Breaking China: Congressman Mike Gallagher on Asian Geopolitics and Beyond | Uncommon Knowledge

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024


  • @kevinjenner9502
    @kevinjenner9502 11 місяців тому +120

    China’s recent history of illegal wars, occupations, regime change, and proxy wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria are indeed a cause for concern.

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +6

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

    • @jackchen5516
      @jackchen5516 11 місяців тому +23

      You probably made an error while you were typing. Replace it with US made totally more sense.

    • @bartsolari5035
      @bartsolari5035 11 місяців тому +12

      best comment in the lot

    • @Truthstelling
      @Truthstelling 11 місяців тому +21

      Love your humour.

    • @qianshi4363
      @qianshi4363 11 місяців тому +16

      Your great sense of humor is highly appreciated.

  • @michaeljiang960
    @michaeljiang960 11 місяців тому +32

    when your focus only on breaking your competitor but not bettering yourself, you already lose. sad for .america

    • @brocklanders6969
      @brocklanders6969 11 місяців тому

      You're soo wong. That's what China's is trying to do viua stealing all our IP, etc.

  • @liu3gz
    @liu3gz 11 місяців тому +12

    USA military budget is 3.5% of its GDP while China’s military budget is only 1.5%. Let that number sinks in a bit. China’s civilian ship building capacity is 200x more than that of the USA, it’s not only about shipyards, it’s also skilled workers in these shipyards. How fast can you double your shipyards hardware is a different question compared to how fast you can double your skilled ship building work forces.

    • @brocklanders6969
      @brocklanders6969 11 місяців тому

      False. China's military buget is $700 billion and the USA is $800 billion.

  • @CBridgman5
    @CBridgman5 11 місяців тому +12

    Strongly disagree with his sentiments on Chinese infrastructure and technology companies facilitating the ability to harm Americans in a potential future conflict. That is not their goal.

  • @JMKeynes8491
    @JMKeynes8491 11 місяців тому +3

    In the last 25 years, China has not bombed or invaded any countries. How many countries has the US bombed or invaded? Just to give you a start, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria...

    • @gee8883
      @gee8883 11 місяців тому +1

      Serbia, Iraq, Syrians till got have their sovereign country. Millions of Tibettans, Uyghurs, InnerMongolians have been disappeared from the face of earth in the past 25 years and China still occupies Tibet, Uyghur, InnerMongolian autonomous regions. UN/ outside journalist cannot even enter these places to report what happenes there unlike Iraq, Serbia, libya.

    • @shbehmalbeh3160
      @shbehmalbeh3160 11 місяців тому

      ​@@gee8883 get off the tin hat that you are wearing. It will be good if you could go personally to all these region you mentioned and see for yourself the actual situation in real-time. China has vastly improved the living standard of all these region. Go check up the per capita GDP of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia for example.

  • @weixia1191
    @weixia1191 11 місяців тому +5

    This guy has no clue what China is

  • @ernesthood2647
    @ernesthood2647 11 місяців тому +10

    Our country is bankrupt and all these people still talk about spending billions upon billions. Where is the sanity in all this?

  • @surfingonmars8979
    @surfingonmars8979 11 місяців тому +98

    USMC - ‘nuff said. I’m a life-long liberal democrat, but he’s got my vote. WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

    • @rickhughesprints
      @rickhughesprints 11 місяців тому +3

      I agree. I think both parties could field MUCH more qualified candidates for president.

    • @turingcs2001
      @turingcs2001 11 місяців тому +2

      Last time I checked there is an age limit, which I believe is placed at the wrong end of the spectrum.

    • @YaSunny0409
      @YaSunny0409 11 місяців тому

      Honestly, any Republican who wants to have a serious shot at presidency should wait out Trump.

    • @schnauzerloversmom
      @schnauzerloversmom 11 місяців тому

      Too young

    • @audience2
      @audience2 11 місяців тому +1

      Your party left you.

  • @yiping7193
    @yiping7193 11 місяців тому +40

    An great example of intelligent American have little or no understanding of China

  • @mva6044
    @mva6044 11 місяців тому +71

    As a Wisconsin resident, I am proud to have @ Mike Gallagher to represent our state. Semper Fi!

    • @erikm7608
      @erikm7608 11 місяців тому +3

      This man is destined for greatness. Good job Wisconsin!

    • @PapaOscarNovember
      @PapaOscarNovember 11 місяців тому +3

      A rare politician who puts the country before the party.

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

    • @paulheydarian1281
      @paulheydarian1281 11 місяців тому

      As a Wisconsinite, is Mike a big cheese head? 🤔🧀

  • @武松打虎-z7n
    @武松打虎-z7n 11 місяців тому +3

    this man know next to nothing about our Chinese.

