Should You Start Playing Lost Ark In 2023? | Lost Ark

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • help i've been thinking about playing lost ark should i play it?????
    yes my son play the game and don't let the big scary bad people tell you the game is awful because of x y z despite them having gotten literal thousands of hours of enjoyment out of it
    game has problems but you're new and none of the issues are so egregious that it should be cause for telling people who are interested in the game to stay away
    more ark to come
    like and subscribble if you read this
    #lostark #smilegate #gaming #mmo


  • @ClinesmithBB
    @ClinesmithBB Рік тому +24

    Nah man. This game is absolutely designed for you to play it like a job, or p2w. People just suck down copium because the combat is fun.

  • @L1vinDed
    @L1vinDed Рік тому +96

    It's never too late to start playing a game except lost ark

    • @hatenuke1
      @hatenuke1 Рік тому +17

      true , this game has the worst catchup mechanics ever.
      and that's why it's dying so fast and has 0 new players besides bots.

  • @Sllepll
    @Sllepll Рік тому +14

    I realy enjoyed the game, but some systems made me quit after 2k hours (dont regret them, had a Lot of Fun).
    Maybe when they fix the farming and remove pheons from Stones and bracelets i'll come back, thats what made me quit:
    First - ALL the farming stuff: Dont get me wrong, i like farming, bc i enjoy the classes gameplay (i only play classe i enjoy and recommend everybody doing the same), but with ALL of the stuff u can do, some ppl want to do everything in one day and thats insane, thats why ppl gatekeep soooo much, bc they're ALWAYS in a hurry, im not a bad player, i get mechs very easy, but It doesnt matter If i know the Raid and Boss atk patterns, If someone misses (not their fault, we are human and make mistakes, and, everybody needs to learn) but what pisses me off are the entitled ppl that gets tilted bc someone made a mistake, and then proceeds to quit, so you need to Go out and find New parties, If ppl werent in a rush to clear everything as fast as possible gatekeeping wouldnt be that big of a problem, of course this balance should be taken with 6 chars in mind, If someone wants to have 15+ alts thats their decision, and problem, they made It knowing its a Lot.
    Second - Pheons: Specialy when buying Stones or bracelets, i dont have a problem with ACCs pheons, since they are a single purchase, but OMG the Stones, why leave them in RNG itens????
    I spent more than 150k Gold and did NOT got a good Stone for one of my alts, see, the problem is not spending 150k on Stones, i wouldnt mind that, but most of this Gold was ALL spent on pheons so could buy the Stones, If ALL this Gold was spent exclusively on Stones i would prob got a good one.
    So yeah, maybe If the game fix this twoo problems i Will get back.
    If you're still playing i Hope you're having Fun!
    Nice day to everyone!

  • @Oliwav
    @Oliwav Рік тому +12

    Funny, I decided today to quit. After another game with toxic players. There is just no way to keep up and play at level others expect me to with work and life so I give up after 1k hours.

    • @BrotherChris
      @BrotherChris  Рік тому

      taking a break isnt a bad idea either, and you're always able to come back later. i definitely understand the feeling though and even if you decide to not play again later on then at least you (hopefully) had fun with the time you spent in game

    • @southpaw4713
      @southpaw4713 Рік тому +2

      Yeah we need to get rid of all those toxic players…. Especially in new legion raids after week 1 there is groups that ask for title 😂

    • @shredman59
      @shredman59 Рік тому +4

      The end game content takes a lot of time to learn and trying to do it solo (ie...with Pick Up Groups) is very hard. Some people are pretty toxic and have no patience for people trying to learn. But the only way to learn is to watch guide videos and actually try the content. It's a bit of a catch-22. BUT, I recently met a small group of people in a guardian raid who invited me to their discord and brought me on a couple of raids with them. It was a complete game changer. They helped me through the mechanics and it was a lot of fun. If you did enjoy the game, I would encourage you to find a group to join up in voice chat and do raids with. I don't know the best ways to find a group, but maybe joining in with youtube content creator groups.

    • @southpaw4713
      @southpaw4713 Рік тому +2

      @@shredman59 another way is to learn on a support the pugs have no choice lol.
      But there is learning groups but it’s really hard to find.

    • @shredman59
      @shredman59 Рік тому +1

      @@southpaw4713 Yes. I made a Pally for this very reason!

  • @supaweeb4076
    @supaweeb4076 Рік тому +8

    Nah dont waste time with bot ark and elitist gatekeeping and censorship and 0 communication dev that dgaf about player

  • @TheProfessorFunk
    @TheProfessorFunk Рік тому +13

    Chris Bro. Supporter and subscriber and love this direction. The game needs lil Mokokos and lil Mokokos need content creators like you...
    This will probably just confuse someone unfamiliar with the game. You're a minute in and you're talking about Rapport and Omnium Stars and finishing a quest called Bervers Friend and like so much specific stuff only someone with 100hrs+ starts to comprehend.
    Just take a step back from all the interconnected specific pieces and keep it high level: there's horizontal progression that rewards you over the long term, those rewards can also make you more powerful. The game benefits people who stick with frequent small progress.
    Just think about someone with no idea about the game - other than general MMO things - and frame it for them. Good luck brother C, this is a good direction and valuable content.

