockholmed himself into "well, but maybe..."
My interpretation is that she thinks there's lots of 'evidence' to back up the frivolous clamins of fraud and was disappointed that Fox didn't produce it in their defence. SMH. These don't appear to be the usual MAGA morons, but they're still unwilling to think critically and see they've been lied to for money and power. Worrying.
There is no reaching these people. They’re a plague on society and it will take multiple generations to heal from the damage Faux News and Republicans have caused.
This is why my heart sank when Dominion settled. If you don't make these traitors testify, this whole lawsuit may as well not have happened at all, in the eyes of a Fox viewer. 'A matter of opinion' is the opposite of telling a lie that you know is a lie, and that reality came nowhere NEAR these people.
James O'Blivion, I hear you...I guess Rupert Murdoch and Dominion will both let you know that, its not about RED or BLUE, its about GREEN! As a French Philosopher once said: When it comes to money, we all have the same religion! I hope the next lawsuit against FOXNEWS will be from SMARTMATIC ...and we can only hope that Smartmatic will demand that these traitors take the stand and testify.
Exactly.... "Millions of americans have done their homework".... no, millions of americans can barely read and write let alone understand what they're looking at. These maga terrorists are incapable of understanding the truth and its because they'd rather think what they want. They're white supremacist bigotted hateful terrorists.
These people aren't interested in anything, unless it confirms their existing delusional beliefs. Rupert Murdoch and his gang have understood this sad situation and have made a fortune out of it.
Exactly! Proving that Fox lied about the election being stolen is irrelevant. I think deep down, 90% of them knew that even back in 2020. I think they knew it wasn't actually stolen. They just refused to admit it to themselves. They were outraged that their cult leader Trump had been dethroned. So they allowed themselves to be lied to, so they could have an outlet and a way to channel their outrage. They knew they were being brainwashed, but they allowed it. Because that was less painful for them, than admitting that their lord and saviour Donald Trump, wasn't as popular as they wanted him to be.
CNN, NYT, MSNBC all lied about Iraq having WMDs and even censored anti-war views from coming onto their shows/articles. Yet they’re still watched/read to this day.
It's the truth, but, it's getting covered up to make them seem stupid. Hackers are on your phone now using Google Analytics to steal financial information leading to millions of dollars in hacked accounts. Google is allowing this, and getting kickbacks from them.
There were certainly basic linguistic abilities on display and even some cognitive thinking and yet….I mean they weren’t the maga morons that Jordan Klemperer deals with on a regular basis.
Remember the Heaven's Gate cult? In late March 1997 Marshall Applewhite, the cult leader and twenty-one women and seventeen men, mostly college educated, drank a lethal dose of phenobarbital and vodka because they were convinced they would leave their mortal bodies behind and get on a spaceship hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet and pass through heaven's gate into a higher existence.
Exactly, I was equally surprised that they spoke a much more cultivated English than the Fox channel. Their manners didn't match those of the obnoxious Fox hosts, either. Are they Dr. Jekyll for the outside world and Mr, Hyde when they're inside the cult bubble?
Their pride prevents them from admitting they were to darn gullible to see the truth. But now that they know the truth and fail to adjust to it they seem even more foolish.
To be fair, the only reason Fox News lies and exaggerates so goddamned much is because their own *viewers* want to hear that stuff. Forcing Fox News itself to come clean and stop bullshitting would only partially solve the problem at best. The real problems are the multitudes of people who want to believe this crap.
"The audiences aren't looking to be lied to we just want them to tell us what we believe is true" ... whether or not it is. Sums up everything these people are saying. It also proves how well Fox knew its audience when it lied to them.
They start at the conclusion and work their way backwards, seeking sources that validate preconceived notions. In the process, they're exposed to even more right-wing politics, which reinforces the cycle and gives them more 'truths' to work backwards from because a source they trusted said it.
They just don't understand that by nature of WANTING something to be true, they are creating demand for a market where someone tells them that it is, regardless of whether or not there's any evidence behind it. Fox is not news, it is only ever either a mouthpiece for paying customers on the right, or a simple reflection of what the viewers want to see.
@@LEOHACKMAN247 dally that is exactly it. That is also why Murdock did this. Some all the way. The legal system can't keep up anymore. Today, for one day i despair
Some of the legal commentators said that Dominion allowed Fox to settle at the last minute because at least then Fox was agreeing to pay. Had it gone to trial, Fox would have dragged out appeals until Dominion was bankrupt. I do wish they'd held out for an on-air apology though. A full week of apologies, one on each show every day, would have been lovely.
Fox told their audience that they lied to them and the audience said no you didn’t!
😅😅exactly. People want to believe what they want to believe
Unbelievable. Fox should be off the air and trump should be in jail tomorrow. He also ask someone to find him 11,800 votes in a phone call. Unbelievable
@@Supersticio 'They make me feel better,' and that's really Fox's secret to success. From the bimbo news hosts to the rage inducing lies, its all about playing their viewers *feelings*
What did cnn tell their viewers when they settled out of court with Nick sandman? What did the CNN viewers do?
"doing their homework" literally means "searching until I find enough conspiracies to support my feelings"
Finding spammy links with unproven theories.
Literally any argument with a right winger
Claiming that funny stuff was going on, yet failing to mention that all of the funny stuff that occurred during the 2020 election emanated from their Idol, the Orange Clown.
Yes, All the funny stuff is coming to light now-- The fake electors in Wisconsin and Georgia, Trump's call to the Secy of State in Georgia, trying desperately to overturn the Arizona vote, etc, etc, etc----
@@josephconner3742 for real. All the legit crimes that happened and people actually charged were republican voters trying to do stupid stuff like vote twice
Imagine being so filled with hatred and fear that you're totally down with being lied to just so you can keep hating and fearing. How exhausting. 😵
Ok groomer.
The well of hatred and ignorance will never run dry.
I assume at least 50% of their journalism isn't outright lying, though. Choosing what to be educated about from a particular bent has its place because they will cover stories other networks have little interest in doing. I wouldn't expect these people to just stop watching altogether...though they should DEFINITELY stop watching tuckman. That guy SUCKS! What he said behind the scenes about "their favorite presidenT" should be plastered into his commercial breaks until they realize he is not their friend.
@@bbeight3843well said👍If I may borrow from Garth Algar, “Tucker is no one’s friend.“
Wow! Even with all the proof these fools still believe the lies. The lady with the glasses is a female Mike Lindell. Take with a grain of salt but CNN is definitely FAKE NEWS.
"We're not looking to be lied to. We're looking for context to be given to something we know is true." I think that line says it all.
That she said that outloud is shocking. She doesn't care what the factual truth is she wants confirmational bias
Oh hell yes.
Yeah that was the smoking gun 100%. Fox viewers are Fox viewers because they're Fox viewers.