  • @dianefeinstein8951
    @dianefeinstein8951 11 місяців тому +16

    Hi Peter: No disrespect to Congressman Gallagher; his academic credentials are impeccable. But whenever a Western politician (Canadian, in my case)tells me once again that we should GO ALL IN and risk nuclear armageddon to prevent the CHINESE from the mainland from joining up with the CHINESE from Taiwan, an island 100 miles (160 km) off China’s coast and 7,602 miles (12,261 km)from America’s shores, I realize that this politician cannot figure out or does not want to figure out how to deal with healthcare, employment, education, infrastructure, the environment, veterans care, taxes, law enforcement, and retirement pensions. I doubt the ordinary Joe or Jane farmer in Iowa, satisfactorily surveying a good yield of corn and soybeans(half of which is exported to China earning the U.S. $16.4 billion. Source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Jan. 06, 2023)and dreaming of a bright future even realize that far away in Washington, D.C. there are politicians dreaming of endangering American lives in another overseas civil war that had been going on for 74 years now on the other side of the Earth. I cannot even imagine a better example of losing sight of America’s priorities. Is the Communist Party of China the true cause to the loss of American jobs to overseas workers. One of my classmates asked just that to one of our professors last year. The prof said “no.” “Then what?” Asked the student. “Union wages.” The professor answered back. And the lecture hall fell silent. Peter, for a more balanced view, I’d like to see you bring your excellent program on location to one of the universities, say in Shanghai, because it is such an “international city” with over 60,000 students from all over the world in Shanghai alone. There are American professors teaching there…I’d like to hear their take on Congressman Gallagher’s fears. ❤Diane, Vancouver, Canada. FrNO17/23. 01:51 pm

    • @hiliahili
      @hiliahili 11 місяців тому +3

      Same here. Why these politicians are so eager to build more weapons because somewhere someone has more power in That Area than us? Why is it so important to dominate globally? Take care of the people here in this country!

    • @djtan3313
      @djtan3313 11 місяців тому +2

      Brave comment.

    • @benz9063
      @benz9063 11 місяців тому +1

      The CCP's ambition goes far beyond Taiwan. Taiwan is just the initial step. If you and your kids want to live under communist rule, you can simply move to China or North Korea and stay there, but I know most Americans don't, even the ordinary Joe or Jane farmer in Iowa.
      I grew up in Shanghai, Shanghai is most definitely not what the majority of China is like. China was able to develop to where it is today because it decided to side with the West against the soviet unions, which led to the engagement policy that brought its access to Western capital, technology, and markets. Shanghai is Shanghai because of its unique advantageous geography, and that it was heavily influenced by Western cultures, who do you think designed all these buildings in the bund?
      However, underneath the window-display city of concrete jungle built by state-directed hyperfinancing to create an illusion of development, Chinese people still live under CCP oppression. The party reaps most of the wealth created by the society while maintaining an iron fist rule.
      Nuclear Armageddon: do some Google searches while you are not in China will ya? The only country in the world right now is knees-deep in a massive nuclear build-up is China.
      Your naivety is simply astonishing for someone who studies international politics.

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      It's to contain the Chicoms, wumao! But you already know that!

    • @dianefeinstein8951
      @dianefeinstein8951 11 місяців тому +7

      @@benz9063 Hi Benz: I can feel your hate for the Communist Party of China dripping out of your words and I can feel the dark resentment you have for me as someone who does not share your hate nor your narrow view of the world. You offer me only comic book arguments espoused by adolescents under the influence of bigoted parents. You are right…I am naive…but not to geopolitics. I show great naïveté to your stereotypical, simplistic, world view. Let’s go through your claims briefly one at a time….Having grown up in Shanghai, you must realize that those western style buildings along the Bund waterfront were not built by benevolent foreigners, but rather parasitic and malevolent western banks and trading houses that arrived in China after Britain defeated China in the First Opium War (1839-1842) and China was again defeated by a combined British and French invasion during the Second Opium War (1856-1860). These were called the Opium Wars because China was basically trying to resist the opium drug trade that Britain was exporting to China. These historic buildings of the Bund were preserved as a reminder to the Chinese of the “true oppression” that they suffered under the conquering British and French armies. As for Taiwan…it represents a piece of unfinished civil war business…and not an ambition for world domination as you so erroneously suppose. When the Manchurian monarchy that ruled China was overthrown in 1912, the founder of the modern Republic of China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, had two young followers. One, Chiang Kai-shek, a military commander, and a librarian named Mao Tse-Tung. They were friends who studied under the same mentor, had an ideological falling out, each gravitated to opposite ends of the political spectrum. Chiang headed the Nazi-inspired (no kidding) Kuomintang or “Nationalist Party” with first German; then, American support, and Mao, headed the Russian Soviet backed Communist Party of China. A civil started in 1946, between these two parties,culminating in the defeat of the American backed forces in the Battle of Huaihai. Each side entered the field with over one million troops each in a three day and night fight compared by modern military analysts to Napoleon’s greatest campaigns. It was fought with planes, artillery, tanks, and when both sides were out of ammo, bayonets and teeth. An American backed Chinese commander even committed suicide when surrounded. The remaining Kuomintang troops then blew up all rail lines as they retreated across the Taiwan Strait to the island of Taiwan where they vowed to someday retake China from the communist “rebels.” The situation is sort of like what if the American Civil War was never resolved and the Confederates instead of reintegrating into a united America decided to hole up in Virginia, vowing in their constitution to someday retake “Yankee” America. As for your fear of Chinese communism coming to North America…well…it’s not going to happen, because people wouldn’t vote for them…I know I won’t. But just because I don’t think communism is suitable for North America does not mean I will vehemently hate fellow citizens who do not think like me. I was in Shanghai, just recently with three of my female Chinese classmates and I was in Shenzhen and Hong Kong with two of my female Indian classmates pre-pandemic. These cities are not “concrete jungles.” A lot of thought has been invested in their environment. Are you aware that China is running the world’s largest reforestation program that is turning the Gobi Desert back into forests and arable land with 66 billion trees planted so far and covering an area six times the size of Belgium and whose progress can now be observed by the International Space Station (ISS). China…nuclear buildup, you claim? More like nuclear “catch up.” As of 2022, Russia has 5,977 nuclear warheads and the U.S. has 5,244 nuclear warheads. China has 410 (source: Wikipedia) In ten years the Chinese will have less than one fifth of what the Americans have now. No…it’s actually the U.S. and Russia who are “knee-deep” (to use your description) in nuclear warheads…the Chinese…”ankle-deep.” And finally, Benz…you must read more carefully before lashing out. If you reread my comments, I am not a communist advocate…but I am a stop sticking our noses in other countries’ affairs and fix up our own house first advocate. Someday, Benz, when you get really old you can either enjoy a happy retirement or one where you must struggle to get by on an insufficient and meager pension. This will depend on how our governments conduct themselves today. You can discuss this further with me Benz, but for now, my feet are getting cold and I am going back to bed because I have some classes in the late morning. ❤️Diane, WdNO29/23. 03:18 am

