Interesting little board. I looked on ebay at the usual suspects to see if there were clones available, but the only listings I found actually cost more than for the genuine one from Arduino store! lol!
I didn't even know that clones are already available! Anyway, in time the Chinese will find a way to make them cheaper. That second MCU just for handling USB is a good candidate for cutting costs :-) And that on-board buck converter for the 5V rail is a bit over-sized (I feed the Nano 9V and draw almost 400mA from the 5V rail), a smaller, cheaper one will do :-)
@@andymouse Indeed, wow! Without the Every my controller design for the laboratory water bath (upcoming videos) would have been much more complicated (separate 400mA 5V supply for all the LED displays plus another small 9V supply for the Every).
True, but PCINT has its drawbacks and the Arduino environment does support attachInterrupt() for the Nano v3 on pins 2 and 3 only, whilst for the Nano Every every digital pin is supported.
@@konradpierzynski4251 Good question! The only reason would be ease of use. The Arduino IDE is dead simple, but, admittedly, also limited. Most people are using Arduinos in conjunction with the Arduino IDE because of that, instead of using the Microchip/Atmel compiler directly. BTW PCINT is also less powerfull / has more overhead (ISR is called for any change on a group of pins) than attachInterrupt() (ISR is called for a specific change on a single pin).
can I use the module Arduino Nano 3.0 ATmega328 Unsoldered 32KB Flash 14 Digital I/O 8 Analog Inputs for combining a few CO sensors 4-20mA in 2 analog outputs?
Well, yes you can. But you need to adapt your 4-20mA CO sensor outputs to the analog input pins or the Arduino (or any MCU). To be honest, I would use something like this to interface your CO sensors with a MCU.
You're right. The "Tech Specs" ( ) now (*) state 7 - 18V. (*) It didn't at the time I made this video. However, the datasheet ( ) states up to 21V without giving a lower limit. So I would take all these numbers with a grain of salt. It all depends on how much current you're drawing from your Nano ...
Thanks for the info! How much load did you put on the Every's 5V rail when feeding it 5V through Vin? BTW as of now (December 2020) Arduino specifies for the Nano (linear regulator) 7V to 12V and for the Nano Every (switch mode regulator) 7V to 21V.
Then buy one 😉 No, really, the Nano Every is cheaper than the (original) Nano v3. Of course it's still several times more expensive than the Chinese Nano v3 clones.
Interesting little board.
I looked on ebay at the usual suspects to see if there were clones available, but the only listings I found actually cost more than for the genuine one from Arduino store! lol!
I didn't even know that clones are already available! Anyway, in time the Chinese will find a way to make them cheaper. That second MCU just for handling USB is a good candidate for cutting costs :-) And that on-board buck converter for the 5V rail is a bit over-sized (I feed the Nano 9V and draw almost 400mA from the 5V rail), a smaller, cheaper one will do :-)
@@andymouse Indeed, wow! Without the Every my controller design for the laboratory water bath (upcoming videos) would have been much more complicated (separate 400mA 5V supply for all the LED displays plus another small 9V supply for the Every).
On atmega328p (nano) you can have pcint on every pin.
True, but PCINT has its drawbacks and the Arduino environment does support attachInterrupt() for the Nano v3 on pins 2 and 3 only, whilst for the Nano Every every digital pin is supported.
@@robertssmorgasbord Why use platform that limit programmers..
@@konradpierzynski4251 Good question! The only reason would be ease of use. The Arduino IDE is dead simple, but, admittedly, also limited. Most people are using Arduinos in conjunction with the Arduino IDE because of that, instead of using the Microchip/Atmel compiler directly. BTW PCINT is also less powerfull / has more overhead (ISR is called for any change on a group of pins) than attachInterrupt() (ISR is called for a specific change on a single pin).
Helpful video. I liked it
As always, you're welcome.
can I use the module Arduino Nano 3.0 ATmega328 Unsoldered 32KB Flash 14 Digital I/O 8 Analog Inputs for combining a few CO sensors 4-20mA in 2 analog outputs?
Well, yes you can. But you need to adapt your 4-20mA CO sensor outputs to the analog input pins or the Arduino (or any MCU). To be honest, I would use something like this to interface your CO sensors with a MCU.
Datasheet for Nano Every states lower input voltage is 7VDC, just like the original Nano.
You're right. The "Tech Specs" ( ) now (*) state 7 - 18V.
(*) It didn't at the time I made this video.
However, the datasheet ( ) states up to 21V without giving a lower limit. So I would take all these numbers with a grain of salt. It all depends on how much current you're drawing from your Nano ...
@@robertssmorgasbord Oh I just looked at the specs recently. It could be that it was 8V earlier of that I am not sure. Cheers!
@@MathPiSG No sweat!
Interesting stuff, wonder how long before we see clones of this for £1.50 ? but seems a nice step up.
Since this is open hardware I expect the first Chines close before the end of the year ;-)
Lower Vin limit is 5volts - not the guessed 8 volts - I've verified this and it works fine
Thanks for the info! How much load did you put on the Every's 5V rail when feeding it 5V through Vin? BTW as of now (December 2020) Arduino specifies for the Nano (linear regulator) 7V to 12V and for the Nano Every (switch mode regulator) 7V to 21V.
I want one.
Then buy one 😉 No, really, the Nano Every is cheaper than the (original) Nano v3. Of course it's still several times more expensive than the Chinese Nano v3 clones.