That stopped me too. Essentially saying we know the lie is true somewhere beneath consensual reality, in our special place.
Yeah, I caught that too. Unbelievable level of wilful ignorance
THIS is exactly why a PUBLIC apology WAS NECESSARY the $ did NOT restore their reputation
When CNN was sued and had to pay out to hundreds of millions of dollars for their lies and defamation, did they make a public apology. Nope
I want an apology from CNN telling us 5 police were killed on Jan 6th. They even said Officer Sicknick was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher when he died of a stroke 5 days after the "insurrection". They pushed the Russia Collusion lies when Hillary lost. I didn't hear an apology for that either. No apology for calling Hunter Bidens laptop "Russian Disinformation". They all lie, CNN does it more than any other channel.
When CNN got sued and had to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars for there defamation and lies, did they make a public apology?
I believe fox,cnn and msnbc are state media
Perhaps we'll get that after the DOJ holds their investigation? But yes, a public apology, showing some form of remorse, should come from each and every one of them. I note that Tucker Carlson is still holding forth on the same course! The American People need to be able to recognise the immense damage Fox has caused America. I believe Jail time has to be in order!
People’s ability to delude themselves is baffling
dude they all said that they watch all networks so that they see all sides, just like i do, i bet you only watch cnn
These are not real conservatives. They are Nazis
It’s way more than that
Cognitive Dissonance; mentally deranged people are extremely certain of themselves, mentally competent people, less so. The crazier someone is, the more they wil believe they are experts on subjects they know nothing about at all.
Lol I love the woman who can't understand why Fox didn't defend any of the claims about Dominion. Millions of Americans did their homework. So, you know, it must be true.
I find it funny that the guy saying he takes everything with a grain of salt and gets his news from several sources, is also the guy who didn't know about the defamation lawsuit.
Pretty much every news outlet other than Fox was running stories about it every day.
He does use a variety of sources, like Fox, Newsmax, and OAN
NZ banned Murdoch
@@adampearce6197 Might supplement it with the Wall Street Journal Editorials, New York Post, Washington Times, or the number of editorials that skew right, while the actual news seems to 'skew' left. I used to read The Hill when they had a comment section. Its various articles would give one whiplash. They had news articles that might have been a tad liberal like most newspapers, sprinkled with John Solomon written hyper partisan fan fiction editorials. I never look at the authors, so I would read one thing, then read another. Eventually I was able to determine John Solomon articles purely by the title or at worst two sentences in. It was clearly way too opinionated to be considered news. I noticed a lot of the liberal news stations and papers tried to balance themselves by giving a handful of conservative loons half the spot light vs a bunch of actual journalists. In my opinion they caused more damage than Fox.
Dude really said..” audience isn’t looking to be lied to we are looking for context to something we know to be true.” That sums up the Fox News viewer
Was AMAZED he said the quiet part out loud. The woman bottom left was a q wacko, the dude upper left is a hopeful chance of retribution, he at least recognizes he was in a silo and wants to look around. Upper right, wishy washy. Lower right, though, THAT is the problem. The FOX/Tucker viewer in a nutshell.
Fox viewers like to be lied to if it supports their entrenched attitudes
Rephrased: "Looking for someone to validate my beliefs for me".
Rephrased again: "I want people to feed my confirmation bias."
Reverse Verification
Boy that amount of gaslighting and cognitive dissonance it takes not to just say yeah they lied to me, SMH
Just like one of the guys said! Every news outlets lie or deliberately ignore stories their audience wouldn't like. No news outlets can be trusted not even upto to 20% level of trust.
They all lie and cover things up.
@@djamilawilschke7259 The fact that YOU replied that way shows you regularly gaslight yourself when it comes to ANYTHING cult45 related.
This is how Nazi Germany happened. Snap out of it!! You KNOW you gaslight yourself and you KNOW the OP used the word correctly, you just HATE IT THAT WE LIBERALS ARE RIGHT!!!
@@djamilawilschke7259 if you Google gaslighting perhaps you will have a better u understanding of the term.
Wow! Even with all the proof these fools still believe the lies. The lady with the glasses is a female Mike Lindell. Take with a grain of salt but CNN is definitely FAKE NEWS.
@@Supersticio that's like asking for pigs to fly. If you are looking for a source of amusement just ask a conservative "why are you a conservative?"
There is no redemption for these people! They know it's evil, and they still embrace it fully.
Bigots gotta bigot.
They want to justify lying
They know they are being lied to but they think Fox is owing the left and that makes them happy.The reality is, they are being owned.
Clowns will never admit they were taken for fools.
Yep, a poll just last week showed that Fox is the most trusted news network of them all. So pathetic
"It's easier to fool people than to prove to them that they've been fooled." These people are sad.
Elizabeth Warren accused Dominion machines of switching votes in 2019. So Elizabeth Warren agreed with Fox news that an investigation into the machines are warranted. Dark forces along with dark money control our elections.
~Mark Twain
I was gonna drop that quote!
Me too … but use been instead of beeb
Also don't argue with stupid people, they'll just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. 😆
When you learn you've been lied to, they admit they lied to you, and you still willfully listen to them, it's time you realize you're in a cult
@@selwynlawson7596 hi
There's a small spark of hope for the three that acknowledged they've been lied to. They said the're (a little) more alert now. Absolutely no hope for the one on the bottom left though
Didn't You mean ..... ' it's time you realised you're a c*** . ' ?
They don't want to be lied to, they just want those lies to be the truth.
And a Dopamine hit.
Yes, addiction is a a big part of this.
Fox News: We lie to our audience.
Fox viewers: No you don't!! LALALALALALA!!!1!
Yup. They don't want to be lied to. They just want confirmation that they are right. If it takes lies to make it happen they're all like 🤷🏻♂️
The Jan 6 Troops watched Fox right before to hype themselves up 💀
It's easier to fool people than to convince people they have been fooled.
I think they know they've been duped but too obstinate to admit it.
I believe it was Mark Twain that said, it's harder to convince people they've been lied to than convincing them the lie is untrue.
So true
You can't wake someone who's pretending to sleep
Mark Twain said “it is easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled”. These Fox viewers are perfect examples of the veracity of that.
Yeah. Especially the frilly blonde who's a 100% believer in anything JabbaSaurus says. She is such a step above everyone else.
All you have to do is persuade yourself that one third of any population is made up of out and out morons and it gets a lot easier to bear.
Whoever told you that was a quote from Twain, fooled you. There is no evidence that MT ever said that.
The closest he said to this was in Volume 2 of his autobiography which took him 49 lines over 2 paragraphs to express.
The shorter, pithier version is still one of my favourite aphorisms though, despite not having an traceable attribution.
