Saph did the maths for us (there's a spreadsheet knocking about somewhere) and its absolutely a terrible idea to ever mix rarities when crafting relics.
I did it before him, in his first video he was not sure about it, i wrote it in the comments and the discord and maybe some others did the math to, but yeah Saph is now right
Saph did the maths for us (there's a spreadsheet knocking about somewhere) and its absolutely a terrible idea to ever mix rarities when crafting relics.
I did it before him, in his first video he was not sure about it, i wrote it in the comments and the discord and maybe some others did the math to, but yeah Saph is now right
I forged a Cat's Gaze as well giving me 2 since I'm going for the Hatter blessing
What's your opinion of Gorecrescent Coldbrew brother? It's the first legendary that I was able to craft.
Nice lol gratz, last pull
I have 4 cats gaze. F2P luck I guess lol.
WTF is this account though???