‘I Am’ Is the Sense of Being

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @surdazar7792
    @surdazar7792 11 місяців тому +31

    Does anyone else experience I kind a physical sensation of peace everytime you hear Rupert speak? It feels like my brain is melting. Not even talking about the content of what he's saying - just the sound of his voice.

    • @SuitedPup
      @SuitedPup 11 місяців тому +4

      Very ASMR inducing 😄

    • @wattaura7621
      @wattaura7621 11 місяців тому +5

      It's even better when he leaves long gaps (space) between words/thoughts. It's feels almost as if he is pointing to something. 😊

    • @missdede8913
      @missdede8913 11 місяців тому +4

      Yes yes yes! I love knowing that others are feeling the same.

    • @zahraabdi8949
      @zahraabdi8949 11 місяців тому +3

      Exactly. Peace radiates from his words❤

    • @graememcgregor8407
      @graememcgregor8407 11 місяців тому +3

      I find that also with Mooji, that I hear the space around his words, the peace beneath his message.

  • @mindfulkayaker7737
    @mindfulkayaker7737 11 місяців тому +10

    That is why the “knowledge I am” is the only knowledge that is exactly the same for all 7 million humans on earth regardless their race culture ethnicity religion ideology or sex. This is our default all pervading infinite nature. Thank you

  • @morbb5691
    @morbb5691 11 місяців тому +9

    What Rupert is pointing to is that our sense of being is directly experienced, meaning that thought isn't needed to interpret and filter it. The teaching of what the 'I Am' is, is so simple that is rather easy to overlook it and miss because of its simplicity. This sense of I Am, consciousness or being-ness Itself can sensed through what has been called the 'energy body'; if our thoughts and emotions aren't stirred up too much, we can notice this sense of beingness as an energetically neutral sense of aliveness and awakeness that is impersonal. In my experience it has what I would call a low-key sense of happiness, well-being and peace. What I mean by low key is that this sense of beingness is subtle. It's not gonna hit you upside the head as if it were a 2 x 4. It's something you have to feel into, not conceptualize.
    This sense of being, of beingness, of existence is often called Presence. This consciousness and beingness has manifested itself as each of our bodies with a mind, emotions, personality as a unique way that life expresses itself. in Adyashanti's book Emptiness Dancing, he has a short chapter about consciousness which really resonated with me years ago and it made so much sense compared to all the other concepts, beliefs and ideas about the human condition and what we really are beyond appearances. He says that consciousness manifests itself as a human being, but in doing so it usually makes what could be called a 'mistake'. This mistake is that consciousness tends to identify and mistake Itself to be the form it manifested as. When consciousness manifests as a human being it becomes so enamored by it that it makes the mistake of misidentifying itself as what it manifested as and forgets its Source. About what it manifests as it says 'I am". This misidentification happens innocently; there is no 'evil' intent or malevolence involved in this. It's just what happens, that's all, even though later on down the line it doesn't seem very innocent...
    Here the wave believing itself separate from the ocean analogy can be helpful.
    In what is commonly called awakening or Self realization this consciousness wakes up to itself. It becomes aware of what it actually is instead of what it manifests as. The significance of being 'human' is that it is a form in which Divinity can become aware of Itself and experience Itself, though the form itself has its limitations. Yes, this happens in duality. Yes, duality is ultimately unreal and an illusion. But we have to deal with it every day regardless. The 'trick' is to just see it for what it is. Don't waste time thinking that it always has to be transcended or avoided somehow. Just simply be. There's nothing wrong with duality in itself. The problem lies in mistaking duality to be actual reality. Reality itself doesn't ever change or depend on anything else to exist, or 'be'. The appearances of duality are always changing and depend on Reality itself to appear to exist.
    Summing this up, consciousness, or beingness, the 'I Am' becomes enamored with a human form and it always has the sense of 'I am'. The problems and sufferings of humanity occur when we add anything to this "I am", such as "I am ____________. (fill in the blank) It is more accurate to say just 'I am' with nothing added. But to say 'I am this or that' is actually unreal and false. Avoid the tendency to define yourself and realize your infinite beingness that is timelessly prior to and beyond your human form.....