  • @DannyChean
    @DannyChean 11 місяців тому +7

    Nice to see they finally bring that android gigalo guy from the A.I. movie into real life. What a magnificant progress of technology.

  • @Pincer88
    @Pincer88 11 місяців тому +27

    As a Dutch citizen I have no beef in US politics as such, but listening to Mike Gallagher I cannot escape the notion that if I were an American, I would want him to be the next POTUS. Can't remember who said it (Mark Twain possibly?), but the best leaders are the reluctant ones. OK, appearances may be false, but congressman Gallagher looks like the kind of leader that would fit the description. Listening to him, I also think he'd be a great leader of the free world, one that could unite the US and reinvigorate old alliances.
    I've only got one point of contention. He mentioned bringing talented expats to the US to rebuild America's resilience and innovative potential. My best bet would be to do the opposite and invest massively in re-establishing opportunities for talents in unsuspected corners of the US itself, reanimating the regions left behind by globalism.

    • @thinkingcitizen
      @thinkingcitizen 11 місяців тому +4

      You’re a Dutchman? Can you ask your leaders to proportionally and reasonably contribute to NATO? We are wasting our money protecting EU instead of using that for reviving American greatness

    • @Indraveer1357
      @Indraveer1357 11 місяців тому

      @@thinkingcitizenThey just elected a right wing politician. Let’s wait & see what happens there.

  • @ashvandal5697
    @ashvandal5697 11 місяців тому +21

    I’m super biased because I’m also a former Marine, but as a liberal leaning/moderate independent, I’d vote for this man in a heart beat if he was on the Presidential ballot.

  • @agoodchow
    @agoodchow 11 місяців тому +3

    Americans had been fear of communism taking over so badly in 1960/70's and h-ell bent fighting against communist "North Vietnam", America is selling same kind of fear against China uprising 60 years later and wanted to fight at all cost, including nuke battle.

  • @Richard-s7m
    @Richard-s7m 11 місяців тому +10

    I bet this dude never been to China or had a conservation with a Chinese dude ever,so detached from reality.

    • @楼上老朱
      @楼上老朱 11 місяців тому

      My understanding is that this guy's knowledge of China comes from Falun Gong.🤣🤣🤣

  • @orangutan4696
    @orangutan4696 11 місяців тому +3

    I will not sought for Xi Jinping's wisdom if our politicians simply have the will to solve our horrendous homeless and drug epidemic. So quit the big empty talk.

  • @jdc3636
    @jdc3636 11 місяців тому +12

    The hot air he is blowing is mind boggling

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      Whatever, wumao.

    • @magnusbrzenk447
      @magnusbrzenk447 11 місяців тому +2

      Everyone else in this comment section is sadly mesmerized by him. Can’t believe the interviewer didn’t ask him if he - of anyone else on the committee - had investment interests in the military industrial complex.

  • @blankspace1126
    @blankspace1126 11 місяців тому +13

    Gallagher sounds so delusional I can not even believe it 😂😂😂😂

  • @russli-lv2yc
    @russli-lv2yc 11 місяців тому +10

    As a Chinese person, I am appalled by level of hate, narrow mindedness, racism and oppression coming from American politicians, people who actually wield power that can massively affect lives of billions of people. Now I feel for people of Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, and more, all those countries bombed by the USA because their politicians like it. I used to believe people at least have some level of decency, they want the people of different countries to live better lives, now I do not. People can cheer and want destruction, for attacking another group of people and destroying their peace, way of living and way of life. Its 21 century, yet humans are still operating like cliques. "Take them down!" " Kill all of them, because they are bad, they are our enemy" No, we China never views you as a rival, never thought to replace you. We just want a cooperative, win win relationship based on mutual respect. You said yourself that you agree the world is big enough for both of us to coexist. The pacific ocean is big enough for us to coexist.

