Bendiciones para esta familia,el bebé esta hermoso, tiene unos bellos ojos, y se ve tan sano,ella es una madre cuidadosa,solo me hizo falta ver a Rex ese hermoso perrito,leal y muy bueno.
Salaam My favorite Btful family Mom and Yur children are very Btful stunning ma shaa Allah May Allah make live easy for you and yur children Ameen My Btful baby is getting to walk now 😂 he is The cutes baby of Al Yur channels too cute algamdulilah lovees 😂❤❤❤❤
Столько труда вкладывает,у нее лозунг - надежда умирает последней,ради Аллаха, оператор помогите этой семье, заранее благодарю вас
Vã iubeşte pentru cã sunteți singura persoanã care le aduceți ceva mereu😊❤Dumnezeu sã vã dea triplu❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
مرحبا الام واطفالها ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ce fatã bunã,miloasã cu mama ei bravoo 😊❤❤
انت لطيف ايها المصور❤
Bendiciones para esta familia,el bebé esta hermoso, tiene unos bellos ojos, y se ve tan sano,ella es una madre cuidadosa,solo me hizo falta ver a Rex ese hermoso perrito,leal y muy bueno.
As meninas tem um carrinho com neném e tão bonito ver
Operator give him a another bed then they r sleep nicely ❤this family from usa
Salaam My favorite Btful family Mom and Yur children are very Btful stunning ma shaa Allah May Allah make live easy for you and yur children Ameen My Btful baby is getting to walk now 😂 he is The cutes baby of Al Yur channels too cute algamdulilah lovees 😂❤❤❤❤
O ceu está lindooooo🎉🎉
Olá tô na área
Cadê o chocolate dela 😅😅😅
Tahira n'est pas contente,lecameraman ne lui a pas ramener les bonbons
طاهره زعلانه لانك لم تحضر لها شيء 😂
As meninas com as mesmas calsas eu emmmmm????
می خواد از اینجا بره باز ساخت وساز می کنه
پس دروغه
As meninas cmais velhas e nenê são muito lindos mais a pequena e interesseira egoísta e tem de ser corrigida
This is fake ,all drama to get views and likes !!
As meninas com as mesmas calsas eu emmmmm????