    • @morbb5691
      @morbb5691 11 місяців тому

      @redfordkobayashi6936 Yeah, I know that happiness doesn't come from just 'being'. It is an expression of our true nature which both includes and is beyond being, conciousness, the 'I Am', God, whatever you wanna call it. Lasting happiness and the peace which passes understanding also sure as hell doesn't depend on getting what a concept of 'me' wants. There's no real cause or 'reason' for it, except that it is inherently part of our true nature. The thoughts, beliefs, stories and chatter of the mind just obscure it. Not saying that it's 'wrong' to have some things, either, of course.

    • @emendatus1
      @emendatus1 11 місяців тому

      How we can feel this directly this İ am? İs there a method? A way? Does this require purity or hipersensitivity which can be aquired through long proceess of ashtanga yoga?

  • @cechalbaud
    @cechalbaud 11 місяців тому +4

    Thank you very much, greetings from Venezuela 🙏❤️

  • @Playan.
    @Playan. 11 місяців тому +3

    "The minds just gets in the way" No kidding, that's the biggest obstacle.
    Thank you Rupert, that was excellent, much helpful. My mind came to rest listening to this.

  • @ruisoares4515
    @ruisoares4515 11 місяців тому +8

    Beautiful explained! Thanks for sharing.

  • @wattaura7621
    @wattaura7621 11 місяців тому +2

    The more I meditate (reside in stllness/silence), the more I feel as God. Many patterns are reveled in, particularly in the calm coolness of the dark. It's like 1 body of water as ice.💙

    • @wattaura7621
      @wattaura7621 11 місяців тому

      @@LifesInsight That's natural, & it must be said repeatedly, a bit faster..."@wattaura", wattaura, wattaura, water-er, water-er. 😊

  • @tejarex
    @tejarex 11 місяців тому

    To me, 0:44 is the key sentence. What I got is that 'I am'ness is what enables sensation and thought. Thank you Rupert.

  • @hemispheres500
    @hemispheres500 11 місяців тому

    Brilliant as always, Rupert brother. The brain is the part of the mechanism which let's us perceive this world as real. It interprets the data through the senses and explains it in thought and imagery. The language it uses is designed to make us believe that we are the author of the thought. I see this, it is me etc. The intriguing question is Who is it tricking. You and I (when fully understood) should not exist at all, certainly not as a separate entity. And yet, we do appear to exist in this separated state. Ramanamma Who? Author and 21st-century prophet is explaining who we are and why we are here. That has to be worth a listen to. ❤🙏RW

  • @melissastewart8955
    @melissastewart8955 11 місяців тому

    Thanks for an illuminating explication.

  • @michelemorrow9205
    @michelemorrow9205 11 місяців тому

    Consciousness itself is saying/expressing, “I AM” through the illusion of a “person”.

  • @davidalbro2009
    @davidalbro2009 11 місяців тому +2

    That is correct about the sense of being, awareness. I would suggest that at an important level the body-brain is separate from the mind.
    We can experience without the mind directly through the senses and body and do on a fairly regular basis.
    The mind is a purely energetic organ that conceptualizes. It is what we commonly think of as thinking.
    Which is also why we can think without engaging the brain-body. This is often described in NDEs.
    The reason this is important is because the body and brain does not take us from our true self. We can experience reality by circumventing the mind and experiencing the body-brain directly.
    This is so important when we get caught up in the mind. If we direct awareness into the body (or any sense) we calm the mind, realizing our true self.

    • @wattaura7621
      @wattaura7621 11 місяців тому

      Rupert would say something like our thoughts echo in the body. I would add that thoughts are the echo (residue) of the body, just like mind (concept), and a bunch of other 'crap'. 😁
      Holding on to thoughts without an inkling of their origin nor nature, becomes moldy. It's just patterns that divide the reality, creating an illusion of separation.
      There is but one ever-present awareness. My little finite self simply has a big ego, up until it crawls back right up into the comfort of peace (stillness/silence)..
      I've only latched on to the usage of brain/body, which is precisely my 'point' of what happens and what can be done when it's acknowledged.