  • @longlifelha1422
    @longlifelha1422 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for the great podcast. Congressman is a great American and very knowledgeable. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @weilan4615
    @weilan4615 10 місяців тому +3

    This is afterall all about the American supremacy.😂😂😂😂

  • @bluedevilfan
    @bluedevilfan 11 місяців тому +8

    Has this China “expert” even been to that country?

  • @ClaudioQuintinoCrow
    @ClaudioQuintinoCrow 11 місяців тому +18

    So rare and so satisfying to watch a politician - and a very young onevat that - with such a clear and objective view of the reality around us. He's going places, no doubt.

  • @tau3457
    @tau3457 11 місяців тому +25

    US geopolitics is so distasteful. You guys broke relations with ROC (TW) in 1978, spent decades building up mainland China economically.
    And now you want to undo all of that because you fear them despite them never having moved offensively against anyone. And yet, still want to play it both ways by not recognising Taiwan.
    It is delusional to think you can prop up a house of cards like that forever. And from a somewhat neutral pov (Australian) why shouldn't China, Taiwan or any other actor pursue their own interests.

    • @djtan3313
      @djtan3313 11 місяців тому +1

      EXCEPTIONAL nation!

    • @brocklanders6969
      @brocklanders6969 11 місяців тому +1

      Lol. How is the weather in Beijing? You made your 50 cents, no run along and enjoy your cold rice and rat meat.

    • @gee8883
      @gee8883 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@brocklanders6969rat meat 😂

  • @ashvandal5697
    @ashvandal5697 11 місяців тому +6

    The problem with entitlements is there’s no political will to take them away from the people currently collecting them, only political will to take it from the people currently paying for them.

  • @cablefang
    @cablefang 11 місяців тому +7

    As an immigrant from PRC, for years I experienced intimidation from CCP while FBI sleeping on their job! Thank you very much congressman for bringing this issue to light and holding the CCP thugs accountable!

    • @frankng4574
      @frankng4574 11 місяців тому +1

      Good luck, fool.😂

    • @cliff359
      @cliff359 11 місяців тому +2

      😂 CCP even let u came here freely?

    • @kerwinhuang3319
      @kerwinhuang3319 11 місяців тому +1

      Did you do something violating Chinese laws? If not, why are they interested in you?

  • @simonking3949
    @simonking3949 11 місяців тому +3

    How is China reunification with Taiwan affect America?

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      You already know the answer, wumao! And it's not reunification. Taiwan has never been a part of Red China!

    • @lvl5969
      @lvl5969 10 місяців тому

      No more 2nd hand arm sales at inflated prices!

  • @ericmetts2289
    @ericmetts2289 11 місяців тому +9

    Too bad he can't stand up to authoritarians right here in our country.

  • @ogrejiang1444
    @ogrejiang1444 11 місяців тому +4

    talking point switch from a major nuclear exchange to freedom of speech, is this guy nuts. what a politician

  • @dirgsuite5546
    @dirgsuite5546 11 місяців тому +4

    The reality is that the US leadership understands that economically, China will take over from the US in medium long term. So, the US stance is, if we can't beat them economically, we will do it by sanctions, isolating, villainizing and of course, military means. Hence, all the nonsense about the Taiwan invasion. The insanity of this approach is, that if they would just trade in a normal constructive way, both would be far better off economically, regardless of who is the top dog.

  • @marclawson2536
    @marclawson2536 11 місяців тому +3

    Didn't corporate America create this crisis by exporting the middle class to China in exchange for the Pearl S. Buck desperation working Americans are experiencing? Do you now propose that the children of this deplorable situation risk their lives in combat to preserve the very same policy?

  • @benji523
    @benji523 10 місяців тому +2

    F**k this guy is on point

  • @siamcharm7904
    @siamcharm7904 11 місяців тому +17

    does his maniacal sinophobia come from envy, race or just plain ignorance. he is part cause of why we are becoming a failed state.

  • @999reader
    @999reader 11 місяців тому +6

    The congressman‘s remarks about the Pentagon’s Extravagant spending on nonmilitary assets, especially personnel, reminds me of my retired Air Force intelligence officer friend. He lives in a 5000 square-foot home full of art and treasure. Sure, he did important work in his career as I did as a retired federal bureaucrat, but his compensation was way, way beyond what I earned at the equivalent rank.

    • @kevinjenner9502
      @kevinjenner9502 11 місяців тому +2

      Reuters. Nov 15, 2023…”Pentagon fails audit for sixth year in a row”

  • @vinodbajaj3708
    @vinodbajaj3708 10 місяців тому +1

    So compete economically.....not war. How many lives will be lost!

  • @Pdotta1
    @Pdotta1 11 місяців тому +9

    I lost him at the end with his ridiculous Christian baloney.

  • @mikely7354
    @mikely7354 11 місяців тому +4

    Mike has a good view of the nation's policies for the future but he's not visionary, not the high quality presidential type, despite all of those degrees. He did not manage to take himself beyond what the propaganda media talks about in their daily updates to the American people. He said essentially the same exact things as the news media had said. In order to be far seeing, of a visionary type, one must understand how the world actually works. Let's just say he's not the Kennedy type.