I use this quote to help explain the ldiocracy of the ignorant left. I pray for the woke to wake up… pref prior to any further Damages done to our country & constitutional Freedoms 🇺🇸
This truth can be unsettling, All Facts are not hidden, may we all seek the truth Despite bias!
Biden derangement syndrome here!
The lady that said that dominion came with no evidence is just hilarious and scary since this kind of people will Cherry pick what is convenient and left out the rest.
No evidence... a jaw-dropping moment that was... 😢
For one you can't prove a negative. Secondly, fox made the claim so the burden of proof lies with fox.
I understood this comment to be astonishment that Fox came with no evidence because of all the "funny stuff" that she still believes is out there regarding the election. In other words, she is frustrated because she still thinks the election was stolen/rigged/whatever, even after this result. The level of self-deception and evidence cherry-picking required for this is quite staggering.
I'm almost 100% sure she meant Fox presented no evidence that the lie was true, hence her reference to so many citizens collecting "evidence" for 2 years.
800 million dollars worth of evidence lol
“It is easier to con a man than convince him he has been conned.”
- Mark Twain
and if they are convinced, it's even harder for them to admit or change position. In fact, they are more likely to "double down" or seek out anything that validates what they want to be true.
@@dmoran57 Double whammy with Tucker kicked out now.
@dmoran57 Have you tried using your same reasoning to look at the Democrat Party?
It doesn't make you question when they are chasing Trump for classified documents, but once we find out, Biden has some. It just suddenly disappears? Claiming russian collusion and other things that became unfounded.
You do realize that our governments past is full of election interference in other countries? What makes you think they wouldn't meddle in their own countries? It would probably be easier and less expensive. I'm not saying that this one was, but you can not dismiss it completely.
is that the quote? i feel like you're paraphrasing.
@@jp-sn6si That's the quote. Nothing more need be said.
Just proof that ppl rather be told what they wanna hear than the actual truth
@@ron-om1qh who was sued for lying, I’ll wait.
it's more like, Conservatives have spent telling everyone for 40 years they are right and everyone else is wrong. They would rather die first before admitting they were wrong.
"Please lie to me" used to be a song.
@@ron-om1qh So apparently you don't understand the difference between intentionally lying to your viewers and just making a mistake? Can you link any evidence that CNN did this as an agenda or with malice? No, you can't, you are just desperate to try to use it as a comparison so you can feel better about accepting that you want Fox to lie to you. We get it, you aren't that bright and you like it that way.
The one lady stating “I know I lost their trust when Fox News called Arizona for Biden prematurely”. Uh, did she not hear that their call was correct and indeed accurate. The level of cognitive dissonance in her is astounding!!!😂😂😂
She watches Fox News for the self identity confirmation, not to be informed of the truth. There is a lot of magical thinking going on here.
@@robertsteinbach7325 She was the one who wouldn't be watching FOX anymore, probably because she's switched to OAN.
@@pintpullinggeek Or Newsmax, or Steve Bannon, or whatever other Reich-Wing media there is :D
She forgot the CYBER NINJAS? A conservative company who does not have experience auditing elections that actually added more votes for Biden after the have done recounting?
You would have to watch 40 year GOP veteran and Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers give his UNDER OATH account of what happened. Rudy and Donald demanded that he not certify Arizona and open an investigation into ..."a huge list of dead people voting in Arizona."
...Bowers testified that he would be glad to, but required the list of names of dead voters....He asked Rudy and Donald on 3 DIFFERENT OCCASION'S to produce this list.
Rudy and Donald WERE LYING AGAIN, they never produced a list for Rusty to investigate. Instead Donald and Rudy, and brain washed Trump Cultist's got mad at Rusty.
The Cultists cruised through Bowers neighbourhood with Bullhorns calling him a pedophile. they threatened and harassed his family.
The lady in question should know that, but that would have required her to watch the Jan 6 hearings. Of course FOX had sufficiently brainwashed her and the Trump Cultists to not believe anything from the Jan 6 Commission....Even if it came from lifelong Republican's.
Again, Rusty Bowers is a GOP, 40 year veteran, and the Arizona House Speaker, not some Democrat.
THAT is the level of brain washing FOX is guilty of, and why this woman suffers from so much ignorance on the matter.
“A matter of opinion” ? No truth vs lies.
Yes $787.5 million worth of opinion
Nobody care is fake news CNN lies all the time
. . . . . . . . . ….AND day DO dar ho’m. WOK 2
Exactly! Truth are based on FACTS. That does not change.
@@viktorm1883 oh...but that was a "business decision" (sarcasm) 🤑
*"There's a certain level of willful blindness and people see what they want to see..."*
There are not enough irony meters in the world to measure that.
It’s horrifying that these are middle aged people of solid sound and mind and they still can’t realize they’ve been used.
Yup -- their minds are solid and sound -- much like concrete . . . except concrete serves a useful purpose whereas there is no good reason for them to exist. :(
@@sail4free1 they are uneducated morons, and Repugnican politicians like them that way.
They can. They just don't want to. Bigots are like that; as the guy said, they don't want to know the inconvenient truth. They want to have the bigotries they've self-servingly already decided are true reinforced, whether that reinforcement has a basis in reality or not.
It's an addiction to them. They are the perfect marks for the cons being sold to them.
Because it's a sickness
When that woman said there was no evidence. I about dropped my coffee.
No buddy, especially a Fox or any network for that matter, willingly settles paying $787.5 Million if they had a .001 percent chance of winning having to pay nothing. 😂
When Tucker called his audience "idiots" and "Insane", he was talking about these people.
And he is right about them!
well Trump said "how stupid are the people of Iowa" IN IOWA! and the state has voted for him twice!....
Unfortunately Tucker knows the idiocy and delusional state FOX Viewers want to and choose to reside in...
I thought he was talking about you😂
@@jacobo9611 Wow. That was one of the lamest comebacks I've ever heard. Congrats.
It hurts them so bad to admit that they were wrong. And lied to.
It is a fundamental trait of human nature that we would rather be lied to than ever told the truth about anything, if we would simply rather hear the lie than hear the truth.
They just can't admit it because it would cause them to evaluate their basic beliefs
These people need the lies that keep them comfortable in there ignorance and bigotry.
It hurts *most* of us to have to admit that we've been deeply wrong about something, especially if it's something we genuinely cared about and believed in. They are not the minority in this.
@@SteakCutFries Yes, they are the minority in this particular case. They want to be lied to. The FN staff knew this and stated as much. The thing they believe in is a lie and you can't tell them otherwise.
What I did not hear is them feeling offended by the lies
to get offended means they are telling themselves they got gaslighted and are weak. Their pride won't let them do it.
Elizabeth Warren accused Dominion voting machines of switching votes in 2019,has she apologized?
Are you offended by CNN's lies
@@CindyBoyle seek help you are in a cult.