    • @davidalbro2009
      @davidalbro2009 11 місяців тому +1

      @@wattaura7621 Thoughts are energies received in the brain and thus felt in the body.
      Good feelings are in alignment with our higher mind. Bad feelings are not in alignment with our higher mind as our very cells have the spark of consciousness within them.
      Awareness is everything. Everything arises from awareness.

    • @wattaura7621
      @wattaura7621 11 місяців тому

      @@davidalbro2009 "...received from"? and not triggered by (sensing)? Is the one thing I Am questioning here. It always feels like some external God concept.

    • @davidalbro2009
      @davidalbro2009 11 місяців тому +1

      @@wattaura7621 It depends on the level of awareness. At the ultimate level there is only awareness. From the different levels of awareness there are different levels of separation.
      It our vicinity is appears that thoughts are received by the brain and perceived by the mind. In a higher level of awareness, the whole process is one of the myriad ways awareness is experiencing itself

  • @hansgouda8593
    @hansgouda8593 11 місяців тому

    That's called 'remembering yourself'. Without remembering yourself, all thoughts, feelings and (re)actions become mechanical (as Gurdjeff called it). Nowadays we would say: all our thinking, feeling and acting are merely the operation of an algorithm, of AI without consciousness. It is not without reason that the last words of the Isha Upanishad are: Mind, remember yourself, remember, remember.

  • @n-xsta
    @n-xsta 11 місяців тому


  • @carlavela7106
    @carlavela7106 11 місяців тому


  • @emendatus1
    @emendatus1 11 місяців тому

    And how to feel that? Or to enter to that state?

  • @artofunk
    @artofunk 11 місяців тому +1


  • @spiritlightpajic7299
    @spiritlightpajic7299 11 місяців тому

    👁️"Be STILL, and You Will See 👁️ and KNOW, That l AM lS God "🌅That l AM lS ONE Uni-Versal UNCONDITIONED PURE😇Being Whose NATURE lS of The lnfinite lntelligence of The Eternal Life and Divine L💟v e , and lS The IS-ness of ALL Man-ifesation🙏

  • @awakenotwoke7949
    @awakenotwoke7949 11 місяців тому +3

    This has always confused me, perhaps it's semiotics. It seems to me that awareness and knowing are not the same. Knowing is of the mind, and therefore , dual. A knower and a known. Awareness is non dual. So you cannot know yourself, This has been purported many times in many scriptures.

    • @biffin62
      @biffin62 11 місяців тому +2

      Knowing is done by thought and is based on memory: I know that's a tree because I've seen one before. Consciousness, awareness, is upstream of thought and does not divide experience into categories; it just is. The idea of 'knower' and 'known' belongs to thought.

    • @davidalbro2009
      @davidalbro2009 11 місяців тому +4

      Yes, "knowing" is this sense is often used to refers to the experience of being. As in "I know I am awareness because I experience that awareness."
      And I understand that the term knowing has within it a sense of duality: the known and the knower.
      But this is true of ALL language. ALL languages cannot accurately describe awareness or beingness. The best any of it can do is point to it.

    • @awakenotwoke7949
      @awakenotwoke7949 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@biffin62 Yes, that's what I was alluding to. You cannot know yourself, you can only know the thoughts you have about yourself. You know it's a tree because we have a word for it. You will notice that whenever you look at something, the label you've learned, autonomously pops into your mind. Without it you wouldn't know what you were looking at.