  • @utkuonal9859
    @utkuonal9859 Рік тому +4

    I would like to share my own thoughts as someone who started playing the game a 3-4 weeks ago. My lostark experience so far was both horrible and fun. The goldmaking is huge problem for beginners, I sometimes need to wait a week just to progress a little on my main. after getting my alts relatively good spot I'm having a bit better time but still, its a problem. Gatekeeping is also a huge problem but thanks to joining a beginner friendly guild I get lots of helps, they even offered to do learning runs for me. Overral I would say if you enjoy the game you can play as much as you want without caring what anyone has to say, It all comes down to enjoying.

  • @tilethamelendez9417
    @tilethamelendez9417 Рік тому +10

    I started to play WOW and FF. I will still play LA but not much due to the amount of gatekeeping little to none learning parties for each legion raid. I created multiple learning groups just to sit for hours and no one joins. As a support main the amount bitching of a support shortage but being gatekept at G4 Brel. I will still play this game but spending my money on WOW and FF for a piece of mind. WOW can be toxic but rather take the toxicity of WoW players than LA.

    • @lainstructure
      @lainstructure Рік тому +5

      LA has the worst playerbase I have encountered in a WHILE !

    • @unrivaled7625
      @unrivaled7625 Рік тому +2

      @@lainstructure Agreed the LA community is trash, not helpful at all.

    • @Ludydobry
      @Ludydobry Рік тому

      after 2k hours i can confirm the community is one of the worst

  • @lainstructure
    @lainstructure Рік тому +6

    No, better games comes out in few months
    Lost ark has bots, grindfest, p2w system, destroyed inflated marketplace, fomo, greedy system mechanics on top of BAD publisher & dev that DO NOT listen to their playerbase.

  • @1995Intervention
    @1995Intervention Рік тому +21

    I have to say, Lost Ark in my opinion has one of the worst new player experience of all time. Here's a couple of reasons why:
    1. Gatekeeping: in terms of sets, titles, engravings, cards, roster lvl etc
    2. Insane investment needed to play the "fun" raiding content.
    3. FOMO: Unless you play daily there is no way you will be doing the newest content on release, and if you don't you will have an incredibly hard time finding groups or supports to join your own learning raids -> which circles back to gatekeeping.
    4. Every relevant content for your account like: abyssal dungeons t1-t2 are completely dead content for the current player base, and even if you get a group they will oneshot everything for you because they are doing "card runs". I have had multiple friends asking me if they should start playing Lost Ark with me but I could not find myself to actually recommend the game for them at all (I did highlight the cool raids and screenshared for them).
    5. Powerpasses are microtransaction bait.
    6. Almost forgot to mention the bot issue which lead to multiple changes to gold aquasition which again lead to newer players having almost no way of making gold in a reasonable pace. Try telling someone they either have to swipe if they want to get to some cool content and to play it or do 10 minutes of dailies every day for like a month. Yeaah not gonna happen.

  • @TheLebronce
    @TheLebronce Рік тому +26

    NO is the short answer.

  • @kumaSOevl
    @kumaSOevl Рік тому +2

    I’m on a break from the game due to work but what keeps me motivated is videos from the fish king Chris

  • @KildalSC
    @KildalSC Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the video. Would recommend trying to write a script to make it easier to go over the points you want to get across. I stopped playing while waiting for clown over summer, guild merged and i got kicked while waiting, for not donating and contributing. At that point I had other stuff going on so I didn't want to find another guild and was scared of going into clown with pugs and being rusty.
    I am excited for Artist and have been looking for an excuse to start playing again which is why i watched this video.
    I will say that this game is not great for playing on and off, it kind of needs to be your "main" game and is deffinatly the most fun with a community or friends. I think Lost Ark is way better than Diablo 3, but i've played in the last 4 seasons in D3 just to check out what is new. The barrier of entry and time commitment is very low.
    I put over 1000 hours into Lost Ark, just about as much time on the game as my full time job at avg. 6 hours a day. Basicly a second job at that point. I loved it and it was the most fun I've had with a game since being introduced to WoW back in WotLK.
    I will try to give the game a chance by playing Artist, and a bit on my main. But I can't go back to grinding 6 characters. There is just so much great entertainment content I want to consume during a week, that timegated progress and content just doesn't suit me that well anymore.

