Military Brothers First Try Korean Ramen On Christmas 크리스마스이브에 진라면 먹다 싸우는 미국인남편과 동생

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
  • 크리스마스를 함께 보내기위해 두 형제가 저희 집에 놀러왔어요!
    하루전날인 크리스마스 이브에 일찍 도착해서 한국 라면을 한번도 못먹어본 미국 남편 동생과 형에게 진라면을 끓여줬습니다! 과연 매워하지는 않을지, 맛있게 먹어줄지! 같이 확인해볼까요?
    Josh's brothers visited our house to spend Christmas with us!
    They arrived early on Christmas Eve so I had a chance to cook some Korean Jin Ramen for them. They've never had Korean ramen before, Let's see if they like it!
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    Music by the links below:
    Music by Zachary Friederich - On Christmas Day This Year -
    Music by Reed Gaines - Tryhard -
    Music by Tarious Hill - Spending Time With You -
    Music by Dylan Sherry - This Too Won't Last -
    Music by Reed Gaines - Karma -
    Music by Angela Predhomme - Oh Christmas -
    Music by Joey Howard - It's Always You -