@@CindyBoyle Name a few.
“When I Watch Tucker..”
This did not age well😂😂😂
LOL. My thoughts exactly. That lady rang the death knell for Mucker Farlson's days at Faux news. She'll watch him exit stage right. Actually, CORRECTION: she'll wait for his show tonight and it will never air since I'm to understand he didn't even have the decency to inform his sheep he'd been canned on April 21th. But based on his upbeat spirits on what was his last show, me thinks he had no idea what Faux news had in store for him. Gotta love Faux news.
Aged beautifully!
Absolutely classic victim response. This is why exposing scammers and grifters is such a thankless task. Please reinterview these people when Smartmatic runs or settles.
I wouldn't call these people victims. They seem to be very happy to be scammed..
Cultish brainwash is a hard thing to walk away from.
@@gen_x_dad As Rupert said, they like the comfort of being lied to about things they already believe.
@@gen_x_dad I agree. They seemed more interested in being fed their own beliefs instead of what is truth and reality. Too many of us cannot swallow our pride and learn.
@@studebakerhoch4397That's the difference between commercial TV and public broadcasting services. Commercial TV will always broadcast the kind of shows people want to see... If all of a sudden people want to see a field of growing spinach plants, then they will broadcast it. It's about the money, the adds and not the public interest or democracy.
You don't pay someone 800 million dollars to shut up if they don't have something to say that would absolutely destroy you. Period.
How much did CNN or the Washington post pay sandmann and why? All our corporate news is full of crap....including this channel.
Exactly 💯
Google Analytics using godmode on your phone to steal financial information to pay hackers. Google getting kickbacks from the Analytics "program" Google runs. They are right in your phone showing you advertising, and waiting for you to click on.
It is a tacit admission that Fox lies, lies and lies. And its listeners still could not see clearly through this? OMG.
A corrupt Rhino coward will surprise you on what he can do to appease the left.
"The audience is looking to get context for something we know is true from a certain perspective."
And who told you it was true? And why are you looking for "context from a certain perspective?" You say you don't want to be lied to but you're literally saying you want spin. Most rational and intelligent people look for objectivity, even if it makes us feel bad.
I'm not even going to bring up the fact they think it's a GOOD THING that the hosts secretly don't believe their own reporting. These people are beyond help.
How do they even function.
@@mdf3006 good point - OMG the unreconciled, completely un-self-aware smiling ratiocination is itself dishonest!!! They have a hard time making a single declarative sentence.
Well, look at why they like Trump, so much. He gave them permission to be what they already were. Bigots were told by the President, bigotry is okay. Fox tells these people what they want to be true, it is true.
Bias confirmation is a powerful thing it involves emotion and a total lack of critical thinking
You can tell from their surroundings that they are doing ok in life. There is this myth that Fox viewers are only the trailer types. No, I can assure you that there are plenty of well off people that bought into the election fraud fairy tale. But if you saw the prof from the UW on Bill Maher's show tonight then you will understand why there are people desperate to believe the Fox News story.
I don't understand how when the truth is presented and is right in your face, how you can still deny it.
Wow. Even when smacked in the face with the truth only 1 of 4 come close to acknowledging or understanding that they were intentionally lied to and one of them even appears to understand this and clearly thinks that this sort of blatant lying and manipulation is fair game or assumes that "both sides" do exactly the same thing. Sad. We're screwed.
they felt embarrassed.
America is doomed.
Imagine that....he said it was just a matter of opinion😂😂😂. He clearly does not care about being lied to and being misled. Willful ignorance at its best. Even after all of this, even after all that came out, he is refusing to accept the truth! What a sorry state of affairs. This is just plain madness!
Not madness, stupidity. Willful, enthusiastic stupidity.
THIS. 100%
…..what a sorry state of mind 😢
@Jared Burgess Participation trophies. The right used to complain about how participation trophies were making democrat children weak. Instead, it just made the republican adults believe their opinions are equal in every way to facts. "The earth is a sphere" and "2+2=17 cuz I say so" are NOT equal.
I need to file a suit against this guy...if he's willing to pay 787 million based on "opinion". Perfect!
“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”
― Benjamin Franklin
Not really. You have to work hard to dispel your ignorance.
Hackers using godmode stealing your money right from your phone using Google Analytics.
Sounds like CNN and it's viewing base.
Question: What do you think FOX should learn from this "experience"?
FOX conclusion: We have to become better at lying.
CNN is lying to you right now and you are brainwashed
The Riots were mostly peaceful!😂😂
@@markcosenza3274 That is true. And so was Jan 6. There - facts
@@outermarker5801 actually, a recent poll from Newsweek, 69% of Americans say the media lied about the severity of January 6. No one was fooled by the media of Fake hearings.
@mark cosenza 93% peaceful IS "mostly peaceful!" It's practically the textbook definition! In the 7% that were not peaceful protests, about 14,000 people were arrested. As usual, RWNJ's offer only rhetoric, no facts or truth.
Fox gives them a place for their hate. Nothing will change.
And fake news CNN is a place for your hate
Tranni genders are shooting up schools but Fox News is bad?
Todd Can't agree with you more. There is so much hate and Fox brings it to the surface. I n my book, they are partly responsible for Jan 6.
The quiet fact said out loud. I have a serious question about why this is so. How is it that the vast majority of black Americans know your statement to be true, and I believe the vast majority of whites do as well? I have my opinion but I'd like to hear your opinion on why most whites don't just call this what it is, as you have? What's the fear when you are in the majority?
Sounds more like CNN and MSDNC actually. Hate for Trump is like none other. You don't see hate on the other side, only love for America and a desire for logical policies that help all our people. Democrats on the other hand only care about hating Trump and his supporters, and dividing everyone by race or gender to rig votes with their mass media propaganda pushing, while ignoring any logical policy solutions to our most obvious problems. The fact that most Democrats care more about promoting the killing of babies than preventing WW3 and fixing our economy and reducing our crime and border crisis issues show how lost the Left is. Those baby killers sure do have the most hate in their hearts, not only for their own babies but for anyone who wants to protect the future children of America. Sad. Democrat hatred is the real problem in America now. Trump was right about that too.
How can you even deal with people who have their head in the sand like this. Incredibly sad and frustrating.
We should have listened to Elizabeth Warren in 2019 when she accused Dominion voting machines of switching votes.
Cult members gonna cult.
At least CNN is doing that.
Imagine a Fox'News' segment where they address this by asking non-cult members about the case.
You can't, can you? Haha! I applaud CNN for regularly talking to RWers on air.
Divergent opinions. LMAO!
Head in the sand? I think you're being much too kind.
“I’m really happy that they have divergent opinions in private” - you’re happy that they lie to you on screen?