  • @ewangent
    @ewangent 11 місяців тому +29

    Gallagher's got real potential as the VP pick in 28, especially if he were to run for Governor in 26.

    • @surfingonmars8979
      @surfingonmars8979 11 місяців тому

      If Trump somehow avoids jail AND wins in 2024, then he will never leave the WH, obviating the need for elections in 2028.

  • @roberhow2441
    @roberhow2441 11 місяців тому +7

    Very clear minded man here, speaking with moderation yet setting objectives. Fair is what guides. Gallagher for VP or President

  • @andrewwickham4642
    @andrewwickham4642 11 місяців тому +4

    This excellent and profound interview has introduced me to Mike Gallagher for the first time…. Mike’s unquestioned knowledge and belief in the possibilities for America and world at large gives me hope that somewhere in those hopeless US governing chambers, that there is in fact elected men and women with the necessary conviction and character to give hope for our planet’s future….
    We all should insist and encourage those to stand up and take control of the GOP and infuse those beliefs and actions into action not words…
    Love or dispose the Americans, but we must have a strong and accountable USA for world peace and prosperity…
    Thank you for another excellent and insightful interview
    Cheers Andrew Wickham

  • @Erik-rp1hi
    @Erik-rp1hi 11 місяців тому +12

    Mike is refreshing to hear. Someone from Congress who is not mental.
    He should run for US President.

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +1

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

  • @BorgShen
    @BorgShen 11 місяців тому +21

    Mike Gallagher one of the fine examples of American leadership, Hope for this country.

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +1

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

  • @shingnosis
    @shingnosis 11 місяців тому +24

    Wow, impressive individual. Can we get someone like him into the White House please? I'm tired of the USA being run by people that would be better off in a retirement home or playing golf.

  • @huanghermann5207
    @huanghermann5207 11 місяців тому +2

    This is an American dream! Please go for it!

  • @nicko2428
    @nicko2428 11 місяців тому +9

    Why is it always US against Chinese aggression or US against Russian aggression and comparing numbers of US ships and warfighting capability to theirs? The US has to tap into the capabilities of its democratic allies and put their feet to the fire to step up and be more present on the world stage.
    On the Israel-Palestine war from my vantage point and from what I see on the news, why do we not see warships from more of the G20 countries?

    • @brocklanders6969
      @brocklanders6969 11 місяців тому +1

      Well, that's what Trump tried to do with NATO members...

  • @shaopingwu5345
    @shaopingwu5345 11 місяців тому +11

    Suggest Mike Gallagher to have talks in CNN, CBC, New York times, than just Fox, so more Americans can learn the threat CCP to America.

    • @eternalobi
      @eternalobi 10 місяців тому

      You can learn about the threat of CCP, but what are you gonna do about it? your country is run by corporate elites that would gladly take Chinese money.

  • @josephmendoza8699
    @josephmendoza8699 11 місяців тому +10

    Mike Gallagher sounds like a panic mongerer. Probable never been in a fist fight in his life.

  • @larryqi
    @larryqi 11 місяців тому +14

    As a Chinese, I have never heard of any country or political party as a threat in my 30 years of life. China does not sell arms to Hawaii, nor does it patrol the Caribbean. Chinese people are still too kind. I have the responsibility to let my people know that the United States has a plan to threaten our lives. I will convey your hate. I used to think Americans were good people. I was wrong.

    • @myfane
      @myfane 11 місяців тому

      I think they have such mentality that whoever disagrees with them and with such capability to remain so, is evil.

    • @travcat756
      @travcat756 11 місяців тому +2

      You have the same kind in China

    • @russli-lv2yc
      @russli-lv2yc 11 місяців тому

      As a Chinese living abroad, Chinese government should really everyone in China to listen these interviews, unedited. Just hear the amount of hate, narrow mindedness, racism, oppression these Amercian politicians have. Chinese ppl still have the delusion Americans are friendly, they want the best for Chinese people, no they don't. They want Chinese ppl dead. And Chinese gov should really let people know the truth. The majority of Chinese ppl will be appalled amount the hate shown here. Chinese ppl are too naive, they believe there is decency from Americans, too different from the truth.

    • @overallgreatidea6433
      @overallgreatidea6433 10 місяців тому

      By his own public speeches Xi himself has declared his goals, thus confirming the concerns of free people about CCP global hegemony are justified. You do not fear it because you don't appreciate personal freedom. You have the responsibility to tell your people the truth, the CCP considers them to be as cattle, caring nothing for their freedom. Better do it quietly though

  • @vijaymujumdar5617
    @vijaymujumdar5617 11 місяців тому +5

    Happy to see new generation of clear thinking, forthright young leader with praiseworthy track record.

  • @danstenis660
    @danstenis660 11 місяців тому +5

    If you blindly follow this Congressman, he will lead you to walk right over the cliff to meet your maker. The level of intelligence is unfathomable.

