Tack så himla mycket för dina extraordinärt intressanta intervjuer. Kombinationen av dina ukrainska och svenska perspektiv ger mycket bra frågor ställda av dig. Fortsätt så som du kör. SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦🇸🇪🌻
Jag skulle önska att du gör någon intervju eller liknande på perspektivet om att Ryssland krigar med C-stridsmedel i stor omfattning och att det knappt märks i världsdebatten.
Jag kollar Warthog Defense, Rapporter från Ukraina och Aftonbladets uppdateringar av situationen. Likaså tittar jag på dina rapporter förstås och SVT Play . Jag LIDER MYCKET med det ukrainska folket! ❤
Tack Anna! Ju fler som uppmärksammar och diskuterar och dokumenterar det som Putin och Ryssland gör, desto bättre. Såna här "maffiastyrda" länder måste bort!
Oftast referrerar flera tidningar till en och samma källa och ägs oftast av samma koncern och leverar likvärdig propaganda som även mindre tidningar inte skyr sig från att göra heller. Jag läser Aftonbladet mest, men även lyssnar på olika podcasts om kriget i Ukraina. Jörgen Elfving är en bra expert, som talar för sig själv. Han är nog med att inte tala för någon annan utan sig själv.
Why do you say that Russia would attack Estonia? Of course he wouldn't do that, Estonia is a NATO country, remember that detail? Putin would NOT attack NATO countries where nukes would be needed to succeed winning. Stop saying Russia would continue with Baltic countries
In an interview with Germany's ARD television in 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow recognizes all of Ukraine's borders, and that there is no issue of ethnic conflict in Crimea. You can easily find this speech on UA-cam. It doesn't matter what he is saying. Everything is just one big lie. Russia occupied Crimea in 2014. Putin is also saying that there is democracy in Russia and he is legally elected president, which is not true. Neither me or Swedish government trusts in that what he is saying. Russia attacking Baltic states can be a reality. Unfortunately
@@journalistannabeermann Putin can not attack Baltic. because all NATO countries will have to respond and attack Russia. Europe and the OS combined. How can you write that with letters and not realise that Putin absolutely not want to attack the NATO, the largest organisation for military. Why would Putin want the small Baltics? Putin is NOT a crazy person! Russia is fighting to handle Ukraine, how could Russia handle the nuclear NATO. You must rethink your logics Anna or we can not put trust in you. All of Wests politicians say the same as you say to motivate more military intervention. Putin is not stupid.
@@journalistannabeermann Putin sees Ukraine and Belarus as part of European Russia. NATO wanted to expand. They tempted Ukraine to come into NATO and EU. That is the reason for the war. Putin started military actions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine because NATO can not take in countries that are at war. So he take Transnistria, Crimea and conflict in Georgia to prevent any more NATO expansions. Baltic countries are already in NATO ! Why would he attack those NATO countries??
@@journalistannabeermann Putin do military conflicts to prevent countries from joining NATO. Then why would he attack NATO?? Estonia, Latvia, Poland that are already IN NATO? No lets forget about these ideas that European politicians claim to cover up the fact that NATO have had a expansion policy in Europe to surround Russia military. Therefore there is war in Ukraine.
Tack så himla mycket för dina extraordinärt intressanta intervjuer. Kombinationen av dina ukrainska och svenska perspektiv ger mycket bra frågor ställda av dig. Fortsätt så som du kör. SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦🇸🇪🌻
Jag skulle önska att du gör någon intervju eller liknande på perspektivet om att Ryssland krigar med C-stridsmedel i stor omfattning och att det knappt märks i världsdebatten.
Tack så mycket för fina ord och Tack så mycket för ditt stöd 🩷🇸🇪🇺🇦 Героям Слава!
Mycket bra intervju!!
Tack Anna och Jörgen
Jag kollar Warthog Defense, Rapporter från Ukraina och Aftonbladets uppdateringar av situationen. Likaså tittar jag på dina rapporter förstås och SVT Play . Jag LIDER MYCKET med det ukrainska folket! ❤
Tack Anna! Ju fler som uppmärksammar och diskuterar och dokumenterar det som Putin och Ryssland gör, desto bättre. Såna här "maffiastyrda" länder måste bort!
Tack för att du tittar på mina videos 😊🌷
Tack Anna! Du är världsbäst!
Oftast referrerar flera tidningar till en och samma källa och ägs oftast av samma koncern och leverar likvärdig propaganda som även mindre tidningar inte skyr sig från att göra heller. Jag läser Aftonbladet mest, men även lyssnar på olika podcasts om kriget i Ukraina.
Jörgen Elfving är en bra expert, som talar för sig själv. Han är nog med att inte tala för någon annan utan sig själv.
Vilken jättesnygg tröja Anna
Väldigt intressant interjuv!
Går det att göra en dokumentär också om alla de små barn som kidnappats av Ryssland?
Snygg tröja Anna
Why do you say that Russia would attack Estonia? Of course he wouldn't do that, Estonia is a NATO country, remember that detail? Putin would NOT attack NATO countries where nukes would be needed to succeed winning. Stop saying Russia would continue with Baltic countries
In an interview with Germany's ARD television in 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow recognizes all of Ukraine's borders, and that there is no issue of ethnic conflict in Crimea. You can easily find this speech on UA-cam. It doesn't matter what he is saying. Everything is just one big lie. Russia occupied Crimea in 2014.
Putin is also saying that there is democracy in Russia and he is legally elected president, which is not true. Neither me or Swedish government trusts in that what he is saying. Russia attacking Baltic states can be a reality. Unfortunately
@@journalistannabeermann Putin can not attack Baltic. because all NATO countries will have to respond and attack Russia. Europe and the OS combined. How can you write that with letters and not realise that Putin absolutely not want to attack the NATO, the largest organisation for military. Why would Putin want the small Baltics? Putin is NOT a crazy person! Russia is fighting to handle Ukraine, how could Russia handle the nuclear NATO. You must rethink your logics Anna or we can not put trust in you. All of Wests politicians say the same as you say to motivate more military intervention. Putin is not stupid.
@@journalistannabeermann Putin sees Ukraine and Belarus as part of European Russia. NATO wanted to expand. They tempted Ukraine to come into NATO and EU. That is the reason for the war. Putin started military actions in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine because NATO can not take in countries that are at war. So he take Transnistria, Crimea and conflict in Georgia to prevent any more NATO expansions. Baltic countries are already in NATO ! Why would he attack those NATO countries??
@@journalistannabeermann Putin do military conflicts to prevent countries from joining NATO. Then why would he attack NATO?? Estonia, Latvia, Poland that are already IN NATO? No lets forget about these ideas that European politicians claim to cover up the fact that NATO have had a expansion policy in Europe to surround Russia military. Therefore there is war in Ukraine.
@@rawstarmusicI think you have been zombified. You repeat the same thing like a zombie.