What would you expect from a guy who ran as a Maga republican in California? Like most MAGA's he lost.
That stood out to me too. That guy is a lost cause.
Exactly. And truth is just an opinion. Except in this case it’s math. Now we can agree to disagree on math? What? Omg. Reasoning with the unreasonable and using logic with the illogical, every word is complete nonsense. But it’s okay because Fox learned a lesson. A lesson I’m sure they already knew. And who cares about all the harm and damage. I’m sure we’re all willing to sacrifice ourselves for Fox to learn a lesson. HELP! 🤯
that man actually said he was happy they knew the truth but lied to him, that is so sad
"calling prematurely for Arizona." 2:45. That got me. Its been 2 years and the "call was early," nothing, not one word on the fact it was correct. The guy right after talking about how "the audience is not looking to be lied to... its looking for context for something we know is true" Quote of the entire interview. Conservatives live on their own planet. Fox News has been shipping them there for 30 years.
It's why Fox lied in the first place. Veiwers were leaving because they weren't being lied too. They want to be lied to. Lead in the water.
Not true conservatives, only the MAGA people who aren't true conservatives. I don't know what they are.
They sure do. Total fantasy land. How do they do that!? Do they do drugs or drink lead to get the effect?
" *not one word on the fact it was correct* "
Alisyn should have immediately said, "But Biden DID win Arizona, announced early or late".
What I see is people with their fingers in their ears saying, "LALALALALALALA" because they don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear what reinforces the narrative they subscribe to.
Fox was like "This is what the research and math show to be true" and their viewers were like "This relationship is over."
"Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Pretty much describes the entire Fox audience.
Well, they DO OPEN their mouth and STILL pledge allegiance to The National Enquirer of Cable news.
THis, this display is why you CAN NOT HAVE reasonable discussions with Faux viewers. Guy literally says.."facts are opinions". Uh.....NO.
CNN have used/abused a video by a artist called Ren..... 10 million people have found hope from listening to Ren. Hi Ren.. He is not a Drag Queen reading a banned book about 2 penguins to children.. CNN owes Ren a apology please
@@USGrant-rr2by Rudy once said those are your facts and kelleyanne Conway said there are also altfacts
@@ericdotd69 lol do you mean Fox News and Florida owes an apology for banning the book and attacking drag queens non stop….. I agree
“You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.” ― Jonathan Swift.
Tell me where it says that protests should be polite and peaceful?
*CNN Fredo*
What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away. The Doobey Brothers
"The canoe had a leak but the rabbits couldn't swim so grandma died...I pooped my pants" Joe Biden...probably yesterday.
Hmm... 3 mindless responses within 1 hour of each other, from accounts with silly names, all around 06:30-07:30 eastern time on a Sunday..? I thought foreign trolls/bots were harder to spot?
@@ArielTavori Lol...not a foreign bot ( I know everyone who says something YOU don't like is a bot) just an early riser in Indiana. BTW blnunya is a combination of mine and my wife's first names and nunya business. I honestly can't think of much that is as mindless as quoting others to convey your thoughts.
‘You have to make a business decision … on both sides!’ She didn’t actually say that out loud did she? Hahaha. So stupid. 🌹❤️
This is actually terrifying. Talk about being willfully blind
I was just reading the plans the Republicans have to steal the next election, which includes shorter voting window, more complex ID requirements (last four digits of the SS etc) and removing polling places from Universities. There is no interest in finding out what most people want, just how they can cheat their way to power.
They don’t care, that Fox still keep lying to them.
Under your analogy, CNN have been busted lying as well, so they are lying to you now.
@Green Bay The only lies that you can come up with are the ones that Fox told you to believe were lies
Has CNN always told the truth?
CNN lies to you
@@crackpipegiveaway5467 blah blah woof woof quack quack
Shelby (woman with the glasses) lost trust when Fox "prematurely" called out Arizona.
I'd bet good money that she went over to Newsmax or OAN.
It's baffling that she seems to seriously believe that Fox is willing to settle for over ¾ billion dollars rather than presenting that "funny stuff" that is "pretty easy to find". She apparently still hasn't understood that all that "funny stuff" is a bunch of BS.
I love how the one person was mad that Fox didn't go far enough with the crazy
Not a peep from you when Nicholas Sandmann sued CNN for millions because of their fake news and lies. After years of CNNS lying about Russian collusion which was debunked, again, nothing from you. Typical libturd hypocrites.
Wow! Even with all the proof these fools still believe the lies. The lady with the glasses is a female Mike Lindell. Take with a grain of salt but CNN is definitely FAKE NEWS.
I was wondering where she was going with that statement.
Q-anon and conspiracy theories has melted her brain
These people are just sad and they don't want to believe that they were lied to and they fell for it.
Their ego wont allow them to accept that fact that they're gullible people.
Some of them seem to confuse reporting and opinion piece. If they hear a reporter say what they want to hear, they feel great. It doesn't matter if they reporter has no integrity and didn't back their claim with facts or present theories as facts. As long as it's what they wish was true, it's ok.
@@Supersticio McCarthy or McCartney?
Imagine how wonderful it must be to be a conservative. You can convince yourself of anything without a hint of guilt or responsibility. It's like a magic power. You can see how their minds just mold and shift by the second to fit whatever they want.
It's the same people who have "faith" in 2000 year old fantasy writings. They turned off their critical thinking skills when they were young. They're basically walking vegetables now.
So true FDT
That could be true of any tribal identity. There's mythmaking at the root of all social structures. "The lies that bind."
Watch Jordan Klepper interviewing them. It's hilarious. You can see the cognitive dissonance at work lol
People that believe the bible is true will believe anything. So sad. 😢😢😢
I have friends who voted for Trump and watch FOX, and the one comment they always make after finding out about a false narrative is "they all do it." I've given up trying to get through to them, and our friendship has suffered because of it.
I don’t understand how Fox News customers can continuously watch the show knowing that they lied
If this happened in the UK it would totally destroy the news network! It would be game over for Fox news.
Because they are married to their political views. The problem with politics is that they are fanatics, it's impossible for them to say "I'm republican but i admit this is not the way the party should go"
@@JoeKerr019 you are so right.
they do NOT know Faux lied because the settlement did not make them admit to it on air. they did not even know about the lawsuit to begin with!
And you think cnn does not lie ? 3 years they lied about trump being a Russian spy . Don’t be a bird brain they all lie .
Paying a settlement that size is no doubt an admission of guilt.
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. There are people who chose to be lied to, because it makes them feel good about themselves. Pretty lies are better than the ugly truth.
Or as good ol’ W says,
“Fool me once, can’t get fooled again.”
Well said...
Yup 👍🏼
It's gonna be impossible to de-program a person who cant/won't accept that they've been brainwashed.😮
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Yep. You can fool some of the people all of the time.