  • @charliecheng3340
    @charliecheng3340 11 місяців тому +3

    Complete Paranoia

  • @typicalKAMBlover21
    @typicalKAMBlover21 10 місяців тому +1

    As someone whose grandmother was killed by the CCP in the cultural revolution, the most alarming thing I have heard is when Mike Gallagher saying the threat of China is “mostly from ideological reason”. The last time I heard the same attitude, it was from the red guard from Mao’s era. As a Christian I’m deeply disturbed by the concept of ideological wars because it is inherently based on false idols the Bible explicitly forbids. In the end there are 1.4 billion Chinese and you can’t control them to be always paid less than 1/4 of the Americans. The strength of US is not about how to invade or control another country’s government. It just hasn’t worked over the years. The strength of America is how it can attract talents from all over the world, which China can never attain. We need to focus on American strength instead of following the failed playbook of Mao.

  • @simpetcla12
    @simpetcla12 11 місяців тому +60

    Much more media coverage needs to be done about this

    • @careyfreeman5056
      @careyfreeman5056 11 місяців тому +3

      Doesn't translate well to TicToc

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +2

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

    • @sword7872
      @sword7872 11 місяців тому

      We already know that Americans love war. Especially American politicians.

    • @Liboch
      @Liboch 11 місяців тому

      This guy is a religious and ideology fanatic. Or is he just a glorified bullshitter?

    • @talkinghand122
      @talkinghand122 11 місяців тому

      Totally agree. The host asks what affects people in Wisconsin if Xi to meet all his goals? To answer that big question, you have to ask another question. How is it affect people around if the US leads the world as it is now? Now, you see that answer. Do you think the CCP runs the world any difference than it runs China now?

  • @marclawson2536
    @marclawson2536 11 місяців тому +4

    When I heard Gallagher describe how he would like to deny skilled workers' healthcare as they build ships and missles to defend that very same policy, I thought he was a lunatic. But at the end of the interview it became obvious that he is just another religious fanatic. It is no wonder that he was captivated by the study of Middle Eastern philosophy.

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      The Chinese troll farms are really preoccupied with this guy!

  • @oleglaska7197
    @oleglaska7197 11 місяців тому +1

    Дякую Романам за ін'єкцію оптимізму і за якісний інформаційний випуск

  • @Thomas...191
    @Thomas...191 11 місяців тому +3

    Has there ever been a non-hawk on this show? I'm not even asking for a dove. Talk about dangerous echo chambers and group think; it doesn't come more dangerous than WW3.

  • @jensschirner6137
    @jensschirner6137 11 місяців тому +4

    Gallagher, like Mike Johnson and so many others, proves to the world that America still is the country that produces real men, kind and modest and powerful, whichever is required. My respect.
    All comments are also wonderful, which is uncommon.
    God bless from Germany. America is the only Western country that will prevail. And sometime, during the next generations, it may have to decide if it wants to save Europe for a third time ...

    • @thinkingcitizen
      @thinkingcitizen 11 місяців тому

      No we don’t 😂 …. Contribute to NATO or allow us to leave, we don’t need your poetic commentary. Give us back our money instead. We wanted to go to the Moon again, fight cancer, find new energy sources, end American homelessness and use that to inspire and help the world. Instead you European and Asian people still crying about whose territory is whose, holding the whole world back. Europe’s problems are not America’s problems

  • @thestephenglynnshow1814
    @thestephenglynnshow1814 11 місяців тому +6

    I love how Peter pretends he doesn’t know all of the stuff he is telling him.

  • @cmiksee1932
    @cmiksee1932 11 місяців тому +10

    As an American who has spent years working in the APAC region within a US investment management firm, I 100% agree that “Wall Street”, as you call it, must be reigned in. Feeding capital to our arch rival is ultimately deadly. And don’t take the artfully crafted capital markets arguments at face value. Agency bias points to the truth.

  • @simonking3949
    @simonking3949 11 місяців тому +3

    All he said so far were all assumptions, none of it has any proof.

  • @yp77738yp77739
    @yp77738yp77739 11 місяців тому +9

    How about putting the same amount of effort developing the countries infrastructure, economy and society to compete on fair and terms instead of underhand practices. I’m ashamed of how we behave in the world, laid bare at the moment with our complicity in genocide. Simply shameful and absent of any morality.

    • @djtan3313
      @djtan3313 11 місяців тому

      First day in america?…

    @DesiVILLARUZ 11 місяців тому +20

    As always, Rep Gallagher has expounded these issues in great depth and detail.

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +2

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

  • @mikelixx
    @mikelixx 11 місяців тому +5

    Crazy. In America's mind, everything is a threat. Well, It served them in the past, i guess it may serve them well in the future as well.

  • @feirnd1
    @feirnd1 11 місяців тому +9

    Bringing the world back into a zero-sum cold war that ended long ago and will benefit nobody in a 2nd round sounds very depressing and short-sighted. Can everyone redirect their combative energy to establishing lead in new frontiers like AI, space colonization, clean energy, etc. while profiting from global economy?

  • @mowsefmow8177
    @mowsefmow8177 11 місяців тому +1

    lol the "davidson window", hilarious.

  • @KenCarr-y7w
    @KenCarr-y7w 11 місяців тому +7

    Unbelievable common sense. Elect this man 🎯👍

    • @tomsewell2462
      @tomsewell2462 11 місяців тому

      Right! C'mon Gallagher run now. Or be Trumps VP. I like him and he's not ancient. F*Xi, F* the CCP!