    • @awakenotwoke7949
      @awakenotwoke7949 11 місяців тому

      @@davidalbro2009" Agreed

    • @davidalbro2009
      @davidalbro2009 11 місяців тому +1

      @@LifesInsight Language is inherently dualistic. Experience by definition is dualistic. Awareness is what remains when all experience is removed. Experience arises from awareness.
      Awareness is everything. When hunger arises from awareness, awareness, in a sense, becomes hunger because hunger is awareness.
      Just as when thoughts arise that make up a person, awareness, in a sense, becomes a person because awareness is everything.
      The reason it is hard to not believe we are a person but not a car is because a car doesn't claim to be a person. A person is entirely that thought and those connected to it that say "I am a person". (In fact young children have trouble disidentifing with others and solely identifying with their body because their mind hasn't yet been trained to identify solely with their body.)
      Due to the loving, allowing, expansive nature of awareness, the illusion of personhood is persistent because awareness grows whatever it is focused on.

  • @spiritlightpajic7299
    @spiritlightpajic7299 11 місяців тому

    🎇Thank Y🪷u for sharing🦋Rupert🌅The Spiritual Awakening to our TRUE Being lS Enviably PAINFUL Experience👁️So the PAIN IS Envitably "WAKE UP CALL ⏰" ..to PAUSE or S t o p .. and to LOOK Deeper Within beyond claims or suggestions or apperences of sense perception ..and WAIT .. UNTILL The👁️ L 🌅 i g h t of our INNATE Wisdom or PURE KNOWING REVEAL lTS PRESENCE and REALITY of Life As lT Actualy lS and our TRUE😇Being As lT IS🙏

  • @mariusztakeoff2622
    @mariusztakeoff2622 11 місяців тому


  • @gireeshneroth7127
    @gireeshneroth7127 10 місяців тому

    Consciousness gives itself away to the mind and the mind
    misguides consciousness.

  • @pilargarcia6724
    @pilargarcia6724 11 місяців тому +1


  • @bramblemat
    @bramblemat 11 місяців тому +1

    It's like a game of cat and mouse. This philosophy is another face of individualism. Where we are living off our savings. Living off our parents wealth. And neglecting the cash flow. Acceptance of globalism. The multicult. And pretending we are benevolent and some one else is the cause of all the problems. Our differences and similarities are here for a reason. Ok you may be talking about mindfulness.but the scripture teaches husbandry. Kind after kind maintaining and eating from the tree of life - descendents. not the tree that knows good and evil- convenience. Multicult. We have dropped our culture and our familly like a hot rock, In Exchange for cheap clothes, food and toys. All these and more would have been free and without consequence if we had obeyed our father instead of our wives.

    • @brynawaldman5790
      @brynawaldman5790 11 місяців тому +1

      Nothing personal but your metaphors just don't work for me. I feel blessed to be alive at a time when spiritual paths from all over the world are available to all of us. (Have you tried any Buddhist or Hindu meditation practices? I have. For some they can be very valuable.)
      It's a matter of emphasis; not a real divide. The West seeks divinity through Love & the East seeks divinity through the Permanence of pure Awareness. Ultimately each leads to the other. The springboard to Love is found in relationships. The springboard to Permanence is solitary self observation. But in the biggest picture Love finds Permanent Awareness & Permanent Awareness finds Love.
      I find the combination greater than the sum of it's parts.

    • @bramblemat
      @bramblemat 11 місяців тому

      The springboard to righteousness is repentance.

    • @brynawaldman5790
      @brynawaldman5790 11 місяців тому

      @@bramblemat Some of us already experience ourselves to be good people. I do. When I do something wrong I make amends to those whom I hurt.
      You're barking up the wrong tree. Those who follow Rupert's teachings find your concept of "obeying the father" and rejecting wives," quite limiting. But live & let live, I say. If those ideas help you be a better person, go for it.
      FWIW, wisdom teachings about "the tree of life," & "the tree of knowledge of good & evil," point to Kabbala, which is the mystical heart of Judaism, which I have studied, & which you, clearly, have not.
      Good luck to you anyway.

    • @bramblemat
      @bramblemat 11 місяців тому

      @@brynawaldman5790 the tree of life is in the Christian Bible not the caballah. Which came first?

    • @bramblemat
      @bramblemat 11 місяців тому

      @@brynawaldman5790 the spiritual paths from all over the world are the paths your ancestors left behind while fleeing from their own mesegination, every time it caught up with them.