I'm hoping a class action suit takes place against Fox to remove the "news" portion on the logo. It's not news, and they need to be held accountable for using the term.
Not gonna happen. It's a trademark. They already claim to NOT be an News Station.
They even admit it. They say the evening lineup are all opinion shows. I don't think they go as far as to say - 'Sean Hannity's reports are his opinion and not necessarily to position of fox news' though. And the users don't regard it as opinion - it is all hard all fact NEWS. I don't get the same sense at all with MSNBC evening lineup - they seem to still attempt to be responsible reporters, and have some pride in reporting the truth.
I've been saying this for years!
@@SeanGarratt opinion is a lie too. Even alternative facts are lies. One can call it propaganda like with Russia. Still lies though. So basically, lies are allowed on news channels in the US.
Technically they do have News shows though most are just local stuff. Unfortunately viewers can seem to distinguish the difference, which is the majority of their shows are actually labeled as entertainment, because their "opinion based on news" and not meant to be taken as factual news.
If this is really an accurate representation of the typical Fox viewer, it just shows how critical it was to demand that Fox make a public apology/retraction.
Apology would be disingenuous. A retraction, posted like a full ad, for 30-60 seconds on screen would be the ticket.
@@LazyEyePolitics the dominion lawsuit. They settled and didn't make Fox do a public apology/acknowledgement. So their viewers will never know anything about it
@@LazyEyePolitics I say "was" because a clear retraction on air admitting the reporting of unsubstantiated and, in several cases, information known to be false was not a requirement of the Dominion lawsuit settlement.
@@Supersticio sort of
"doing their homework" is code for looking at Facebook & You tube
Nothing will change until the punishment for broadcasting lies is higher than the profits from broadcasting lies.
The saddest part is that Fox may very well negotiate higher prices with cable and streaming services, and that consumers from all sides will be indirectly footing the bill for this settlement.
The response to the first question was very telling, two years and these four seem to admit that they hardly knew about the law suit. Wow
One day you will realize that nobody cares. They just want to live their lives. They care though when people come after their children.
I know, this is how cult leaders gain and hold power. Repetition, punishment and the occasional reward. Just like slot machines
@@fauxque5057 No one cares that people were actually trying to overthrow the government, likely leading to a civil war. Yeah...seems totally accurate to me Faux Que. 🙄
@@fauxque5057 no they don’t. They pretend to care but most will sell their kids for the right price and I’m not talking about 3rd world countries either.
Because in their bubble, Fox barely talked about their own malfeasance. Fox will continue to lie. They learned NOTHING.
Who's not surprised? Only the one man on the top left realizes it's wrong to pound a straight lie over and over again. I wish she had asked if their friends also believed the lie, and if 1/6 wouldn't have happened. This shows how impossible it is to have a normal discussion with them if they can't even face the truth.
"A lot of this is a matter of opinion" Ian Weeks.
Dude, that's like saying the earth is round is a matter of opinion. Facts matter...
Wow! This is probably the most amazing story of the day! I feel sorry for the family and friends of these people.
The one guy says Fox Viewers don't want to be LIED TO but that is exactly what you get when you watch FOX. We have known for years now that FOX itself considers their PRIMETIME LINEUP to be ENTERTAINMENT, NOT NEWS or at least that is how they defended themselves against previous legal action. If you don't want to be LIED to, STOP WATCHING FOX, OAN, and NEWSMAX. These people are CHOOSING TO BE LIED TO. I have ZERO SYMPATHY for their WILFULL IGNOARNCE.
How stupid are these people 😱🤦♀️
Yup, nothing like going to on national television to display your ignorance proudly.
ANYONE who has to listen to them talk. I feel bad for the service industry that has to put up with this level of crazy.
Most importantly, this lie is now common knowledge and will have to pay the bill
I'm still laughing at the idea that anyone would admit to being a Fox viewer.
Get over it
@@robertmannel4446 waaaaahhhhhhh! There, I called your wahmbulance,🤡🚑
@@robertmannel4446 it’s difficult to imagine how much damage Fox has caused to the American psyche. Tucker is arguably the most dangerous person in America.
They are proud of it 🤦♀️
Fox has the highest viewership by a pretty significant margin. So, literally the highest number of Americans get their news from Fox and subsequently live in a post-truth alternate reality.
There is a truth in lending law in America. Now America needs a truth in reporting law.
Fox viewers: We don't want to be lied to, we just want you to tell us what we want to be true.
Trump won.
The 'ignorance is bliss' approach."We don't want to be lied to...so please stop pointing out that Fox is lying to us".
Sounds like the CNN viewing base.
Bingo! They're not bothered that FOX lied to them, they're bothered that someone pointed it out... EXAMPLE: "FOX called Arizona prematurely". So, it didn't matter that the reporting was correct and Trump lost Arizona, the problem was they told her too soon? WTF? (Sweetie, if Trump won Arizona he still would have lost the election).
@@markgarrett3647 slow
@@johncherks9116 Ever seen Fox viewers confronting and trying to assassinate liberal Supreme Court Judges in their homes because they don't like their decisions?
Yet CNN lost a defamation lawsuit with Nick Sandman for 275 million and an upcoming one with Kyle Rittenhouse 🤣🤣 take your own advice bud
Omg... This is an embarrassment for the United States. How have these people survived to this age without the ability to understand the important distinction between objectivity and subjectivity? Furthermore, how are they able to completely disregard journalistic integrity and still seek out "journalism"? Why bother?
They _(when I say they I'm talking about right wing Americans who watch Fox - not all Americans. That's an important distinction that a lot of people seem to ignore for some reason.)_ Anyway... They aren't looking for information, journalism, or integrity. They're only looking for affirmation of the beliefs they already hold.
I wonder about all this too.
Because we cut public education and dont attempt to regulate the spread of disinformation
Just imagine the ridiculous chaos, calamity, ineptitude, and incompetence in the day to day lives of these people. They drive, operate heavy machinery, enjoy deadly weapons, vote, and "raise" children. Ugh. . . . . .
Nick - I am thankful to have read your comment. I work in a facility with people who are MAGA. I am incapable of speaking to them. The things they believe are anti-American. As an American, I have a natural disposition to dislike if not hate people who want to overthrow my government.
” audience isn’t looking to be lied to we are looking for context to something we know to be true.”
That's quite an admission
She should have mentioned that, in past cases (like the one with Tucker), Fox's defense has been that "no reasonable person would believe" their broadcasters' statements and claims. In other words, Fox has admitted lying to their viewers is purposeful, acceptable, and (until now) profitable.
