Pandora SMP season 4 needs a server to host it on, nearly 15 players (streamers) 24/7 30 mods and 30 plugins and some datapacks. Also voice chat enable in game by a plugin. The budget is "only" 200€, recommend something? Its minecraft 1.16.4
If 1 fails and you do not have a back up, then your server will shut down. With 2, you get an alert to replace the bad one but your server will still be up and running. No down time.
Pandora SMP season 4 needs a server to host it on, nearly 15 players (streamers) 24/7 30 mods and 30 plugins and some datapacks. Also voice chat enable in game by a plugin. The budget is "only" 200€, recommend something? Its minecraft 1.16.4
what is difference using 2 PSU with 1 psu?
If 1 fails and you do not have a back up, then your server will shut down. With 2, you get an alert to replace the bad one but your server will still be up and running. No down time.
Power problem
What is the problem?