The Delusion of Self and Other

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @tonib1545
    @tonib1545 11 років тому

    you the man DR. Neale

  • @user-sq9um7xy8c
    @user-sq9um7xy8c 6 років тому +2

    Its a nice way of thinking but how do you stop being taken advantage of?

  • @aquamarinedream8304
    @aquamarinedream8304 6 років тому

    1. Yes it is delusional
    3. WHAT NEXT?!

  • @aquamarinedream8304
    @aquamarinedream8304 6 років тому

    Well I can't treat all of humanity as my family, there are times where it is necessary to differentiate. What do you propose I do, miles??? If I think of everyone as myself, my daughter/ I will die. I need some way to make a choice in the moment, even though i know that all beings are fundamentally of equal value! I WILL feed my kid before I feed a stranger's kid, what do you want from me! If I have enough I will share, if i dont, guess who's dying?? Who deserves to die first, my kid or your kid (rhetorical)? Or shall we feed them equal rations and have them die at the same tiem, but live but one month longer? In a utopia you are correct. In daily interactions, I need to make real decisions. Luckily, none are so barbaric as this, I have enough food for everyone...Truly I am confused.

    • @wisa0904
      @wisa0904 5 років тому

      Sounds like you already have made the choice that you're going to save yourself and your child and live at least one month longer. Death is not a choice you make, it comes and you have to surrender even if you like it or not, it's because we falsely identify that there exists a self to protect at whatever cost we think selfishly. Only me and mine will survive, whatever that's not me and mine i don't care. This is the delusion. True compassion arises when there's selflessness, where one thinks it doesn't really matter how long we live if all of us are going to die one way or another, we will share what have no matter how little it is. People who live in extreme poverty understands this and are very compassionate towards one another, they share the little they get with their neighbors. selfishness is mostly found among people who are rich and have everything they want. Because their world only revolves around me, mine and I.
      A selfless act out of compassion towards other beings when there's scarcity, when there's an imminent threat or danger to one's life transcends the ordinary fight or flight mind. It's not an easy thing to do and take immense courage.

    • @aquamarinedream8304
      @aquamarinedream8304 5 років тому

      @@wisa0904 My writing was not very clear, but I didn't ask should I split between my child and I and live one month longer, I asked should I feed both children (daughter and other child) and have them both live a bit longer (one month) but die sooner from less nutrition, or favor one child over the other and feed that child.
      Also, "my daughter" is my step daughter, I don't have biological children. I don't think my daughter is more important than other children in reality, but because it's my responsibility to protect her that warps the way I associate with her or others. I doubt I'd actually be able to favor one kid over the other, so we'd probably all eat together and all die sooner. But I'm not sure.
      In the previous comment I wasn't completely decided on my behavior, I felt frantic and confused because many say the spiritual path requires selflessness. When I am too selfless in reality, other people sometimes wonder what's wrong with me, "why doesn't she act like a normal person and try to preserve herself??" which makes me come across as weak or like I have poor self esteem. Since I do have to live in day to day reality, it doesn't behoove me for people to think they can't depend on me to protect myself or them if necessary. Should I value my own spiritual development at the cost of people I associate with who depend on me thinking "if she won't even take care of herself, how can we rely on her"?
      Honestly, sometimes I get way too comfortable with myself dying, and I have to remind myself that I need to keep striving and competing so I don't let my partner or (step) kids or other loved ones down. Often, meditation brings me to a state of peace where I'm comfortable with death. I almost want to die because it seems fulfilling to meld together with everything again (I am not currently depressed) and leave my current form. Even though I love my life. I'm not sure if that's a healthy way to live.
      Acting overly aggressive because you're in fight or flight mode and hurting others is not good, I agree. But if I act too peaceful or passive, then people who depend on me, including children, will suffer. Is that the right choice? I don't know.

  • @jimtreadle1589
    @jimtreadle1589 10 років тому +1

    you had me until you started on Rumsfeld, Cheney and W........
    where are you on obama and the organized crime syndicate he runs?
    they are more demonic than any repub thing?