Yes and that he's not a journalist he's an "entertainer" like how? Pretty sure he's show is not on Comedy Central there is no disclaimer so how the hell is this okay
@Simona Mamrillova exactly my thought. Ask those four people if they get their news from journalists or entertainers. Understand that some of them have rejected journalists believing they liem. Yet here we have Fox paying a settlement for spreading lies. Even though Fox is not trustworthy, people will still watch Fox to confirm the batsh!t crazy stuff they believe in might be true.
Ya good one. You can Dominion lawsuit to your list of NPC arguments. Let’s see you got
1 Dominion
2 Tucker Carlson
3 January 6!!!
4 Orange Man Bad
5 George Santos
6 Trump said Drink bleach
You’re doing real good
@@RM-jb2bv you know Murdoch settled for 787 million dollars because he knew, his lawyers told him that if they went to court he'd have to pay a lot more, right? I mean that's pretty basic stuff.
@@stlsensimilla No actually you don’t know that. You’re not on Fox’s legal team. People settle for all kinds of reasons. Fox is a massive company and their brand is everything. This is a bizarre case w no transparency and there was likely no way Dominion would win ultimately.
Watch all 83 segments on CNN, MSNBC etc and you won’t find a single clip of a Fox anchor “defaming” Dominion voting systems. Hmm. Seems important. Seems like those clips don’t exist. Seems like CNNs and the braindead left are hallucinating. Again
It's beyond my brain cell capabilities. Truly unbelievable. The denial and " willful " blindness is truly terrifying. For example : I asked my conservative sister did she know who Marjorie Taylor Green is. She said, " No . Who is she. Never heard of her before. Is she someone important I should be aware of "? I was completely floored she had no clue about this women never mind any of her antics. Talk about living in a bubble.....nothing in, nothing out. VERY SCARY.
Could not agree more. When one places it the context of America at large - the fact that, quite literally, somewhere between 20 to 40 million people believe in QAnon, that despite the fact that what is now proof that the only attempt to steal the election came from Trump and company, no matter how many court cases or evidence of texts and emails being revealed, we're still going to double down on our ideological beliefs - it is, as you said, very scary. It is terrifying, because this is how authoritarianism comes to power. Check out Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Timothy Snyder, Jason Stanley, and Anne Applebaum. Their life's work has been studying these kinds of movements and phenomenon.
It’s called cope. To accept that they were lied to in an unethical way by Fox News could potentially destroy their entire world view. So instead of that “no specific news org is arbiter of truth” or “people have done their homework I’m disappointed that fox didn’t prove that fraud happened”
Welcome to brainwashed America.
Is it reminding you of Nazi Germany a little bit yet?
This has truly gone too far, they are literally a threat to our country. Just look at the conspiracy bs they are spreading all day long, it's crazy to me that such a channel still exists.
"You should always look within when a big case like this happens".
Nice, if it wasn't that she didn't even KNOW there was a case in the first place, because her 'news' source never mentioned it. Yet, even after hearing she'd been purposely lied to, she STILL says she'll put her trust in getting 'news' from them. Wouldn't it be nice to be her cheating husband?
How many times has CNN showed the defamation cases they lost to their viewers?
Bet you didn't even know they have any defamation cases in the past.
She and her husband would be Republicans, they would both be into it right up to their elbows and they would be accusing the Democrats. It would make not a shred of difference to them, lying and cheating is, "Their Thing!"
"Their" cheating husbands 😂 🎉
That is how you know she is lying. Whether it was on another channel or on social media she 100% knew about the case. She simply did not care.
1000%Nicely put. These people deserve to be lied to. They like it. So stupid it's sickening
I have to admit, these people were more articulate than I was expecting.
Watching them cope in real-time was astounding!
They just look confused.
They love a world where they can connect with people who will tell them all the ugly things they want to hear. Even if it's a lie, they will pretend it's the truth, so they can justify feeding their hate for things that are not in their favor.
Trauma bonding. Some families don’t know any other way to connect with people.
The problem is that it's always "A Matter of Opinion" w some people. Especially, if the facts and evidence are not to their liking.
They will never admit they are wrong
That's some delicious irony. Fox says "we lied about all of it". Their viewers are going: "We don't believe you."
Lol omg
Right. You think Fox is on Trump's side?
Thats delicious. LOL
@@gianthills Not exactly. It is a used and be used kind of relationship.
Right? "We don't want to be lied to" but also "they called Arizona prematurely".....
That woman in the glasses is certifiably in denial.
Yes Alison in the pink jacket is brainwashed and lives in denial
Yes the woman wearing glasses in the pink jacket is definitely in denial
denial... I was just more thinking she's an idiot. Probably did her homework on covid too. Sounds like the kind of person I'd rather not see voting.
@@CindyBoyle What? That doesn't even make sense.. nice try though 😑
@@Jillians1025 you're brainwashed by fake news CNN
You get the impression that one, they didn't want to know. Two, they don't really care and will continue watching.
These people make me genuinely afraid for the future of this country!
These people don't want to admit that they've been severely duped.
Woman on the bottom left literally STILL BELIEVES the election was stolen despite all of these major players being outed for straight up lying.
Just like an addict in detail.
They have been thoroughly brainwashed.
I can now see why Fox has such an easy time deceiving their audience. It's not the quality of their productions, it's the quality of their audience.
Both are lacking substantive quality.
Ouch! Can we give some credit to the writers, editors, and producers?
As propaganda, I give them an A+, for creating plausible, emotionally satisfying falsehoods, that reinforce and encourage bias, prejudice, misogyny, racism, and a profound lack of critical thinking skills. But yeah, being willfully stupid, and engulfed in a fog of entitlement does make them easy marks.
The amazing part of becoming a fully functioning adult is learning that other adults aren’t that smart. Even when confronted with the truth that is supported with facts these people still resist it.
Even if Fox would have been forced to publish an apology, this segment shows their viewers would have said, well, we take everything with a grain of salt and we think that other networks who were not fined almost 800 million for lying are just as bad. They say they do not want to be lied to, but that's a lie.
Elizabeth Warren accused Dominion machines of switching votes in 2019. She called for the machines to all be replaced. Has she apologized?
They like confirmation bias
@@nolongerblocked6210 I think if I listened to them for 10 mins, nodded and said I didn't know that, tell me more. They would invite me into their house for dinner.
"There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
"What I came away from the court filing with was: a lot of this is a matter of opinion."
Fox News was like "there is literally no way we are winning this. We can try to settle for this because the continued legal fees plus the court ruling is going to cost us a whole lot more" but somehow this free thinker Stockholmed himself into "well, but maybe..."
Opinions😢... One based on facts, the other based on nonsense.
Did she say no evidence sooooooo you give someone close to a billion dollars without evidence 😂😂😂😂😂
In 2019 Elizabeth Warren accused Dominion machines of switching votes, maybe there should be a bipartisan investigation into Dominion.