  • @w.z.6062
    @w.z.6062 10 місяців тому +3

    Why can't our congressman focus on how to strengthen us in the US? That’s pathetic and disillusioned

  • @daxiashizu
    @daxiashizu 11 місяців тому +4

    Cheap talk... As if he knows everything 😂!

  • @rickyoneil6376
    @rickyoneil6376 11 місяців тому +3

    Being a democrat I would vote for him to be president

  • @ivanp9222
    @ivanp9222 11 місяців тому +1

    Smart, healthy and articulate, what a specimen!

  • @zzzzzz7379
    @zzzzzz7379 11 місяців тому +6

    Too young too successful, and dangerous to world peace, his political career is doomed

  • @faithvirtue6524
    @faithvirtue6524 11 місяців тому +17

    Gallagher is delusional

    • @Will.i.am55555
      @Will.i.am55555 11 місяців тому

      Senile disillusioned yankee cowboys ....typically for the bulk of current politicians who had bankrupt our once great nations
      God pls save 🙏 our nations.....

  • @kevinmccroan5743
    @kevinmccroan5743 11 місяців тому +5

    Even if he’s a Marine and has a PhD, Gallagher should run for President. Really smart guy.

    • @alvinseah5423
      @alvinseah5423 11 місяців тому

      He is too smart to go up against Trump

    • @gee8883
      @gee8883 11 місяців тому

      Too smart to be president. U know Americans won't elect "too smart" presidents.

  • @davidandrews9914
    @davidandrews9914 11 місяців тому +17

    I was surprised the idea that the US could easily defeat China by parking a Carrier battle group outside the Persian Gulf wasn't discussed. China imports roughly 80% of its energy and 70% of the products it needs to grow its own food. So an embargo would cripple China.

    • @liveinsea1
      @liveinsea1 11 місяців тому +1

      of course, the US could easily cut the oil supply of china. Peter Zeihan once talked about the same thing in India and predict india could easily defeat china. but in reality, in the china-india border conflicts, both sides agree not to use firearms but use wood sticks in fighting. Anyone try to cut the oil supply of a coutry, the war could be full blown even to n-bombs.

    • @hyuxion
      @hyuxion 11 місяців тому

      Because China ship building capacity is 200 times of US? And China’s missiles can reach globally, and China manufacturing output is twice of US, which means China can out produce US on weapons? And China has 4 times of population? While China’s weapons are same generation technology on par with US, it’s Beidou is also better than GPS?

    • @ashvandal5697
      @ashvandal5697 11 місяців тому +3

      They still have a number of land corridors and pipelines with Russia, so it’s not actually the “I win” button that Peter Zeihan likes to talk about. But in general remember that we war game based on the worst nightmare scenario imaginable, not necessarily the most likely scenario.

    • @Michaelkeal-p7n
      @Michaelkeal-p7n 11 місяців тому +1

      😂😂 dude thinks he's tough 😂
      You will do this you will do that and your adversary Williams just let u
      WTF do you smoke

    • @Lucas-ix8bg
      @Lucas-ix8bg 11 місяців тому

      The US was dumb enough to push the Russians into the arms of China. They have alternative source of getting energy already. They have the largest strategic oil reserves in the world today. Economic blockade of China will also be an economic blockade of the US itself since the largest trading partner of the US is China.

  • @richardburton5706
    @richardburton5706 11 місяців тому +13

    Peter's throat cold intruded on his usual speech quality yet he still manages to pull off a thorough and probing interview. Well done!

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +1

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

  • @huntingtonjimmy2999
    @huntingtonjimmy2999 11 місяців тому +5

    This guy has the potential to be the President of USA!

  • @zaheenjamil-r6g
    @zaheenjamil-r6g 11 місяців тому +11

    One of the few people in congress that understands the threat from CCP

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +1

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

  • @BruceRowling
    @BruceRowling 11 місяців тому +2

    At different time in history the Chinese dynasties have ruled all the way down the Indochina peninsula al the way to Singapore and they wish to do so again

    • @chosk80
      @chosk80 11 місяців тому

      Most retarded comment ever. China have never in history ruled Singapore. Maybe Vietnam at one point , but even then,Vietnam was controlling the entire Guangzhou region at one point. I saying this as a Singaporean. Please don't embarrass yourself if you don't know anything.

  • @joyflips
    @joyflips 11 місяців тому +8

    Thank you. Great interview and it makes it clear to me that Mick Gallagher should run for senator, and eventually President. We need new to replace the very old and calcified political leadership in this country.

  • @efpreston.77
    @efpreston.77 11 місяців тому +5


  • @ni-31
    @ni-31 11 місяців тому +8

    He is so right about tik tok, I’m baffled how it’s still allied to operate here..

  • @marclawson2536
    @marclawson2536 11 місяців тому +2

    Gallagher fails to recall that Thomas Jefferson also rewrote the bible and insinuated that it contains only instuctional fables.

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      That's not his job, fake-account wumao!

  • @_cipriangg_
    @_cipriangg_ 11 місяців тому

    Thank you!

  • @--Dani
    @--Dani 11 місяців тому +3

    Being from Wisconsin, we couldn't be more proud of Rep. Mike Gallagher, hes a leader now and will be in the future at hopefully higher levels. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  • @darshuetube
    @darshuetube 11 місяців тому +2

    Considering most congress members are pretty old, being the fastest is kinda funny.