  • @marceloarnez1491
    @marceloarnez1491 Рік тому +3

    1:20 "This game is not World of Warcraft or Elder Scrolls, [Lost Ark] is gonna be more close to BDO" Thanks that was enough for me to never play this

  • @Attrowoods
    @Attrowoods Рік тому +5

    This game holds you back to sell their P2W program.

  • @yukowl
    @yukowl Рік тому +1

    I'm looking for a game to play while I wait for Diablo 4 but I've not really played many games like Diablo before. I've put about 15 hours into POE and enjoy it but not being able to see mobs I should be able to because of the screen zoom is just annoying me to much. What should I play?

  • @Hepburner
    @Hepburner Рік тому +1

    You sound like Morty reviewing a Plumbus...

  • @guidoblok
    @guidoblok Рік тому +2

    Most new players most likely found the steam review page and got scared, all I see running around are bots.

  • @Twinsal
    @Twinsal Рік тому +3

    I am at Prideholme as just recently install and play the game is it normal that I only see sorc. That is one of the thing I notice. Graphic look nice. The other thing is that I tried to talk to them but they never respond anyway not sure why, but it is the first time I see this in a mmo. Also, it is a bit empty the beginner town.

    • @BrotherChris
      @BrotherChris  Рік тому

      game does feel empty until you get to the late end game towns where people hang out (punika, vern) but i hope you enjoy your time.
      a lot of the people you are gonna see throughout your leveling process are sorc bots because of how the game works, you really only have to level through the story one time manually and then you're able to boost other characters up

    • @L1vinDed
      @L1vinDed Рік тому +5

      Those sorcs are bots my friend 😂

    • @Twinsal
      @Twinsal Рік тому +3

      @@L1vinDed oh boi that is why they are not responding to my hello :(. I suspected since they have funny name.

  • @sigma8995
    @sigma8995 Рік тому +2

    With over 5000 hr under my belt, I will say absolutely NO. This game is trash. It will drain you and your sanity

  • @zerdyx9597
    @zerdyx9597 Рік тому +2

    I miss the awe I had when playing this game. Sad it turned out the way it did :(

  • @shredman59
    @shredman59 Рік тому +12

    So true.....a marathon not a sprint. That being said, smilegate really needs to work on the beginning game content. Lucky for me I started playing relatively early after release but still there were very few actual human interactions. It felt like a solo, questing arpg for many hours of play. Unless you have friends that play and encourage you to continue, a lot of players will quit the game. Especially now with all the bots.

  • @GummiFlummiBear
    @GummiFlummiBear Рік тому +3

    hello, i just wanna know, is the end game still "you have to play daily with 10 chars" or can i play with only 1 char?... i dont wanna play more chars just to keep up with everyone, i choose 1 char, to play this 1 char...

    • @nemnymeria7873
      @nemnymeria7873 Рік тому

      late answer. you can play 1 char but your progress will be really slow. Because lost ark progression revolves around having toons and use them in various areas.

    • @GummiFlummiBear
      @GummiFlummiBear Рік тому

      @@nemnymeria7873 ah.. okay sad, thank you

    • @Cascada200
      @Cascada200 Рік тому

      You have to have no life to stay up to date on the game. Literally no life. Just don’t play it, it is a bad game. It traps you into the Fomo, trust me. Yes it will be fun at first, but you will see the real nolife grind once you to get deep on T3

  • @PanZuui
    @PanZuui Рік тому +1

    Well if you are returning its kind a ok but if you are starting brand new account it may be really boring coz these beginner locations gonna be empty so you wont be able to kill field bosses or stuff where you actually need more players. Thats what really sucks in my opinion.

  • @azu260
    @azu260 Рік тому +2

    I literally started playing few days ago to figure this on my own. Unlucky timing.

  • @danielsparrow5
    @danielsparrow5 Рік тому +12

    Youll never catch up and the community will gate keep you unless your willing to spend thousands of dollars or years of your life
    The scummy elitists in this game will look down on you for any reason but here are some reasons
    Your gems
    Your roster level
    Your gear quality
    Your item level
    Your card set
    Your set level
    Yea dont play lost ark waste of time

    • @danielsparrow5
      @danielsparrow5 Рік тому

      @@fgmxd4957 100000% and it wouldnt be so bad if the community wasnt made of horrid sad gate keeping high horse people

    • @snowman11lol
      @snowman11lol Рік тому

      Funny thing is, i log in a few times per month and only do pvp cuz i find that Fun. So my gear and everything is very bad, also rocking that Mokoko icon next to my name 😁 Then People call me botter/hacker cuz they don't expect me to get killed that easy

  • @AgatBro
    @AgatBro Рік тому +7

    or just think this is a video game meant for fun. missing a weekly raid or island event will not get you evicted or imprisoned.
    sweet jesus, go to the gym or something, don’t be influenced by these fomos. your fine not catching up since there’s nothing TOO actually catch up on 🤦‍♂️

  • @yuziel69
    @yuziel69 Рік тому

    Hello, Glad to see your video..
    Im playing LostArk this day, and this is my first day on LostArk. I don't know what will be going on this game, but i got my first excited think and trying to enjoy this game...