My interpretation is that she thinks there's lots of 'evidence' to back up the frivolous clamins of fraud and was disappointed that Fox didn't produce it in their defence. SMH. These don't appear to be the usual MAGA morons, but they're still unwilling to think critically and see they've been lied to for money and power. Worrying.
What a cult member says
Oh, Fox is GIVING it out of the kindness of their hearts, not bc they can possibly be wrong. Right?
There is no reaching these people. They’re a plague on society and it will take multiple generations to heal from the damage Faux News and Republicans have caused.
Please keep the lies feeding me. It feeds my prejudices.
This is why my heart sank when Dominion settled. If you don't make these traitors testify, this whole lawsuit may as well not have happened at all, in the eyes of a Fox viewer. 'A matter of opinion' is the opposite of telling a lie that you know is a lie, and that reality came nowhere NEAR these people.
Reality went clear through. In one ear and out the other. Wasn't even delayed in its passage.
me too, James. But there are a line of lawsuits against fox...there's still hope
There would have been a ton of appeals and this needed to be a business decision
James O'Blivion, I hear you...I guess Rupert Murdoch and Dominion will both let you know that, its not about RED or BLUE, its about GREEN! As a French Philosopher once said: When it comes to money, we all have the same religion! I hope the next lawsuit against FOXNEWS will be from SMARTMATIC ...and we can only hope that Smartmatic will demand that these traitors take the stand and testify.
Next up: Smartmatic, which will make Dominion look like the warm-up act.
When magamorons say they've done their homework it means the searched the places that would tell them what they want to hear
Exactly.... "Millions of americans have done their homework".... no, millions of americans can barely read and write let alone understand what they're looking at. These maga terrorists are incapable of understanding the truth and its because they'd rather think what they want. They're white supremacist bigotted hateful terrorists.
Elizabeth Warren is a MAGA? She accused Dominion voting machines of switching votes in 2019. She called for the replacement of these same machines.
These people aren't interested in anything, unless it confirms their existing delusional beliefs. Rupert Murdoch and his gang have understood this sad situation and have made a fortune out of it.
Exactly! Proving that Fox lied about the election being stolen is irrelevant. I think deep down, 90% of them knew that even back in 2020. I think they knew it wasn't actually stolen. They just refused to admit it to themselves. They were outraged that their cult leader Trump had been dethroned. So they allowed themselves to be lied to, so they could have an outlet and a way to channel their outrage.
They knew they were being brainwashed, but they allowed it. Because that was less painful for them, than admitting that their lord and saviour Donald Trump, wasn't as popular as they wanted him to be.
Wilful ignorance......amazing
These people aren't even slightly upset for being lied to all the time.
The Russians, too, are not particularly upset that they are being lied to🤣
CNN, NYT, MSNBC all lied about Iraq having WMDs and even censored anti-war views from coming onto their shows/articles. Yet they’re still watched/read to this day.
The same applies to CNN viewers. They are no better. CNN has a recent history of defamation lawsuits.
It's the truth, but, it's getting covered up to make them seem stupid. Hackers are on your phone now using Google Analytics to steal financial information leading to millions of dollars in hacked accounts. Google is allowing this, and getting kickbacks from them.
@Jay January that girl in the top left is named “Reagan” if I heard that correctly. Something tells me she’ll never learn.
“People see what they want to see.” I hope he understands what he said one day.
Yikes! What scared me was that these people seemed to be otherwise educated. How can people like this be so easily duped? Again, yikes!
Nazi Germany
They didn't sound like they were educated. They sounded confused.
There were certainly basic linguistic abilities on display and even some cognitive thinking and yet….I mean they weren’t the maga morons that Jordan Klemperer deals with on a regular basis.
Remember the Heaven's Gate cult? In late March 1997 Marshall Applewhite, the cult leader and twenty-one women and seventeen men, mostly college educated, drank a lethal dose of phenobarbital and vodka because they were convinced they would leave their mortal bodies behind and get on a spaceship hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet and pass through heaven's gate into a higher existence.
Exactly, I was equally surprised that they spoke a much more cultivated English than the Fox channel. Their manners didn't match those of the obnoxious Fox hosts, either. Are they Dr. Jekyll for the outside world and Mr, Hyde when they're inside the cult bubble?
It's hard for Fox viewers to accept that they've been been played by the very people they trusted to provide accurate information.
Their pride prevents them from admitting they were to darn gullible to see the truth. But now that they know the truth and fail to adjust to it they seem even more foolish.
To be fair, the only reason Fox News lies and exaggerates so goddamned much is because their own *viewers* want to hear that stuff. Forcing Fox News itself to come clean and stop bullshitting would only partially solve the problem at best. The real problems are the multitudes of people who want to believe this crap.
I don't think Fox News viewers are capable of soberly assessing the situation. It's more likely that they continue to believe them.
They feel stupid for being sucked in and so may be digging their heels in rather than admitting anger with Fox for duping them for years.
They still keep doubting the reality too
Won’t have to worry about watching tucker any more lol 😂😂😂😂
Give these people an Olympic medal for *mental gymnastics* ✨🏆✨🥇
And get trained by Gym Jordan, GOP'S finest!!!!
Scary that some people can't be convinced when it's obvious what happened
This is what happens when you only have half a brain.
"The audiences aren't looking to be lied to we just want them to tell us what we believe is true" ... whether or not it is. Sums up everything these people are saying. It also proves how well Fox knew its audience when it lied to them.
They start at the conclusion and work their way backwards, seeking sources that validate preconceived notions. In the process, they're exposed to even more right-wing politics, which reinforces the cycle and gives them more 'truths' to work backwards from because a source they trusted said it.
They just don't understand that by nature of WANTING something to be true, they are creating demand for a market where someone tells them that it is, regardless of whether or not there's any evidence behind it. Fox is not news, it is only ever either a mouthpiece for paying customers on the right, or a simple reflection of what the viewers want to see.
That's why they'll keep doing it until their audiences start to resent it.
Hate makes people stupid.
I needed the trial, the on-the-stand confessions of the liars and prevaricators. I needed that. And the country needed that.
Instead, one corporation's insurance company will be paying another corporation and very little else was accomplished.
@@LEOHACKMAN247 dally that is exactly it. That is also why Murdock did this. Some all the way. The legal system can't keep up anymore. Today, for one day i despair
Some of the legal commentators said that Dominion allowed Fox to settle at the last minute because at least then Fox was agreeing to pay. Had it gone to trial, Fox would have dragged out appeals until Dominion was bankrupt. I do wish they'd held out for an on-air apology though. A full week of apologies, one on each show every day, would have been lovely.
@@maryanneslater9675 It was a pathetic excuse for a settlement.
@@LEOHACKMAN247 These four Fox viewers are living proof that Fox is incapable of responsible broadcast journalism. Entertainment is their fortè.