  • @georgesand6958
    @georgesand6958 11 місяців тому +1

    Why didn't the SEC check the credentials of DIDI, better, before DIDI IPO'd? Business professors in China say DIDI was not ready to go on the NYSE, as some of their vehicles were not registered, & some of their drivers did not even have licenses, much less insurance. What is being done to prevent Chinese ( or other) companies from IPO-ing, that aren't ready, in the future? Many, many more companies have gone on the NYSE in the last 5 years, & investors are paying dearly for the ones that aren't ready.
    Regarding Taiwan--- you don't feel any tug of conscience that they looted China of all kinds of material wealth, national treasures ( I was told), & most importantly, well-educated human resources? You don't think Taiwan reuniting with mainland China is just a final closure to their costly civil war?

  • @magnuslord
    @magnuslord 11 місяців тому +2

    There is a severe lack of intellectual honesty anywhere. Please be an advocate for such.

  • @MichaelLi-ms1on
    @MichaelLi-ms1on 11 місяців тому +1

    How we successfully compete with... When there is the word "successfully" in this sentence, normally it means that you are losing.

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      Then China lost long ago.

  • @liveinsea1
    @liveinsea1 11 місяців тому +6

    talking about war with china is exciting. china can produce the same weapon system with 1/3 of the US cost and the US wants to match and compete. NOw china has produced 5th gen fighter jets by hundreds easily and naval ships like making dumplings. the US has to match and it will drag the US down financially. china could build a whole GB navy evevy year and focus on the war with the US only. the US on the contrary spends money on wars everywhere worldwide.

    • @gee8883
      @gee8883 11 місяців тому

      China has too many enemies right on the border. India, Japan, Taiwan , Russia is ready to join US to weaken China. Canada and Mexico is not so hostile to the US.

  • @jensschirner6137
    @jensschirner6137 11 місяців тому

    Beautiful talk. I remember Robinson taking off his motorcycle helmet, a short while ago ...

  • @IEtoileFilanteI
    @IEtoileFilanteI 11 місяців тому +3

    TLDR: Gallagher be like "Everybody, let's put all our money into the MIC over this intense security competition." Let's just be honest and say what it really is about. It's instinctive at the base level that US cannot allow any other country or bloc to even come close to our GDP. We went thru this in the 90s with Japan signing the Plaza accords. There was a ton of anti Japanese articles printed right between 1990-1995. But China isn't submitting right now so Gallagher says they gotta be taken down. We're a giant corporation and all the other countries are our employees that must submit to our interests. China keeps telling the US not to contain its growth because the world is big enough for two regional hegemons, but it's been on like Donkey Kong. #2 is always a threat to #1 and we can't change our base instincts. He's still talking about Uyghur genocide but like the whole Muslim world is literally telling Israel not to genocide Palestinians. Yet, no Muslim countries have complained about China's handling of Uyghurs. He cares about Muslims soooo much.🤥

    • @gee8883
      @gee8883 11 місяців тому +1

      He is American , he can talk about anything he wants freely in America. Muslim countries will complain when China start doing the same to them ,don't you worry about that.

  • @SvetlanaRakhim
    @SvetlanaRakhim 11 місяців тому +11

    As someone with the experience of the communist state, of how Russian imperial kgb autocracy continues to operate in its external and internal colonies I TOTALLY agree with the speaker and more.

    • @cly5570
      @cly5570 11 місяців тому +1

      WHY on earth is this man not running for POTUS?

    • @intothemoat
      @intothemoat 11 місяців тому +1

      Russia isn't China, China is a lot more successful

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      @@intothemoat China's "success" is coming to an end.

  • @Lawyer1606
    @Lawyer1606 10 місяців тому +1

    The interviewer and the interviewee are from the same mould and have a shallow and distorted views of the world in general and China in specific. God bless USA.....

  • @burtonlee22
    @burtonlee22 11 місяців тому +1

    Gallagher is one of the few sane and forward-looking people in Washington DC today. The level of cluelessness, ignorance and naivety from the Hoover Institution here, however, is astounding. Where has Hoover been on China these past 15 years?? Peter, you seem trapped in the 1980s?

  • @liunancy1381
    @liunancy1381 11 місяців тому +2

    Sick mind

  • @bradfordjhart
    @bradfordjhart 11 місяців тому +1

    I don't want a bigger navy. I want a smarter navy. You know quality over quantity

    • @gaoxiaen1
      @gaoxiaen1 11 місяців тому

      I want a bigger AND smarter Navy.

  • @vtitu6557
    @vtitu6557 11 місяців тому +1

    I appreciate the honesty. It’s all about the domination of the World. The bigger and stronger prevails. Unfortunately America is not bigger and is becoming weaker. So the prospect is gloomy. The future belongs to Asia. The World is looking towards Asia. Everyone is fed up with the American domination . Unfortunately the common Joe is the victim of this imperial struggle.

  • @mowsefmow8177
    @mowsefmow8177 11 місяців тому +1

    this guy has clearly never heard the term, "wanna waste some money, buy a boat"