    • @BrotherChris
      @BrotherChris  Рік тому +1

      despite what a lot of people will say, you will enjoy yourself!! take things at whatever speed you want and explore and do things that you want to. thats the point of a game!

  • @ChiefofPropaganda
    @ChiefofPropaganda Рік тому +5

    Don’t play, 100% pay to win unless you want to get a bucket and only play lost ark every day all day. Once you finally get to the point where the content is “ fun “ you will be gatekept by elitist cringe weirdos

  • @kangaroochili
    @kangaroochili Рік тому

    You basically have to play this game like a part time job if you want reasonably quick progression. Reasonable quick as in on par with other MMOs.

  • @kashashk
    @kashashk Рік тому +3

    I have 3000hrs+ on it, with a 3 week break in-between and it's really gonna leave a horrendous taste in the mouth of actual Mokokos (newbies ala Sprout for LA).
    If you feel you're resilient enough then go for it.

  • @si1entgmer263
    @si1entgmer263 Рік тому

    Holy moly that progression 4:37

  • @patrickgray4932
    @patrickgray4932 Рік тому

    im a new watcher i like ur content

  • @luckyyolo5039
    @luckyyolo5039 Рік тому

    I have like 3 fully leveled characters last time I played. I would return but I dont want to spend much time doing multyplayer stuff. Has the game increased what you can do as a solo player?

    • @BrotherChris
      @BrotherChris  Рік тому

      as far as gear progression goes you will need to complete legion raids to get the materials to make the new pieces of gear
      aside from that the solo content is mostly unchanged so if you've already played and experienced the things you find fun you may want to give it a pass until a later date

  • @Drakksy
    @Drakksy Рік тому +1

    Grats on 1k :D

  • @yourstrulytruly2897
    @yourstrulytruly2897 Рік тому

    I used to like this game until I tried to + my gear. That became a chore in itself. Which was really bad

  • @txong1989
    @txong1989 Рік тому +3

    not fun until you get gatekeep at argos 1370

    • @Dx_Ach
      @Dx_Ach Рік тому

      nobody does argos except bus drivers and reclears. learning parties are only ever done in guilds now.

    • @davidhorvath4560
      @davidhorvath4560 Рік тому

      ​@@Dx_Achwhich is even worse xd

  • @KillerDeadXero
    @KillerDeadXero Рік тому

    would you need a group all the time?

  • @asaptherm
    @asaptherm Рік тому

    If you and your friends have nothing to do, it is worth it

  • @naoejun9448
    @naoejun9448 Рік тому

    500 hours stuck at endgame no more content :/

  • @Ludydobry
    @Ludydobry Рік тому

    Simple answer is no, the community is probably the worst i have ever experianced , even worse than league of legends,

  • @user-ir6hi8od6x
    @user-ir6hi8od6x Рік тому

    Short answer is NO !

  • @zenoiii7351
    @zenoiii7351 Рік тому

    "XOXO Gossip girl" 🤣

  • @mongobaracuda
    @mongobaracuda Рік тому

    just never start playing lost ark

  • @max417481
    @max417481 Рік тому


  • @vLunaNightsky
    @vLunaNightsky Рік тому

    ....xo xo Gossip Girl

  • @KoloriGaming
    @KoloriGaming Рік тому


  • @Gaussen
    @Gaussen Рік тому +2

    i'm sure, it's a sprint because gatekeeping. if you say it's marathon, you either a p2w or bus payer.

  • @davidhorvath4560
    @davidhorvath4560 Рік тому

    I waited for this game since thr first trailer, I have 1510 character scrapper And then quit, the insane gatekeeping,community And burnouts are too taxing on you. So hard on my patience , be gatekeeped from raids for hours because u missed werk or 2 release of the raid, sipsportu shortage. This Guy talks bs nothing Is Worth ur time

  • @njohh
    @njohh Рік тому


  • @spadecheck8874
    @spadecheck8874 Рік тому

    Play guys! We need more players. Keep this game alive.

    • @Cascada200
      @Cascada200 Рік тому

      This game will not survive in the West for very long.

    • @spadecheck8874
      @spadecheck8874 Рік тому

      @@Cascada200 cause of you

  • @joelportero22
    @joelportero22 Рік тому

    Stop crying. This is the best and newest game of MMORPG at the moment. If You quit, then you Will come again besarse tiene isnt a better game. Then, we can wait until throne and liberty or blueprotol etc but atm lost ark is the best. I tested bdo, wow, ff, albion, tof... and allí done. Thanks and be patient and enjoy the game